THE LAST HALF OF THE MONTH WILL MAKE A GREAT IMPRESSION ON THESE VAST ASSORTMENTS OF READY-TO-WEAR ARE YOU READY FOR SPRING AND SUMMER? OUR METHODS GETTING YOU READY SAVE YOU TIME, TROUBLE AND MONEY. OF LADIES' SUITS. The characteristics o f these Suits are individuality and diversity of style. Suits without equal for the woman accustomed t o "custom" tailoring and exclusivencss of style, yet not averse to saving a few dollars. Cream, navy blue, light and dark mixtures are all you need to look at. See our line at $19.50, $22.50 and $25.00. They cannot be duplicated elsewhere. LADIES' COATS. New Top Coats moderate ly priced in all the new com binations and fixings that go to make a swell coat. The novelty colors are very pret ty, but it is restful to get back to the good old navy blues and tan serges. We are showing some of the best things ever produced in the coat line at $16.50 to $25.00. Young Ladies' Coats for a less price. MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW IT'S TIME. EXTRA SPECIAL SUMMER SILK All Colors, 15c yd. SPECIAL LOT FIGURED LAWNS White Grounds, 5c yd. MUSLIN MILL ENDS Standard Round Thread Bleached Muslin Special, 7c yd. STYLISH MILLINERY Your ideas in Millinery worked out to a T. Our double force of trimmers are working steady and "hard trying to keep this 1580 sq. ft. of millinery floor filled with pretty hats. Ninety-nine out of every hundred who look' through our styles buy their hats here. The right styles at the right prices, our motto. Bring in your children and visit our Juvenile Department. Latest blocks in plain or combination straws in red, navy and white. RATINE COLLAR SETS ON SALE HAMILTON'S . The Popular Store for the People Albany Democrat Entered at the pout office, Albany, Or ad becond class mail matter. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, $4.00. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2. F. P. Nutting. THE WORLD IS STARTLED. The wreck of the Titanic is one of the inr.jt appalling in history. 'I he finest boat in the world, supposed to be as safe as traveling on land, un sinkable under ordinary icrcumstanc es, in an instant met an enemy of greater strength, an iceberg, the ac cumulation of ages, a monster in size, sneaking southward under the cur rent, and went down with its millions of wealth, rich and poor alike, dia , monds and rags together. The mind can hardly conceive of the despair of the situation, a battle against elements knowing only the force of nature. When, the Titanic was built it was thought a boat had been constructed that could meet all the requirements of absolute safety, and the rich took passage upon it accordingly, but, af ter all, it seems as if man's power is limited, and there are some things he cannot do, nor begin to do. The things he builds may seem strong, but how weak they are when the ma chinery of the Great Creator works its way against them. It is a great thing to be able to travel over the world; but it doesn't take much to end it all. Congressman Hawley is against the Kenyon-Sheppard bill, providing for the prohibition of the shipment of liquor into dry territory, one of the best bills before congress, greatly needed for the protection of states where the law provides for the prohi bition of the traffic. After all poli tics and religion don's mix very well. Senator Lafollette is a great man, a statesman of character, but he will not be nominated for president, and he will not get the Oregon delega tion, which will go to President Taft. PERSONAL. W. Gee, of Astoria, was here. D. M. John. Corvallis, has been in the city. ; M. F. Sherman, ths iioose, has been in the city. Rev. W. P. White returned last even ing from Portland. Mrs. Engdahl, of Salem, is visiting Albany friends. Mrs. Wm. MorKan went to Lebanon this afternoon. Fred Dawson, the Rexall druggist, this noon returned from Newport. Policeman Jim Emery, of Corvallis, was in the ci y this afternoon. J. L Carson, of Vancouver, B. C, is a notei registration. I O. B. Marshall this noon returned : from a Portland .trip. I W. D. Mixter went to Junction this afternoon, his former home town. ! A. C. Foster, candidate for sheriff cn the republican ticket, has been in the city. 1 hillis, daughter of Dr. Lemon, went to Eugene this afternoon to visit rela tives. .Mrs. E. F. Wiles this noon returned from Suver, wh re she had teen to at tend the funeral of her father. Mrs. Edith Van Cleve and daughter arrived this noon from Toledo for a visit at he hjme of Mrs. Virgil Parker. Mrs. Bert Sanders and daughter ar rived this noon from Uoldendale on a visit with her -brothers-in law, M. L. and Geo. Sanders, and their families. Mrs. Emma B. Crjsno was called to Portland last evening by the death of a niece, a daughter of Mrs. McClung. She was accompanied by her father, Mr. Bryant. Our Wants. StO.OOOTO LOAN on real property, by J. C Christy, Attyat-law. Rooms over First Nat'l Bank, Aibany. 4-6t FOR SALE. Orphitijrton etrgs, 5 a setting. Chicago end Front Streets. , Home phone 2afi. 15 t FOR SALE 120 cords fir and oak wood, $1.50 per cord; also good wagon, buggy and set of good work horness. Inquire Arthur Moore, Burns' Shoe Store. It FLUFF RUGS. Made out of old cur i pets. M. L. Sanders agent. Home phone 441. lot. , WANTED. Work by the hour or day. I 723 E. 1st. Bell 224 R. FOR SALE-2 lot) Fairdale ad at bar gain. See I R, Schultz. 161, FOR RENT. Furnished housekeeping and sleeting rooms Mrs. Bilyeu, 224 I Baker Street. 323t FOR SALE An excellent buy in good vacant business property, well ! situated, in business district. Call ' on J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2nd St. 13t REMOVAL Classes Entertained at Mrs. Winn's Home. Last evening the young ladies' classes oi Mrs. Winn and Sharp entertained the young men in the classes of Mr. Schmitt and Prof. Franklin at the home of Mrs. Winn. Various games were played and then cloth, needles and thread were divided among the young men, from which they were to "create" caps under the instruction and super vision of the young ladies. Refresh ments and a "sine" closed a very en joyable evening. Dr. Bernard Kavanaugh, Osteopath. Bhysician, announces the removal of his offices from the Schmitt-Hunt Building 3rd and Broadalhin to the First Savings Bank Building 2nd and Broadalbin Sts. Both phones. Residence 223 S. Ferry St. Bell phone 386 R PURE BRED STALLION HOPS 228. No. 52682 A. T. R. By the Mighty Zombro, 2:11, the greatest of Western sires. Dam Po chahontas, dam of Little Maid, 2:18, Hops 52692. Will be at Palace Feed Stables, N. Ferry St., Monday and Tuesday. R. D. COOPER, Owner. Kleber Wood, manager, Independ ence, Oregon. t9 Learn Telegraphy, fine opportunity for a young man who wishes to equip himself for a good paying position. Western Uuion Telegraph Company. FRUIT AND BERRY FARM. When Men See Our Guns they immediately begin to think of a day at the traps with a good score at night. But don't stop at looking. Come right in this hardware store and examine our guns in your own hands. Heft them, balance them, sight then. If that don't complete your satisfac-, lion, the prices will. HULBERT-OHLING H'D. CO FOR SALE-rFlock of white Leghorn chickens, best layers. 404 Calapooia. LOST.-A gold necklace, without the charm. Return to 116 Washington St. LOST. A lemon and white pointer, chain on neck. Leave at Jus. Coon, the tailor. Reward. t20 LOST A cuff link, E on it. Return to Democrat office. FOUND-A lady's duster. At Demo crat office. 15 acres in bearing apple orchard, choice winter varieties, orchard in good condition and within five miles of Albany. 4 acres in strawberries and bearing, 35 acres in the tract, and nearly all in cultivation, every foot good fruit or berry land. Q,.,u i,r.,,cn ,i nn,....;nH j wiiuii sum. lie iruu aim uerries 1 from this year's crops will net the I purchaser one-third of the purchase price of the farm. I Will sell this tract for one-half of I the price asked for similar lands ad joining that have nothing on them, and will give time on a part of the ! purchase price. I Full particulars, location and price given to those that mean business, by calling at my omce, at No. 102 E. First Street, Albany, Oregon. C. G. BURK'HART. I GREEN FRONT BLACKSMITH SHOP. Horse sTioeing and general black smithing, wagon and carriage work. Nothing but first-class work by expert mechanics. DAWSON & BUTZLOFF, First and Baker Sts., between 1st and 2nd, near Wigwam. FOR SALE. Some of the but build ing lots inside the city limits, and will sell lot and build you a home according to your own ideas, one third cash, balacne easy terms. New 7-room house for sale. Geo. C. Richards, contractor and builder, 934 S. Maple. Home phone rrd 141. Ed. Schoel.- Coniliiinto for SHEUIFF lr 'demo emtio primaries. Eggs Wanted Tho A'twny Dressed Beef and Pro duco Co. will pay the highest market price for eggs and othor produce. AUTO TRANSFER. W. A. LONQ. Office Trrscv Patrv. 3J3 I. von St. Home Phone 1400. Bell Phone -4W-.I Home 411. j DR. J. W. JACKSON, j Graduate registered Veterinarian, 1014 E. 2nd St, Albany Or. Plumes.' B. M PAYNE. Farm Lands and City Property fori sine Real Estato Loans. Fire Insurance. Surety Bonds Rooms 19 21 Cusiek Blcck, Allony, Oregon. M. B, CRAFT, 242 West Second St, Albtny, FiMt-ctass meats of all kinds from selected stock. CEMETERY WORK-See R. C. Phelps in charge of city cemotery, aoout having lots kept up, cement work, etc. Call at cemetery. t 25 FOR SALE. Some lots well located. Real bargains if taken soon. A well located modern bungalow, 1 close in residence, 1 strictly, high-grade res idence lot. J. C. flolbrook, 2nd St lot RESIDENT College student wants yards or gardens to care for during the season. Reference. Bell 681y. FOR RENT.-80 acres of pasture, with running water, adjoining the city of Albany. Call on E. F. Sox,;at Stew art & Sox H'dw Co'a Store. 29t FOR RENT. Furnished housekeeping rooms, 1 suite, newly furnished, ground floor, 213 Baker. Home paone : Black 205. 17 LET Greenfield figure on yonr brick and plastering, also stone and tile work All work guaranteed. Phone Home 404. t8 FOR RENT OR SALB. 16tf acres, about 2 miles from Albany P. O.. Benton county. G. C. Covalt, 1139 c xoa su 1 9 DRESSMAKING. Will continue to do dressmaking. Am now at 1227 E. 2nd street. Mrs. Omer Mitchell. 18 FOR SALE. -6,000 feet second hand lumber, good order. Call Geo. Anderson, 130 Montgomery st 8 t FOR SALE. Good young team, 6 and 7 years old. Weiirht about ltifio. Address H. A. Lake, Taliman, Ore. 4t FOR SALE-100 tons hay. vetch and cheat, vetch and oats. J. A, Howard. 20t WOOD FOR SALE. Second growth fir U, old fir $4. 75, goud dry wood and good measure, ilomerilack 106, Bell phone 448 J. F. C. CHAPMAN. POTATOES WANTED Large or sman iocs, oyj. u. cms uo E. 4th, Both phones. 17t FOR SALE by the owner, a six room house and two lots, center of to.n half block from High school. Apply on ine premises cast 4in street. H. Barns. FOR SALE. Farm, with 2 sets of buildings, 552 acres, 7 miles east of Albany, all or part, at sacrifice, terms to suit, with or without stock and machinery. See me if you mean business. C. R. Uerig, R. D. 1. 10-2U FOR SALE-264' by 110 ft of property. Call on Mrs. Fromm, 440 E 1st. 5t GLASS. All sites and kinds, for pale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than ay where lse in Albany. Skill-; Iv set, if desired. 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE. Good farm 134 acres, 35 acres in cultivation, 20 acres more ready to . plow with little work, 6 acres fine pas-1 hire besides other pasture in timber j tract, lots of good second growth fir ( timber, over 3000 cords wood, crop j ail in, 12 acres fine clover. Fair 5-room : house, barn and other buildings, good, well, fine spring can be piped to house, ! some fruit, 6 miles to Albany, and 3 miles to good town on S. P. railroad, yi miles to station on S.- P. R. R. and miles to Oregon Electric; lots of fine rolling orchard land, on county, road, R. F. D., telephone, close to good school. Price, $95.00 per acre, small payment down and easy terms on balance or will take good residence in Albany up to $2000.00 and balance terms. B. M. PAYNE, . Cnsick Block. Albany, Oregon. Come TO Our New Store at Broadalbin and 3rd St. A new stock of Up-todate FURNITURE Our Motto: A Square Dee l ' Also furniture. bargains at our store at 109 W. First street. 9 a t -fin D FISHER BRADEN & FISHER A I 1 A. LL over the world, hotels railways, steamship lines and the best shops, know "A.B.A." Cheques ore as good as gold. No difficulty la cashing them, for your signature identi fies you. Pay your bills through out your trip with them, just as you would nt home with your own check book. J.W.Cusick & Co Drs. Foster & Lemon, BY A RATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC DRUGLESS METHOD REMOVE THE CAUSE OF CHRONIC NERVOUS, DISEASES, Such as asthma, rheumatism, ecaema, both acute and chronic, stomach and intestinal trouble, female complaint, eye weakness, partial paralysis, head-ache and spinal trouble. , We invite an investigation of our system. A brief consultation free. Office rooms, 7, 10 and 11 Brenner Block, opposite P. O., West First Street, Albany, Oregon. Hours from 1 p. m, to 9 p. m. Msrnings and Sundays by appoint ment only. ' Both phones. 5,000 Cases of EGGS Wanted. Will pay top market price IN CASH. We want cream. Others are taking advantage of our cash buying system. Why not you? KLOCK PRODUCE CO., k Cash Buyers of Farm Produce. GEO. J. COOK, Manager. Beth phones 49Eif: ' F--- and Jackson, Albany.