V Democrat a i oao Y vol nm ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY' APRIL 19, mi SU 3S WON AT Pictorial Review Patterns 10c nd 15c Each Agents for Gage Millinery Agents for W. B. Corsets Cutting and ConstnctioB Guidoi Fro CLEVER 111 NEW HATS, SHAPES AND TRIM MINGS. SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY. bur Hats have an air of exclusive ness about them that lifts them out and above the ordinary and places them in a class by themselves. Dis criminating women would prefer the hats we produce even if they cost more, but they really cost less. If you haven't, your new hat as yet, by all means see the new ones now on sale here. Chambers & McCune Read this ad. SECOND: See Our Window. THIRD: See Our Stock of Suits. . and Then: Become the owner of one of our ALL WOOL, ABSO LUTELY GUARANTEED STYLEPLUS for $17.00 The Same Price The World Over. - THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO CARPENTER AND PAINTER. Will work by day or contract. Let us figure, on your work. Can pa:nt vour house so it will stay painted and 'make Prices rieht. WM. KIRK. Home Phone 1168. ALBANY TRANSFER CO. NEW CREATIONS In New Spring and Summer Suits, Coats, Dresses, Hats, Waists, Skirts and Furnishings. We want every woman, before she buys her spring apparel arid dress accessories, to come and see the magnificent lines we are showing in every department of this big apparel store. In every section you will find values that can't be .beaten anywhere. We want you to prove this statement by actual comparison. Don't take our word for it. Never in our history have we shown such good goods for so little mon ey as right now. Special showing of Babies' and Little Girls' Coats and Dresses. . , . u ufitf tumw, ii i ir1 The Blain Clothins? Co. PAINTS AND WALLPAPER PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMING J. R. ELXRIECE, Fair.tcr. 428, W. 2nd St., AlUn ALBANYS LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE Styleplus;7 Clothes mi Read the Styleplus Clothes Story " ; , in this week's Saturday Evening Post Quae March 30th) This store is the only authorized agency for Styleplus' Clothesf in this' community LAFOLLETTE ON MONDAY. Next Mondav will ha a hnsw rinv fnr Senator LaFollette. Hure la the uro gram: He will sneak at Eugene in the onen air, if the weather is good, at 10 o'clock, come to Albany on the 1:46 train and speak here at 2 -o'clock, probably for an hour when he will be taken in an auto to Corvallis, where ho will speak at 4 o'clcck. ... At this city he will srieak at the armory, with prospects of a big crowd present. He is one of the greatest speakers in the country, eloquent and fearless, the tool of no one, and for this reason people regardless of politics, believing in progress in national affairs, will wish io hear him. Among his personal friends here is councilman HUiUert, tormet y of Wis consin. ' FOR BIRTHS. The stork was busy in Linn county during April, the .record showing the most births in the history of the county for a single month, 62. Carry the news to ltoosevelt. Albany and vicinity led with 18, Leb anon next with 15. Scio 6, Mill City 3, Sweet Home, ShWd and Foster each 2, Waterloo, Plainview, Thomas and Hal soy each 1. The Drs. Wallace were first in num ber 10, with Dr. J. C. Booth.of Lebanon, second, with 8; Dr. Prill, Scio, 6; Dr. Davis, Albanv, 4; Dr. L M. Jones, Lebanon, 4: Dr. Kavanaugh, Albany, Dr. Laird, Lebanon, and Dr. Runsum, Mill City, each 3; Drs. Hill, Marks and Luther each 2. and Drs. Ross. Howard. Wilson, bhinn and W. H. Booth each 1. During the month there were 18 deaths, none contagious. The ages ranged from 2 days tn 88 years, 13 be ing over 40 years of age. THE WORLD Portland lost again yesterday, beaten by tbeOaka. , ( -, Clara Barton, the great Red Cross war nurse, died yesterday at Washing ton at the age of 80 yean. Eugene Register: Mr. and Mrs. G, E. Metzgar and 10 children came up from Albany Thursday to make their home in Eugene. . T,,E EMPIRE Geo. ' E. Rolf e. Prop, and Manager. TONIGHT Numbers. Mr. Rolfe and Viss Crosno will sing My Wild Irish RoBe. All for 10 cents. DREAMLAND 1. A Woman's Wrath. A high class flrnm.-itic subject, a good story well acted. 2. Floral Parade at San Diego, Cal. This is one of the most hcauti- 1 fill films it lias ever been our pleasure to present. I 3. The Widow of Eicky O'Neal. K Bi 00 A western story, full of thrilling situ . ations, introducing scenes at the an- nual roundup on the Circle Dot : ranch. "Let 'cr buck." 4. The Law and the Lady. Justice J maintained and irreproachable honor ; triumphs over the powers that claim "Kvery man has his price." A thril ling life portrayal of interest by the Vitagraph Co. 5. The Swimming Party. A screaming farce-comedy. 6. Cahler and Wadswcrth Music and effects. Admission 10 ccnli THE s. p:s ELECTRIFICATION The Journal says: Six acres of land have been purchased by the Southern Pacific company from Charlps Lada at Oswego for car shops in connection with the company's west side electric service. An order has also been placed with an eastern car build ing company for 60 steel cars of the most modirn type. These cars are to be for the west ido service. In regard to the purchase of uhe six acres of ground at Oswego, Mr. Camp bell stated this afternoon that the ground will be the headquarters for the company's west side electric service. President Sproule and General Super, intendent Campbell have intimated that a number of new lines and branches will be built in connection with the electric system' out of Port land, but no definite announcements have been made. It is, however, ru- moren tnat in tne plans are provisions for electrification of the east side sys tem between Portland and Eugeno nnd tne construction ot a lino from some point near Portland on the west side line to Astoria, v , A RAGGED BASE v: BALL GAME. Albany people yesterday evening were given the privilege of soeing a professional base ball team play ball, going to the grounds with big expecta tions. They got some just common every day B: B." The game started as fierce as an African tiger hunt. Portland got an egg, and then, gave as pretty an exhi bition of a Pendleton round-up as one could wish, with some wild and wouly throwing. Albany scored four. Next inning Portland got busy and maae a coupie, touowea by tour and then some more, 2 and 2 making the score 10 to 4. After a series of five goose eggs Moore of the Portland's was put in for Dave Patterson behind and Moore is also a batter In the seventh inning Lyle Blghee made a two Dagger, letting a couple in. and Moore did likewise. Noithur scored in the eighth, but in the ninth Moore again maae a para nit ana two more men came in, tying tne score. In the tenlh, almost dark, Portland rapped things ana Albany aid some mulling, vour were mads, and the game ended 14 to 10. Bill Patterson pitched four Innings for Albany, Lvle Bigbae ending the game. Eastley and Veasey pitched, for roruana, until cries for Maxmyor, a former O. A. C. stndent, brought him out for the last two or three li.nlnga, giving the crowd a circus for awhile. Albany altogher made a good show, ing, speaking for its material and as well for the fact that it is weak at perhaps two places. ... . .. Portland made 9 hits, Albany 7, Port land 7 errors, Albany 6. - Pitcher Tonneson umpired and Lee Driver did the scoring come oi tne incidents nt the game were: a fight behind the bleachers, an a . . . . . acciaent in wnicn Jim Cook of Halsey, was hit In the eye and it took an ama teur doctor to fix it up, and Riley Lobaurh got tipped over while going from the field in his chair. Cook was watching the game from behind the home plate, when a foul created the trouble. The coming of. May1 Robson promises im no inn inoKiricai event or the season, giving Albany people a htgh.clasa per. form' nee. No doubt there will be a packed house. ', ' The 1912 Base Ball Guide at Alhar y ' uuii .iiure, aw i targe aBsoitment of supplies. i When you want nomething good to eat remember The Dressed Beef Co., 2nd & n , . WATCHES, F. to. Fronch'& Son. 50C. FOR Rtv:re Sunday Dinners. Every Sun lay, nt the Hotel Rovere, 5:30 to 8 p. m., there will he a choice dinnnr served for only 50 cents. Music by the popular Wilson orchtstra. Make reservations. r Brushes 9 Just rcce;ycd a fill 2oc values, your choic 1 15c Your NORTH BEND. The Albany high school debating team, Chas. Ohling and Irvine Acheson, last night, at North Bend, defeated the champions of Coos Bay. getting an unanimous decision. Ihe question debated was thn nun. mission form of government, with Al bany on the difficult aide, the affirma tive, makine the victor thn mm-n nal. " ' - The bovs have made a RnlpnHM for themselves and school; but there is more to come. Thev will nnw n debate Grants Pass, chamoiona of Southern Oregon. T The County Prohibition convention ' met at 11 a.m. today, with W. P. El moro officiating as chairman and Prof. White secretary. Mr. Elmore said for ' six years the prohibitionists had let tha other men get out the good men, and ho was never surer of his ground than : now, time to act. A lettarfrom Supt. Burke gavo tho ' following standing of the U. S. sena tor candidates on the Kenyon Sheppard bill to prevent shipping Iqiuor into dry territory: Bourne fair, Lowell favora ble. Morton nnd Kollimr hnatilo i:nhnn and Pierce hostile; Dr. Lane no replv. For congress, E.lis and LalFirty favor able, Cochran, Clydr, Gantenbein. Hawlov, Roosevelt, Rusk,. Siunot all boHtile. r.. Only a legislative ticket was nomina ted, as follows:W. P. Elmore, Browns ville; H.. C. Davis, Halsey; J. a. Mears, Shedd. Adjourned subiect to call nf rhuirmnn. for nomination of county ticket, if thought beat. Death of Dr. Norton. Rev. Smith Norton, died at tne old folk's home in Portland this morning, at the age of 88 years. He was born in N. Y. state, and was prominent as a l.'ongrcg tional minister for mnny years. He was also the anther of a book and wrote extensively for maga zines. He was the father in-law of Dr. Marshall, of this city, with whom he resided after coming here four years' ago, and was a member by letter of tha U. P. chur?h. The funeral will be in Portland, with burial there. Will go Picniclng. j The Home Tel. Co. of Corvallis and Albany, about fifty in all, tomorrow will go to Waterloo on a picnic party, riding in the Westbrook auto, of this citv, and Fisher's auto of Corvallis. J. B. Middleton, general manager, J. C. Putter, auditor, and E. B. Wells of the purchasing department, came Uj this neon to go with them. ; 8m our Cj"C. Rings you'll rarely want one bczrw of their great beauty and worth. Look u If ther eoit twice the price.' .With each ring you get printed guarantee that insure you against lost itonet (except diamonds). GUARANTEED RINGS are made for men, women and chil dren. Over 2000 patterns. Look for Q C. stamp inside each ring. Call and got frog blrthitone card. L. W. Rcsc, . Jeweler Albany, Or, NEW ST. FRANCIS GRILL Sunday Table de Hote Dinner .7;"c a pinto. Tables reserved. 5:30 to 8 p. rn. MUSIC. fU es II u of Hand Bruih '3. , 7 cho'ce 20c at MEISER & MEISER'S