EASTER SPECIAL New Messaline Silk Petticoats at $2.95 ea. A great assortment to select from, in all the new Spring shades, both plain and fancies. Better select that new Silk Petticoat now and save money. Flood's Store Agensr l. & G. Corcets. Agents for StandardjPattern Farm and City Property. If interested in buvinir Farm City Properly it will pay you to look ni some 01 tne bargains on our list. The owner's price is our price. We show you the property without ex pense, and you are under no obliga tion 10 Duy. uclow are some of our bargains: 600 acres, all tillable land, good miiicnngs, per acre. 450 acres, 375 tillable land, good lo cation, $40 per acre. 33) acres, about 100 acres of tim ber, $28 per acre. 140 acres, fair buildings, good loca- iion, yis per acre. City Property. ' House and barn and two lots, $2,600 Eight room house, tine location $3,500 Eight rooin house, full lot $2,100 (Four room house, two lots.. $1,600 It's not our wav to run von down ran the street, but will gladly have a talk with you at our offices, at 236 West Kirst street, Albany, Oregon. If we can not show you the best bargain, then buy of the other fellow, but see us before buying. Only a Few Days to Plant. Do you realize that there are only a few days left for spring planting? vVe have a lot of trees left at our yards which we will close out at prices that will interest you. Annies, Pears. Cherries. Peaches. Apricots, Gooseberries. Call at our ofhee in the SchmittBldg or write ami let us Bhow you. ALBANY NUKSERIES, Inc. If you want a cool, sweet SMOKE that won't burn your tongue smoke the NO. 1- HUB TOMORROW'S DO NGS. I St. Mary's (Catholic). -Rev. Arthur I ijane, Hector. Kev. Wm. Hampson, : Assistant. Easter services at 8 and 10:30 a m. Father Lane will Lane will omciate and speak on the resurrection ! of Christ trora St. Mark. 10. A select program of Easter music i will be rendered by the choir, as fol- lows: Processional, "Regina Coeliij" Gloria, by Leonard; Credo, by Leonard; Offertory, "liaec Dies;" Processional, Organ. j Gregorian Vespers will be sung at j 7:3(1 p. m. The evening subject will I be "The Christian instructed by the ! Resurrection." The nuhli will be ! welcome at these services. ' First Methodist church - Cor. 3rd Bnd Ellsworth. D. H. Leech. Pastor. Tne j Easter lesson will be taught in all the oervices or me day. At lu:3U a. m. special music and sermon by the pastor. At 11:45 special program by the Sunday School. The Epworth L-iBgue meets at 6:30 D. m. At. 7''JD nn V.aataf DAPUflP I attended by the Knights Templar of I Albany, Corvallis and other neighboring towns. An invitation is extended to all Masons and members of the Eastern 1 Star, their families, and the general public. Christian. Albyn Esson. minister. I ; Bible school, followed by communion I service uuu muming sermon, oegins at 10:15 a. m. Subject of sermon. "The Resurrection " Christiad endeavor at 6;3l p. m. At the evening service the choir will be in charge, when the followine pro gram will be presented:. Hymn 117. Praver by Rev. Esson. Anthem, "I will Extol Thee," L. M. McPbail. Offertory. Solo, "Consider i the Lillles, oy Mrs. J. F. Watson. Scripture reading. Ladies quartet, "I'm a Pilgrim, I'm a Stranger." Cantata, Easter Angels, by the choir. Sopranos. Mrs. H. A. Nelson; Mrs. J. K. Watson; altos, Mrs. J. C. Holbrook, Mrs. Essort; tenors. Fred Veal. J. K MISFITS. Albany's fire limits really need looking uuer. The pride of Albany should be a flne library. Aviation promises to form of suicide. be the modern No use trying to Bhow a man from Mo. without there's a hsun' dawg in it. Lafallett. the only real progressive on the republican side running for president, will not shake off, for sure. ALBANY. Hare vour feet attended to by Mr Driver. 739 E 2. Bell 361-J. Weddine rines. Enuaeeent rines. Friendship rings. F. M. French & Son. New carrier in third district. Lyon to Lafayette. Call up 468 Home if missed. Watches, L. W. bi- 25c for banannas at Holt's. April 4. 5. G. Easter Special at L. Matthew's. Watches, Watches, Ross, Jeweler. Special Easter dinner at the Hotel Revere tomorrow evening. The 1912 Dayton and Daytonia cycles) at the Albany bun More. Specials Thursday, Friday, Saturday at The Woman's Hat Shop, Lena Rivers drew a good house last nieht. a neat play, well presented. The O. E. Depot at this city is to be 114 by 34 i'eet, with a flower garden around it and cement walks on all sides. The Indi pecdent Order of Young : r Men and Eastbuin's team will play t.'ie ' -C -'.; nocn at 9tn and Jefferson streets. Let Power Experts Work For You at Our Expense We want to sell every kilo watt of Electric energy that .we can. But we do not care to make a contract wit a phow er user unless the customer knows that it is to his advan tage to do so. Our power engineers have devoted years to their work; they know their business. They are at the disposal of every power user, large or small. They will make a complete, thorough investi gation and test, an cdompile a scientific report upon which you may rely. When these experts have finished you will KNOW your particular power prob lems from all sides. Noth ing will be left to guess work. TELEPHONES 15 OREGON POWER CO. AND ELECTRIC SUPPLY HOUSE CONTRACTOR"! Ralston Eleetric Supply Co, 310 W end Street. Tuga Walton, 728 E 4th Street. An ong the-new houses going up at ! the east end is a pretty bungalow being 1 . u.. ilm. r D-..I e Watson; bass, H. A. Nelson. trgamst, man a. the d,.Dot. at PennvwinkJe and ilfi S(n. ! : . .. i' irai s'.rcei. -lias Nelsow. Director, Mr. Nelson. Established 1871 FIRST THE LINN & DENTON REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 3. V. PIPE. 203 West Second Street. REAL ESTATE. 1 Farm lands, city property, timber lands. Money to loan on approved se- enrity. Insurance written in the best old line companies. STONE THE SKATING RINK will her eafle be open Wennesdny, Kridav and Sator day.afternoons and evening under new management. C. M. HENDERSON. F. G. Will for watches. First Presbvterian. Rev. K H. Ges- elbracht, Minister. Sun me serv o 7:00 a. m. The Simple Easte? story. Mornmir Service 10:30. theme: Some Newer Intimations of Immortality. Special Easier music. Vesper Service 5:00: Stainer's Crucificatinn by a large choir. Mrs. Flo and Mr. Earl Fbrtmil ler, Boloists. Sermon: The Unobtrusive Savior. S. S. 11:45, Special Easter music. 15 piece orchestra. Melody of Peace by Carole Martin and a violin cello solo by Prof,E. L. Wilson, accom panied by the orchestra: To the Evening Star by Wagner. C. E. H-A5, HARRiSBURG (Oldest National Bank Assets Over $1,000,000.00 NATIONAL BANK of Albany,, Oregon. the Willamette Valley.)' Wnen you want somothing good to eat remember The Dressed Deef Co,, 2nd Lyon Special meetinns at the 'ree Metho- Harley Oavmson Motor Cycle at the dist church on corner of Third and Albany Gun Store. , Montgomery. Services on Sunday at 11:00 a. m., 2:30 p. a and 7:30 pi m. WATCHES, F. M. French & Son. Revival meetings conducted by B. C. i Dewey, beginning Sunday, April 7th. FIRST For building, ornamental purposes, rip rap, filling, otc. Simp'.es at VI. Sondora & Co'sBtore W. L. UOBU, R. D ;6r ; Home Phono,4. 1HVE YOUil CLOTHES CLEANED 4ND PRESSED The Panfatorium, CLARK HUSTON, Proprietor. T. J. STITES, I IHnmsu nf t.m. NotllTV Public. Legal business of all kinds in all the tourts promptly nttoncd to. Bell phone J. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Grace Presbyterian. L. S. Moohel, Scaled bids will be received by the- pastor. Easter services at 11 a En. and Hoard of Directors of Hummel Hotel. 7:30 p. m. Rev. B. H. Baker, Florence, Co., Albany, Oregon, until 8:00 p. m.,. Oregon, will be with us. Sunday April IKth, 1912, ior the erection and School meets' at 10 a. m. Junior En comnlction of a Hotel Building;, nc- deavor at 2:30 p. m; Senior Endeavor cording to plans and specifications- at 6:45 p. m. Everybody is heartily prepared by Charles II: Burggraf,. ar- j -welcome to these sesvices. chitcct, Albany, Oregon. t The contractor will furnish an ap-j St. Peters church. Rev.. Henjy H. nrnvi-il homl ttTii.il to SO ier ceat of i Marsden Rector Easter services. the contract within ten days after. the Holy Communion 8:00 a. m. HolyCom- awarding of the contract f munion and oermon 11M a. m. Swm- All bids must be made out on wanK ; "s oorvicu una num-ess to me cunuay nrooosals for the asmc. Blanks- fur-1 scnooi o p. m. bpecial taster music. nished upon application by J. J. Col lins, secretary, or architect. Plans and specifications may be seen at Col lins & Taylor's office, Albany, Oregon nr at the architect's office. The hoard reserves the right urc-i special jeet any and all bids. Condensed from the Bulletin. Preparations for the big potato show next fall have alt eady begun. Besides potatoes the display will cover vege tables generally, fruits, grains, grasses, fancy work, cullinary, curbs, etc. Revival meetings are in progress- at the M. E, church South. Harrisburg is to have a team it is expected can play such teams as those of Albany and Eugene. G. Q, Smith is manager. The first game will be tomorrow with Coburg. ' xime DepositS- J. R. Penland, of Albany, has been in i the city during the week making a survey tor a grauing system.. Wm Davidson, a distinct Harrisburg character, with lots of good in him, left recently for Florida; It is estimated that $2,000 a-month is sent from around Harrisburg every month to catalog houses. Eugene Chafin, the temperance orar tor, spoke Thursday evening. These Eanks have resources and connections which enable them to be of tne greatest service to their customers. They cordially in vite the accounts of individuals and firms to whom they extend the services and facilities of strong and sound financial institutions BANK Interest on SAVINGS of Albany, Oregon. (Owned by Shareholders of ths First National Bank.) Assets Over J $390.ooo.qo" ; ; Rememb f The Apollos Again. J. J. COLLINS, Secretary. COI L1N3 & TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-rcsi items. Will A. STARK, M. D. Phvaiclnn and Surgeon. ft Stark Work - Alhnm FIRST CAR UTAH LAND PLASTER has , arrived. Place your orders now. M, Senders & Co. United Presbyterian. Preaching by the pastor, W. f. White. The Suojecs ot the morning sermon "After Easter. What.' ' The music will be, beside the organ numbers: "He is not Here; He is Risen." bv the Quartet: and, a Solo from The Missiah, "l.Knav that my Redeemer Livuib," by JJisa Gertrude Younr. At 7:30 p.m. Mm Emma Sox will render the following n the pipe-organ: ttomanco vieuxtemps; Sous lea Bob; C 11 Wi inr nroVhae Wagner, ii ill lui noiwivs The Albany College Lectare Course lave engaged as a special number a -ven great attraction already well knowaito Albany people.. The- Apollo Concert Company was one cf the great -est attractions at Albany Chautauqua last summer They have with them a charming reader.. All will remember the strange instrument, the South American Marimbaphone. Every one will wish to heart them- again. They will appear at the Opera house, Friday evening April 12th.' Lumber, Drain tile, Shingles er we handle the best Cement, Sewer pipe, Hearth tife, Cedar posts, Lime, Plaster, Boxes, Hallocks, Sewer pipe THE CHAS. K. SPAUI.DING LOG CO. B. KELSAY, Manager. Both Phones. rims Chorus. . Ase's Death, T Spring; j C. D. RAUCH, Court Reporter, Public Stenographer. Office: First National Hank Build ing. Phones: Office, Dell 146-R; lU-s., Bell 154-U Durand; Pill Morning Mooi Grieg. The other music will boc "The Palm," an Instrumental Ti:o, Miss Isabollo Ycung, vioiin; Mr. Ir Mit, flute, Miss Sox, orcan, an Antheia. by the Choir, "The King, of Glory."" Subject of Bermon "Easter Triumph.'' A large Men 8 Bible (Jliws, to be under the leadership of Attorney C. E. Sox, will be crgaoized ac thfenaraonage at 11:45. F G. WILL, lor Watches WHO WANTS a. .Clawtord Block A. LEININGER, Dentist, DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany State Bank Building. Hell Black 4SJ. Home 275 TO KNOW Of good property in east Albany for nlo. A irjod 7 rom house and burn mil 1) lot, will sell all or Dart and huild on vacant bus for parties desiring Albany it. C ti 11 "lie phnnw -I l: DR. VIRGINIA I.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. Schmitt Block, Albany. Vhones: Office Home 359, Bell Black 2751: Residence 394 Home, Mack fM Bell. ST. FRANCIS BARBERSHOP Chas Bruce, Proprietor. DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, I CALIFORNIA ROOMING HOUSE I H. K. HAZEN. Prop. Light Housekeeping Suites, Sleeping Kooms. rates ncasonaoie. Second and Montgomery Streets Home Phone 208 "'ill Hi Stark Block AIMnv TOM YOUNG. , House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gelsenite roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, TTome Thnne. 3.11 Pacific. Red 3002 VIERECK'S BATHS, 217 Wcit First Street. Tirst-Clati Work Guaranteed. Light and Heavy Hauling. Wood for sale, fir, maple and Phone Home 68; Bell loo K. a .sit. The Jersey Daiy HERD TUBERCULIN TESTED. Pure Milk and Cream delivered twi&a ciauy. j It you do not get your milk promptly, rail me on either phone. W . C Schulu, proprietor. Si0,030TO LOAN on real property, by j. li. i;nn?ty, Atty at law. Ksonis over First Nat'l Bank, Albany. 4-5t FOR SALE. Orphingtnn eggs, 50c a setting. Chicago and Front Streets. Home phone 29fi. 16 t DR. BERNARD KAVANJkUGH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surjeon Graduate of the Los Angeles CoU lege of Osteopathy. pc :ial Attention to n and Children. lU-ea ases of 10-11 5khmitt-Ihmt Bldg , Corner Third and Broadalbin Streets Albany, Oregon. I'honcs Home, 203; Bell. 3P5-J. FRANCIS W. ALBRO, Teacher of Piano and Harmony Studio in ScSmilt Buildirg Room 12. Home Phone 362 Piano Tuning a Specialty. If so, before buying be sure to look up what I have for sale as I can not only save you money; but make you i good profits as well. Good seven room house, with base ment, furnace, bath, modern, large i lot 67x112 fect. Some fruit, nice i lawn. Situated close in, West Al bany. Price, $3600. Terms can be given. Seven room modern house, cement 1 basement, situated close in on paved street. Small lot. Price S32O0. Terms can be made. Two cottages, one lot, 66x110. This property rents for good money and is a fine bargain. Price $5200. Terms. This is an excellent buy and the man who buys it will make good money, besides property pays' good interest, i I have farm lands of all descrip ' tions, garden tracts, and beautiful : suburban homes, also some good lots suitable for business. Prices reason 1 able. I am not in any promotion ' schemes whatever, and any one buy- ing from me will not afterwards feel J sorry for it. Call on J. V. Pipe, the 1 old reliable real estate dealer. 203 West 2nd St., Albany, Ore. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS This bak will now issue time certificates drawing interest-six months or one year. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY. OREGON. Established 1892'. . Capital and Surplus $90,000.00 A CHECK BOOK is easier to carry than a wal let filled with currency, gold r silver. It adds dignity to your transactions and gives much satisfaction. Checks are of no value except to the person in whose favor drawn Can you afford to keep your money at home or in your pocket when you can have, without expense, a check book on this bank? ALBANY STATE BANK Wm Bain, Pres. F. J. Miller, Vice Pret. N. M. Bin, Cathier. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY