We have many prices worth ESTABLISHED 1866 EVERY DAY THAT GOES BY ' sees a visitor to our office with a proposition that means a little more profit to use for a little skimping of quality to you. It is amaz ing how many plausible schemes of this kind there are. WE HAVE WORKED TOO HARD to earn a reputation for selling toilet articles that can be depended upon to entertain any such schemes. Our reward lies in your confi dence which we consider far better than a little extra profit. Buy here and see. 8URKHART & LEE Potatoes Agates AT POCKET FLASHLIGHTS All Sizes All Prices Absolutely Reliable They help us when nights'are dark. Fresh Batteries. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Weit Second Street. THE BEST TO BE HAL) in Baked Goods, Groceries, Produce and Fruits, at PARKER'S "The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery 216. W. FlistJStreet. BothPhone. SURPRISE THE CAREFUL SELECTION OF A CORSET IS OF MORE IM PORTANCE THAN THAT OF CHOOSING A HAT OR SHOES. HEALTH, GRACE, EASE AND FASHION ARE INVOLVED. AN EXCELLENT WARNER CORSET, CORRECTLY MADE, AT $1.00. WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF HIGH CLASS CORSETS, WARNERS, GOSSARD, LAGRECQUE, RED FERN, IN ALL GRADES UP TO $6.50. OU RCORSET DEPT. IS COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL. AN EXPERT FITTER, AND FITTING ROOM WHERE ABSOLUTE PRIVACY IS ASSURED. HOUSE DRESSES MADE COMPLETE OF GINGHAMS AND PERCALE, $1.00 TO $2.00, JUST ABOUT THE COST OF THE MA TERIAL. SPECIAL PRICE ON EMBROIDERED LINGERIE WAISTS. MANY EXCELLENT PATTERNS AT $1.25. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. SEE SHOW WINDOW AT ENTRANCE ON SEC OND STREET.' THE REST ROOM ON THE MEZZANINE FLOOR IS FOR YOUR COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE. Plenty of choice SEED POTA TOES. Early Sunrise, Early Ohio, Early Money Makers, Early Rose, Pride of Britain, Prde of Multnomah, and Burbanks, to be sold in large or small quantities, at Murphy's Seed Store, 225 West Second Street. It Is importanV.tx? have your eye glasses adjusted popart, jjo&otomn nn ut tzr I E. C. Meade Optometrist, . ALBANY, ORE. Cut and Polished F. G. WILLS. considering. THE BIG STORE V'. as your suit made for you, ; for anybody? n.oyai lanoring is cneapcr in price man rcauy-maue, ana the best to be had in tailoring. We give you the best service and work in cleaning and pressing. If your suit don't fit we can make it fit. Don t wear misfits. Both phones. T. J. YERBY, 318 West Second St. LANDAGENT NOTARY PUJLIC 40 Years Here Large, small tracts, houses and lots, See my list before investing. JAS. F. POWELL, Room (9), Albany Statp Bank Bldg. WOOD AND COAL AH kinds of wood sawed in any length desired. Best coal on the market at reasonable prices, delivered prompt!) in large or small quantities Albany Fuel Co., A. W. Uocksteader Both phones. For Transfer T PThoJe E' R- Cummings, office with L. J. Gray Real Estate Co., corner of Second and Lyon streets. Light and heavy hauling of all kinds, piano mov ing, baggage. Orders promptly at n,Vel,t0; 0ffice Phones Home 463, Se n"J.R"- Phn, Home 146, Bell 350. Phone all oiders from 8 to 12 and 1 to 5 to office; to Res. at morning, noon and nights. All orders promptly attended to. WOOD for tsle. JUST ARRIVED Car Load of Land Plaster W also handle Golden Gate Cement Arden Fibre Plaster and Lime, Potatoes bought and Sold in any quantity. Albany Commission Co. Shingles. Made in Albany my .No. 1 Edg Grain the BEaT in the market. Various grades and prices from S1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look tor it. Examine these thingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON- We use no dry kiln. THIS MORNING. News from Albany's Trains. Six Early Mrs. Geo. S. Achoson returned to Portland accompanied by Mrs. Anabel McBriJe. Kev. John Achesun and Rev. Cooey, of the third and forth United Presbyterian churches also returned from the meeting of the Presbytery at Oakville, and Ray Acheson, a promi nent Hood River banker, returned to that city, having been here to attend the funeral of his father, M. Acheson. Leland Holbrook went to Salem to show his former Minnesota friends, Tom Moore and Mr. Cranby Oregon's state institutions. All are former Howard Lake, Minnesota people, when there young Holbrook being one of the best pole vaulters in tho country, hav ing a record of ll' feet. Dr. Withycombe and Professors Bex el land Gardner, of the O A.C.. went to Portland. Prof. Gardner is in the horticultural department, with an ap propriate name for the work, one now in the forefront in Oregon. George Taylor, Hon. W. R. Bilveu and L. C. Marshall Kent to Portland on the early train to attend a session of the Council. D. W. Rumbaugh went un the C. & E., as far as Shelburn on fruit inspec tion business. I Mrs. Tom Riley, of Corvpl'.is, arrived for a visit with her folks in the couutry. Rev. S. A. Douglass went to Port land to attend a district Baptist con vention. After being in and out of Albany four or five times Mox Cohen made his final exit on this trip. r ather bane or this city anu Father Smith of Corvallis, went to Portland. rJ. u. (JusicK went to Portland on a business trip. " Mr Larson of the filter plant, went up the C, & E. with bis camera. Koyal Loyal Entertainers. Miss Abbie Anderson, Miss Edith Cooper and Miss Gertrude Swank en tertained the Loyal Daughters and Loyal Sons of the Christrian church last evening, in the banquet rooms of the cnurcn. contests and games were played, after which a dainty lunch was served. J. C. Holbrook: was toast- master, Victor W.ckizer, president of the Loyal Sons, gave a talk on what the Loyal Son's were doing and Oarrol Richards, president of the Loyal Daughters, on the Past and Future of the Class, Miss VeBta Eastburn, presi dent of the Circle, gave a talk on what the Circle is doing, Mrs. H. M. Perry teacher of the Loyal Daughters, gave a splendid and helpful talk of interest to both classes. The decorations were in keeping with the occasion. They Will Draw Again. Do you remember the largest crowd that gathered in the Chautauqua Aud itorium last summer? It came out to hear the Apollo Concert Company give their finul concert. It was the one occasion (auring the whole Chautauqua Assembly when the great auditorium was practically filed. Albany wants to hear the Apollo Concert Company again, and is to hear them Friday night, April 12, at the opera house. Seats at Wood worth's tomorrow, 75c, 60c and 26c. , -Jit Mrs. F. P. Claypool, (he Maurine demonstrator of Portland, is again in . this' city and will be pleased to call upon I request on old patients and new. Phone i for appointment. Orders promptly de- j hvered. Home Black 85. I : ' : I A laree shimnent of Fishine Tackle 1 has just been, received at the Albany Gun Store. I Have M. Lud wig figure On your Plumbing also on your Hardware Reasons WHY YOU SHOULD BE INTER ESTED- IN THE UNION FUR NITURE MFG. CO. Because it is an Albany institution: owned by Albany people who live right here among you; an institution j that 85 npr rent nf the mnntv i left' right here in Albany; only IS per cent goes to Portland and Eastern points. Did you ever stop to think! that this Company draws money from every town in Oregon and California and leaves it right here in Albany; I that every merchant and property! owner gets this money? I Investigate this opportunity and come in with us and make this the: largest furniture factory on the coast. We have taken all the chances in get-1 ting this business started. We have spent three years in building up this business and can now offer you a good opportunity for investment. For further information see Collins & Taylor, E. K. Anderson. Eugene E. Malfait, G. S. Sandstrom, A. H. Sandstrom. OBSERVED By the Man A bout Town, The dirt is certainly flying down around Lyon street, with three excavu tions in progress, improvements that will transform that section, when con summated. The manner in which the. Young brick is to be placed and rearranged is interesting. The present front will face on Lyon street. It will be rebuilt into two rooms 24 by 70 feet, one to be occupied by W. M. Parker as a grocery and bakery, and the other by V. W. Sehultz' meat market. The present grocery department of the store will be made into a store room 30 by 48 feet, facing on Second street, with the en trance to the big hall above at the west end. This hall, without a post is well built tor a fine lodge rooms, ono of the largest in the city. The work of moving the building will begin as soon as the foundation is ready for it. People are having hard work finding houses for rental, pretty well taken. An Albany need is certainly more houses of two and six rooms for rental. A. H. Sandstrom and a force of s'one layers are pushing work on the Presby terian church. A car load of vitrified brick arrived today for the street car line, taking the place of the wood along part of the way. There also arrived three cars of rails for the Oregon Electrics's line in the city, and a car load of cement. About sixty men are at work on fifth street pushing the grading of it for the ties and rails westward, of the O. E. Foshay & Mason are makinz a decided improvemsnt at the store, with a fine ceiling effect, to be followed by a new ironc. Returned from Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Pfeiffer returned last evening from a couple week's visit with their daughter Mrs. EmmaDorris, and the trreat and only Catherine. Rev. Dorris will begin his work in Centralis, Wash., next Sunday, when that city will be their future home. Centralia has grown rapidly in the last few years. ine rresDyterian cnurcn there is a prosperous one with u good membership. Mr. Pfeiffer will now devote bis time to moving the Young brick to the corner of Second and Lyon street. WATCHES, F. MFrer.oh & son. JOHNSON'S BEST BREAD PRIZES BREAD BAKING CONTEST "1 AT THE ARMORY APRIL 18-20. 1st Prize $20.00 Rocking Chair. 2nd Prize Jardinier Stand. 3rd Prize 42-piecc Dinner Set. 4th Prizc-M3ne Bbl. Johnson's Best Flour. 5th Prize One Sack Johnson's Best Flour. : i Best Light-Bread Biscuits. 1st Prize 42-piece Dinner Set. : 2nd Prize One Sack Johnson's Best Flour. ' Flour is going to advance. Economize-by drawing a supply from your grocer now. It is guaranteed. $1.25 per sack. ' ",i ALBANY MILL & ELEVATOR COMPANY. I Dr. W. A. Cox, Painless Dentist First-class work at reasona- ble prices guaranteed for ten years. 225 West 1st, S. C. Worrell's 5 Secondhand Ferry Sheets, For fresh groceries, vegetablesand fruits. Everything new. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Second Mree, between Ferry & Btoaddbin TONIGHT. With the city full of dirk clouds it looks like rain, but it is only the itigo of Mahara's Mimrels tonight. They are all genuine darkies, no imitation, and you get the real darkey music, full of melody and fun, with specialties that keep one watching. Tho program covers a wide field of minstrelry worth seeing and hearing. Left for South bend. Mrs. J, F. Altermatt and two child ren left last night for their home at South bend, 1ml.. after spending the winter at the homes of Mrs. Altermatt'a father, N. A. lilodgett, and sister, Mrs J. O. Leu. Their visit was great ly enjoyed here by their many friends. The Aitermatta have a beautiful home nine miles from South Bend, on an electric line, where they have a fine stock farm, with blooded stock. Mr. Altermatt is in business in South Bend, where he goes mornings, with Rayce, who attends school there, returning evenings, a few minutes ride on an electric. An Assault Case. This forenoon at the office of Justice Swan Thomas W. Moreland was held for the grand jury under (250 bonds, charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, upon Mr. Weeks, the result of a dispute over a matter of rent of the property at Lyon and Ninth, where Mr. Weeks nas a restaurant. THE SKATING RINK will hereafter be open Wednesday, Friday and Satur day, afternoons and evenings under new management. C. M. HENDERSON. the Elite Stores Freshest and Finest Candies and Ice Cream, at all times. Come once and you'll come again. - vntr nir.T what vnn want WHEN YOU WANT IT AND HOW YOU WANT IT At E. E. Rooklidgc's print shop, over Woodworth's drug store. Printer to the particular. Albany, Ore.