NEVER TOUCHED US The little smudge in our basement Tuesday did us no damage outside of a few articles put there for storage. The valuable help from other stores made quick work in putting out the blaze. We are very grateful for the valuable assistance given us by. our neighbors. AGAIN TO OUR READY-TO-WEAR EASY SAILING FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO SAVE 0 if A MOST BEAUTIFUL LINE OF DRESSES. Too much can not be said in regard to this section of the store. Out of the ordi nary kind, with touches here and there that combine a wonderful tasty combina tion. We have a special showing of exquisite gowns, for afternoon, for party, for theater, in fact any dress you should want for any purpose. Our showing of Lingerie and Cream Fine Woolen ready dress were never larg er. Ladies, lend us your ears and let us quote some of our prices. They are prices you can not forget. SHIRTS. Another lot of those handy Mannish Shirts so much in demand. Made of Soisette a cloth that gives universal satisfaction. White and tan, $1.50. EXQUISITE SHOWING IN TRIMMINGS Nearly every garment needs a little bit of something to set it off. This large de partment is showing all the new things in trimmings. Large line of AU-Over Laces that sell for $1.25 to $5.00 a yard. Bandings, Edgings, new Cream Wool Trimmings, Galoons and Garnatures in h lgh colorings. If you have a difficult shade to match, try us. HOME JOURNAL STYLE BOOKS ARE IN HAMILTON'S The Popular Store for the People When Men See Our Guns they immediately begin to think of a day at the traps with a good score at night. But don't stop at looking. Come right in this hardware store and examine our guns in your own hands. Heft them, balance them, sight them. If that don't complete your satisfac tion, the prices -will. HULBERT-OHLING H'D. CO GREEN FRONT BLACKSMITH SHOP. Horse shoeing and general black smithing, wagon and carriage work. Nothing but first-class work by expert mechanics. DAWSON & BUTZLOFF. First and Baker Sts., between 1st and 2nd, near Wigwam. Ed. Schoel.- Candidate for SHERIFF in demo cratic primaries. EGGS! EGGSI EGGSI-Fot hatching. "Hen that lavs, hen that pays. Wood will toll." Guarantee my stock best bred in America. Bull Leghorns, Mack Minorca!!, White and Silver laced Wyandotte. Mochel & Morhel, 1114 Santiam Koil. "It AUTO TRANSFER. W. A. LONG. Office Jersey Dairy, 3.M l.von St. Home Phone 14'X). Bell Phone 4QQ-I, Home 411. DR. J. W. JACKSON, Graduate registered Veterinarian, 1014 E. 2i St , Albany Or. rhones. ' Eggs Wanted Tho AUiany Dressed Beef and Pro duco Co. will pay the highest market prico for eggs and other produce. B. M. PAYNE. Farm Lands and City Property for sale. Real Estate Liana. Fire Insurance. Surety Bonds Rooms 19 21 Cusick .Block, Albany, Oregon. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St, Albcjiy, Firt-class meats of all kinds from selected stock. FOR SALE Tracts, large or small, improved or unimproved, near Mt. View High School and and Lewis burg station. Choice focality and land. Also a couple of business propositions. Prices right. Terms. Five miles from O. A. C. See L. F. Davis, R. R.; 1, Corvallis, Oregon, or phone Main 365. . i.v ..... t7 HOMESTEAD RECEIPTS of about March 6-8. by a fake solicitor, are wanted. Pleaao Bond to the Democrat , ofllce or notify, FOR SALE-100 tons hay. vetch and cnear,, anaouta. J. A. Howard. 20t EGGS. Pure bred Buff Orpington and Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for batching, $1.00 per 15, at the yard; alBO baby chicks after March the 15th. Mrs. Frank Kitchen, Salem road. Home phone Black 283. 7t ORCHARD AND WALNUT TREES in quantities to suit. I make a specialty of the Vermoon strain of Franquette walnuts, grown by the Oregon Nursery Co. Cor respondence solicited. Harold A. Elhs, Albany, Ore. Phones, 195-Y: Black 10S. til WOOD FOR SALE. Second growth fir $4, old fir $4.76, good dry wood and good measure. HomeBlack'106, Bell phone 448-J. F. C. CHAPMAN. POTATOES WANTED Large or small lots, by J. D. Ellis 906 E. 4th, Both phones. 17t FOR SALE. Some of the best build ing lots inside the city limits, and will sell lot and build you a home according to your own ideas, one third cash, balacne easy terms. New 7-room house for sale. Geo. C. Richards, contractor and builder, 934 S. Maple. Home phone red 141. POSTS. Anchor and fence, at the Shingle Mill. 2ot FOR SALE by the owner, a six room house and two lots, center of ton, half block from High school. Apply on the premises 322 East 4th street. H. Barns. PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for piano tuning at Woodworth's Drug Store. C. M. Henderson, Tuner. FOR SALE. Farm, with 2 seta of buildings, 552 acres. 7 miles east of Albany, all or part, at sacrifice, terms to suit, with or without stock and machinery. See me if you mean business. C. R. Gerig, R. D, 1. 10 21t MESSENGER BOY. Bryan Roberts, on short notice. 215 W 1st, room 20. Home phone 4S4. WANTED By a college boy. work during the holidays and out of school hours. Phone 5S1-Y Bell. FOR SALE-26 by 110 ft of property. Call on Mrs. Fromm, 440 E 1st. 5t GLASS. All sues and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany. Skill- Iv set, if desired. CABHAUE. For sauer1 kraut, and onions. Phone Fanners 2x1, E. L. McKeever. 27t Albany Democrat j PERSONAL Our Wants. Entered at the post office, Albany, Or as second class mail matter. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, $4.00. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2. F. P. Nutting. WILSON LOOKS GOOD. J. W. Henry ha3 been here from Newberg. Judge Hewitt returned this noon from Mcilinnville. Mrs. Frank Horsky this noon returned from a Salem visit. Mrs. M. S. Woodcock arrived from Corvallis this noon. F. N. Sorenson arrived this noon to push the business of the Wiley B. Allen Co in Albany, a bustler. W. S. Rislev, candidate for district attorney on the democratic ticket, re turned this noon from a west side fip. George Clark, a prominent citizen of Lacomb, was in town today on his way home from a visit with his daughter at Harrisburg. Among those attending the Elk's dedication at Euiene, was Joe J. Du- Senator Chamberlain: "I believe that Wilson is the only man in our party who can carry re publican states in the West and in til Mi, 1, 1 1 wcf t.. m Woodrow Wilson is the man who t'rH1,le. OI ' He a er Albaoy ought to be nominated by the party pr r' , , . as the, strongest exponent, not only1. Mrs. Frank O Bnen, the twins, grow- of Democratic principles, but of pres- " t0 "eat the Dand' 81,41 tneir ntxc ent-day thought; and I do hope that o'stsister, arrived this noon from Oregon will select a delegation with j balem on an Albany visit. Woodrow Wilson as first choice." I c- E- Sloan, an employee of the Im- ' perial Hotel, Portland, has been in the Governor West- !citv a couP'e of days, coming up to at- "I am for Wilson for president. I ; tend the funeral of Helen Hockspier. think he is at this time our strongest w- c- Winslow, a young man of ex candidate. He has a head full of pro- cellent reputation, of Salem, arrived gressive ideas and he knows how to tm9 n00n from tne west side, in the carry them to the people." SPRAY FOR CODLIN MOTH. interest of bis candidacy for district attorney. S. M. Garrison, engineer, who once ciptured an Albany girl, is now running from Portland to Albany, with his home in Portland. He was around town yesterday. An Old-Timer. Get ready to sorav for codlin moth and use the following: Take two pounds of arsenate of lead, place in i one-half gallon of water and stir until thoroughly dissolved, then add to this , forty-eight gallons of water, then add. after stirring, Vi gallons of lime and' sulphur solution for scab. Use this Mrs. Marie Brown, a resident of AI mixture when at least 90 percent or 95 bsny in the early '80's, was in the city, per cent of the petals have fallen, and going to Junction this a.'ternood. She do thorough work, covering all the left here 27 years ago. She was a blooms. If this is well done and all sister of-Ed. Murray, who ran a hotel the fruit thoroughly sparyed again in at the presant site of the Albany Room about two weeks with the same form- 'nB house, who was drowned at the ula, this will control the codlin moth. mou'.n of tne Calapooia. Her husband also the apple scab. , W1" Join her and they we" 8 t0 Cor" D W RUMBAUGH ivallis, where she thinks she has an inter Fruit Inspector for Linn County,' Or. atj?aome ptopetty.Shehada bard time " u finding many here when she was in Al j j bany. No U. O. referendum decision yet. - FOR SALkl. Horses, waecn, surry, btood cjws, some, farm implements. A. L. Van Osde), Oakville load, phone Farmers lol Bell tl9 FOUND A fountain pen, at First National Bank. $10,000 TO LOAN on real property, by J. C. Christy, Atly at-!aw. Kuoms over First Nat'l Bank. Aibany. 45t FOR SALE. Orphington eggs, 60c a settine. Chicago and Front Streets. Home phone 236. 15 t FOR SALE. 6 year old thoroughbred, or trade for workhorse. Copenhagen Bros. 19 FOR SALE 120 cords fir and oak wood, $1.50 per cord; also good wagon, buggy and set of good work horness. Inquire Arthur Moore, Burns' Shoe Store. It FLUFF RUGS. Made out of old cr- pets. M. L. Sanders agent. Home phone 441. lot. FOR RENT. 5 room house. Call at I 1043 Main st. Either phone 73. t4 WANTELI A second hand brooder, rent or buy. E. B. Lavidson, 739 ; E 1st st. j V ANTED.- Work by the hoar or day. I 728 E. 1st. Bell ZZi R. FOR SALE Two good horses, four and five years old, will weigh about 1300 j and 1350. U. G. Smith, Home phone FOR SALE-2 loti Fairdale ad at bar gain. See I R. Schultz. 16t LOST A mink muff, betwenn here and Froman Station. Reward. Leave at Dem. office. 13t W ANTED. -To buy some shotes. J. F. Higgins. Both Phones. 2t FOX RENT. --Furnished housekeeping and sleeting rooms Mrs. Bilyeu. 224 Baker Street. 323t FOR SALE An excellent buy in good vacant business property, well situated, in business district. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2nd St. 13t WOOD. -16 inch body fir, at the Shingle Mill. 25t FOR SALE. Good B room house and large lot,also 15 acre tracts first class fruit and grain, on easy payments. Inquire of owner, X. W. BOOM, 331 E. 5th, Albany. lit Mel, the saw filer, will be found aj the green front on Baker street, n ea ! the skatinv rink. DAWSON &BUIZLAFF. F.G. Willior watches; FO. WILL, lor Watches FOR RENT. Furnished housekeeping rooms, 1 suite, newly furnished, ground floor, 213 Baker. Home p'jone Black 205 17 j FOR RENT. Suite furnished house keeping rooms. Mrs. Gould, 418 W. 3rd. t 16 I LET Greenfield figure on your brick and plastering, also stone and tile work. All work guaranteed. Phone Home 404. t8 FOR RENT OR SALE. 16 acres, ' about 2 miles from Albany P. O., Benton county. G. C. Covalt, 1139 E 2nd st. t9 WANTED. Female help at once.' Magnolia Laundry t 7 j DRESSMAKING. Will continue to do ' dressmaking. Am now nr. 1227 E. 2nd street. Mrs. Omer Mitchell. t8 FOR SALE. -5,000 feet second hand lumber, good order. Call Geo. j Anderson, 130 Montgomery st 8 t Come TO Our New Store at Broadalbin and 3rd St. A new stock of Up-todate FURNITURE Our Motto: A Square Ded Also furniture bargains at our store at 109 W. First street. 1.-11 FOR SALE OR TRADE. Good farm 134 acres, 35 acres in cultivation, 20 acres more ready to i plow with little work, b acres hne pas-' ture besides other pasture in timber tract, lots of good second growth fir timber, over 3000 cords wood, cron all in, 12 acres fine clover. Fair 5-room house, barn and other buildings, good well, fine spring can be piped to house, some fruit, 6 miles to Albany, and 3 miles to good town on b. f. railroad, I'i miles to station on S. P. R. R. and Vi miles to Oregon Electric; lots of fine rolling orchard land, on county road, R. F. D., telephone, close to good school. Price, $95.00 per acre, small payment down and easy terms on balance or will take good residence in Albany up to $2000.00 and balance terms. B. M. PAYNE, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. FISHER BRADEN & FISHER FOR SALE Good young team, 6 and 7 years old. Weight about 1600. Address H. A. Lake, Tallman, Ore. 4t FOUND. Ladies black plush hand bag with shoulder cord. Call at P. O. FOR SALE. The Civic Improvement Club has some clear Blue grass seed. Inquire of Mrs. Fred Dawson. RESIDENT College student wants yards or gardens to care for during the season. Reference. Bell 581v. FOR SALE.-Good barn, 1030 E. 3rd. 2t FOR RENT.-S0 acres of pasture, with running WBier, adjoining the city of Altany. Call on E. F. Sox. at Stew art & Sox H'dw Co's Store. 29t WE CI, KAN all kinds of marble, take black rust and all kinds of stains from mantles, washstands, tomb stones, etc. No acid. Carl House man & Co., 803 East 1st St. Phone Black 151. tl5 FOR SALE--Sheep shearing machine at half cost. F. H. Pfeifter. 27t FOR RENT House and barn. See N. A. Blodgett, 504 9th and Washing ton. tl3 FOR SALE. Some lots well located. heal Bargains it taken anon. A well located modern bungalow, 1 close in residence, 1 strictly, high-grade res idence lot. J. C. Hoibrook, 2nd St. lOt Drs. Foster & Lemon, BY A RATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC DRUGLESS METHOD REMOVE THE CAUSE OF CHRONIC NERVOUS, DISEASES, Such as asthma, rheumatism, eczema, both acute and chronic, stomach and intestinal trouble, female complaint, eye weakness, partial paralysis, head-ache and spinal trouble. We invite an investigation of our system. A brief consultation free. Office rooms, 7, 10 and 11 Brenner Block, Opposite P. O., West First Street, Albany, Oregon. Hours from 1 p. m., to 9 p. m. Mornings and Sundays by appoint ment only. Both phones. 5,000 Cases of EGGS Wanted. Will pay top market price IN CASH. We want cream. Others are taking advantage of our cash buying system. Why not you? KLOCK PRODUCE CO., Ii Cash Buyers of Farm Produce. GEO. J. COOK, Manager. Both phores 497,1. : Fifth and Jackson, Albany. an