Albany Democrat VOL X LV.l ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY - APU1L 12, isi: SO C7 YOUR FAVORITE PATTERNS FOR MAY, NOW IN STOCK. 3 DAYS, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY PRE-EASTER SHOWING OF STYLISH WEARING APPAREL With a stock of Suits, Coats, Dresses and Hats in assortments larger than all other stores combined, as evidence, for the wonderful growth of this store in only a few short years in Albany. Seeing is believing, it's your money we are all after, SO BUY BY COMPARISON. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' DRESSES. $8.75 An extraordinary offer for three days only Choice of 50 Serge Dress es, just received this week from New York, regular $12.50 and $15.00 values, for only $8.75. Compare them with any $12.50 or $5.00 dresses in Albany. They come in Xavy, Tan, Brown, Copenhagen, Wine, White, also White and Black Stripe, all sizes for Women or Misses. Seeing is believing they are here for your comparison. Easter greetings. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SUITS $14.50 Choice of over 100 Suits for Thurs day, Friday and Saturday only, all new 1912 Spring styles in beautiful light mixtures. Navy Blue Serges, also cream and white Serges, all lined with guaranteed linings and of the standard and quality that has made this store famous as Albany's lead ing Cloak and Suit Store. All alter ations absolutely free, and a perfect fit guaranteed. x POPULAR PRICE MILLINERY THE GAGE KIND The next three days will be one errand rush in our Milliner' Department. This week we received a new lot of Gage shapes and sailors, the character of which you will admit when we tell you they are from Gage. We don't believe in knocking. Every knock's a boost. We're too busy' selling Hats of a class and kind only made possible by the use of Gage shapes and novelty trimmings, the kind and price that seems to take in Albany as we are getting business as never before. Visit the Department and see! R. I ..t..m We leave it to you, if you do not find our price is less, style and qual MHJ tFJ wwm' vm tuuaiucicu. yv C tVUlll JUU IU Lull US dUUUl 11. Chambers & McCune ALBANYS' LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE CONTRACT First Read this ad. SECOND: See Our Window. THIRD: See Our Stock of Suits. and Then: Become the owner of one of our ALL WOOL, ABSO LUTELY GUARANTEED STYLEPLUS for $17.00 The Same Price The World Over. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO Styleplus Clothes L, ."IS" i . $17 Read the Styleplus Clothes Story in this week's Saturday Evening Post ; (Issue March 30th) This store is the only authorized agency for Styleplus Clothes in this community The Blain Clothing in CARPENTER AND PAINTER. Will work by day or contract. Let us figure on your work. Can paint your house so it will stay painted and m-ke nriees riulit. VM. KIRK. Home Phone 1168. ALBANY TRANSFER CO. THE WORLD Mohair is up to 34 cents in the Port. land market. Senator Lafallett will arrive, in Ore. (ton April 13, accompanied by Mrs. The Cortland Elk3 will go to Eugene to participate in the dedication of the new Elks temple, on Monday, in a special train. At Fresno yesterdav Erl Rodgers, a lawyer, in an address declared Rock efeller and Carnegie to be the two greatest criminals of the age. The auto of Z. H. Davis, of Corvallis caught fire yesterday. The fire de partment was called out ard a chemical engine was used, as well as the hose. The total damage was $2. It will cost the O. E. about 8500,000 to get into Corvallis. A half block on Third street has been secured from ;John McPadden and others, it is said costing ?:w,uuu, lor the depot. There is to be a business men'3 ex cursion from Portland to Corvallis to see the O. A. C. on April 25 6. All the commercial ciuos ot the state have been invited to join in the affair, which is to be made a Dig event. COUNTY COURT. Besides bills roads was almost the entire program of the county court, as follows: Continued P. T. Thaver road: Bessie Jones road; B. C. Carlton ruad. Granted E. L. Shepherd road: L. R. Cheadle road. Viewers appointed: for J. P. Orchard road J. W. Miller, C. C. Jackson, A. L. Geddes; for Billie South road J. Harbin. F. W. Krieg, A. L. Geddes; John Thomas road-W. Richardson, Fred Mespelt, A. L. Geddes; B. C. Moore road J. W. Miller, C. C. Jack- ROn. A. I.. OoHHuc A .1 MitrMairA winrl -W. B. Thompson. V. M. Moss, A. L. I lieaaes; r rea vail road U.B. Sprengor, John Duncan, A. L. Geddes; Lee Miller road J. D. Burkhart, Ubbe Peters, A. L. Geddes; A. Munson road T. B. Cooper, Ueo. Moss, A. L Geddes; C. W. Kelly road M. Bussnrd, Chas. Miller, A. L. Geddes; C. E. Galbraith road W. B. Thompson, W. M. Moss, A. L. Geddes; J. J. Cole road T. B. Cooper, Geo. Moss, A. L. Geddes. LET FOR PLANS FOR 5 STORY BANK The Poultry Car. AT THE COURT HOUSE. ' Marriage license: T, O. Barnes, 20, and Delores Bilyeu, 18. Albany. April 9 is last day to register. Total registration today: 374G; rep. 2111; dem. 12S1; boc 160; pro. 76; ind. 99; J mis. a. i Deeds recorded : ; Lewis Knaub to R. W. Parker and 1 C. A. Parker, Boa J4000 1 Hrriet Miller to Clora B. Shelton. I lot Scio 20Q The S. P. Poultrv exhibit today wbb enjoyed by a large number, a fine thing. The demonstrations by Professors Dry den and Lamb, and Sir, Thompson, have been interesting and full of in struction. The display of poultry is really a good one of thoroughbreds. trom here the ear will go to South .'rn Oregon on its impoitunl mission. Good for Brownsville. The contract has been let to W. F. Tobey, of Portland, for the plans for the new building of the First National Bank, at First and Broadalbin streets, which promises to be the most modern banking building in Oregon, not ex cepting Portland. The cost will be about $75,000, making a perm men t home for the bank. It will be absolutely firenrnof. five stories and basement, with concrete flours set in steel, and a concrete roof. The entire lower floor, 48 by 100 feet, win no aevotoa co tne Dame, wnicn will be finished somewhat like the First Sayings Bank, only more elaborate, with four vaults, separate for books, coin, safety and storage. A Dove will be ottices. Ihe third floor entirely for doctors and dentists, plumbed for the business. The top floor is being suggested for the com mercial club. The architecture will be classic, liko thetFirst Savings bank, same colored brick, the entire front story built up of Bedford stone, and trimming above the same. Tho main entrance will be from the middle on First streut, and a side entrance on Broadalbin. The hnlls will all be of terrazzo or tile, and every dotail will be looking to the best. Mr. Tobsy will have tho plans rendy in a few days for bids. He is also the architect of the Prusbj te.-ian church and the library. The Brownsville Commercial Club is doing Bplendid work, under Piesident W. J. Moore, for the made in Linn Show. The list from there will consist ot woolen goods, gloves, handles, flour, butter, tanned goods, harness .and Elk's Ex. to Eugene. Albany Elks will go with the train from Salem, at his cily Mon- ' day at 2:30 p. m , returning next day, Heaving Rugene at 2 a, m. Fate 11-3, good to 11th. Get receipt and present at ticket ifRre. Now on sale. Eugene is preparing for a royal entertainment of visitors, with the new home thrown open. John M. Gecnn will give the address in the evening followed by a vaudeville, with a grand ball in the armory. . Albany committee, H. T. Shea, J. O Lee, J. J. Collins. The Y. W. C. A.' The Y.W.C.A. of the colleges is hold ing a cabinet session at Corvallis todav. Miss Laura Anderson, of Albany College is down for an address this afternoon on the college camDUs a field for mould' ing character. There will be a mass meeting tonight with addresses by Prof. Drury of Philomath and President iioman or Willamette, lomorr wthere will be services at 0:30, 11 a.m. &30 p.m., and p.m. ? The Colts, Lyle Bigbee went to Eugene this afternoon, and the rest of the Colts will go tomorrow, to play Eugene. The lineup will be: D. Patterson c, Jack Berry p, L.Bigbee.Kennar andCoshatt basemen, C. Bigbee ss, Bill Patterson, C. H. Cosbatt and Case fielders. Re biult sub 1st. Later Cooper and Bilyeu crack players of Corvallis will be in the game. E EMPIRE Ceo. E. Rolfe, Prop., and Manager. TONIGHT ' , "T1jq Transformation of Mike." Bi ograph drama. "The Scape-Goat." A strong west ern drama, made in Colorado. "Cowboy vs. Tenderfoot" Wild west drama. "Niagara Falls" (Scenic.) "The Lucky Dog" (Edisott.) Side splitting comedy. Mr. Murry, the popular double voiced vocalist, in a new program of songs.. Crosno and Woods, in musical ef fects ', AH for 10 ccqts. PAINTS AND WALLPAPER PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMING J. R. ELCRIBGE, Painter. 438, W. 2nd St, Alban VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT 1. The Poor Relation. This is a modern Cinderella story, not a fairy t.-le, but the realism of today with a mora llhat turns the laugh on the too ambitious and selfish. A fine Lubin. 2. A Tin-.ely Rescue. A story of tfcc far F.ast b ythc Vitagraph Co.. portrayed in their excellent style with close attention to details. A very fine and intensely interesting drama. 3. The Tvlisscs Lee and Rotli. Singers and dancers, singing late and populir scrips. 4. The Gorge of the De Rupr. A beautiful scc::ic film of the north of France. 5. Over the Precipice. A thrilling western story full of action, pretty s.-ciies and sn exceedingly interesting pint. 6. The Crip Snatcher. An episode in the life of Hnimie, the grip snatch er, a lauizh from beginning to end, produced by the Essany Co. 7. Cahler and Vadsworth in spe cial music. Next Monday "Vitagraph Night.' Admission 10 cent. M. A Miller has withdrawn his name from the Senatorial race, believing there are loo many candidates in the field for the office, and in the interest of harmony. Have you had Henry shoe your horse at the Green Front. He knows how. Hat Specials April 4, 6, 6, at the Woman's Hat Shop. See our Q, C, Ring you'&iunly want one becavM of their great beauty and worth. Look n It they cost twice the price. With each ring yon get a printed guarantee that imures you against lost itgnat (except diamondi). " 'GUARANTEED RINGS are made for men, women and ch II drtn. Over 2000 patterns. Look for Q C. stamp imida each ring. ' Call and get free birthstone card. L. W. Ross, Jeweler Albany, Or. Died in Portland. Mis. R. A. Wall died In Portland Yes terday, and the funeral will take place tomorrow aiternoun at tnac city, sno was 80 years of age, and loaves a hus band and one child, W. C. and E. F. Schultz, of this city are brothers. The Weather. Range of temperature C5-36. The river is down to 4 feet. Prediction: fair and warmer tonight, Sunday showers. Mrs. F. P. Cluypool. the Maurine demonstrator of Portland, is again in this city and will be pleased to call upon request on old patients and new. Phone for appointment. Orders promptly de livered. Home Black 86. Hat Specials April i, 5, 6, at the Woman's Hat Shop. A large shipment of Fishinir Tackle has just been received at the Albany Gun Store. The 1912 Base Ball Guide at Albanv Gun Store, also a large assortment of supplies. Mel. -the saw filer, will be found a the green front on Baker street, nea the skatinir rink. DAWSON & BUrZLAFF. Holt Again sells banannas at 25c a dozen. ALBANY UPERA HOUSE Wednesday, April 10 Geo.' A. Nolan Presents the Hit ' of the Season, IMAM'S Kevcre Sunday Dinners, Every Sun lay, at the Hotel Revere, 5:3il o 8 p m , there will bu a chuice dinner served for only 6(J cents. Music ly tho popular Wilson orchestra, Make rcsei vnttur.s. BNSTBELS With the famous 101 Ranch Band, the Texas Tommy , consest, and the Lnt. s Son ;s aid Dances. FRIyEs-33c, 35c, 50c, NEW ST. FRANCIS GRILL Sunday Table de Hote Dinner ,75c a plate. Tables reserved. 5:30 to 8 p. m. MUSIC. Thefirrt-Rouiidup In this Roundup we got a lot of Jack Rabbits, large r-nd svn-Jl, Lh'.h Ducks end Chicks. TI-.2 bzrc collection of Ecr Feci Cr.rc's in the vzY.zy. Pr.ES Eg2 Dyes, non-poison, Sc, at MEISER & MEIE?:3