EASTER SPECIAL New Messaline Silk Petticoats at $2.95 ea. A great assortment to select from, in all the new Spring shades, both plain and far.cies. Better select that new Silk Petticoat now and save money. Flood's Store iJAenfor R. & G, Corsets. Agents for Standard Pattern Farm and City Property. If invested in buvinir Farm City Property it will pay you to look at some ot the bargains on our list The owner's price is our price. We show you the property without ex pense, and you are under no obliga- lion to Duy. Jiclow are some of our bargains: COO acres, all tillable land, good buildings, $45 per acre. 450 acres, 375 tillable land, good lo cation, $40 per acre. 331 acres, about 100 acres of tim Jber, $28 per acre. 140 acres, fair buildings, good loca tion, $45 per acre. Citv Prnn.rrtf. House' ind barn and two lots, $2,600 Eight room house, fine location $3,500 Eight rodin house, full lot $2,100 Four room house, two lots $1,600 ' it's not our way to run you down on the street, but will gladly have a talk with you at our offices, at 236 West First street, Albany, Oregon. If we can not show you the best bargain, then buy nf the other fellow, but soe us before buying. THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE COMPANY. FIRST CAR UTAH LAND PLASTER has arrived. Place your orders now. M, Senders & Co. Baptist Church S. A. Douelas. min ister. Sabbath school 10a. m. Morning worship 11a. m. b. Y. P. U. b:30. Junior meets at 2:30 p. m. Evening tervice 7:30, United Presbyterian. Preaching by the pastor, W. i . Wnile. The surject at 10:30 a. in. will be "Missions and Revival," and at 7:30 p. m "Ashamed of Jesus." Other services as usual. St. PeterB (Episcopal). Rev. Henry H. Marsden, Minister. Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning service and sermon by the Rev. D J. Macdonal of McMinn ville. The evening service will be omitted. There will be uervices com memorating Holy WeeK orK'Wednesday and Friday evenings at 7:30. Christian. Albyn Essen, minister. Bible school will begin at 10:15 a. m. C. E. 6:30 p. m. Morning service 11:20. Evening sermon 7:30. Special music at morning and evening services. Morning subject: "The Determining Factor." Evening subject: "The Last Fetish" ; Strangers and everybody welcome. The nour ot evening service on April 7 will be occupied by the choir which will give a cantata entitled, The Easter Angels. The public is cordially invited to hear this. First Methodist church Cor. 3rd and .Ellsworth, U. H. Leech, Pastor. Class! meeting 10, Morning service at 10:30 a. m. I he subject will be "back to the Soil." This is complying with request of Prof. Alderman, State Supterintend- ! S. S. at 11:45 a. m., Junior League MISFITS. The clean life means a healthy one. The number of useless doctors is apalb ing, said one Portland Dr, Perhaps a debating victory is biggef iiiuig iiiuij a iuui uai:,viciury, Proud of our new buildings, the Young store ana tne first Savings bank. S. F. is going to spend $ij.000.000 to get a civic center. Albany should take warning. Now if some Mr. Severson or some one else will give $50,000 for an Albany Y. M. C. A. Peter W. Severson, the Portland man who gave Willamette $100,000, is an ideal responder to toasts. He said: "You are welcome, that's all I have to say." The average toast is a slop-over. ALBANY. Victoria chocolates At the Mission Parlors. Pasteurized butter is best. Big Bes Alarm clocks at L. W Jeweler. A fur found near Froman'a had at this office. You get the best fruit nouget at Ross, can be the ASK FOR LWN BUTTER It's Pasteurized. Quality Guaranteed Manufactured by Albany Creamery Association 9th and Madison St. BothJPhones. Carried by all the Leading(Grocera. i Boy wanted to learn printing busi- ' ness. E. E. Rookledge. I One of the neatest show windows in Albany is that of L. W. Ross i I Mr Ij: . YTeuuiug rings encasement rings, Friendship rings. F. M. French & Son. New carrier in third district. Lyon to- X Call up 468 Home if missed. Have you seen that new 16 size Elgin S watch, the first one ever offered for sale in Albany. Only 5.50, at L. W. Rosa' Jewler. J. V. PIPE. r , 203 West Second Street reaiTestate. Farm lands, city property, timber lands. Money to loan on approved se curity. Insurance written in the best old line companies. STONE for building, ornamental purposes,' rip rup, filling, etc. Siunpies at . Sondera & Co'satore W. L. COBB, It. D.;6r Komo l'hone,4. HVVE Y0UK CLOTHES CLEANED ND PRESSED The Pantatorium, CLARK HUSTON, Proprietor. T. J.STITES, . iii.H,..illia Nntnrv Public. Legal business of all kinds in all the tourta promptly attoned to. Boll phone 6J. COI UN 3 TAYLOR, Real Kutate and Insurance, Uiiv and sell property. Insure .iropcriy and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. I. M. RALSTON. Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-resl dents. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will St Stark Work - Alham C. D.RAUCH, Court Reporter, Public Stenographer. Office: First National Bank Build ing. I'hcmes: orhec. Hell 146-K: Res.. Hell 154-1. TO KNOW WHO WANTS Of good property in east Albany for sale. A good 7 raom house and barn and 19 lots, will sell all or part and build on vacant lots for parties desiring it. Call Home phone 1168. 2t ent 3 p. m Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. ! Mission Parlors. Evening service 7:30. The public Have vour feet attended to by Mrs including visitors and straneers invited, n,-iz. nta ev o uh qui t I'luuacdiB, guuu uiusii,, tutu tuuikevua ushers. St. Marv'fl (Catholic). -Rev. Arthur Lane, Rector. ' Kev. Wm. Hampson, Assistant. Services for Palm Sun day will be held at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Evening service 7:30 The blessing and distribution of palms with Procession through the church will be held at the Lafayete. JU:,fU service, f atner Lane will officiate and preach and will continue the series on the Passion of Christ at the evening service. Holy Week services will be held Whdnesday, Thursday and Friday evenings at 7:30 with the usual morning service. The public is cordially invited. Fi'st Presbyterian. Rev. F. H.Ges elbracht. Minister. Morning service 10:30. The Session will gather at 10 to niiet any dejiiing to unite with- the church. Evening service 7:30 The Rev. Ernest F. Hall, a Pacific Coast supeiintendent will speak at both ser vices. Mr. Hall will be remembered for his splendid talk two years ago to the men of Albany on the Far East. S. S. 11:45. C. E. 6:30. "Adayinthv courts is better than a thousand. Grace Presbyterian. L. S. MocheL pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. S. S. at 10 a. m. Junior Endeavor 2:30 p. m. C. E 6:45 p. m. Evening service 7:30. Dr. Hall, of Calif., Foreign Missions sec, is expectert during the day. Sac red concert at 3-iO p. m.. with Chas. Glass as tenor, and C. C. Bryant, Mrs. ! fc,.Be tracts are heinir cut tin nd th ubiin. I--.. "... ..." - rr . Progressive Electric Companies Help Progressive Cities Grow, An electric light and pow er company that strives to make itself efficient deserves public support and encour agement. An efficient and progres sive electric company is a de cided factor in making the community it serves grow in prosperity and population. If such a utility company succeeds it is fairly entitled to reasonable participation in the prosperity it has share in creating. During the past year the Oregon Power Company has made many extensions and improvements in its proper ty all in the interest of wid er and better service. TELEPHONES 15 OREGON POWER CO. ELECTRIC SUPPLY HOUSE AND CONTRACTORS Ralston Eleetric Supply Co, 310 W 2nd Street. Tuga Walton, 728 E 4th Street. Established 1971 Assets Over $1,000,000.00 FIEST NATIONAL BANK of Albany, Oregon. Willamette Valley.) (Oldest National Bank n the I The Campbell Kids have arrived and j may be secured at Sletter's. j I The 1912 Dayton and Daytonia bp-1 : cycles at the Albany Gun Store. , An elaborate disDlav of flowers at tho i First Savings Bank today attracted at- tention. They were put up at the Al- i bany Floral store, mostly. j X The Whirlwind for April is out. Ax caricature by ono of the freshmen at- I tracts attention, and the activities of j the month are covered with high school i spirit and snap. t !! it Real estate is changing: hands and , $, These Banks have resource and connections wbicii enable them to be of the greatest service, to their customers. They cordially in vite the aceounts of individuals- and firms to whom they extend the services and facilities of strong and sound financial institutions. FIRST BANK Oakville. Interest on Time Deposits. R. L. Iturkhart, Miss Sara Pratt and Ralph Knott as qivtrtet. Program: Hark! Hark My Soul, Dudley Bush; I do not ask O Lord, Charles Gilbert Spross; Hrly art Thou. Handle; If with all Your Hearts, Mendelsohn; A Prayer, 1 'had wick" Evening and lorning, Spish cr; Offeriorv; I'm a 1 ilgrim, Murston; Renediction; Postlude. -Di smal! tracts are selling for large prices. Messrs. Doke and Jameson have? fin ished their contract of log cutting and will soon have their logs-all towed to market, one stick, which they will not ; move fcr awhile, measures 6 feet in diameter and is 12 feet long. That the injunction against the build ing of the brn.ga at CorvaJlis wrrs not accomplish much is the opinion' of the people generally. tne tarmers are getting almost Assets Over , ; 1390,000.00";; ef :; SAVINGS - of Albany, Oregon. (Owned by Shareholders of the First National Bank.) What issues Awakening Mean t America, win oa t suoject ot Key. th,,,i, :,h .h.ir ori Ernest K. Hall's- adores at the Pres-; tho.f.ii ,nn .owrn mW 6 ST. FRANCIS BARBERSHOP Chas' Bruce, Proprietor. F 0. WILL, lor Watches byterian church tonorrow night. WATCHES, F. M. French & son the-fall crop is gi owing nitsly. Peach trees are blooming and the prospects tor a fair caop is favorable and the prume prospect is good. Little Rose Bgdi FRANCIS W. ALBRO, Teacher of Piano and Harmony Studio in Schmitt Building Room 12. Home Phone 362 Piano Tuning a Specialty. H. A. LE1NINGER. Dentist, Clawford Work Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany State Bank lluilding. Pell Ulack Hume 275 DR. VIRGINIA I.KWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. Schmitt Hliwk, Albany, "hones: Office Home 359, Bfll lilac k 2751: Residence 3'M Home, Hick KM Pell. DR. W. R. BILYEU. Dentist, "'ill K Slark I'l.vW - AIMnv TOM YOUNG. House and Sign Painter. Agent for the CIccUiul Gelscuite rooi paint. I2J Kerry Street, U ,,.,. Vliiw. VM PtifjMf, Red VIERECK'S BATHS, 217 Weft l'irst Slreit. .VUst-Class Wotk Cuaranteed. Clover Leaf Dairy. sanitary and Both phones. Prop. It too appreciate clean,, pure milk give us a call. Delivered twice a day. Mirk depot 331 Lyon St J. F, Husgins, tJNk bkgkltctthe ; COLONCCT FARES W lu) 1TO ALL POINTS IN ONtaON, OAIIT X-l MARCH 1 TO APRIL 15, 1912 i " C" southern'pacific j!is. I CHICAGO 33.00 jffl&X5s$. T. lOUlB st.oo wKrTf jffft. 1 OMtHI .00 flJ TV 1- JVA I H NII CITT t.00 lllrf y,kl 1nl H t. iul H SUffEKSlol I A ikoi otnir eiTm comnowiMtt ie W ti V i fc. 'rtfl , ('!,tiM Krt rf 1 M'-IUH Moti1.ba ViWviSP ammmYJ I Ui.' m bo 1 tv.vM.l (mm in pint, (f )ia ( (nrifl'tT rt'Ullvi- in the Put who.).. VtlfTir32 I nr. to "li.-t Hut k to tlir l- imii" sit n sMLm m Mir j iit i vit tr wiih ttir I iv I np'ni nJ a "M "r I l tt.V..t w tl tnt tol.ufsn.ti.M toonv .i,ln .it- II J lrv.t. (Ml on th un.l.-r.ljim'.l fiC gwil In- fl V) l f l sicuttSw lUfrtun to uJ K.wt, 1 Xjr" If you want a cool sweet SMOKE that won't burn your tongue smoke, the NO. 1 HUB Remember we handle the best Lumber, Drain tile, Shingles Cement, Sewer pipe, Hearth tife, Cedar posts. Lime, Plaster Boxes, Hallooks, Sewer-pipe THE CHAS. K. SPAtTLDING LOG CO. A. B. KELSAY, Manager. Both Phones. WOOD.r-16 inch body fir, atthe Shingle MM. 25t INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS This bank will now issue time certificates drawing interest-six months or one year. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. -Established 1892' Capital and Surplus $90,000.00 CALIFORNIA ROOMING HOUSE H. F. HAZEN, Prop. Light Housekeeping. Suites, Sleeping Rooms. Rates Reasonable. Second and Montgomery Streets Home Phone 208 CARPENTER AND PAINTER. Will work by day or conlract. Let lis figure on your work. Can paint your house so it will' stay painted and make prices right. WM. KIRK. Home Phone 1168. JUST To Remind You GLENDORR lots are for' sale, lot 200x200 ft., sold on terms to suit Bette' see us before all the choice one are gone. TKBAULT REAL ESTATE r0. A CHECK BOOK is easier to carry than a wal let filled with currency, gold or silver. It adds dignity to your transactions and gives much satisfaction. Checks are- of no value except to the person in whose f.-vr.r Can you afford to keep your money at home or in your pocket when you un nave, without expense, book on this bank? en you check- ALBANY STATE BANK Wm Bain, Pres. F. J. Miller, Vice Pre.. N. M. Bain, Caihier. ALBANY TRANSFER CO. Light and Heavy Hauling. Wood for snlc, f.r, maple and ash. Phone Home 6S; Hell 100-R. I HE tl ALLiNE ADDITION. ' 1'or lots cx mine this addition. Cor ner of Uth and Jackson streets, about 9 blocks south of the High school building. Will sell for a short time at SJ00 to $300 per lot. Lots are high and drv. Call on undersigned o rphone Home 1107, GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS STETTER'S f i r FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY 1. I', llackleman.