Alb any VOL XLV I ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY-MARCH 2Si, 191 SO Albany's Foremost Apparel Store Announces Spring Opening and Grand Fashion Show Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday March 25, 26, 27 1912 RADIANT BEAUTY IN EASTER MILLINERY AND Stylish Outer Garments We Bid You Welcome Chambers & McCune ALBANYS' LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE THE L S Y S T E M W E E K 1. 4? THE L . S Y S T M W E E K pay the Are vou game to match a half hour of your time against a half hour of ours? WILL YOU DO IT NOW? If you're "strong" for good clothes the real stuff, with' style to burn, be on hand at an early date. i . . .. , ... ; j-fFr I."5 THE L SYSTEM '-' - Clothes for Young Gentlemen '! " THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO. THE WORLD Douglas county is the first to half of its state tax this year. McMinnvU'e is getting up in worid It hi: S ociety circus. Hon. Bineer Hermann is tho new exalted ruler of the Elks of Roseburg. v ashinnton, Idaho and Montana yes terday se'ected the sites for their buildings at the Panama fair. Burt Burdick has been elected cap tain of the O.A.C. basket ball team for next year. He is lightweight, only 115 pounds. Jefferson Review: Potatoes are all the same as bank checks these days W. A. Kottholf has during this week sought four cars at $1 03 per bushel. A young man at Pasadena, said to be heir to $8,000,000, had a lapse of memory and attempted to rob tho house of M rs. jacK Ludahy. He may now lapse into me pen. Prof. J. B. Hompr nf tho Ci A P has accepted an invitation to give his European lecture, with pictures before me Mental Culture Club, of Roseburg, once his home. Mis. Isaac Saltmarsh, an old resi dent of Lebanon, died this week nt the age or b years. Mrs. Frank Hardman, of Portland, is a siatnr. and aha Ami Mr. Hardman passed through the city wrucuanon io 'menu tne luneral. Utie reDOrt of thn ITT) roiriatrnl- shows that the women lead in Der centage. The girls of the U.O. dormi tory stand highest with an averago of 88 per cent, while the boys of Tawnh Club are lowest with an average of 79 per cent, and the famous Sigma Nu just a little better with 82 per cent.' .Brownsville Times: Hugh G. Fisher, city engineer of Albany, was in the ciiy Friday and attended the mass meet ing at the tabernacle, where he spoke along the lines of street improvements. Mr. Fisher came to Brownsville from Halsey, where he had been summoned to consult with the authorities of that place on some proposed street improvements. P.O. BILL APPROVED. A dispatch in last evening's Journal from Washington states that the Senate committee, of which Senator Bourne is a member, has reported favorably on the appropriation of $10,000 additional for the completion of the post office building at this city, and it will un doubtedly pass, when the bid for the present plans will probably be accepted, and work proceed, This will make a total appropriation of only $75,000, where $100,000 is r.o.v being asked for cities of like class. It is small enough, it fact should be $100, 000, instead of $75,000. AT H COURT HOUSE. New suitr Wm. Uarlnnd agt. Dentil Carmier et ai. to register title, N. Al. Newport attorney. el. Medical Hccme, Q. B. Wilion record; Total registrations to date 3019: Hei 1705; dem.. 1025; soc.,' 124; pro., 63; ind., 88; miccellaneous and refure to state 24, Deeds recorded : Daniel K. Nicley to Thomai Hansen 83.33 acres CIRCUIT COURT. The jury in the case of N. Oustersoh agt. Ed. Wolfe, last evening troughtin a verdict for the Dlsintiff. awarding certain horses indisDuie.tothenlamtiir. and giving the plaintiff $42 60 damages r .i . . : i . i . iur me retention ox tne anisiais This morninsr Judcro Kellov sentenced K. C. Burnett, who has a Dlace of bus iness opposite the skating rink, to serve twenty days in the county jail and to pay a fine of $200. Frank Patton, convicted of simpln assault on Harry Halkyer, the well known S. P. hrakeman, was brakeman. was fined $100. to. Senders agt. the S. P.. to estab lish the title to a small strip ot land at the corner of Washington and Water streets, or $1500 damages, was begun this moJning before the following jury; Messrs. Bayne, Calloway, Coyle, Uiison, Hall, Haden, Harris, Holloway, Kn nell, Manis, Osborn, Temple.) Hewitt & Sox are attornoys for the plaintiff and Weatherford & Weather ford and J. H. McNury for th9 defend ant. A motion for a nonsuit was granted. Court adjourned ta May lsv, when the Peacock, Olson and other esses will be tried. AT THE SITE OF THE 0. E. DEPOT. The old residence of John Clelen. on the Oregon Electric block, near Lyon aim r utn street tor iorty or more years, is Deing moved down to imrd street in the third ward, where it will have a new home. This means that the Oregon Electric wants the block for the passen ger depot, to be erected there this spring ireparatory to active traffic There have been rumors that the site of tie delist might be changed; but Fifth ana L,yon is where the structure will undoubtedly stand, a good place for it altogether. It is said the Fifth street track will be completed before the Water street track, and for that reason an ordinance has been asked permitting freight cars on Fifth street. If passed it bhould have a limit, terminating absolutely when the Water street track is completed. Only a Pew Days to Plant. Do you realize that there are only a few days left for spring planting? rVe have a lot of trees left at our yards which we will close out at prices that will interest you. Apples, Peart, Cherries, Peaches, Apricots, Gooseberries. Call at our oltice in the Schmitt Bldg. or write and let us show you. ALBANY NURSERIES, Inc.. . Uover Leaf Dairy. It you appreciate clean, sanitary and pure milk give us a call. Delivered twice a day, Both phono. Milk depot 331 Lyon St. J. F, HUGGINS, Prop. E EMPIRE Geo. E. Rolfe, Prop, and Manager. TONIGHT" BIG NEW CHANGE Featuring HIS FIRST VIOLIN. A beautiful Vitagraph story. Five other fine pictures, including a side splitting comedy, Crnnletcs the Bill. Illustrated Song, "Daddy's iLttle Tcm Boy Girl." Crosno and Woods, music. All for 10 cents. DR. BERNARD KAVANAUGH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon Graduate of the Los Angeles Col lege of Osteopathy. Special Attention to Diseases of Women and Children. 10-1 1 Scr.tiiitt-IImit Bid;.. Corner Third and Broidalbin Streets, Albany. 0rhoncs-Home, 203; Bell, 395-J. We make a specialty of watch, jewelry and clock repairing. All work guaranteed. L. W. ROSS PAINTS AND WALLPAPER PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMING J. R. ELDRIDGE, Painter. 438, W. 2nd St, Alban DREAMLAND 1. Her Boy. A very pretty drama with a hapnv ending. This photoplay f abounds with heart-touching situa tions and is splendidly portrayed. 2. Huting. Marabou in Absynta. 3. Philemon and Bailees. A hcau itiful hand-colored film, a mythical tlry baitd on firtek lily tholoy. 4. Scenes. Albany Commercial Club's trip to Mill Citv. 5. Champion Led D ivcr A short film showing- fancy d ives and swimming str.l;cs by America's champion woman diver. 6. Umbrellas to Mend. There is a ' latijrh in every move a::il every move' ! a funny picture. Bunny is at his fun-iii'-st in this Vitagr.iph romei'v. I 7. Two Sengs. A Kalcm war dra ma, a feature pii-ture. ' 8. Cahler & Wadsworth in minic. Next"" Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesdayElectro, the Human Dynamo, a sensational elecfical act. Admission 10 ccnir Heavy tax payments: Est. J, hi. George $117.6; fcrank & P. Dempsey $190.09; Broc',: Bros. $128.76. Woman buifrage Won. The Willamette Club of the public Bchoolsyesterday a Iter noon had an in. terestlng debate on woman suffrage, with a decision in favor of the affirm ative, sustained by Lauren Davis and Tracy Byers. Edwin Hart and Robert Boetticher did their best on the neg ative. The judges wero Prof. Bonn, Frances Harringtou and Clinton Archibald. THE COLLEGE. to A crowd from Tremont Hall went Knox's Butte today. A semester reception by the Y.M.C. A. and Y.W.C.A, to the students at Tremont Hall last night was a great success, a unique and delightful ultair, with a splendid service. President Crooks and Dr. Ferguson will start east early in tho week, going to Chicago and New York, with pros pects of considerable cooperation in the endowment enterprise, getting ready for a $00,000 campaign. There was a fine duet recital Wednes day evening bv pnpils of Mi'bs Houck and solos by pupils of Mrs. Flo. rroi. rvnite una niB class are garden Inir. The tennis courts are being prepared for the sport. Fresh Yaquina Bay OYSTERS at the Mission fartors. F. G. Will for watches. . 50C.FOR Revere Sunday Dinners. Every Sun lay, nt the Hotel Revere, 5:30 to 8 p. m., there will bo a choice dinner served for only 60 cents. Music by the popular Wilson orchestra. Make' reservations. Morning Star Grange will give a basket social at the hall on Friday, March 29,' to which all friends and neighbors are invited, NEW ST. FRANCIS GRILL Sunday Table de Hote Dinner .75c a plate. Tablos reserved. 6:80 to 8 p. m. MUSIC. SALAD SETS 7 piece set, 11c each. 75c set. 7 piece set, 12c each, 80c set. 7 piece set, WiC each, $1 set. These are the regular prices and guaranteed all to be firsts, not sec onds, with a little chip off and glazed over, or the glazing off in spots, but all perfect ware as they can be made, at i at MEISER & MEISER local option right? Great debate at the armory Between EUGENE W. CHAFIN, prohibition candidate for pres. in 1908, and J. FRANK BURKE, of Portland, On March 27, at 8 p. m. Admission 25c No-Rim-Cut Tires lower tire bills half. Ordinary tires clincher tires cost too much. They arc subject to rim-cutting. Re search proves 2.3 per cent of all ruined clincher tire are rim-cut. This is an unnecessary expense. Clincher tires are usually overload ed.. The rated capacity is not suffic ient to carry the load. Goodyear No-Rim-Citt Tirei can not rim-cut. No hooks are necessary on the ha.-.c to hold tlte tiro to the rim. Tape of 126 braided piano wires are vulcanised into the bae, inakii:;; it unslrctchable. The rim flanges are reverse w the hooked side turned from the tire rim- CUttillLT .S not DOS- Th This constrik'- tion permiu mak ing the lire 10 per cent over-size, yet lilting the rim. That imam 10 pir cent more air 10 per cent nn-rc ca pacity to c -rry the preventing blowout. These two features save half on one's tire hill. I Jo you not see why we are so en thiiMf -lir about Goodyear No-Riui-Cut Tin.M? Call and let ut show you the tire?, You will (? tltcm. J. L. IRVIN. Just received large shipment from factory.