AT BURKHART & LEE's. Schneider's Veterinary Change. Feed this medicine to your mares and raise a fine colt. The mare must be in proper condition to do this. This is a scientific preparation for this purpose. The new way of cor rection f reproductive organs of mares in breeding season. You will raise a much more valuable, and bet ter horse by feeding this medicine. The mare will do better after feeding this medicine. Build up your mares with Schneider's Veterinary Change. Enough for one mare, $3 per box. 7t NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTRIX AND EXECUTOR. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have been duly appointed Executrix and Executor, respectively, of the estate of Stewart M. Pening ton, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present said claims, with the prop er vouchers, within six months from this date at the office of Gale S. Hill in the Cusick Bank Building, Albany, .Linn county, Oregon. Dated February 20, 1912. ALICE P. RICHARDS. Executrix. GALE S. HILL, Executor. .NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of Nancy .Muehlenhoff, deceased, and all per sons having claims against said es-,-,itate are required to present . said 1-oclaims, with the proof vouchers, with in six- months from this date at the office of Gale S. Hill, in the Cusick Bank Building, Albany, Linri county, Oregon. Dated February 20, 1912. LLOYD G. ANDERSON, GALE S. HILL, Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that by order of the county court of Linn county, Oregon, I have been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of William Gregory, deceased. AH persons hav ing claims against said estate are noti fied to present them to me at Albany, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof, properly verified, as by law required. Albany, Or., Feb." 2, 1912. H. A. HECKER, Administrator. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of Henry Muehlenhoff, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present said claims, -with the nrooer vouchers, within six months from this date at the office of Gale S. Hill, m the Cusick Bank Building, Albany, Linn county, ure gon. Dated February 20, 1912. LLOYD G. ANDERSON, GALE S. HILL, Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. CITATION. In the County Court of Linn Cou.i- ty, Oregon. In the matter of Anna Dnnn, de ceased. To Alexander Dunn," Margaret; J. Parsons, Alice M. "Rogers, Maud A. Rogers, Ella Hand, George Hand, Lida Hand, Grace Hand, Sarah A. Pierce, William Dunn, Lizzie Mor gan, Marcus Dunn and all other per sons interested in said estate:- Whereas, application having been made in due form to the above-named court on the 1st day of March, 1912, by Marcus Dunn, administrator of said estate, for an order and license directing, authorizing and empower ing him to sell the Real Estate be longing to the estate of said decedent, and described as follows, to-wit: Lots numbered Forty-one (41), Forty-two (42), Forty-three (43), and Forty-four (44) in Block Twelve (12), in Bryant's Addition to the city of Albany, in Linn county, Oregon. And whereas, said court fixed on the 22nd day of April, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the court room of this court in the court house in Linn county, state of Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all ob jections to said Petition and the granting of said order and license of sale. Therefore, in the name of the State of Oregon, You and each of you arc hereby cited, directed and required to be and appear at said time and place then and there to show cause, if any you have or if any exist, why an or der of sale should not be made, as in ihe Petition prayed for, and why said Petition should not be granted and said order and license should not is sue. Witness, The Hon. J. N. Duncan, Judge of said court with the seal of said court affixed this 1st day of March. A. D. 1912. (L. S.) W. L. MARKS, Clerk. Bv R. M. RUSSELL, Deputy C. C. BRYANT, Attorney. Fi-'t Pub. March S, VAZ, hit Apt 'I 5, mz. (MONDAY.) FUNERAL OF MRS. WAGNER. The funeral of Mrs. Chas. Wagner, at the Congregational church yesterday afternoon, was attended by a large number of friends, the building being packed, a number standing. The display of flowers was one of the finest ever seen in Albany, coming spon taneously from all over the city, expres sions of love. Rev. F. H. Geselbracht, of the Pres bj terian church, preached the sermon, a splendid tribute to one whose life hau been so helpful, a benediction and bless ing in so many homes in Albany, and particularly in ber own home, where she was beloved tor many sterling qualities of character. The choir was composed of C. E. Sox, Recorder Van Tassel!, Mrs. Flo and Mrs. Nutting, and the pall bearers were Judge Kelley, Judge Hewitt, Postmas ter Van Winkle, Frank Skipton, W. B. Chance and Wm. Hand. The services at the grave were con ducted in an impressive and pretty manner by the Pythian Sisters, of which order the deceased had oeen a member for many years. The Knights of Pythias, of which Mr. Wagner is u member, also attended in a body. A tfert Record. The hens that beat those of Mrs. 1. D. Stephens, 1014 12. 5th street, will have to do more than cackle. For winter laying their record is remarka able. In December 24 hens lay 211 eggs, in Jan. 324 eggs and in Feb. 371 eggs, 901 in all. Besides using all wanted at home she sold over 22 worth. She has five varieties. Good care and treatment is what does it. Mrs. Wilson's Lost Diamonds. Mrs Jas. W. Wilson, of Salem, l norted the theft of diamonds amounting to $500, throe fine rings. The police could get no clue, but Mrs. Wilson did that herself, finding the rings In a shoe, with- a handkerchief, where she had evidentlv Disced them for sale-keeping. though she can't remember anything aboutit. The Weather. Range of temperature 45 39. Rainfall .18 inch. The river has risen to 8.1 feet. Prediction: fair tonight, with Hfrhf "Bai frost, Tuesday fair. o . Born, on Saturday, to Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Cox, a girl. Mrs. S. C. Worrell this noon returned from a Salem visit. Mrs. Will Reiner went toHalsey this afternoon for a visit with her folks. The filter will be ready about April 1, a fine plant, and a big thing for Albany. W. J. Woodford was drowned on Saturday in the Big Elk, Lincoln county. L. E. Blain last week made a trip to Southern Oregon, where he spent sev- The Home Telephone Co. at San Francisco has sold its plant there to the Pacific States C j. Reported hold up, but nothing in it. Three shots fired last night in third ward. What for? . There is an orchestra at North Powder composed of a family of Olsons, seven, and not an Ole in it The Maine, after being dismantled, was sunk on Saturday in the gulf of Mexico, 600 fathoms deep, buried with ceremony Mra. Hutchinson and Mrs. Horn, of Hornbrook, a mountain city in the Siski voub, after spending the winter in Al bany, K ft this morning for home. In the city:-G. E. Wright, Portland; Morton Eddy, Portland; A. K. Irvin, Arstoria; O. R. Williams, Camas Valley; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Baker, Corvallis. W. A. Westfall, now a Newberg real estate dealer, as well as auctioneer, arrived this noon on a short Albany business trip. A pamphlet just received is entitled: The Religious Posi ibilities of the Motion Picture, by Rev. Herberc A. Jump, of the Congregational church. New Britain. Conn. Prof. T. D. Beckwith, of the O. A. C, today spoke to the bigh school stu dents en hygiene. A very important subject, he presented it with force and conviction, Mrs. S. P. McSeeley has roturned from Lebanon where she visited friends and relatives. She was accompanied home by Miss Violet Whitaker, daugh ter of M rs. Geo. Warner. W. M. Parker returned this noon from Kewport, where he spent a week. Mrs. Parker went over to take his , place, and stay with Miss Alzina for a I week or two. The I. W. W. at Portland declare that they will fight angbody who opposes , their free soap box speeches. People who have heard these talks say they 'are decidedly anarchistic in tone, i Phil Metchan, of Portland, passed througa- tne city on nis . way back to Portland from Southern, Oregon,' where he had been to recuperate. He earned $10 f aiming, as an experiment. Paul Greenwood, window dresser at Hamilton's, spent Sunday in Salem . with friends. While gone a Btrect re I port made him the victim of a drown , ing accident, but there was of course .nothing in it. I There were five fin b by Recorder Van Tasell this morning for Drunken ness, E. E. Mason, N F. Hill, Thos. O'Neil, T. H. Green, and Waltir Tib. (hitts. each 10, none paid yet, and W , C. Bingham not yet up. one from the country, the others itinerant, j Edwin Dennis, nephew of John Bray, land wife, left for home yesterdty, . after n ndirg four months in Albany. lThey will go to their home near Newell, ' S. Dak., sell their property, if possible. n.4 ..'itrn tt A IKintt tn luin i very much pleased with this country. 1 HICKS AT COLLEGE. Much interest has been evinced in the Eaters Go to Peters hand bills, scattered over town. Peters is the DODUIar confectioner in the three act comedy Hicks at be presented by the senior class ot the nigh scnuoi March 25 and 26. Following is tne cast of characters: Hiram Hicks. The Bruinj Man, Robert Stewart. Tom Horton. who writes advertise ments, Dean Crowell. Fritz Jordan, Horton 8 chum, Lyle R. Bigbee. Adam Biddicur, Professor in N. U., Ralpn Kenton. De"n Smiley, Dean ol the Loiiego, Marshall Dresser. Percy Robbins. recent arrival from Boston, Edmund M. Parker. Adelph Hopkins, a lazy boy, Roderick McOalley. Bsstian B igfs, adig, Floyd F. South. Josh Andt'rnop, a basket ball enthus last, Vic. or H. Leweaux. Cbailie Padlet. Reporter for Daily Shriek. Edmuna Anderson Peters, proprietor of Ihe fall. Charles P. Ohling. Walker, manager BrainoMan. mora as K. Ferguson June Grants and Polly Porter, Sen- ors, m.erested in Horton and Jordan, Kate Watrous and Helen Hulbert. Clairo Angeline Jones, stage struck, Wave Risley. Susy Spriggins, freshman with a crush, Jessemy Roberts. Daisy Armstrong, athletic girl, Cora Hewes. Fluff Finley, a fusser girl, Marie H. Smith. Flora Belle Delamaityr, waitress at Tec Pal, Maude Blount. Mrs. Cobb, housekeeper at The Quar ters, Lily, maid at The Quarters, Claire Moriran: Bill Posters, Newsboys, Members of Team, etc. SCENE-Northem University, a co. educational college. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. Mayor and Editor F. M. Brown, of Brownsville, returned home after a trip with' ten other Brownsville men, to Portland to examine; pavement. They saw the whole thing, and the commit tee are undoubtedly in favor of bitu lithic, and decidedly opposed to con crete. Browhsvillo will pave about 12 blocks according to the present outlook. Doug' Hamilton returned to Scio alter tailing in iour sets oi moving , :.-.. !!,; of tho i Nn Smoking, Doug spit out: "There, if smoking isn't an evil what'B that sign up there for. That proves it." Sure enough. Commissioner Butler went up to Stayton to look after We steel arriving : for the new bridge, which has to be taken care of until spring. I i J. A. Compton, of Independence, went to bcio tor a visit Mra MnCoriA StpttAr returned fmm a Brownsville trip. I of consequence, andean inquest was not Mr. Crandall, of Brownsville, went to thought necessary. -Portland. , I The face was that of a typical hobo, F. H. Colpitts, after his Los Angeles i $P returned to his home at Gates. He will go back to Los Angeles later, to complete his work as mining expert. Misses Minnie Scott and Georgie Blevens, returned from Tangent. Co., arrived from Halsey. Robert Sims, of Marcola, arrived with a fine bear head and skin, which he wishes to sell for $30. It was killed hy him several months ago near Marcola, an extra specimen of the rulers of the mts. The While Sister. Plays dramatized from popular novels seldom achieve any great or lasting success, chiefly from the reason that tneie is UBuany so much incident of in terest in the book that cannot possibly be compassed in a play. A notable ex ception to this fact is Viola Allen's greatest success "The White Sister," which the fascinating actress Jeanne Towlcr, supported by a capable com pany, will present St Albany next Fri day. This dramatization "Was taken from F. Marion Crawford's novel of the same name and nothing has been lost in its transfer to tho stage. The drama tists have adhered closely to the story. Some U. O. Items. Eugene, March 17. ' Two interesting games of basket ball were plaved, resulting in the girls of the freshmen class beating both the juniors and seniors. Gerty Taylor a'd islsie Bam were guards for the fresh men and Melissa Martin, of this city, was a guard for the seniors. The U. O. basket ball team Is champ ion of the N. W.. havin? won eiirht games out of 10, while the O. A. C. won 7 out of 9. and W. U. 7 out of 11. An Auto Record at Portland. W. T. and W. J. Edwards, of Port land, run a Ford automobile 7 days without stopping, making the rounds of a certain course 71)7 times, traveling 2391 miles, an average of about 14 miles an nour. mis is said to be the record. It took 109 gallons of Carolina, ihina 21 miles to the gallon. It iB up to the other makes to beat it. TookCarbo!ic Acid. Mrs. Anna Vaughn, of Jefferson last Saturday by mistake took some carbolic acid, and had a close call to death. Drs W. B. Mime and Roy D. Byrd of Salem, were sent for and assists 'n. Pemherto i of Joff rson. After a crit ical tuns hi it mm. vaugn is Improving with prospects of recovery. BIGJEAL Chas. Pleiffer buys Young Brick and YViil Move it to Chinatown. Saturday evenincr Chas. PfainVr plnaeri a deal for the fine brick block, occupied oy S. K. Young & Son, as & department store. It will be moved by Mr. Pfeiffer to the corner of Lyon and Second street, the first brick building to be moved to the present site of Chinatown. It is one of the best cons:ructed bricks in the city, and an exoert from Portland declares it will move all right, and the price is saiu to nave oeen agreed upon. U. D. Mi.ody, of Portland, the leading huilding mover of that city, will do the work. Mr. Pfeiffer will excavate for a full concrete basement, and will remodel the entire building, making it one of the best as well as handsome t struc tures in the city, and with his long ex perience knows how to do it. The first floor will be for business houses, while the second floor, with its truss roof and many windows, will make one of the finest lodge rooms in the state. Tne new location is a crnnH nnn for nnv kind of business. Mr. Pfeiffer is the owner of some of the best property on First street, but he predicts the time is not far distant when Second street nronertv will t,a equally valuable. Mr. neuter has done much to help buildup Albany, and this move cues to show Ins confidence in the future of Al bany, which he continues to declare is tho favored location in the valley, and with the coming of the O. E., he says, "watch Albany grow and grow. Al bany's day is at hand." MP. PfpitTor haa old haon atnnn in I favor of street paving, though it has struck him on every hand, several thousand dollars in all, money well spent, ne ueciares, - - Another thine, he wants our neoDle to pull together and do something, in stead of waiting for others. Now is the time for action, not sit on boxes, whittling sticks and chewing rags. Mr. Pfeiffer in telling of the improve ment remarked that Albany is destined to be the second largest city in the state. we nave Doen a little slow,' he said, "but it is a long lane that has no turn, and our turn is coming." MILK CREEK. Hobo Found Dead. Was Suicide or Accident? une or the uoins boys and some others, yesterday about 3 p. m., while walking near the Jewish cemeterv found the body of a hobo lying on his Blue in mutt orecK. not iar irom nooo- ville. Coroner Fortmiller was notified and went down and brought the body to nis unnertaKinor nar ors. wnnrA it wnn taken cire of. Indications were it had been in the creek over night. There mar a ,.n morlia nP utn!.nna n. and eaBily recognized as that of a man I who had been at the hobo camp for a couple of weeks, frequently up street. I Saturday he had been driven out of town, and declared he didn't know what todoor where to go. He was again o'clock. Whether he committed suicide or it was an accident, is speculation. All he had on his person were a jacknife, some keys, including a skeleton, and a broken small looking glass. Not a paper of any. kind OR. FIRST RETURNED. ine uregon f irst train this noon passed through Albany on its way back from San Francisco. George M. Hy land, chairman, was in charge of the party. Among the prominent men on board was E. B. Piper, managing editor of the Oregonian, brother of Mrs. E. D. Cusick, of this city. He reported a great time, splendid treatment from the arrival of the train until its de parture, beyond the expectations of the large party. There were banquets, feastd and side excursi'ns at every turn, and all San Franci. cs stemcd in terested in the Oregonians. dev. West waited for the ilext train, and will go north later in the day. The MiIICity Ex, Th indications i re for good weather and the Mill Citv excursion will take place as advertised. rnone manager btowort at once if going. TUESDAY. Pendleton .Man in town. Mr. Carl Power, of Pendleton, ar rived last nigi t on a short trip here and at Lebanon, both his former homes He has charge of a lino of the famous Pendleton blankets, which he is placing while on the trip. Thcro is said to be a greater attraction heru than busincBB. Mr. Power reports arrangements be ?un for another big round-up next fall, the be t yet, in somo resnects the greatest outdoor event of the North west, and the greatest round-up show in the wotld. Business Change. 'Ihe Klock Produce Co., successor to the Albany Butter and Produce Co , has bought the business of Ihe -.lhany Catb Produce Co., and G. J. Cook of the latter has been made manag r of thpKlockto., combining both businesses, butter and ice cream making, egKs and produce dealing. OUR MADE IN LINN SHOW. The coming manufacturers' exDosition at mis city, is oeveiopmg tne iact mat Albany alone will have the goods for a big and very interesting display. Here are some of the things that will be seen: 10 dittercnt kinds of furniture by the Union Furniture Factory. Many kinds of chairs by Veal & Son. Boxes and DerhaDS furniture bv the Roner factory. Dial lavs bv the two planing- mills and lumber nulls. Products of the two ironworks. Leather from the Albany tanneries. Trees and plants from the Albane Nurseries. Albany cigars. Shingles by Thompson. Wheelbarrows. steD ladders and pates by Dawson & Butzlafl. b lour from the two mills. Albany baked goods. Albany made harness. Display by Oregon Power Co. Albany mado candy. Albany made brick. Albany butter. Albany soda water bv Albanv Bottling Co. . Ice from Albany Ice Works. Albany polished stones. Ludwig's chimney top. Cobb's stone. Flowers from Albany Floral store. Electric display by Ralston. The other towns of the county will be welcome to make displays. The Weather. Range of temperature down to 32 this morning. Kamrall .11 inch. The river is 7.6 feet. Prediction: fair tonight, with light iros;, weantsaay nignt. Eugene merchants have resolved against falsehoods in advertising. Mrs. Bert Warford arrived last hicbt from Portland on u couple week's visit at the nome ot ti. t;. warlord. H. N. Cockorhno went to Eugene this afternoon to pay A. E. Wheelor $1000 just maturing in the N. W. C. W. Tebault left last evening on a business trip to Los Angeles, and then over into Arizona. Mrs. Stevens, of Gervais, arrived this nocn, called here bv the illnoss of her sister, Mrs, Job. Groshong. Mr. Maxwell, father of Mrs. W. H. Curry, and Mrs. Bell, here from the eist, were the guests ot the Currrya today. The Benton county jury list shows over half, eighteen in all, from Cor vallis. North Albany has one, T. J. Risley. A sky rocket set ot this morning at Second and Ferry streets, mado a bee line for Martin Ludwig's window, going through. Miss Irene Flynn, one of Portland's eading vocalists, arrived last evening on a visit with nor brother, J. R. Flynn and lamliy. About 25 were killed yestorday In an explosion ot a locomotive at ban Anto nio, Texas. A round house a a car shops werx wrecked. A canvas shows that V oodrow Wilson is in the lead for the nonlnation on the democratic ticket, while Taft 1b ahead on the republican ticket. Superintendent Campbell, of the S. P., and party, were in the city today looking over the field here, seeing the Hub and its improvements. W. W. Howell has taken charge of the Scott Hotel) At Pallas, said to be the best there, and. will hereafter make that place till home, moving up from Portlandi J. D. Bowers, a school clerk, charged with absconding with f 300 from district 40 Jackson county, was arrested at Harrisburg last Satnrday, running a store in that city. W. H Marvin has returned to his former business, commercial travolhng. and is in the city today for the Johns munviuu tu., uaaitsrs m asuestus goous, electrical supplies, etc. Miss Evelyn Marshall arrived last night from Des Moines, whereshe visit ed at her former home several months, getting some real winter, and as well on her way home, being three or four days late. Ladies Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post will both be out tomorrow. Get them of Riley Lobaugh. Good numbers. Oyer a hundred pages in the Journal He is also taking subscriptions f jr the Country Gentleman. Lu .vis'on, Idaho, sent a train load of 2:; pei pie down to Purtlaud to attend the slock show beginning yesterday, among the crowd being Wallace K. Struble, manager of the commercial club there, formerly of this city. About two hundred new .volumes were received at tne Albany Public Library on Saturday. On Monday afternoon the adult fiction was in cir culation. The new cnildren's books will be ready Wednesday utternoou. A notable event in Corvallis was a surprise party on John Goodwin, in honor of his 78th birthday, run by his si nior Jos. Yates, 78 years and 17 days old. Amonj the distinguished speakors were; Dr. Bell, Judge Mer addon, Prof. Horner and Dr. Cathcy. Hon. M. A. Miller returned this noon from Portland. He is making a uood fight for the nomination for U. S. sen ator, backed by a sp..-ndid record In the state luginlature in the interest of the peop'o. I hat ought to count it people reully want a representative. Dr. Lowe, tho 'well known optician and optometrist, who is to bo at Revere house next Friday and Satnrday has been coming to Albany almost 20 years Think of visiting a town almost 100 times. He can come back whother Teddy can or not. Thcro is a reason. Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Gibson, of Red wood hall", Minn., are in tho city the guests of old friends, Mr. and Mrs. A Knapp. They are much pleased with Albanv and may decide to locate here. The Dr. and Mrs. Gibson are among Hcdwood's best citizens and Albany ne pie will be glsd to have them be ciu. permanent citizens. COMMERCIAL CLUBS WEEKLYME ETING. . The reirulnr mptinfr nf thn An....... rnmmtintiiil rMitl, win 1...I.J .:,!. .1 na nnn nun tllU following present: President Eaatburn, Manager Stewart, Treasurer Bain, and Directors French, Stewart, Crowell, Winn Mtirvin. Hnmmtr Muninn A C. Schmitt, Fortmiller. ' Communications were read: From Senator Chamhnrlnin In fefar. ence to P. 6. From Congressman Hawlev in rntor. ence to O. C. & R. R. deeds to innocent purchasers. From l.nhnnnn ISmmaniial Pli.t. In reference to securing Clear Lake for a imuoum para, ana protesting against the water being used for irrigation schemes. A motion wnl imnnimniiolu arpiiul providing that the Albany Commercial o,uu tuupertuu in every way possiblo with the Lebanon Club in the move ment. From the MedFrirH Trnffii Riq.i, in reference to the freight initiative being iimuguraieu oy mat club. From E. Hofor in reference to the mado In Oregon Exposition to be hold in Anril. asking fnt sido exhibits not ill competition. Referred to manufacturers committee. C. W. Tebault tondered his resigna tion as vico-prosident and member of the club. Referred to committee on membership. Mr. Hxmmer of I hn manufacture committee, reportod excellent prospect of a fine exposition of Linn conntv made products, favoring confining it to this county, followed by Judge Stewart. ah matters in roteronco to the exhibit was left to the comnuttteo. The Mill City excuision committee reported 70 or 80 pledged, to go. Tra n will leave at 8 a. m. and return by 6 p. m. It is desired to have 150 if possible, on the excursion. Mr. Crowell reported Mr. T. E. Andrews, a nowspapor man from the east, arriving on the S. F. excursion, and missing Albany peoplo on the trip. Ho liko3 Albany and suggests more yelling. Mr. Eastburn rer.ortxd a fO nor cent reduction on jobbing freight -rates out oi augeno, not enjoyed here. WhyT D. W. Rumlaugh. as chairman of committeo of Apple Growers Associa tion asked co operation of commercial club, and a committee of three was ordered appointed. There are said to be G000 acres of orchard as a result of the apple fair ht Albany, Manager Stewart reported. Tho oo-operation of other county clubs was suggested. News From Albany's Six Early Trains. , Judge Victor P. Moses, of Benton county, went to Snbm, with his list of names on his petition for delegate to tho national democrntcc convention at Baltimoro, over 800 in all. Linn county will take pleasure in giving him a big voto. He will also go to Portland, tak ing with him the Cordero boy, who has lived for some time at tho Rainwater home in North Albany, sent to the boys and girls home of Portland. Hugh Fishor and E. C. Roberts left on the 4:18 train for Merlin, in South ern Oregon, to look after the orchard of Frod Fishor, U. S. consul to Man churia, putting it in shape for the oom Ing season, Fred Dawson of this city, and At W, Bluokburn, ot Lobunon, Went to Port-' land to attend a convention of the Rex all druggists of the state, with proB pects of about fifty being present. An event will be a banquet at the new Multnomah Hotel. Mrs. Hugh Fisher and daughter weht to Portland for a visit at Ralph Fisher's). Prof. Park, of tho O.A.C. went to Portland. Mrs. Munkerc, of Munkcrs, returned home after a visit with her mother at Blodget. Mrs. W. B. Stevens and daughter, Aileen, left for Tacoma, on a visit, Aileen's first trip out of Oregon. D. W. Rumbaugh left on a fruit in. spec, ion trip. Commiss oner Butler left on a trip up Hamilton Creek on bridgo business. S. C. Stewart, who is Interested in banks at Lebanon, Halsey and Stayton, left for Stayton. Jerome Lassullo returned to Portland. J. C. Holbrook went down tndn rikiui work on his Millers farm. The While Sister Friday. The three greatest and most success ful church or religious plays of thu past twenty years lire "The Christian" "1 ho Rosary," and "Tho White Sis ter," and of the the largest in dividual money maker is Viola Allen's latest success ' The While Sister" in which MIhs Jcnn o 'fowler is announced to appc r at Albany next Friday night. Although "The White Sinter'' has a re igious setting and uplifting theme it is not essentially n religious play but pariakes more of tho nuturo and spirit of the romantic. Card of Thanks. Wo wish to express our greatful ap preciation nt 'lie sympathy and love, expressed by thn beautiful floral tribute and helpful ustiBtanca to our d ar, de uarted wife and mother; during her rcccint illness and death. Mil CHAS. WAGNER, MRS. ANNA 8I.EE. MRS CHAS. CAR . ER, MRS. DAVID LINK. MR KKANK REINER. MR WM. KEINhMt. WATCHES, F. French & Son.