fr) Mi - 'V-ScIjW MSTEEM Tf er-v. -f -e - s. T.i PRE-EASTER SALE OF Fine Millinery ER8TER OPENING TO-MORROW Thursday, Friday, Saturday This announcement calls to your mind the fact that we are ready with our grand collection of Spring models for your inspection. Bewitching creations in millinery goods that you'd know came from the great fashion center. Extremely high-class Hats in new and exclusive dress styles ; made from fine tagals, fancy hemps, import ed leghorns, Italian Milans in the smartest of the new blacks. Our showing will be the greatest in our history of merchandising. The decorations of Rambler roses throughout the store will be a sight to see. LADIES, you are invited to call and inspect the largest and most beautiful line of Pattern Hats you have ever had the pleasure of looking at. HAMILTON'S The Popular Store for the People A Keen Appreciation. OF THE VALUE OF QUALITY IN TOOLS AND HARDWARE IS OUR GUIDE IN OBTAINING OUR SUPPLIES. WE DON'T BUY ANYTHING THAT WE WOULD N'T BE WILLING TO USE OUR SELVES. THAT MAKES IT IM POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO BUY AN INFERIOR ARTICLE HERE. COME HERE NEXT TIME AND GET CERTAIN SATISFACTION WITH YOUR PURCHASE. HULBERT-OHLING H'D. CO uess A $10.00 PRIZE for the b est cues?;. er. Guess the number of stitches it lanes to make a sack coat, size 38. ., T. J. YERBY, The Tailor. 318 West Second Street. FOR ASSESSOR. I wish to announce myself a candi- aate ior tne KcpuDlican nomination for County Assessor. I have had nine years experience in tho Asses sor's office which I believe has thor oughly qualified me to take up this important work. E. L, FISHER. GREEN FRONT BLACKSMITH SHOP. Horse shoeing and general black smithing, wagon and carriage work. Nothing but first-class work by expert mechanic. DAWSON & BUTZLOFF, First and llaker Sts., between 1st and 2nd, near Wigwam. Ed. Schoel.- Candidato for SHERIFF in demo cratic primaries. For Sale.- Eggs for htching from util ity stock scientific ally bred. Barred Plymouth Rocks, Light llrnhmos and Black M inures Prices JIM per set tine. C. S. ShwM. Albany, Or , 17 W. 4lh Street. Eggs Wanted FuK SALK. Thoroughbred Koe and Single Comb R. I. Red cocker els, Plymouth Rocks. Fgg for set ting ol fame breeds. Prices low. A. Cnnks, West 7th Street Poul try Yard. t9 Tho A'bany Dressed Beef and Pro duco Co. will pay tho highest market price for eggs snd other produce. B. M. PAYNE. Farm Lands and City Property for sale Real Estato Lians. Fire Insurance. Suroty Honda Rooms 19 21 Cusick Block, Albany. Oregon. M. B, CRAFT. 242 West Second St- Albany, First-class meats of all kinds from selected stock. ORCHARD AND WALNUT 1 Klilib in quantities to suit. I make a specialty of the Vermoon strain of Franquette walnuts, grown uy me wregon mursery 1,0. Cor respondence solicited. Harold A. Ellis, Albany, Ore. Phones, 19S-Y; DiaCK 1U3. til WOOD FOR S A LE. Second growth fir , oia nr 4. o, good dry wood and good measure. nomeB lack lots. Bell pnone 448 J. r. U. UrJAf MAN. POTATOES WANTED Large or groan iota, Dyj. u. 1118 KUt) is. 4to, Both phones. 17t FOR SALE. Some of the best build ing lots inside the city limits, and will sell lot and build you a home according to your own ideas, one third cash, balacne easy terms New 7-room house for sale. Geo. C. Richards, contractor and builder. 934 S. Maple. Home phone red 141. POSTS.-Anchor and fence, at the Shingle Mill. 25t FOR SALE by the owner, a six room house and two lots, center of tOMn, half block from High school. Apply on the premises 322 East 4th street. H. Barns. PIANO TUNING.- Leave orders for piano tuning at Woodworths Drug Store. C. M. Henderson, Tuner, FOR SALE. Farm, with f 2 sets of buildings, 6o2 acres. 7 miles cast of Albany, all or part, at sacrifice, terms to suit, with or without stock and machinery. See me if you mean business. C. R. Gerig, R. D, 1. 10 21 1 MESSENGER BOY.-Bryan Roberts, on short notico. 215 W 1st, room 20. Home phone 484. WANTED By a college boy. work during the holidas and out ot school hours. Phono 681-Y Bell. FOR SALE-26'4' by 110 ft of property. Call on Mrs. Fromm, 440 E 1st. 6t GLASS. All sues and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany. Skill- Iv lift, if desired. CABBAGE. rur saucr kraut, and onions. Phono Farmers 2x1. E. L. I McKcever. 27t Albany Democrat Entered at the post office, Albany, Or as second, class mail matter. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, $4.00. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2. F. P. Nutting. NEW BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY. Albany people will be interested in a fine selection of new books just re ceived at the library and placed on the shelves ready to be read. Here they are: Adults' Fiction. Bangs, O. K. House boat on the Styx. Barclay, F. L. Following the star. Barrie, O. M. Margaret Ogi Ivy. Barrie Peter and Wendy, liarrie, O. M. Sentimental Tom my. licach. Rex Xe'er do well. Becker, W. A. Gallus. Becker, W. A. Charicles. Bennett, Arnold Helen of the high land. Benson, E. T. The Osburnes. Black, Wm. Shandon Bells. Bronte, Emily Wuthering Heights. Burnett, Frances H. That 'lass o' Lowries. Burnett, Francis H. The garden. Cablex, G. W. John March, South erncr. Caine, Hall The Deemster. with the U. S. survey. White, Stewart Edward Camp and trail. . Wiggins, Kate Douglas Golden numbers. Wiggins, Kate Douglas Penelope's Progress. Wiggins, Kate Douglas Penelope's Irish Experience. Our Wants. PERSONAL Geo. A. Butz wis here from Portland. Mrs. Christensen returned this noon from Portland. F. N. Bingham, of Portland, has been in the city. P. H. Washburn, of Oregon City, has been in the city. Mrs. C. O. Lee went to Tangent this afternoon for a visit with Mrs. Filkins Rev. and Mrs. Leech this noon went to Corvallis. to see their daughter of the O. A. C. M. P. Sherman, the celebrated Moose, all the way from N. Y., is again in the city. Mrs. Imbler arrived from Portland this noon on a visit w.tb her daughter, Mrs. Frank Skipton. Ed. Washburn and W. E. Paiker went to Tangent this afternoon to do some inventoring. Rev. Marsdcn, of this city, is a former resident of Lawrence,. Msas., the scene of the textile strike. Mrs. S. R. Willis and daughter went to Eugene this afternoon for a visit at secret tne home of the sister of the former. The Boy Scout Movement. t TIT m . . ueo. y . riumer, general missionary of the Evangelical church, a former' Albany pastor, went to the Bay this afternoon. Caine, Hall The Manxman. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tavlor went to Catherwood, Mrs. Mary rhe ro-' Eugene 5 this afternoon. Mr. Taylor mance of Dollard. will soon'go to St. Martin's Springs on Chambers, R. W. The red repub- the Columbia. lie. Connor, Ralph Corporal Cameron Deland, Margaret The iron wo man. I - Duncan, Norman The measure of Editor Democrat: a an; I The Socialists of Albany have exag- Durley, Ella H. My soldier lady, gerated the boy Scout movement a Farnol, Jeffrey The broad high-' great deal. There is not a bit of truth way. 1 in what they say. I have carefully in- Fitch, George At good old Sin vestigated the subject. The socialists wash. I re getting free advertisement to bring Freeman, Mary Wilkins The por- their party into view, a bad advertise- tion of labor. j ment, bb it shows a spirit of revenge Freeman, Mary Wilkins Pern- against society. Some men in the broke. 1 world get to lazy toa work, and then be- tiale, Zona Mothers to men. capital. o. FOR SALE-A Jersey bull calf, eligible to registration in the A. J. C. C. H. M. Palmer. 19t WANTED. Dining room girl at Depot Hotel. 19t WANTED Small cash register and soda fountain at 212 E. 1st St. FOR SALE-2 lot) Fairdale ad at tar gain. See I R. Schuliz. 16L WANTED Girl for general housework. Call 808 Caiapooia, or phone 117 R Bell. 18t LOST-A bunch of six keys. Return to A. Abraham. Cusick's Bank. LOST A mink muff, betwenn here and Froman Station. Reward. Leave at Dem. office. 13t FOR SALE. Ladies bicycle and kitchen queen. Call after 6 p. m., 13t W. Water. t22 FOR SALE. 121) cord wood on farm. j wagon, harness, household goods, and buggy. Inquire of Arthur Moore, Burns Shoe Store. A'so wood cut- ting. t21 WANTED. Position to do general 1 housework. F lorence Norgreene, R. j D. 4;box 5. 'FOR SALE An excellent buy in good vacant business property, well situated, in. business district. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2nd St. 13t NOTICE. -Leave orders for the Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaner at 224 Baker St. Home Phone 1328. tl EGGS FOR SETTING Single ccmb Rhode Island Red. big layers, hardy Btock. P. S. Ware, Albany, Home phone 7202. t20 Garland, Hamlin Cavanaugh, for est ranger. Hewlett, Maurice Song of Renny. Jerome, Jerome K. Passing of third floor back. Kelly, Myra Rosnah. Kipling. Rudgard Nauiahka. The White Sister. Scenery for "The White Sister" in wcicn miss rowier FOR SALE. Good 6 room house and large lot, also 15 acre tractslfirst class fruit and grain, on easy payments. Inquire of owner, X. W. BOOM, 331 E. 5th, Albany. lit FOR SALE. Good young team, 6 and 7 years old. Weight about 1600. Address H. A. Lake, Tallman, Ore. 4t FOR SALE. A new, modern, five room and bath Bungalow. Has fire pkee, built in china closet, and dutch kitchen. See owner, 616 west lltti St. . 2t EGGS I EGGS! EGGS! For hatching. "Hen that layB. hen that pays. Blood will tell. " Guarantee my stock best bred in America. Bun Leghorns, Black Minorcas, White and Silver laced Wyandottea. Mochel & Mochel, 1114 Santtam Road. 24t FOR SALE. An aei motor windmill with 1000 gallon tank and force pump. See Henry Brodera. FOR SALE. 5 acre tract, new bouse and barn, close in. Inquire W. F. rreiner a store. zut ler pr.mplnUlhGr,ni n oiuer b T ork-p. Wm. I The rlor nf Cli-m-' Friday night was executed by the firm ! WHO wants one of the best small fruit tin ' , or Dates v Moraee, whoT.have finished entina. London, Jack Call of the wild. Macdonald, Geo. Donald Grant. Maeterlinck, . Maurice The blue bird. MacCutcheon, George Mary Mid- thorne. the embellishment for the moBt famous production of the time. The three sc-nes revealed during the course of this powerful story faithfu'iy present in turn, the Reception Hall of the Con vent Hospital near the Porta Porteso, Kome; The Cloistered Garden of the Mnntrrnmprv T. I' Ann. or firppn . . . - j - - convent, ana uapt. Seven's room near i! : t n 4 t a the Power Magazine. Montgomery, L. P. Anne of Avon-, lea. . . . Morris,. William The glittering plains.' Muhlbach, Louise Marie Antion ette and her son. Newman, Cardinal Callistra. Norris, Frank The octopus. Older, Mrs. Fremont Esther Da mon. Patterson, Joseph Mcdill A little brother of the rich I have a fine assortment of Alarm clocks to select from, all warranted. L. W. ROSS. Jeweler. WATCHES, F. M. French & Son, and poultry farms in the Willamette Valley; good buildings, modern con veniences, close to good school, best of soil; inside city limits of good town. Will take Albany, residence property up to $2500.00 as 'part pay ment. See B. M. Payne, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. FOR SALE. Some lots well located. Real bargains if taken soon. A well located modern bungalow, 1 close in residence, 1 strictly, high grade ' res idence lot. J. C. Holbrook, 2nd St. lot FOR SALE. -White Orphmgton pull ets, and White Orphington and Leg horn eggs, in small or large lots. E. uartsocK, k. u. 4. nome 3835. F h10ansha J". n0hwa , GT 20t Parrish, Randall-My lady of the F9LS?TiEw? -,?.ood Worses, four and ' J J . tl vp VAnra run will mnnik aknt ioaa and 1350. U. G. Smith, Home phone 8405. Eden- Children of the The harves- South, Philpotts, mist. Porter, Gene Straiton tcr. Reade, Charles Put yourself in his place. Reed, Myrtle Weaver of dreams. Rice, Alice H. Mr. Opp. Richmond, Grace S. Strawberry acrc3. Trollope, Anthony Dotor Thome. Van Dyke, Henry The mansion. Ward, Mrs. M. A. Marcella, 2 vol. Webster, Jean Jury Patty. Westcott, E. N. David Harum. Weyman, Stanley J. The red cock ade. Wcyman, Stanley Under the red robe. Whitaker, Herman The planter. Wilson, John Fleming The land claimers. Wiseman. Cardinal Fabiola. Wright, Harold Bell That printer of Udell's. Wright, Harold Bell The calling of Da nMatthews. Zangwill, Israel The children of the Ghetto. Atherton, Gertrude The spinners' book of fiction and others. Children's Fiction. Alcott, L. M. An old fashioned girl. Alcott, L. M. Jack and Jill. Alcott, L. M. Jo's boys. Altshclter. J. A. The last of the chiefs. Blaisdell, Mary F. Boy blue and his friends. 1 Briscoe. M. S. Jinto and others. Brooks, Noad Talcs of the Maine coast. Brady, C. F. The freedom of the sea. Brown, Alice Tiverton tales. Brooks. E. C. In deference of the flag. Chandler, Kathermc In the reign of the coyote. l'imock. A. W. Dick in the ivcr- glades. Unity, A. T. On the cinder path. Earl, John Prcscott The school team in camp. I.can. Maurice r. lhe Watson Girls. Finn, Francis S. J. Percy inn on making his way. Grinnell, G. B. Jack the young ranchman. nagenhach Beasts and men. Howard. Rupert Bov scouts of Nland. l.a Motie Fouquc Lmiine. l.ymlc. Francis The taming of Red Butte Western. Muir. John Slickeen. Renm-k. Grace M. Glenlock girls. R.'lt-Whccler, Francis The boy LOST. Auto front to a baby buggy. Return to Tracey Bros, store. Boy wanted to learn printing busi ness. E. E. Rookledge. Ducks, Turkeys, etc. Wnte for cir cular, f.impsoa's Pheasant Farm, Corvallis, Oregon. tA9 EGGS. Pure bred Buff Orpington and Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching, $1.00 per 15, at the yard; also baby chicks after March the 15th. Mrs. Frank Kitchen, Salein road. Home phone Black 283. 7t The Woman's U Hat Shop 117 Ferry St L. MATTHEwiin Charge. You will find a great many'new ideas this week in both Tailored and Trimmed Hats. 1J7GGS iLd Wanted. We will pay the highest market price IN CASH Call and see us about our Cash Paying System of buying cream. KLOCK PRODUCE CO, Cash Buyers of Farm Produce. Formerly the Valley Creamery Co. Fifth and Jackson, Albany. GEO. J. COOK, Mgr.