5 Albany Democrat TOL llV-.l ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY- MARCH 22, 191 SO 'M PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS I W. B. NUFORM AND REDUCO CORSETS The Seasons Smartest Styles In Man-Tailored Suits DESIGNS THAT COMBINE ORIGIN ALITY WITH TASTEFUL SIMPLICITY Style is the priceless part of a Woman's Suit. It may be utterly lacking in the most expensive garment, and it may shine from every fold of a moderately priced gar ment. Our large and complete display is worthy of your thoughtful inspection. Careful tailoring from fabrics of rich designs, after models that embody all of fashion's latest decrees, enable us to show you in our ready-to-wear Suits the best values we have ever been able to offer. A complete showing of new Dresses, every one a beauty. Ready-to-wear Dresses for Ladies and Misses who appreciate the best at prices most all can pay. All the newest shades and exquisite models to select from. Prices, $10.00 to $35.00. r. Exquisite New Designs in Hats. - Our Millinery Department was never in better trim to serve you in a satisfactory manner than now. Chic new models in such' a wide range of styles and prices that the most critical can be satisfied in every way. You'll be sure to find just what you want here. Chambers & McCune ALBANYS' LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE We are here in small print, but we are "there with the goods." We invite you to come and see our line whether you are on the buy or not We are anxious to show you. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO. DR. BERNARD KAVANAUGH OSTEOPATHIC N PhVsician and Surgeon Graduate' of the Los Angeles Col lide of Osteopath-. Special Attention to Diseases of Women and Children. 1 :"-! 1 Sc'imitt-Hunt B!d. Corner Third and Broadalbin Streets, Albany, Oregon. rhoncs Home, 203; Bell, 395-J. We make a specialty of watdfi, jewelry and clock repairing. All work guaranteed. L. W. ROSS THE WORLD More blizzards hare struck the east. ' Lebanon is to have a states reunion next Wednesday. A Brockton, Mass., girl has b-come famous by really proposing, and being accepted. Dr. Wiley, of the U. S. pure food commission, resigned yesterday, tired of bo much contention. Harry G. McCain, of Willamette, a Brownsville man, won first place in the intercollegiate contest at McVlinnville last night. Lebanon this week had two notable long-time wedding anniversaries: Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Davis 55 years and Mr. and Mrs. William Millsap '58 years. They are old residents of the city high ly respected. The trip of the Washington U. basket ball team to this valley was dis astrous. Beaten twice by O.A.C. they tackled U. O., and met a liko fate the scores beiug 17 to 14 and 17 to 13. Grant Pirtle, of this city, this week sold a block of land at Brownsville to Fred Gustavson, recently of Tiinidad, Colo. Another salo at Brownsville was 23 acres by Mrs. Ella McHargue. now of Portland, to T. A. Powell. The loan sharks of New York have been knocked out good and hard. The practice has been to secure loans for others charging exorbitant fees. The supreme court yesterday declared this to be illegal. John R. Latourette, of Portland, a former prominent U. O. student and foot ball player, has announced his candidacy for the legislatuie. He signs statement number one and is opposed to extravagant appropria tions. Geo. Humphreys, the man who killed Eliz.ibeth Griffith at Philomath, waB taken to Corvallis vesterdav and Disced I in jail, preparatory to trial, which will i b m npru. mrs. urimin was un doubtedly killed by the rope being tied too iignt arouna ner neck. The Portland Railwav and Liirht Co. yesterday authorized a bond issue of $75,000,000. of which S18.000.000 will be used to take up other bonds, $16,000,000 to retire DondB of the O. W. P. Go., and $41,000,000 will be used for extensions and betterments, figures that speak for the bigness of the corporation. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. W. S. Rislty. of this city, yesterday filed notice of his candidacy for district attorney of this district, on the demo cratic ticket, with the following "If I am nominated and AloctpH T nrili ! . . .. ... . during my term of office, to the best of my aDiiity. enforce the Criminal Laws, without fear or favor, and to the end that exact justice may be given to all as nearly as can be under the criminal laws of this state, and will not be in fluenced from this course by any per sons, corporations, factions or interests whatever. Place after my name on the nomi nating ballot the following: "A careful, economical and impartial administration of the office of District Attorney." More Land Surveyed. The land office at Portland announces that the following described landa have been surveyed, viz: The SEJi of Section 21; SV of Soct ion 22; and NWtf of Section 26: all of Section 2.7; E of Section 28; N and SE.tf of Section 34; N and SW.y of Section 35, all in township 10 South range 4 East Willamette Mer idian, Oregon. The approved pint of survey will ba filed in the Portland land office at 9 o clock a. m. on April 23rd. 1912. and on and after such date all persnns claiming any ot saw lands will be per mitted to tile their applications for the some. All of said lands were included within the Cascade Range Forest Reserve by President Proclamations dated Jan uary 23rd and March 2, 1907. OBSERVED By the Man About Town, The new window of the Albany Flo ral Co., rives Albany a nietroDolitan aspect of a striking character. As a work of art it is not beaten anvwhera. The store was opened today in ihe new nrsc XNationat oantc building, a credit to the city. The new Elite, next door will be open this week. A peep behind the scenes shows some very pretty windows. A candy window at a drug store is a feature of First street business today. Everybody keeps candy, more or less. Albany has a new popcorn wagon, another big one, at the Revere cornor, making three for the citv. Pop corn is a very healthy food, so pitch in. More rails arrived by atoanier for Copenhagen, and were taken out on wagons. A U. O. btraw Vote. The U. O. had a straw vote on num erous things, as follows: Roosevelt 10!), Taft 110, Wilson 109, Harmon 3, Bryan 27, Lafallett 31, Clark 7, Debs 10, Bar zee 3. Woman's suffrago 257 for, 226 against. Judicial recall 170 for. 271 no. Single tax 127 for, 312 against. The Weather. Stopped a Kiot. The Emerald:-"Sauee" RamD. '08. a socialist agitator, formerly a prom inent, varsity siuaent, nearly queuea e riot at a recent meetinir in Portland. where a socialist crowd took exception some remarKB made Dy lien. rJaaen ?owell, concerning the- Boy Scout Movement The crowd which had coratantlv in. .erruptea toe speaker, became riotous at tna clone of the meeting, when "Squee" endeavored to control the I. W. W.'s and his fellow Socialists, but ne was only poruaiiy successtui. Don't fail to see Chiamber & Mc Cune's bigdisplayof Millnery in all the rirst Btreet windows. Have you had Henry shoe your horse at me oreen f ront, ne Knows now Free sawdust for the next 30 days, the saw mill. Albany Lhr, Co. tlO Fresh Yaquina Bay OYSTERS at tie Mission rariors. WATCHES, F. M. Frecoh & Son, E EMPIRE Geo. E. Rolfe, Prop, and Manager. TONIGHT The Tenderfoot Foreman. An ex citing, true to life, western drama. J,-; The Queill An historical Irish pro duction, made in Ireland. The Jewels. Edison drama, very fine. Journey of the- Western Governors through the East, showing Oswald West. A Modern Ananias A vcritalile ir rigation of laughter. Illustrated Song "Bonnie Jean." Crosno and Wood Music. AH for 10 cents. DREAMLAND VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT. PAINTS AND WALLPAPER PICTURES ND PICTURETRAMING J. R. ELDRIDGE, Painter. 438, W. 2nd St, All any 1. Pathe Weekly. Current events, moving pictures, that have happened the world over. 2. The Little Stowaway. A tale of the slums, the fca and a rich man's home. A fine story. 3. A Princess of the Hills. A ro mance ot early Caliiorma, a very pretty film by the Kalcm Co. photo graphed amid California's beautiful scencrv. 4. The Hawaiian Duo. Vaude ville. 5. Where the Money Went. A fine Vit:i','raph comedy. A wic young man make hi.- wife happy by invent ing it in a hor.ic and giving l:cr the die!. The funny part of it is .'he thought l.c had spent i; on another woman. 6. Cahler & Wadswcrth. Music. Cornink next Monday, Tuesday and VVedni l ay A sensational act, "The Human Dynamo." Admission 10 cents. Hit Hard. Pendleton, Or., March 15. Breaking all records for a single tax payment in Umatilla county the O. W.R. & N. com pany weanesoay deposited with Sherilf S. D. Taylor two checks nerirroiratinir $111,714.22, which sum is $3448.34 less tnan tne amount levied against the com pany's property in this county, allowing discount. The assessed valuation of O - W. R. & N. company's property in this county is more than $14,200,000, or more than one-eighth the valuation of all its property in the state. It is fig ured on the basis of $6-1,000 a mile on its main lino and $40,000 on its branch lines, Range of temperature 47-36. The rainfall for 24 hours was 1,01 inch, for 48 hours 1.68 inches. The river has been rising and is 6.7 feet. Prediction: showers tonight and Sunday; ALBANY OPERA HOUSE I have a Una assortment ot Alarm clocks to seleot from, ail warranted. L. W. ROSS. Jeweler, Victoria Chocolates, at the Mission Parlors, are delicious eating. F.G.Will for watches WATCHES, F. M. French & Son. WOOD.-16 inch body fir, at the Shingle Mill. 25t Friday, March 22nd Play Every Christian Should Sec. Viola Allen's Greatest Success The White ister . From Marion F. Crawford's Novel. presented by a Remarkable Company, including Jeanne Towlcr, America's most beautiful Emotional Actress, Morning Orcgonian: Impressive and beautifully told. . . . Miss Towler is 'an emotional actress of more than ordinary attainment. Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. 'MOTOR Revere Sunday Dinners. Every Sun lay, at the Hotel Revere, 6:30 to 8 D. m.. there will be a- choice dinner served for only 60 cents. Music by the popular Wilson orchestra. Make reservations. NEW ST. FRANCIS GRILL Sunday Table de Hote Dinner .75c reserved. a plate. Tables 5:80 to 8 p. m. MUSIC. SALAD SETS 7 piece set, 11c each. 75c set. ' 7 piece set, 12c each, 80c set. 7 piece set, 14j4c each, $1 set. These arc the regular prices and guaranteed all to be firsts, not sec onds, with a little chip off and glazed over, or the glazing off in spots, but all perfect ware as they can be made, at at MEISER & MEISER FIRST CAR I UTAH LAND PLASTER has arrived. Place your orders now. M, Senders & Co. TO KNOW C. D. RAUCH, Court Reporter, " Public Stenographer. Office: First National Bank Build ing. Phones: Office, Bell 146-R Rc., Hell 154 t, ALBANY TRANSFER CO. Light and Heavy Hauling. Woo.! for ?alc, fr. maple and ash, 1'hotc Home 68; Hell K)-K. CAkPEN'lEK AND PAINTER. Will work by day or contract. Let us future on your work. Can paint your house o it will stay painted ami make prices right. WM. KIRK, Home Phone 1108. WHO WANTS Of good property In east Aibrny for sale. Ag)od7rnm houro aid barn and 19 lots, will sell all or part and build on vacant lots fur parties desiring it. Call Hi me phnni 11(18 2t , AUTO TRANSFER j Fred H. WestbrooU. t Office Phones ucll, 316; Home, 20. Residence Phones Hell 400, Home .219 J At your service day or nit;ht. I JUST To Remind You l GLENDORR Iota are for" sale, lot 20x2OO ft. fold on terms to suit Unite- rn us before all the choice one are fcono TKIIAIJf.r REAL'ESTATE fo. ST. FRANCIS BARBERSHOP, Chas Bruce, Proprietor.