CADILLAC CHILDREN'S DRESSES SPLENDID STYLES, look like fine homo O'ics, and fit perfectly. NO NEED OF MAKING THEM, when you can buy thia kind ready made. ALL SIZES from 2 to 14 years. PRICES about the same as the common kinds, from 1.00 to $2.50 each. Flood's Store Agents for & C. Corsets. Agents.for Standard Pattern BLUE ROCKS HIT. There was a big crowd, not only of shooters, but spectators, out on the Hackleman range uf the Albany Gun (Jlub yesterday afternoon. Some were old hands at it, some new at blue rocks, all witout much practice now. The scores made are interesting, and are given, the first figuies being the number of blue rocks broken, the second the number shot at: P. J. Baltimore. 20-25. L. D. Simons, 76-101. Mr. Hoolihan, Portland, 80 98. w. G. Ballack, 75-94. Frank Hackleman, 32-50. Ben Clelan, 41 67. Mr. Houser, 14 25. B. J. Bidders, 18 Vi. J. M. French, 22 36. Chas. Cline, 16-26. John Neely, 14-25. Dr. fi. C. Hunt. 8 25. P. A. Youug, 11-25. W. W. Stewart, 34 62. N. M. Bain, 11-35. Frink P. Tracey, 9 25. J. W. Douglas. 10 25." Mr. Roth, 12 25. MISFITS. The name of Am indsen will now be juggled by the newspapers and scientists. Farm and City Property. Tf interested in buying Farm City Property it will pay you to look at some ol tile oarK.iins on our nsi. The owner's price is our price. Wi show you the property without ex nensc. and vou are under no ohliga tion to buy. Below are some of our harirnins: 600 acres, all tillable land, good bin dint's. $45 ner acre. 450 acres, 375 tillable land, good lo cation. S40 oer acre. 331 acres, about 100 acres of tim ber, $28 per acre. 140 acres; fair buildings, good loca tion, $45 per acre. Citv ProDertv. House and barn and two lots, $2,600 Eitrlit room house, line location $3,! Eight room house, full lot $2,100 Four room house, two lots $1,600 It s not our way to run you down on the street, but will gladly have a talk with you at our offices, at 236 West First street, Albany, Oregon. If we can not show you the best bargain, then buy of the other fellow, hut see us before buying. THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE COMPANY. AT BURKHART & LEE's. Schneider's Veterinary Chance. Feed this medicine to your marcs and raise a hue colt. The mare must be in proper condition to do this. llus is a scicnliltc preparation for this purpose. The new way of cor rection f reproductive organs of marcs in breeding season. You will raise a much more valuable, and bet- ter horse by fccdiilir this medicine. 1 The mare will do better after feeding) this medicine, lltnld up your mares with Schneider's Veterinary Change. Enough for one mare, $3 per box. 7t A Conference ct Principals. A Conference Of mlneinnfa nt firhnnla ;and the County Superintendent of I Schools, was held at the court house j today, to consider the matter ot ihe coming industrial lairs, rnnted pre mium lists will be sent all over the county, and this the county court will be asked to have done. The following principals were pres ent: Albany. L. Marquam, O. S Bown, Gr. E. Finnerty. Harrisburg.-E. K. Bcrnes.. Halsey. Fred Schepman. South Brownsville. C. F. Waltman. Shedd. O. H. Carson. Lebanon. C. C. Baker. McFarland school. C. F. Bigbee. Oakvil:e M. M. Gilchrist. A Chicago girl will spread the gospel of absolute life, the should get some plain, every day common sense to start wan. There is talk of a Grants Pass ordi nance, requiring an oath by all Boft drinking places that intoxicating drinks snail not oe sola, in Aioany. ine omi ttance is being investigated. ALBANY. the Mrs Victoria chocolates At the Mission Parlors. Pasteurized butter is best.-' You get the best fruit nouget at Mission Parlors. Have Your feet attended to by Driver, 739 E 2. Bell 361-J. Wedding rings, Engagement rings, Friendship rings. F. M. French & son Wnen you want something good to eat remember The DreBsed Beef Co., aid & Lyon . The largest and best assorted stock of shingles in the city at the Albany Lumber io n saw mm. uu Ahout time 'o Dlant berrv bushes. C. M. Westbrook, Home phone 1070 has Mammoth and Humelary fine ones. Any one desiring the Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaner demonsttated in your home, call up 1328 Home, phone, 224 Baker St. L. M. White, agent. t!6 Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoflice uncalled for March 9, 1912. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: Mrs. Wheat is 78 cents. ot 42 cents, One of Ben Mayberry's teams ran away yesterday. J. M. Ralston today received one of tno new faige automobiles, a machine made hy the Lozier Co. P. S. Ware today left an egg at the Democrat olfice measuring 1 by 6 inches, a Rhode Island Red. It weighs over 3 ounces and is a good one. The Sunrise sidewalk has been com pleted, a splendid thing for that section. and Monday the Democrat will give a ; statement in reference to it. I Doors onen March 13 for the ADOie of : Discord, arranged for the Saturday' The Best Home Lighting Is Possible For You ELECTRIC LIGHTING gives less trouble than any other illumination. It does not soil walls and ceilings. You save in decor ating costs. You can use as little as you want, or as much from two candlepower up. House wiring and fixtures are a sound mvestment- an expense. LET US HOW. ' -not SHOW YOU TELEPHONES IS OREGON POWER CO, ' ELECTRIC SUPPLY HOUSE AND CONTRACTORS Ralston Electric Supply Co., 310 W 2nd Street. Tuga Walton, 728 E 4th Street. fine 'Z Established 1871 Assets Over $1,000,000.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Albany, Orega (Oldest? National Bank -n the Willamette Valley.) Chas. Bowman. Geo. Branson, j Evening Post, a great --tory by Henry Miss Dorris Conrad. J. K Cristman, Mrs. Kate Dixson. Jaj Leo Wertz. J. C. McClure. Mrs. Willam Wyman, Miss Margaret neaie, Mr. a. A. (jole. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. C. Rowland. leave one. Have J Riley Lobaugh A GIRL'S WILD MIDNIGHT RIDE These Banks have resources and connections which enable them to be of the greatest service to their customers. They cordially in vite the accounts of individuals and firms to whom they extend the services and facilities- of strong and sound financial institutions. J. V. PIPE. 203 West Second Street. REALESTATE. Farm lands, city properly, timber iands. Money to loan on approved se curity. Insurance written in the best .old line companies. For Sale. Eggs for hatching from util ity Btock scientific ally bred. Barred Plymouth Rocks, Light Brahmas and Rlack M innrnnfl. SSSS5il Prices $1 50 per set ting, u. a. sncau, Albany, Or , 817 W. 4th Street. STONE , rip B. M. PAYNE. Farm Lands and City Proporty for sale Real Estate- L.ans. Fire Insurance. Surety Bonds Rooms 19 21 Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. For building, ornamontal purpo30B, "'Samp'"? '.?. Senders & Co', store W. L. COBB, It. D,i6c '.Home Phone,4. 11 WE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED ND PRESSED The Pantatorium, CLARK. HUSTON, Proprietor. """T.'J.STITES, . ... nf l.n Nntnrv Public. Legal busine's of all kinds in all the urts prompt ly a'. toned to. Boll phone tourts pro J COI LIN3 & TAYLOR. Htn Kstaie and Insurance, it,.u sell nronerty. Insure jroKcrlv and transact Large " small timber loans. tracts. J. M. RALSTON. Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort caucs bought. I will bond you. Pr.icrtv handled for non-resi dents. Will A. STARK, M. D. Phvittcian and Surgeon. ft Stark Block - II. Clawford Block A. LEININGER, Dentist, M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany, First-class meats of all kinds from selected stock. To warn people of a fearful forest fire in the Catskills a young girl rode horseback at midnight and saved many lives. Her deed was glorious, but lives are often saved by Dr. King's New Discovery in curing, lung trouble, coughs and colds, which- minrllf hav. nrl. ii .nnciimntinn pneuomnia. "It cured me of a dread- $ Time Deposits. I fnl cough and lung disease," writes I W 1? Plllnmn Wollincrtnn Ti . 7 nj.rr four rn nur f.-itin v hrtH rVwl with consumption, and I gained 87 pounds." Nathing so sure and safe for all throat and lung troubles. Price S0o-and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar anteed by Frstf Dawson. Victoria Chocolates, at the Mission Parlors, are delicious eating. Don't fail to see Chambers & Mc Cune'tf big display of Millinery in all the First street windows. WATCHES, F. M. French & Sju, FIRST SAVINGS BANK 'l. of Albany, Oregon. (Owned by Shareholders of the First National Bank.) interest on Assets Over $390,000.00 Mission Parlors. F. G, Will for watches. EGGS FOR SETTING Single ccmb Rhode Island Red. big layers, hardy stock. P. S Ware, Albany, Home phone 7202. t20 GREEN FRONT blacksmith shop. Horse shoeing and general black smithing, wagon and carriage work. Nothing but lirst-class work by expert mechanics. DAWSON & BUTZLOFF, First and Baker Sts., between 1st and 2nd, near Wigwam. Notice. FRANCIS W. ALBRO, Teacher of Piano and Harmony Studio in Schmitt Building Room 12. Home Phone 362 Piano Tuning a Specialty. If you are going to buy fruit trees of any. kind it will oav vou to see W. A. Ledoeatter at 527 W. 2nd St. We have-a large amount of first class trees for 'our inspection Come early. They wont last long. 1 AXiBANY NURSfSRIiSS INC. i Albany, Oregon. I Bigger and Batter Than Ever. The Jersey Dairy HERD TUBERCULIN TESTED. Pure Milk and Cream delivered twice daily. If you do not get your milk promptly, rail me on eitbn phone. W . C. Schultz, proprietor. We are agents for the SANTA CRUZ PORTLAND CFMENT The best cement on the market. THE CHAS. I. SPAULDING LOG CO. &. B. KELSAY, Manager. Both Phones. Uover Leaf Dairy. It you appreciate clean, sanitary and fure milk give us a call. Delivered twice a day. Both phones. Milk depot SSI Lyon St. J. F. HUGGINS, Prop. If you want a cool, sweet SMOKE that won't burn : your tongue smoke the NO. 1- DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany Stale Bank Building. Bell Black 4SJ. llome- DR. VIRGINIA I.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. Schmitt Block, Albany, riiones: Office Home 359, Bell Black 2751; Residence 394 Home, Mark RM Hell. DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, "'ill X- Stark Block - Albany TOM YOUNG. House nnd Sign Painter, A Knit for the Cleveland Gelseuilc roof paint. F-rrv Stre-t. ir ..m pt,,..,r m ' I'.irirt,-. r;-d w; VIKKECK'S BATHS, 27 West First Street. Virst-Casa Wotk Guaranteed. rjv BACKIO JHE Lirra, i hub VMlWe3 , T V --S ' . Cfdar posts 8c each, or 7.60 a hun .niu. . i a J 1 wrn ami. at me tiammona i.uraocr io s ' 1-iiJ-?4.M& rfK9f V ' l have a fine assortment of Alarm CT0Tr cbeks to select from, nil - arrsnted. I tTT1grWM i U W. ROSS. Jeweler. COLOfitST FARES W h ovcit tto F '" fctvK". how to otxA twjH. trktla at kj, CAIITUCDM BksiPir 1 S wrlirtil a, N ALU COUNTRIES. B OUU I ntnll rMlrir IU rtSeSlV h Kuslius Jirtet xtiti H'4'M MIYI frM,1 rKii rnoM 9-Jr", 1 'w amj often tkt fotrttt. m if v ' "-n 1 "j iit ?572vu0 w J R . . , .?,., JSI D,i i .B i......i.,i.f..r(,n.nj. I'f Atw?tJ S5vT-3WS?y 1 tt W.--'.! i N (.ii. r.r..r. i noi M),-ri-n ViS!'i'iys3l7 IpRf V 4 rM H M 1 1 I K.733 ' . 11 !V;K';;,,T,:;!-i; r? ASkmiMSS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS This bank will now issue time certificates if rawing interest-six months or one year. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. Established 1892' Capital and Surplus $90,000.00 ALBANY STATE BANK has- every equipment of a: modern, progressive institution, including SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ' ' " ' in which interest is paid on DEPOSITS whether laree or. small. , 6 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT in which checking accounts are gladly received from indU viduals, firms and corporations. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES , To Rent. WM BAIN, Pres. P. D. GILBERT, Vice-Pres.' H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS tDAti'vonxA. MUD U -IT" "- " " " STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY