One, Two, Three More Days of the ieral Removal Sale Every day is shopping day and every day is saving day from now till Saturday. No time for words now. The time is too short. Read every item, don't just skim it over, or you might skip some of tlie best of- tenngs. the yen Black Heatherbloom Pet ticoats 98c Best Cotton Comfort ers $2.00 Sweather reduced to next to nothing. Stamped Doilies and Pil low Tops y2 Price Ladies' Knit Underwear, per garment only 19c HOSE. 50c Children's Lisle, final 15c Ladies 50c Colored Silk Lisle, final 15c Misses' and Children's Fay Ideal 35c long stockings 15c Ladies' 50c Black Lisle, final ...25c Boys' 35c Baseball Hose..20c HUCK TOWELS. 11c, 18c and 25c, a wonder ful towel for such small money. EMBROIDERIES 3 lots at give-away prices.. 5c, 10c, 24c Men's Sweaters, $3 and $5 values $1.98 Work Shirts 39c 35c Boys' Underwear.. 21c 50c Caps 25c 50c Suspenders 39c SHOES. Lot G. Ladies' House and Party Slippers, val- ' ucs to $3.50, final ..98c Lot N. Men's Patent, " Gunmetal and High Top Shoes to $5.00, final $2.75 Lot J. Men's Florsheim & Thompson Bros. Pat ent and Gunmetal, Blu cher and Button, small sizes, values $4.00 and $5.00, final ....$2.00 Also in this lot Men's Work Shoes, $2.50 and $3.00 values $2.00 THIS MORNING. News From Albany's Six Early Trains. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis and the Misses Pratt went to Portland to hear tne famous Mrs. Schumann-Hcinck Etc.. one of the world's best singers. having a voice of marvelous'"power; also eight children and a husband she doen't want. Mrs. Heinck is one of the most DODular vocalists in the world and always draws. Mm n.;j t :u : j e e called here by the critical illness of her uiuiucr mrs. inas. wagner. fier hrathera Will tnH KVanL- UN .... fm Pneflon.l fc.r ir.n ..viu .V4.1BIIU. .mo. iiuguci- a many warm friends will r gret knowing of uro ocuuua cunuiuon oi ner illness, a woman beloved by everybody knowing her. Judge Lovelee arrived from Lebanon. Elza Rockwell, one of the Democrat's carriers, covering the east end of the city, went to Orenco for a short visit; J. R. Wvatt returned to Pnrfclnnrl. after being here to look after a dam age suit in the circuit court, in which he is one of the attorneys. j . l. noiDrooK went to VJillers. schoolmate of 1. W. Reader, of the Hammond Lumber Co's yard, went to Mill CAtV. Whpm ha Unll hava a nnoif.'nn with the Hammond Co. R C Shan. .1 TT roond Co., left for Astoria to look after UU91UC&9 mere, ne win De oacK in a few days and be at Mill City, when the AlhflnV rvi-titlfalnn novtt. vn .k. . U on the 21st, when the resources of that section win De B!iown. HAZEL CHAPMAN WON CONTEST, Narcotics were given a terrific blow at the high school building lust night in the final essay contest, the last of four new, the winners in three former con tests and entertainments. nresentinp their essays in this. There was a eood audience and much interest. Mrs. A. M. Hammer presided. Th girls glee club were heard in a couple songs, followed by scripture reading ana prayer by Kev. Mochel. A trio bv three hieh school trirla was good. Hazel Lhaoman. Doal Steuhens and Nellie Nicewonder then cave their essays, in which the tobacco habit was well ventilated. 1 he ludces. Messrs. Franklin. Oeael. bracht and Nutting gave first piace to Miss Chapman, and she was afterwards presented with a $5 gold piece. ine boys glee club sang. Short addresses were erivon bv A. C Schmitt, Prof. Boetticher and Miss Me Cleary, covering the subject of narcotics with some excellent advice, the latter dealing principally with the W. C.T. U. ine profitable and well carried out entertainment dosed with another song by the popular boys glee club. Every effort to get bova startod on the right road in the matter of onnd habits deserves the hearty support of everybody interested in their future weitare. The cigarette is the starter for a good deal of evil that conies into the lives of boys in after lite. GCO. Of TH E T. A. B. C. W. H. M. S. " Of THE M. E. a The seventh annual meeting of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of the M. E. church for the Eugene dis trict, will convene in the M. E. church tomorrow for a two davs' session Th program will be substantially like this: Thursdav, 10a. m. Devotions. Com mittees. Greeting by Mrs. Leech. Re sponse by Mrs. Paranougian. Remarks by the district nresident. Mrs. Hurrt. Question box by Mrs. Bachmeyer. Cor. sec. conference Good cheer by Mrs. Edbloom of Eu gene. Miscellaneous business. 1 :80 p. m. Devotions. Reports. Ad dress by conference president, Mrs, Homan. Getting out ot the rut by Mrs. Jas. Dryden. closing with song by Mrs. iruiaru ana airs. Williamson. 7 SO D. m. Sonir service. Scrintura reading by Mrs. Bachmeyer. Prayer. S jlo by Miss Twidwell of Eucene. Ad. dress by Minna Frickey of Washington. u. unering ana solo by Mr. Ham mer. Friday morning. Devotions. Renort on old people's homo. A do you know Dy Mrs. (Jnnlield. Afternoon. Devotions. Paperonthe W. H. M. S. Solo by Miss Twidwell. Election of officers. Koport of en rollment and closing business. Attempted Hold Up. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rooklidge last evening were retursing home and had i'ust crossed the steel bridge, when Mr. tainwater, who resides above the bridge awaya, ran up and said a man had attempted to hold him up, but he had run. The same follow had been seen by Mr. and Mrs. Rooklidge, in crossing, evidently following them. Albany's . Established S.E. YOUNG & SON Big Store. v 1866 TOfDV niV THAT RI1SS TtV sees a visitor to our office with a proposition that means, a little more profit to use for a little skimping of quality to you. It is amaz ing how many plausible schemes of this kind there are. WE HAVE WORKED TOO HARD to earn a reputation for selling toilet articles that can be depended upon to entertain any such schemes. Our reward lies in your confi dence which we consider far better than a little extra profit, j Buy ;' here. and see - - - - 6URKHART & LEE MURPHY'S SEED STORE. Agents for CYPHERS Incubators and Brooders. CALL AND GET A CATALOGUE AND PRICES. Kryptok Hleule Optometrist ' ALBANY. OREO. Agates Cut and Polished AT F. G. WILLS. POCKET FLASHLIGHTS All Sizes All Prices Absolutely Reliable They help us when nights'are dark. Fresh Batteries. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 West Second Street THE BEST TO BE HAL) in Baked Goods, Groceries, Produce and Fruits, at The Sign ofjQuality. The Albany Bakery il 6 W. Fiist;StreeL Both Phones. LAND AGNT NOTARY PU JLIC 40 Years Here Large, small tracts, houses and lots. See my list before investing. JAS. F. POWELL, Room (9), Albany State Bank Bldg. WOOD AND COAL All kinds of wood sawed in any length desired. Best coal on the market at reasonable prices, delivered prompt) in large or small quantities Albany Fuel Co., A. VV. DockBteader Both phones. For Transfer Phone E. R. Cummings, office with L. J. Gray Real Estate Co., corner of Second and Lyon streets. Light and heavy hauling of all kinds, piano mov ing, baggage. Orders promptly at tended to. Office phones Home 463, Bell 493-J. Res. Phones, Home 146, Bell 350. Phone all oiders from 8 to 12 and 1 to 5 to office; to Res. at morning, noon and nights. All orders promptly attended to. WOOD for ..le. The Albany Military Club has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: L. R. Gilbert president, H. O. Stalnaker and Hans Flo vice presidents, R. R. Knox secretary, C. D. Kaucn treasurer, O. W. Tebault chaplain. Col. Ellis, Maj. Winn, Mai. Hammcl. Capt. Stellmacher, Lieuts. Stalnaker, Marks, Worrell and Propst, honorary vice pres idents. Capt. Powell has promoted Clarence Tebalc to first seargeant, Corporals South, Flo and Knox sergeants, and Ellis, Dresser, Parker, Collins and Archibald corporals. The Woman's Hat Shop. Oposito the new St. Francis Hotel on Ferry St. L. Mathew in charge. W ill be ready for business, Thursday, Mi.rch ith. The Thursday Afternoon Book Club held a banquet at the St. Francis last evening with thirty-two present. includ ing the husbands of the members. The service was high-class and a delightful time was had. It was made a St. Patrick's event in honor of the ap proaching day, Irish wit prevailed, with a Yankee twinge to it. Following was the menu: Tomatoe Bouillion, Saltines, olives, pickles, cheese, brown and white bread, shrimp salad, chicken a la Maryland, potato cases, corn iriuers, stulted tomatoes, asparagus tips. Ice cream, cakes, coffee, mints. After the fine spread toasts were enjoyed, with C. H. Weidosr as toast ' mnRter. Responses were hiard from Lawyer C. C. Bryant, Judge P. R. Kelley, Mrs. Whitlock and Miss Kate Barrett, full of snap. Then moat of those present told an Irish Btory, and the men had to hustle to keep up with the nit of the ladies. The Weather. Range of temperature 67 39. ' 1 The river is 4 b feet. ' Prediction: fair tonight, with light frost, Thursday fair. ffi rln nnafa Qi ...1. nw . 7 Cft . dred, at (he Hammond Lumber Co's yaras. . tlu LOST A bunch of six keys. Return to A. Abraham, Cusick'a Bank. Reas ons The better vour eyes see the We carry a full line of Staple and 1 ffs. Fancy groceries at our market, c:r. Aid & Lyon Sts., to which we inyitt your brain will make. Your your special Attention eyes plus your brain equal you. If you Albany UresBed Beef & Produce Co. have defective Bight Dr. Lowe's glasses , I fitted by this method will strengthen Mel, the saw filer, will be found at your eyes and brain. He will analyze the green front on Baker street, near your case and demonstrate this truth me sKatinc rink. tor you gratis. Consult him in Lob j, BUIZLAFF.. - Be sure and visit the Woman's Hat Shop. - anon March 20. Corva His 19. Albany 22-23. Remember the dates. WATCHES, F. M. French & Son. Victoria Chocolates, at the. Mission Parlors, are delicious eating. JUST ARRIVED Car Load of Land Plaster We also handle Golden Gate Cement. Arden Fibre Plaster and Lime, Potatoes bought and Sold in any quantity. Albany Commission Co. Shingles. Made in Albany my Ho. 1 Edg Grain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON We nse no dry kiln. DR. J. W. JACKSON, Graduate registered Veterinarian, 1014 E. 2nd St., Albany Or. Phones, DINNER WARE, The Perfect White Ware Every piece guaranteed against crazing. A beautiful new pattern just in. Pure White. Prices per set of 6 4- in. plates 24c 5- in. plates 37c 7-in. plates SSc Coupe Soups 55c Fruit Saucers 25c Oat Meals 42c Handled Teas 55c The New Elite WILL OPEN Saturday, 16th A souvenir to every lady viiiting the tore on that day, Come WHY ALBANY SHOULD HAVE ONE OF THE LARGEST FUR NITURE FACTORIES ON THE COAST. .' , Wc are located where wc can save from three to four dollars per thou sand on our lumber, where we can unload lumber and logs right at our factory, ship out our furniture with out extra charges for switching. We have four acres of ground. The buildings contain thirty thousand square feet of floor space. A plant that cost us one-third of what it would in Portland, Seattle or Ta coma.( Our make of furniture is well established. We ship as far south as Los Angeles and north as far as Astoria. Commencing March 4th wc arc sell ing stock at par, one hundred dollars a share, f5r sixty days. For further Information see Collins & Taylor, E. V. Anderson, Eugene E. Malfait, G. S. Sandstrom, A. H. Sandstrom. Here Is a Chance. I have associated with me one of the most expert plate- BaVTieS VarietV Store! makers in the Northwest, and I am going to give people of ' i . VlDanv nnrl' i-mir GREEN FRONT BLACKSMITH SHOP. Horse shoeing and general black smithing, wagon and carriage work. Nothing but first-class work by expert mechanics. DAWSON & BUTZLOFF, First and Baker Sts., between 1st and 2nd, near Wigwam. FOR ASSESSOR. I wish to announce myself a candi date for the Republican nomination for County Assessor. I have had nine years experience in the Asses sor's office which I believe has thor oughly qualified me to take up this important work. E. L. FISHER. S. C. Worrell's Secondhand Ferry Stieeti, For fresh groceries, vegetables and fruits. Everything new. wait meade; WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Second Mrc, Brtwcen Ferry & Eroadabin Albany and surrounding country the bencit of his know ledge ana experience for the next 31 days, beginning Fri day, March 1st. NOW LISTEN 1 Maybe you are wearing one and possibly two plates which are giving you satisfaction, but it is policy to have a set in reserve in case of an accident. Possibly you are wearing an ill-fitting plate, which drops down when you eat or try to laugh, or it might be that your mouth shrunk after you had your plate made. If so, you cannot afford to miss this offer. Many persons have had their teeth extracted and gummed it ever since. If this is the. case, it is time for you to get busy while this special offer is on. During the 31 days beginning March 1st I will make the special price of $5.00 and $7.50, but this price does not include extracting. Here are the terms One-half to be paid when the impression is taken, and the other half when the work is finished. No credit to any one. You can sec a sample of the plates before you buy. " Dr. W. A. Cox, Painless Dentist 225 West 1st, Albany, Ore.