Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 15, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Schneider's Veterinary Change.
Feed this medicine to your mares and
raise a line colt. The mare must be
in proper condition to do this.
This is a scientific preparation for
this ouroose. The new way of cor
rection f reproductive organs ot
mares in breeding season. You will
raise a much more valuable, and bet
ter horse bv feedine this medicine
The mare will do better after feeding
this medicine. Build up your mares
with Schneider s Veterinary Change.
Enough for one mare, $3 per box. 7t
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have been duly appointed
' Executrix and Executor, respectively,
of the estate of Stewart M. Penimt-
ton, deceased1! and all persons having
claims against said estate are required
to present said claims, with the prop
er vouchers, within six months from
tfhis date at the office of Gale S. Hill
iin til e Cusick Bank Building, Albany,
.Linn countv, Oregon.
Dated February 20, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
Administrator of the estate of Nancy
Muehlenhoff, deceased, and all per
sons having claims against said es
tate are reamred to present said
claims, with the proof vouchers, with
in six months from this date at the
office of Gale S. Hill, in the Cusick
Bank Building, AJUany, Linn county,
Dated February 20, 1912.
GALE S. HILL, Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that by order
, of the county court of Linn county,
' Oregon, I have been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of William
Gregory, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims .against said estate are noti
fied to present them to me at Albany,
Oregon, within six months from the
date hereof, properly veriheu, as oy
law required.
Albany, Or., Feb. 2, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
Administrator of the estate of Henry
Muehlenhoff, deceased, and all persons
having claims against said estate are
requested to present said claims,
with the proper vouchers, within six
months from this date at the office of
Gale S. Hill, in the Cusick Bank
Building, Albany, Linn county, Ore
gon. Dated February 20, 1912.
GALES. HILL, Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator.
In the County Court of Linn Coun
ty, Uregon.
In the matter of Anna Dnnn, de
To Alexander Dunn, Margaret J.
Larsons, Alice M. Rogers, Maud A.
Rogers, Ella Hand, George Hand,
Lida Hand, urace Hand, barah A.
Pierce, William Dunn, Lizzie Mor
gan, Marcus Dunn and all other per
sons interested in said estate:
Whereas, application having been
made in due form to the above-nam
ed court on the 1st day of March
.1912, by Marcus Dunn, administrator
of said estate, for an order and license
directing, authorizing and empower
ing him to sell the Real Estate be
longing to the estate of said decedent,
ana described as tolJows, to-wit:
Lots numbered Forty-one (41),
forty-two (42), Forty-three (43), and
Forty-four (44) in Block Twelve (12),
in Bryant's Addition to the city of
vioany, in Linn county, Uregon,
And whereas, said court fixed on
the nd day of April, 1912, at 10
o'clock a. m., at the court room of
. this court m the court house in Linn
county, state of Oreeon. as- the time
and place for hearing any and all ob
jections to said Petition and the
granting of said order and license of
Therefore, in the name of the State
of Oregon, You and each of you are
hereby cited, directed and required to
be and appear at said time and place
then and there to show cause, if any
you have or if any exist, why an or
der of sale should not be maile, as in
the Petition prayed for. and why said
Petition should not be granted and
said order and license should not is
sue. Witness, The Hon. J. N. Duncan,
Judge of said court with the seal of
said court affixed this 1st day of
March. -A. D. 1912.
(L. S.) W. L. MARKS, Clerk.
By R. M. RL'SSELL, Deputy
C. C. BRYANT, Attorney.
First Pub. March 8, 19:2, last April
5, 1912.
At the Presbyterian Church.
Prof. J. B. Horner, of thn O. A; C,
at the Presbyterian church last evening,
presented his address on Athens ana
Grecian art, giving a splendid series of
pictures taken Dy him on ms recent trip
.brouerh Europe. The church was pack
ed, and many bad to stand.
the address was comprehensive ana
gave one a good idea ot the situation,
past and present.
it was a strange tact mat aunng tour
teen years most of the great men of
Greece were born, men whose names
continue to stand for much in literature
and art.
frominent pictures shown in the
course of the address in keeping with
the narration were:
Socrates, philosopher, sentenced to
death by poison.
ine stadium, as reDuuc, wnere t orest
Smithson, an Uregon boy, made himself
The temple of Jupiter.
Diogenes lantern, a monument.
The temple of Bacchus.
Many pieces of art, showing the gods
Jupiter the greatest of all, their deity;
Ceres, of the faim; Venus, society,
vesta, tne old maid; Mercury, tne neet
footed; Apollo, the musician; Aphrodite,
love; Diana, the hunter; Neptune, of
the seas; Mars, war; Vulcan, fire;
Athena, art; Hercules, strength; tteoes,
youtn; .scutapius, neatth; etc.
Century planes. -The
Parthenon temple.
Figures of Phydtas.
1 he old Athenian cemetery.
Dr. J. R. N. Bell on Mt. Moriah,
Some views showing the present da
work done in sculp :ure, by the greatest
of iliis century, Bonaros, with some of
his piecus.
The Grecian idea is that all that is
beautiful is good, and the good must be
Socrates was first to reason out that
man is immortal. Many have had
visions, John Knox, Joan of Arc, Martin
Luther. raul. Homer and Socrates.
The genius of art is destined to sur
vive the genius ot war, it is said.
After. the address many took occasion
to express their appreciation,
W. 11. Dennis, of Carlton, was in the
President Taft spent Sunday ' at
D. H. White, of Spokane, has been
m tne city.
C. L. Barer and Frank Miller have
been here from uorvailis.
Geo. Taylor and Dr. Hodges went to
Ualsey this aiternoon.
H . A. Stearns and family returned
this noon from fortiana.
Henry Volstedt returned last evening
from a couple days f ortland trip.
Mrs. Gamble, of Brownsville, was in
the city this noon on her way home
from the cay.
Geo. S. Acheson, of Portland,, spent
Sunday at the home of his father in
tms city.
Hugh Chalmers, the man who makes
the Chalmers auto, is to be in f ortland
A big gale caused considerable dam
age along the coast at San Diego yes
Frank and Wi I Reiner, of Portland.
ar ived this noon on a visit with their
mother, Mrs. Wagner,
Chief of Police Daughtry is deliver
ing the goods, doing as he promised. In
otner words ne is maicing good.
Ueorge and Jerry &.eenay, who con
tinue to look just alike, have ben down
trom roster attending court.
The Union Fur. Co, on Saturday
shipped a car of furniture to San
rranciBco on anl more will follow.
A zua.uuu nog engine, a new one
made its first trip to Albany, tod ay, an S
win run oetweeo rortiana ana junction
Mr. und Mrs. Owen Minich. of Port
land are being entertained at the home
or Councilman and airs. Lyons, on bast
4th street.
The district convention of Woman's
Missionary Society of the M. E. church
win De held in Albany on I bursday and
riday of this week.
John F. Stevens has secured the con
tract for building about $60,000,000
worm ot railroads in Spain, wr ich will
mean a fortune for Stevens .
Portland is to have another oaner. th
Portland Examiner and Daily Times,
The incorporators are W. Miller, A
King Wilson and C. A. Nea).
Caot. Amunsden teleeraDhs that he
thinks Capt. Scott, the Englishman, also
reached the South Pole. That is t
generous spirit, decidedly different frcoi
tne reery way.
Mrs. Walter M. Cook, a feauent vis
itor at the home of Mrs. R. E. Mason,
of this city, and her two young daugh
ters. will leave Portland this week or
an European trip.
Three men have U3t escaped from a
new jail at Medfotd, and the jail is ti
be. investigated, said to be a poor job
though rosting $25,000. Sheriff Jonet
says it is worth about 25c.
August Baker was arrested yester
day by Cons able Catlin, upon com
plaint of Airs. Swisher, charging birr
with threats to kill because she refuse
to inarr? him. The case is p-nding.
Flay ball. Reach's Base ball Guidi
has arrived at the Democrat office, au
thority on base ball rules and irattcn
generally. It is chuck full of events,
pictures, etc.
The Sunday Oregonian contains a pic
ture of -vi rs. P. R. Kelley and hei
young 'ady friends in the presentatior
of hir original Oregon song at th'
union of states.
Mr. and Mrs Jos. H Ralston Satui
day evening arrived home from ther
Denver trip, coming back by way o:
Salt Lat'e City. They got into sum
tetrific wenlher, and ceitainly ippre
ciaie tne Willamette Valley after licci I
snow and coll weather. i
By a Sonriser.
The new sidewalk from the Union
depot out intu the Sunrise and Uoltra
Park district is now com. leted. It is
substantially built of planking, one and
jne half inches thick, spiked on 3 by 4
stringers, making a walk four feet wide.
properly leveled up with regulation
cross walks and is a
izens of that thriving suburb of that
city. The cost ot the walk in actual
cash was approximately $500, the work
being volunteered by those interested
The walk is as far as originally con
template!, and for which the funds were
raised by the promoters is done, and
no funds were contributed by any per
sons whose names are not given in the
list appearing below.
It is understood that some extension
of a cheaper construction is being con
templated by some residents living
fanner out n the ccuntry, and that the
merchants of the city are being asked
to contribute to i he building of such.
extension, and wnue the residents ot
Sunrise who have built their own walks
without any outside assistance what
ever have not the least objection, in
fact, are glad to see soy extension of
the walks, they desire the merchants
of the city of Albany and all others
interested in the subject to know that
the following is a full and complete
list ot the contributors to and builders
of the Sunrise sidewalk as it now stands,
J. D. Isom, S. D. Stephens. F. F.
Seavers, P.J. Hanson, E. W. Stephens,
J. E. Ross, R. N. Torbet, C. Trapp, F,
P. Nutting, W. E. Baker, JakeStreitel,
Roy E. Dowd, Geo. Webber, G.
Uhrtstenion, T. M. Humphrey, M. E.
Dowd, Jno Courtney, J. E. Warner,
B. H. Boles, L. B. Weaver. Telly
Telleyson, Frank, B. Hastings, Mrs.
M. trenner, T. Bison, W. S. Weaver,
Ida Stellmacher, U. . G. Hodgkins,
f rank rautmeier, A, J, Steel, trans
Palmer, I. R. Schuitz,
News from Albany's Six Early
D. W. Rumbaugh, county fruit sn
spector, went to Millers to inspect the
situation. He reports practically no
damage from the frosts, the buds not
being sufficiently developed. A good
deal of spraying is being done, and
fruit prospects are good.
L. E. Hamilton and C. W. Tebault
were among those going to Portland on
the early train,
S. M. Garland, Editor Kirkpatriek
and Otho Temple were among the ar
rivals from Lebanon,
Doug Hamilton the celebrated eon
nisseur of moving pictures, returned;to
Cal. Thrasher arrived from Corvallis
Prof. Wood returned from Corvallis,
Mr. Yoder, of Philomath, returned
home atter Being out to see his mother,
seriously injured by falling down stairs
last week.
Royal Shaw and family returned to
Mill City after an Albany visit.
John Barrett went up to Mill City.
Miss Georgie Elevens, of the Youns
Store, and Miss' Minnie Scott, of the
bneritt s othce, returned trom a Sunday
visit with their folks at Tangent,
Fred Burkhart came down from his
Harrisburg farm, ;
Judge Bryan, one of Idaho's best
known men, passed through on his way
home from Springfield, where he had
been called by the serious illness of his
father. Judge Bryan, a former Benton
county man, is making good as a judi
cial omcer.
W. M. Davidson, a Hood River man,
went out to Peterson's Butte, where he
owns a large fruit tract, which he ex
pects to cut up and sell,
A. H. Sandstrom and E. F. Ander
son, of the Union Furniture factory,
went to Brownsville, in the interest of
the factory, whose capacity is to be
enlarged to meet the big demand ia
Albany furniture,
Ben Clelen went to Salem, called
there by a friend being injured in an
automobile accident.
The College Orators,
The Albany young people of tho cot
lege returned from forest Grove Sat
urday evening, and report a fine time
ind splendid treatment there. Though
the Albany orator did not get a front
place, his oration on 4! or monism attrac
ted attention and was complimented
At the big banquet Miss Amy Glra
Jtead represente the college and spoke
oa the initiative petition.
The new officers of the Oratorical
Association are: O. C. Hadley, P. C.,
president; H. B. Ferrin, P. U., secre
tary, A. R. Hodge, Albany, tieasurer.
The contest next year will be at New
lerg. For Gipsy Smith, England,
Rev. W. P. White yesterday shipped
Mx Oregon cherry trees, secured of the
Mbany Nurseries Co.. to Gimu Smith
at Romany Tan, Cambridge.
nere tney will Be planted in the gar-lnc
ten of Mr. Smith by his gardener,
Whiie in California Dr. White and Mr
Smith became close friends, and thU is
anaer a promise oi Kr, White. The1
herrries are to be given an Albany
Mr. Smith is now In the east holding
wrvices and it wi l he some time be
fore he reaches England.
A Eugene row occurred over the re
'usal of Mr. F.rnest Shaw lo allow
lancing at a Y M.C.A. function. A
crowd went off elscwhee to dance,
'heir feet uie evidently their character.
1912HnrvnH il'ode! Bicycles at ,h'
Ih.ry pn- S Tore TfirfSss hvet. i
Jall.nd Vceot.e. $
A rtarrisburg Giant Causes Some
f rouble.
Constable Hawk, of Harrisburg had a
time of it getting E, D, Henry, under
indictment for violation of the local
option law, arrested bv Sheriff Smith
during the potato fair at Harrisburg
loo, foil ... All L
with regulations, "Vj iuy u appear oeiore
credit to the cit--Judge kelley and answer the charge
against him.
Constable Hawk started for the train
satuarday evening, when Henry asked
j ku iiuo tne notei just a moment
Instead of returning he skippej. He
was finally trrested. and Snmlsv unin
made his escape. In arresting him
several shots were fired principally in
me air, as none hit anything. He was
finally gotten to the train and down to
Album, , spending last evenim? at the
county jail.
tip-nry is a giant m build, a fine look
ing man physically.
Kroeschel. In Albany, on
March 10. Mrs. Ancnigf.
Kroesehol, at the age of 73 years and 7
m&nins. one was tmm in uermany and
came to the U. S. 61 years ago, to Ore
gon 23 years ago, residing in Benton
county a lew years, then coming to Al
bany, a woman of excellent character.
boe was the mother of twelve children,
of whom nine survive, as follows:
Mrs. Louis Krueger of near here;
Chas. and Louis and Mrs. Amelia Easig,
of Albany; Martha Marcell. Oakland.
Calif.; Ida Czarske, Eugene; August, of
Los Angeles; Mrs. Berts Morrison, of
Minneapolis: Samuel, of Medford.
Funeral Wednesday at 2 p, m , at the
viermap i,uiiieran enoree.
Mr. Leveridge. Monday, March H,
m amony, r. u, ievendge. He was
born June 13. 1812. at Gavlord. Mich..
and came to Oregon in 1852, coming to
ijinn county tmrty years ago, atter
being in business, a wheelwright, at
Independence. He was a member
of the Christian charch. He leaves
a wife and the following children: A.
w. und sr. of ana near Albany; P.
J., of Nevada: Turt. of Fall City. Mra
Long, of Clackamas; Mrs. Cardweil, of
liimu, Wash.
The funeral wilt be at the residence
of A. W. Leyeridge, at 2 p. m. to
morrow. No. 10 Orange.
Grand Prairie Grange met Saturday
ana conierrea tne isc ana isa degrees
Srot applications were received.
b . At. Mitchell spake on how the
brange can best help the pnbhc school,
Amy rayne gave a reading, Thomas
rroman spoke on cooperation, the
Orange sang, Geo. Pennington gave s
reading, Mrs. Mitchel spoke on Sunday
dinners without cooking Sunday, Bertha
Kitcten gave a reading, A. C. Miller
spoke on the good of the order, also
Bertha Beck.
There will be a masquerade ball and
oyster supper next rrtuay night.
A Lebanon Blind Pig.
Lebanon also has a big ltquor case,
248 quarts of beer and 24 quarts of
whibkey were captured in the house of
Dick Turpin by the marshal of the city,
and placed in the city jail for safe keep
ing. It was said that a special guard
had to be kept at the jail to keep the
young men of the city from breaking
in and capturirg the liquid. Turpin was
arrested on two charges, and will be
tried on. Wednesday. He was also in
dicted by the grand jury on fivecharges
and was brought to Albany Saturday
evening, under $2,000 bonds, which he
could not furnish.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 5-29.
The river is 6.2 feet.
Sunday was an ideal March day.
Prediction: fair iomtrhf. wiik host,,,
frost, - '
The S M. Won.
The married men and m?le mpn hs
a bowling contest on the Aleo alleys last
evening, full of life and moH unirit
The s, m. won two out of ihree eames.
and also were ahead on Din, thnnnh ih
highess single score was made by a
married man, Cbas, H. Stewart, and
also the lowest score.
The lineups were;
Married men-G. A. fino-1 .1 B
Flynn, Chas. H. Cusick. H. A. Nknn
first half, K. P. Nutting second half,
and Chas. H. Stewart.
Sinele men Jack Berrv. Chj. Fn
P. C. Stellmacher, Jack Stevens and
Dave Patterson.
Al iH East End.
W, C. Burkhart has betrun the
erection of two fine bungalows in the
uri:nart t'aric addition, at the
corner of Front and Columbia Btreets,
1 They will have water, modern lights.
! and have septic tanks for sewerage.
".lln tn0 coming ot tne O E. big
limits a. uiKijMw;u hi uurKoan
These buildings wih the lots wilt t e
for sale Jofferir-g a fine place for homes
Athletic Entertainment.
Next Friday evenipg in the armory,
tv 15 live hoys of th U. B. Athletic
rit,l, P,..Hn,i All itiiiam
and stunts. Ureal. Mulcal th tim .
Admission 25 cent.. Tickets on le
Thursday and Fiidny at Woodworth'.
Elite and Flower Store in F. S. B
R. C. Churchill is noving into his
new store, one of the finest confection.
ary stores in Oregon, where beginning
Thursday morning the Elite will be
located, next door to the First Savings
Bank, opposite S. E. Youair & Son.
close to P. O,, just down the
street from the Democrat office. The
opening will be then. The store is an
elegant one. splendidly arranged for
parlors, service and selling. Beneath
is the factory, with the long table just
under the sidewalk. The ft rat candy
was made there last evening, some log
cabins. Call and sea things at the
The Albany Floral Store will then
open in its fine room next door, with
Mr. ana mis. Duncan, the popular pro
prietors, in charge. Thoy are making
a great success of the business and da.
serve their new quarters.
Final Contest,
The final contea. fa the series of
ssays ou Narcotics, will be held in the
Htgncchool huudtng on 1ms even
ing, Starch 12, at 8 o'clock, when the
following program will bo given:
Singing, by the Girls Glee Club, of
High School.
Musical trio, by three Hiett school
Heading or the essays.
Singing by the Boj'a Glee Club.
Address by A. C. Schmttt and Prof.
Remarks, and nresentation of the
prize by Miss McCleary.
me rsoys uiee ums.
Everybody invited to be present.
Construction Work Completed.
1 he construction work on tho new
Young building was completed last night,
Under the Bjperintenaence of H. T.
Wentworth a hrst-class lob has been
done. Thu building is a credit to the
city, as well as the owners, There are
some finishing touches to be put on,
when tne bunding wm be occupied.
practically a department store, about
the first of April being opened for busi
ness. The Weather.
Range' of temperature 65 36,
The river ia 4.8 feet.
Prediction: probably fair tonight and
R. R, Com. Millet arrived this noon
Mrs. J. W. Ellison this noon returned
from Newbere,
R v. Marsden this noon returned trom
Another big storm has been sweeping
over the east, snow galore.
Rev, Abbett was in the city this noon
on tu way home trom the west side.
B, A. Canfield, Seattle, Wash., has
neen in tne city,
Fred Lockley, of the Sunset P. M,
arrived this noon.
Conrad Olson, a Portland lawyer, was
m the cay today on legal business.
Henry Beard, who escaped from the
penitentiary some time ago, has been
captured at Bend,
The Sunrise walk cost 1110 just for
material, instead of f 5C-3, as stated by
a correspondent,
Frank Jenkins, of the Eugene Regis
ter, and Miss Hay Woodruff, of Salem,
were married at Salem today.
A, W, Docksteader's new street
sprinkler, a fine one, has arrived and
will be ready for service any time.
L. W. Lang, district deputy head
consul, M. w. A., will meet with the
Albany lodge tomorrow .night. Be
Dr. Harry Lane, of Portland, may be
a fourth candidate on the democratic
ticket for U. S. senator. It is said
petitions will be oat.
Pets Ruetlner eM to Halsey, and
thence out to the Wilson farm to figure
on moving a barn the O, B. will cnt in
two it not out of the way,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Notannd J, H.
Harris, of Corvallia, arrived this noon,
ar.d joined!! he San Francisco excursion
pa. ty at 255.
Mrs, J. A Comnton andtMrs. W. N
Alejsnndur of Polk Co, are in the city
visiting their mother Mrs, R. J, Me,
Ftank Patterson, a government in
spector at Panama for several yours, is
herp on a visit with his wife and two
children, while on a leave of absence.
It was reported a saloon was to be
opened at Springfield today, under a
$1200 license, no screens, and a $.i,Mu
bond. Several will apply for licenses.
Mr, and M rs. Gale Sanders this noon
arrived from the Hay, where they visit-1
ed Mrs. Sanders' folkta, and stopped for
a visit at tne noma ot . tun rtazel
Secretary Nagls, of the Preside it
cabinet, yesterday in a speech at
Indianapolis, lauded the president and
said he bad kept h'u promises. But hi
has not.
After a corrfsnetjdenee with the
Commeeiai;t'iib,D. S. V. Dagis, wif c
aim ffrar chtUiroa srrfverf this morning
to stay, and are all JelMhfl with our
city and country, belter tnn was rep
tlcunur Sears, a Button miltinnairess,
who assays male roles numer',uiv
courting a relay nf sensations, ia at San
Utego cutting a wide swath Ye-.terctnv
she rode a pub pony la victory ia i.
quarter mile dash.
forvallis G. T :-ftiUy LoViaugh.
Albany's '"mt I oy" is iu Cofviilii i
day or two circulating amimg fnudj
liiley now finds it unwible lo f,iri
his hel chair icca-innHy nl wl;
on crutches. He aav hit ii rjlvi-
rvf , . tu t " ,;
Jubilant. The boy has mini
j J" 8 a'ound heie uiwujs g ad to m
Tie regular meetine of tho A Rw nv
Commercial Club was held last night,
with the following present. I resident
Bastbarn, Manuger Stewart, Directors
Van Winkle, Nutting, Hammer, Collins,
Sox. Crowell. Winn. Scnmitt, Shinn.
Letters were received from Penitar
Bourne and Chamber i in and Congress
man Lafferty, assuring the club that
they will do every thiug possible to
establish the title of innocent pur
chasers to land secured of tho Oiegoa
at wautsrnia K. k. Co.
The resort ot Hanaeer Stewart
showed the following;
Dueato March 8 iM3.u6
Linn county ,.,.,,.,. 3b0.00
Paid out:
Entertainment .
..,. ,t 1W.ZT
...,., 1097.58
,.....,, 650.00
.......... 48395
,..... 63.00
,,, 113.75
.......... 87.66
......... 105.S3 '
KH 93.94
Balance ..,.,,,,,,.,,,$ 321.12
Tno'manaeer reDortouBa fawTofiTab
ottered for round trip on excursion to
mm wiy, on regular train, n Jt ticKcts
are sola; or same rata on special train,
if 48 tickets are sold. The totter prop
osition mm ordered accepted. March
21,waaaet for the trip,provWed weather
is favorable.
Mr. French, of Ihe committee, re
ported on the S. F. eseorwn.
A Petition was renorteil nrenared ta
be presented the city government and
the school board recommending tha
purchase of tha Central school huildinc
sits for a city hall.
The manaeers retsort for February
showed the following; From Portland
Commercial club? 12, miscellaneous -HO,
Pictorial folders S8. Total mt, Utters
written itG, Community booklets sent
100, Pictorial folders cards
724. Total 1391. Club letters 56$.
A manufacturers mooting ws sug
gested, showing tha orodncta of Lmn
county factories. An exposition of our
home made things was entkased by all.
Upon motion of O, fa, Sox ki was voted
tha sense of the meeting thai such an
exposition be held. Referred to the
mnnufaeturrers committee. Thia
created much enthusiasm. The pro
prosed plan covers an exhibit for the
enure county, tha manutacturers
committee met at onea, with Messrs,
Veal Brothers, Sandstrom, Malfait. E.
A. Thompson and others to consider
the proposed exposition,
News from Albany's Six
Henry Shcak and seven other promt
neat Philomath mon, went to Portland
to attend the state prohibition conven
tion, enthusiastic for tho eauso. Philo.
math ia quite a prohibition center. A
coming feature in tho skate is to be a
joint discussion between two Portland
men at different places including Al
bany, on the question of anti-saloon
and prohibition.
D. VV. Humbaugh. eotmtv fruit in
spector and C. A. Park, of Salem,
district horticultural commissioner,
went to Plainview to Inspect a car of
fruit trees just received for tha David
son place, formerly the Payne farm.
Mr. Uavidson is preparing to plant
large number of trees and sell small
tracts of orchard. He l s Hood River
man and knows thebtisinewthorougnly.
r ,4
R, Roiry wellt to Porltantl.
Mra. Christensen, christian science
healer, went to Portland,
w, ii. utlson returned to Salem, His
brother. It. L., of Lebanon ia a mem
ber of the present Jury.
Mack Monteith len again.
President Crooka left en a Portland
Hw Mckee. of CreiMwnrt. nni-A A
Albany minister, went to Portland.
An Albany teacher went to Salem to
visit the schools. Under the arrane-e-
ment each of the high school teachers
is to have a day off for visiting other
ehoola, keeping in touch with tha
other schools of tho valley, an excellent
idea in the interest of progress.
Last ot College Course.
The last regular number ot Albany
College Lecture Course will be the
Edwin R, Weeks Company on Wednes
day night, March 20. Undoubted!;' this
will be the moat thoroughly popular
number. The Company made a great
hit recently at Corvallis, and are very
strongly praised for their work at Me-
utnbvtiie. Air. v teas sings every part
from bass to soprano, agd impersonates
all the Important characters of tha
world, Tcddv, Taft, Bryan, Mark
Twain, ilenry Irving, and Paderewskl,
anil Biiny others, (urs. Wieks assists
him skillfully in opetetas, medleys,
eimetfio, parodies, and sketches. Mm
fila Sinclair is a inostgiftedio iniitt.
A Weddinrf Anniversary.
Mr. ! Mrs. Jrph Crtwkrr, of Or
leans prrc'mct, rcli-brate.1 the twentieth
nniversaty if thi-ir marruK, Mnrrh
9, in a vi-ry pleaiant manner. Tne
evening w,a .p. nt in liptpsin to noma
excellent n o ie after which a dainty
ant deliewun werml. A nurn
ber of pir. n' mere rweivtd. Thona
present wre, W. H.
tin!1 nr, V . w !, ft K, HuU.urt
nail Ou'ms; i -ri hiina, Marynret ami
Ktole Ita'iw-f'i Mnr, Crocker,
V. It. Hiiiii-jii. Knife, a. A. Hul'orf,
BVvtiM, Online Austin Hulhurt, Ju.Icl
Hulburl, L N. Smith, Herbert Falk,
Hermann Kalk, Glen Ohlmir, Bennle
Oh't?M?. Hsrrv prs I Mup i, hu
anu Ifuinen Crms., ,,, i