Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 15, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    A Silk Opportunity
Great crowds have viewed our collection and have either bought or expressed a desire
to buy before Saturday night, at which time the sale will come to a close.
A great many patterns have gone out daily yet our stock is unbroken. Some of
the most desirable patterns can be viewed in our windows.
This aggregation of new
Silks has no equal.
Foulards in all the new
color combinations.
Plain Messalines in three
good numbers.
Tub Silks which are in
great demand for common
Border Silks, such as you
find in the large cities.
Black Silks of every description.
Satin Duchess full yard
Peau De Cygne full yard
Swiss Messaline full yard
Chiffon Taffeta full yard
Every one a special buy
for this sale. It will pay you
big to attend. .
The Popular Store for the People
A Keen Appreciation.
Good 5-room house, with woodshed,
corner lot on 1st St., desirable loca
tion, $1,350.
A plot of land, about 4 lota, this side
Tennywindle, good location, fronting
on two streets, $850.
1(16 E. 1st St, Albany.
The K. O. F. every Saturday even
The Woodmen of the World every
Friday evening. L. Viereek, clerk.
Manzauita Circle 1st and 3rd Mon
days, Schmitt Hlock.
Modern Woodmen every 2nd and
iin Wednesdays. brant 1'roman, clerk
Schmitt Block.
Royal Neighbors every 1st and 3rd
Wednesdays. Alice Kirk, Recorder.
Schmitt Block.
CHOICE VETCH Hay for Sale At
farm 4i miles S. E. of Albany on
the Brownsville road. This hay was
cut right, cured and stacked right,
baled and put inside the bam be
fore the rain. $ per ton at farm,
or if wanted in car lots $10 on car
at From. Station, l'hone "Home"
2445, or call O. N. Williamson.
; Home rhon Vo. J351, Corvallis. 8t
for um
It's Pasteurized.
Quality Guaranteed
Manufactured by
Albany Creamery Association
9th and Madison St. iBothlPhoncs.
Carried by all tho LeadingGroccrg.
For lots e mine this addition. Cor
ner of 13th and Jackson streets,
about 9 blocks south of the High
school building. Will sell for a
short time at $J00 to $300 per lot.
Lots are high and dry. Call on
undersigned o rphone "Home 1107.
T. P. llackleman. tlS
WOOD,-10 Inch body fir. at the Shingle
Mill, (
TREES in quantities to suit. , I
make a specialty of.. tliei : VernVpfcii
strain of Franquette walnuts,, grown
by the Oregon Nursery Co.n Cor
respondence solicited. Harold A.
Ellis, Albany, Ore. Phones, 195-V:
Black 105. .til
WOOD FOR SALE. Second growth fir
$4, old fir $4.75, good dry wood and
goou measure. tiomeui acK 106. Bell
phone 448 J. f. U. H APMAN.
FOR RENT.-Chickcn ranch.2 acres
4 room house, 3 small, 2 large hen
houses, 2 scratch pen9 under cover ,
miles east of Albany. Inquire of
iuru. ci. oiuison, an & zna St.
small lots, by J. U. Ellia 906 E. 4th,
Both phones. 17t
ORPINGTONS. Wyandottes, Plymouth
Rocks, Leghorns, bantams, Pekin
Ducks, Turkeys, etc. Write for cir
cular, t.impso.i's Pheasant Farm,
Corvallis, Oregon. tA9
FOR SALE. Some of the best build
ing lots inside the city limits, and
will sell lot and build you a home
according to your own ideas, one
third cash, balacne easy terms.
New 7-room house for sale. Geo.
C. Richards, contractor and builder,
934 S. Manic. Hnmx nhnnn rr1 1.11
J HORSE FOR SALE-One gentle dnv-, nciglll, SIUV, SVUUU. rriCQ
$00, or will exchange for good cow.
Address Roy M. Frederick, R. D. 4,
Allany. Home phone 4053, t28
EGGS. -Indian runner ducks, for let
ting, for sale. F. M. Mitchell. Bell
14. got
POSTS. Anchor and fence, at the
Shingle Mill. 25t
FOR SALE by the owner, a six room
nouso ana two lots, center of toan,
half block from High school. Apply
mi ma premises so. r,asi 41 n street.
H. Barns.
PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for
piano tuning at Woodworth s Drug
oiure. v. m, nenaerson, inner.
FOR SALE-1 $50 Victor talking ma
chine and $39 worth of records, all
good as new, for $10. 641 VV 4th
ft- lGt
r UK SALE. Farm, with f2 sets of
ouudings, ok: acres, ? miles east of
Albany, all or part, at sacrifice,
terms to suit, with or without stock
and machinery. See me if you mean
business. C. R. Gerig, R. D. 1.
10 211
MESSENGER BOY.-Bryan Roberta.
on short notice. 215 W 1st, room 20.
Home phone 4S4.
WANTED By a college boy, work
during the holidns and out of school
hours. Phone 5S1-Y Bell.
FOR SAI.E-26'4' by 110 ft of property.
tall on Mrs. Fromm. 440 E 1st. 5t
GLASS. All sues and kinds, for rale
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhere else in Albany. Skill-
Iv set, if desired.
CABBAGE tor sauer kraut, and
onions, t'hone Faimcrs 2x1, E. L.
McKoevcr. 2"t
Albany Democrat
Entered at the post office, Albany, O
as second class mail tt.attir.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, $4.00.
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year 53.50.
The Weekly Advance per year
$1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3
years at $2.
F. P. Nutting.
Following is the essay that won the
prize at the high school building Jast
night, on the subject- of narcotics,
presented by Miss Hazel Chapman:
Tobacco is a very important plant
belonging to the nightshade family.
According to some authorities,
smoking was practiced by the Chinese
at a very early date. At the time of
the discovery of America, tobacco
, was in frequent use among the In
I (linns and the practice of smoking,
i which had with them a religious char
' actcr, was common to all the tribes,
i The name tobacco was either de
rived from the term used in Hayti to
: designate the pipe, or from tobacco
in San Domingo, whence it was intro
duced into Spain and Portugal in 1559
by a Spaniard. It soon found its way I
Tobacco in different forms costs
the people of the United States more
than $30,000,000 annually, all of which ;
is far worse than if thrown away. i
It impairs the voice, furrows the I
cheek and sallows the complexion.
And last, but not least, it makes
angry mothers and scolding wives.
For example, the complaint of the
old woman who said: I
They spit in every corner, they spit
in every room,
They spit beneath the table and they
spit behind the broom.
They spit on Brussels carpet, they
spit on painted floor,
'Tis spit, spit, spit, in the house or out
o' door.
Ef they really think life was made for If so, before buying be sure to look
nothin' but tew chaw up wnat i nave for sale as I can not
ThCy d. " f0'kS,only save you money; but make you
But I say you've got to stop it, Mr. good profits as well. .
Hezekiah Bruce, I Good seven room house, with base-
Ef you will chew tobacco you shall mentj furnace) bath, modern, large
J jo(. 67Xiij feet. Some fruit,
- ' i lawn.
Situated close in, West Al
Price, $3600. Terms can be
Seven room modern house, cement
basement, situated close in on paved
street. Small lot. Price $3200. Terms
can be made.
Two cottages, one lot, 66x110. This
T. M. Jones, of Milton, has been in
the citv.
Wm. Ritchie has returned from Cali-ornia.
Judge J. F. Stewart, of Tokdo, hai property rents for good money and is
b en in the city. a fine bargain. Price $5200. Terms
Mrs. Eva Tavlor. of Corvallis, xt.i. i. ....ii.-t i. j ., '
"J .. j ...... v.. uwui. ,w..iiu .... .. uj - , . '. i OH VAbkllCUl UIIV ailU THP mflll
to Paris and Rome and was first used arrived this noon on a visit. . . ... '
in the shape of snuff. I E. A. Johnson is looking after his """""" " sooa money,
Smoking is generally supposed to Tangent warehouse this afternoon. Resides property pays good interest,
have been introduced into England C. O. Anderson and Will Koch this I nave farm lands of all descrip
by Sir Walter Raleigh, but Camden noon returned from a Newport trip. . tions, garden tracts, and beautiful
says "the practice was introduced by Mrs. E. R. McCune and Patrick suburban homes, also some good lots
Drake and his companions on their Hearv left this noon for Dilly on a visit. M,itabie for hlIS:n- pP: ,.
return from Virginia in 1858. i p wion D Brattin and p stable for business. Prices reason-
It was strongly opposed by both Q Qro'the. of Brazil,' Ind , have bxn able- 1 am not In anv Promotion
priests and rulers. .in the city. - schemes whatever, and any one buy-
pr KroTnoand't K. Churchill and Surveyor Hugh in from me will not afterwards feel
is now the most extensively used lux- ?lah?r Zenti?,rZ7V'M S"y fr Ca" on h V' PiPe- the
ury in the world. ; ,nf ,,n Cuhl B? U1k: .. , old reliable real estate dealer. 203
Tobacco contains several poisons,' Mrs. E. H. Rhodes left on the early w t 2 d g, Alba Q
of which nicotine is the most active train this morning for Webster City, ' y' e'
and the deadliest. lowa, cauea mere Dy me senous mnesB
This prodigal use of tobacco weak- ' a B13'er- -
ens the system and shortens the life.' S. N. Steele, of Portland, was in the
r;nr.ti.. a.. r,f( c ,. citv this noon on his wav home from a
est grade of tobacco, mixed with cigar tP to l 1300 are farm, the Wright
stumps picked from the str. t. Pan Place. at Wells. His son Horace OR SALE An
Our Wants.
the most
has charge of his big dairy route at
harmful use of tobacco. Cigarettes IIZJ IZt
benumb the nerves, frequently caus
ing paralysis. They also weaken the
' As a rule pupils who use cigarettes
do the poorest work. General school
statistics of school work show that
only six out of every hundred cigar
cently bought at a cost of $60,000
eignteen miles aDove mar piace.
Loyal ions Entertained.
Last evening the Loval Daughters of
ette smokers pass the second year of tne christian cnurcn aunoay scnooi,
high school, while 95 out of every 100 enteitained tne Loyal Sons at the
non-smoking boys acquire a good ed- hospitable home of Miss Belle Thomp-
ucation. Therefore they can hardly son, 527 E Fourth street, in a Leap
ever get a good position. year party. A phort; business -session :
flni r,! 1 1,,, i,;, .licet cM.niird,;,, mnn was followed by games and an eveninor '
only about five use tobacco, while of f,Pe"eal merit. The hostess served- WANTED - First-ciass stenograner
... ...i. i . .... npltohrfnl rp IrpahmnntQ hnra uprji ! x . ....P.
me men wno uo not gei appoinimenis . . uivc reierence. Address M care
over 60 per cent are tobacco users. forty-two present a fine lot of young of Democrat office. t!4
Jlan.y young men have acquired m, ---- Hb"'T , LOST-Prnf. J, B. Horner failed to find
excellent buy in
good vacant business property, well
situated, in business district. Call
on J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2nd St. 13t
PIGS FOR SALE. About 8'wceks old
Wallace Truax Bell Farmers 38.
jbibiiu iieo. nig layers, hardy
stock. P. S. Ware, Albany, Home
phone 7202. t20
LOST Friday afternoon, two yards
of light blue foulard silk. Finder
leave at Hamilton s store. tl4
teachers, Mrs. Perry and .Vir. Holbrook.
LOST - A mink muff, betwenn here and
Fromati Station. Reward. Leave at
Dem. office. 13t
LUST Sable and white Scotch Collie
Pup, ten months old, about a n 0 th
ago. Anvise 514 Ellsworth St. Bell
phone 558 R. Reward. t23
the opium habit by cigarette smoking.
1 he cigarette is mightier than the
saloon for the following reasons: "It
is more easily obtained than liquor,"
"it is cheaper." it includes the alcohol
habit since its continued use develops
the craving for liquor; it goes deeper
ami further than the. saloon. The
cigarette is the only royal road to the
penitentiary. It is responsible for
more crime than any other one thing
today, so far as the juvenile court is
concerned. -
Doors of opportunity are closed to t i r . ,
cigarette smokers. . liaveifor rent a six room house
Out of 90 bovs imnrisoncd in the and one Iot- Small barn, W. 8th St.
county jail during six months, all but
two are .cigarette hends.
The cigarette habit is the path
along which boys march to drunken
ness, declares a judijc.
And Harold Hamilton, a Chicago
artist, who smoked cigarettes for 15
years, says, "ft is no more possible
for an inveterate, noison-soaked cigar
ette fiend to continue his life without
the aid of whisky than it would be
without the aid of tobacco itself.
In London, Ontario, a lad 19 years
old, a cigarette fiend, took to whisky
and the two habits brought on "cigar
ette tremens." He went crazy and is
now in the asylum.
There are but few substances in na
ture that are capable of destroying
life so suddenly as tobacco.
Dr. Franklin applied the oily ma
terial which floats on the surface of
his Fedora hat at the First Presbyter
ian cnurcn msi mgnr,. riease return
to Rev. Geseibracht.
FOR SALE. Good 6 room house and
large lot; also 15 acre tractsfirst class
fruit and grain, on easy payments.
Inquire of owner, X. W. BOOM, 331
. E. 5th, Albany. m
FLUFF RUGS made from old carpets.
Agent Home phone 441.
WANTED. 50 five-gallon oil cans at
10c each. M. Senders & Co. tl3
WANTED Ecrgs for cash, Albany
Gash Produce Co. Will pay top
tnnlrnf nwlnn Infi ITT n . .
rw fi ,f ne F".o. ry. oecoaa street.
.vv.. wiiubv vuji yai. vt; ' 7t
town with 2 lots, chicken park. House ' FOR RENT Clean beds, 25c a night
of eight rooms, and two lots, plenty ; 316 E 2nd. t!4
of good fruit, east part of town. NOTICE. All persons having claims
Also have for sale a house in the' Eainst the late Mrs. Mary Wood are
west part of town for $1800. Easy tgSES". RPirtflS?
terms. Small house in the west part wnv r i? j . '
of town with two lots, $1100. Six J 7 yeaVs oW?We?ght alfout 1600
room house, nearly new, in the west Address H. A. Lake, Tallman, Ore.
part of Albany consisting of two lots, ' 4t
$2500. Easy terms. Good new house, FOR SALE -Fine young cow, fresh,
six roms, west 7th St., $3650. Goodi Silh heifer calf. Cor. Front and
eight room house with basement, ' T" T
west 6th St S4000 ' OK bALE.-A good young team; 6
westot&M WJU and 7 years old, weight about 1600.
Some good lots in the west part of H. A. Lake, Tallman, Or.
town for sale, ranging from $350 to FOR SALE. A new, modern, five.
$500 per lot. Easy terms. r?m "pdboth Bungalow. Has fire
Also have a five acre tract. nd -uu"o''n cmna cloleA- dutch
water when a current of tobacco house and barn, including crop, stock, I St Wner' Wb M"
smoke is passed into it, to the tongue . ., . .. ' . "
of a cat, and found it to destroy life ulu"'s; verytning goes witn tne ayuoi uuuai JSUUSl-For hatching.
m a tew minutes. I
The prolonged use of tobacco, es-1 53'A acres southeast of Albany in
peciiilly when it is chewed, causes the eluding all crop, stock and tools, five
' acres of good orchard on place. $125
llic uruiu, saiu once HI a icciuic, i ' lrnp mip .
know of no other cause or agent Have some small tracts four miles -,u riir-1, aei,mtor windmill
b"u" mnsanu lorcepump.
bOR SALE. Thoroughbred Rose
and Single Comb R. I. Red cocker
els, Plymouth Rocks. Eggs for set
ting of same breeds. Prices low.
A. Crooks, West 7th Street Poul
try Yard. t9
total loss of sight.
"Mr. Sollev. an eminent writer on
the brain, said once in a lecture, "I ( per acre.
Wnmv nf nn nthpr muse or nirent . Have
which tends so much to lead to or-' 0ut, ranging from six to ten acres in
game diseases of the brain as the ex-' ... r
t .i ti.. :o . "uhi oiiij io siju oer acre.
l33lC U3C Ul tUUALVU. 1 I1C IIIIIUCIIVC (....' . . .
of tobacco on the human system is acnooi nouse a tew hundred yards
quite as much to be dreaded as the , trom each tract.
a hundred would ever think of us
ing intoxicating liquors did he not
first learn to use tobacco in some
Daughters of drunken fathers do
not inherit a hankering after liquor,
neither would the sons did they but
abstain from the use of tobacco. And
yet ministers of the gospel and many
of the deacons of our churches, good
men. so-called, who preach temper
ance to the youths of the land un
ceasingly, keep their mouths filled
with the vile stuff or moke smoke
houses of their heads as if the end
and aim of life with them was to
pickle their tongues in smoke and
their whole bodies are so saturated
with the vile stuff that their neigh
bors' nostrils announce their coming
afar off.
The smoking of a single cigar and
especially by those not long habituat
ed to its use, will increase the pulse
from ten to fifteen beats. Dr. Tuit
chell states that nearly all the sudden
deaths occurring during sleep which
came under his observation, were
those of persons who had indulged
largely in the use of tobacco. And
subsequently the correctness of his
statements was confirmed by investi
gations made by the Boston Society I
of Medical Observations.
Hen that lavs, hen that nova Rim
will tell." Guarantee my stock best
bred in America. Bufl Leghorns,
Black Minorcas, White and Silver
laced Wyandottes. Mochel&Mochel.
The A'bany Dressed Beef and Pro
duce Co. will pay the highest market
price for eggs and other prodnce."
WA.NTED.-To buy good milch cows.
J. K. Huggins. both phones. 24t
FOR SALE. 5 acre tract, new house
and barn, close in. Inquire W. F
Pfeitler's store. 26t
WHO wants one of the best small fruit
and poultry farms in the Willamette
Valley; good buildings, modern con
veniences, close to good school, best
of soil; inside city limits of good
town. Will take Albany residence
property up to $2500.00 as part pay
ASee B. M. Payne. Cusick
Block, Albany, Oregon.
TO EXCHANGE. $2500 6 room resi
dence near car line in Portland, Or.,
for Albany property, vacant lots pre
ferred. D. J. Chitwood, Pioneer,
0r- 13t
r2,Ri,ALE'-Fine Airdale puppies.
E. D. Cusick. iof
FOR SALE.- Some lots well located.
Real bargains if taken soon. A well
located modern bung&low, 1 close in
residence, 1 strictly, high grade res
idence lot. J. C. Holbrook, 2nJ St.
FOR SALE. White Orphmgton pull
ets, and White Urphington and L-g-horn
cgs. in small or large lots. E.
Hartsock, R. D. 4. Home 3S35.
EGGS.-Pure bred Buff Orpington and
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for
hatching, $1.00 per 15. at the yard
also baby chicks after March the loth.
Mrs. Frank Kitchen, Salem road.
Home phone Blck 283. it
m r r OR RENT-Lights and water.