Albany VOL XLViI ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY- MUCH 15, IWi SO U3 3 APRIL rATTERNSAPR!L FASHION SHHETSARE HERE SPRING HATS EXPRESSING INDIVIDUALITY It is safe to say that we have never had so charming and authentic an exhibit of new Spring hat fashions so early in the season. The new hats come first to Chambers & McCune because we ' go after them. Whether it be a trimmed or a tailored hat you will be certain to find just what will suit your own individual taste. We are now showing dozens of new Gage models. Tailored hats of straw with saucy little stick-ups others and many, too, in a symphony of black and white. - . Flower hats faily sporting all the most vivid colorings of Spring time blossoms. In fact, so unusually beautiful is our hat section that it will be well worth your time to pay this department a visit. Vl - ;i Miss Hibbs, our new trimmer, comes to you with new ideas her hats have a style different, in fact the change you have wanted and just what you would see in the large city stores only at moderate price. Miss Parson, our second trimmer, makes a specialty of girls' hats, trimming them in a girlish' fashion, a long-felt want in Albany. . . Visit our Millinery Deppartment 'often ; you will see some surprising novelties every day. MAXSHWARTZ and BARNETT TAILORED SUITS Most Popular With all Well Dressed Women Max Schwartz and "Barnett" tailored suits are the only tailored suits bearing the stamp of an exclusive and famous maker that are sold in Albany We are now making an extensive display of these high-class garments for the Spring season; we want to see if the ladies of Albany will appreciate them as they do in all the large cit ies of America Each suit exemplifying some exclusive style feature and in many instances these suits are made in exclusive shades and fabrics that can not be bought by other suit houses. Your inspection invited and special attention called to the moderate prices. BEAUTIFUL DRESSES . " - Now Claim Your Admiration Today we will show for the first time the season's most exceptional styles in Dresses exceptional from a standpoint of price as well as quality and fashion. The materialsare challie, light weight French serges and silks. Pretty Afternoon Dresses of soft taffeta, rich foulard, crepe meteor and marquisette. Styles suitable for all purposes. Bodies are trimmed in handsome lace and veiled in chiffon. The tailored styles in the wool materials are exceedingly smart and -practical. designed on perfect lines and fit with becoming grace. Prices $10 to $35 Chambers & McCune o DR. BERNARD KAVANAUGH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon Graduate of the Los ngeles Col lege of Osteopathy. Special Attention to Diseases oi Women and Children. '," H Pc!mi:t-ITrtt EM 7., C inter Tl.iid and Uroada'.bin Streets, Albany, Oregon. Phones Home, 20J; Bell, 393-J. ? ? THE QUESTION IS: WHERE SHALL I GET MY NEW SPRING CLOTHES? WHERE CAN I GET THE BEST VALtfE FOR MY MONEY AND BE TREATED THE BEST? IF YOU GET THEM AT THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO.'S, YOU WILL SAVE $'s AND YOU WILL KNOW WHAT YOU GOT. OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR PROTECTION. Blain Clothing Co. We make a specialty of j watch, jewelry and clock repairing. All work guaranteed. L. W. ROSS PAINTS AND WALLPAPER FIXTURES AND FICTURE'FRAVIING J. P. ELDRIDCE, Painler. 438, V. 2nd ShAll any' ALBANYS' LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE ? THE WORLD Mr. and Mre. William Millsap, of Lebanon, on the 8th celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary, a good record. Ben Selling's petition for U. S. sen ator beats Bourne by considerably, and he will probably beat him tor tho nom ination. The senate committee has reported favorably on $100,000 for a federal build ing at Corvallis and $112,000 for one at Klamath Falls. C. K. Fronk, a former S. P. aeent at this city, is now agent at Falls Bluff, on the North Bank. An Albany man recently met him there. In a train wreck at Danville, III., yesterday five were killed and 71 in jured. Rounding a curve the train went down a thirty foot enbankment. Brownsvilla is also ' investigating street pavement, and there are peti tions for pavement on Main street, SpauHing ave , Oak, Locust and Depot streets, 80 per ceDt of the proper) ty owners signing the petitions. The big Dewey Hotel at Nampa, Idaho, is to close on account of Nampa going dry. A hotel that has to have a bar to exist ought to close Nampa and Boise have been connected by elec tric lines. In the meantime what has become of the old chestnut th it there is as much liquor drunk in a dry :is a wet town. Mayor Winnersten, There is another chanter in the history of the city council of Lebanon. Another mayor has been elected. number three for the present adminis- uon; v. o. wennersten, a L.6D anon merchant, and former Albany clerk. On account of the handling of $69,000 bond money Lebanon has been having a hot old time. Mayor Wennersten and Councilmen Crandall, Northup, and Zeising.and City Engineer McArthur and Attorney Newport, last evening returned from Portland, where they bad been to investigate pavement. The Oratorical Contest, At the state oratorical contest at Forest Grove last night David Pickett, of the U. O., who presented the topic Modern Paradox, won first place; Rov. Uarry G. McClain of Willamette, Ideals 01 citizenship, second, and K fcj. Culver, New Statesman. McMinnville, third. It is not learned where Albany stands, the Akany delegation not hav ing arrived. An Editor and Councilman. Itor Monro of the Corvallis G. T., and a member of the city council of Covtallis, went to Portland this morn ing:, without a body guard, to keep in touch with things metropolitan. As a city father he has mads a thorough investigation of pavement and says he is against concrete, believing it unsat isfactory. Corvallis continues to uaj bitulithic, and will this year. Have you had Henry shoe your horse at the Green Front, he knows how. Free sawdust for the next 30 days, the saw mill. Albany Lhr. Co. tlO FG. WILL, lor Watches THE EMPIRE Geo. E. Rolfe, Prop, and Manager. ; TONIGHT BIG FEATURE PROGRAM. FIVE PICTURES, FOUR FULL REELS. INCLUDING FINE VITA GRAPH. NEW ILLUSTRATED SONG. GOOD MUSIC. All for 10 cents. dreamland! Tonight. VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT. DREAMLAND TONIGHT. 1. Willie's Sister. Vitagraph com edy. - 2. The Lazy Man's Strike Com edy. 3. Two Ken and a Girl. Western Play. 4. Pottery Making in Thune. in dustrial. 5. Current Events. 6. A Ragtime Love Affair. Com edy.' "' 7. Cahler and Wausworth. Mii'.ic. Adinissinn 10 cents. HE OURT HOUSE. Answer filed in Or. Electric agt. Craft. cm oi exceptions med in Elmer Tubbs act. th p R p. R r1., ai7 f..o. "j . iHo- written pages. 2 coyote and 4 wildcat scalps filid by R. S. Luper for bounty. Heavy tax payments. $169 9G, Mrs. M. M. Blain $121.64. J. B. ueamerman tuz (, naman snelton Jr. $162.93, S. J. Archibald $136.80, Sunti- nm Klnntni. fn IIR SO t. T. Un. $197 82, J. A. Smith $135.38, H. B. moyer iuz os, j. u. Dovine sU6 30, Albany State Bank $665 55, Clara A. Wnawm t'')7 Rl 1 n lUn..nn.(l'7.MI Goo, Harrison $112 64, Nancy Bilyeu $116.73. Will. P. & P. Co. $327.40, Clara cooper ana uucy wara 521S 40. Jos. $274 84. W. H. Rhodes $228 07, Jones UUI1U ?iou u-t. Deed recorded: Abraham D. Coble to J. II. Sam- uelson 2b9.28 acres $23,562 Amundsen at the South Pole. Amundsen, the Norwegian, teleernuhs from Hobart, Tasmania, an account of his reaching tho south pole, a great event in exploration. It was a cold trip, with tho themometor at 49 de grees below zero Whilo on tho trip the sun was not seen for four months. On Dec. the spot according to the in strument was reached. It is a vast plateau, a long Btrctch of plain, high above the ocean. One of the Cols. E. Hofer was in the city on his way home from Corvallis, where he had been to speak on made in Oregon support, at a convention to consider the subject of supporting home institutions. The Col. is said to have ridden some distance on the new explosive lionite, escaping ser ious injury, and, if he kteps on with this kind of business will Boon be in Col. Roosevelt s clatj. Already Rented. Mr. Boom, tgent for Mr. Hear, re ports tho now block to be built on the corner of Lyon end Third street, already rented to business men. Lyon street looks good to many. The building is to De a one-story liruK, and Architect Jennings is now in charge ot the plans, 50C. FOR Kevere Sunday Dinners. Every Sun lay, at the Hotel Revere. 5:30 to 8 p. m., there will be a choice dinner served for only 50 centB. Music by tho popular Wilson orchestra. Make reservations. AT C Books Books Just received a full line Popular Fiction. 55c each 10 for $5.00. at MEISER & MEISER Ruby is'the best 35c coffee FIRST CAR I UTAH LAND 1 PLASTER has arrived. Place your order j now. M, Senders & Co. ' C. D. RAUCH, Court Reporter, . Pub'i: Stenographer. Office: First National Bank Build in. Phones: Office, Bell 146-R; Res., Bell 154-L, ALBANY TRANSFER CO. Light and Heavy Hauling. Wood for sale, fir, maple and ash. Phone Home 68; Bell 166 R. I CALIFORNIA ROOMING HOUSE II. V. HAZEN, Prop. Lig!t Houe'?eplng fit'itcs, Sleeping :r.".v.".. Rxtr Fcicm''!e. Z':::::l fnd Kdi'trre.-y Streets (In-; T-lr,n f!W c.w.i ex a!jdPa::Vi"l7?.. Will work by dny or conlr.'ict. Let lis 1'iK'irc on your work. Can paint yt,:;r U':K"! so it ivi!! slay prtitiU-if and ii...i l'jj u' omc j,honc il6S THE COURTS. Circuit: The grand jury has returned a num ber of indictments, of which the follow ing are in charge of the court: Jack Lynch, lareenv from a dwelling, tho charge being the theft of about $20 trom a man's Docket at a roommsr house on Lyon street. John Miller, larceny from a dwelling, being charged with the theft of t re volver from a section house near Al bany. John Scanlan, larceny from a dwell ing, being charged with stealing some furs from Mrs. K Merrill and lolling them to a second haod store. h rank Patton, assault with a danger- weapon. Ihis is the case wherein Pat ton and Harry Halkyer had an encoun ter in which Halkyer was badly cut in the face with a knife wielded by Pat ton. Three against Al. Peacock. The story is that three boys from Crabtree, - nere 10 lestiry oetore tne grand jury In a Crabtree case, bought liquor of Pea cock, and gave it away to the grand jury. There are said to bn a number of other indictementa against offenders against the local option law. Jack Lynch took time for pleading and Monday at 8 a. m. wai set. John Miller was in a hurrv to begin his residence at Salem, plead guilty, waived time and was sentenced to the penitentiary 1 to 7 years. Following is the present grand jury, which has been doing Lusiness at tne old stand for two or three days: C C. Burmestor foreman. Jus. P. McTimmonds, J. W. Evans, E. A. True love, J. W. Taylor, u. Isom, G. ff. Lnubner. The Weather. Range of temperature 47-30, The river is 5.8 feet. Prediction: fair tonight and ft day, 0 WATCHES, F. M. French & Son. New Things to Eat Old fashioned Molasses Candy, Whipped Cream Ci jcolates, Delicious Mar schino Chocolates. We make them. ELITE Chocolate Shop Our New Store will open about March 1st. . NEW ST. FRANCIS GRILL Sunday Table de Hote Dinner .75c reserved. a plate. Tables 5:30 to 8 p. m. MUSIC. WHO WANTS TO Krow Of good property in east Aibany for (ale. A good 7 r.nm house ar.d barn and 19 lots, will sell all or part and build on vacant lots for parties desiring it. Call Homo phone IMS 2t AUTO TRANSFER Fred H. Westbrook. Office Phones ucIl, 31(5; Home, 20. Residence Phones Bell 400, Home 219. At your service day or ni(?lit. JUST To Remind You I CI.ENDORR lot i aro for' tn'.e, lot 2(i"xifi0 ft.. Rold on IcrmH to mit I'etto- no U3 Ltfore all the choice cno TI.'fUL'LI' REAL ESTATE Co. ST. FRANCIS BARBERSHOP, 3: lit, Propria tor.