Standard Fashions. THE SPRING STYLES are beau ties, and the Spring number of The Standard Fashion Book is a beauty too. CUNNING DRESSES for the little tykes. SEMI-PRINCESS Gowns with new features. DESIGNS for new bordered foul ards. DESIGNS for the most important functions. WORKING, Decking. Resting, Masking, Flood's Store Agents for R. & G, Corsets. Agents for Standard Pattern TOMORROW'S Farm and City Property. If interested in buvinsr Farm City Property it will pay you to look at some ot the Dargains on our list. The owner's price is our price. Wc show you the property without ex pense, and you arc under no obliga- tion to buy. Below are some of our bargains: 600 acres, all tillable land, good buildings, $45 per acre. 450 acres, 375 tillable land, good lo cation, $40 per acre. 331 acres, about 100 acres of tim ber, $28 per acre. 140 acres, fair buildings, good loca tion, $45 per acre. 1 City Property. House and barn and two lots, $2,600 Fight room house, fine location $3,500 Eight room house, full lot $2,100 Four room house, two lots $1,600 ' it's not our way to run you down on the street, but will gladly have a talk .with you at our offices, at 236 West First street, Albany, Oregon. If .we can not show you the best bargain, then buy of the other fellow, but see us before buying. THE LINN & BENTON REAL ' ESTATE COMPANY. United Presbyterian.- Preaching both morning and evening by Dr Sharps. S. S. 11:45, Juniors 3 p. in. and senior Y. P. S. C. E. G:30, Baptist Church S. A. Douglas, min ister. Sabbath school 111 a. rn. Morning worship 11a. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:3U. Junior meets at 2:30 p. in. Evening service 7:3(1. St. Peters (Episcopal). Rev. Henry II. Marsden, Minister. Holy commun ion 11 a. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Sermon 11 a. m Evening service 5:00 p. m. Rev. Marsden has returned. Grace Presbyterian. L S. Mochel, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. S S. at 10 a. m. C. E 6:45 p. m. Evening service 7:30. At the morning service the auartet will render l.enil Kinrllv ugnc, oy uuuiev buck. This is worth your while. You are heartily welcome. First Methodist church -Cor. 3rd and Ellsworth, D. H. Leech, Pastor. Class meeting 10, Morning service at 10:30 a. in., a. b. at 11:45 a. rn., Junior League 3 p. m Epworth Liagueat 6:80 p. m. Evening service 7:30. Special music both morning and evening. The Dublic including visitors and Btrangers invited. Christian. A I bvn Essan. minister Repairs to the auditorium having been I completed, the usual services will Le I I held without change or interruption. Bible school will begin at 10:15 a. m. (J. E. 0:30 p. m. Morning service 11:20. ! Evening sermon 7:30. Special music at morning and evening services. Strang ers and everybody welcome. I Fi'st Presbyterian. Rev. F. H.Ges : elbracht, Minister. Morning service ' 10:30. A special series of sermons to I begin on the Immanence of Uou:(jod in ' Nature. Vesper service 5. Theme: i The Perfect Law. Three special musical numbers. Several by tno College MISFITS. Just enough snow to mention it. The curfew law is a good one to force. Parents have a right to know what meir cnuaren are doing. There is nothing like getting , off on the right foot and right note. February, though short, was a long one on business in Albany, which was good March is here, the time when rail laying was to begin on the O. E. at S. towards A. That skating rink evidently needs looking after by the city fathers and Albany fathers generally. It is to be hoped the fight on corsets wins out; but of corset won't. The factories want the business. . The cartoonists have now turned their attention to T. R. good and harJ, and he is getting it in the neck and all over ma anatomy. The serveself grocery is a new con cern, uoods are marked down and people help themselves, no clerks, no delivery wagons, all cash, no books. Smith tried it at Cleveland, O., sounds big, but it is doubtful if pan out everywhere. , and it it will A man in Chicago was fined $5 f r writing the following poem: Out on a farm Under a big round moon, It ain't no harm to snuggle and spoon, "I Am Very Much Pleased With My Investment.' Mr. Louis chlesinger is the pro prietor of a prosperous men's furnish ing store in San Diego, California. The quotation above is what he thinks cf electric advertising. "I purchased a double-faced elec tric sign about a year ago," writes this merchant. "I wish to say that I have never spent a sum of money for advertising which has brought me the business that this sign has. "It not only serves as a sign, and a source of illumination of the en tire front of my store at night, but is a clear and readable sign by day. "I am very much pleased with my investment and the publicity I have received through it. I would certain ly advise anyone looking for a live means of advertising to invest in an electric sign." Telephones 15, and place your or der with our representative today. TELEPHONES 15 0RLG0N POWER CO. ELECTRIC SUPPLY HOUSE AND CONTRACTORS Ralston Eleetric Supply Co., 310 W 2nd Street. Tuga Walton, 728 E 4th Street. ; Ladiea' Ooartec (the Misses Irvine and I SDOon. SDOon. Andercon and Mmes. Crooks and Flo.) : The example set by the jadge is a gcod Their singing was much lauded in Grants one. Puss, Medlord and other places. S. S. I all. we I J. V.JPIPE. y, 203 West Second Street. REAiTeSTATE. Farm lands, city property, timber lands. Money to loan on approved se curity. Insurance written in the best old line companies. STONE For building, ornamontal purposes, ' rip rap, lilling, otc. Samples at M. Sondors & Co s store W. L. COUB, R. D 5 Mlome Phone.4. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED 4ND PRESSED The Pantatorium, CLARK HUSTON, Proprietor. T. J.STITES, AttnrnAV nt Law. Notary Public. T.iml Imalne" of all kinds in all the tourts promptly attuned to. Bell phone COl LIN3 & TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, ituy and sell property. Insure property ami transact loans. Larue or small timber tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-rcsi dents. Will A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, & Stnrk Work - Albany H. Clawfoul Ulnck A. LEININGER. Dentist, AT BURKHART & LEE's. Schneider's Veterinary Change. Feed this medicine to your mares and raise a line colt. The marc must be n proper condition to do this. -L lus is a scientific preparation for this purpose. The new way of cor rection f reproductive organs of marcs in breeding season. You will raise a much more valuable, and bet ter hoVse bv feeding this medicine. The marc will do better aiftcr feeding Ills medicine. Uuild up your mares with Schneider's Veterinary Change. Enough for one marc, $3 per box. 7l 11:45. Orchestra and classses for C. E. 7. "Come thou with os and will do thee good. Established 1871 Assets Over $1,000,000.00 Did You Know? Albany College. Albany College faculty give a recept ion at Tremont Hall tonight to the resident trustees and their wives. The faculty basket ball team, Flo, P-wbably not one person in a trajosand , r- rankin, beselbrachti,. bharpi and couie. name iaib a cuoiner, on-nanu, Here- it is FIEST NATIONAL BANK of Albany, Oregon. (Oldest National Bank n the Willamette .Valley.) B. M. PAYNE. City Property for Farm Lands and salo. Real Estate Loans. -Fire Insurance. Suroty Bonds Rooms 19 21 Cusitk Block, Albany, Oregon. Secretary of State Philander C. Knox, of Pennsylvania. Secretary of Treasury Franklin Mac Veagh,. of Illinois, Secretary ol War Henry L. Stimood, of New York. Secretary of Navy George von L. Meyer, of Massachusetts. Secretary, oi Interior Walter L. Fisher, of Illinois. Secretary ot Agriculture James Wilson, of Iowa White, are practicing. The last regular number of Albany College Lecture Course will be- given on Wednesday, March 20, by the Ed win U. Weeks Company. Harry S. arner, of Chicago, for twelve years Secretary of the Inter collegiate Association, and editorof the Intercollegiate Statesman, addressed the students Friday morning. An important meeting, full of prom ise for the future of Albany Cnlege, was hold in the Chapel last night. The Secretory of Commerce-awl Labor j students practiced two Albany College Time Deposits, varies Nagel. of Missouri. 80nS9 "nd some Je"9i . botn t "d Charles Attorney General George- w. erBham, of 2jev Yfork. Postmaster General Frank cock, of New York. PROCURED AND DCFENDED. ""!. drawljur nriiliDtti.foroxiwrtsciirrti&nil rrre report. Vivo atlvleu, bow to obtain patent, trade luarfca, coujrltibu, ale, N ALL COUNTRIES. ( tuiineil direct with Washington uzwr an, tnimey and often the patent. I Pitint ind Infrlngtmtnt Praotlc tKlallwly. Wrlta or onnis to ill at 111 mala Unel, opp. Onlud Stataf lata! OSea, WASHINGTON, C. Uoer Laf Dairy. . I It you appreciate clean, sanitary and' ! pure mi Ik give us a call. ' Delivered twice a dav. Beth phonos. ! Milk deDOt 311 Lvoa St. Ji F. HiJCGllOv Prop. Cedar posts each,, or $7. 581 a hun- drcd, at the Hammond. Lumber Co's ' yards. tlO j Mel, the Haw filer, wili be found at the green front on Baker street, near the ukutine rink. DAWSON & BUTZILAFF. W ic!e ' new. I hen they adopted a constitution tor a xaKenan otuo, the purpose- of Hitch-' which is to boost for Albauy College, i Tho exectutive committee- are Miss I Amy Olmsted, president;. Miss Duaa ; Cushman, vice. president; Miss Ruth ; Knowles, secrevary and treasurer: and 1 Alexndei McLain and. H. H. Fuller. 1 By invitation of the students, the Col- ; ttKu 1.UUIV9 rdnyauug anu laiKeu as they did on their recent Southern trip. The address of Rev. Thomas H. ; Walker, of Cavalry Presbyterian ehurch, Portland, on the Day of Prayer for Colleges, was perhaps as helpful as any that has ever been giren in. Albany College. It was on "The Call lo Service." These Banks have resources and connections which enable them to be of the greatest service to their customers. They cordially in vite the accounts of individuals and firms to whom they extend the services and facilities of strong and sound financial institutions. FIRST SAVINGS BANK of Albany, Oregon. (Owned by Shareholders of the First National Bank.) Assets Over $390,000.00" Interest on The Weather. Ranee of temperature 48-27. Rainfall .25 inch, snow half inch. Prediction : fair tonight, with heavy NOTICE. All persons having claims I against the late Mrs.. Mary Wood are : frost tomorrow morning, requested to present them within . . a ' thirty days to W. E. Pteiffer. FRANCIS W. ALBRO, Teacher of Piano and Harmony Studio in Schmitt Building Room 12. Home Phono 3B2- Piano Tuning a Specialty- Free sawdust for the next SO days, the saw mill. Albany Lhr. Co. tlO BACKIO'THE m Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany State ll.iuk Building. Ht-11 Hl:u-k . Home 275 DR. VIRGIN'IA I.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. Schmitt Ulnck, Albany, rtiones: Office Home 359, Bell Black 2751; Residence 394 Home, Mark KM lU-ll. DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, 'ill , S'rk MltvW Albrmv TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter. Agfiit fr the Clccluml Gclsenite roof paint. 12 Ff-rry Strrrt. Mmf Pt,rr, V-ii-ir-. R-.l Vioj VIEKECK'S BATHS. 217 West First Street. .Yirit-Claai Wotk Guaranteed. COLQN.2T FARES W iQ TO AIL POINT IN OMQON, DAM I MARCH i TO APRIL 15, 19.2 i Tr OVIH TMK SOUTHERN PACIFIC X5?3? CHtcaao - 3.oo vJASl t. loui - LNVV DM.H. - ia.oa if ,-r- VT Al citt - i.-o iiLlXi VII C x. ... . lr ',1-,T;ii'S:l A MQH BTMt. ClTiM rOMmaiKISMI LC VW'jW-' 'tt i M l .lmt.l Vawa ay V rsT-IUH NUretl nt irttMM Pit tv. f.rt' y ltl 'r aw.iuar..! a jf M t'.U on thv nii.! (or av'.'J ltt" 1 1 scon. tiriiirrim tr rm. n C -.Vn...' j WATCHES, P. M. French & Son. Victoria Chocolates, ct the Mission Parlors, are delicious eating. We are agent3 for the SANTA CRUZ PORTLAND CFMENT The best cement on the market. THE CHAS. K. SPAUI.DING LOG CO. A. B. KELSAY, Manager. Both Phones. MEN WANTFD to work in woods, near town, good wages. Home 1283. tX)R SALE. I have one Aspinwall potato planter to sell.aiso a fine lot of PaiimAn M e 9 oonrl ,wva(na than aa the leaders of 40 other kinds I have j tested, at 90 cts a bushel: also have ' baled hay for sale. A. J. Caiothers, 6th and uafayctte Sis., Albany. It WANTED. Tt-nants for brick store building cnr. 3d & Lvon St. Will build to suit tenants. X. Y. Boom, 331 E oil) St. It ORPINGTON EGGS From the best strains of buff and white thorough breds. J. A. Humphreys, Winona Park. Phona P. O. after 5:30 p. m. tlO j FOR SALE -Fine younfr cow, fresh, wiih heifer calf. Cor. Front and Chicaeo streets. 27t INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS This-bank will now issue time certificates drawing interest six months or one year. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY. OREGON. - Established 1892- Capital and Surplus $90,000.00 ALBANY STATE BANK has every equipment of a modern, progressive institution, including SAVINGS DEPART1WI?mt 1 in which interest is paid on DEPOSITS whether larg, e or COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT HORSE FOR SALE One gentle Unv- in which checking accounts are etadlv rereivrri fr J inemare, woieht 950. sound. Price virlnnlc firm 3 : 6 lctcIve" irom indl-. $ti0. or will exchange for good cow.'"""""' 'u wiHuiiuons. Address Roy M. Frederick. R. D. 4. Allany. Home phone 4053. t2S SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES lo Rent. . Or.. For Sale.- Eggs for : WM BAIX, Pres. hntching from util-! ity stock scientific-1 TJ uiiy oreu. flymoutn Albany, Barred Rocks. Litrht Brnhmns and Black Minorcas. I Prices $1 50 per set-j tinir. C. S. Shprid I 8t7 W. -Itn Street. P. D. GILBERT, Vice-Pres. N. BOULEY, Cashier. THE EPAUL1XE ADDITION'. For lots cs mine this addition. Cor- 1 ncr oi l.Uh and Jackson streets, about 9 bbc!;s south of the High! school buildim;. Will sell for a s'jort time at $X) to $3i) per lot. Lots arc high anJ dry. Call o;i , undersigned o rphor.e Home 1107.; T P. H n-Uctwv ( tl ' GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS M. t. LKVH, 242 West Second St., Au)an-, First-class meats ot all kinds (rom selected s'.ock. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY