S. E. YOUNG & SON REMOVAL SALE Every day this sale bee omes more popular and we are selling the goods now at such a rate we hardly expect them to last out. Three Extra Specials to conclude the third week of this lively sale. These specials are only for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. LADIES' AND CHILD REN'S HOSE. Ladies Newport 25c Burlington 35c Fay Knit 35c Misses ' Silk Lisle 19c Misses' and Children's Fay Ideal 25c Cotton 2 for 25c Cashmere 19c Infants Cashmere in all sizes, extra strong line in sizes Sl2, 6, 6y2 19c SHOE DEPT. Till the end of this week all 25c Shoe Polishes....l8c 'All 10c Shoe Polishes 7c FURNISHING DEPT. Boys' Waists. Percale, Madras and Gingham, regular 50c value. This special....J.21c THIS MORNING. News from Albany's Trains. Six Eaiiy E. H. Rhodes arrived home on the early train from a month s visit with his daugnter and family in Oakland. It is said be will soon begin work on fifty ' niiiKk AAm a few ViCk Sit- Cvannia onrJ there is also talk of an opera house on his second street property. Employees' ASSOCIA" ON GIVE BANQUET. MILLINERY DEPARTMEN T. ,.$1.00 Here on Winter Hats there is only one price SPRING. New shapes in straight-rimmed Sailors, Walking H ats, and the New Gaby Hat, also other new rolling Sailors, in Panamas, Milans, Java s and Peanuts. New shades in trimmings, primrose, honey and nat ional blue. Shaded silks are very strong. u- . S Albany's Big Store. S. E. YOUNG & SON Established 1866 C C. Chapman. Manairer of the Portland Commercial Club, returned from Philomath, where he snoke at a big booster meeting. Philomath is get tins: ambitious and is said to be crow ing fist. T.0UMS V VnnxuUnr .Ih. 4.',.tat nIAnt of the North Bank, Portland, and Pres ident of the Transport ition Association, a former Albany operator, passed through on the delayed 13 for Cottage uruve, wnere nis motner is seriously ill with pneumonia. Delmer Thompson, of North Yakima. after spending the night in Albany, left for home after a trip east, where he had been to buy for his house, a leading department storo of North Yakima. Miss Milam, teacher of domestic science in the O.A.C., went to Oegon City. Dr. J. P. Wallace returned from Leb anon, where he had been to see Dr. J. U. Boom, who is ill. Lawyer Newport. C. A. Brown and Mr. Hubbs came down from Lebanon. Prof. Hargrove returned to Portland. A. C. Schmitt . went to Salom on a short trip. Mrs. K. K. Monteromerv. of Sheri dan, returned home after a visit at the Montgomery farm at Fry. L. E. Wood went to Portland. Lawyer A. A. Tussine went to Salem. C. C. Galloway, a former Brownsvilld man, who recently sold his property, at Woodburn, came down from Brownsville. THE 2500 Has Its Annual Meeting, Showing Prosperity. The llth annual meeting of the 2500' was held last evening. The reports of otlicers were received, showing the 2500 to be in good condition, with a net gain of twenty members during the past year. The i!500 paid during the year for death claims $11,301.00 with only nine deaths. It has paid since organi zation 11 years ago for death claims $95,987. The 2500 does not receiva members from all over the state, only people living in the following counties, and who are between the age of 18 and -15: Linn, Benton, Lane, Marion, Polk, 1 amhill and Lincoln. After consideriritr a lanre edition presented from members in Benton Co. A resolution was passed, granting a special dispensation until Sept 1st 1912, to admit members for the sum of $2.50. After Sept 1st the regular fee of $5.00 will be charged. Mr. Lonrad Mover was elected a di rector to serve for soven years. Dr. J. L.. Hill was elected president, and W. M. Parker elected secretary-treasurer. The directors in their order of elec tion and term are: W. M. Parker. Dr. J.- L. Hill, D O. Woodworth. J. J. Collins, J. W. Ellison, Nels H.Wheeler, . Conrad Meyer. Basket Ball. Tonight. Filled 9000 Prescriptions During the year just ended we compounded 9000 prescriptions. A record breaker for any single year since we have been in business, and not one single error was registered against us. We use the highest grade drugs every day in the year. Bring us your prescription. BURKHART & LEE MURPHY'S SEED STORE. Agents for CYPHERS Incubators and Brooders. CALL AND GET A CATALOGUE AND PRICES. . SPECTACLES & EYEGSSSIiS Optometrist ALBANY OHEG. Agates Cut and Polished AT F. G. WILLS. POCKET FLASHLIGHTS All Sizes All Prices Absolutely Reliable They help us when nights are dark. Fresh Batteries. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Wcit Second Street. LANDAGNT NOTARY PU JLIC 40 Years Here Large, small tracts, houses and lots. See my list before investing. JAS. F. POWELL, Room (9), Albany StatpBank Bldg. WOOD AND COAL All kinds of wood sawed in any length desired. Best coal on the market at reasonable prices, delivered prompt) in large or small quantities Albany Fuel Co., A. . Docksteader Both phones. For Transfer Phone E. R. Cummings, office with L. J. Gray Real Estate Co., corner of Second and Lyon streets. Light and heavy hauling of all kinds, piano mov ing, baggage. Orders promptly at tended to. Office phones Home 463, Bell 493-J.' Res. Phones, Home 146, Bell 350. Phone all ciders from 8 to 12 and 1 to 5 to office; to Res. at morning, noon and nights. All orders promptly attended to. WOOD for i.le. I. R. Schultz, and C. C. Bryant, of this city, and H Y. Kirkpatrick, of Lebanon, went to Salem to attend a meeting of the Mutual Insurance com panies of Oregon, about thirteen in all, a convention of agents being called to consider matters of mutual interest. We carry a full line of Staple and Fancy groceries Tit our market, cor. 2nd & Lyon Sts., to which we inyits your special Pttention Albany Dressed Beef & Produce Co. Mel, the saw filer, will be found at the green front on Baker street, near the skatinir rink. DAWSON & BUTZLAFF. F.G. Will ior watches JUST ARRIVED . Car Load of Land Plaster We also handle Golden Gate Cement. Arden Fibre Plaster and Lime, Potatoes bought and Sold in any quantity. Albany Commission Co. THE BEST TO BE HAL) in Baked Goods, Groceries, Produce and Fruits, at PARKER'S a'The Sign of.Quality. The Albany Bakery J16 W. Fi!St'.3trcet. BothlPhones. Shingles. Made in Albany my Ho. 1 Edg Grain the WEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON W use no dry kiln. DINNER WARE, " The Perfect White Ware Every piece guaranteed against crazing. A beautiful new pattern just in. Pure White. Prices per set of 6 4- in. plates ...... 24c 5- in. plates :...37l2c 7-in. plates 55c Coupe Soups : ....55c Fruit Saucers 25c Oat Meals 42c Handled Teas 55c Baynes Variety Store WHO WANTS kSow Of good property in east Aibany for sale. A good 7 reora house and barn and 19 lots, will sell all or part and build on vacant lots for parties desiring it. Call Homo phone 1168. 2t r AUTO TRANSFER Fred H. Westbrook. Office Phones jiell, 316; Home, 20. Residence Phones Bell 400, Home 209 At your service day or night. JUST To Remind You CLENDORR lota are for sale, lot 20x200 ft., sold on tcrmB to suit Better see us before all the choice one are gone. TEBAULT REAL ESTATE Co. The Electrical Employees Association of Albany, last evening in the pretty dining room of the St. Francis, gave a banquet that was one of the snuppiest and most enjoyable ever presented here. The menue was a choice one, splendidly gotten up, promptly served and univers ally appreciated. Eating and talking went together, in the following live pro gram: President A. S. Harrineton in a near introduction presented G, S. Hill as toastmaster, Mr. Hill proving a bright and entertaining one. Bouillon. Dr. W. H. Davis on Baccilli. Course of fish. Manager Martin of Corvalhs with a stoiy. Keguiar dinner course of chicken etcetera. Chas. Griswold. auditor, ot Eueene. on things. lottee of high grade. Address bv Prof. Hilderbrand. Prof. of electrical engineering in the O. A. C. A. Li. ingalls, auditor, of Eugene. Fred Pike Nutting of the Hub with Eugene, Coryallis and Philomath as the spokes. Gale S. Hill on business from the days of clubbing men for trade down to the present modern system, a good one. w. r,. omitn, editor (Jorvallis Daily Republican. Mayor P. D. Gilbert, to the point. Manager H. E. Morton, in apprecia tion. Spliced in. Frank McKenna, the versa tile secretary, read telegrams, full of wit and business, with Jim Keeley, of Eugene, as the messenger boy, also author, from R. M. Jennings, Joe Ral ston. D. O. Green. Ruoker of Eiiornnn. Mishaw and Mayor Drury of Philomath, Gordon R. Shelton and President Kerr, all real affairs, and then Gov. Went. Ira McFarland aged 90, H. M. Byllesby & Co., Mayor Gay nor, Roger Sullivan, i nomas a. r,oison, a. ti. f isn, w. r. Savage, W. J. Bryan and A. H. Hewey. Barry Fiesel answered the telephone with numerous gags, a neat feature, and Prof. Francis Albro performed on the piano, and there was something doing all the time. Upon motion of Dr. Davis a resolu tion was passed by the guests express ing appreciation ana wisnes ol long life and prosperity. I It clused with many remarking the , best ever. Besides those mentioned above the i following wern present: rrom Eugene a. rl. Shunterman. Mr. Steelauist. D. E. Widderaheim and Mr. Diefol. Don't fail to see -.Chambers & Mc From Corvallis Mr. Bogue, Prof. Dune's big display of Millinery in all the Graf and C. L. Baker of the Julian FirBt street windows. Hotel. I . Lebanon Jos. Smith. Albany Claud Ellisun. C. C. Page, O. I. Larsen, John Honderer, Louis Allen, A. C. VanNuys, Harold Sharp, Lian Biniver, raui wucox, f. H. Smith, L. F. McClain. H. T. Shea, C. E. Coe, Wm. Hofllch, Eugene Shea. M. C. Mc Lagan, D. B. Morrison, K. L. Coatea and Milton McGuiro. In all forty-one. See the bask t ball came foment at 8 o'clock at the Alco Gym be" ween the iacuuy and students ot the College. Admission 10 cents, for expenses. The tun will be worth several times that. Can the professors come back. G) and see. The Weather. Range of temperature 55-39. Rainfall .36 inch. The river is 5.4 feet. Prediction: rain tonight and Thursday. The Woman's Hat Shop. Oposite the new tit. Francis Hotel on Ferry St. L. Mathew in charge. Will be ready fr.r business, Thursday, March ith. Ladies! Visit our Pattern Dep't next Thursday during the pattern demonstration by Mrs. Bennion an ex pert from the Pictorial Review Co. New YoJk. Doings of boys. Three small bnys of the east end this morning were up beforo Judge Duncan on the charge of breaking into a gran ary. They were giyen a needed lecture and allowed to go. Six boys are said to have been located who broke into the Btore of Cqnstance Alexander, and may have to face Judge Duncan. Having Btolen about $40 worth of goods, mostly candy, the case is a serious one. NOTICE. All persons having claims I against the late Mrs. Mary Wood are requested to present thom within thirty days to W. F. Ptoiffer. Bo sure and visit the Shop. Woman's Hat Exclusive styles In Millinory at the Woman's Hat Shop. Victoria Chocolates, at the Mission Parlors, aro delicious oating. Fresh Yaquina Bay OYSTERS at the Mission Parlors. F. G. Will for watches. New Things to Eat . Old fashioned Molasses Candy, Whipped Cream Ci ucolates, Delicious Mar schino Chocolates. We make them. ELITE Chocolate Shop Our New Store will open about March 1st Here Is a Chance. DR. J. W. JACKSON, Graduate registered Veterinarian, 1014 E. 2nd St., Albany Or; Phones, ST. FRANCIS BARBERSHOP, Bruce, Proprietor. Chas S. C. Worrell's SG Secondhand Ferry Stieeti, For fresh groceries, vegetables and fruits. Everything new. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329St:or.d Slr Between ferry Ere adabin i.I have associated with me one of the most expert plate makers in the Northwest, and I am going to give people o Albany and surrounding country the benefit of his know ledge and experience for the next 31 days, beginning Fri day, March 1st. NOW LISTEN Mvllf Villi nrp wpnrino rti n nnccikl,, 4-.,sn 1nn. which arc giving you satisfaction, but it is policy to have a set in reserve' in case of an accident. Tossibly you are wearing an ill-fitting plate, which drops down when you cat or try to laugh, or it might be that your mouth shrunk after you had your plate made. If so, you cannot afford to miss this offer. Many persons have had their teeth extracted and gummed it ever since. If this is the case, it is time for you to get busy while this special offer is on. During the 31 days beginning March 1st I will make the special price of $5.00 and $7.50, but this price docs not include extracting. Here are the terms One-half to be paid when the impression is taken, and the other half when the work is finished. No credit to any one. ",-! You can sec a sample of the plates before you buy. ' Dr. W. A. Cox, Painless Dentist 225 West 1st, Albany, Ore.