Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 08, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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"Oregon is in a very imfortunat
tl not embarrassing nosition on
count of the fact .she lias such
limited knowledge of her geological
resources." savs i'rof. 11. M. Parks of
the Slate Bureau of Mines, who is als
head of the School of Mines at O. A
C. In the new bulletin on 'the h-co
nomie Mineral Resources of Oregon
i'rof. Parks makes the following
Martling and significant statements:
"Oregon produced approximate'
J4.0ii0.0ij0 worth of geological pro
ducts in 1910. Oregon imported from
oilier suites and foreign countrie
more than $I2,X.J0,000 of geological
nrodiirts n 1910. .More than tliree
fourths of this amount imported could
have been produced within her nor
( e rs. More than si.3UU.iJUU barrel
of Portland cement having a value o
over S3.W10.000 were used in the Port
land territory in 191! and not a single
barrel was manufactured in tne state.
Over $4,000,XX) worth of clay pro
ducts such as brick, tile, pottery, tcr
ra-cotta and fire clay materials were
used in the vicinity of Portland
1911 and approximately $1,000,000
worth of these clay products were
manufactured within the state.
"Our neighbor states of California
and Washington have been spending
many thousands of dollars lor a mini
ncr oi years investigating uie jiiiii
eral resources of their state whil
Orgon lias been doing practically
nothing in this direction. As a result
investors looking to the Pacific coas
for opportunities along these line
will naturally go where they can get
. reliable information as to the location
and finality of the particular material
which they are seeking. The invest
or looking for an opportunity to lo
rate a plant for the manufacturing
of brick, tile, pottery, terra-cotta, etc
will not be atlracted lo Oregon on ac
count of the fact that in our neighbor
state of Washington he can oblam in
lormation from I'rof. Shcdu s Clays
of Washington on the location nn;
finalities of the clays which he is seek
ing, while Oregon has no detailed in
formation concerning her clay depos
"The cement man will not naturally
he attracted to Oregon as long as
Oregon has no information concern
ing her limestone deposits while both
the suites of California and Wash
ington arc' publishing information to
me world concerning their resources
along ins inc. Oregon lias, without
doubt, an adequate supply of cement
materials, building stones, and clays
lor the manufacture of brick, tile, not
tery, etc., but a very small amount of
it ts being made use of. instead we
are paying millions of dollars an
nually into the cofTcrs of other states
and adding to this a large tribute by
way of transportation charges. It
iwill be only when Oregon realizes
these conditions that she will rhakc it
her business to invstigatc the geo
logical resources of I lie state arid
publish the same to the world."
There was a contest at the central
building yesterday afternoon with
four .students, Miss Nellie Niccwon
dcr, Frances Harrington, Bessie Hunt
ley and llernice Tinkle, on the pro
gram, presenting essays on the sub
ject of narcotics, all excellent and well
The judges, Mrs. W. 11. Davis, Mrs.
A. S. Hart and Mrs. A. C. Schinitt,
awarded first place to Miss Niccwon
dcr. Here is the essay, fine worth
considering: I
Our lives depend a great deal on our
habits. Habits make or unmake men.
The boy who starts with bad habits
is almost sure to he a worthless man.;
One of the worst habits boys can J
indulge in is the use of cigarettes. I
Cigarettes deaden and dull all the
finer moral sentiments; also they
make a physical wreck of a boy or
man. The cigarette weakens and de
moralizes the body.
The users of the cigarette arc the
most helpless, and it also leads a boy
into bad company.
Our moral senses arc weakened by
the use of the cigarette. The cigarette
kills ambition. It also causes uiscou
tcnt. nervousness, lying, stealing,
cheating, and impurity. I
Cigarette smoking also affects tho
heart. I'vcy .-'.linker shows it in his
ia.-c. and s'. in.
(.'i-'.ret:.- smokers arc often very
Mdfisii, nl'leti taking the last cent for a
p-ieliagc oi smoking tobacco, and a
roll of papers, while their wives and
t'lildrcn arc working for their living.
There is enough poison substance m
two cigars to kill a load, and lo ihiuk
that human beings are inhaling such
poisons. iigarcuc u
royal road to the penitentiary, and is
responsible for "lore climes than any
other thing. , .
Thirstv smokers are on the road U
the saloon, and they are the saloon s
best patrons. No user of tobacco ever
graduated at the head o( his class.
All the largest business tutus, in
vuratu'f companies and banking insti
unions in the 1'. S. will not have any
thing to ilo with the cigarette user.
Husiness men everywhere are for
ever refusing to employ a boy or man
who smokes cigarettes, as cigarette
make a boy incapable ot performing,
the best service.
The business men of our know
y on better than your patents do.
Their eves are upon you when you.
arc le;t aware.
You in.iv slip awav from your motli-
. . - i.:.... in
u in .iv
dupe anil ueccne
best Iriemls, von may ciime un- m
I i,1 ,-ve oi vo'nr te.u'her; but you cant
lool 'the business men in your town,
when thev have a position to be tilled.
Cicareitc smokers have ll loniiim!
for slrom; drink. Cigarettes so lower
the italuv ot a man that he feels he
must have -onnthinii to make him
li-. eonseiou-i of fatigue.
Nearly all the boys in the reform
v.-hools are cigarette liemls. l.:tr.i;e
numbers' in the -sylunn have been
.bliee.l I" .: '.I'eie H,-.-ul-e of
e'.lr snuiit-.e
Many co blind (torn this habit. I
ilon'l "think eivj.irette smoking or
smokiiiB toku-.o of any kind is good
for the body.
Cigarette smoking makes the boys
or men's teeth yellow and dirty, leaves
an unpleasant odor in his clothes, a
bad smelling breath, anil yellow and
dirty looking hands; anil if anything
is unmanly or impolite, it is Jo sec a
young man in a crown oi young lames,
puffing the smoke into their faces
and to see a young man walking on
the street with a lady, and puffing and
blowing the tobacco smoke into her
face. We see this kind of work al
most every day in the larger cities.
Some boys think they haven't be-
come a man until they have learned to
smoke tobacco.
I do not think any man or boy that
has any respect for himself, will ever
use tobacco of any kind.
We have a right to expect every
boy to grow to be a good man. He
must be clean, wholesome, decent.
manful, cheerful, loyal to home and
school. He -must not be a coward,
he must not be a bully or a sissy boy,
but just be a man and a good citizen.
1 obacco is a stinking weed,
I'Vom the devil it doth proceed.
It robs your purse, and burns your
And makes a chimney of your nose.
I am sure the Library Board wish
to congratulate the friends of the li
brary on securing; from Mr. Carnegie
a gift of $12,500.00 to build a library
building, and also Mr. and Mrs. S. E.
Young for lite beautiful lot on which
to erect the library, building, but we
have felt, and many of the friends of
the library have felt,, that the amount
contributed by Mr. Carnegie is not
sufficient to construct a building suit
able to the growing needs of our city,
and Mrs. S. K. Young, feeling this
very keenly and from a deep interest
he library, has generously otfered
to contribute to the library an aikli
lional $2500.00 for the purposes of
building, providing the citizens of Al
bany and the friends of the library
will contribute an additional $2500.00
for the same purpose. The ladies of
the Modern Travelers who have in
many ways proven themselves friends
of the library have taken this matter
up, and have appointed committees
preparatory to asking our citizens and
friends to assist ill raising the neces
sary omney to meet the conditions of
Mrs. Young's offer of $2500.00. We
licrcforc request the citizens- of Al-
auy and the friends of the library to
givo these ladies sent out by the MVwl-
rn Travelers a courteous hearing-and
as liberal contribution as your means
will perimt. If we all take hold1 of
this matter and each contribute as lie
can afford, no more, the $2500.00' can
easily raised and wc will have a
fine library building, one that will
meet the needs of tlx city for many
years to come and I a monument ot
praise not only to tlie contributors,
lit to the wisdom and1 learning of tile
city of Albany.
President of the library Hoard.
As Observed by the Sarje Rooster.
Eogene, March 4.
The home of tho writr for several
weeks has been a hospital, with each
member a Block holder, now on their
There has been ni let-up in building
in Kugene this winter, and many new
business houses and residences have
none un.
Tho Oregon KlectrichaBsecurod three
half blocks on fifth street for passen
ger and freight dopots There were
about twenty buildings on tho properly,
which is being cleared. The Company
has about two miles of truck laid from
tho eitv limits towards Junction.
There was a big blowout in Eugene
Saturday. Tho Roosevelt republicans
nlot unij had a parade behind a brass
bund to the opera house, where n third
term Roosevelt Dynasty Club was
organized. What do you think of that?
Hid Roosevelt keep his word when he
said he would not be a candiihte. The
rule of law is if a witness is false In one
thing it must bo considered that he
would bo in o'.hers. Teddy is guilty.
When signers wero nskod for most
everybody left, and onlv ten or twenty
third termers were gotten.
tonr-ntf, C'rcuil Court.
There are 60 cases on tho doeket of
the circuit court to convene on Monday
On the list are 10 state eases' Oregon
agt. J"li Hilveu, l!nr. llilyeu, Huchiin
nan. Cain, Fisher, Merrill. Peacock,
Senders, Wodtli. Yocubets. Tho O E
bus ten eonteinnulion eases, being
ngninst Craft, Green, llonilersi.n. llul
burl, Hyde, lrvino, McCartney 12),
Porter, nnd Wilson.
Prominent cases will bo M Senders
Jt Co, agt. the S. P.. E. Will ant.
Uustav Rose, Holbnwk agt the I.irn
haven Orchard Co., Christy BRt. Cooper.
On a suit ease nt the depot this noon
wm noticed the tellowimr hotel stick,
entitled to a place in th'a misfit celu.nn:
SJ.OOa day.
Con, I Knough.
Cedurtown, Ua.
Gov. Westjnd Supt. Alderman
IVraKe Speeches.
The annual convention of school board
officials was held today at the court
house, with the circuit court room filled.
Supt. Jackson presided.
In the forenoon the following questions
were discussed:
Rural supervisors, by Supt. Jackson
and Supervisors Bohn and Benner,
giving a good idea of the excellent
work done.
How to employ and keep teachers,
lead by A. C. Schmitt in an able manner.
How can the school be made to serve
the district better, discussed by Hon.
J. M. Philpot. J'. YV. Pugh, Tom r'ro
man, Henry Dittmer, Z. I. Brown and
others, bringing out some strong sug
gestions for improvements of conditions.
This afternoon the gir)3 glee club of
the high school made a hit with a live
song, followed by Gov. West, who spoke
on state affairs. A plan to be put into
effect by the state board will be to
secure data from all state institutions
in SeptemDer, and later before election
publish them with the needs of the in
stitutions, informing voters of probable
legislation, now neglected. It is pro
posed to make the penitentiary self
supporting. The Governor presented
his prison policy candidly and convincingly.-
He was followed by Supt. Alderman
on industrial fairs, which he is bringing
to the front, a fine thing.
Then came more talks by the direct
ors and clerks.
E. L. War ford, advertisincrsoecialiat.
has been in the city boosting the great
which law become the annual event ?'
greatest importance at Seattle. He
declare that the one this year will far
surpass that ot last year, which as
tracted "Wide attention.
Mr. Warford is also-dome some spec
ial work for the land show at Los'
Angeles beginning the 20th of this-
month, getting as many as possible of
tlie Oregon; commission, to San Fran
cisco to also go there. 5
The county court is holding its regular
March session of court, allowing bills so
far. .
Heavy tax payments:
Isom Cleek $186.29. J. W. Morgan
$10B 52, O. P. Coshow $226119. Mrs. S.
H. Strahan $147.89, C. R. Gerig $416.51,
H. I. Mills $179.25. Harry Park $115.36.
J. B. Slocum $1:58.91, Pullman Co.
$257 42. R. O. Couser $1)3.88, Mark
Hulbert $234.43, Mabel C. Simpson
$454.07; E. J. Crow $17R38, A. P.
Klackburn S284 95. K. U. Nicholls
$244.31. Mn. Bogue $151.16, A. M.
Pryor $105 55.F. C. DannalB $103.40, A.
1. fowell Sllil.hb. unas. UlaeK til J. 114.
A. Hayes $128.04, 1. heaiuon $129.86,
Lambert Wheeler $201 91. C. C. Snyder
$147.97. Amos Nicholls $iS6.17, Jos.
Maurer 220.19i
Judge Kelly will hold a preliminary
term of court tomorrow at 9 a. m.
wen tho grand jury will also meet.
A couplr of wild cat scalps were filed
by T. M., of Latomb.
In estate of Wm. Hess, Lucv Hess
was appointed administratrix. Eslirm-
uted value of property jSodO.
Notice of candidacv of J. R. Springe?
rep. of Hotley, for reprepresentative.
statement No. 1, and in tavor econom
ical administration of public affiirs;
ulso I'. Freerksen, rep. committeeman,
Marriage license-. Albert S. luhnfre.
?1, and Cecil It. Bartlebaugbv 17.
Grange Delegates.
The Linn county granges ysterday
afternoon elected the followiac dele
gates to tho Oregon Stnto Grange.
which wi'l meet in Koseburg May 14:
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. H. rreerkaen, .Mr. and
Mrs K. R. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. R. A
Hulbert, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bond,
and Mrs. H. P. Mooro.
Some Dates.
Primary election April 19.
General election Nov. 5.
Registration closes for primaries
April .
Last day for candidates to file nom
mating petitions April 3.
Regist-ation reopens April 24.
Registration closes May 15.
Registration opens again June 4.
Registration closes foi last time
October 20,
July Ibn20.
New Suit:
A. VV. Roth and Geo. Edelman, real
estate dealers agt. A. Kamle, to rcover
$ 275. The case is a sensational one.
According to the complaint Kamle
wanted a farm, and that of J. M.
Hyatt, of Benton county was agreed
upon at $5,5U0; but Kamle wanted a
wife and agreed to tske it provided a
woman was introduced to him whom he
should marr7. The plaintiffs introduced
Mrs. Emma G. Peterman and Kamle
and she were married; but Kamle then
refused to take the farm, and is now
sued for the commission and expenses.
W. S. hisley attorney.
Demurrer filed by Hewitt & Sox in
Rominger agt. Neil.
Busy day for the county clerk taking
pension certificate acknowledgements.
Heavy tax payments:
W. H. Shepherd f 128 83, Robert For.
gey $113 10, Wm. and Maggie Stetter
$157.29, Estate Thos. Brandon $161.32,
August Kroschei loo. 26, Laura Beard
$138,22, Chas. Chrisman 110, J. W.
Miller $288.13, D. M. Jones $157.12,
Myrtle ja. Way $110.58, Aue. Koening
$112.01, F. D. Haight $104.72, J. J.
Horsey $248.80, E. G. Cox $279.65,
John Wills $166,52, Est. Mart Miller
$128.88, Wheeler Bro3.$168,6(,
Deeds Recorded: I
Lee Miller to D. T. Butler 62.70 a $2500
L. E. Arnold to L. D. Clevenger
lots Lebanon 10
Willamette U. P. Church to Or
leans Chapel K acre ;. 10
Notice candidacy E. L. Fisher, for
county assessor.
Marriage licenses:
Geo. Wait Campbell, 50, born in
Iowa, and Ella Smith. 44, born in Minn,
both of Lebanon; Oscar Rogoway, 29,
born in Dak., and Ray Rogoway, 24,
born in Or., a remarriage, both of Al
bany; Pat H. Evan, 22. born in III., and
Elsie Burrell, 18, born in O.,
bolh of
Motion in Wiley agt. Whitney et al.
by Judge Whitney.
Inventory filed in estate of S: M.
Pennington, teal property $18,200; per
sonal $929.
Heavy tax payments:
M. C. Gaines $256 74. J. H. Simpson
$914.68. C. T. & S. H. Goin 8131.65.
Mrs. E. E. Warner $241.22, Chas.' Hol
loway $116.03. John Sommerville
1409.76, R. D. & F. W. Smith $134.16,
H. M. Roberts $158.95. Albany Lumber
Co. $184.93, N. C. Miller $111.55, W. H.
and Ida Chandler $114.24, A. E. Ran
dall $132.15, Conrad Meyer $479.09; O.
L. Baltimore $124.26, C. H. Burggraf
K244.65 F. H. Porter 197.59, ft. A.
Howard $180.87, C. P. Kiger $107:67.
Stephen Russel $982:75. Cynthia Johns
et al. 319.99, C. Sturm $110.02, M-. B.
Case $215.13. W. F. Pfeifer $298:01
Elks $345.57. Wm. Roberts $110'90.
Burkhart & Lee $178.70, N. D. Conn
$124 13, Wm. Abraham $219.41, Vincent
Pletrock $116.67, John Kokn $105,70
J. A. Crwch. $144.
Deeds recorded:
Jake Msrgnotte to Clarence j
Seorgeand John Stewart lot I
Harrigburg I
Notices location mining claims. Blue
River district; by J. W. Owen,, Mrs.
Minn uwen. ana Steve Landers.
Miss Lucille Hart, of this citw,. has-1
been- honored bv being elected to a
position on the debating team off Stan
ford University, besides being elected
secretary and treasurer of the- team. '
On account of her studies she purposed
to keep out of debates; but her splendid
attainment in this line demanded her
presence on the team Tbis team- will
debate the University of California, a
big eveat) in the two colleges.
Henry F. Conner, youngest son of
the hue John Conner, died In Berlin.
Germany, last Monday al the sgi of 39
or 40 years. He was a cousin of H. F.
.Merrill ot tnis city.
He was born in Albany at the pres
ent site of the home of U. O. Wood-
worth, formerly the Conner block, going
Portland wun his father, when a
ooy. ne attended scoool in Portland,
and then went to Yale, where he grad
uated. After being admitted to th
oar ie practiced law i i Portland. To
years ago he went to Berlin.
Prof. Kent SpoKe.
Western Star Grange No. 309 held a
special meeting on March 2 for the
purpose oi oiscussiiik me proposed
oleomargarine and good roads laws
There were a good many members
present and several visitors, among
them W. K. Taylor of Corvallis, and A.
Hlevins of Tangent. Prof. Kent of the
O. A. C. was also present by soecial
invitation, and after dinner gave a very
interesting and'instructive talk on oleo-
margarine. A speaker from Portland
was expected to tilk on good roads but
he was unable to dime. There kk,
however. qui;e a little
lively talk by
L. E. ti.
those present.
Alhotiy's mnyer weiphs nurly r
nuichssihe mym of Lugcce and Cor
vallis eimtircd.
Teddy R. is all tangled up.
Mental X Rays are needed.
Now for a city hall this year.
Roosevelt doesn't stand a ghost of a
The spoiled children are always elje-:
whprA. '
Register and get the job off your
Let's have a straight Albany, no east
or west end.
Rushing into print is often rushing
into disaster.
it iijr iiiu. c tuuuiuaica .fl micui mau .
....... ...., I
aujr tiling (.isc.
The big storm didn't cross the coun
try. Thanks.
Inauguration day a year from, today.
Whowill it be?
Merit will generally get to the stop
without a jackscrew.
Just about half the people are behind
time, on the average.
Will Albany have an O. E. train-service
by the 4'ch of July?
-p.. . , ' . .
.. Thls 13,no"Pr.J1 eovemmert by
the people, bat by the p( litic;ans.
When this campaign is over T!
will be in a condition for another
Bet Satan hasn't any real boms,
comes nearer hooking like a N.
lion j
Mutt did a new snipe act on Jeff yes
terday and he was drowned. Hbpe
that's the last of him.
Mrs. Schumann-Heink would like to
eat Teddy R Bhe loves him so wlf.
Bet there would' be an awful grumble
to her digestion- tor a long time.
The real smart Bet of N. Y. has besn
figured down to just 469; but as a mat
ter of fact there isn't enough real'
smartness in this set to make an alma
nac, just snobbishness and lucre aris
tocracy. In seventeen years the supreme
court of California has decided 79'
Southern Pacific cases, of which 57"
hare been in favor ofthe railroad. Tne
railroad has evidently been in politics i
somewhat. I
A series of articles by C. P. Connolly,
on Big Business and the Bench, in
Everyboddy's is attracting a good deaf:
of attention. It indicates a corrupt
bench in many states and must make
friends of the rEuall of judges proposi-:
tion. j
The suggestion of Mayor Gilbert that
the central school bnilding property be
bought for a city hall and small park .
site is a splendid' one, which will un- j
doubtedly meet with general favor. ;
Close to the court house and new poet (
.' office the location is a good one.
You lose money when you negJeet
buying shoes at Burns Shoe Store, i
Largest assortment at cut prices. Elk
skin shoes, green, all colors and kinds ,
for It. en and Boys.
In the Comity Court of Litin,CCau.i-ty,-Oregon..
In the matter of Anna Dnnn, de
ceased. To Alexander Dunn, Margaret J. ,
Parsons, Alice M. Rogers, Maud A. ,
Rogers, Ella. Hand, George, Hand,
Lida Hand, Grace Hand, Sarah. A.
pjercCi iiiliam
Dunn. Lizzie Mor- i
gan, Marcus Dunn and all other per
sons interested in said estate.:. j
Whereas, application having been ,
made in. due form to the above-nam-
ed court on the 1st day of. March,'
1912, h; Marcus Dunn, administrator!
of said estate, tor an order and license I
directing, authorizing and. empower-
mg liuu to sell the Real k-state be-1
longing to the estate of said decedent, I
and described as follows, to-wit: !
Lots numbered Forty-one (41).
Forty-two' 42), Forty-Uiree 1,43), and;
Forty-four (44i in Block Twelve (12). j
in Bryant's Addition to the city of
Albany, in Linn county, Oregon.
And whereas, said court fixed on I
the 22nd
day ot April. 1912, at 10 ;
m., at t'? court room oi I
.j.'.-WL- a
this court in the court house in Linn
county state of Oregon, as the time
and place for hearing any and all ob-'
jections to said Petition and the
I granting of said order and license of
; sale.
I Therefore, in the name of the Stale
' of Oregon, You and each of vou are
hereby cited, directed and required to
be and appear at said time and place
then and there to show cause, if anv
you nave or it anv exist, whv
der of sale should not he mailc. as in
the Petition prayed for. and whv-said
1 ctitton should not be granted and
said order and license should not is
sue. w:.. ...... T-i.. ii. t
r J- -v Uuncan.
-'"."Ke ot said court with the seal of
V"" cun '1mxcd this 1st day of
V, ' -
(L. S.) W. L. M ARKS. Clerk
C. C. BRYAN'T. Attorney 5
5 Vop Vub- 'M:,rcl, 8' m-- hst AP-;l
"As rpb tita;
1 Tk. L '. J ii .
Mail is delivered te 43,571 residences
and 11,052 business houses in Portland.
Ex-Mayor E. G. Schmitz. of San
Francisco, has been freed en the
charges of bribery.
E. H. Bennett has arrived in Port
land with bis plnno for a city beautiful,
a colossal undertaking as outlined.
A big corporation at Klamath Falls
is to control every thing in sight, in-
A Portlond Greek yesterday was
arrested for mashing. The Athenians
seem to be somewhat on the flirt and
Hobert Wakefield, who built the
Albany steel bridge in 1892 has sued
Portland for $408,865, due on a reser
vsir contract.
The supreme court yesterday reversed
the case of the state agt. E.-G. Perkins,
fined $50 for selling liquor without a
licease at Springfield.
Tn Qaal la's !......... . 1 n.(.
-jwfcuc a gicv-lwij ycaieiuay roller"
ill is thought to have been elected.
Gill, whose election would be a calamity,
is only a few votes behind him. ..
Yesterday was the 55th anniversary
of Dr. O. P. S. Plummer's medical
graduation. He is a former Albany
man, first a telegraph operator, then a
druggist, going from here to Portland
in about liii).
Game Warden W. L. Finley started
for Jackson Hole, after a herd of
fifteen elk, presented Oregon by the
'J. S. They will be placed on Wallowa
Reserve first, and then scattered ove r
the state, as they propagate.
In the Circuit Court of the State of;
Oregon for the County of Linn.
Lucinda CMcQucen aud A. D. Mc--
Queen, her husband, Plaintiffs, vs.-
Hiram E. Barton, Defendant.
To Hiram E. Barton, defendant above
named: In the Name of the State of Oregon,.
You arc hereby required to appear'
and answer the complaint riled.
against you in the above entitled suit,
within six weejis from the date of
the first publication of this summons,,
and if youfail to so appear and ans
swer, for want -thereof,, plaintiffs will
apply to the court for the relief de
manded in their complaint.
The relief demanded in said com
plaint is a decree of the court estab
lishing the interests of the plaintiffs
and the defendant in the lands herein
after described, and appointing ref-
I cicca lu pai iiuim baiu uiuus uy bel
ling apart ine curosey interest oi tne
defendant therein,, in the manner pro
vided by law, subject to the payment
of the costs and expenses of said sui:,
including a reasonable attorney's fee,
and the costs of said reference, and re
quiring the defendant to ac
count t o the plaintiffs for one
half of the rents and profits
of said lands for the years 1908, 1909,
and 1910, and for such other and
furtner relief as may be meet in equi
ty, said lands being described as fol
lows, to-wit: Beginning on the south
boundary line of Section 31, in Town
ship 11 South, Range 2 West of the
Willamette Meridian at a point where
the east boundary, line of the Dona
tion Land Claim of James Tallmau
and wife, Notification No. 1185 cross
es said Section line, and from thence
running North along said East boun
dary line 12.66 chains to the South
boundary line of Uie right-of-way of
the main track of die Lebanon branch
of the Oregon & California Railroad
Company; thence running North 65
degrees 30 minuitrs West along the
South boundary line of said-right-of-way
to a point which, is 20.47 chains
North of the South boundary line of
said Section 31; thence West 21.50
chains to a point which is 40.00 chains
East of the Wst boundary line of
said Aotihcation No. 1185; thence
South 8.64 chains- to a point which is
South 40.00 chains distant and East
40.00 chains distant from the North
west corner of said Notification No..
1185; thence West 2.5-4 chains; thence
South 22.56 chains; thence East 40.98:
chains; thence North 10.23 chains to
the place of beginning, containing 113;
acres, more or less; excepting there--from
the lands; heretofore deeded to,
the Oregon & California Railroad;
Company; anoVcxcepting also, one (1)
acre conveyed to R. N. Bennett by
deed recorded.1 in Book 75, page 40,.
Deed Records of ,Linn County, Ore
gon; and excepting also, about one (!)
acre conveyed: to L. J. Sanders by deed'
recorded in Book 79. page 420 Deed'
Records of Linn County, Oregon. All
of said land's being situated in Lihn.
County, Oregon.
Also, beginning at a point in thfr
West boundary line of the Southeast
quarter of Section 31, in Township 11
South. Range 2 West of the Willam
ette Meridian, Oregon, which is 20.47'
chains North of the Southwest-corner
of said Southeast quarter of said Sec
tion 31: thence East 18.99 chains to
the land owned by the Oregon &
California Railroad Company; thence
.Northwesterly along the South boun
dary itne of the lands of" said' Rail
road Company and of the right-of-way
of the Lebanon branch of said
Railroad Company to the point where
the South boundary line of said right-of-way
intersects the West boundary
line of the Southeast quarter of the
said Section .11- thence Soinh to the
place of beginning. containing 11
acres, more or less, all in Linn Coun
ty. Oregon.
This summons is published once a
week tor six consecutive weeks in
the Albany Democrat, a weekly news
paper published at Albnnv. Oregon,
bv order of the Hon. T. . Duncan,
County Judge of Linn' County. Ore
gon, made and entered herein' on the
'rd day of February. 1912. and the
date nf the first publication of this
summons is the 9tlt dav of February.
101' " "
Att"rney for Plaintiff"