Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 08, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have been duly appointed
Executrix and Executor, respectively,
of the estate of Stewart M. Pening
ton, deceased, and all persons having
claims against said estate are required
to present said claims, with the prop
er vouchers, within six months from
this date at the office of Gale S. Hill
, in the Cusick Bank Building, Albany,
Linn countv, Oregon.
Dated February 20, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
Administrator of the estate of Xancy
Muehlenhoff, deceased, and all per
sons having claims against said es
tate are required to present said
claims, with the proof vouchers, with
in six months from this date at the
office of Gale S. Hill, in the Cusick
Hank muming, Albany, Linn county, .
Dated February 20, 1912. .
GALE S. HILL, Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
tli. rniniK. fniirr n ilip Rr.ifp nf Ore-
eon. for Linn Countv. administrator i
nf ti. pst-iin nf A nun Yin m. rlprpnsprl
AU nprson--. bavins claims atraiust said
estate hereby required to present '
the same to me properly vended as by
law required, at my residence in Al-
bany. Oregon, within six months from
the dale hereof.
First publication February 16, 1912.
Last, March 15, 1912.
C. C. BRYANT, Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
iiy virtue of an lixecution and Ur-,
der of Sale to me directed, issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County in the case
of Alvira S. Louden, plaintiff, vs. R.
E Slattery and -Anna Slattery, his
wife defendants, will on Saturday
the 2nd day ot 'March, A. D. 1912, at
the hour of one o'clock p. m, at the
front door of the Court House in Al-
bany, Orc?.,n, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash in hand
the follow..,-described real prerty,
A il r t . c - ir i
All of Lots P-ve (o). six (. eleven
(11), fourteen (14), hltecn (15) and
ter of the Southeast quarter (N. E. si
of S. E. yi) of section four (4),
lownship tleven (11) South
ange Two (2) East and the East broken hia word is beingKseverely criti
lialf of the Northeast quarter (E. 4 cj9erf
ot A', h. ), the Northwest quarter
tl,o Vrtr, None -v w i
f xt t?' ii n.,',i i vi !..
of N. E. J4) and the Northeast quar-
7 ? v w ,7 f'st r11.?- . ;
A of N. W. J4) of section thirty (30)
Tdial..C0"iar,acr?' or
iVJa, auuillvu lit llic .UlllllJ. lit 111111,
and the State of Oregon, together
with tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereto belonging or in
any wise appertaining.
Said sale will be made to satisfy
the judgment in said case to-wit:
Ihe sum of Three Thousand Six
XJ..,I t 1 TT:f... T-.-I1 -.t ;
terest thereon at the rate of seven
per cent, per annum, from the 27th
day of March, 1911, costs and dis-
Ty hu t,mt' S'X"
tJen-ra"i7u .00,DJo"?,rs,',and ZJZS
. j-tiicc ""'luira uuii.tis vouu.uui
allowed by the Court as Attorney's
ices in uus sun, wun interest inereon
from the 17th day of January, A. D.
1912, at the rate of six per cent per
annum, and accruing cost.
Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that by order
of the county court of Linn county,
Oregon, I have been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of William
Gregory, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate are noti
fied to present them to me at Albany,
Oregon, within six months from the
date hereof, properly verified, as by
law required.
Albany, Or., Feb. 2, 1912. '
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
Administrator of the estate of Henrv
Muehlenhoff, deceased, and all person's
having claims against said estate are
requested to present said claims
with the proper vouchers, within six
months from this date at the office of
Gale S. Hill, in the Cusick Bank
titiiiding, Albany, Linn county, Ore
Dated February 20, 1912.
GALES. HILL, Administrator
Attorney for Administrator.
t:ly ol.t:n..l. w FEE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. S.-nd tuudel. j boto or rkrtrh for
erprn nMtrrh M frt report oft pAl.rilALimy.
INFRINGEMENT ulu eondartrd before all
co ir. rat.n- obtained through on AOVEN
SION And COPVRICHTS quK-ktr otaAlaed.
Opposlta u. 8. Pntent Office)
. The convention of school officials wil'
be held tomorrow, beginning at 10 a. m.
and everybody in Albany is urged to
attend the sessions at 10 a. m. and 1:30
p. m., men, women and children. It
will pay.
There are about five hundred directoi s
and clerks and many will be here.
In the forenoon the following ques
tions will be discussed:
How can the school be made to s:rve
the district better.
Needed school legislation.
How to employ and keep a teacher.
School taxation and tneapportionment
of funds.
Work of the ratal supervisor.
Miscellaneous topics.
Industrial school fair.
In the afternoon Governor West will
speak on country life and btate bchool
Superintendent Alderman on industrial
The high school Glee Club will sing at
Lawyer A. O.
Condit arrived this
noon from Salem
I Mrs G. C. Moon is seriously ill at her
home on Third street,
i W. C. Breckenridge and daughter,
returned this noon from Philomath.
J- R- Hollister, Portland sales agent
of the Linn County Orchard Co, ar-
r.yed this noon.
Mrs, T.IP. Hackleman left yesterday
for Owosso, Mich., called there by tne
dangerous.illness of her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jones, of Cor
vallis, arrived this noon on a visit at the
home of the former's sister, Mrs. J. A.
Tha Portland, Or., revolver club, won
the championship of the U. S. at
Springfield, Mass., Saturday by defeat
ing Manhattan.
Mrs. G. A. Krogh and son Jack came
up from Portland Saturdry on a few
days visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. fseelyj
.,,.,,- thrnnoh tho eirv last niirht for
California for the spring training for
this year's games
william Dean 'Howel3, the great
American author, was 72 yesterJay, and
had a dir)ner in hnnor o tne eVBnt with
president Taft present,
At th meeti of the Atheneum
gociet of the BQ A c Frjd m- ht
chas 'Hartsock, of this city, opened
the program with a continued story,
Hobrook haa returned from
Aberdeen, Wash., where he was ca lied
Dy the illness and death of a brother.
The burial wag on Saturday at tnat
t is now proven conclusively that
Roosevelt promised that he would not
,. it : , .: J u:
l ne state ianu uoaru tnis aiiurnuun
The state land board
decided to appeal the tide land case,
rtVriprt in favnr nf tho!
vallis and Eastern, to the U.S.supreme
been to meet Bryan, who continues to
be the most popular speaker in the
U. F. Moodv has sold his interest in
the pool room of Simons and Moody,
and tonight will return to his former
I - -. n m. a. ... -
.f u nt i ::.
1 GZ?Zfoffc S.'SS
JT'ft n5S
and will take charge of the Suit D.
partment of; the new More of S. E.
Ynnnn Son.
On her recent trip to Chicago Miss
Orah Harkness of this city was the only
lady in the Pullman, having a lonesome
trip of it, getting into Chicago late; but
she was soon with Dr. Beers at the
Eleanor Club, and is now looking after
ner elocution in tne uoiumbia Hcnool of
Oratory, under the famous Miss Blood.
Mrs. Baty, of Yoncalla, returned
home today from Sodaville. where she
has been a month, accompanied by her
Drotner, ur u. .vi. jones, wnowill now
visit i at her home for a month, He
hopes some day to dispose of his Soda-'
ville property and come to Albany, his
former home, to again reside.
A fine picture ot the great H. M.
Byllesby banquet at Chicago may be
seen at the office of the Or. Power Co ,
a very distiinct one. Among those seen
are Mr. Byllesby. Thos. A. Edison, the
world, s foremost citizen. Managers
Green and Jennings new of Marshfield
and Eugene.
A young man connected with a Port
land newspaper was arrested yesterday
for riding his horse too fast, and this
morning paid a fine. His name is
omitted by request; also the name of a
young man belonging to a good family,
who got Hrunk.
. The city council next Wednesday
evening will meet with the citizens of
the East End. at the new hall at 6th
and Hill streets, for a free discussion of
the needs of that part of the city, with
a view of meeting them as far as
P. C. Lavey and others were indicted
at Portland Saturday night by the U.
S. grand jury for using the mails for
fraudulent purposes in cpnnection with
several land deals. By the way Albany
hss some Lavey victims on a Southern
Oregon land deal.
Tonight at the O A.C. the Hesperian
Society will debate Ihe question of the
election of Teddy Roosevelt. Willis
Sibray of Portland, and E. B. Stanley
of Corvallis will take the affirmative,
and R. A. Hlanchard of Chicago, and
Fred Weatherford of Olex, the nega
March is the birthday month of a
number of big men of the world. W.
Dean Howells was b .rn March 1. 18".7.
Luther Eurbank March 7. Homer
Davennort March S. 1817. Andrew
Jackson March 15, 17fi7, Grover Cleve
land Varch 18, 1837, W. J. Brysn
'.lrch 12, 10S.J and DewJf Hoopar in
There was a live time at tho skating
rink at First and Baker streets batur
day night about 9:20 o'clock. A crowd
of citizens, tired of the noise, and be
lieving the place to be a nuisance, made
somewhat of a raid on the place, and at
least causid a frikht. Tne young men.
about a dozen of them, climbed throULh
the windows with their skates on, wnue
the girls went out the door and the place
was closed for the nizht. Jelfers tele
phoned for the police, and his brother
rushed un the street to the home of
Chief of Police Daughtry, full of ex
citement, dec arine the skating rime
was being torn down, and the night
men were outside laughing at the pro
ceedings. It is said if the place is allowed to
run there will be more trouble.
News from Albany's Six Early
F.d. Sehoel left for Salem to look
after fretting thintrs readv for the best
poultry show the state fair has ever
natl. lie is uiso a candidate tor sucrui,
with a cood record to tro on.
Conductor L. L. Riley left for New-
berg, which will be his headquarters
for a motor run. Mrs. Riley and
daughter Wanita will join him later,
They have made many friends here who
regret the transfer
' .
, , T ... . '
Mr. and Mrs E. J. Thrift, who have
been residing at Hoquiain for several
J j u V : I .1
and after a short stay at the home of
Mr. Thrift's father. W. A. Thrift, will
, . . . .n
leave for Mpsier. where they will join
fraS Ji1""?'"1 , ' 1u i -
las Thrift, and make their homo, en-
gaging in t' e fruit business, which cer -
tainly ought to be Thrifty with them.
Doug Hamlinton, after seeing mov-
ing picture films, returned to bcio. On May 5 at Seattle U. O. and
While waiting for the Detroit overland Washington will have a debute between
he and Elder Williams, who came down the women's teams, oh the woman
from Tallman, had a friendly talk on suffrage question, Washington to have
religion. . Doug thought a man was on the choice of sides. There are only
the way to hell who had to go off to a three col leg 9 leagues in the U. S hav
seminary school to learn to preach. ling women teams. Misses Carrie
Miss Florence Ralston returned to
her school in the country.
W. H. Shepherd came down, from
Jack Miller left for Ellensberg, 1
Wash., called there by the serious ill- j
ness oi ms dgugnter.
ess oi niB dgugnter.
Judge McFadden, the great after
ioi,o, f '.- if?
j: " i : . if A
S ' " -"
, t u ,f t traction and comes direct from a two
AiR.i3toZ run 81 the P-P'e--Theatre. Port-
fnEMinlTnVrenLleXPert'Wenti This act hs been a pronounced hit
r?JSnJi b,,? iV.ff n tho everywhere and is given in addition to
r&TSfttt' le" "ithe regular program of picture, at no
Judge Whitney arrived from Lawson
on a short business trip.
Ed. Wiles went to Corvallis. '
Judge Kelly went to Salem for special
circuit court work, . ,
E. S. Hall has bought a modern
street sprinkling outfit of Waldo An
derson & Son, which he will use on the
streets. With two sprinklers In town
the city ought to be dust ridden this
year, including the residence section.
The New F. S. B. Building.
Thn Second floor of the new First
savings Bank: building is now finished,
and is being occupied, a fine place.
The corner suite of rooms are tha Hon
of Fish & dodges ana thePirtle-Wieder
Co. Next east Dennis Merrill has a fine
othce, and there are three other suites
of offices on Broadalbin street, while in
the rear are three suites of living rooms,
three looms to each, with toilet and
closets, delightful places for couples
without families.
Down stairs the savings bank will be
in the corner, the Elite next door north
and the Albany Floral store i.ext to
that, making the building a live one
from the jump-off.
The Shovel Running.
A large number of Albany people went
out to Copenhagen yesterday and saw
the big steam shovel work. A little
train of thirteen cars was kept busy
hauling dirt along the trestle, the be
Rinning of the biggest dirt job ever
begun at Albany, one that will take
several months to complete.
On the way about the muddiest road
around Albany is struck between the
two bridges, a terror.
For sometime the shovel at Copen
hagen promises to be the Mecca for
Albany people seeing things.
Real Estate Lists.
The real estate dealeis of lh pirv
belonging to the commercial club have
furnished tho manager of the club with
choice lists of property fur sale, all the
same number, which lr. Stewart h'16
sent t'i Portland where they will be
turnifheri npwconpis calling at the
commercial club, chamber of cumrneree,
aa.i other places, for their guidance in
seeking bargains and a place to locate
Cne Ex. at Lebanon.
On Saturday evening the I.pbanon
telephone"ng(s wer turned over
to Lebanon Muiual Telephone Co
which wi;l run the business, makmji
only one exchange instead of twj
tlipre. Frirtumito Lebanon. The lonji
f)itncp. thotmh, will remain in chare
ot tl.o I acif.c Tel. C.
An awful tragedy occurred at Salem
Saturday, when Mrs. L. L. Jelliscn
poisoned herself and four children, aged
0, 11, 13, and 15, using cyanide of po
tassium. She had been working in a
restaurant, but had quit. Mrs. Jellison
had been married three times, one hus
band being John Swanson, of Lebanon,
whom she deserted, and Swanson then
secured a divorce. Kutsell Storey, a 1"
year old son, who had been living with
her. ran away about a week before the
deed. He states that several years ago
she attempted to poison her family the
same way, but it did not work.
John Swanson come down to Albany
from Lebanon yesterday morning and
went to Salem, taking charge of the
burial. Before marriage Swanson had
loaned Mrs. Jellison money, finally
getting the farm, which was turned
over to her son Russell Storey.
It is considered a case of mental de
pression, with which the woman was
often afilicted.
AT THE U. 0.
ias co a nv ine a nanv Duncn.i
l tne interclass basket ball game the
i sophomores defeated the freshmen 11
t0 ? M's EUsie Bain played guard,
j B"J Miss Gerty Taylor forward a few
minutes, for the freshmen. It was a
I ' and exciting contest. All the girls
are encouraged to take part in athletic
I games of the University. No men are
allowed t0 see the 8 , d b th
womep Btudent3 bejnK p,ayed in' tho
women's gymnasium, a small brick
at,.,-..,..- .
, ri n,..k :.i i t
vu iiittiiii ui ail uiuuui kiaiv meet
wj b ,d . ,h Q betwnon
i the different classes. Mr. Haywood
has ofr(jred cu t0 tiifl winnine classe3
1 and meda,3 wi' be to tf jndiv.
idua winner8- The meet is to encourage
the men to take part in some kind of
Dagormack acid berdie, Wise two
veterans, will again debate this year,
The Dancing Richards
At Dreamland tonight beginning a
i u - r m. r.
feu rdrta,5'8i'n?T? ?i Pk"01"8
Richards in the latest terpsichorean
novelties. This is a high priced at
aduance in admission.
Jacob Lieb Homeward Bound,
Jocob Lieb, baker at Conrad Meyer's
for nearly twenty years, arrived in
New York Saturday, and is due to
arrive in Albany the last of the week,
the Democrat is informed by a friend
of Jake's with a wife, to whom he was
married in the faderland.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 53-32.
The river is 6.7 feet.
Yesterday was delightful day.
Prediction: fair tonight and Tues-
J. E. Cherry, of Milton, has been in
Wiley Holman was a Corvallis visitor
Mrs. Catherine Finch this noon
turned from a trip to Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hopkins, cf
roruana, nave neen in tne city.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Ross returner1
mis tour monins stay at Newport.
MiBS Grace Tiffany, of Eutrenn. in
visiting her sister, Mrs. J, R. Penland.
G. W. Pennebacker went to Tangent
this afternoon to deriver same walnut
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adams, of Port
land formerly of Rojeburg, have been
in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Claus Schoel went to
Lebanon this afternoon to visit thoir
son Louis and family for a few days.
1 ha total deposits in the Lane county
banks .were $3,G47,000, tho First
National o( Eugene leading with
H, 678. 000, almost half.
J. S. Dinkenspiel, head of the firm of
Dinkensniel & Co.. of San KrnnciKcn
has been in the city, a prominent
wholesaler of that city.
Mrs. Rose, a sister-in law nf W n
Jacks, of Phoenix, Or., leit for home
inis at lernoon accompanied by her niece,
Miss Catc, of Corvallip.
The Baptists held their monthly men'R
nanquei, wun auouc lortv nr. ent a
pleasant affair. Or. J. L. Hill gave an
nccount oi his trin to Mexico. charaeir
idticauy toiu.
W. H Scott, a former Albany real
estate man, and wifij, were In the city
this nopti on thr-tr wuy to Lebanon for
a visit before going to Southern Oregon
to spend some time. They have been
in .Seattle the pa&t winter.
The reading of Mm. Hemenwav, of
Cottage Grove, at the Christian church,
last evening i wil ApiKnn uf. She is
a talented reader, particularly good in
Shakeepearr.n interpretation. While
here Sirs. Hemenwuy was the guest of,
hur coumn. Mrs. Prof. Finnerty. j
W. U. F;u-ty. of Purlldnd. a firmer'
Albany ofitraior, has ta;;en u Eogei.e
option and expects to a larye
apartnv-nt huu.-e un East St , 1
luUtiy 11 I leel Tie ground Hour will
lie Uf d for Lusinets, with three storiet
above for apartments. It is to be out
on East 11th among residence.), an in
novation in the city.
Takes Important Steps for City
nan Mte.
The regular meeting of the Com
mercial Club was held last night with
the following present: President
Fastburn. Manager Stewart, Treasurer
Bain, and Directors Van Winkle,
Schniitt, Gilbert, French, Stewart,
Ci'owell, Nutting, Fortmiller. Collins.
The Manager reported the real estate
lists, in a pamphlet of 21 pages, Bent
to Portland for distributlin.
An invitation was read from R. S.
Shaw inviting the Albany Commercial
club ana families and others desirim? to
go to make a trip to Mill City at some
date to be named.
A letter was read in reference to a
trip of the St. Paul Symphony Club
through Oregon, with prospects of an
Albany visit.
Two letters from Portland urged the
Commercial Club to send a delegation
with the commission to select a site for
the Oregon buildings at the Panama
Exposition at S. F. A commit
tee was appointed to arrange for a
delegation. Committee: F. M. French,
P. D. Gilbert, L. E. Hamilton, A. C.
Schmitt, Geo. Crowell.
A. C. Schmitt told of the quartern of
the Commercial Club at Walla Walla on
the top floor of the city hall, the club
paying the interest on the bonds. He
also told of the library at The Dalles
receiving county aid.
President Kastburn told of a scheme
of the Business Men's club at Mcdford,
wun a iced at b o clock.
Mayor Gilbert made a striking sug
gestion, that of buying the Central
school building block for the city hall in
the center, with a park arouna it. A
conference with members of the school
board had met with favor. Tho propo
sition was ordered endorsed and tho
matter was referred to the civic im
provement committee authorized to
assist in the movement. Committee:
Messrs. Ellis,-Page, French, Wallace,
unamoers, vv eider, Hand
President Eastburn told of bis freight
rate trip as tar as Medford, with $000
raised, and prospects of another trip
necessary alter tne present one.
Monthly bills were ordered paid.
News From Albany's Six Early
A good many school directors and
clerks arrived on different trains to at
1 l-cl,u "la tunveuuuii i.uuny, u suuu oouy
of representative citizens of tho county,
, hnu: (!!,.., P (.), u;i,of tm '
tend the convention today, a solid body
Among them were noticed Hon. B
F. Simpson, a member of the last leg.
islature, Hon. J. M. Philpot, T. J. Mat
lock, D. S. McWllliams and others.
Bill Moore went to Portland after
team of horses, not being able tosccuro
what he wanted here He Iibb a team
he has been driving together about
twenty-three years, but wants another
Frank J. Devine, the well known Elk
bachelor, went to Portland.
Cal. Thrasher, of Corvallis, went to
Joe' Richardson, a young lawyer of
Portland, with E. S. McAllister, went
iv i.euHiiun.
Elias Morgan went out on the San.
Miss Lockout, after a visit with hor
aunt, Mrs. w. a. Duncan, left for
oiympia. .
Mrs. Clyde Rcilley and daughter
i-nureiie, oi inomas, ioir, ior nome af
ter a visit with Mrs. Kcilley'n sister,
Mrs. Jessie Loveall and baby, of Leba
Sunt. John Stevens left for Corvallis
and further west.
J. R. Penland returned from a Her
risburg surveying expedition.
Clyde Crawford returned to tho 0.
R. E. Mason left on a commercial
udge Kelly returned to Salem.
Civic Improvement Club.
The members of the Civic Improve
ment Club met yesterday afternoon
and considered particularly the settle
ment of the Mytic Rose entertainment,
which netted the Club nearly $170,
lenvirg a balance of about Sl2S in-
deUeunees. Following is a statement
of thanks:
! he, members of the Civic Imnrnvn
nuni C.ub wish to thank EyERY ONE
wi,j s.i generously made nossihla tha
suceesiof tho "Mystic Rose" by giving
your time, your talent in fact your-selves-especiallv
tho nrincinals and
tho accompanist. Tho women of Al
bany are oroud of her future citizens.
Thos. Mulkcy. of Blodgett. who had
been at the hospital for special treat
ment for a few weeks, died last even
ing. The remains will be taken to
Blo-jgeti for burial.
The Weelher.
Range of Temperature 66 33.
Kainfnll 10 inch. '
The river is down to 5.5 f.'et.
Prediction : showers tonight
Igo Uiro is the name of a Corvailis
social club. It recently met with rd
itor Moore of the G. T. and there was
nothing but frazzles left of the mem
bers when they went home, heroic
me ms 'iiiug required lo ics isc'tate the
k -'lit. in thu U. t!. land office at
Kiweliiirg, involve tne qentmn ol
heiher certain land in mur vaiu.ibV
.'or mining thn tirrh'r and agrieultil al
uurpoHPS. The tract is tho one on
w'ri h Ihe J. C I, en Co.. r :h t
aiuJis roitun in Albany, opiait-vj.
By the Man About Town,
A strong sentiment against a double
telephone service in the city. 1ms is
one case where there ought, to be a
monoply, if one is ever justified. There
is even talk of a combination and agree
ment to have only one phone, settling
upon the one to have, the one giving
the best terms. This was iiracn'rnllv
done in Corvallis, where the Home phone
got the plum and is giving satisfaction,
though tnere are a number of the other
phones in the city.
A $23,000 display of hair goods, beintr
mado by Mrs. Overatreet, at Hamil
ton's, is certainly one of interest.
There are switches selling for as high
as 5i3. una Albany sale was for $4u.
Miss Case is with Mrs. Overstreet as
demonstrator and make-up expert, a
good 'un.
Pete Ruitner today jerked Hodges &
Fish's big safe up to the second floor of
the new first Savings Bank building
with a tacklo. No job too big or high
for Pete to tackle.
An immense sight of slao wood
around, at a very low price, and tho re
sult is regular tree wood is going begging;
and tho price is dropping.
Dr. Foster, chiropractic, has moved
his office to the Brenner block, using
the rooms formerly occupied by D. W.
Yestorday exactly the same number
of registrations at the Rovere and St.
v rancis.
Will Go to Eugene.
The Kugone Creamery has been re
organized, V. H. Kent, of this city, and
G. H. f raser, of Gorvallis, purchasing
controlling interest, Both are exper
ienced creamery men. Mr. Kent who
is a graduate of Iowa College, is a
brother of Prof. Kent, of the O. A. C, -and
for seven years has had charge of
the plant ot the Valloy Creamery at this
city, and plants at Lebanon and Grants
rasa, no is an expert nutter matter,
this year winning all the firsts at the
mooting of the State Creamery Asso
ciation at Portland, with a score of 97
per cent, the highest over awarded in
Oregon. Albany Iosob a first-class
butter manor.
Eugene's Filter.
After a trial of eleven montha the
filter plant at Eugene, is declared a
success by the health committee. Prof.
Sweetzer, who has been making bac
terological tosts for sovoral months has
found no disease producing gbrms, and
the tests have been highly satisfactory.
out mo nest test nas really been the
fact that there has never been a case
of typhoid fevor from using tho water,
whotear tvphoid was common before.
Not a single student has hud the dis
ease since. Every caso since then has
been found from using well water.
Albany's filter is completer and more
elaborate than the oneat Eugene,
through the systom is the same.
Dr. White Horrie
Rev. W. P. White this noon returned
from his California trip, after an ab
sence of two or thtee months. ur-Atlu
improved in health, and will resume his
work. Ho was at San Francisco most of
the time, but also visited Southern Cal
ifornia. During his absence the pulpit
has been ably filled by Dr. Sharp, of
the College, and the mnmhnrn nt ha
church consider themselves very fortu
nate in naving naa sucn a competent
and adaptable supply.
Facing the Music.
The Senior Class of tha hlch Rehnnl
will do it. Under the direction of J.
W. Bentlev thev will nresont a nlav at
this name in about two weeks. Mr.
Bentley arrived from Portland thin
noon ready for tho job, with some bright
material on hand in the class of thirty
seven. He recently had charge of the
Lincoln high school ministrul show, a
great success, ' '
College Basket Ball.
A basket ball game will be played
tomorrow night between the faculty
and the students of the college, one
that promises to be tho event of the
season, bringing into play some old
timers, against the students, fjvery.
itody will be welcome. The game is it
siicml one. The Democrat man has
been sptcially engag.d for the occasion
as referee Time of gome about 8
o'clock, at Aid gym
No More Auto Speeding.
Albany's second fine forexceedingthe
speed limit with an automobile was
given last evening, when a Lebanon
man was pulled, this morning paying
$10 nn'l costs It is tho purpuso of the
ooliee hereafter to enforce thet rdinitnce
prohibiting mole than lfimil.-s an hour,
eight mi!e nt. tho coiners, autoisf
will ilo weil to look out, as thero will
be no discrimination.
Big flit at Dreamland.
A big Mrd distinct hit. were the
Duncing U carcls at Dreemlundj hint
night t ri hi r.nd tomorrow, both
m .tin f i ml th'i.v uptiear for
fie la-' f lost time. Complete
"iinngv ot piriuirt' tonight.
P. A.
Odom, former chief nf po'tcenf
was instantly killed and Jo
' ".i'. II Ipt fiiiii'v In n
JJtlaWuJ H ihl (I, ;t I nl ij .