IT IS A MATTER OF PRIDE WITH THE HAMILTON STORE TO OFFER SUCH A COLLECTION OF SUITS and COATS THURSDAY The last day of the Big Hair Sale. Get fitted out with hair while you have a chance to select from an im mense stock HAMILTON'S The Popular Store for the People A Keen Appreciation. OF THE VALUE OF QUALITY IN TOOLS AND HARDWARE IS OUR GUIDE IN OBTAINING OUR SUPPLIES. WE DON'T BUY ANYTHING THAT WE WOULD N'T BE WILLING TO USE OUR SELVES. THAT MAKES IT IM POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO BUY AN INFERIOR ARTICLE HERE. COME HERE NEXT TIME AND GET CERTAIN SATISFACTION WITH YOUR PURCHASE. HULBERT-OHLJNG H'D . CO BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. Good 5-room house, with woodshed, corner lot on 1st St., desirable loca tion, $1,350. A plot of land, about 4 lots, this side rcnnywindle, ko.hI location, fronting on two streets, $850. PACIFIC REAL F.STATE CO.. 106 E. 1st St, Albany. LODGE MEETINGS. The K. O. M. every Saturday even lug. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. I- Viereck, clerk. Maiuanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mon days, Schmitt Block. Modern Woodmen every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Grant Froinan, clerk, Schmitt Block. Koval Neighbors every 1st nrttl 3rd Wednesdays. Alice Kirk, Recorder. Schmitt Block. r.r' j C1IOICF. VETCH Hay for Sale At I farm 4'i miles S. K. of Albany on the Brownsville This hay was cut rinht, cured ami stacked right, baled and put inside the barn be fore the rain. $' per ton at farm, or if wanted in car lots $10 on ca- at l-'ronnn Station. I'lione "Home" 2445. or rail I). V Williamson, Home l'lione No. .'.'51. Corvalos. SI Smart Spring Suits and Coats for Women and Miss es. Individually and collec tively the greatest line ever put up for your inspection in Albany. These two cuts shown here are duplicates of styles we can show you, with a range of color combina tions and sizes which are second to none. Light colored mixtures seem to take the lead, with navy blue a close second. WE INVITE YOUR INSPEC TION. EXAMINATION WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT OUR PFICES ARE LESS. AT Silk News days. ASK FOR LINN BUTTER It's Pasteurized. Quality Guaranteed Manufactured by Albany Creamery Association 9th nnd Madison St. IBothJPhoncs. Curried by all tho LcadinglGrocers. MA HE IN AI.HArA, Show eases, cnuntom, nnd other store fixtures, tlrat-rlnsa Roods, by the Union Furni ture Factory. Order of them. Keep money at your homo. CABBAGE For sauor krnut, and onions. I'hono Fanners 2x1, E. L. McKeever. 27t GLASS. All sins and kinds, for fale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than nywhore elso in Albany. Skill Iv set, if dojirtd. SPECIAL PRICES LISTEN! News that is Good will be out in a few Watch for it. HORSE FOR SALE One gentle driv ing mare, weight 950, sound. Price $60, or will exchange for good cow. Address Koy M. Frederick, R. D. 4, AILany. Home phone 4053, t28 WOOD FOR SALE. Second growth fir f t, old fir $4.75, good dry wood and good measure. Home Black'106. bell phono 448 J. F. C. CHAPMAN. FOR RENT. Chicken ranch, 24 acres, 4 room house, 3 small, 2 Urge hen houses. 2 scratch pens under cover lJi miles oast of Albany.' Inquire of rars. n stiuson, mi u zna sc. POTATOES WANTED Large or small lots, by J. L. tins yuo rJ. 4th, Both phones. 17t ORPINGTONS, Wyandottes, Plymouth Hocks, Leghorns, Bantams, Pekin Ducks, Turkeys, etc. Write for cir cular. Simpson's Pheasant Farm, Corvallis, Oregon. tA9 POTATOES, PKUNES, CHERRIES, HOPS. 25 acres, full bearing prunes, with dryer; 6 acres full bearing Royal Ann cherries, small tracts hop and potato lands, on Santiam, for Bale, cr trade, on easy terms. H. BRYANT. t7 THE EPAULINE ADDITION. For lots ex mine this addition. Cor ner of 13th and Jackson streets, about 9 blocks south of the High school building. Will sell for a short time at $200 to $300 per lot. Lots arc high and dry. Call on undersigned o rphone Home 1107. T. P. Hackleman. t!6 WOOD. 16 inch body fir, at the Shingle nun. zot POSTS.-Anchor and fence, . at the aninglo Mill. zot FOR SALE by the owner, a six room house and two lots, center of to.wn, half block from High school. Apply on the premises 3'22 East 4th street. 11. Barns. FOR SALE Lot and house, wired, well finished, good water. At a bar gain. R. F. Cramp, Front and Den ver. Easy terms. t9 PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for Siano tuning at Woodworth's Drug tore. C. M. Henderson, Tuner, FOR SALE-1 $50 Victor talking ma chine and $39 worth of records, all good as new, for $40. C41 VV 4th St. lot FOR SALE. Farm, with ?2 sets of buildings, 552 acres. 7 miles east ot Albany, all or part, at sacrifice, terms to suit, with or without stock and machinery. See me if you mean business. C. R. Gerig, R. D. 1. 10 2U MESSENGER BOY. -Bryan Roberts, on short notice. 215 W 1st, room 20. Homo phone 484. WANTED By a college boy. work ! during the holidays and out oi school hours. I'hone KS1 i Hell. FOR SALE-IW1; by 110 ft of property. Call on Mrs. Fronim, 440 E 1st. 5t" I Albany Democrat Entered at the post office, Albany, O: ad ttcond data mail mutnr. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, $4.00. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2. F. P. Nutting. W. R. BLAIN ON OIL MATTERS. Editor Democrat: Yesterday a man accused me of getting a "rake off" for keeping still about the doings of the Valley Oil Co., so I am asking space for a protest. I would like to use your whole paper so the good people could thoroughly understand the situation. I protest against the board of directors having as much power as the by-laws allow them in handling the funds of the Co. I pro test against recognizing the election of the board of directors when 30 al leged proxy ballots were cast when not a proxy was recorded with the secretary and were not in any way in evidence. I protest against the esorit dc corps of the Co. When the stock j subscription papers were handed out, I suggested the advisability of secur j ing the co-operation of and the sub ! scriptions of the bankers, capitalists and solid men of wealth, so as to give the company a financial rating, and ' character. When some one growled back at me: "Xow, we don't want such men, they are too conservative. just a step from fogyfsm." I protest against auvertising mat oil mvestiga tions are to be made in "THIS sec tion" and getting Albany money on such pretense when the whole trend of the history of the board and their cruising show that they intend oper ating ucr in ine rorKS. According to an evening paper some $300.00 has been raised, and the same article says: "The board 'em ployed an oil expert " I have too good an opinion of that board to be lieve that they did it. Here is the proposition: The esprit has a trinket that he says infallibly locates oil deposits. He peddles out its in formation for a few dollars per day. Such a machine, if genuine, is well worth a million a day. Do you be lieve he is an expert? i I understand a bier hunk of the $300.00 raised was spent in locating on in territory wncre 11 is geoiogicai : ly impossible for it to exist. I pro test against spending other people's money for such foolishness. I pro test against the $2500 rake-off of stock by the organizers of the Co. I believe if the matter ever comes into court the judge will decide the deal fraudulent and the share holders would be stuck for the whole $2500. i The paper says "the directors are highly pleased." that is a hot one. 40 per cent of stockholders not pay- ing sunscriptions ot it.: tfJUO on hand to tackle a wild-cat scheme requiring at least $25,000.00. Highly pleased! If you are raising money to pro mote a distant scheme, say so. Give the people a square deal. If you are going to investigate oil possibilities within five miles of Albany, say so. He clear and definite so subscribers will know what they are paying for. I protest against .the whole present regime, and as the pioneer mover ask for a board of . directors of well known, representative, sensible, weal thy business men who can investigate the oil, gas and artesian water possi bilities within five miles nf Albany in an intelligent and dependable manner. Yours for a Square Deal. WILSON BLAIN7. PROF. HEAD, MANAGER OF EILER HOUSE FOR LINN, BENTON AND LANE. Prof. Head is again connected with the Eiler Piano Co., and is now man ager for Linn, Benton and Lane coun ties. Will look after the tuning, or any other business connected with the Filers Piano. There will be no foolish advertising. Come to the store at 120 West Sec ond street, Albany, and he will give you the worth of your money. Will try and sell as they did 20 years ago, a plain straight forward deal. Second hand pianos and organs will be taken in. exchange. You .will see the Chickering, Stro bcr, Stegcr, Eilers and Kimball pi anos, with many others. These arc instruments you do not require to blow about, for they are in many homes, and have been tried for many years. Xow remember, no humbug. Come and get a well known piano. tl4 Low Fares West DAILY MARCH 1st POINTS IN from Chicago $3300 St. Taul $25.00 Cincinnati 3?.A Kansas Citv 25.00 Milwaukee 31 50 Omaha 25.00 St. Louis 32.00 DesMoines 2 .85 New York 50.iV! Indianapolis 35.65 Detroit 38.00 Denver 25.00 From other eastern points in proportion. Tell your friends in the Fast of this opportunity of moving West at low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route. Northern Pacific, flreat Northern and "North Bank" lines to Portland thence via Southern Pacific or Oregon Electric Ry. Details will be furnished on request. W. E. COMAN. General Freight & Pass. Agt. S. T. & S. Ry., Portland, Oregon. PERSONAL Fred Westbrook was a Salem visitor, yesterday. It was Bill Walker who went to Port land alter a team, uot Moore. . Born on March 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Claud C. Bray, a son. Geo. W. Phillips and son. of Wcod burn, arrived this noon on a short Al bany viait. Mr. and Mr . Fred Anderson this afternoon went to Dallas on a visit with relatives. Mr. John Goodwin is here from the ea on a visit with his brother, Mr. Phil Goodwin, of the Young Store. S. N. Stewart this noon returned, from a trip to Nebraska, his former I home, where he disposed of interests, I preparatory to settling down nere per Liantly. - A. H. Lea, prominent in creamery business for several years, has been in the city. He is a candidate for state food commissioner, well qualified fur the important position. Monroe Cheek, a popular employee of the S. P., left last night for Magnum, Oklahoma, on a visit of a month with his folks, after an absence of several years. Perhaps he won't come back alone. H. N. Cockerline has returned from a trip to Southern Oregon, covering the state as far as Medford, being gone three weeks. He reports the North west business good, ahead of last year by a healthy pec cent. Last Time Tonight. The Dancing Richards are on the program at Dreamland tonight for the last time. They have beei a big suc cess, playing to packed houses each night, and no doubt will play , to a capacity house tonight. The picture program is above the average, featur ing "The Boy of '61," an excellent war drama, and Bill's Bills, an exceedingly funny comedy, with three other fine pictures. Coming tomorrow for a three day's engagement, Chet Wilson, a noted ca toonist. who will caricature prominent people in the city and audience. A Celebrated Motor. At The Albany Gun Store can be seen one of the celebrated Harley Davidson motor cycles. This is by all means one of the most complete motor cycles ever placed on the market. The Jersey Dairy HERD TUBERCULIN TESTED. Pure Milk and Cream delivered twice daily. If you do not get your milk promptly, call me on either phone. W.C. Schultz, proprietor. . If you want a cool, sweet SMOKE that won't burn your tongue smoke the HUB T If you don't find us at the old stand come around to the green front, on Baker street, near the skating rink. DAWSON & BUTZLAFF. Don't forget to have your shoes re paired at Burns' Shoe Store. WATCHES, F. M. & Son, The A'bany Dressed Beef and Pro duce Co. will pay the highest market price for eggs and other produce. FOR SALE Good young team, 6 and 7 years old. Weight about 1600. Address H. A. Lake, Tallman, Ore. 4t TO APRIL 15th to WESTERN OREGON Eggs Wanted Our Wants. FOR SALE. Some of the best build ing lots inside the city limits, and will sell lot and build you a home according to your own ideas, one third cash, balacne easy terms. . New 7-room house for sale. Geo. C' Richards, contractor and builder, 934 S. Maple. Home phone red 141. MEN WANTFD to work in woods, near town, good wages. Home 1283. FOR SALE. I have one Aspinwall potato planter to sell.aiso a fine lot of Carmnn No 3 seed potatoes, they ars the leaders of 40 other kinds I have tested, at 90 cts a bushel; also have baled hay for sale. A. J . CaJotners, 6th and Lafayette Sts., Albany. ,lt WANTED. Tenants for brick store building cor. 3d & Lyon St. Will build to suit tenants. X. Y. Boom, 331 E 5th St. It ORPINGTON EGGS -From the best strains of buff and white thorough breds. J. A. Humphreys, Winona Park. Phone P. O. after 5:30 p. m. tlO FOR SALE -Fine young cow, fresh, with heifer calf. Cor. Front and Chicago streets. 27t FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms, at 740 E First. K. Fletcher. FOR SALE A good young team, 6 and 7 years old, weight about 1600. H. A. Lake, Tallman, Or. FOR SALE. A new, modern, five room and bath Bungalow. Has fire pi ce, built in china closet, and dutch kitchen. See owner, 516 west Hth St. 2t WANTED. Farm team, mares, about 1300 lbs., harness, wagon, cash. De Long Bros. R. D, 4, Albany. FOR SALE. An Oliver typewriter, nearly new, easy terms. See Conrad Meyer jr. EGGS! EGGS! EGGS! For hatching. "Hen that lays, hen that pays. Blood will tell." Guarantee my stock best bred in America. Bun Leghorns, Black Minorcas, White and Silver laced Wyandottes. Mochel & Mochel, 1114 Santiam Road. 24t FOR SALE. An aei motor windmill with 1000 gallon tank and force pump See Henry Broders. WANTED. To buy good milch cows. 3. R. Huggins. both phones. 24t FOR SALE House, three lots, and cow. 913 First cit. tS FOR SALE. Day old chicks and eggs for setting, single comb, Rhode Is land Reds, "preferred stock." Ad dress P. S. Ware, Albany. 23t FuR SALE. 5 acre tract, new house and barn, close in. Inquire W. F. Pfeiffer's store. 26t FOUND '! Sacramento Valley Irriga tion checks. At the Dem. office. HAY 40 tons fine Vetch hay, baled, for sale. Reasonable price. Fish & Hodges. 23t WANTED. -To rent modern 5 room cottage within 10 blocks of post office. J. B. Wilson, Wilson Photo . Studio. 19t LOST. A gentleman's matrix 'stick pin. Return to H. T. Wentworth. Reward. WHO wants one of the best small fruit and poultry farms in the Willamette Valley; good buildings, modern con veniences, close to good school, best of Boil; inside city limits of good town. Will take Albany residence property up to $2500.00 as part pay ment. See B. M. Payne, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. CHICKENS Buff Orpingtons, pullets and cockeiels, for sale. Cor. Chicago and Front. 14t Howe phone Black 96. TO EXCHANGE. $2500 6 room resi dence near car line in Portland, Or., for Albany property, vacant lots pre ferred. D. i. Chitwood, Pioneer, Or. . J3t FOR RENT-Shop room, backoffiorae Restaurant, see W. F Pfeiffer. 13t TOR AbE. Fine Airdale puppies. E. D. Cusick. lot FOR SALE. Some lots well located. Real bargains if taken soon. A well located modern bungalow, 1 close in residence, 1 strictly, high grade res idence lot. J. C. Holbrook, 2nd St. lOt FOR RENT Suite of three modern housekeeping rooms, ground floor. Mrs. J. M. V. Bilyeu, 22.4 Baker St. 9t FOR SALE OR RENT Nice lot, small house. Sale price $600. Rent $6 per rhonth. Enquire N. Talbert, 1442 E Front St. 6t FOR SALE.-White Orphington pull- ets, and White Orphington and Leg horn eggs, in small or large lots. E. Hartsock. R. D 4. Home 3835. FOR RENT Suite furnished house keeping rooms, also furnished rooms. Mrs. Gould, 418 W 3rd. 8' EGGS.-Pure bred Buff Orpington and Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching, $1.00 per 15, at the yard; also babv chicks after March the Mrs. Frank Kitchen, Salem road. I Home phone Blsck 283. 7c BARN rOR RENT Lights and water. oza r. dro at. 7t EGGS.-Indian runner ducka, for let ting, for sale. F. M.. Mitchell. Bell 30t JERSEY COW FOR SALE. Home phone 3803. H. G. Rumbaugh. 30t WANTED Good cows. Ed Holloway. Home phone 2462. 1-iGt HOP LAND FOR SALE.-113 acres finest in staoe for hops, near electric line. E. H. Rhodes. lit. $100 PER PLATE was paid at a banquet to Henry Clav, in New Orleans in 1S42. Mighty cost ly for t.ofc with stomach trouble or indigestion. Today people every where use Dr. King's New Life Pills for these troubles as well as liver, kidney and bowel disorders. Easy, safe. sure. Or-'- - t Fred Daw- . A.