Albany VOL SLVil ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY MARCH i, 191 o SO 02 PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS SELL EVERY MINUTE LADIES We invite you to see our, grand Window Display of Gage Hats, Flowers, Orna ments, Band and all Milli nery accessories, the correct and authoritative styles for Spring 1912. All of our First Street Windows are decorated for , your inspection. Chambers & McCune ALBANYS' LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE ? ? ? 6 THE QUESTION IS: WHERE SHALL I GET MY NEW SPRING CLOTHES? WHERE CAN I GET THE BEST VALUE FOR MY MONEY AND BE TREATED THE BEST? IF YOU GET THEM AT THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO.'S, YOU WILL SAVE $'s AND YOU WILL KNOW WHAT YOU GOT. . ; OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR PROTECTION. , Blain Clothing Co. $ DR. BERNARD KAVANAUGH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon Graduate of the Los Angeles Col lege of Osteopathy. Special Attention to Diseases of Women and Children, ln-ll Schmitt-Hunt TSIdn., Corner T; ird and Urocdaiir. C'.rceis, Albany, Oregon. t rhones Home, 203; Bell, 395-J. We make a specialty of watch, jewelry and clock repairing. All work guaranteed. L. W. ROSS THE WORLD Nineteen sites have been offered for the new armory at Roseburg. S. B. Eakin, who recently died at Eugene, left over $10,000 to the Pres byterian church of thst city. Frank Jordan, who is building Hotel Lebanon, has sesured the contract for building the new library at Ashland. J. C, Devine expects to have Hotel Lebanon ODen fnr hnainps hv Anril lat- a fine structure, with modern appoint ments. An expert has discovered that the sooner a hog is sold aft- r he weighs 200 pounds the better for the owner. After that he is a hog indeed. 37 buildinir permits were issued in Eugene in February, value of improve ments $37,000. Included in this are six one story bungalows, by W. O. Heckert to cost 51600 each. 38S0 acres of land belonging to the St. Benedictine Abbey, of Mt. Angel has been leased for a state game reserve. A deputy game warden will be appointed for the reserve. The Harrisburg Bulletin gives Mike Hochdanner the distinction of having only 14 birthdays though GO years old, of being a republican and paying his debts. Great is Mike for a fact. BORN on Feb. 27 to Mr. and Mrs Otto Enele. of Millers, a bov. weicht 12 pounds. Mrs. Engle was formerly S. E. Young for seven or eight years. Bert H. Franklin, a McNnmnrn de- tective, vesterday, at Lns Angeles, was fined $4,000 for attempting to bribe a juror in the McNamara case. That's, a way to get after an infamous crime, bribery. The resources of the First Nntinnnl Bank of Harrisburer are $122,123. with $85,000 deposits; the Farmers and Mer- cnants UanK S7B.000 with $'9,000 do posits; the Scio Bank $100, 117 resour ces, with $S6,000 deposits; the Jeffer son bank, $89,000 resources, with $70, 000 deposits. , . THE MOTOR'S JAST RUN. Conductor Rilev thin his last run on the Albany-Springlield .,; V .-'"""t iwiiuiiuw uiu train will be discontinued, the motor going elsewhere, and Mr. Riley, who, with his tamily, have made many friends here, will lA lnnofiii.Miil t nkn- I probably out of Portland. The present Lebanon train, Frank Cummins con ductor. Burns McCulley engineer, will mnlfA rinitv funct In Rwmn.lllo ' 1 " " ' J W t . ll.-J ( 1 1 1 U, UllU bayond that place people will have to uau me cpringneia-wooaourn train, connecting atTallman with tht Lebanon PeOnln rARl'Hinfr tiounnrl Rmnnm.!!!. particularly at Coburg and Springfield! havo appreciated the service ot the motor, thmiffh nnl ,a,nf it Avtnnai..!.. enough to justify its continuance, ae- uuiuujK to me n or tne K. K. officials. A committee has made a pro test At PniTlnnH hi, it ia ani4 it n.ill not be effective at tho present time. HOTEL HAMM INCOR EL CO. ORATED. A meeting of the stockholders of the Hitel Hsmmel was held last night at v..u vi . vauienuru ac w earner ford and it was unanimously voted to inrnrnnpntn aw,A atirtinA ... j , r, " utiva warn uiuwil and sighed today by J. C. Hamtrel, J. J. Collins and M. J. Cameron as incor porators . Tha capital stock was placed at v,.vw, mm ui course AiDany as tne headquarters. Arrangements will be made for be ginning work as soon as possible A picture of the proposed building may be seen at Dawson's, with the sample rooms under the roof, a six .story structure, with approximately one hun dred rooms for guests and a modern equipment in every respect. Bates at the Hub. Dreamland Tonight. Miller and Mason the. fnnnv pnmf dians are on the program for the last time, introducing new jokes, in addition the picture program is extra good fea turing a fine Vitagraph, with two good Sine ies. Preparing for the Industrial Fair. County Superintendent Jackson and State Superintendent Alderman this week spoke to meetings at Crabtree and Scio on tho coming county indust rial fair, over which a good deal of enthusiasm prevails. Interest is worked up now m order that school children may soon begin planting and preparing for the contest. The exhibit will be made at the county fair at Seio and probably also at a special industrial rair at Albany, when some of the dis play will go to the state fair. HE EMPIRE Geo.' E. Rolfe, Prop, and Manager. TONIGHT THE OLD DOLL (Vitagraph), featuring John Bunny, the funny man. MOUNTAIN LAW (Essany dra ma). ". THE BABY AND THE STORK (Biograph). STAGE-STRUCK LIZZIE (Edi son comedy). A TRIP FROM COLORADO SPRINGS TO CRIPPLE CREEK (Scenic). Illustrated song, "Dreamy Town." Music, All for 10 cents. DREAMLAND Tonight. VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT. 1. The Millionaire Barber. Fine comedy. 2. Miller and Mason. In Vaude ville. 3. The Horse-thief. Western dra ma. 4. A Sultan's Marriage in Maylay sis Scenes. 5. Testing His Courage Great Vi tagraph, 6. Pat Clancy's Adventures Ex tremely funny. 7. Scenes. Current Events. 8. KaV .sr and Wadsworth. Musi cians. Coming Next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, the Dancing Richards, in terpischorian novelties. New Cure for Insanity. H. H. Williams commited forgery at woooourn in oraer tnat ne nugnt be sent to the penitentiary. He has been working on an invention of a grain shocking attachment, and said he felt his mind giving away, and thought by being in the pen a couple of years he might come out all right. A poor way to become sane. Philip S. Bates, editor ot the Illustra ted Northwest, of Portland, secretary of the Threshorman's convention, mem ber of the Ad., Club and numerous other tmngs, haB tr en in the city. He is now arranging for sending another crowd of Oregon's best girls east on a trip and wants a Linn county candidate. Hates is one of Oregon s best hustlers, a wmnwina of energy, with a good head back of it. Beaten at Newberg. The Albany high school basket ball team played Neivberg high last night at Nowbetg, and were beaten 22 to 15. The boys report the roughest game in their experience. Olin Douglas offici ated impartially as refsree; but New berg had the same imcompetent man who was referee here, who kept his jaw wagging "foul-" Several Nowberg boys followed the Albany boys into the dressing room to do them up, but changed their minds. Corvallls Man Arrested. A Corvallis man was arrested there today by Chief Wells, and brought to Albany, charged with lewd cohabitation with a Corvallis woman at an Albany hotel; but the hotel man said he wasn't the fellow, that it was another man who came along, and ho wua uncharged. There is a warrant for the woman, not yet arrested. Chief Daughtry says tnere nas been a good deal of tins busi ness and it must stop. 50C. FOR Kevere Sunday Dinners. Colonist Rates On. The new colonlBt rates began yeater dtty and are now in full force. Already a good many are reported te Rave lot. tne 'middle east for Uregon. After tne severest winter in the history of that . section they are decidedly interested in this section, which has had a winter practically free from bad weather, nn snow until last eyening, and then it didn't stick at all. Fresh Yaquina Bay OYSTERS at the Mission Parlors. FG. WILL, lor Watches Every Sun lay, at the Hotel Revere, 5:30 to 8 p. m., there will be a choice dinner served for only 60 cents. Muaic by the popular Wilson orchestra. Make reservations. NEW . ST. FRANCIS GRILL Sunday Table de Hote Dinner .75c a plate. Tables resorved. 6:30 to 8 p. m. MUSIC. Admission 10 cents. Books Books Just received a full line Popular Fiction. 55c each 1G for $5.00. at MEISER & ME1SER Ruby is the best 35c coffee FIRST CAR UTAH LAND PLASTER has arrived. Place your orders now. M, Senders & Co. CD. RAUCH, Court Reporter, Public Stenographer. Office: First National Rank Build ing. Phones: Office, Bell 146-R: Res., licll 154-L, A GOOD POSITION PAINTS AND WALLPAPER FICTUPE5 AND FICTURE FRAMING J. P. ELDRIDGE, Painter. 438, W. 2nd ShAlr. any Ct - be had by ambitious young me n and women in the field of "Wireless" or Railroad Telegraphy since the eight hour law became effective, and since the Wireless Companies are es tablishing stations throughout the country, there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay begin ners from $70 to $90 per month, wiih good chances of advancement. The National Telegraph lns't. of Portland, Ore., operates under the supervision of R. R. and Wireless officials, and ? laces all its graduates into positions t will pay you to write for full details. ALBANY TRANSFER CO. Light and Heavy Hauling. Wood for sale, fir, maple and ash. Phone Home 68; Hell 166-R. CALIFORNIA KOOMlnij UUUOu, H. V. HAZEN, Prop. Light Housekeeping Suitc3, Sleeping Ro'.ms. Kates Kesscr.shlc. Second and Montgomery Streets Hirre Phcrtr 213 FORD Our first shipment of 1912 cars have arrived. Come and look the cars over. Von will see the greatest sensation of 1912. . Five passenger Fore-Door, $785.00. ' Torpedo Runabout, $W3.00. CAKI'liN I EK AND PAIN1 uH. Will work by day or contract. I.' t us figure on your work. Can paint your house so it will stay painted and inu!:e prirrs ritrht. WM. KIRK, Home Thone 1168; CRAWFORD & RALSTON', Di.irilmiors for Linn' and Hcuton Counties. Albany, - . Orogon.