A Message to Albany! Some People Have Taken Advantage of Our IERAI SHOE DEPARTMENT Men's Work Shoes, Bluch ers and Congress, $3.00 val ues. Thursday Only $1.85 Albany's Big Store. Filled 9000 Daring the year just ended we compounded 9000 prescriptions. A record breaker for any single year since we have been in business, and not one single error was registered against us. We use the highest grade drugs every day in the year. Bring us your prescription. BURKHART & LEE MURPHY'S SEED STORE. Agents for CYPHERS Incubators and Brooders. CALL AND GET A CATALOGUE AND PRICES. Agates AT POCKET FLASHLIGHTS All Sizes All Prices Absolutely Reliable They help us when nights are dark. Fresh Batteries. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Will Second Street THE BEST TO BE HAL) in Baked Goods, Groceries, Produce and Fruits, at PARK a'The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery VS W. Fii9t;3treet, EothlPhones. REMOVAL to economize their money, and buy good goods at reduced prices. Have you done so? If you have, you know what savings -you can make, and we rest assured that you will come again. If you have not, we want you to come. By coming you can fulfill two missions, namely, economizing for yourself, and help us to clear our stock so that we can enter the new store with new goods. We have done our part, we have put prices so low that they are the next thing to give away. 1 Three extra specials for Thursday. FURNISHINGS Boys'' Blouse Waists, 50c values. Thursday's Price 25c. S. E. YOUNG & SON Prescriptions EYPTD SPECTacles &EyEGtA55ES. Optometrist. a av not ALBANY. OR EG. Cut and Polished F. G. WILLS. ER'S SALE DRY GOODS One lot of Wool Flannels. in blues, browns, blacks and checks, values to 75c. Only: 29c Established 1866 LANDAG'iNT NOTARY PU JLIC 40 Years Here Large, small tracts, houses and lots. See my liat before investing. JAS. F. POWELL. Room (9), Albany State Bank Bldg. WOOD AND COAL All kinds -of wood sawed in any length desired. Best coal on the market at reasonable prices, delivered prompt) in large or small quantities Albany Fuel Co., A. S. Docksteader Both phones. For Transfer Phone E. R. Cummings, office with L. J. Gray Real Estate Co., corner of Second and Lyon streets. Light and heavy hauling of all kinds, piano mov ing, baggage. Orders promptly at tended to. Office phones Home 463, Bell 493-J. Res. Phones, Home 146, Bell 350. Phone all oiders from 8 to 12 and 1 to 5 to office; to Res. at morning, noon and nights. All orders promptly attended to. WOOD for ule. JUST ARRIVED Car Load of Land Plaster We also handle Golden Gate Cement. Arden Fibre Plaster and Lime, Potatoes bought and Sold in any quantity. Albany Commission Co. Shingles. Made in Albany my Mo. 1 Edg Grain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON We use no dry kiln. JUST To Remind You GLENDORR lot3 are forj sale, lot 2Cx20O ft., sold on terms to suit Better see us before all the choice one are gone. TEBAULT REAL ESTATE Co. ST. FRANCIS BARBERSHOP, Chas Bruce, Proprietor. DR. J. W. JACKSON, Graduate registered Veterinarian, 1014 E. 2nd St., Albany Or. Phones, ROSE MADE A HIT. A Big Audience Appreciated the Jap-American tomic Opera. A large audience, at the opera house, last night plainly snowed their apprecia tion ot the .Mystic Rose, presented by Albany voung people, under the direc tion of the able composer, Robert P. Skilling, also a very competent director and manager of details. The stage settings were Japanese and pretty, and the cast was generally ex cellent. Miss Blanche Hamme! is a lovely San Kura, a Geisha girl, and sang with fine effect. Mr. Harkins. au American tourist, a part well carried out bv Frank Watson, falls in love with her, and pro- h-vj uoi Bi a crmcai ume. rercy Carish, presented by J. C. Irvine, also has a love affair with a young American tourist, Miss Brant, with Miss Zona Haight in the cast, which ends happily. The romance supreme, though, is that of Akron Sue, by Miss Louise Bhvckwell. who made a great hit. doing Borne star work, who while hunting for her fellow, finds him, but goes back on him for an American detective, Spots, which Parke Stalnaker held down 1n good shape. The jiltid man was Izzy Wright, an adventurer, who with his companion Willie Wynn, were seeing the world, the comedians of the opera, sustained splendidly by Jack Berry and Jay Pal mer, doing great amateur work. Roy Cleaver as Okama, the priest of Shaman, deserves special mention. He nas a nne voice, well sustained. RjV Wood was a pond Run .Inn fhn fisherman who found the Mystic Rose, a stone, in a fish, which caused all the troubles of the story, but being a wish ing stone, brought things to an end happily. Mrs. P. K. Kelly and Miss Beatrice Ireland made good tea girls in their neat Japanese costumes. Arthur Lein inger was well well made up and did his part well 83 Gin Riki a tea merchant, and Herbert Fortmiller was on the spot as the genii. The oance of the tea girls was a pretty feature, well carried out by Misses Hackleman. Hall. Roberts, White and Burnett. And likewise the tourists' double quartet, with Messrs. Torbet, Bain, bowlin. Abraham, Dooley and South,, and Misses Schultz. Young, Pipe Olmstead, Wright and Wright sustain ing the parts. Perhaps nothing made a greater hit than the Flower and Butterfly ballet in the last act, a beautiful thing in which nearly a hundred children took part, in bright costumes, carefully trained and w ell sustained. The chorus work was excellent, a mass of good voices. The whole was a decided success, an enjoyable affair and will long be re membered as a bright spot in the ama teur performances of the Hub. The Mystic Rose will be repeated to night. Readings by Miss Hemenway. Miss Hemenway. of Cottage Grove, a teacher of elocution with an excellent reputation, will give a reading at the ChristiaT church on the evening of March 4. with a good program and a dramatic treat'in prosprect. Besides a reading from Jas. Whitcomb Kiley and character sketches she will present a monologue from the Merchant of Venice, the whole an offering deserving a good hearing. Notice. If you are going to buy fruit trees of any kind it will pay you to see W. A. Ledoeatter at 527 W. 2nd St. We have a large amount of first class trees for your inspection. Come early. They wont last long. ALBANY NURSERIES INC. Albany, Oregon. Bigger and Better Than Ever. The Jersey Dairy HERD TUBERCULIN TESTED. Pure Milk and Cream delivered twici daily. If you do not get your milkprcmptly, 1 call me on either phone. W. C. Schultz, . proprietor. Uover Leaf Dairy. 1 It you appreciate clean, sanitary and pure milk give us a call. i Delivered twice a day. Both phones. Milk depot 331 Lyon St. J. F, Huggins, Prop, j If you want a cool, sweet SMOKE that won't burn your tongue smoke the HUB T We carry a full line of Staple aua Fancy groceries at our market, cor. 2nd & I.vnn KtB . tn which ma inuit. your special attention aiuany uressea iseei 41 rroauce L.O. I have a fine assortment of Alarm clocks to select from, all warranted. L. W. ROSS. Jeweler. Cedar posts 8c each, or $7.60 a hun dred, at the Hammond Lumber Co's yards. tlO F.G. Willior watches Free sawdust for the next 30 days, the saw mill. Albany Lhr. Co. tlO AUTO TRANSFER Fred H. Westbrook. Office Phones uell, 310; Home, 20. Residence Phones Bell 400, Home 210. At your service d.iy or ni;:ht. MYSTIC THIS MORNING. (News From Albany's Six Early Trains. Jack Sellers and family left on the early train fur Portland to reside. Mr. Sellers will run a motor between there and Newberg. They resided here for about eighteen years, and will leave many warm friends at the Hub. Eight een years, though, in one city, is a long time for a railroad man, who is gen erally changed around a good deal. Hon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, went to Portland to meet his friend of many years, W. J. Bryan. Once Mr. Miller was mentioned for vice president with Bryan. Just now, though, he is hustl iug for U.S. senator, a bigger position than vice president, and says he will at least get the nomination. Mica fmm. R Pmcnn nkrt niiil.n last evening from Portland, where she ! nad been to see ner sister, wno is in, went to Springfield to attend the fune ral of a nephew. Fred Kerr returned from Lebanon. John Donaca, of Lebanon, after be ing down to see the Mystic Rose. J. A. Archibald, the monument man, left, J. R. Flynn and C. L. Monson, the paper drummers, left northward. Deputy District Attorney Gail S. Hill left for balem. He is a candidate for district attorney, and will probably file notice of candidacy this week. The only other candidate for the place on me repuuncan ticKet is uepuiy utainct Attorney Winslow, of Salem. Traded Places. Frank Kitchen, the brick mason, has traded his property, at 1227 East Second street, with R. B. Miller, former county treasurer, for his small tract near Jef ferson. Mr. Kitchen and family wilt move there, while Mr. Miller will come to Albany to again make his borne. One daughter is Mrs. Omer Mitchell, of this city. While Mr. Kitchen's home will be on his new place he will work in Albany during the summer at his trade, a very competent mason. If you don't find us at the od stand come around to the green front, on Baker Btreet, near the skating rink. DAWSON & BUTZLAFF. WATCHES, F. M. French & Son, New Things to Eat Old fashioned Molasses Candy, Whipped Cream Ci jcolates, Delicious Mar schino Chocolates. We make them. ELITE Chocolate Shop Our New Store will open about March 1st. Here Is I have associated with me iiicincrs in me rsioruiwest, and 1 am going to give people ot Albany and surrounding country the benefit of his know ledge and experience for the next 31 days, beginning Fri day, March 1st. NOW. LISTEN Maybe you are wearing one and possibly two plates which are giving you satisfaction, but it is policy to have a set in reserve in case of an accident. Possibly you are wearing an ill-fitting plate, which drops down when you eat or try to laugh, or it might be that your mouth shrunk after you had your plate made. If so, you cannot afford to ' miss this offer. Mnnv nprsnns hnvp lmrl r!irir ivirotl n,-A J I . . . . ' to get busy while this special offer is on. During the 31 days beginning March 1st I will make the special price of $5.00 and $7.50, but this price docs not include extracting. Here are the terms One-half to be paid when the impression is taken, and the other half when the work is finished. No credit to any one. "" "' You can see a sample of the plates before you buy. ' Dr. W. A. Cox, Painless Dentist 225 West 1st, Albany, Ore. S. C. Worrell's Secondhand Ferry Stieeti, For fresh groceries, vegetables and fruits. Everything new. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Secor.d Str between Ferry & Eroarlabin CIRCUIT COURT. J. K. Weatherford age. Ann Con stsble, settled and dismissed. Continued: Ku'pn Groshong agt. N. W. Thompson, Eliza Hamilton jt G. Hamtton, l'i(Oi bank act. t'lahtr'v. Todd agt. Ruuh. McKee agt. McKee, First Savings Bank agt. Goldberg,. Weisner agt Weisner. Peterson agt. Peterson, Bond agt Bond, Montague agt. Lebanon. Decree for plaiiititf in L. A. Crandall agt. J. C. P. May. Dismissed Oregon agt. C. & E. Decree for plaintiff in Rosa Goldberg agt Pearl oialney. In Peter agt. Wallace for partition distribution was confirmed; also in Mulkoy agt. V allace, J. C. Way agt. E. H. Rhodes, motion, to make more specific and definite over ruled. Deft, given to March 25 to answer. Adjourned for term. Looking for Three Cars of Goods. In the freight department at the depot the men are looking for three car loads of coods for the dhw Vmmt, about due, under orders Disced bv Mr' P. A. Young while in the east. A now metropolitan feature in the new store will be two auto delivery wagons, one for each end of town, which will be kept running, covering the city and suburbs. The finishing touches are being put in the store, but it will probably be close to the first of April before the business will be done in the new build ng. Another $10 fine this morning for drunkenness. Over 300 has been col- I lected this month for fines, under the , from all sides. i Mel, the saw filer, will be found at the green front on Baker Btreet, near me SKaunir rime. DAWSON & BUfZLAFF. FOR SALE. An Oliver typewriter, nearly new, easy terms. See Conrad Meyer jr. Attention Ye Bargain Seekers Our 5c and 10c counters are filled with choice goods that are needed by every housekeeper. Visit our store and you will be sur prised at the bargains your nickles and dimes will purchase. THE BAYNE'S VAR1FTY STORE a Chance. one of the most expert plate- fc..w LVVll VALI(,ll.U U1U