EXQUISITE SPRING DRESSES A PROFUSION OF BEAUTIFUL STYLES IN BOTH SILK AND WOOL INCLUDED IN OUR ADVANCE DISPLAY OF FASHIONABLE MODELS. THE ONE-PIECE DRESSES HAVE BEEN GIV EN A MOST IMPORTANT PLACE IN THE SPRING AND SUMMER WARDROBE BY BOTH FOREIGN AND AMERICAN MODISTES.- THE STYLE ADAP, TATIONS ARE MANY AND VARIED, WITH GRACEFUL AND BECOMING LINES SHOWN. IN EVERY MODEL. LOOK TO HAMILTONS'. WE HAVE BOUGHT HUNDREDS OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PRODUCED THIS SEASON AND ARE ALREADY SHOWING A LARGER SE LECTION THAN EVER BEFORE. THE DISPLAY THIS WEEK IS ESPECIALLY INTERESTING AND INCLUDES A GREAT MANY "ONE-OF-A-KIND" STYLES. OUR SUIT SECTION NEVER LOOKED BETTER AN EARLY INSPECTION OF OUR LINES KEEPS YOU POSTED. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY FOR YOU TO REALIZE THE DISTINCTION AND INDIVIDUAL ITY OF THESE SUITS, AND THAT IS TO SEE THEM. AS FAR AS THEIR VALUE IS CONCERN ED, YOU WILL READILY ADMIT THAT THEY ARE WITHOUT THEIR EQUAL. ATTEND THE GREAT HAIR SALE Hundreds., o f ..Switches, Puffs, Rolls, Confirmations, etc., together with shell goods, pins and ornaments. Experts in this line to look after you. EARLY MILLINERY Our early showing in Spring Millinery is certainly grand and we insist that you see this line before you buy. Prices very Reasonable. HAMILTON'S The Popular Store for the People Albany Democrat Entered at the post office, Albany, Or as becond class mail n.atur. PERSONAL. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, $4.00. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2. F. P. Nutting. IN THE MAIL. A Keen Appreciation. OF THE VALUE OF QUALITY IN TOOLS AND HARDWARE IS OUR GUIDE IN OBTAINING OUR SUPPLIES. WE DON'T BUY ANYTHING THAT WE WOULD N'T BE WILLING TO USE OUR SELVES. THAT MAKES IT IM POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO BUY AN INFERIOR ARTICLE HERE. COME HERE NEXT TIME AND GET CERTAIN SATISFACTION WITH YOUR PURCHASE. HULBERT-OHLING H 'D. CO BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. Good 5-room house, with woodshed, corner lot on 1st St., desirable loca tion, $1,350. A plot of land, about 4 lots, this side Fenuywindle, good location, fronting on two streets, $S50. TACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO., 106 E. 1st St.. Albany. LODGE MEETINGS. The K. O. M. every Saturday even ig. I The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. Viereck, clerk. Manznnita Circle 1st and 3rd Mon diys, Schniitt Week. Modern Woodmen every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Grant Froman, clerk. Schniitt Block. Koyal Neighbors every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Alice Kirk, Recorder. Schniitt Block. ASK FOR LINN BITTER It's Pasteurized. Quality Guaranteed Manufactured by Albany Creamery Association SUh nnd Madison St. IBotlO'honos. Carried by all the LcadingtGrocers. CHOICF. VETCH Hay for Sale-At farm 4j miles S. K. of Albany on the Brownsville road. This hay was cut rie.ht, cured ami stacl.cd riisht, baled and put inside the barn be fore the ram. $0 per ton at farm, or if wanted in car lots $10 on car at Fronnn Station, l'hone "Home" -H. or call II. N WilliT'ison. MADE IN ALBANY, Show tasos, counters, and othor store fixtures, nrst-clnss Roods, by tho I'ninn Furni ture Factory. Order of them. Keep motley at jour homo. CABBAGE For sauer kraut, and onions, l'hone Fanners 2x1, K. 1.. Me K never. 2Tt ? lil.ASS. All sins and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, chrnpr than aywhero olse in Albany.; Skill- 1 Iv set, if desired. WOOD FOR SALE. Second growth fir $4, old fir $4.75, goud dry wood and Rood measure. Home Black:i06. Bell phone 448 J. F. C. CHAPMAN. FOR RENT. Chicken ranch,2K acres, 4 room house, 3 small, 2 large hen houses, 2 scratch pens under cn. ljtf miles east of Albany. Inquire of Mrs. II. Stillson, 341 E 2nd St. POTATOES WANTED. - Largo or small lots, by J. D. Ellis, 906 E. 4th, Both phones. 17t FOR SALE. Barn and shedd at Lyon and Third. X. W. Boom, 331 E. 5th. t24 i FOR RE NT. House keeping and sleep ing rooms. Biiyeu 8 rooming nouse, 224 S. Baker. 2t ORPINGTONS. Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Leghorns, Bantams, Pekin Ducks, Turkeys, etc. Write for cir cular. Simpson's Pheasant Farm, Corvallis, Oregon. tA9 POTATOES, PKUNES, CHERRIES, HOPS. 25 acres, full boaring prunes, with dryer; 6 acres full boaring Royal Ann cherries, small tracts hop and potato lands, on Santiam, for sale, or trado, on easy terms. H. BRYANT. t7 WOOD.-1G inch body fir, at the Shingle Mill. Zot POSTS.-Anchor and fence, at the Shingle Mill. 25t FOR SALE. Guaranteed work horses and drivers. E. T. Douglas, 1006 E 5th. Home phone 280. t25 ANNOUNCEMENT, The undersigned hereby announces himself candidate tor the nllico of county assessor, sub ject to the will of the voters in the coming republican primaries. t20 J. A. CRAF". FOR SALE by the owner, a six room house and two lots, center of toun, half block from High school. Apply on the premises 322 East 4th Btreet. it. Burns. FOR SALE Lot and house, wired, well finished, good water. At a bar gain. R. F.. Cramp, Front and Den ver. Easy terms. t9 PIANO TUNING.- Leave orders for piano tuning at Woodworth's Drug Store. C. M. Henderson, Tuner. FOR SALE 1 $50 Victor talking ma chine and $39 worth of records, all good as new, for $40. 641 VY 4th St. 16t FOR SALE Farm, with tZ seta of buildings, 652 acres, 7 miles east of Albany, all or part, at sacrifice, terms to suit, with or without stock and machinery. See me if vou mean business. C. R. Gerig, R. D. 1. Id 21t MESSENGER BOY.-Rrvan Roberts, on short notice. 215 W 1st, room 20. Home phone 4$4. WANTKD By n colleee bov. work during the holidays ami out ot school nours. rtioneoM- Bell. SWEET CIDER. Order of C. R. Wid mer, R. D. 4, Home phone 2S01. 1st FOR SAl.K-26; uy 110 ft of property, Call on Mrs. Fronim, 440 E 1st. 5t" A Washington letter, in which it is stated that nothing short of a marvel can save the republicans from defeat at the November election. And it will be a good thing for the country to have a change of administration. It is believed that the struggle for the nomination between - Tait and Roosevelt will be so bitter that even if the President wins at Chicago the defeated Roosevelt ring will be so mad it will stay away from the polls and help defeat Taft. War on the Widows is told about in a Chicago bulletin. It is on ac count of the effort being made in some states to secure laws providing for uniiorm regulation of fraternal so cieties. The war is evidently by the old time insurance companies against the fraternal societies, one that will be watched with interest. G. S. Sims came down from Mehama. C. W. Dresback was herefrom Salem. Ro;- Bentley, of Portland, was in the city. John R. Hughes, of Portland, has been here. Chas. M. Shith, of Palmira, N. Y., has been in the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lewis, of Port land, have been in town. I Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gibson, of Port I land, have been ia the city. I A. G. Crossrrian, an old-time S3lem man, was in the city today. , Rev. S. A. Douglas went to Tallman i this afternoon to preach tonight for vices there. H. N. Bouley has retired from the State Bank and with his family will move the end of the week to their farm near Jefferson in Marion county. Mrs. Chas. H. Stewart yesterday, afternoon entertained the Tuesday Club in its regular meeting, a pleasant gathering. There was a guessing game and the refreshments were greatly appreciated. Some more items about the big clay show at the cousseum, Chicago, March 5-12, of which a former Albany boy is one of the publicity men, cer tainly doing good work. A novel feature at the show will be prizes for the biggest bubbles blown through clay pipes. There will be real Geor gia clay eaters there. Clay pigeon shoots will be one feature, a $5,000 bungalow, made on the floor another, etc. In some magazine clippings there is an article that declares Hamlet was not Shakespeare's. One Brandcr Mathews is the prevaricator, seeking notoriety by proving that Shake speare didn't write his masterpiece. Of course he wrote it and all the rest of Shakespeare. Some of these lit erary experts are regular chumps. Extracts from the Journal of the American Medical Association, al ways of interest, often contain some striking things. It is now declared that before they leave the alimentary canal the foodstuffs which we eat are broken up into fragments that serve as the real food of the body; and that whether it is meat or cereals that we eat is, after all, largely a matter of indifference, for they all furnish simi lar digestive fragments. So long as the digestive processes perform their duty. A live .censure is presented on the question of the secret division of fees for medical or surgical services, and the threat is made that unless stopped the public will step in and do it. CONCRETE ROUNDLY SCORED By International Road Congress at Paris in 1908. The opinion of Philip W. Henry, consulting engineer, New York City, stated in his paper on "The Future Road," and erad before the Interac tional Road Congress in Paris, France, in October, 1908, follows: "It has been found by experience that the rigid surface of Portland ce ment concrete does not for any length of time withstand the constant blows of horses' hoofs and the action of the iron tire. Its rigidity also makes it injurious to horses. Even for auto mobiles its use is somewhat experi mental. Therefore, for a road which must be used by horses and ordinary vehicles, as well as by automobiles, the rigid cementing material may be disregarded." ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Philip Mathew Flood, deceased, by the county court of Linn county, Oregon, and that letters of administration on said estate have been duly issued to the undersigned by said court; there fore, all persons having claims Rgainst said estate are hereby noti fied and required to present the same with the proper vouchers to the un dersigned at her residence in Albany, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this first day of March, 1912. DORA BLAINE FLOOD, Administratrix of Philip Mathew Flood, deceased. W. R. BILYEU, Attorney. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE Tuesday and Wednesday Nights Feb. 27 and 28 The lystic Rose WOMEN'S CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB MUNICIPAL BENEFIT." 200 LOCAL PEO PLE IN CAST Under personal direction of the composer, Robert Skilling, of New York. By far the greatest event of the kind Albany has ever known. A real opera not vaudeville. Catchy music, real comedy, great chorus, gorgeous costumes. - THE FLOWER AND BUTTERFLY BALLET A marvellous spectacle, that may be seen nowhere else in America outside of the New York Hippodro me. Prices, 75c, 50c, 35c Just half the usual prices for The Mystic Rose. Get advance tickets from Club m embers now. Exchange these for reserved seat checks at Woodworth's from 9:00 a. in. Monday, February 26th. Low Fares West DAILY MARCH 1st TO ATKIL 15th. to POINTS IN WESTERN OREGON from Chicago Cincinnati . Milwaukee St. Louis ... New York . Detroit ..$33.00 .. 37.90. .. 31.50 .. 3.1.00 .. 50.1X1 ... 3$.00 St. Faul Kansas City Omaha DcsMoincs . Indianapolis Denver $25.00 25.1X1 25.00 27.85 35.65 25.00 Our Wants. EGGS! EGGS! EGGS! For hatching. "Hen that lavs, hen that pays. Blood will tell." Guarantee my stock best bred in America. Bufl Leghorns, Black Minorcas, White and Silver-Im-ert Wvandottea. Mochel& Mochel. 1114 Santiam Road. 24t 'FOR SALE. Au aeimotor windmill I with 1000 gallon tank and force pump oee neurjf umucm. PEACH TREES. For a short time at a special price; also ail o:her varie ties of high grade nursery stock. Write the Fruitland Nurseiy Co , R. D. 6, Box 87a, Salem. t2 WANTED. To buy good milch cows. J. R. Huggins, both phones. 24 1 FOR SALE House, three lots, arid cow. 913 E First St. t8 FOUND A black velvet hand purse, with small purse and change inside. At Democrat office. FOR SALE. Day old chicks and eggs for setting, single comb, Rhode Is land Reds, "preferred stock." Ad dress P. S. Ware, Albany. 23t FUR SALE Household goods. Geo. DeVaney, Chicago street. tl EGGS - Brown Leghorn for hatching. M Brannan. tl WANTED-Second hand bicycle. In quire at Dawson's Drug Store. t24 FOR RENT. Two nicely furnished front rooms. Inquire room ?0, 215 W 1st St. t27 FOR SALE. 5 acre tract, new house and barn, close in. Inquire W. F. Peilfer's Btore. 26t FOR SALE Work horse weight 135 0 six years old, hve miles south west of Albany near poor farm, Wm. Laub ner. t28. FOUND ! Sacramento Valley Irriga- tiun checks. At the Dem. office. HAY-40 tons fine Vetch hay, baled. for sale. Reasonable price. Fish & Hodges. 23t WANTED. -To rent modern 5 room cottage within 10 blocks of post office. J. B. Wilson, Wilson Photo Studio. 19t FOR SALE Cheap, kitchen range, heater, dining table, Davenport and large leather rocker; also 200Spitzen berg and Jonathan trees, at a bar gain. Bell Farmers 151. t26. $490 CASH. -Will handle 30 acres in cultivation near Cottage Grove. In quire of J. M.V.Bilyeu, 224 E. Baker St, t24. LOST. A gentleman's matrix stick pin. Return to H. T. Wentworth. Reward. FOR RENT. 2 nicely furnished front rooms. 215 W 1st. Inquire room 20. t24 WHO wants one of the best small fruit and poultry farms in the Willamette Valley; good buildings, modern con veniences, close to good school, best of soil; inside city limits of good town. Will take Albany., residence property up to $2500.00 as part pay ment. See B. M. Payne, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. CHICKENS.Buff Orpingtons, pullets and cockei els, for sale. Cor. Chicago and Front. . . 14t Howe phone Black 96. TO EXCHANGE. $2500 6 room resi dence near car line in Portland, Or., for Albany property, vacant lots pre ferred. D. J. Chitwood, Pioneer, Or. J3t , FOR RENT Shop room, back of Home Restaurant, see W. F. Pfeiffer. 13t EGGS. Single Comb Rhode Island Red for hatching, foundation stock from Eure bred 1st prize winners at St. ouis and Topeka shows, correct shape and color, large, vigorous good winter layers. Price per setting of 15 eggs $1.50. L. J. Gray, Home phone 891. tl FOR it,E.-Fine Airdale puppies. E. D. Cusick. lot FOR SALE. One new modern 8-room house. One third down, balance easy terms. 1 have also for sale some of the best building lots L.side the city limits, and will sell you a lot and buld you a home on the same terms, according to your own ideas. Geo. C. Richards, Contractor and Builder, 924 S. Maple St , Home phone Red 141. t7. FOR SALE. Some lots well located. Real bargains tf taken soon. A well located modern bungalow, 1 close in residence, 1 strictly, high grade res idence lot. J. C. Holbrook, 2nd St. lOt FOR RENT Suite of three modern housekeeping rooms, ground floor. Mrs. J. M. V. Bilyeu, 224 Baker St. 9t FOR SALE OR RENT Nice lot, small house. Sale price i600. Rent $6 per month. Enquire N. Talbert, 1442 E Front St. 6t FOR SALE.-White Orphington pull ets, and White Orphington and Leg horn eggs, in small or large lots. E. Hartsock, R. D 4. Home 3835. FOR RENT Suite furnished house keeping rooms, also furnished rooms. I Mrs. Gould, 418 W 3rd. t EGGS. Pure bred Buff Orpington and I Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching, $1.00 per 15, at the yard; also baby chicks after March the 15th. Mrs. Frank Kitchen, Salem road. Home phone Blsck 283. 7t I BARN FOR RENT Lights and water. ssa e; ara at. 7t EGGS.-Indian runner ducks, for set ting, for sale. F. M. Mitchell. Bell 14. 30t JERSEY COW FOR SALE. Home phone 3S03. H. G. Rumbaugh. 30t WANTED-Good eons. Ed Holioway. Home phone 2462. l-i6t HOP LAND FOR SALE, -113 acres finest in staoe for hops, near electric line. E. H. Rhodes. lit. SlOO PiiR PLATE From other eastern points in proportion. Tell your fricnds in the East oi this opportunity of moving West at low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route. Northern Pacific, Creat Northern and "North Rank" lines to Portland thence via Southern lici:"ic or Oregon Electric Ry. Details will be furnished on request. W. E. COMAN. General Freight S: Tas. Agt. S. F. & S. Ry., Portland, Oregon. was paid at a banquet to Henrv Clav, in New Orleans in 1S42. Mighty cost ly for those with stomach trouble or indigestion. Today people every where use Dr. King's New Life Pil'ls tor these troubles as well as liver, kidney and bowel disorders. Easy saf sure. On!v 25 ct if F-f-r n-.,"-. Home Thone No. 33j1, Lorvallis. Si