Get . Ready spring We're showing everything new in Spring Fabrics. Bigger assortments " than ever. New Dress Ginghams at 10c and 12jc yd. New Soisettes, all shades at 25c yd. New Ualeta Cloths at 15c and 18c yd. New Kimona Crepes at 18c yd. New Percales at 10c and lGc yd. New Crepes in plain white, or fancy strip-d at ?0c and 25c yrl. MARJORIE- MAHR C0MING, f mm. iiuiimnnii..w.W), Flood's Store Agents for G. Corsets. Agents for Standard Pattern it' l . i' 'l l -V jf::l yz!z- MISFITS. Misrepresentation means misery. Two terms as president is enough. Bump the get rich quick concerns. The Gov. 13 now solid with the women. The average cartoonist is merely a 1 mud- thrower. A street can petition for any kind of pavement it wishes. We would be ashamed tohaveEuzene people go along Mttn street on the U. IS., without pavement. A London physician has discovered that children in the slums, 'Without , tooth brushes, have the best teeth. j ! The Oregonian eiys eastern Oregon is strong for Taft, but whenever a test vote is taken it shows five to one for j Roosevelt. I Men who have to go away to sell their real estate, stock, etc., as a rule need watching mighty close, a fact suggested ; by the Lavey arrest in Portland. .Farm and City Property. If - interested in buying Farm or City Property it will pay you to look at some of the bargains on our list. T.he owners price is our price. W show you the property without ex pense, and you arc under no obliga tion to buy. Below are some of our bargains: 500 acres, all tillable land, good Dtnldings, $43 jier acre. 450 acres, 37a tillable land, good lo fiuion, $40 per acre. 331, acres, about 100 acres of tim- 5cr, !2B per acre. 140 acres, fair buildings, good loca tion, $45 per acre. City Property. i"House and barn and two lots, $2,600 Fight room. house, fine location $3,500 Eight room house, full lot. $2,103 four room house, two lots $1,600 It's not our way to run you down on the street, but will gladly have a talk with you at our offices, at 236 Wcst First street, Albany, Oregon. If we can not show you the best ' tiargain, then buy of the other fellow, but see us before buying. XllE XI.N'X & BENTON REAL ESTATE COMPANY. ALBANY. The Cid Song of the South. Victoria chocolates' At the Mission Parlors. Pasteurized butter is best. Mv dear Albny Friends: - I am at Inst going to realize the pleasure of seeing you, for I am able to travel again ana i want to thank you "my friends" personally for the inter- The lovers of the good old time melo- est you took in me during my illness dies will be certainly well entertained and long stay in the hospital; when f next Tuesday with the delightful tunes met my arcident mi was taken lo the of the old Southern Ballads of the hospital in an unconscious condition I times "Eefo de War". Culligan & remained in the state of o livion for Hockwald's minstrels has always been several days fighting unconsciousness a company especially se'ected by the J. V. PIPE. , 203 West Second Street. SEAL ESTATE. Farm lands, city property, timber ' Jauds. Money to loan on approved se curity. Insiimice written in the best old lino companies. i For building, ornamental purposes, i rup, tilling, etc . COBU, It D b 1 Homo Phono.4. rip " . r, i R. r'n't aim. a Sumn es nr. u. acimuro .x v W. L by You eft the best fruit nouiret at tha for my life, and when I at loi-t woke to management for their sineincr oualitv. Mission Parlors. , realization, you cannot imagine my ' It has long been conceded that no one ju. I surprise at finding that 1 had lost bol 1 ' can get the harmony and musick of ' or my limbs and I could not recall just those like the real darkey, i what had caused such a calamitv to ' . a befall me. I opened my eyes and saw the Rosary and Cross laying on my Letter List, breast an holding my hand verv ten-1 Have vour feet attended to Driver. 739 E 2. Bell 361-J. Wedding rings, Encasement Friendship rings. F. M. Frerwn & Son. wnen you want something good to rings, eat remember The Dressed R-f C.n 2nd & Lyon The lamest and fvtst assor ed- ntnnle of shingles in the city at the Albany Lumber co's saw milP. tlvi' Bovs mav be had and Borretimpg civta. The older ones ut ordinary wage3 and 1 flerv was one of tod s mpaRpnor.. ra nn i his knees graying to our Almighty for. The following letters remain in the my life: I did not eare to live for I AJsany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for had taken Jorm me my means of man-, Feto. 16, 1SH2. Persons desiring any of i ing my living, -for you know I was a 1 these letters should call for advertised show girl in musical comedy, and ; letters, giving th& date: ! danced. I son got better and while I1 M53-.. Ac. Allison (foreign), Mrs. A. had no relatives, you and all the people G. Allison, R. Com-tley, Mrs, M. J "What We See Is Forever Stamped on the Mind" declares Arthur Brisbane, the cele brated editorial writer. . He adds: "We have lived on this planet using our eyes as men for. thousands of years. And the animals learned and formed impressions by using their eyes millions upon millions of years before man appeared upon the globe." V'e are employing these quotations to drive home the advertising value cf the Electric Sign. Here you have ' flaming letters and action, too, if you wish a combination bound to attract the attention and impress the mem ory. ' Our representatives have important things to tell you about electric ad vertising. TELEPHONES 15 OREGON POWER CO. ELECTRIC SUPPLY HOUSE AND CONTRACTORS Ralston Eleetric Supply Co, 310 W 2nd Street. Tuga Walton, 728 E 4th Street. Established 1871 Assets Over $1,000,000.00 ot Oregon wero sir good in your ( others to be schoolei and" cared for in , letters of svmoathv I am etxner to be return for slight services rendered. I with you Monday, Feb. 19tb, if God r or particulars address Vf. T. fiarrinpr willa an mm m r Supt. Bovs' and Girl's Aid Society oJ thank you from, the stage for all Oregon, Portland, Or. ! you did for me. I can wallf with One nf thn rifhpflt HiuniWo nt nno 1 mv artificial linhfe' hut fl.4 t hnri tn tumes ever seen in a moving picture is learn all over again, "as when a baby," in the Betrayal of me story well por- were gorgeous days thnt at the Empir Charles, - an old trayed. Those V Charles 111 b ranee. Paid in Full was presented la.t Diuht at the opera house to a good siied ud- : lenoe, oy one ot the tiest companies that has been here, strong at every 1 point. The play itself, though, is not j one to be commended, fu&l of suggestion, I and while it may teach a lessor it is ; very doubtful if the stage is the' plxco ior m in me manner in wmch eiven. I am iu-t a little slow, so I know friends you will be patienb. Sinceriey. MARJORIE MAHR. my The Weather. Range of temperature 53-44. Kainfall ,2o inch. T he river has been rising and is 13 7 feet. Prediction: occasional rahr tonight ' and Sunday. Davis, Mrs. James Dawson. D. W. Horner,. W.. Hugh, E. R. W. Hawkins, Edith Hunsaker, Frank B. Kellogg, Miss Amelia Ivarson. M. Kamphont, Robt. J. Lockwood, N Jack Menefee, Miss Pearl Massey. Geo. Maxell, Willis Poitter, Henry Raldson. B. R. Reed, W. E. Rossj S. Strylewiez. Johnson S. bmitb, Dr. A. b. Sether, Minnie Shel ton, Norman A.- Terry, Jas. U. U. Q. Wardmith. J. S. Vac Wctkle, FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Albany, Oregon. (Oldest Nicional Bank 'n the Willamette Valley.) These Banks have resources and aonnections which enable them a- be of the greatest service to their customers. They eordially in vite the accounts of individuals and" Srms to whom they extend the services and facilities- of strong and ssund financial institutions. Waiker, ! j P.M. i Cedar posts 8c each, or t7.fi0 a hun dred, at the Hammond Luttbcr Go's yards. . . I0 NOTICE FIRST SAVINGS BANK of Albany, Oregon. (Owned by Shareholders of the First National Bank) interest on At r... $390,000.00" , i Time Deposits. it F.G.Will ior watches Free sawdust for the next 30 dava. the saw mill. Albany Lhr. Co. tlO 11 WE YOUR CLUTIIfcS CLEANED 4ND PRESSED The Pantatorium, CLARK HUSTON. Proprietor. tTT. stites, Attorney at Law Notary Public. I egal tti!l'1"' n" kinds in all the tourts promptly attoncd to. Bell phone 6-J. TO WHOi IT MAY CONCERN By order of the Government engineer who inspected the gravel bar west and aiovo the stcol wagon bridge, all! gravel, loam or sand is scrictly forbid den to be removed. This order ap- plies to all teamsters in Linn and Ben-1 ton counties, whether hauled for public or pr-.vuiu parties, or county, or city roads, and a lino of 50.0U will be im posed upon any body violating this or dr.Tho undersigned has been appointed deputy and kindly nskes that this order be obeyed strictly as it is for the good of all, the preservation of our bridge. w. r. SMALL.. See California Now ! Sec its attractive seaside resorts, famous hotels and resorts, magnificent scenery; delislitiiil cliinate. Outdoor sports of all ami cfeisam irives rhroiigii: miles of o3iigc groves. All reached by the? LUMBER SHINGLES DRAIN TILE SEWER ..PIPE BOXES OF ALL KINDS Agents for the Los Angeles Fancy Press Brick Hearth Tile of all kinds Both 'Phones. THE CHAS. K. SPAUI.DING LOG CO COI U. TAYLOR, Real Ksinte and Insurance, ;i,iv and sell property. Insure ,r...ertv ami transact loans, j .ire or small timber tracts. J. M. RALSTON. Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. Properly handled for non-resi dents. A. STARK, M. D. Plivsicinn and Surseon, iv;n Sinrk Hliwk - Albany H. A. LEININGER, Dentist, riaw-fnr.l Ulwk Albunv DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany M:te Bank Building. . Bi-ll Bla.-V .-'. Home 275 UK. VIRGINIA I.EWKAUX, Osteopathic Physician. Sclimitt Kliwk, Albany, honcs: Otlice Home 359, Bell 11 lack 2751 : Resilience 3'M Home, hi i .-V SM Bell. NOTICE FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. In the District Court of the United: States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Charles Medin and W. W. Smart, partners doing business as Medin & Stuart, and Charles Mcdin and W. W. Sluart as individuals, bank rupt. Tn the creditors of Charles Media iiul W. W. Stuart, partners doing business as Mcdin & Stuart, anil Charles Medin and W. W. Smart as individuals, nf Albany, in the Counlv f l.iun, and District aforesaid, bank rupt : .Notice is hereby given that on tlc Utll day nf l' A. IX l1)), tlc partnership known a.-, Medin & Stuart, ! c.nnpi.M'd of Charles Medin ami W. j W. Stuart, and the aid Charles Media ! .m.i . . .-Milan, a luittvuittals wero .!nv adjtnlgrd bankrupts: and that ih !:: -: meeting ot their creditors will 1 1 c! l at Albany, l.inn County. Orcgoi -:i Lie otlice nt the unilersnjneil rel i vic, in the Cusick Bank Building, on Sitiird.iv, the .Mth d.iv uf l-'e!ini:irv A 1. T'l.'. at 10 o'clock in the fore noon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trusti-e, examine the bankrupt ami transact such ot!n-r business as may propei ly come beiore said meet ing. lVttoil :h Allnuy, T.inn countv. Ore gon, this l'ebruarv 13. 1"U. C. C. BR Y A XT. Uefevee in Kankrnptev I (O f SUNSET I (OGOEN&SHASTA) i I I ROUTES I It LOW ROUND THIP FAKES to California, and', stopovers going or returning. in dffect' daily- with locg limit 3 THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY- Shasta Limited rutlnan cars and observa-ion cars. California Express Pullman tourist cars, fligh-clas coaches. San Francisco Express Pullman and tourist cats. ISigh-class coaches. Unexcelled dining car service -ecu rteous and attentive employes. Call on our nearest S. P. agent tor interesting literature describing the various resorts, or write to JOUX M. SCOTT. General Tassenger Agcat PORTLAND, OREGON. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS This, bank will now issue time certificates drawing interest-six months or one year. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY. OREGON. Established 1892" Capital and Surplus $90,000.00 ALBANY STATE BANK has every equipment of a modern, progressive institution including ' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT in which interest is paid on DEPOSITS whether large or small. I. Low Fares Westiijsm""1 from Mi- SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES To Rent. WM BAIN, Pres. P. D. GILBERT, Yice-Pres. H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. DAILY MARCH 1st TO APRIL ISth. POINTS IN WESTERN OREGON DR. W. R. BILYEU, I Dentist, I "'ill it- Stark Hloi-W - Albany i TOM YOUNG. House nd Sign Painter. Agent for the Clceland Gelsciute j roof paint. UV Perry Seect. ' II ,m Pl.nnr "11 I'.i-ii'u-. M-i ? TIIK I PA I'l.l X K ADDITION. Kor lot ex mine this addition. Cor ner of 1 .'ill and Jackson street., about " blocks south of tlie llic.h sehool tuildin'r. Will ell for a short time at $.V0 to SWO oer lot. Lots are hti;h and drv. Call on t'n.lersl.'iii-il o rphone Home 1 107. T P lli.-H.-inn tlrt Chicago t'ineinnati . Milwaukee St. l.ouis ... Xew 'ork . Detroit .. .i7.' .. ,il.5i .. .i-Vi1"! .. j.MXl ... -tS.iXI St. Paid Kansas City tlniaha DesMoines Indianapolis Deliver VIERECK'S BATHS. 217 West First Street. Pirit-CUss Wok Guaranteed, M. B. CRAFT. 242 West Second St, Albany, First-class meats of all kinds from selected stock. l'rotn other eastern points in pri portion. Tell your friends in the East of this opportunity of moving West at Ion- rates. Direct train service via Itiirinigtuii Route. Northern Pacific. Ureal Northern and "North Bank" hi es to Portland thence via Southern Pacific or Oregon Klectric Ry. Details will be furnished on request. V. E. COMAX. 1 General Freight & Tass. Agt. S. P. & S. Ry., Portland, Oregon. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY