-,' v . --..--.- - ..'... -, THIS MORNING. AT THE COURT HOUSE. PERSONAL S. E. YOUNG & SON News from Albany's Trains. Six Early F. H. Ryder and A. M. Service, ot (General Removal Sale. This REMOVAL SALE must clear our old stock to be ready for our NEW STORE. Most stores are now clearing their decks for Spring by getting out their moth balls and tar paper, and packing their goods away. Not so with us, we are simply sharpening our red pencils, and marking prices way, way down, to keep your interest in our Great Sale. The crowds come, see and buy; and our entire present stock of mer chandise is MOVED out of our store but NOT into our NEW BUILD- , ING. Here are a few offerings that laugh at tar paper and moth balls; these mean action. ONE SPECIAL FOR. THURSDAY IN SHOE DEPARTMENT. Children's and Misses, to $3.00 values, about 200 pair, your choice, Thurs day only -98c In all leathers, button and lace, and all are up to date styles. IN THE DRY GOODS DEPART MENT OUR SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY ON SILKS. $1,00 values for 49c per yard. Foulards, Pongees, Taffetas, Pinks, Browns, Greys, Greens, and Blues in Plain Color Effects, Diagonals, Dots and Patterns. Henry Kirsch returned to his farm near M illers. He has 21 acres, and is show ing what can be done with a smuil tract. Last year he raised $900 worth of po tatoes and has 350 cords of wood cut. Becides he has seven cows and numer ous other things. Mrs. Love, after a visit with her cousin, Mrs. J. A. Dumond, left for her home at Spokane. She was greatly pleased with this part of the North west, and enjoyed her visit here. Mr. Merrill, traveling representative of the Pacific State Telephone Co., re turned from Lebanon, where the ex changes have been consolidated into one run by the Independent Co., and went to Portland. New Suit: - Elizaleth A'iley agt. J.. J. Whitney et al. Suit to prevent defendants tres passing, to quiet title, and for judgment for $3,000 caused by the removal of trees from property, 321.75 acres. Marriage license: Geo, ich, 24. of bamboo, Marie Johnson, aged 19. Ralph Wis., and Jo Albany's Big Store. ' S. E. YOUNG & SON Established 1866 Lawyer L. M. Curl went to Portland on a snort business trip. Prof. Hargrove, the piano instructor, returned to Portland, after a Lebanon trip. Commissioner Butler returned to Jefferson. He comes up every night while putting in the new ferry boat. Bvron Taylor returned to Corvallis. Mrs. T. G. Hopkins went to Salem for a several davs visit with her folks, Among the commercial men leaving was Chinook, a popular salesman tnrouen tne vauev. Manager Jennings oi the Orctron Power Co., at Eugene, went to Cor- Baker, have been in the city. Mrs. Sloan went to the Bay this af ternoon. Miss Emma B. Crosno went to port land yesterday, called there by the Ill ness of her sister, Mrs. McClure. Mrs. J. J. Lingren, of Lebanon, re turned home this afternoon after being at Tangent, where Mrs. Felzer, an aunt Weir- is seriously ill. osephir.e j Dr. J. P. Allen, of the American Life- and Accident Co., of Portland, has been- - hi the city in the interest of the torn- Inventory filed in estate nf Frank P"1- Stephen Whitney has accented Leist insane. All proptrty $1,931.47. I J6"0 and wt" travel for tne Com- ... . . , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilkins, of Notice candidacy B. M. Miller, dem., Portland, have been in the city the for recorder. quests of Mr and Mrs M. V. Weather-- i ford. Mr. Weatherford and Mr. and . ! Mrs. Wilkins were former class-mates , ut Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hulbert yesterday. ' celebrated their golden wedding with a Deeds recorded: Geo. W. Jacobs to Benj. Shepherd 2 lots Mill City S 400 Callie fhillippi to u. r. jones zu oy 1UO teet cin P. M Scroggm to T. C. feebler lot Lebanon T. C. Peebler to W. T. Davenport and wf 2 lots Lebanon , 560 10 TONIGHT The States Reurvon and Reception dinner in its honor, attended by mem bers of tho family. They were married -Feb. 20, 1802 in Wisconsin, when Mr. Hulbert was 25 and Mrs. Hulbert 20. A Washington Birthday Dinner- vallis, ters. to look after electric light mat- Nearly leady. A fine turkoy dinner will be given at the Hotol Uovero tomorrow from 5:39 to 8 p. m. During the time Prof. Wilson's fino orchestra will furnish a treat m itself. Make your reservations. i The program this evening at the Armory, promises mucn in tne way m novel, original am historical intoresc. There will be the grand march and a medley ot National cirs by the Wilson orchestra, and a speech by our new mavor as ooeninsr numbers. New England presents a reading in a costume ot days of yore. Pennsylvan a nas an nisioncai noine jickuru, uuiu illustrated songs, Wisconsin, an original song. The Kansas orchestra and Colo rado. "Hobo Hotel", will be interest ing. Many of the other states have eauallv original stunts. The Oregon Indians will wear some of the finest nature costumes on the coast. Come and register with the captain Filled 9000 Prescriptions During the year just ended we compounded 9000 prescriptions. A record breaker for any single year since we have been in business, and not one single error was registered against us. We use the highest grade drugs every day in the year. Bring us your prescription. BURKHART & LEE MURPHY'S SEED STORE. CYPHERS Incubators and Brooders. CALL AND GET A CATALOGUE Arcu rni-re. v-- 2T C.lt"' .--Z . .... - mm M SPECTACLES & EYEGAS5ES CfHeade Optometrist albany. ortea. LANDAGENT NOTARY PUBLIC 40 Years Here Large, small tracts, houses and lots. See my Hat before invr-.sting. Koom (9), Albany StatP Bank Bldg. It is expected the new filter will be running by the 15th of March. Water will be turned in before, but a thorough test will be made before it goes into the mains from the clearing water tanks. One of the most interesting places in the city will be the operating room of the filter. A series of gauges will show the exact condition of everything in the filter, so it will be known at a glance exactly what is needed, the amount of ' 0f vour 8ta'e, watci ill lue lauiva, biiu aiuiu ou:-ibiuu, 1 and finally the clear water ready for I ', the mains, free, not only from the so-1 lution that helped make it clear, but aB I well practically all microbes, destroyed in the operation. ( Rverv Missouri born citizen of Al Albany people will be given a chance banv is earneatly requested to be at the Stand Up for Missouri. The Weather. Range of temperature 51 38. Ruin rail .07 inch. The river is 12.8 feet and falling. Prediction : showers tonight andThura- day. John Olson this morning was fined 1 $10 and costs for being druuk, and the $12 was paid at once. The police court s stringent program has greatly lessened the number of drunks. Saturday Evening Post, a great num ber, is out. See Riley Lobaugh aDcut it. WOOD AND COAL All kinds of wood sawed in any length desired. ' Best coal on the market at reasonable prices, delivered prompt) in large or small quantities Albany fuel o., A. W. llocksteader Both phones. to see for themselves, and an inspection armory tonight at 7:30. The voters will certainly give them confidence in Bnouid be tner0 wjth his family to help the plant, the best it is possible to con struct. New school House Site. tell whv Missouri mado Oregon coun try a part oi tnis uniteu Biai.es rauy ronnd your captain who will be there with the stars and stripes dedicated to Missouri. Bring Missouri badgo. Don't forget to have your shoes paired at Burns' Shoe Store. FOR SALE Household goods. Geo-.. DeVaney, Chicago street. tl EGGS - Brown Leghorn for hatching. M. Brannan. tl WANTED-Second hand bicycle. In quire at Dawson's Drug Store. t24 FOR RENT. Two nicely furnished' front rooms. Inquire room ?0, 215 W I 1st st. t27 For Transfer Phone E. R. Cummings, office with L. J. Gray Real Estate Co., corner of Second and Lyon streets. Light and heavy hauling of all kinds, piano mov ing, baggage. Orders promptly at tended to. Office phones Home 463, Bell 493-J. Res. Phones, Home 146, Bell 350. Phone all oiders from 8 to 12 and 1 to 5 to office; to Res. at morning, noon and nights. All orders promptly attended to. WOOD for le. The school board today went out to Burkhartville to view a site offered for a new school house for the east end. The Burkhart Bros, have offered a choice of two or three good sites, which are being considered The school population in the east end has grown to such an extent a new building is a ne cessity. .. Notice. $25.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any one Bhooting at the glass insulators on our electric line to Corvallis - OREGON POWER CO. t21 H. K. Morton, Mgr. I have a fine assortment of Alarm clocks to select from, all arranted. L. W. KU55. Jeweler. WATCHES, F. M. Frer.eh & Son. Cedar posts 8c each, or $7.50 a hun dred, at the Hammond Lumber Co's yards. tlO Attention r r c i l e oargain occiicrs Our 5c and 10c counters arc filled' ...... V.IU.-.b K.MV ... W ............ every housekeeper. Visit our store and you will be sur prised nt tho bargains your nicklcs and-" Notice. If you are going to buy fruit trees of about March 1st, any kuiu il w:ii pay vuu iu set. vv. A. Ledoeatter at 527 VV. 2nd St. We have a large amount of first class trees for your inspection . Come early. They wont last long. , ALBANY NURSERIES INC. Albany, Oregon. Bigger and Better Than Ever. New Things to Eat Old fashioned Molasses ' will purchase, Candy, Whipped Cream Ci jcolates, Delicious Mar schino Chocolates. We make them. ELITE Chocolate Shop Our New Store will open ' THE BAYNE'S VARIETY STORE Agates Cut and Polished AT F. G. WILLS. POCKET FLASHLIGHTS All Sizes All Prices Absolutely Reliable They help us when nights are dark. Fresh Batteries. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 West Second Street. Potatoes Wanted In Carloads or Less Quantity Apples, unions, all kinds of produce. See us before you sell. Best storage facilities in towu Albany Supply Co. Shingles. Made in Albany my Ho. 1 Edir drain the BEST in the market. Various gradeB and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. L A. THOMPSON We usfi no dry kiln. THE BEST TO BE HAD in Baked Goods, Groceries, Produce and Fruits, at 7 rijJi.i a'The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery 116. W. Fi:st;3t.eet, Both H ones. JUST To RemindYou GLENDORR lots are for sale, lot 200x200 ft., sold on terms to suit Better see us before all the choice cne are gone. TEBAULT REAL ESTATE Co. The Jersey Dairy HERD TUBERCULIN TESTED. Pure Milk and Cream delivered twic daily. If you do not get your milk promptly, i A:.un. -,i fir ff cu..L call me on either phone. proprietor. W.C. Schultz, Uover Leaf Dairy. It vou appreciate clean, sanitary and pure milk give us a call. ueiivereu twice a day. tsotn pnoneo. Milk depot 331 Lyon St. J. F, HUGCINS, Prop. Free sawdust for the next 30 days, the saw mill. Albany Lhr. Co. tlO F. G. Will for watches. POPULAR PRICED PAINLESS DENTIST Guarantee given; GOOD FOR 10 YEARS ST. FRANCIS BARBERSHOP, Chas Bruce, Proprietor. DR. J. W. JACKSON, Graduate registered Veterinarian, 1014 E. 2nd St., Albany Or. Thanes, I . For Sale.-Eggs for hutching from util- iky DiuLn pv iumi.1111:- al'y bred. Barred Plymouth Rocks, Light Brahmas and Black Minorcas Prices $1 50 per set ting. C. S. Shedtl. Albany, Or., 817 W. 4th Street. CARPENTER AND PAINTEK. Will work by day or contract. Let us figure on your work. Car) paint your house so it will stay painted and make prices riiiht. VM. KIKK. Hnmn Phoir llffl. B. M. PAYNE. Farm Lam's ar.d Cily Property for sale. Real Esta'e L.ans. Fire Insurance. , Surety K' ndi 1 Rojtns 1J 21 Cumck Ekck, Albany, On gon. SOLOMAN WAS A WISE MAN WHliJN nn sail; "He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life." Proverbs IJ-tl, kJW 11 , v.w 1' " r healthy mouth has a longer lease on life. Don't delay, but r0mc and have your mouth attended to jnuvv uy uic PAINLESS METHOD j Dr. W. A. Cox, 225 West 1st, , Albany, Ore. S. C. Worrell's S Second and Ferry Stteeta, For fresh groceries, vegetables and truits. Lverything new. WAIT meade; WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329Se:ord Jitr, Between Feny & Ercaddbin Home K ucu oo-J.