Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 23, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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The plot centers around a Japanese
geisha girl, dan Ktira, and her trials
and ultimate happiness. A company
of American sight-seers meet in front
of the tea house of a Hundred Step:
near Yokohama, in which San Kurn
is employed. Among the tourists is a
scientist, flarkins, who by pre-ar
rangement meets a .Miss Brant, whom
his aunt has designed that he s,
marry. As the aunt fai.s to arrive
Miss Brant is without a chaperon, and
arranges with .Miss hue, from Akron,
Ohio, to act in this capacity, sue i
. quest of an ex-actor, Izzy Wright
who had promised to marry her and
Mihseuuentlv had run away.
Izzy, in company with another ad
venturer, Willie Wynn, is in Yoko
hama at this time and a detective
called Spots attempts to locate them
While the villagers are mcrrymarf
ing, under the direction of Okama, a
Driest of shaman. Uun Jan. a tish
man, appears with a stone, which he
found in the stomach 01 a shark, an-'J
the priest says it is the wishing stone
called the Mystic Rose, and that the
one holding it may have three wishes
In the meantime Harkins and San
Ktira fall in love.
When Bun Jan finds that he receives
nothing nut honor lor returning the
Mystic Rose, he regrets his honesty
and with the help of Izzy and Willie
steals it trom the lemplc that they
may sell it. Their act is discovered
by San Kura and also by Sue.
Bun Jan, to save himself, accuses
San Ktira of the theft, and the prc-t
orders her arrest. Harkins escapes
with her to the forest in company
with the other Americans.
Bun Jan appears on the scene, and
after much liardship, wishes that he
were dead, and as he holds the wish
ing stone lie is immediately dead.
Afterward Okama appears again to
re-arrest San Ktira, but she is cleared
by Sue, who accuses Izzy and Willie
of the theft, and also of the possible
murder of Bun Jan.
Willie, who has the stone, to save
himself, wishes Bun Jan alive, and it
is so.
Finally Izzy wishes the stone were
back in the Temple, and it immediate
ly is.
Then San Kura is made happy by
the prospect of a trip to America, as
the wife of Harkins.
In the meantime, Spots has made
successful love to Sue, and she says
she will go home, too. When Izzy
asks him if she did not come to Japan
for him, she replies, "Not necessarily;
1 came to bring back a husband,"
whereupon she departs with Spots.
In a letter from Cristobal, C. Z., to
C. II. Walker, Rev. J. C. Elliott says:
I'cb. 2nd, 1912. 1 am full of plans
and hopes yet to be fulfilled, though 1
expect that this stale of mind does net
turn time backwards. We now think
of returning to Washington in a few
weeks. The reports of the severe
wcathci n;-y discourage us and keep
us litre a utile mugcr.
When in Washington I was very
much interested in pending legisla
tion and frequently called upon those
senators nnu representatives having
special bills in charge.
This tropical climate has many
charms. It is pleasantly warm every
day and night, varying only a few de
grees from 80 F. There is not enough
variety to relieve monotony. Tropical
fruits of all sorts arc abundant, but
nothing is superior to the orange and
banana with which you arc familiar.
Then there is an utter absence of the
products of the temperate zone. Near,
iy everything that the Americans cat
is brought from the states, even the
feed for the horses and cows. I was
yesterday in (lie best garden on the
zone and they were trying to raise
lettuce and tomatoes, trying to get
lettuce to head and tomatoes to fruit,
with little success. The Chinese arc
the most successful gardeners and 1
bought of a Chinaman his largest to
matoes, perhaps two inches across.
The big thing here is of course the
ditch, but the greatest thing about
the ilitcli is its complete freedom from
insect pests of all sorts and the sani
tation, so that this is about the health
iest place on earth.
Grand Display and show Windows
Chambers & Medina's windows 'on
First street displaying the new Spring
And Summer Embroideries imported
direct from Switzerland by this pro-
f;ressive firm would bo a credit to any
urge city in America. All of the first
street windova nro given to this dis
play, which is only one-fourth of their
import order. They lira placed in the
windows onn week in advance of their
carnival o( white which opens nt 9
o clock Wednesday, rct. 21at and not
one yard will be sold before, that dntu.
Dun t fail to see the windows cither
day oi night.
Are Not Imitators.
Minstrel companies mav come and go,
the whito man may black his fneo and
bands, but after all thtro is but one
"real uno" und that is the Nashville
Students, an organization that will live
forever. Tho Nashville Students have
kept faith with tho public for twenty
live- yours, and each succeeding year
ntaKcs mem more popular, they are
coming in all their glorv next Tuesday.
A splendid concert band will give a free
C -incur t at noan on above date.
Another Auto lruck.
J. L. Irvine has sold W. A. Long a
lluick auto truck, which ho will use in
the business in this city, making two
for Albany. Mr. Long is a former Al
bany druymsn, a reliable man.
Jesse O. Prake, a liosehurg editor,
will ba tried this week on the charge of
criminal libel acainst Judge J W.
II amilton, a member of the judiciary
with a clean record.
Mr. Tafi has been making speeches
this week in the interest ot his candi
dacy for reelection; but, as for that,
as soon as he took his seat years
ago he began working for another
term and his administration has been
run with that in view, more than as
the servant of all the people regard
less of politics. In this respect
he is
probably like other presidents
ave had. It is the modern sys-
we ha
tern, but a vicious one.
This week it was announced that
after many years seeking the locks at
Oregon City will be owned by the
government and be free. Whether
it will reduce freight rates or not it is
entirely proper. It should never cost
anything to pass over any highway in
the shape of penalty.
While paving is expensive the city
docs well that increases its area along
sane lines, without going to extremes.
It is a business proposition, though,
and it is the business of the city
council to see that the best pavement
possible for the price be secured
according to their judgment. One
hears a good many charges of graft
in connection with pavement rates
generally; but on the face of it it is an
expensive business, requiring machin
ery and red tape.
Another boy went wrong, foolishly.
It happens all the time. Why will
people deliberately throw away chanc
es of success on something that means
detection and trouble.
Tliis is an age of genuine cxtrava
gance. in Albany we occasionally
liear of people who live beyond their
means and spend a few hundred a
year on their clothes; but this is a
very tame matter compared with what
is going on in the ultra-fashionable
world cast. A tasc is now in view,
one startling people. Mrs. C. II. Ah
thony. of Munice, Ind., has been in
Washington this week, with twenty
five evening gowns, rich in rare laces
and studied in gems, thirty tailored
suits for the streets, not appearing
twice in the same gown; forty gowns
lor mornings and afternoons; a hut
to match each gown; ermine, minx,
white fox and sable furs; but what
beats them all. shoes set in diamonds,
one of cloth gold with big diamonds
in the heels, another of Duchesse lace,
silver and brocade, blue and pink,
all the heels set with diamonds, street
boots of gold beads,- buckskin shoes
wtih sardonyx buttons. Besides all
her fingers are overflowing gith dia
mond and other rings, and her arms
are bangled in gold to the elbows.
Her garters are gold in the torm ot
snakes with diamond eyes, her head
dress of airgrettes costing a small for
mic, fastened with pearls.
Slic savs many a husband is won oy
;i pretty goivn. Yes, and many are
ist by such tool extravagance as that
f Mrs, Anthony, a worshipper of
Mr and Mrs. Oscar Smallwood, of
n,.vnnnr. rnn dm in tho citv. and
after looking over Oregon for several
weeks have decided to make Linn
county their homo. Mr. Smallwood has
a dairy farm, which he expects to sell,
when lie will Duy nore anu go into me
same business.
Will Be February 22,
Gov, West has set BBida Fob. 22 as
Colonist Day. when Orcgontans are
urged to write as many letters as poss
ible to eastern friends telling them of
Oregon and its advantages. Tho Gov
ernor specially appeals for newcomers
for the country. He says '-true pros
perity demands that cities do not out
strip und overbalance tho country. If
we build up the country districts the
cities will keen breast Kith factories,
mills, shops and stores. ' In Betting the
date ho says:
"I earnestly rccoommei d that all the
pooplo on this day write their friends
and relatives in other states showing to
them tho great possibility of Oregon
for the farmer, the Btockraiser. the
duiryman, the poultryman, the fruit
grower for all productive industries
in order that those whom Oregon needs
mav be induced to io:n with us in the
upbuilding and the development of our
macniticcnt state.
Busy Mr. SKilling.
Tho following rehearsal program for
the "Mystic Kose shows something ot
tho work in progress for the great
This morning at 10:30 the executive
of tho Improvement Club met. At 8 p.
m. today Sir. Skillirg rehearsed tho
danoo of the tea gir s, eight young
ladies: at 4 o'clock the children of the
ballet; at 5:15 the principals; at 7 the
tourist double sextet; and at S tho en.
tire company. Ail are uskedto bo pres
out at 8 o'clock.
Returned from California.
J. A. Ninimo returned this morning
from St. Helena, accompanied by the
body of the father of Mrs Nimmo,
Israel Slade, who died on Monday, from
apoplexy. The burial was had at this
city. Mr. Slade was 70 years of age.
Mrs. Nimmo remained to assist her
mother and sister in disposing of their
property preparatory to coming to Al
bany to make their' home. Mr Slade
and family moved from Kansas to Cali
fornia at the time Mr. Nimmo and fam
ily came to A'bany to reside.
The Weather.
Range of temreraturo 52-43. i
hainfall .89 inch.
'Ihe river is S 7 feet and rising.
Prediction: rain tonight and Saturday. '
cooler tonight.
First notice of candidacy filed by
Grant Froman. for recorder on repub
lican ticket.
Inventories filed, in estate of Henry
Mullenhoff, all personal, $312; estate
Nancy Mullenhoff, realty $4000, per
sonal $27.50. ,
Heavy tax payments:
! Anna M. Schlosser $286.95; Ed Jones
132.00: D. S. Smith $178.00; J. E.
Baltimore 1410.80; L. C. Marshall
$316.52; Peter Paulus $191.87.
Hop contracts, with Falk Worniser &
Co., B. M. Cushman, for 6000 pounds
ac 25 cents; Auston & Butler 6000
poonds at 25 cents, Geo. Gentry and
Wong Sam, 10,000 pounds at 25 cents.
Oregon Eectric right of way deeds
from America Holbrook $125, Ira D.
Stephens $10, Henryetta Swyter $10,
N. B. Sprenger $10, and Geo. Cline
Oil leases Margaret E. Williams 480
acres, Geo. A. McCart 100 acres, Geo.
J. Wilhelm 680 rcres, C. A. Wassom
70S nnrpq. R V. Woriw,, oil. P IT n-
meyer 280 acres, and f . E. Grimes SJfl
acres near Harrisburg to J. J. Yackley,
consideration one-eight royalty.
t j i, ., . . ,
Judge Kelly this afternoon heard
arguments by Weatherfora &. Weath -
erford and G. S. Hill and A. A. Tussing
in Reynolds agt. Mill& Wood.
. .
. A v",k . " "M wo'meu guaruian
of Frank Leist.
j .
was filed in Weisner agt.
Ministerial registration J. C. Rollins,
Waw Suit
it n i i" i tt i. r t
H. C. Jackson agt. Hugh Cummings.
Heavy tax payments:-
W. R. Ray $118. 58, I. Elder 8110.64
I & Sarah Elder $227.61. L. C. Trask
$137.32, N. D. Pratt $152.05, Jos. Gro
shong $103 64, Peter Ruetner $149.02.
Ubbe feters $100.42. J. W . Pronst
$15b.l9, W. A. Eastburn $407.66, Dr. J.
f. Wallace $1559.47. J. A. Jones $166.98,
Anna B. Reed $150.77. Est. W. B. Hen-
derson I15.43, Griff King $178.27, E.
n. Tandy guz 61. Unas. A,
Deeds recorded:
The Albany Land Co. to G. W.
Wright several lots and block
Hazelwood $ 2750
C. Myers to R. R. Myers 163.50
acres in
R. R. Myers to J. C. Myers 13.62
acres . . io
L. H. Roberts to J. R. J. Pember
ton 160 acres 666
L. H. Roberts to C. B. Choppock
ICO acres
Albany high and Eugene high
play basket ball at Eugene tonight
game that promises to be a warm one.
Gov. West has announced his Bupnort
of the woman suffrage measure. 'He
savs he believes it is right and he has
faith in woman.
Eugene Moore, nine years old, of
Woodville. in SonthPrn cWnn. h. th
distinction of havimr shot a ei iVar nnrt
Killed the varmint.
A big high tchool meet will be held
at Corvalhs on May 17 and 18. It is
expected to have thirty or forty schools
represented, with 350 entered.
Forty arrests have now been made on
dynamite charges, with 128 counts for
each, most of the staff of the Bridge
and Structural Workers at Indianapolis.
A Chinaman arrested at Portland
fought like a good fellow when his coat
was taken from him for a search. No
wonder, for under the lining was 985
in bills.
News from Albany's Six Earlv
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Shaw and son
returned from California, where they
spent three weeks, Mrs. Shaw and son
in S. F., and Mr. Shaw mostly at Los
Angeles, looking after the Hammond
yards. He reported everything dried
up down there, just like summer, a big
contrast to our green fields.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bilytu, of Port
land, also returned from nn extensive
California trip. They were at the big
aviation meet at Los Angeles, not the
success anticipated, ind hod nn enjoy
able winter's experience, but Oregon
looks good.
The Misses Ireland and V'elnm Davis
went to Portland for a couple days trip.
Mrs. Alice Kichnrds went to Portland
for a visit with her f on.
Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Carter and Mrs.
Wagner went to Portland to remain
until Mondav.
J. S. Van "Winkle and J. M. V. Bil
yeu returned from Brownsville, where
they attended a K. of P. meeting.
Mrs. J. 11. Meats and Mrs. Mnry
Anderson returned from Plainview,
where they attended tho county W.C.
T.U. convention, n pleasant and prof
itable session being held. .
(Kev. W. P. Elmore, of Brownsvi'le,
went to Turner to conduct a func;-nl.
Tomorrow he will preach at Palestine
in Benton county.
Al. Senders went to Portland after
his family, who have been visiting
there a few weeks.
H. Bryant went to Portland.
r Miss Zona Ilaignt made her regular
Saturday trip to Portland.
Mrs. J. B. Leathermen and daughter
went to Portland, joined by Mr. Leath
crman this afternoon.
T. H Goddard returned to Mill City.
Henry Lvons left for Detroit after
J. D. Guiss made his fifth trip out of
Albany this week lhis is the railroad
Hub for fact.
An O.AC class in electrical engin
eering went out to Lebanon to do some
Pavement or mud, whichTJ
Whiskey is a sure trouble breeder.
Improve the fire fighting equipment.
The Council bas multifarious problems
to solve.
The man who boozes and carouses in
a dry town deserves publicity
What has become of that gas plant.
Evidently gone the usual route.
Gov. Harmon will not get a smell in
Or. He is against the initiative and
Main street would make a hit by
getting into the paving area with Fourth
and Fifth streets.
After all will free locks make any
difference with rates. Watch and see
the manipulation.
I 29 different companies is Standard
Oil, rut it is the same old trust, and
oil nas Bone UP- You can't fool Johnny
j of course President Taft will make
i the usual vigorous and aggressive cam-
pa'gn- It is a part of the spoils sys-
...,. . , . L ,
I Muddy blocks between paved streets
. will be a nuisance. First to Ninth,
' Washington or Calapooia to Baker
snouia De a solid section
' A cartoon of the day shows Bill and
Teddy fighting in a ring, with Mr.
Trusts sitting near, crying: Goit, boys,
your uncle is backing both of you."
' Alleged trouble down in Mexico is a
buggaboo simply introduced in the in-
terest of the coming election, a sample
of the rottenness of modern politics.
I The pHDiic buildings of a city should
bo as close together as nossible. the
modern way in the interest of conven
ience and the expedition of business.
When the Oregon Electric is com
pleted to Eugene most of the local
travel up and down the volley will be
on this road, and all will nass Fifth
stree.'t' which should be made a garden
Bpui in Hiiueipaiiuii ul lb, anu pavement
will be an absolute need on the street.
When is a man drunk is a question
being asked in Portland, and it is also
one considered in Albany, where a man
is drunk who staggers; but this poetic
effusion is presented for something
worse :
He is not drunk who from the floor
Can rise and drink once more.
But drunk is he who postrate lies
And can neither drink nor rise.
Notices of candidates; J. A. Craft,
rep; asssessor; T. J. Butler, rep., corn-
niisstoner; Ala B. Marshall, rep,
sheriff; F. M. Mitchell, rep., treasurer.
Heavv tax payments:
Eva Vernon $116.40; I.ura Haight
$170.72; A Munson $150.63. John W.
Pugh $1S4.49; Sol Lindley $127.74: Eliz
abeth J. Miller $174 50: J. R. Wyatt
$326 42; J. W. Moore $130.69: M. A. E.
Smith $226.40; E. B. Penland $317.18;
Lena Karstens $105 56; Theo Falk
Deeds recorded :
Patents. J. M. Frost 1866, G. T.
Frnat 1S73? FrenHvT I. una 1.496.
F. B. Frost to J. w. Frost; R. S.
Frost to J. W. Frost. G. M,
Frnsr. tn J.
Frost to J. W. Frost; R. S.
Frost to G. M. Frost; J. W.
Frost to G. M. Frost, divers
S. J. Archibald to Eva J. Vernon,
210 acies $ 10
L. E. Prickett to F. M. Freeman,
part of acre 75
L. Fhnn to Citv Cemetery, 3.40
acres, Feb. 1903 10
F. T. Lane to Clara Smith, 16 8
acres '. ... 350
Notes by a Freak.
"Any law which contravenes the law
of God is nj law at all."
We still have the wag and the dude
and the gossip, but where is the old-time
story-teller (we don t mean liar) and
proverb quoter?
Why is it the youue man or woman
often knows more (?) and has bettcriof said dav for hearing said account
judgment, than 10 or 20 years later in
life? What things experience will do
for a person.
Morality has to do with righteousness
between man and man, or human good
ness, while religion has to do with our
relations to God. Religion should im
prove a man's morals, but morals do
not make religion.
The Leisure Hour Club.
The Leisure Hour Club met yesterday
afternoon with Mrs. W. C. Tweedale.
This is one of Albany's oldest woman's
clubs, an organization of prominent
women, who read good books. The
session yesterday was a social one.
greatly enjoyed. Beans in little bags
of hearts formed objects for a guess
ing contest. Tasty refreshments were
A suit of an important character was
brought today by H. C. Jackson agains:
Hugh Cummtai'S ar.d Glen O. Ireland,
all prominent Lino county men. Jack
sun charges that be contracted with
Cummings for the sale of Colonel Oak,
a stallion valued at $2000, that Cumm
ings associated Glen O. Ireland with
him, and that cois;iring against the
plaintiff traded the stallion witb the
Portand Company for 320 acres, in
Eastern Oregon, in Marcit, 1910, of
which they sold 160 acres for a big sum,
Ireland still owning the other 160 acres;
that the stallion was the only consider
ation, and no accounting has been made
to the plaintiff. An injunction is asked
restraining the sale of the 160
aeres and for such sum as the court
sball find is due plaintiff.
Ought to Be Elected.
Ferman Wise, of Astoria, is a can
didate for delegate to the national
democratic convention, and here is his
More wool in woolen garments,
More leather in our 'hoes;
And on our bread and butter
Less tax on what we use.
iiore democrats, good trust laws,
Less Dromises. morn HppHb
I want to go to Baltimore
10 argue for their needs.
The French Rings.
r . . . ,
fW? oV ?h "nS8 has been an interesting
thine at the rreneh stora for rhrpt.
t:u l . "
day9.-.. Tonight ends the contest, when
..r i.uwuwuwu me nrss to
get tne correct number, or nearest it,
There must be somewhere near a thous
and rings scattered about the show
window, making counting a difficult
tning, Dut a large number bavetried it.
Mrs. Leach went to Eugene this after -
noon for a visit with her folks.
If your horse has
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price $1.
For sale by all drug
gists. Dr. S. C. STONK
Salem - Oregon,
The Kiverside Farm
ED. SCHOF.L. Proprietor
Breeder and Importer of 0. 1. C. Hogs
S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W.
P. Recks, Light Brahmas, R. C.
Rhode Island Reds, White
Cochin Bantams, M . 11,
Turkeys, Whitt i rr.i -den
Geese, 1'rt :n
Ducks, l'e ri
Winner of 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry
at the Lewis & Clark Fair.
egg3 in Season - Stock for Sale
phone. Farmers 95 - - - R. F. D. No 3
In the Circuit Court of the State 0f,County- reSn.
Oregon for Linn county. In the rnat
ter of the application of Thomas T.
Jackson, to register title to the fol
lowing described land, to-wit: Be
ginning at a point N. S9 degrees W.
33.00 chains distant from the N. E.
corner of the N. V. V of section 21
in Tp. 14 S. R. 4 V., Willamette Me-
ridian, Linn County. Oregon; thence
N. 89 degrees W. 33.00 chains, along ' Susan Martin, Marvin Martin and
the North line of sections. 20 and 21 in Travis Martin, Plaintiffs, to register
said Tp. and R., thence S. 0 degrees the title to the following described
25 minutes W. 40.05 chains to the ' real property, to-wit: The Donation
South line of the N. E. 4 of section ! Land Claim of Agnes B. Courtney,
20 in said Tp. and R.. thence S. 89, Not. Xo. 2610, Claim No. 43 in Sec
degrees E. 33.00 chains, thence N. ; tions 15, 16, 21 and 22 in Tp. 14 S. R.
0 degrees 25 minutes E. 40.05 chains ' 2 W., W. M., Oregon, except 10 acres
' ' 'e. Plnt of b?mnl"R' containing conveyed bv deed recorded in Book
132.16a acres. Plaintiffs, vs. D. S. . E. of the Deed Records of Linn
Smith, Fred C. Jackson, and all whom County, Oregon, at page 612 therein;
im??',CCCrn'-Defen'?ntS' also ''e Donation Land Claim of
To All Whom it may Concern: I Isaac B. Courtnev. Not. No. 7612 in
Take notice that on the 17th day of Sections 21 and 22, Tp. 14 S. R. 2
January A. D. 1912, an application W., W. M. Oregon; also the North-
was niea oy i nomas j. jacKson in rne
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Linn County, for initial registra
tion of the title to the land above de
scribed. Now unless you appear on or before
the 24th dav of lebruarv, A. D. 191
and show cause why such application
'hhii "ui uc Ki.micu, me oamc ui
be taken as confessed, and a decree
will be entered according to the pray
er of the application, and you will be
forever barred from disputing same.
(L. S.I W. L. MARKS,
C. C. BRYANT. Clerk.
Applicant's Attorney.
First publication Jan, 26, 1912, last
Feb. 23, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that the nn-
dersigned administrator ot the estate
of Mary Cady, deceased, has filed his
hnal account in ssid estate with the
County Clerk of Linn County, Ore-
gon, and the County Court of said
county has fixed Monday the 26th day
of February, 1912, at the Countv Court
I room at the hou rof one o'clock n. m
and the settlement of said estate. Dat
ed Jan. 23. 1912.
L. M. CURL, Administrator.
Atty. for Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been by the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, ap
pointed Executor of the last Will and
Testament and Estate of James Free
man, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
required to present the same to the
undersigned at the office of L. M.
Curl, in Albany, Oregon, with proper
vouchers therefor, within six months
of the date hereof.
Dated this 1st dav of Febniarv. 1912
L. M. CURL, Executor.
Attorney for Executor.
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country.
Phone, Main 38.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn. De
partment No. 2.
Vada Peterson, Plaintiff, vs. Oscar
Peterson, Defendant.
To Oscar Peterson, the above named
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby notified and required
to be and appear in said Court in said
suit, and answer the complaint of the
plaintiff on file therein, on or before
the 3rd day of February, 1912, and you
are hereby further notified that if you
fail to appear and answer said com
plaint as aforesaid, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will takea decree against
you for the relief prayed for in said
complaint, to-wit:
A decree ot said court dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween you and said plaintiff.
This Summons is served upon you
by publication for six consecutive
weeks prior to the said 3rd day of
February, 1912, in the Albany Demo
crat, a newspaper published in the
City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon,
and nf p-eneral pirrtilatinn weeklv in
'said county, by order of the Honorable
I J. N. Duncan, judge of the County
i Court of Linn County, Oregon, which
said order was made on the 18th day
I T 1 mil A 1 .1. ' J
ui uccemoer, sinu mc sa.u
Count Jud e in said order for the
... J , !. . . . .
puDiication or tnis summons upon you,
rit.j ;,i srj a J Fhri
.,0i9 tu ,;m w
. ' . V, y
which you shall appear and answer
tn.aKi cornphum in said suit.
uaie or me nrst puDiication oi
m newspaper
is December 22nd, 1911.
1 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned guardian of the estate of
Daisy D. Darby, incompetent, pur
suant to the order of the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Linn
County made and entered in the mat
ter of the estate and guardianship of
said incompetent on the 13th day of
.November, ivii will sell, at private
sale, to the highest bidder, for cash in
hand, from and after the 22nd day of
January, 1912, the undivided one-third-interest
of said incompetent in and to
the following described real property,
to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast
corner of the Northwest quarter of
Section 2, in Township 10 South,
iKange i west ot the Willamette JUe
I ridian, Oregon, and running thence
, South 97 rods; thence West 160 rods;
' thence North 97 rods; thence East
160 rods to the place of beginning,
containing 97 acres, all lying and be
ing in Linn County, State of Oregon.
Said sale will be made subject to con
firmation by said County Court, and
bids will be received by the under
signed at his home near Scio, in Linn
HEWITT & SOX Guardian.
Attorneys for Guardian.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn
ment No. 2.
County. Depart-
east of the S. E. '4 of Section 21
and Lot 3 of Section 22, Tp. 14 S. R.
2 W. W. M., Oregon, all of said prop
erty lying and being in Linn County,
State of Oregon.
E. W T nnirrtnn nnrl frr. U.VI...
1 and All Whom it may concern, de-
CERN: Take Notice, that on the 10th day
of January, A. D. 1912,' an applica
tion was filed by Susan Martin, Marv
in Martin and Travis Martin, in the
Circuit Court oi Linn County, Ore
gon, for initial registration of the
title to the lands above describsd.
Iaow unless you appear on or before
I the 10th day of February, 1912, and
show cause why such appl'ication'shalt
. not be granted, the same will be taken
as confessed and a decree will be
i entered according to the prayer of the
application, and you will be forever
barred from disputing the same.
(L. S.) W. L. MARKS,
L. M. CURL, Applicant's Atty.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Jennie E. Acheson has been
by the County Court of Linn Countv.
Oregon, duly appointed executrix of
the last will and testament of A M.
Acheson, late of said countv, " de
ceased. All persons having "claims
against the estate of said deceased are
hereby required to pr t the same
with proper voucher., to the under
lined, at her home in the Citv of .-vl-han.
Linn County, Oregon,' within
six months from the date of tirs
Datt,:' this 24th day of November,
HEWITT & SOX. Executrix.
Attorneys for Executrix.
IVw tt MYiiHwtSin BK-51