TOP-NOTCH WE HAVE REACHED THE TOP NOTCH IN COL LECTION OF SPRING FABRICS BY THE YARD, PATTERN OR MADE UP. EVERY RACK, SHELVE, AND TABLE WILL SOON BE BRIM FULL OF NEW SPRING GOODS THAT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL GLAD THAT THIS STORE IS ONE THAT SHELLS OUT THE KIND, COLOR AND FIT WITH JUST THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY. OUR FIRST SHOWING OF READY-TO-WEAR APPAREL ARE CONVINCING MAKE-UPS THAT TELL YOU JUST WHERE TO HEAD IN AT. IF IT'S FROM HAMILTONS, IT "LOOKS IT." WE GUARANTEE YOU SATISFACTION IN EVERY PARTICULAR OR YOUR MONEY BACK. TEST THIS RULE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. ' READ OIR DISPLAY WINDOWS READ THE LADIES HOME JOURNAL ' JUST IN THESE TWO GREAT STYLE DICTATORS ARE VIEWED BY NINETY-NINE OUT OF EVERY HUNDRED SHOPPERS IN ALBANY THEY ARE RELIABLE THAT'S WHY. HAMILTON'S The Popular Store for the People TIio Young Housekeeper IS INVITED TO COME HERE FOR HER HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS AND HARDWARE. WE CONFINE THE INVITATION TO BEGINNERS, BECAUSE EXPERI ENCED HOUSEKEEPERS DO NOT HAVE TO BE INVITED. THEY COM ANYWAY BE CAUSE THEY HAVE LEARNED THAT WHAT WE SELL IS AL WAYS JUST RIGHT IN QUALITY AS WELL AS PRICE. HULBERT-OHLINGH'D. CO BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. Good 5 room house, w!;h woodshed, corner l it on 1st St., acmLlc loca tion, $U50. A plot of land, about 4 lots, this side renny witulle, good location, (routing un two streets, $850. TACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO., 106 E. 1st St.. Albany. LODGE MEETINGS. The K. 0. M. every Saturday even in ii. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. Vioreck, clerk. Maiuanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mon day.', Schiuiit Illock. Slodern Woodmen every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Grant Froman, clerk. Schmitt illock. Royal Neighbors every 1st and 3rd Wednesday Alice Kirk, Recorder. Schniitt l'iock. CHOICE VETCH Hay for Sale At farm 4!i miles S. E. of Albany on (lie Unuvns ille road. This hay was cut rivtht, cured and stacked rii;ht, baled ami put inside the barn be fore the ram. $' per ton at farm. ir ii wanted in ear lots $10 oti car at Eroiitm Station, l'hone "Home" 2445. or call 1 ). N. Williamson, Home l'lioue No. 3351. Corv.tlbs. tft ASK FOR LINN BUTTER It's Pasteurized. Quality Guaranteed .Manufactured by Albany Creamery Association 9th nnd Mndison St. llloth Phones. Carried by all the Leading Grocers. MA lib) IN ALUAN, Show ihses, counteis. and other store fixtures, first-clas-s good, by the Union Furni ture Factory. Order of them. Keep money at our homo. CABBAGE. For stiuor kraut, nnd onions, l'hone Fanners 2x1, E. L. McKeever. 27t (51. ASS. All sites hihI ktmls, for Palo at tho Albany i'luning Mill, cheaper than aywhere idse in Albany. Skill Iv rut, if desired. FOR. SALE.-Barn andshedd at Lyon ana inira. a. vv. uooai, 331 hJ. 5th. T ' m FOR RENT. House keeping and sleep ing roomB. Bilyeu's rooming house, 224 S. Baker. ' 2t FOR RENT Nicely furni:hed rooms, at reasonable price, hot and cold water, Dam ana toilet. 532 Baker 8t. 2t BERRY PLANTS.-Mammoth, Logan, Humilary, for sale. Also Rhodo Island Reds, pure blood. Home phone 1070, C. M. Westbrook. t20 ORPINGTONS, Wyandottes, Plymouth Hocks, . Leghorns, Bantams, Pekin Ducks, Turkeys, etc. Write for cir cular. Simpson's Pheasant Farm, Corvallis, Oregon. tA9 POTATOES, PRUNES, CHERRIES, HOPS. 25 acres, full bearing prunes, with dryer; 6 acres full bearing Royal Ann cherries, small tracts hop and potato lands, on Santiam, for sale, or trade, on easy terms. II. BRYANT. t7 WOOD.-16 inch body flr, at the Shingle Mill. 25t POSTS.-Anchor and fence, at the Shinglo Mill. 25t FOR SALE. Guaranteed work horses and drivers. E. T. Douglas,' 1006 E I oin. nomo pnone ittsu. Uo FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, to ( young men. 218 VV. 3rd St. 20t FOR RENT. 3 untarnished house keeping rooms. Call at Farmers Feed Stables, Bussard BlK. tti ANNOUNCED E NT, The undersigned hereby announces himseli candidate lor the otlice of county assessor, sub ject to tho will of the voters in the coming republican primaries. t2 J. A. CRAFT. FOR SALE by the owner, a six room house and two lots, center of to.wn, half block from High school. Apply on the premises 322 East 4th street. H. Barns. FOR SALE Lot and house, wired, well finished, good water. At a bar gain. R. F. Crump, Front and Den ver. Easy terms. t9 PIANO TUNING.- Leave orders for piano tuning at Woodworth's Drug Store, C. M. Henderson, Tuner. FOR SALE 1 $50 Victor talking ma chine and $:sa worth of records, all good as new, for $40. tU w 4th St. 16t FOR SALE Farm, with "2 sets of buildings, 552 acres. 7 miles east of Albany, all or part, at sacrifice, terms to suit, with or without stock and machinery. See me if you mean business. C. R. Geriir, R. D, 1, 10 21t MESSENGER BOY.-Pryan Roberts, on short notice. 215 V 1st, room 20. Home phone 484. WANTED By n college boy. work during the holidays and cut ot school hours, l'hone 5S1-Y Hell. SWEET CIDKK. Order of C. R Wid mer. K. D. 4, Home phone 2m'1. 1st FOR SALE-2tV4' by U0 ft of property. Call on Mrs. Fromm, U) E 1st. 5t" i Albany Democrat Entered at the post office, Albany, O. as second class nail n atter. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a ! week; in advance for one year, $4.CO. By mail, in advance for one year ?3, at end of year $3.50. I The Weekly Advance per year $1.23. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2. F. P. Nutting. LINN COUNTY INDUSTRIAL FAIR. To the Citizens of Linn County: The boys and girls of Linn county are learning many valuable things at school. There are, also, many valu able lessons they may learn at home. To this end, I am planning for this county a contest in gardening, poul I try, mechanical and general indus I trial work in the home. In many of i the most progressive states the school j children have greatly increased the I wealth of the state. We can do the : same in Oregon. May we have your : support? In doing these things the children will learn to respect labor, to use their hands as well as their heads, to make practical application of the things learned from their books, to see nature unfold, and to become successful men and women. I In order to encourage them in their work at home and in order to bring the home and school closer together, nnd to make them appreciate country life, believing that the country in Linn county is one of the best places in tue world tor boys and girls to de i velop, we have planned for an In dustrial Fair to be held about the first of September. At this fair the chil dren may exhibit the best of what they have raised or made. I believe that home work in co-operation with the parents will help to solve the problem of finding profitable work for the town boys and girls as well as for the country children. The garden and' animal competition is open to both boys and girls. Each is to do the planting and cultivating of the produce he or she exhibits. Prizes will be offered for the best of the following: field corn, sweet corn, pop corn, muskmelons, pumpkins, squashes, potatoes, cabbage, grain selections, bird houses, water melons, cale, labor saving devices, pieces of furniture, mechanical toy, bread, canned fruit, jelly, mending, darning, aprons, dresses, flower exhibits, chick ens, ducks and pigeons. The girl's skill in sewing is to be shown by exhibits of aprons, each apron being made by and for the girl exhibiting it, good work and neatness being the test rather than elaboration and costly material. In cookery each girl may exhibit one loaf of bread, one pint or quart of fruit and two glasses of jelly, or any or all of these. All work exhibited must be done by the girl without help. For this contest the children will be divided into two classes, those twelve years and older and those under twelve years of age. I wish to say that contributions will be thankfully received, by the committee, from those who think this enterprise should be encouraged and who feel that they can give something with which to purchase prizes. A number of prizes have been offered. The business men of the county will be solicited to offer prizes from their stock in trade. A prize will be offered for the best miscellaneous exhibit by any citizen of Linn county. We hope to be able to report the prize list within a few days. We solicit the support of every citizen of Linn county in making the enterprise a success. Verj- truly, W. L. JACKSON, County Supt. The G Co's Dance. Seventy couples took part last even ing in the annual dancing party of G uo., inciuaing a numoer iro-n otner places It was a notable social event, a military affair in its make up and manag meDt. The room was elegantly decorated, with special features. I Wilson's orchestra furnished the music for the program of dances, and nothing presented here has been supe rior, it equal to tnis orchestra. At the Empire. The program at the Empire is a fine one, full of snap, Their Chaiming Mania, a Vitagraph, The Bully of Bin go Gulch, who gets whats coming to mm, A western (Jul storv worth see ing and scenes at the Brockton horse show, the real thing, altogother a vety entertaining ottering. Ycu lose money when you neglect buying shoes at Burns Shoe Store, Largest assortment at cut prices. Elk' skin shoes, green, all colors and kinds tor ftlen and Boys. LOST. A gentleman's matrix stick pin. Return to H. T. .Wentworth. Reward. FOR RENT. 2 nicely furnished front rooms. io vv isc. inquire room 20. (24 WOOD FOR SALE. Second growth fir 4, om nr $4.7o, good dry wood and good measure. Home phone 91, Bell phone 448 J. F. C. CHAPMAN. FOUND A pair of lady's eye-glaBses.' At Dein. office. FOR RENT. of store building n nson rnoto acuaio next aoor to post office, will give 3 years lease to right party, rent reasonable. 1st- WANTED. To rent modern 5 room cottage witnm 10 diocks of post office. J. B. Wilson, Wilson Photo Studio. lflt FOR RENT. Chicken ranch,2 acres, room nouse, a small, z large hen rouses, 2 scratch pens under cover, 1 miles east of Albany. Inquire of uua. n. oiiuson, oil c zna be. FOR SALE Cheap, kitchen range, heater, dining table, Davenport and large leather rocker; also 200Spitzen berg and lonathan trees, at a bar gain. Bell Farmers 151. t26. $490 CASH.-Will handle 30 acres in cultivation near Cottage Grove. In quire of J. M.V.Bilyeu, 224 E. Baker St. t24. POTATOES WANTED. Large or omaii iocs, Dyj. w. Ellis, 700 ci. 4th, Both phones. I7t OUR WANTS. ' WHO wants one of the best small fruit I and poultry farms in the Willamette Valltv: eood buildings, modern con veniences, close to good school, best of soil; inside city limits of good town. Will take Albany residence property up to $2500.00 as part pay ment. -See B. M. Payne, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. FOR SALE. Lease or 65 acres ground, also horse, hogs, hay, buggy, wagon, farm tools and wood. Arthur Moore, R. D. 6. t20 CHICKENS.-Buff Orpingtons, pullets and cocketels, for sale Cor. Chicago and Front. 14t Howe phone Black 96. fOEXCHANGE. $2500 6 room resi dence near car line in Portland, Or., for Albany property, vacant ots pre ferred. D. J. Chitwood, Pioneer, Or. 13c FOR RENT Shop room, back of Home Restaurant, see W. F. Pfeiffer. lot EGGS Single Comb Rhode Island Red for hatching, foundation stock from Eure bred 1st prize winners at St. ouis and Topeka shows, correct shape and color, large, vigorous good winter layers. Price per setting of 15 eggs $1.50. L. J. Gray, Home phone 891. tl TOR isaljE. Fine Airdale puppies. E. D. Cusick. lot FOR RENT 5 room bungalow, new. Mrs. Kexford, 414 S Washington. tl9 FOR SALE. One new modern 8-room house. One third down, balance easy terms. I have also for Bale some of the best building lots i.iside the city limits, and will sell you a lot and bu!ld you a home on the same terms, according to your own ideas. Geo. C. Richards, Contractor and Builder, 924 S. Maple St., Home phone Red 141. , t7. FOR SALE.-Some lots well located. Real bargains if taken soon. A well located modern bungalow, 1 close in residence, 1 strictly, high grade res idence lot. J. C. Holbrook, 2na St. lOt FOR RENT Suite of three modern housekeeping rooms, ground floor. Mrs. J. M. V. Bilyeu, 224 Baker St. nr FOR SALE OR RENT Nice lot, small nouse. oaie price boo. Kent $6 per month. Enquire N. Talbert, 1442 E Front St. fit- FOR SALE.-White Orphington pull- em, uiiu vvmte urpmngton ana Leg horn eggs, in small or large lots. E. Hartsock. R. D. 4. Home 3835. FOR RENT Suite furnished house- Keeping rooms, also furnished rooms. Mrs. Gould. 418 W 3rd. Rt EGGS.-Pure bred Buff Orpington and Barren riymoutn KocK eggs for hatching, $1.00 per 15, at the yard; also baby chicks after March the 15th. Mrs. Frank Kitchen, Salem road. Home phone BUck 283. 71- BARN FOR RENT Lights and water. 529 E 3rd St. 7t EGGS.-Indian runner ducks, for set ting, for sale. F. M. Mitchell. Bell 14- 30t JERSEY COW FOR SALE. Home ' phone 3S03. H. G. Rumbaugh. 30t WANTED-Good cows. Ed Holloway. Home phone 2462. l-16t HOP LAND FOR SALE, 113 acres finest in staoe for hops, near electric line. E. H. Rhodes. lit. Boys and Girls Shoe Week A whole week of rousing, radical reductions in all chil dren's shoes. We know there are many children who are in need of shoes. We also feel sure that if you knew about the low prices we are offering first-grade footwear at you would not hesitate about buying your present needs. Pos sibly the savings will look so good to you that you might even" supply future needs. Our big sale has been on one week and manv shoes have been sold. We find that we are still long of chil dren's shoes from the smallest ones up to Boys' and Misses' sizes. Special effort will be put forth to make the prices so attractive that you will buy these shoes this week. It's the LAST CALL of this big shoe sale. Will you allow such opportunities of saving step by unheeded? There will be a number of children's shoes placed in our windows along with other shoes that will be marked FREE, provid ing the ones calling for them can wear them. Who can tell, you may get a pair free; any way, better keep watch on our windows. Don't forget that our entire stock is on special sale, all greatly reduced. Men and women as well as the chil dren can be fitted and the savings will mean something to you. Don't delay, this is the last week of these reductions. tolieeber Shoe Store