Filled 9000 During the year just ended we compounded 9000 prescriptions. A record breaker for any single year since we have been in business, and not one single error was registered against us. We use the highest grade drugs every day in the year. Bring us your prescription. BURKHART & LEE MURPHY'S SEED STORE. Agents for CYPHERS Incubators and Brooders. CALL AND GET A CATALOGUE AND PRICES. Agates AT POCKET FLASHLIGHTS All Sizes All Prices Absolutely Reliable They help us when nights are dark. Fresh Batteries, Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Wert Second Street. THE BEST TO BE HAL) in Baked Goods, Groceries, Produce and Fruits, at PARKER'S 'The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery 16 W. Firstlotreet. Eothirhonei. GENERAL REMOVAL SALE S. E. YOUNG & SON Prescriptions E. C. Meade, Optometrist Cut and Polished F. G.. WILLS. LANDAGENT NOTARY PUBLIC 40, Years Here Large, small tracts, houses and lots. See my list before investing. JAS. F. POWELL. Room (9). Albany Statp Bank Bldg. WOOD AND COAL All kinds of wood sawed in any length desired.' Best coal on the market at reasonable prices, delivered prompr.ij m large or small quantities Albany Fuel Co., A.Vi. Docksteader Both phones. For Transfer Phone E. R. Cummincs. office with L. J. Gray Real Estate Co., corner of aecona ana J-yon streets. Light and neavy naming ot all Kinds, piano mov ing, baggage. Orders nromotlv at tended to. Office phones Home 463. Bell 493-J. Res. Phones, Home 146, Bell 350. Phone all oiders from 8 to 12 and 1 to 5 to office; to Res. at morning, noon and nights. All orders promptly attended to. WOOD for isle. Potatoes Wanted In Carloads or Less Quantity Apples, unions, all kinds of fproduce. See us before you sell. Best storage facilities in town. Albany Supply Co. Shingles. Made in Albany my No. 1 Edg Grain the BEST in the market. Various trades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Ivery bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON We use no dry kiln. JUST To Remind You CLENDORR Int. ir. fnr ..I. ! 200x200 ft., sold on terms to 'suit Better see us before all the choice one are gone. TEBAULT REAL ESTATE Co. ST. FRANCIS BARBERSHOP, Chas Bruce, Proprieto r. DR. j, W. JACKSON, Graduate registered Veterinarian, 1014 F.. 2nd St AHmnv Or n,nn Home R 442. Bell 2&6-. THIS MORNING. News From Albany's Six Early Trains, Assessor Bruce McKnight went to Salem to meet in a convention with the assessors of the state and the state tax commission. Several proposed bills will be considered and agreed nnnn There is certainly a field for improve- . - ----- ,...,.v.w- ment in our tax laws; but what is nCtifiOii mrtt IB a laerivlai U I needed most is a legislature that ap- preciates the rights of the people. A Welch, one of the most prominent he' Ported " ifc.J? after spending the niht in the city, went to Corvallis to look after the Corvallis and Alsea road, ownea dv me uompany. Mr. Wash's company recently floated a $10,000,000 mortgage, most of the money provided io uxu m eoiisirutuuo wore. Mrs. Claud Vunk and two children went to Portland cn a visit. G. W. Cline went to Portland on a short business trip, H. xl. Hewitt, u. rJ. Sox and Hugh Fisher went to Niagara, M. Brennemann left on a Portland trip. Mrs. F. H, Colpitts returned to Gates. Prof. Hargrove returned to Portland. J. D. Guiss left again. S. I. M'Daniel went ud the C. & E. to place a monument over the grave of the late Col. Hiatt. reSff W,y l? and" latter JT't SelTfoVthel erA,nTkchB8nnKe- A! "fhe du4& would le'to ta a tnents lor the bl. Anthony chapel car:fcwmorB nk thein tn nilii inTFa?heXnn Father Lane went to Portland on his number of times and has many friends in the city, 1 :ll I J l i. i i wuu win ue gmu to nave nun UUCK, H. A. Ellis left in the interest of the Oregon Nurseries Co. of Orenco. His Co has the largest nurserv in the N. W , theproduct last year being 3,000, 000 trees. Mr. Ellis has supplied sev eral walnut orchards and is placing a good deal of stock through the valley. FREE RUBY RING. On Thursday. Fridav and Saturday of this week we will put in our show win- dow a certain number of White, Wile & warner "uuaranteed ' rings, torladioi, gents and children and the first one to bring us the correct number of rings in the window will be given a beautiful RUBY RING tree. Come and count them. F. M. FRENCH & SON, Jewelers. Notice. If you are going to buy fruit trees of any kind it will pay you to see W. A. L,edoeatter at 5527. W. 2nd St. We have a large amount of first class trees for your inspection , Come early. They wont last long. ALBANY NU RSERIKS INC. Albany, Oregon. Bigger and Better Than Ever. The Jersey Dairy HERD TUBERCULIN TESTED, Pure Milk and Cream delivered twice daily. If you do not get your milkpromptiy, can me on euner pnone. w . u. scnuitz, proprietor. Clover Leaf Dairy. It you appreciate clean, sanitary and pure mi IK give us a call. Delivered twice a day. Both phones Milk depot 331 Lyon St. J. F, Hugo ins. Prop. We carry a full line of Staple and Fancy groceries at our market, or. 2nd & Lyon Sts., to which we inyiti your special Pttention Albany Dressed Beef & Produce Co. eat remember The Dressed Beef Co.. 2nd & Lyon Home grown lettuce at Albany Floral Co's. Victoria chocolates At the Mission Parlors. Cedar posts 8c each, or $7.50 a hun dred, at the Hammond Lumber Co's yards. " tlO Home grown lettuce at Albany Floral Co's, The largest and best assor ed stock of shingles in the city at tho Albany Lumuer u s saw mill, uu Free sawdust for the next 30 days, he saw mill. Albany Lhr. Co. tMl Victoria Chocolates, at tho Mission Parlors, are delicious eating. F. G. Will for watches. CARPENTER AND J'AINTER. Will work by day or contract. I.ct us figure on your work. Cm pain! your house so it will stay painted and make prices right. W.M. KIKK, Home Phone 1! B. M. PAYNE. Farm Lands and City Property for ate Real Estate L-.ani. Fire Insurance. Surety Bond Rooms 19 21 Cunick P.!k, Albany, Oregon. 9 AT THE . COURT HOUSE. Heavy tax psyments; Hannah G. Fisher S217.SI; E. D. Barrett $283.09: Uavia. ShraM & flavin $198.04. Burnell Smith, a 14 year old boy, who has run away, camped with hoboes and ,UIJ avTM, kauijtnj wiiu uuuue: been incorrigible generally, today ;..J .1.- . . . - conttnited to the reform retool by Judge Total registrations 952, consisting of 52T reJ- ms., 30 soc. 24 pro., 27 ind., 2 none and 6 refused to say. In estate of Philip Mathew Flood Dora Blaine Flood was appointed art- miiustratrix. Value of property est i- mated at $100, Deeds recorded: W. H. Golta to Lee Miller 125.40 acres $ 5000 A. B. Weatherford to Teressa Crabtree 30 acres . 10 H. S. Richards to Robert L. Glas gow 1 lot bl 61 H'a 2nd ad 880 J. H. Rolfe to J. W. fierpontand wife 30 acrea,. 1000 The Mystic Rose. Tonight there will be another general rehearsal for the "Mystic Roso" at the W. C. T. U. hall at 8 o'clock. This will be for all aoults, chorus and Drincioala, Altos and tenors are esneciallv de ainiDie. . The principals rehearsed the talking lines last night, and made a good start. Tonight the work will be on the sing ing. All departments of this great benefit production are proceeding satisfactorily. Those identified with it will derive much pleasure in being factors in its great success. Notice. to t. Arrant nnH nnii.tinn nf ami nn Bhooting at the glass insulators on our electric lino to Corvallis OREGON POWER CO. 121 H. F.. Morton, Mgr. The new Saturday evening Post is out and Riley Lobauvh is also out ready to deliver it. This is a Jlne number. , The Recording Angel is starting a good one, and there is the Panama Plum Tree, HighGrados Lines, the ABU of Unscrambled Eggs, The Calf-Path. The Lighted Way, etc. - Fresh Yaquina.Bay OYSTERS at the Mission Parlors. WATCHES, F. M. French & Son. New Things to Eat Old fashioned Molasses Candy, Whipped Cream Ci dcolates, Delicious Mar seliino Chocolates, We make them. ELITE Chocolate Shop Our New Store will open about March 1st. POPULAR PRICED PAINLESS DENTIST SOLOMAN WAS A WISE MAN WHEN HE SAIDr "He that keepeth his mouth 13-3. bo it is today, for the healthy mouth has a longer come ana Have your mouth FAIN LESS Dr. W. 225 West 1st, S. C. Worrell's SSJ Second and Ferry Sffmts, For fresh groceries, vegetables and fruits. Everything new. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Second Str, Between Ferry & Broarlabln BANG!!! The Albany Gun CIubGrf,antzed- At the commercial club rooms last niyht the Albany Gun Club was formally organiz-d, wi:h fifteen members cn the ipot, and as many more promised. Tha interstate trap rules and bylaws and a constitution, prepared by the committee, Messrs. Baltimore, Leinin ger and Leweliing were adooted to- govern the Club. the following officers were elected; - Grant Froman, president. W. G. Bullock, vice president. P. P. Tracy, secretary. Neil Bain, treasurer. W. E. Parker, field manager. W. G. Balloek, F. H. Pfeiffer and J.. M. Fronch were appointed a committee on membership, lhe fee Is ?5, with no regular dues. It is proposed to have tournaments, but principally work togfuher in the- ituerew oi a great sport. o Over at Philomath. H. E. Morton, of the Oregon Power -Co. was in Philomath tDia week, look ing over the field, with a view of inj. proving tne iigntmg system of the city, something tht always speaks f or a -town. Ho reports numerous improve ments there, several now residences, a line new school house, prospects of an- -ax handle factory and the Benton saw mill getting ready to start up on March -1st. Elks Attention, All members desiring to attend the "Married Men's Banquet" Feb. 17, are requested to secure tickets before the evenirg of Feb. 14, as the sale of tickets - j muse close on tnut date, that the com- . IIII.ICO IMUV RIIUW JUDb I1UW I11UI1V Iff prepare for. Tickets can bo secured st the Elks Club, Dawson's drug atorvv Burkbart & Lee's, McAlpin'a cigar store or Collins Taylor's. J. J. COLLINS, Com. WHO wants one of the best small fruit and poultry farms in the Willamette Valley; good buildings, modern con veniences, close to good school, best of soil; inside city limits of good? town. Will take Albany residence property up to $2500.00 B9 part pay ment. See B. M. Payne, Cusick. Block, Albany, Oregon. FOR SALE. Lease on 65 acres ground", also horse, hogs, hay, huggy, wagon. farm tools and wood. Arthur Moore- R. D. 6. t20 CHICKENS. Buff Orpingtons, pullets. and eockeiels, for sale Cor. Chicago ana e ront. in. Attention Ye Rarer a in 5"!oL-ftc Our Sc and 10c counters are filled with choice goods that arc needed by every housekeeper. , - Visit our store and you will be sur prised nt the bargains your nicklcs ani2 dimes will purchase. THE BAYNE'S VARIETY STORE keepeth his life." Proverbs person who keens a clean.. lease on life. Don't delay, but attended to JNUVV by the 4 METHOD A. Cox, Albany, Ore. " Guarantee . ' ' v ' GIVEN , , ' l GOOD FOR." .rT iJ 10 YEARS - .