Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 16, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Corvallis G. T.:
Professor Horner returned from
Tangent this morning, where he gave
a lecture before the high school las!
evening, lie says that Miss liculah
1'ecler of this city is doing splendid
work in the school, where there are
.already three teachers employed.
There is talk of erecting a four-room
-grammar and high school building in
.Ihc near future. All over the county
he schools arc advancing under the
supervision of Superintendent Jack
son, who is raising the cduaclional
standard as rapidly as circumstances
will permit. .Many of the greatest
men ot Oregon were educated in good
old I. inn. Many others got their start
by teaching in that county, among
-whom were Senators Mitchell and
Dolph, who taught under certificates
issued hty Hon. lames K. Weather
for.i, president of the O. A. C. boar.d
of regents.
Iluilding prospects for Albany tl
year iook good, considerable is
.sigm: tnc iiammell House, a two
story brick business block at China
town, the live story First National
Hank building at First and riroadalbin
street, the Carnegie library at Ferry
and Third streets, the brick moving
inciure notise opposite Woodworth
-Hid a starter on the post ollicc build
ing, these will mean nearly $200,000
on improveinenls. . l onsulcrablc will
ne spent on pavement, liow much
speculation,' owing to reports of
monstrances I he Oregon Electric
will probably spriij S 100,1 HX) here thi
'car. J he city may build a city hall,
.no is one 10 invest materially
sewers. At least one new school
louse will have to be built. Many
new residences will go up. some of
nem line structures. Altogether
iieic win oe at least $500,000 in int
priivi'ii Is, without the post olli
""ki "1111.11 v,im 00 wen 10 ge
- v.-ii .1 corner sionc. J lie showing
lecidedly a flattering one and speaks
ne sieaiiy ami sane manner
which the ciiy is going ahead. Albany
iias never resorted to Hie brass,
Ki.oiu siami meuiods ot doing things.
. and the city's business men generally
..... u sue 11 means ot prog
"less; but rather favor a reliable, lion
-est. straightforward development
any uailoons.
Do you as a ' wan I lo help
' nominate the 'democratic candidate for
president? Most certainly you do.
Mow often do we hear democrats say:
""Well, if 1 could have my choice I
would nominate A. It." Now, so far
as the state of Oregon is concerned,
..every democrat can express his prefer
ence at the primary election lo be held
mi the 19th of April. Of course he
must register or swear in his vote on
- flic day of the primary election. The
Salter could not be easily dune for in
uery'feiv precincts could six freehold
ers be found together to swear in a
totcr. The registration for the pri
mary election will close April 9th.
The very best time to register is now.
Do you know that one vote in Linn
county might determine who the dem
ocratic candidate for president should
'tie? Well, it is true that it might.
What an immense power to be excr-
. riseil by one man. For example: If
. ,.ii mjjnrily of the democrats of the
stale ot Oregon vote at the primary
election for Wilson then the Oregon
delegates to the National Democratic
Convention will vote for Wilson. Or
of a majority vote for Clark then the
. delegates will vote for Clark. Or so
. nl any other candidate. Who is your
, candidate?
Well, then register at once and be
v ready to vote for him at the primary,
" .The delegates from Oregon voting
for Speaker Clark or for Governor
Wilson might be the casting vote to
nominate one or the other. Do your
We would be better off in many
matters if we kept our own counsel.
Not only does the doctor and the de
tective and the pienclicr have need of
living Tc-erw.i :..ul non-committal,
lint almost every-man may profit by
kecpine. to Imaclt what is not neecs-
Miry lo u-ll others. There are lime
when cont'ulential friends may aid u
if liny know our al't'aits, but so oiten
-when we are so thoughtless as to
.snejk our whole miinl our neighbor i
just as careless in repeating and soon
annoyance and even trouble result?
We are finite. The wise:
balanced oi us nii-s an
point now and then in the
lion of sonic subject. V
t and best
coiimuci a
may no
admit it until long afterward, per
haps years; then the thought dawn
upon us and then we wonder why i
never occuiicd to m before. Let u
not be too po.-itive.
Most of us eniov poetry with all
that the term applies to, but main
i if us repel "poetic lii-cn-e," a!inrd
itic ami cen faNiiics under the
:ui-c ot jHictry
Is there any
u-.n'.ines o'uuu:
it i . i 1 . or is it a
m:o featuiv oi s,
-imple reiucdy lor
.--iSh-ucs of disp and lce,ili tterson.iliiic-..J authority to
l.iw or oMi..ii"Mi a'
li-'i a
;..r,t tl,
le iril to
'iin'.e-l evperii'iKC.'
' How iran,' Veep n ilii'V? Think of
',!' value it "viv be i" iifte- vo-s and
utter i:rtv8 t ' I- o-e i rn'-Til of weatl-i-i
e.uioitii iik, t"viv finisa 'i nn '
rv.-f em rent ' -r.- nietitnei p - nt
in itiiput are t -ii-rc' v settled. '"i
iiko'y vnur .'hildr.'n ill pnre it hl,:l'v
Ami the di-c i'il'.e ot the h:ll it is worth
flouioth-iii: at-
In addition to the ereat adult chorus
of the ,, Mystic Kobo" in its various di
visions, and the juvenile Flower Ballet,
the opera of course has a cast ct prin
cipals who either have solo or talking
parts or both.
These are locally assigned as follows:
San Kura, a geisha giiL.Miss Hammell
Miss Brant, a tousiat Miss Haight
Akron Sue Miss Blackwell
Yet Go, tea girl Mrs. P. R. Kelly
viello Ci, tea girl Miss B. Ireland
Mr. Harkins, a scientist. .Frank Watson
Okama, priest of Shaman. .Kay Cleaver
Bun Jan, a fisherman Leltoy Wood
l.zy Wright, adventurer ...Jack Berry
Willie iVynn, adventurer.. Jay Palmer
Percy Carisb, tourist J. C. Irvine
Spots, a detective Park Stalnaker
Gin liiki, tea-house proprietor....
Arthur Leininger
The principals meet tonight a 8 in the
W. C. T. U. hall, and all adults are
called for general reheasal tomorrow,
Wednesday, night at 8 o'clock in same
Last night's rehearsal showed good
results. The voices blend well and will
do justice to the beautiful opera.
For the benefit of singers who have
been prevented from attending the first
two rehersala, it has been decided to
receive more new voices Wednesday
night. Adult singers of any voice are
invited to join at that- time, especially
altos and tenors.
Although the opera as a whole is not
yet plain to the participants, all who
have interested themselves in it realize
that nothing similar to it has been at
tempted in Albany for many years.
The performances are to be Feb. 27
duel 'ii.
The ensemble of the juvenile ballet is
completed and includes over a hundred
children. This feature, as testified by
the people of Corvallis, is in no way at
an similar to tne ordinary children a
Nor is the opera as a whole at all
similar to some of the theatrical per-
lormances occasionally tiirust upon
tllf) public.
Great enthusiasm prevails, among
inose luentuieu wun it.
Durini' January at Portland there-
were 265 marriages and (52 divorces.
Postal savings banks will be opened
at Philomath and Toledo on the 7th of
Next Saturday will be Chinese New
Vear, but the only celebration will be
ihut in honor ot the United States of
China, the new republic.
Judge J. II. Knowles. of Midland.
Tex., yesterday adjourned court long
enough ti whip a mun who hail called:
him u liar.
W. Cooper Morris, the hanker, after a
visit in Portland of several weola, yes
terday returned to Sulem, where he
now has a suburban home, under lock
and key.
A. J. Biehl, 11. II. Humphrey, J. T.
inwuy and tl. 11. Kiddell, of the
Columbia Orchard Co. und the Inland
Development Co., were arrestod at
ortliinil yesterday for fraudulent use
tne malls, there are other big and
little concerns in the N. W. that need
looking into.
The supremo court yesterday presen-!
ted its decision in they caso of Linn
County, nppellent, ngt. the Culapaoia
Lumber Co., respondent,, in favor of
the defendant. The suit wits brought
to restrain the defondent from muin
tiiiniug a dam, which it was claimed
overllowed the highway at i certain
place. The court hold that the over
flow of the highway was but temporary
and tho injury not material..
m .
5 Educational Rallies,
Educational rallies will be hold this-
week as follows:
Harriaburg, Thursday at 2 p.m.
Halsoy, same day ut 7:30 p m.
Brownsville. Frijav 2 u.m., with 00
urtiwioriisvitie, in evening, cia.
Holly, Saturday at UK
At all of the meetings Supt. Jackson
will make an issuu of the proposed in
dustrial work, and Statu Supt. Alder
man and Prof. Cnrdloy, will speak, be
sides others, with special featured.
A Trip for '.he College.
Mrs. Croo'ss, Mrs Flo, and Misses
Irvine nnd Anderson, ot tho college,
left this noon for Southern Oregon in
tho interest of tho college. They will
be at a reception touiuht at Cottage
tliove, tomorrow night a' Medford, and
tlu-u at (iranta I'as.i an.l Hitseburg. On
the trip they expect t meet friendd of
the collego and show them ttie iidvun-
titles of tho college lor bludy. with
L'n. istian inllucnco.
A Great American Flay.
In recent vcir a few plays
maoe siie'i t'lg hits that two
eonipunic.i have been .e-it out in them,
and ui ono oisr.'nee four orgi'nitaiiups
were staited. but the lunnbe.' lust- d only
a short time. Tn it p'av was not big
enmvh ir enoe-.h to win public
supr. for I'ocr ci-inp.intes, yet it was
Ohe of the b 'g:"i success:- of thotune.
In this fi'et I. the prif thrt Eugene
SVnlter's "Paul m Pull" is tho greatest
and le:ii ohiy ever pii'doi '-I in Ainer
ien. lui-oue-T ot Aii-,u; t, l,.'';;, and
Ontitimiiii,' until l is, May, li.c e"i"iii
ies npeureil "i "I'.m.I in 1'ull ' all over
tho I'nite.l Stai ". 'this add n chapter
to theatrical his.ory never l.ef.'re ri:
ten. At Albany Fri.l.iy niithi.
(irnuinc affection is
tho house tops.
l ot lu raided on
The Dallas
Stock of Fine
1 "a 2 ! ti " ' ' V".
After n good deal of 'cty and cor-
repondence .Mr. J. C. Gallagher, dis-
trie t manager of Kilers Music Ho
induced his firm lo ship tlm entire
stock of pianos to Albany.
Piano dealer in Da las makes a f m i i -
lire of the piano Imsino
were marly half paid for.
Wc sold the pianos to liie Dallas
dealer. They arc brand new and the
linest piano we carry and while wc
received nearly one-half the cost wc
are willing to sell them plus freight
from Dallas and cost of handling for
the difference that is, we will u-ive
(you (the customer) the advantage of
ise almost one-half cost received on
th'-sc pianos.
Watch tomorrow's papers for pn'c
es. You will have to act quickly u
the sale will only last two davs, Fri
day, J-el). 10, .and Saturday, the 17th..
Store open evenings.
Don't' stay away on account of ready
money. Easy payments; a little now
and a little each month will secure one
of the bargains.
No liner pianos obtainable, even a
Chickcringv Kimball, Smith & Barnes
a Soluncr, a' Whitney and many oth
ers. Nothing reserved, all must go.
The name Kilers is the greatest
guarantee of piano quality in the west.
The representation of only the best
pianos and the giviiig.'of liberal values
has made Kilcrs Music House the na
tion s largest piano dealers.
Ibis is an opportunity ol a life time
to secure a brand ncrr high grade
piano, and to purchase- it tor about
one-half its real value. We Mwilive!y
give up the store here Saturday night.
1'erc. 17 th.
Every piano fully guaranteed as rco-
resented or money back.
There are-also two-pianos that were
taken in exchange as part payment fir
A-tilopianos they are both good one
of thein, a Cable, was- ptsrehaserf in
Kugctte less than two years agoi for
?4IK).0O. Take it for $'(K).IO on easy
payment's. Another pnuio , been irsett
six years, an upright, but a elnraper
nialie though the parties paid $.1IKI.())
for it take tlu-s one tor 5tJ.v(W.. J hen
there arc .1 number of organs that we
nave taken in trade. Make s tin of
fer for (Mic of these.
Remember, only two days Friday
and Saturday next.
It is the quality of the instruments
offered in this sale that niakits the
price so startling. All arc welT known
malves pianos chat have: been selling
here for ill vears and like your neigh
bor paid twice the price for.
In the Oil Fellows' Huilding, on
Kerry St., back of Iitirkfutrt' it Lice's
ilriiff store.
Pustauriatd butter is beat.
Yon. get the best fruit nouget) t
Mission Pallors.
Have vour feet attended, to by Mrs
Driver, T3 B 2. Bell 861-J.
Wedding rings. Engagement rings,
Friendship rings. F. M. French & Son.
Bwn, Wednesday,' r'eb. Mi to Mr
and Mrs. J. Hurvej Walk. a girl.
A large crowd enjoyed the Bplendid
chicken pie dinner at the M. E. church
this noon,
F. H. Pfeilfer is being mentioned for
she! iff on the democratic ticket, ell
qualified for the place.
Kemember the big fcd and enter
tainment tomorrow night a: the arm
orv. 6to7iU) o.m., given by G. Co.
Turn out, turn in, and go.
Tho baskot ball gnmo announced for
the armory tonight between tho Alec
and 11. S. teams will not bo ptavcdi
until Inter. I ho Alcxt hau too many
engitgonienls for to.iight.
Everybody going through Albany m
the Electric will pass along n It n street.
culling for every House ami lot on tne
streut being kept up its be I elothss.
With piivement selling 11 en u win
the winner street oi tho city.
Pnn't fail to come and eat a good
chicken dinner to be given in tho uin
ing room of the Christian church by tne
UlCllOS on 1'OOlU.iry - me n eime win
bo appetizing und tho price i.l be
r'red T. llolman, of Portland in -cnndiitate
for delegate to the national
deimwrii'ic convention, llewants al ter
his name. Ueoioerats should noiuin;;io
n man who enn be elected president."
Evidently a ilso.) man.
Tho office is now busy ooduing men
Half the men who want ttiice are; not
wanted by the otSce.
A new co rsi t le tl. A C, is den-
ilrologv. applying to plant material!.
Must have the o'ogim hKv exhausted
c. n. NEWS.
Deeds recorded:
Lucy Wheeler to hiram Baker
and wife 40 acres $ 2200
E. Mary Davis to Alvah I. Davis
et al 246 by 420 leet 11-W 2.... 1
Ida E. Gummings to 0. J. White
3 lots Halsey 150
E. 1. Co. to Artemus E. Murphy
160 acres 1
J. H. Mitchell to Dist. 53 K acre 1
Ed Holloway to Dist. 53 f acre.. 1
Petition Samuel TV Wn)Ua
adoption of Geo. W. Bailey, granted.
Marriage license: John Doylus,
and Sadie Whitney, 38, Mill City.
Heavy tax payments: Judge C. E.
Wolverton, No. 1. $116.11; F. K. & L.
B. Churchill $136.16, Kvelin J. Mont
gomery $127.26; Carton & Robson
$346.31, Est. S. Fromar. $105.92. W. M.
I iio- "-oi, a. w. McElmurry
p 10,
The total tax to be collected is $512,
884.52. Deeds recorded:
O. W. C. Co. to Peter J. Johnson,
2 lots Foster I
O. W. C. Co. to Daniel Brady )r,
lot Foster
Same to Nora Bradv. lot Foster.
Crown P. & P, Co. to Willametto
P. &. P. Co. int. in 85. J9 acres'
1. M. Corbin to Martha A. Corbin
320 acres
M. Alexander to C. U. Sandoz &
wf, 136.58 acres
C. T. Hesseman to Mary A. Pratt,
2 lots Bryant's ad
M. E. Hayes to Winnie Winsted,
lot Brownsville
Demurrer flled by N. M. Newport in
Kohler & Chase agt R. Kuhn.
n r ! rM M-k-kM W-
I if I !k V A I I IV rilf llll.r'bonefroman ear'a errM operation.
Corvallis G T.
X meeting' was held yesterday at
Walls by the people in the north end of I
i ... . .
toWtaiffi of the bridge
across the Willamette at Corvallis. the """""T was going to smash- and that y. sa.u lanus oeing accnoeu as 101
cor.trant for which haa alrnartv hoon lr cur ioraaa were all in danger from their lows, to-wit: Beginning on the south
by the county court. I
'n., .!r,..;. ti.. iu.
appointment of a committee to confer-
with an AIiany attorney to ascertain
what legal rights were to be had in the
premises,, with the understanding that
those interested in the matter would be
guided by tbe advice thus received.
H rom parties who attended the meet-
ing it has bean learned that there would
be ar attempt made to-lav an in junction
agartwt the bailuing of the bridge and
that if this could not be made permanent
the recall would then beinvoked against
tne eiure coiuity court.
The Democrat can s&y emphatically
that Albany people are- not opposed to
the bridge at Corvallis;, but on the con-
and our people will not in. any way ob-
struct the very commendable move to
secure -a bridge.
The Oregon City Locks.
A settlemtt of the Oregon City locks
question- was made at Washington yes
terday by an agreement for the- sale of
the Oregon Electric property at a sat-
isfactury price, without a condemnation
suit. This it is declared means early i
worK on tne improvements contemp
lated,, to result iii the state owning and
operating th locks. Maj. McAdoo lett
Washington yesterday fur home with
instructions to close negotiations on
terms -proposed.
Ffesel Won Out.
Avitop winning the championship in
indoor base ball in Portland last Sunday
the- Hschefe plaved a professional team
of stars, beating them 1:? to 6. Harry
Fiese, o this city, again pitched for
the Escheis, and to him more than any
on'is due the great, record made bv '
thd-alub during the season, Tnis closes.
Pitkel's Enterprises.
Elsworth Pickel, of Marion, has been'
the rity in the interest of the Auto-1
I niatic Clock Co., selling stock in a pro-
posed townsitu, ot ouu to 11KIO acres and
a $250,000 factory it is intended to erect i
upon u. .r. Pickol is himself the- in-1
vcuici ui uii duLiiiiiativ .iieiV( n iiieii la
being extensively manufactured, and
sold to hotels, specially arranged and
ouilt for public- places, and is said to
huve maite a fortune from it.
,)nwn t ,viur,0Il le ;a erectjnK a $20,
,0 , r,,sijonce ono gf tie Hnest S0Untry
; um,c3 in regon. on his farm, which
i he is developing.
Wo.k of boys.
Hoys along the ina of the Oregon
IVfvoi- Co's power line between Albany
atul Corvallis have be mi in the habit of
shooting o!f the glass insulators, a dan
eeriuis 'hing to do, ns tho wires carry
ll.o- O volts of electricity. Besides it
uugl-.t csuse m giHi I deal of trouble at
Cotvallis. Mere than that it is awfully
small business.
SlOO PilR PLATE p;iid at a hauou
to Henry Clay,'
in New Orleans in 1S42.
Mighty cost-
Iv lor those w-ith itnm:ii-h troiihl,. or
imi'vesf.on. lo.l.iy people everv-1
where use Dr. King's New Life Pills '
I for these trouble well as liver,'
i ki.lnev and bowel disorders. Fasr, I
'safe. sure. Only .'5 cts. at Fred Daw.
Great Feb. weather so far.
This age needs men
of the Lincoln
It takes the moving pictures to draw
the crowds.
Really there isn't very much real
music in a mandolin.
This is an age of hustle. Even the
egg scrambles sometimes.
What can be more obstreperous than
a pig, particularly if it is blind.
The spirit of revenge is a relic of
barbarism, not a part of civilization.
A newspaper has to give the news,
letting the result take care of itself.
Those who tell us about our fajlts
may be good friends; but it doesn't Jst.
Five tenses may be the rule; but some
people certainly act as if they hada't
S5 Sunday was a day of prayer for cof
, I leges. Most of them need it double'
10 quick.
President Taf t in his speeches breathes
defiance to the democrats. Isn't that
Fortunately after a divorce both
never go to heaven. The other always
goes to the other place.
i fishing the interests of the plaintiffs
The saloon city-not only has the wide- audi the defendant in the lands herein
open Baloon, with i its stench, but also after described, and appointing ref
ine blind pig. inban rrancisco there
are almost as many, blind pigs as saloons.
i A man down in Portland was charged
IT JOil hfr a Oil vrranr : f - :!.
lnac may De Professional; OUt'therc is
anoiner wora some neouie won a use tor
r, . . L,
Whenever nnp nf WpqI-'b. tinnne mon
Ses Wrong one L wooid tar to wtal.
"alny- As a matter of fatt the pro-
portion lan t verv much more than
J?099 00taMe, and the real danger in
A big eastern artist has selected- the
tn prettiest women is-the world. They
are all piomioent wealthy people. As
many pretty the artist never eaw. The
reallw finest: Inolrino women in tho
world are not the millionairess-M, with
their vapidity.
"Isvery house has a skeleton, in its
We thmkv believe, suppose, presume
bd awful lot, but know a precious little.
Who does- not use some- slang?' And
J"Bt whe " the dividing line between
alaa" and P1" '""BuaKO? ;
j iiOra tsyron wrote: ".Man! Thou peo
dulumibetwixt a smile and tear." Yes,
many of ue-constantly sway bick and
forth between hope andifear, faith ani
doubt,, oheec and gloom- A Pbeak.
Albany is qoite a city of retired men,
having msoey enough to take- thmgs
Seal love does not hays hraaa- bud
Setting a good examp'a-andj settine a
hen. are tcth hard jobs.
I Paving costs, but whaii an eidi mud
bole a. street is withuntit;
It ift easy enough to write line a phil
asur.herr bat to act like-one i tbe rub.
Ti R. will not run, ha- is not even a
candidate, he is simply plajing a, game.
St. Valentine's day is here .
Bad habits and misery go- together.
The republic of
China has an odd
To warn 0 ,e of a fcarf, forc5t
fire in the cHatsf;iI!s a vo ir, rodc
l,,.n1,,,l. . . , ,:,:. .1,. t .
many lives. Her deexl was glorious.
but l'.ves arc often saved bv Dr.
i King's New Disc
.! trouble, coughs
covery in curing lung.
and colds, which
might have ended in consumption
pneuontnia. "It cured me ofn
I"" cougn anu lung tiica-e. write
. R. Patterson, Wcllincfton. Tex..
"after four in our family had dUd
with consumption, and 1 gained S7
pounds." Nothing so sr.rc and said
for all throat and lung troubles. Trice
5'lc and SI. 00. Trial bottle free Guar
anteed by rretf Dawson
Notice is hereby given that the um
dtrigncd has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Linn County. aitmuu-.trator
of the estate of Anna Dunn, deceased.
II perons having ci.tun-i ac.iinst s-j,i
.-..I.. l..r..l... r :...i ...
I ,
,,, ' ,, ,,. ,,. ,.,-,. , .,:.'
ia,v reouired. at niv resi.l,.,,,., !.
hany. Oregon, within m. months from
the date hereof.
hirst publication leb-uary 16, 1912.1
Last, .March in. ll'l'.
C. C BRYANT, Administrator
Attorney. i
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, $4.00.
By mail, in advance for one year J, at
end of year $3.50.
The Weekly Advance per year .
$1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3
years at $2.
The Nashville Students.
The Nashville Students are to be at the
opera house Tuesday, Feb. 20, when
they will give six big vaudeville acts.
The program is one of music, rich oki
time sangs and several splendid speciali
ties, including the great Hendrons and
their educated hoops.
1 he Wealher.
Range of temperature 57-38.
The river rs 8.4 feet and falling.
Rainfall .2i inch.
Prediction; rain tonight.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
Lucinda C. McQueen and A. D. Mc
Queen, her husband, Plaintiffs, vs.
Hiram E. Barton, Defendant.
To Hiram E. Barton, defendant above.
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in tho. above entitled suit
within six weeks, from the date ot
the lirst publication of this summons,
and if youfaii to so appear and ans
swer, for want thereof, plaintiffs will
apply to the court for the relief de
manded in their complaint.
The relief demanded in said com
plaint is a decree of the court estab-
erees to partition said lands by set-
tins apart the curtsey, interest of the
defendant therein, in the manner pro
vided by law, subject, to the payment
of the costs and expenses of said suit,
; including a reasonable, attorney's fee.
aim uic cosis oi am rcieieuce, anu ie-
ounui uic ueicu.uiL iu- a.-
count to the plamutts ioc one
halt of the rents and profits
of said lands for the years 1908, 1909,
and iVHJ, and for rsch other and
?.. relief as may be meet in equi-
J boundary line of Section. 31, m Town
ship 1 L South, Range 2. West i the
Willamette Meridian at. a point where
the east boundary line of the Dona'
tion Land Claim of James Tallman
and wife.,. Xotidcation No. 1185 cross
es said Section line, and from thence
running North along said. East boun
dary line 12.66 chains to the South '
boundary line of the right-of-way of
the main track of the Lebanon branch
of the Oregon & California. Railroad.
Company: thence running North 65
degrees. 30 minutes West along the.
booth boundary line of said right-of-way
to 3z point which is -20.47 chains
North of the South boundary line of
said Section 31; thence. West 2L50
chains to a point which is 40.00 chains
East of the West boundary line of
said Notification No.. 1185. tlience
South S.'64 chains to a point which is
South 40.00 chains distant and East
40.00 chains distant from, the North
west corner of said Notilicatiott No.
1185; thence West 2.54 oiiains. thence
South 22.56 chains; tlience East 40.98
chains; thence North 10.23 chains to
the place of beginning, coutaintirg 113
acres, more or less; excepting there
from the lands heretofore deeded to
the Oregon & California Railroad
Comp-tnyr and excepting also, one (1)
acre conveyed to R. X; Bennett by
deed recorded in Bocit-.75 page- 40,.
Deed Records of Linn- County; Ore
gon; andle-ccepting also, about one (1)
acre conveyed to L. J. Sanders by deed!
recorded in Book 79, page 420- Deed!
Records of Linn County, Oregon. All
of saioT Rinds being situated iiv Linn
County-,. .Oregon.
Also,, beginning at a point in the
West boundary line of the Southeast
quarter of Section 3U iii Township I!
South. Range 2 West- of the Willam
ette Meridian, Oregon, which is 20.47
chains- North of the S'oirthw-est corner
of said 'Southeast qnarter of said Sec
tion 31: thence East 18.99' chains to
the land owned by the Oregon &
Calitornia Railroad' Comrany; thence
Northwesterly along the South boundary-tine
of the limds of said Rail
road Company and of the right-of-way
of the Lebanon branch of said
Railroad Company to the point where
tho South boundary tine of said right-of-way
intersects the West boundary
line of the Southeast quarter of the
said Section 31 thence South to the
piSce of beginning, containing 11
acres, more or less, all in Linn Coun
ty. Oregon.
This summon-? is published once a
week for six consecutive weeks in
the Albany Democrat, a weekly news
paper published at Albanv. Oregon,
by order ot die Hon. J. N. Duncan,
County Judge of Linn County, Ore
gon, made and entered herein on the
3rd dav of February. F2. and the
date of the first publication of this
summons is the 9th day of February,
I Attorneys for riaintiffs.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was on the 5th day of De
cember. 19U, by order of the Count
Court of Linn Conntv f1r ,1..!..
jmade and entered of re.-nrd.'dttir ap"-
pomtcii administrator' of Xe estate of
W. C. Simmons, ,Jr.. clcccased. Ail
pcr-nns h.tvirg claims jacrainst the
e-tn:e of s:ii,l decea-cd are herebv no
tirted to pre-ei-t same with the proper
vouchers i:hn six month, from the
.ite ot this notice to the administrator
o; fa:.; c-tnte-l rf f it.:,.
l Lino County,
Dated .it Albany this 9th dav of De
cmher, 191 1.
,.. w c. si'mmons. sr.
HEWITT ft SOX. Administrator.
Attorneys for Administrator.