Albany Democrat POL XlM iLBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, UT; SO 29 NOT NECESSARY TO TAKE UP MUCH SPACE TELLING YOU ABOUT PIC TORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. ASK ANY DRESS MAKER, THEY KNOW MORE ABOUT THE PATTERNS THAN WE DO. SPRING STYLE BOOK NOW ON SALE. POPULAR BRANDS OF GOODS WE ARE AGENTS FOR We are proud of every line, from the fact, they are the highest standard of quality manufactured, and sold by every leading representative store in the largest cities of America. They are not only backed up by our guarantee of serv ice and satisfaction, they are backed by large firms 'ready to make good any article not satisfactory. Only a few years ago, we asked you to watch us grow. Just think back a little and see how fast we did grow. It was just such goods as you see mentioned below that won for us our wonderful success and position we now hold in the mercantile history of Albany. GAGE HATS AND MILLINERY. RED CROSS SHOES FOR WOMEN. RED GOOSE SHOES FOR CHILDREN. i BARNETT'S MAN-TAILORED SUITS FOR WOMEN. . SIEGEL'S FAMOUS MAN-TAILORED SUITS AND COATS. . BLOCK'S DRESSES, DESIGNED BY WOMEN. PERRIN'S & DENT'S KID GLOVES. " W. B. & LA VIDA CORSETS. FAMOUS KING AND GEISHA WAISTS. NIAGARA GLOVES AND HOSE. ROYAL SOCIETY FLOSS AND PACKAGES. MENTOR UNDERWEAR. SOROSIS PETTICOATS. -J Trr-r ,-. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. Chambers & McCune ALBANYS' LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE THE WORLD I VALLEY OIL CO. Harrisburg wants service. An All-Oregon excursion to the 0. A. C. is being arranged, a popular move ment boosting this college of the people. The Corvallis and Eastern yesterday Rtai ito not.. Q f..... ....... J " s-c.iv lam ia lur pitas-1 engers, and hereafter the rate will be. 3 instead of 4 cents, operating since tte ' roaa was esiaonsnea. The Eugene Cuy council has ordered an automobile fire engine, of the W. S. Nott Fire Engine Co., to cost $7920, It Is a combinatisn aftair. having a rotary pump, complete chemical apparatus, arranged to carry hose and ladders. No flics on Eugene. regular boat Has Elected Directors and Officers The Coming Burkhart Sale. At the meeting of the stockholders of the Val lev Oil Cn lr ;..kt ... .i... commercial club rooms, 61 answered te roll call, with 69 shares represented. tha D(td. lining. ......J ' ........ uciuk vuteu. L. A. Wood, E. D. BlonmfieU. G. A. Page and C. W. Tebaulc were elected dire:tors. The following officers were elected by the board: C. W. Tebault president C. C. Page, vice president. Goo. Dorr, secretary and treasurer. It is proposed to lease a tract, prob ably the Vehrs farm, and proceed to make a practical test by sinking a well. K. L. Burkhart has let the contract tn Rnftlrlo.tiTO fn. a ion nnnn ;1 ....... ...,1 catalogue for his big Jersey sale at this CltV alinilfc Mnir laf nna nf tka ki.,njnt stock events of the' year. He has over a nundred h"ad of registered Jersies, one cf the finf-st herds on the coast, and the sale will attract wide attention A thousand of these catalogues will be ociil nui 10 aairy ana stocK people. Candidate for U. S. Senator. Hon. O. P. Coshow, of Roseburg, a former Linn county iran. yestetday declared that he expected to run for the U. S. senate in the primaries on the democratic ticket. M. A. Miller.of mis tuuniy is ine oniy oiner CBnaiaaie so far, which will mean a contest be tween the two. ITORD ii Our first shipment of 1912 cars have arrived. Come and look the cars over. You will see the greatest sensation of 1912. Five passenger Fore-Door,'. $785.00. Torpedo Runabout, $685.00. CRAWFORD & RALSTOX, Distributors for Linn and Benton Counties. Albany, - Oregon. We make a specialty of watch, jewelry and clock repairing. All work guaranteed. L. W. ROSS PAINTS AND WALLPAPER PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMING J. R. ELDRIDGE, Painter. 438, W. 2nd St., Albany. FIRST CAR UTAH LAND PLASTER has arrived. Place your orders how. M, Tenders & Co. ALBANY TRANSFER CO. Light and Heavy Hauling. Wood for sale, fir, maple and ash. Phor.c Home 68; Bell 166-R. PROF. E. L. WILSON, Violinist And his seven piece orchestra open for exclusive engagements. 323 S. Ferry St DR. BERNARD KAVANAUGH, Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given Nervous Diseases. Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. and 2 to S P. M. Evenings by appointment. Telephones: Home, 203; Bell, 395-J. 10-11 Schmitt-Hunt Bldg., Corner Third and Broadalbin Sts., Albany, Orregon. C. O. RAUCH, Expert Court Reporter and Public Stenographer. Office: First National Bank Building.- Phones: Office, Bell 146-R: Res., Bell 154-L.. Private work a specialty. Funeral and wedding serv ices taken in full and executed in neat booklet form. Prices reasonable. Art Inch Difference. It has been supposed that the paving to be done in Portland at $1.60 by the nrr?n Co- is the same 113 tnt being talked about for Albany; but there is a difference. The Portland pavemeit,on a private contract, when compressed, will be only four inches, while the Albany lavement nmnnunl i n.,A inches compressed which Is as thiu as pavement should be allowed. " WANTS TO BE SHOWN. . r, j . ..... . iuubj uacivru tt letter from J. M. t rench of St. Paul, acknowedging receipt of a weather card. He says: I?-., ... U..J x , V JCBIH " - ucoiu a great deal about your fruits, grains and grosses ana aian r neiieve the stories, but your display at Omaha and St. Paul settled that question. You certainly have the goods. But when the maps show us that you are located as far north as St. Paul and you tell us that the coldest weather you have had this winter was only 21 degrees above zero, we balk. We will have to be shown. IV VOU Should nut AnmnlAa In a rriaea and sen it it wou'dn't keep during one of our winters. Possibly God can make such a country as you describe, but has he? Here is one fellow that is going to find out, so look out for me. I am coming." Big Crowd at Dreamland. One of the Interest crowda ever tt Dreamland greeted Vanity Fair last night, a great Vitagraph masterpiece. ii win oe snown lonignt lor tne last time. Next Monday night the Romig Twins, Harmony singers, direct from a four week's run at the Star Theater in Port land, and a fine picture program featur ing "Saving the Special," a fine Vita graoh. and on Tuesdav. Wednesday and Thursday another big 3 reel feature in arran-iNo-rogue, a picture produced ana pnotographed in Ireland by a com pany of photoplayers sent thete by the naiem co. Enough of Neb. Brownsville Times: R, W. Tripp, this morning, received a letter trom Thos. A. Dickerson.of Antelope county. Neb., saying he was sick of that climate and that he would feel sorry for a dog "u " siana ine agonies of a Nebraska winter like this one has been, therefore he will bring his dog with him ... uiuvruovuie. Kir. LiicKerson will move hero soon. - He has lived in Oregon before. Up in Seattle. s A letter from Bert Wnrfnrrt tall nf his being situated pleasantly there v, ith nm who, nee miss urucKman, to whom he was married on Aug. 24. He is working for the Foster-Kleiser Co., but will return to Albany as soon as through there. K. Gale Sanders, Mrs. Hazel Broders Buck man and other Albany people, ;'are doing well. The Weather. "Paid in Full." Eugene Walter's powerful play of contemporary American life, "Paid in Full," is to be seen at Albany Feb. 16 and Wagenhals & Kemper, who will make the production, promise one of the strongUBt and most notanble acting companies ever gatheren in one organ ization and the production itself will be complete in the minutest detuil. Range of temperature 65 41. Rainfall S9 inch: The river is 7.2 feet. Prediction: rain tonight'and Sunday. the EMPIRE Geo. E. Rolfe, Prop, and Manager. TONIGHT Feature Pictures All for 10 cents. FO. WILL, lor Watches DREAMLAND Today VANITY FAIR Vitagraph 3 reel feature and "Who's Who" a great Vitagraph Comedy WATCHES, F. M. Frocch & Son. Educational Meeting. At an education meeting at Sodaville last evening Supt Jackson spoke oo the hich school and industrial work, and 1 Supervisor Bolin on his lino of work, whiie Prof. Kendall was heard in read-ings; DO NOT FORGET Lincoln Day Post Cards now on sale, next comes Master Cupid with Valentine cards, then comes the cards for the man that never told a lie, whom you all know. at MEISER & MEISER ALBANY OPER A HOUSE Friday, February 1 6. Paid From the Astor Theater, N. Y. Notable cast and production inFiill Admission 10 cents. P. ices GOc 75c, II 00 and 11 60. FRANCIS W. ALBRO, Piano Tuning and Repairing Home phone 441. Office with Wait Mead. THAT YOU CAN GET ANYTHING CHEAPER NOW THAN AT ANY TIME LATER, , . , .. ;. . ' C THAT THIS IS "THE BEST" TIME AND PLACE TO GET SUITS, OVERCOATS, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' WLUTWJSS, UNUEKWMK, SHOES, HATS; AND SHIRTS'. "T" 3 TPi "W 2'' ;'' ''' ' - 5 OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR PROTECTION. 'i . THE L i Ah 4 m ill in LAIN CLOTHING ' CO. :