S. E. YOUNG & SON FEBRUARY LEAP YEAR SALE LADIES, ATTENTION ! Now is your chance, not for an husband, Oh, No ! but to buy things you will need u you mean 10 get one. Look at these items, they will interest you. MAIN FLOOR DRESS GOODS 15 pieces, values to $2 a yard. Leap year price $1.29 HOSE Misses' 35c Fay Ideal 29c GLOVES $1.50 Ladies' Kid for....$1.29 . CORSETS $1.50 Warner and La ' Grecque, Leap Year Sale $1.23 UNDERWEAR SI. 50 Munsingwear for Ladies, per garment..$1.29 TOWELS 35c Huck 29c SHEETING 9-4 Pequot, Bleached 29c SECOND FLOOR COMFORTS Albany Made, Good Cotton $2.50 values $2.29 PILLOWS 35c Floss 29c BLANKETS $5.00 Fancy Wool $4.29 S6.00 White Wool $5.29 CURTAINS $1.50 White and Arab ian Lace .: $1.29 WINDOW SHADES 35c, 7-ft. long 29c RUGS $9.00 36 in. x 72 in. for..$7.29 $3.75 Pal. Vel. 36 in. x 72 in. for $3.29 TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES $7.00 30-in. Trunk for....$6.29 $6.00 30-in. Trunk for....$5.29 $6.00 Leather Suitcase for $5.29 $2.75 Fiber Case for $2.29 FIREMEN WAN I MPROVEM ENTS. Albany's Big Store. S. E. YOUNG & SON Established 1866 The firemen of the city held a get to gether booster meeting at the hall of No. 2's last night, one of importance. Wm. R. Hand ra elected chairman and S. S. Gilbert secretary. Judge Stewart, a veteran, was called upon and gave a history of the depart ment and apparatus. No. 2's present engine was, bought in 1875 and No. I's in 18SS, the hook an.1 ladder truck in 1S51. At the present time the boilers and hose should be thoroughly tested and replaced, probably new boilers and more nose oougnt. A committee of five was appointed to confer with department in reference to the department's nteds, as follows: Chief Engineer Hockspier. C. H. Stewart, Fred Bloom, S. S. Gilbert and B. H. Horsky. It has been suggested that n new auto truck engine in the long run might be cheaper than repairing one of the engines. The department expressed itself in favor of nsing tne team for fire pur poses only, keeping the horses off the streets. It was reported that the Veal factory would put a fire whistle on their engine, if desired. ANNUAL MEN'S BANQUET A The annual banquet given by the Presbyterian church for business men was held last nieht at the armorv with one hundred tniriv three nresent. It was a line affair, a splendid get-together feed in the interest of the great est of all causes. The tables were neatlv soread. and the service by a large corps of ladies was very prompt and painstaking. The menue had chicken pie without bones as the principal feature, closing with ice cream. . Then Rev. Geselbracht ouened the after dinner part of the program with a short talk in the interest of more men lot the work of thelchurch. A. C. Schmitt said it was a dav of experts along alllines, with a demand for new ideas, and it was a privilege to have present a man who is an expert in religious work, introducing Mr. Lewis of the Lewis-Wy lie Hydraulic Co., of rortianu. Mr. Lewis spoke for an hour, opening with some apt stories. He said there are numerous ways nf getting men to church, the hurrah way, sermons from popular newspaper topics, stereopticon lectures, moving pictures, etc., but the really great thing is to keep the men at work, make them busy, which is better than amusement. There is a great deal of loss of power in the church, wasted strength. It has been learned from experiment that by proper system more work can be secured along all lines from brick laving to carrying rails, and it is the same in church work. a l. - '. .1 u i:i , i i . 4mKiH 0oV,;.. -,i to a noon. . "I mw uo iw up usnun pesi director, of. tho First NaTiona. BankT I FZWj' AN 0 'ERETTA BY OCAL TA LENT THIS MORNING, News From Albany's Six Early Trains. A. C. Schmitt, vice president, O. A. left on a trip to the principal cities of tne iNorcnwest, to inspect Dank build ings, after pointers for the new five story building to be erected here. The trip will include Walla Wally, where there are said to be some fine buildings, recently erected. and there is too much of that, too many ! ? fnrnA0R in thn ohnrnh. Ill lbe Y. M. (J. A. is Dooular because it does things in a business way. ine cnurcn snouia oe tne center oi social life and activity, not the dance hall and moving picture show. Don't think you can fool with the Lord. Albany is to have a real comic opera production, with local people as partici pants. The Civic Improvement club- are the promoters of it and will present The opera is 'The Mystic Rose. which has just been produced in Cor vallis with great success. Arrangements have been made with the composer of the opera, Robert P. Skiiiing of New York City, to conduct both the rehearsals and the performances. Mr. Skilling was recently musical -director of the Metropolitan Juvenile Opera Co. and also of the Manhattan Musical Comedy Co., and will put on The Mvstii. Rose just like a city pro duction. Tne first general rehearsal is called -for tomorrow night at 7.30. Adult "infers of all voices, are invited to at tend and join vhis tine enterprise. The music is catchy and tho harmony pretty, and very interesting to those taking part in it. The ensemble or chorus -music is especially interesting. The ladies of the Club will ba both, chaperones and patronesses, and the representative people will be identified -with it. Tomorrow night the director, who is in the city now, will briefly explain the opera, and a large part of the music will be rehearsed. In connection with tho Mystic Rose Mr. Skilling produces a Flower and Butterfly Ballet with about a hundred liitlb girls, a beautiful spectacle, and '' fine work for the children taking part in it. Little girls from seven to four teen years of age are invited to join this. The first rehearsal for them will be tomorrow, Thursday, at 4 p. m. Of this feature the people of Corvallis are still gasping in astonishment, and ask ing how it was accomplished, but the little girls (nought it great fun. Filled 9000 Prescriptions During the year just ended we compounded 9000 prescriptions. A record breaker for any single year since we have been in business, and not one single error was registered against us. We use the highest grade drugs every day in the year. Bring us your prescription. BURKHART & LEE LAND-AGENT NOTARY PUBLIC 40 Years Here Large, small tracts, houses and lots. See my list before investing. JAS. F. POWELL. Room (9), Albany State Bank Bldg. MURPHY'S SEED STORE. Agents for CYPHERS Incubators and Brooders. CALL AND GET A CATALOGUE AND PRICES. . E. C. Meade, Optometrist A fine stock of the latest in novelties and best in Watches, Silver ware and Cut Glass, at F. G. WILLS. Denver Hill, of the Foster-Hill In vestment Co., which has several thous and acres around Foster, with A. C. Brown of Lebanon, left on a Portland trip. The Co , had an option on the Cascadia property, at $50,000, but this , was forfeited. Mr. Hill expects to see a road to Foster within two or three years, wueu a Ulg cnange will WKV place in that country. I ' 1 In nnint. nf nat: anij nmnni.l!nn John F. Attermatt left for his home "Graustark" holds its own with any of at South Bend, Ind., where he has a them. The leading figure in this sea fine suburban property and is well lo- son's presentation is Miss Louis Zita cated in business. Mrs. Altermatt and Simons, a most charming and beautiful GRAUSTARK T T. ..in1 children went down this afternoon on a Portland trip, but will return for a longer visit. WOOD AND COAL All kinds of wood sawed in any length desired. Best coal on the market at reasonable prices, delivered prompt), m large or small quantities Albany Fuel Co., Docksteader and Thompson. Both phones. - Ernest Arnold, of Portland, went to Corvallis, his native city. His father Prof. B. L. Arnold, was a former pres ident of the O. A. C. in its early and struggling days. , The Union Furniture Factory. A. rJ. uecKiey, oitne union rurmiurer Co., arrived last evening from San Fran cisco to attend the annual meeting of the Company here tomorrow, and get supplies for the coming season. He is. getting a good business for the Company established in California. The factory had a good year in 1911 with prospects; of a much better one this year, gradual- 1.. diwalnnini, inffta InraainH inflimntinf plant and business. New Things to Eat For Transfer Phone E. R. Cummings, office with L. J. Gray Real Estate Co., corner of Second and Lyon streets. Light and heavy hauling of all kinds, piano mov ing, baggage. Orders promptly at tended to. Office phones Home 463, Bell 493-J. Res. Phones, Home 146, Bell 350. Phone all oiders from 8 to' 12 and 1 to S to office; to Res. at morning, noon and nights. All orders promptly attended to. WOOD for Hie. FOR SALE.' ' Dnr "ing the monthTof January some very noe oreeoing cock erels Barred Plvm outh Rocks and Light Brahmas at E9 fin bahU n Shedd 817 W. 4th St. Albany, hr Hugh Fisher went to Salem. Mrs Fred Fortmiller and Teddy and Mrs. W. A. McClain went to Lebanon for a visit. ; Henry Freerksen arrived from Shedd, Mrs. E. A. Thaver returned to Lvons, Mrs. Rav Fox and three children went to Lyons, where Mr. Fox, form erly of Newport, is now running store. N. P. Crume arrived from Browns ville. Prof. Hargrove retnrned to Portland. Manager Jennings, of the O. P.. of Eugene, arrived on a visit with Man ager Morton. Dr. Billings went to Portland. A. G. Knanp, O. H. Larson and Geo. Dorr went out to Lebanon to investi gate Ed. Roberts tea ranch. C10CK3 to select irom, an warrantea. Li. w. KUbS. jeweier Fresh Yaquina Bay OYSTERS at the Mission farlors. POCKET FLASHLIGHTS All Sizes All Prices Absolutely Reliable They help us when nights are dark. Fresh Batteries. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Wul Second Street Potatoes Wanted In Carloads or Less Quantity Apples, unions, all kinds of produce. See us before you sell. Best storage facilities in towu Albany Supply Co. THE BEST TO BE HAL) in Baked Goods, Groceries, Produce and Fruits, at PARKER'S "The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery 216 W. F; st;3t-eet. Both Phones. Shingles. Made in Albany my .No. 1 Edg Grain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.26 upwards Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON We oe no drv kiln. JUST To Remind You GLSNDORR lota are for sale, !ol 200x200 ft., sold on terms to tuit Bette- see us before all the choice tni ar.gone. , TEB VULT REAL ESTATE Co. Victoria Chocolates, at the Mission Parlors, are delicious eating. , The largest and best assor ed stock of Bbingles in the city at the Albany Lumber to s saw mill. uu F. G. Will for watches. THE BAYNE'S VARIETY STORE FOR Dependable Merchandise at LOWEST PRICES Hundreds of Useful Articles Sc and 10c Latest Things in Valentines 1c to 35c. Every child making a purchase at this store gets a stick of candy free. 212 E. First St., next to Opera House. young actress, wno has scored a pro nounced success in tho part of Princess Yetive. Bert King as Lorry, Frod Mc Guirk as Anguish, Atkins Lawrnnco as uangioss, ana Adeie Lane as Uagmar r .1.,,. Tiot.Vi,, AT-ir are nthur nmo. fm;u, t k Ztnr.. Lucolates. Delicious Mar- goers. The scenic investment is a beau-1 schillO Chocolates. Lnui unu uiiu is neignienea oy gorgeous I Old fashioned Molasses. Candy, Whipped Cream court costumes and the native dress of the people of the imaginary "Graus tark." WATCHES, F. M. French & Son. We make them. ELITE Chocolate Shop Our New Store will oper about March 1st. Special W OO D Sale For a limited time we will deliver first-class Slab wood to any part of the city for $2.00 per cord HAMMOND LUMBER CO. BOTH PHONES 358. 1st and Jackson St. S. C. Worrell's g Second and Ferry Stieett, For fresh groceries, vegetables and fruits. Everything new. DR. J. W. JACKSON, Graduate registered Veterinarian, 1014 E. 2nd St., Albany Or. Phones Home K 442. Bell 286-J. ST. FRANCIS BARBERSHOP, Chas Bruce, Proprietor. The first thing in the morn ing after you have been up all night with TOOTH ACHE is to go to the DENTIST. Isn't it better to go to the dentist before that bad tooth begins to ache? "Aji ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." . But be sure to get the right dentist, the painless kind. ' Dr.W. A. Cox, Painless Dentist 225 West 1st, Albany Ore. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 St:ord Mre, Bttwctn Feny & Crcaddbin