REGISTRATION OF LAND ! TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn County. In the mvter of the application of Lee Bilyeu to register title to the to! lowing described premises, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is North 22.10 chains distant from the S V. corner of the South EU of the D L. C. of Richmond Cheedle, being Not. Xo. 2311 and Claim No. 69 in tp. 12 S. R. 2 , W. M., Linn county. Oregon; and running thence West 42.22 chains: thence North 3.02 chains; thence East 7.75 chains; thence North 2'. degrees W. 20.30 chains to the X. boundary line of the D. L. C. of Rich ard Cheedle, being Claim Xo. S6 in said T. and R.; thence East 53.21 chains; thence south 23.31 chains; thence West 17.76 chains to the place of beginning containing 125.0S acres, more or less. . Subject to a right of way as appears on record at page 71 of Vol. record of deeds in Linn County, Oregon. Plaintiff, vs. All whom it mav concern. Defendants. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERN: Take notice that on the 23rd day of December, A. D. 1911, an application was filed by Lee Bilyeu in the Circuit 'Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County, for initial registration of the title to the land above described. Now unless you appear on or before the 29th day of January, A. D. 1912, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the application, and you will be for ever barred from disputing same. Witness my hand and seal of said Circuit Court this 23rd day of De cember, 1911. (L. S.) W. L. MARKS, County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Circuit Court for Linn Coun ty, Oregon. C. C. BRYANT, Atty. for Applicant. First publication Dec. 29, 1911, last publication Jan. 26, 1912. REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE. In the Circnit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Depart ment No. 2. In the matter of the application of Pirtle-Wieder Company, a corpora tion, Plaintiff, to register title to the following described tract of land, to .wit: Beginning at the N. E. corner of the N. V. Yt of Section 21 in Township 14 South Range 4 West, Willamette Meridian, Linn County. Oregon, thence North S9 degrees West 33.00 chains, thence South 0 degrees 2a mm utes W. 40.05 chains to the South line of the said N. W. Vs. of said Section 21, thence South 89 degrees East 33.00 chains to the center of said Section 21: thence North 0 degrees 25 minutes East 40.0a chains to the potnt ot be ginning, containing 132.165 acres. 'Thomas Froman, Fred C. Jackson ami all whom it may concern, Detend ants. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERX: Take notice that on the 23rd day of December, A. D. 1911. an application was filed by rirtle-Wiedcr Company, a corporation, by Chas. II. Wieder, its secretary and authorized agent, in the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Linn County, for initial reg istration of the title to the land above described. Now unless you apoear on or before the 29th day of January, A. D. 1912. and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the .same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the application, and you will be for ever barred from disputing same. Witness my hand and seal of said Circuit Court this 23rd day of De cember, 1911. (L. S.1 W. L. MARKS, County Cuerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Circuit Court for Linn County, Oregon. C. C. BRYAXT, Atty. for Applicant. First publication Dec. 29, 1911, last publication Jan. 26. 1912. Scotf s San'al-Pepsin capsules A POSITIVE CURE ForlnflnnmRtlon orC&ttrrhof the Hinder and Diseased Kid tie)-. NO "!0RE ItO PAT. Ccn I illicitly and uernrnnentlr the worat cum of 6onorrhoM nnd Gleet, no muter of how nnD fllnnrlino A Kinlatnli harmless. Sold by druggist. f rice 31.00. or b? msii, pofli paid, ei.00.3 boxes, .7S. THE SANTAL-PEPSIh C. Bellefon, Obla For flale bv BorXMrt A Lee obtains or FEE RETURNED. SO YEARS EXPERIENCE. Our CHARCtS ARC THE LOWEST. B.t:d mudtl, photo or Bltetoli fur expert f.-rch and free report on pntrr-tat.illl--. INFRINGEMENT tults before nil court... Tfttftits obtained tlironh A ADVCR. TISEDani SOLD. five. Tit ADE-M! ARKS, PEN. SIONO anil OOPYRICHTS juk-ily obtained. Opposite U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, O. C. 1-4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Eit.ite of Elisha G. Spcrry,-deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un-t'.cr-icncd has been apoointctl admin istratrix of the estate of Elisha G. 5perry, deceased, by order of the County Court of the State of Oreson for the County of Linn. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, tl-.ily verified as by law rconired, at the nice of C. B. Winn, in Albany. I.i"n County, Oregon, within six months fr m the date of this notice. Dated this 2nd clav of November. K 11. rHEBE M. WILLS, Administratrix of the estate of Elisha G. Sperrv, deceased. T. F. VaTF.S. 2 (MONDAY.) BROWN IN TOWN. Horace A. Brown, representing the New York Continental Filter Co., in in the city in charge of the installing of the machinery in the new filter of the Oregon Power Co., being pushed with out ceasirg. Brown is an expert of the Company, sent all over the U. S. He jumped here from Ottumwa, Iowa, where he installed a big plant. He says there isn't a better one than the Albany plant anywhere. Everything in it is tne best. Under it the process of Alteration insures pure water, from 97 to 99.98 pure. The system is simple. The water is pumped from the canal into the big settling tanks, holding 250.000 gallons, a solution of alum and perhaps ' soda added, practically killing the batceria. The water then runs from the big tanks, three feet from the top into the filters, passing through sand, down into the clear water tank holding about 250,000 gallons, the .alum absolutely eliminated, the water as clear s if fresh from a mountain top. When completed it will be bo our people can go through the plant and see for themselves how things are done. The Modern Travellers. The regular meeting of the Modern travellers was held Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. H Stewart. A feature of the day was a debate on this question: Resolved that the American women of today are an inprovement on their foremothers. The affirmative was sustained by Mrs. Littler and Miss Elizabeth Irvine and the negative by Mrs. Geselbracht and Mrs. Bain. Besides there was a gen eral discussion by others present. The verdict was in tavor ot the affirmative. The Travellers decided to hold a social for the benefit of the library in reb- ruary. It will be at the library, at a date to be named. The Weather. Range ofjtemperature 45 36. The river is 7.8 feet. Rainfall .01 inch. Prediction: .rain tonight and TueS' day. Two of the Democrat's eligibles have already been captured. The Woodonrn armory, just com pleted. is said to rje full of laults. Capt.Robert Scott is supposed to have reached the south pole by Christmas. John C. Myer, postal clerk, spent Sunday at the home of Postmaster Van Winkle. Walter M. Pierce, of Union Co. is announced an a candidate for CJ. 8 senator on the democratic ticket. Miss Lila Patton, of Halsey spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Olin Stalnider, and numerous young friends here. The Girl of the Golden West Co. is to be given in Portland tonight.' It took ten cars to get the company and outfit there. Bandon organized a Gun Club last Friday with 33 members and more want to come in. What is the matter with Albany. W. G. Gunn, the artist, who has been doing splenlid work at the Chambers & .vicCune sales, has opened an office in the r'iynn bluck. A big class of Masons the other day went into the Scottish Rite dergee, among them being Dr. A. J. Hodges and L. II. Fish, of this city The world famous Williams Jubilee Singers, the hit of the last Chautauqua, will be at the M. E. church Friday night, in the tegular college course. Mr. Jacobs a bachelor commercial traveller, selling goods for Stainhart,' was in town today. Me is quite a philosopher on the marriage question. H. A. Hull, of Vancouver, Wash., a former clrk in the store of S. fc. Yuing & Son, has been in the city on an Albany visit. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Peterson, of Toledo, parents of Johnny, the bene dict, returned home today, after an absence of a couple of Reeks from Toledo. The man drowned at Mill City last week was found Saturday evening this side of tbe dam some distance, on this side of the river. He was a Swede, and hid no relatives here at all. Rev. Knox, tre Presbyterian minis ter at rah field, has Drought suit for divorce against his wife on the ground that she is quarrelsome, nags, and struck him in the face A conversion is evidently needed in that family, Luther White, of Brownsville, last Saturday celebrated his 97th birthday. He was born in Ohio and crossed the plains for Oregon in 1847. Brownsville has the distinction of having two oldest people in the county, Jas. Elakely, of that city, leading at 99. An item recently appeared in a Pert land paper that there was work around Mill City for four hundred men. It brought several up this way, only to be faced with the fact Unit no men at all are wanted un there, the Hammond Co. now using about fifty, having all they need. Mrs. Andrew Welch eave an animal dinner in America's fastest city, S. F., the other day Besides figures of ani mals there were live ducks, frogs that jumped upon the laps of guests, crabs crawling aoout, lizzards, canary birds, gold fish, etc , with some parrots, pro fane and obntreperou", as the cent.-r of attraction. One of them yelled "You go to hell," which wus where they were bound for anyway. Miss Pera Wilkins entertained eight of her friends at a week-end house party apd all declared thev hnd tnp time of their live", with food "eats" galore, and other emusemtnta, amom: which was a mock wedding, in which G. Eborting wm married to Bertha I.aubner bv Rev. Lauhncr. vjs3 Wi k ins' guests were Edna and B-rtna Laubner. Pauline Liu oh, Grace Ebcr-i-.?. V-'vb ArcM'Vd. mm Th-wnp bvii, ia LWru ubu Dui) Btndi.,. MAY 1 THE OREGON ELECTRIC. It is announced in the Portland pap ers that the Oregon Electric will reach Albany "by May I and Eugene by July 1st. Work in preparation is being pushed all along the line. Passing tracks are being built every four miles, 2000 feet long, with a view of eventually having a double track. There is no curve more than 3 per cent, and no grade more than 4 10th of one per cent. From Salem to Albany the distance is 26 miles and from here to Eugene 45 The distance from Portland here is 713 miles, three less than the S. P., and to Eugene five less. A snlendid bridtre will be built ovt r the Santiam below Jefferson, steel and concrete, consisting of 175 foot truss SDans. A false bridge will be built preliminary to the permanent structure. 100 volts will be used, witn suo stations 20 miles apart. The high tension line will be charged to bO.OOO volts. The equipment is to be modern. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. John Stevens, superintendent of the C. E. & E. left on the early train for Pendleton on a business trip. J . W Taylor, manager of the round house, also went as tar as forttana. Revs. Koehler and Parounagian, of Brownsville, went to Portland, to se cure an evangelest for some union meetings it is proposed to hold at Brownsville soon. M. and Mrs. A. M. Hammer left for Portland, where Mrs. Hammer will visit her sister, Mrs. E. E. Montague, while Mr. Hammer takes a trip down the Deschutes Trunk Line to Madras, on a visit with his brother, W. F. Ham mer in the hardware business there. He was expecting to see some real wea ther. Edwin Fortmiller went to Portland to see The Girl of the Golden West. Prof. Williamson, of No.10, returned from a Sunday visit with his family in Corvallis. Dr. Ketchura, of Salem, returned home from Sodaville, where he preached yesterday. President Crooks left for Portland, and probably further. Mrs. Ed. Schoel left for Portland, and then down the west side to Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Will Christy left on a Salem trip. J. B. Gentry returned to Salem. John Bryant returned to Willamette. Dan Hurley wont to Salem Dr. Mack Denny returned to Port - lonri f..r o vioir with hia f.iiw. greatly improved. President Campbell, U.O., arrived rroiner west. Mrs. F. J. Miller and son Franklin returned to Salem. A Three L'nk Party, i A party of Albany Odd Fellows Sat urday evenine went to Halsoy to at tend an initiation in the Halsey lodge, and report a royal time." A fine lanquet was served, and at press time it is reported some of the fellows have not yet shown up. Fol lowing are the three link party: W W. Francis, A. C. Baker, C. O. Ander son. T. B. oung. John H. Goins, A C. Van Nuys, E. S. Hawker. F. C. Houser, John Dubois, L. L. Swan, E. A. Thompson. John Robson. F. M. Powell, G. T. Hockensmith and Homer Speer. Down in Calif. An Albany lady writing from La Mesa, Calif., tells of a delightful w'nter there, she has met a number from Oregon, one family from Portland, another from Eugene, one from Cor vallis ana a former Albany teache 25 years ago, then Miss Howard, now Mrs. Thorne, having the distinction of being the first woman admitted to the bar in Oregon. She says they would 'ike to exchange some of the sunshine there for our surplus rain, as reservoirs are very lew and water scarce. The Library, At a meeting of the library board Saturday evening Tobey & Mi Is, the architects having charge of the plans of the Presbyterian church here and at Lebanon, were ordered employed. As soon as the plans are completed they will be sent east for approval, wnen the contract will he let for the new build ing, which will be one story with bas9 ( ment, of which about sx feet will be t above ground. The building will be about Gu by 52 feet, either pressed brick ' or stone. Married. ; Charles E. ' Baiicy and Miss M.ilel ; T.umbaugh were married yesterday I afternoon at the home of the bride 'parent's in this city. Rev. S. A. Do-J-las officiating. ihe wvdiliuR was ' private. the groom is a lienton county youne man, the a daughter of Mr. nim Mrs. D. W. Rumbai-gh, loth vounj people of excellent character. Afl.f'! will make thir hor-e in Bcrtuii county North Albray' G.irii3. Fitirmnnt Grange mttlrs't Saturday. 1 ""V-V eor-e twBl ,n "core, f '""I"". eto busmen, dinner was served r-nd ! Church., et:-. thrown ot.-n to protect Bes'ds burners dinner was served nnd the following ofheers installed by Mr an.! Mrs Ailtn of Tangmt. Mjste, J T. J. Uls'ey; . .verseer. O Ru'snni: Chaplin. Mis. T. .1. Rise.; I.-turer. ! ' arrie Busarti; SecrctBry, Will Hfillins Trewurtr A. Hawlev; ikeia.-t, A. L. Kyder; Asst. Arch Henrhuw; Ptimwa. ! Helen Berry; Crps. Lui'la ( ornetl; Flori, Mane Pt.illipj; Gate Kepper, Mr. Simpion. THE AVIATORS As Seen by a Former Albany Man. Los Angeles, Jan. 0. Mayor Alex ader of Los Angeles formally opened the Aviation meet thin afternon at 2:15. The weather was ideal and a large attendance was on hand to witness the many startling stunts which were pulled of. Lincoln Beachey Hew over the line of automobiles, performing spiial di.s, in time with the music of the band Glenn L. Martin was the first to get his machine in the air, Weldan Cook, who lately flew at Mt. Tamalpais, was second. Other flyers were Fish, Tur pin, Gill, Crawford and Wilhard. j Parmalee tried for altitude record, but had to give up on account of bad upper winds. Previous records for quick mail delivery were broken. A frienc who had not seen Ray Knabenshne for years dropped a card at a substation addressed to him and it wus delivered in 30 minutes at the aviat'on.field. Miss Scott mads a splendid flight in her dip plane. A special feature today was the letting loose of pigeons from one aeroplane while a passenger in nnother shot at them. FLOYD BILYEU. A Bad Boy, A former Albany boy who was ar restee: here tor immoral conduct, is I again in trouble in Salem. The State! man says: Confessing that he had endeavored to I entice little girls, but that he "meant no harm in it," Boyd Holcomb. IS years old, of Asylum Lvenue, told the police a story last night which will lead to a serious chore being booked against him, according to Chief Hamil ton. The young man was arrested yester day b j Chief Hamilton and patrolman Burkhart. following a renort received that on Thursday a man attempted to entice nyear-oia Stella Brown to go with him. Previous to this report, another was made to the police that a man bad been seen with the little 6 year-old Wilson girl. It was through information given by the Brown gir', however, that the chief and Patrolman UurKhart yest jrday suc ceeded in locating Holcomb. When Holcomb was taken to the po lice station, ti e cbief savs he made a confession, not oniy to having attempt ed to entice the Brown eirl. but to hav ing been with the little Wilson girl as well. Returned From Medford. Messrs. Fletcher, Hockensmith and Prouty have all returned from Med. ford, where they attended the state ! convention of retailers, doing Albany a ' 6Pecial favot in landing the convention tor 1913 at this city, lney report a preat time, a live city, and first-class j treatment, coming home full of boost for the Hub, solid, 8a fe and sano. fUESDAY. Maurice Winter is in town today. Eggs are dropping further, now 27c. F. M. French returned last night trom a fort land trip. Mrs. Guy Thompson went to HaJsey this afternoon. Another effort will be made to divide Crook county, a petition already being in circulation. J. B. Cooley, now a commercial trav eller, a former Brownsville young man, was in the city over night. An Albany man got a letter reading: "Suck-cess to you," and is wondering whether it is a compliment or something else. Rutherford Page was the first avia tor to meet his death at the Los Ange les meet. He fell 150 feet yesterday and was killed. J. A. Holt died at Harrisburg yes terday, of paralysis, at the age of 64 years. He was a member of an old family, well known. New buildings being projected are by Mrs. Uhl, on her property just bought, next east of tha Holt store; by Geo. Rolfe on Lyon street; and by J. T, Shea on his property. R. L. Burkhart, one of the lea 'ini Jersey men of the coast today shipned a SloO bu calt toj. K.. Joni? e ot Last o I Rock, Wash., a fine animal. His ship ments go all over the coast. The city council of Salem last night passed an ordinance providing for the ! C f I. - increase of the saloon license iron $600 to $900, over tho veto of thesaloo.. mayor Lachmund unanimously. A bowling match has been arranger' between a team at Lebanon and up Ale turn, to take pluce next Tuesday evei tng, at the Alco alleys. A good deal ol interest Is taken in bowling, and the alleys are full evenings. A competitive examination is to be hold at the U. O. this week to select two men for the naval academy. Entries will bo open until 'IhursMay mornmg, on which day tee eXiiminiiLiuns will bein, lasting llireouuyri. The Eugene Guard has a straw vo-e. in far it is, Roosevelt 180. LaFallftt o9, 'I'af t 21. on the republienn ti.-ltc:; Clark -10, Wilson 33. Ilr- ai 19. UniVr wood 10, Goss 7 on the Uemirvu'ie ticket. Harmon did not get a single vote. The farmers out nt Cral.trec organized to pool thc-ir cream, selling to the creamerv in'Ming tne hiirncsi There are live routes now, four of tlien. for two diJ.t-r ti'. ror:l;inri nre-imeriiM, nnil nop tur Curvailij. none for Linn county cre;i meries. A Demointa (.aper rhown Ine Demo- ' crit is full oi colli weather itemi. ine city was jj"i.-ti.--.ll tiuzrn stilt. One are hci-d li ''wo ' money, ioai peoile from freezing. Iheymunt he feri Co yu- share un it quick." Ugh. A wreck occurred on the Illinois Ccn tial vmti rday ard live were killed, nromi'ncr.t men, J. T. Iliirnhim sr., former president of the road, F. I). Mcer, second vice president of the Rock Island, E. E. Wright a lawyer, A'bert H. Pierce a general solicitor, of Ciicao, a-.d an engineer and fireman. COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETING. The regular meeting of the Com mercial Ciub was held last night with) the following present: President Easthurn. Manager Stewart. Directors Collins, Van Winkle. Fort miller. Stewart. Crowell. Nuttinir. Shinn. Manager Stewart renorted sendnif a dispatch to Senator Chamberlain on the loth of Jan. asking him to meet Maj. McAdoo at the waridepartment, work ing lor open locks at Oregon City. A communication was read from President Pi ill asking for a committee to cooperate with a Scio committee, consisting of Messrs. Ray, Gaines and Sutherland, uming an appropriation for the county fair. One wus ordered appointed. Letters were read from Senators Chamberlain and Bourne in reference to the Albany post office, making it look doubtful whether an increased appropriation can be securedthis year, out wining to oo everytmng possible to neip us out. ine sentiment of the members was that the present plans shall be insisted on even if it delays con struction, and a motion was carried that this be insisted upon. Manager Stewart reported a visit here from Lieut. Thompson, of Port land, who reported against removing sny gravel, dirt or trees from above the bridge, and W. P. Small was eon- ! tinued in charge of the government's i interests. Other reports showed the need of revetment, at an estimated cost of $27,UUU at this city, endorsed by more subsequent reports, without recom mendation of specific projects Now is the time to act to secure actual results it was said. Referred to committee on legislation. The manager was directed to have some weather cards nrinted for ""ailinif east, for 5 ;yeara showing the lowest temperature to havo been 13 degrees above zero, the highest 97, and the average rainfall 37.68 inches. , Mr. Van Ness, . representing the Christian Advocate, presented an ad vertising proposition. News From Albany's Six Early Trains, R. S. Shaw and fnmilv of the Ham mond Co. returned to Mill City, after an apsence ot a weeK. Mr. Shaw re- ported the mill gang filled, and nothing in the report about men being wanted. The man who gave the report to the rortiana paper is not even Known there, Fred Locklcy of Sunset, nnd W. H Jenkins of the S. P. returned from Lebanon, where thev attended a boos ter meeting. $4ii0 of a $750 fund for the sunset advcrtming nrranjrcmcnt wrs arranged enthusiastically. Claire Dawson and Walter Gilderman left for Calgary, Alberta, where they will go into business and mako their home, That is one of the best citloa in B. C, rich and full of life. H. K. Lugger left on an eastern trip. being joined in Portland bv Henry rieiscneur. inoy win visit jur. Lug ger 8 two Brothers in Uhio, and go uacK to ew lorn, returning to the coast by way of New Orleans. Senator M A. Miller came down from Lebanon and went to Portland. He will file his platform in a few dnvs. in the race for U. S. senator with a determination to make it count. Mrs. Flo returned from Lebanon. Mrs. Elizabeth Hale returned to Soda ville. Drummers leavinor were Jerrv Dono- van on the early train, Stuart, Wolff and Fuller at 7:30. Chas. H. Stewart left on a Browns ville trip Commissioner Butler left for Berlin to look after some bridges out. From Lebanon he had the prospect of a six teen mile walk through the mud. The Publlic Schools. The Second Semester of the Albany Cu l L : 1 1 mi I Tuiilic Schools begins Monday, Jan. 29 I Pupils desiring to enter the High ' School should report at the office of the Principal Friday, Jan. 26th. at 1 p. m., u In,, t km, nomna mnti kn Kn..ln)...J 'ami arrangement made to enter the j ,. i per classes. j I upi s six years of age, or thoBe who ; i i ue Mx years uf age before April 1, will be accepted in the 1st grade me riiDiic scnuois. ine teachers pe that parents will have such pupild p r: lor ine worn on the lu st day. A Dave Campbell Calender. I. R Sehultz toiiny distributed c il. endars of the Pacific States Fire Iuaur ance Co., ones that will be appreciated ly ail receiving them, on account of the picture of tho late chief engineer of Portland, David Campbell, p'-rhaps the mtmt popular fire chief in the U. zracing the top of the calender. Tli r'acilie States Co. made a hit in UJing Campbell's picture Fire Limits Extension. A petition is reported out calling for tlie extension of th" fire hini.ii, ho n to take in sections of Lyon street, further past on Second and Third Btreeta. In the men time projects are on foot for new frames on Lvon nnd Second and Thiid streets. Which will beut. out? L C K"l-n h?n hern engaged ry tli? r.tuty hoarl of b.-alth to niuk' a prcliintnuvy " su ey and report fin a gravity sy.tern of water tor the entire valley. Cier lakt is the supply in view ami this will be Investigated as soon the tnow is out of the moan- taint. lALBANY AGAIN HEADQUARTERS Of the Corvallis and Eastern, with J. K. Weaihcn'ord as President. At a meeting held In Portland vester. day it was decided to again place the headquarters of the Corvallis and East ern corporation in Albany, and to this end Hon J. K. Wentherford, of this city, was elected presilent, and Mr. Weatherford. A. B. Weatherford and John Stevens directors. The passenger and freight depart ments tor awhile at least will continue to be managed from Portland; but the act makes Albany headquarters, at was formerly, of the Corvallis i it and for not E. eastern. An increased force was ordered the Albany machine shops, which only does the business of the C. & but some of the S. P. work. The Williams Jubilee iingers. The world famous ', Williams Jubilee Singers return to Albany Friday night. Thev sang in Albany at Chautauqua to thousands of people last summer. Those who heard them then went again and again at the call of their sweet voices. Now they hear that call again an 1 want to go. They will crowd the M. ti. church v nday night. They will line up at Woodworth's ateieht o'clock Thursday morning to buy tickets at 75 and bu cents, six hundred lecture course season tickets holders are offered the best seats at 60 cents. They must present their season ticket at Wood worth's when they buy. See the at tractive advertising of this company. They sang 130 times in London on their famous European trip. They had a one thousand dollar house at Los Angeles recenty. Opie Read says, "Williams' Jubilee Singers are the best in Amer ica, liypsy smith is a great singer. He savs. "I have had the rare pleasure of listening to the Williams Jubilee SinRers. Their singing is an uplift-1 ?ladly commend them." Watch for the olders out in a day or two. Lead In the rush; don t lag or you miss your chance, A Booster Pamphlet. Harry G. Smith, traveling passenger agent of the Northern Pacific was in the city today distributing some new, splendidly illustrated pamphlets, cover ing the Columbia and Willamette val lies and Western Oregon. 100,000 copies of which will also be distributed through the east. One of the neatest pictures in it shows the gardens of Wm. Peacock, of North Albany, with a field of rhubarb in the foreground, and la beled "Growing Rhubaib for the Port land Market," which is good I An interesting fact is that the North crn Pacific is just as much in the Ore. con Electric r Hid. buildihz to Albanv. as the Great Northern, being a joint property. A Tragedy at Newport, Sarah Fitswatcr this week was found dead in her room at the Monterey Ho tel, Newport. There was a bullet through her heurt and a revolver by her side. She was part Indian, and is said to huve brooded over the fact, but whether she committed suicide or wan killed by some one or it was an Bcci dent, is not known. It was probably suicide. She was an accomnlisned mu sician, but was working at the hotel. Maggie barker to 9e Married., License jeas Issued vaatnrMau nt PnH land for the mnrrlure of Jas. I.. ilehrist, a wealthy eastern Oroeon man, prominent across the mountains, who has been in Albany a number of times, and Miss Mamie A. Barker a resident of Albany manv veara.with tha city full of her friends, whose congrat ulations and best wishers she and Mr. Gl.christ will haye. Died at Ashland. Stephen Colo died at Ashland enrly yesterday morning, at the age of 70 1 years. Ho was the futher of Mrs. l'h..n CAl.n .L: The remains will he brought to Al- hany tomorrow morning on No. 16 for burial, and the funeral will ho held nt 2 p. m., at the family residence, at 631 Madison street, to which all friends urtf invited. 0 Will Build lor R:ntal. Attorney G. W. Wright commenced the new yenr by lottirlg a contract for u cevnn rt)",n hungalnw In Ilnzolwood, vhich he u hiving liuilt for rent or sale. Mr. U'niiht tuy-i k in lib intention this summer to tin Ins bou.Uing for Albany in the construct! in of several nouses fxr rental to Ihe new arrivals who miiy cume to Albany this )ear. J. Merle Davis Thursday Night. Oi"'ine- to b conflict in pn':v.?''ment, Mr. M v-rU' 1) 'vii of NijaHiiii, .l.ip.m. v.iii not Hpi'itk in the Presbyterian tom.'lit, b it iiisipu.l Thtirs.lay i-vening. Further ann Hincefiiems will bo mudt) thru the pupers. The VVecingr. Rinre of tompfrature 51 32. ' x-infoM 0.1 Inch. T:iu r! 'r hs kept falling on ! j j ri..t.o if, 7.;; feet. I'lcdiuion: rain tonight and Wctm-a-t'ay. I M. Armstrong, of Corvalll Alhfinv m.n h-I. i,.,i , a forrr,.r a tu.tin 'i