S. E. The Big Store LADIES' UMBRELLAS We are overstocked in this department, so have de cided to make a sale, which will command your attention. In order to get these goods cleaned up, we have made them into three Bargain Lots: $5.00 to $7.00 for $3.85; $3.50 to $4.50 for $2.S3; $1.75 to $3.00 for $1.53. These prices enable you to get a good grade umbrella for the usual price of a cheap one. EMBROIDERIES In our East Window are displayed a number of Em broideries, selling at $16c a yard, usual price , 25c to 30c. Also inside beside the lot for 16c we have five other lots. 10c to 1 5c values only 5c 15c to 20c values only 13c 25c' to 35c values only 20c 35c to 45c values only 26c 45c to 60c values only 35c In our Suit Albany's Leading Store Filled 9000 During the year just ended we compounded 9000 prescriptions. A record breaker for any single year since we have been in business, and not one single error was registered against us. We use the highest grade drugs every day in the year. Bring us your prescription, , BURKHART & LEE MURPHY'S SEED STORE Agents for CYPHERS Incubators and Brooders. CALL AND GET A CATALOGUE AND PRICES. A fine stock of the latest in novelties and best in Watches, Silver ware and Cut Glass, at POCKET FLASHLIGHTS All Sizes All Prices Absolutely Reliable They help us when nights are dark. Fresh Batteries. . Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Weit Second Street. THE BEST TO BE HAL) in Baked Goods, Groceries, Produce and Fruits, at PARKER'S "The Sign The Albany 216 W. Firet Street YOUNG & SON Established 1866 and Coat Department our Sale S. E. YOUNG & SON Prescriptions Without jjnes Iti'THE LENS E. C. Meade, Optometrist. F. G. WILLS. of Quality. Bakery Both Phcnes. is thriving. Established ' 1866 LANDAGENT NOTARY PUBLIC 40 Years Here Large, small tracts, houses and lots. See my list before investing. JAS. F. POWELL. Koom (9), Albany Statp Bank Bldg. WOOD AND COAL All kinds of wood sawed in any length desired. Best coal on the market at reasonable prices, delivered promptlj in large or small quantities Albany Fuel Co., Docksteader and Thompson. Both phones. For Transfer Phone E. R. Cummings, office with L. J. Gray Real Estate Co., corner of Second and Lyon streets. Light and heavy hauling of all kinds, piano mov ing, baggage. Orders promptly at tended to. Office phones Home 463, Bell 493-J. Res. Phones, Home 146, Bell 350. Phone all oiders from 8 to 12 and 1 to 5 to office; to Res. at morning, noon and nights. All orders promptly attended to. WOOD for ule. FOR SALE. Dur ing the month of January some very Jfine breeding cock erels Barred Plym outh Rocks and bight Brahmas at sz.uu each. r. s j .-mean on w. tin 01. a many. Or. Potatoes Wanted In Carloads or Less Quantity Apples, unions, all kinds of fproduce. See us before you sell. Best storage facilities in towu Albany Supply Co. Shingles. Made in Albany my Ho. 1 Edg Orain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shinglet before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON W use no drv kiln. JUST To Remind You GLENDORR !ots are for tale, lot 20"x2(.O ft., io'd on terms to tuil Bette- see us btfore all the choice tnt are gone. TEBAULT REAL ESTATE Co. THIS MORNING. News From Albany's Six Early Trains. The tin can trick man came down from Lebanon, where they got onto his trick, and tied him into the pun sn ho couldn't get out, spoiling his show, and ne is n-purieu 10 nave quit. ur. wunycorr-be, of the O.A.C., went to Salem to give an agricultural talk before the board of trade, which will nrrtmnfa intaMf i. I ..... inkvibut in ni icuikumi matters, with boys" fairs, etc., a fine tinny in uie oacK 10 rue iarm move. Julge Duncan and Commissioner Rnt- ler went to Jefferson to meet with the J Marion county court for a conference uvci eiiuniiun at ureen 3 rerry bridge site, where the bridge recently went out. Years ago it was a ferry, then a bridge was put in. The people want a ferry while waiting for the re building of tho bridge. Rev. Babcock, of Salem, Fletcher Linn of Portland, and K. K. Com. Mill er, returned north, after attending a meeting of the college board last night. They were very much pleased with the outlook for the college, and believe the endowment will be a success, splendid progress being made in securing funds. G. D. Burdick, the stockman, re turned to Salem. Mrs. Johnson and daughter Miss Jennie, of Eugene, went out to Bus sard, for a visit with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Jessie Maxwell. C. G. Rawlings went out to Lebanon. I. N. Warmouth arrived from Halsey. W. B. Chance, mill inspector, went to Salem. Editor Brown and vV. A. Templeton came down from Brownsville. S. P. Bach, of Lebanon, went to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cusick and Roy Wood were among those going to Port land. Uover Leaf Dairy. It you appreciate clean, sanitary and pure milk give us a call. Delivered twice a day. Both phones. Milk depot 331 Lyon St. J. F, Hugoins, Prop. Special for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Dresden Blue and White Enameled Ware, tripplc coated on heavy steel base, rich azure mottling outside, pure white inside. 17 QUART DISH PANS. 4 QUART COFFEE POTS. 12 QUART WATER PAIL. 7 QUART PRESERVE KETTLE. 7 QUART DUCHESS SAUCE PAN. 8 QUART BERLIN KETTLE. ALL WITH COVERS. Limit, one to each person. Values from 75c fo $1.00 Friday and Saturday, only 39c One gallon oil cans, Friday and Sat urday, 10c. THE BAYNES VARIETY STORE Next to Opera House c. D. RAUCII Expert Court Reporter and Public Stenographer. Office: First National Bank Build ing. Phones: Office, Bell 146-R: Res., Bell 154-L.. Private work a specialty. Funeral and wedding serv ices taken in full and executed in neat booklet form. Prices reasonable. PROF. E. L. WILSON, Violinist. And his seven piece orchestra open for exclusive engegements. 323 S. Ferry St M. Senders & Co, Both Phones 4S. 435 West First St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Administratrix of the estate of M.'ify J. Gordon, deceased, lias filed her Final Account with the Clerk of the County Court for Linn County, Oregon, and the Judge oi said court has fixed the 29th day of January, 1912, at 1 o'clock I". M. oi said day. for the hearing of objections to said account, if any, and the settlement of said estate. Dated this 22nd day of Dif mhor, 1911. VIRGINIA CONDON, Administratrix. Vca,thcn"ord & Weatherford. Attys. f',r Admrx, AT THE COURT HOUSE. Circuit Court: In C. E. Uond agt. L C. Bond judg ment oi partition as rendered and u, Bussard, K M. Smith and A. L. Usddes were appointed viewers. Divorce was granted Mrs. Naucey tuen curl, irom nr. K. H. curl. Titles were ordered registered in ap plication of Peter S. ilendry et al. and B. F, Benshoof. Final account approved in estate of Horace Hunt. Answer hied by Weatherford si . I e i n ci . t vULUCI 1U1U III vr. Cl. Ut, uiecuu, ttliu Or. El. agt. Wilson. New Suits: - J. 0. Smith agt. E. D. Henry suit to recover $118. Tho defendant sold a cigar business at Springfield to the pla'ntiff, tho defendant assuming all oast debts: but claims amounting to $118 were collected from the plaintiff under attachment. Deeds recorded: Will. R. E. Co. to (John Hayes block Halsev S 200 W. S. Bridges to Louisa Claren 10.23 acres 1 Rights of way to the Oregon Klec- trie Irom a. a. Myers, Peter H. Harget, Sidney S. Leeper, E. W. Nixon, Francis Leeper, John Hansen and Almoda Coldwell each 10 First Savings Bank to M. H. Ellis party wall 205 rligh School Debate Friday. The first of the inter-state hieh school debates will be held at this city Friday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, in the high school lecture room, when this question mil ua uiobiucu vjr niunnj auu umviii. Resolved, that the state of Oregon school districts should furnish free text school books to pupils below the high school grades. General admission 25 cents. The champion team in this district will debate the champion team in one of the other five districts. Married. Martin A. Reiland, of Lebanon, and Mary Alice Morley, of Portland, former ly of Minnesota, were married at the Catholic church this forenoon, Father Lane porforming the ceremony. The witneseos were Mr. and Mrs. Murry Vaugn, of Lebanon, Mrs. Vaugn being a sister ot the groom. The happy couple loft on a bridal trip, and have the best wishes of many. , The Tuesday Club. The Tuesday Club mot yesterday afternoon with Mrs Nutting. Tho afternoon was spent in work, par taking of reficshmcnts, socially, nud an informal contest in namo slang express ions. Though nono are adicted to the habit as many as twenty-nine waro remembered to have been heard by one member. FOUND On First St. a small crocheted bag containing purse with small amount of silver. Call at Parker's Bakery. FOR SALE Pure bred Buff Orpington eggs $1 50 per sotting. Mrs. Dres ser, Elkins Addition. Hit New Things to Eat Old fashioned Molasses Candy, Whipped Cream Ci jcolates, Delicious Mar schino Chocolates. Wc make them. ELITE Chocolate Shop Our New Store will open about March 1st. S. C. Worrell's i Second and Ferry Sti eoti, For fresh groceries, vegetables and fruits. Everything new. The first tiling in the morn ing after you have been up all night with TOOTH ACHE is to go to the DENTIST. Isn't it better to go to the dentist before that bad tooth begins to ache? "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." But be sure to get the right dentist, the painless kind. Dr. W. A. Cox, Painless Dentist 225 West 1st, Albany, Ore." WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329Stcord Mrte, Between Fcny & Crcadab A JOIN INSTALLATION. A joint instillation of much interest was that of the Knights of Pythias and the Pythian Sisters last evening, pre sented in some ver7 pretty work, well carried ouc in charge of W. L. Itaarks J. W. Hammel, J. S. Van Winkle and w. K. Hund tor the Knight" and Mrs, Frank Skipton. ins'alling officer, Mrs. D. S. Smith, Mrs. J. P. Roberts and Mrs. Herald, with C, L. Rowland as musician. Following are the officers installed: the KniRhts. Leonard F. MeCia'n C. C. W. A. Salisbury V. C, C. B. Reynolds prel., J. G Bryant M. of V., P. it. Conn M. of F., K. McKetchnie M. of Ex., Wm. . llyer M. of A.. N. D. Conn I. ti.. and Uufus Russell O.G. The Sister.-: Mrs Bertha Ch irobers Most Excellent Chief. Mrs. Alary Free man Ex. Sen., Mrs. Helen Berry Ex. Jr., Miss Pearl Cameron manager, Mrs. Mary Parker M. of F., Mrs. Lydia Van Winkle M. of R. and Cor., Mrs. Chns. Prochnow Pro. of Temple. Mrs. P. R. Kollv G. ot T., and Airs. N. D. Conn Past Chancellor. Interspersed Miss Houck was heard in a niani Mnt. Whnalai. In . nlnnn solo and Mrs. Kelly ia a reading, warm ly applauded. . A line banquet followed. i . , Manzanita Officers Installed,' Manzanita Circle at Ha regular sess ion Monday evenintr installed the fol lowing officers with Pearl Cameron ob installing officer, assisted by Trena- Walters: Past G. N. Florentine Voss. G. N. Candis McChesney. . Advisor Alice School. Magician Vesta Eastburn. Attendant Lulu Forgey, Capt. of Guards Anna Strom. Musician Lola Junkin. Inner Sentinel Anna Pierce. Clerk Edna Warner. Manager Clara Hand. Installation was proceeded by initia tion. After the new officers had taken their S laces, the out going guardian neighbor, lorentine Voss, was conducted to the oamp fire, where Neighbor Van Winkle, in a neatsieech, presented her with a eut giuns oerry uowi, given by toe Circle in appreciation of tho excellent work done by Neighbor Voss during her two termB of office. A fine banquet was served, enjoyed by about fifty members and friends. The largest and best assor od Btock of shingles in the city at the Albany Lumber v.o's saw mill. tlO F 0. WILL, lor Watches "My Policies." If that he plagiarism, make the mnst of it. At the same time wc want to say something about OUR BUSINESS POLICIES. which have won for us the confidence of Hie "buying public" in times past, and we nave sitcu commence in our iliililt, frt nl.BD. niirl an.lof.. .m.. ll.-l wc insist only upon a fair trial. Good goods, right prices, prompt service and courteous fairness. Give us a fair trial; we do the rest HOMER SPEER, Grocer, Oregon Market 2 and Ferry.