Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 19, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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In the Circuit Court of the State oi
Oregon, tor Linn County.
In the matter oi the application oi
Lee Bilyeu to register title to the fol
lowing "described premises, to-wit:
Beginning at a point which is
North 22.10 chains distant from the
S. V. corner oi the South Ell oi the
D. L. C. oi Richmond Cheedle, being
Not. No. 2311 and Claim No. 69 in
tp. 12 S. R. 2 V., V. XL, Linn county,
Oregon: and running thence West
42.22 chains: thence North 3.02 chains:
thence East 7.75 chains; thence North
2'- degrees V. 20.30 chains to the N.
boundary line oi the D. L. C. oi Rich
ard Cheedle, being Claim No. 86 in
said T. and R.; thence East 33.21
chains; thence south 23.31 chains:
thence West 17.76 chains to the place
oi beginning containing 125.0S acres,
more or less.
Subject to a right of way as appears
on record at page 71 oi Vol. record
of deeds in Linn County, Oregon.
f .Plaintiff,
Ml whom it raav concern. Defendants.
CERN: Take notice that on the 23rd day ot
December. A. D. 1911, an application
was filed by Lee Bilyeu in the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Linn
County, for initial registration ot the
title to the land above described.
Now unless vou appear on or before
the 29th day of January, A. D. 1912.
and show cause why such application
shall not be granted, the same will be
taken as coniessed, and a decree will
be entered according to the prayer of
the application, and you will be for
ever barred from disputing same.
Witness my hand and seal of said
Circuit Court this 23rd day of De
cember, 1911.
lL. S.I W. L. XI ARKS,
County Clerk and Ex-Ofticio Clerk of
the Circuit Court for Linn Coun
tv. Oregon.
C C. BRYANT. Attv. for Applicant.
First publication ,,Dec. 29, 1911, last
publication Jan. 26".19!2. '
In the Circuit Court oi the State oi
Oregon ior Linn County. Depart
ment so. .
In the matter ot tne application oi ,
Pirtle-W leder Company, a corpora-, a atore sucn as Hamiltons' the Hub
Hon, Plaintiff, to register title to the cjCy can boast of having a store that
following described tract oi land, to-, can meet any competition. Trade re
wit: - - j ports fjr last wees, was a gain over
Beginning at the N. E. corner of the , same week a year ago. Sale lasts all
N. . H ot ejection 21 in lownstup ,
14 Range 4 West. Willamette
Xleridian. Linn County, Oregon.
North 89 degrees W est 33.W
ciiains. thence bourn u decree
3 mm-
ntes W. 1.05 chains to the South line
the said .N. w. 'j ot saici section
21. thence South 89 decrees East 33.00
chains to the center ot said ejection
21: thence North 0 degrees 25 minutes
East 40.U5 chains to the point ot" bc
cin::i::g. containing 132.165 acres.
Thomas Froman. Fred C. Jackson;
and all whom it mr.v concern, Defend
rp'ov. i
Take notice that on the 23rd dav of
December, A. D. 1911. an application I
was filed bv Pirtle-Wieder Company,
a corporation, by lhas. H. iccier,
its secretarv and authorized agent, in
the Circuit Court of the State oi Ore-!
con for Linn Countv. for initial reg-
. .i-rt -,k-, .
I;u"!"" "" '"""-
described. I
Now unless vou aprear on or before
the 29th day of January. A. D. 1912,
shall not he granted. The same will be
taken as confessed, and a decree will !
be entered according to the prayer of
the application, and vou will be for
ever barred from disputing same.
Witness my hand and seal of said
Circuit Court this 23rd day of De
cember. 1911.
lL. S W. L. MARKS,
County Cuerk and Ex-Otficio Clerk of
the Circuit Court for Linn County,
C. C. BRYANT, Attv. for Applicant.
First publication Dec.-29, 1911, last
publication Jan. 26, 1912.
Scoff's Santal-Pepsm capsules
forlnflnnnifttton orCftt&rrfcof
the UIM'iv'rac-l Digued Kid
j ana vernmDPntir tn
CAtt'9 of Gonorrhoea
and Glpfl, do iLtter nf how
V?ng standing. A bsolnte.)
nartuiw. Hold by dragis U.
Price il-CO. or br mail, aamt-
pia, IjO,3 boxec,
BclleisaUiiK, Ghla
For (ale by Bortti rt & Lee
i'n.mi-t.7 Di.Tai.-j-l or FEE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. S:iJ rao-icl. pbow k.u-n f- r
nr-rt M.-:fc Aid lr rr-r? cn pAI:tAbilit5.
INFRINGEMENT Rut rondac-uM before rJl
Yalen'j drtAioed thr-inA a. AOViR.
SIOM Ami COPYRIGHTS qiucir obtAllttd,
Opposite U. 8. Patent Office,
In tiie matter oi the Estate oi Elisha
G. Sperry. decea-e-J.
Notice is hereby given that the un
(icrsimicd has. been apnointed admin-i-'ratrix
oi ti-.e e-ta:e ot Elis'na G
S;-erry. deceased, by r.rder of the
Cc-urty C-jurt of the State of Oregon
- ir the County c-f Linn. All r-er-ons
V . ire claims against said e-tare are
hereby re juircd to presort the same,
ilv'y verified a- by law remiircd. at the
. ::'ce oi C. B. Winn, in Albany. Linr
County. Orecon. within six months
i: nil the date oi this notice.
Hated th is 2nd dav of November,
l?il. PHED'E M. WILLS.
Administratrix of c-.;.i;e oi Elisha
G. Ppt-v. deceased.
Attorney for Administratrix.
The Willamette reached its highest
stage yesterday evening at 7 o'clock,
the crest of the present flood, when it
began falling slowly, and this afternoon
is between 24 an J 25 feet. Though not
very high it is known to have been
higher only nine times, as follows:
Dec. 8. 1S61. 35 feet.
Jan. 14. 1SS1, 32. S feet.
Feb. 4, 1S90. 33 9 feet.
Dec. 1. 1S3, 27 3 feet.
Jan. 16. 1894, 28.3 feet.
Jan. 15, 1901, 30.5 feet.
Jan. 26, 1903, 31.5 feet.
Feb. 6. 1907. 30.8 feet. .
Nov. 24. 1909, 31 feet.
Out of these ten floods in half a cen
tury just half have been in January.
Dec. and Feb. each had two and Nov.
only one.
Only twice in hfty years have there
been two floods in a year, in 1901, 'oti
Jan. 15 and Feb. 18, when it weut to
26 feet, and in 19C9, on Jan. 23. when
it was 23 feet, and Nov. sa.
The range of temperature yesterday
was 52-41.
The Prediction is rain tcnieht and
L'nn County Salaries,
The Democrat is requested to give
the salaries of the Linn county officials.
Here they are: Representatives, $3
a day and 15 cents a mile; judge $1,200
a year; commissioners, $3 per diem and
10 c mileage; county clerk $2,000 a
year; sheriff $2,000 a year; treasurer,
$1,200 a year; assessor, $3,000 a year,
including deputies; recorder, $1,800 a
year; school superintendent, $1,200 a
year; surveyor, fees; coroner, fees;
county health officer ?200 a year.
Hamilton's Great Clearing sale,
There is nothing like real bargain
price to bring people to a city ptoplo
soon learn a city bv the prices thev ask
I tor their merchandise. Thev will say
. its a eood tradincr ooint or its
a pretty steep place to gel things
Police Court.
There were two cases before Record-
er Van Tassell today:
F. W. Leach was fined S10 and costs.
for being drank, and paid the bill
Red Adams got the same fine
went to jail.
L. W.
of Salem, was
Dr. D. M. Jones, of
oe-'D " 'he city today.
Mrs. McClung returned this noon
from a Woodburn visit.
tditor Humphrey cams
Jefferson this noon.
Tjm Wandel. a former Albany merch
ant, has been in the city.
...... ..
notorial Keview 1'atterns now
Albanv at Chambers & MeLune'a.
Watch Chambers & McCune's win-
dow3 for real clearance sale bargains
'. Pictorial Review patterns now on sale.
Ask for bebruary fashion sheet. Cham
bers & McCune.
m i n.t n,-.n i.
turned this noon from Portland, and are
here now to stay.
JaS. Evars. thfl Philnmnth hnnboi.
was sentenced to twenty years in the
penitentiary for forgery
Jud.eJ. W. Hamilton, of Rn,phra
hTdiA'upny. beeD
. . ! ""
ut. , Jordan, ot btanford has been en-
gaged to deliver the annual commence -
ment address of the O. A. C. this year.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Petersor. of To
ledo, returned this noon from Portland,
and are the guests of E. E. Warford
and family.
The Albany high school boys Satur-
uav evening at i,-oanon aeteated ti e
team ot that city easily 43 to 11, It is
Lebanon s hrst year.
Chamberd & McCune today received a
mail order for goods from Bend, Or.,
trom their ad in the Democrat, which
is reacning out some for trade.
There are now three candidates for
congressman in the new Portland dis
tnct, G. S. Shepperd. Lafferty and
Geo. M. Hyland, none of them strong.
The height of the river between Al
bany and Eugene langes from 7 to 10
feet, a gooa rule being 50 per cent
bigner nere at the cresent, than at Eu
The front of the new Masonic temple
is being cltared, presenting a very at
trac ive exterior. The show windows
in ihe Fonmi'ler store will then be at
tenaed to.
McMir.nville defeated Newbcrg at
basket tail 19 to 17. Olin Douglas, of
this city, played torard fur McMinn
villc, with two McKee bays, formerly
of this city, in the lineup.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Murrv arrived
from San Francisco. Vr. Murry is a
commercial traveler of long experience,
and is fortunate in being accompanied
by Mrs. Vurry on this tuur.
Twelve life certificates were eranteri
I. by the state board. Linn caunty bavin?
one, C. E. Baker, of i-r.edJ. Amng
ihe five ear ctriiticates Linn has twu
Miss Edith McCourt and C. r. ftaU
E. E. Sharon, and Frank Fields of
, Portland are both candidates for secre
! tary of state; but Ben Oicott, the pres
ent secretary or state, wno nas been
making good, will get there just the
Ben Worsley, a leading citizen of
Antoria, was at the Hotel Revere yes
terday. 'lwer.ty-five years ago Wors
ley w as-one of the tbiniLg lignu ic the
firemen's tournament, then a popular
f rtgvn even;. I
Prof. Carroll H. Palmer, assisted b
Mrs. Palmer, yesterday afternoon gave
a sacred recital, enjoyed by forty or
fifty friends, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. fanner, in tne train diock.
Prof. Palmer gave a comprehensive
paper on the history of the oratorio,
which is the highest form setting of
sacred text or storv. The root was laid
in tne 13th and 14th centuries in the
miracle plays, the oratorio itself de
velonin? in the sixteenth century, and
not in Italy but in Germany did it reach
its perfection.
there are only ihirty-eignt stanaara
oratorios. Of these the Messiah.
written by Handel in 1641, at the age
of 56 years, in 23 days; Creation,
Havdn's masterpiece, a little later, a
composition requiring two years' time;
KUiah, which toon Menaeissonn 4 years
to compose, a hundred years after the
Messiah, and St. Paul are tne oest.
Prof. Palmer sang, with mucn reeling,
selections from Messiah, a story of
Christ, prophecy, sufferings, and ressur
rection; The Creation, which suggests
its theme: and Elijah, which Prof. Pal
mer considers the greatest of all of
During a resting spell Mrs. Palmer
was heard in a pretty Beethoven sonata,
splendidly presented.
Prof. Palmer received many compli
ments for the excellent program, an
incentive to the b?st in music.
Von Husen Freerksen. Last even
ing at 4 o clock a charming nome
wedding occurred at one of the best
known families in Albany, that of Mr.
and Mrs. Stephen "Freerkson, their
daughter Margaret'was united to Mr.
Harry J. Von Husen of ban rrancisco
in marriage by the Rev. t. ri. uesei-
bracht. The house was beautifully
decorated with Oregon eraoe and cut
flowers. Accorrpanied by Miss Jennie
Freerksen as bridesmaid and Mr. Fred
P. Luetters as groosmsman . the bride
and goom descended the stairs to the
strain of Mendelssohn's WeddinirMarch.
The ceremony was performed unaer a
green ana nowery canopy in tne oay
window of the parlor. The bride wore
a gown created from white crape de
chine. The relatives and immediate
friends of the fa"ulv were present
Later dainty refreshments were served
by the brides girlhood companions. The
bridal partv departed last night to parts
unknown. The young couple, thus
! started out auspiciously, will make their
home in ban rrancisco where, say tney
he latch string will always be out to
i """
''News from Albany's Six Early
. Trains.
I Dr. Clarence True Wilson, of Port
the land, returned home after spending
Sunday in Corvallis, where he delivered
a couple of red hot temperance addresses-
Among other things he gave
W. J. Bryan credit for his sp'enid man
hood, and touched up the president,
with his jelly back-boie on the tem
perance question.
Elbert Warford returntd to Portland,
where he is working for the t oster
Kleiser Advertising Co , doing the
largest business in the Northwest. He
is winning out in his Salem case,
I Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Curl, former Al
' bany young people, and one of their
two children, returned to Portland
'after an Albany visit. Mrs furl was
formerly Mis3 Crowder, prominent
. here a tew years ago.
' Gene Simpson, a Chinese insurgent
I from Corvallis, upon whose empire the
su.n nev.?r .s. passed through on a
rdstmguishedCorva.r,s man,
i going to Portland wa3 S. B. Bane, i
capitalist and democratic warhorse, to
1 whom the name of Brvan alwavs
sounas gooa.
Lawyer A. O. Condit, of Salem, went
to Corvallis.
Mrs. Ed. Allen, of Sherwood, left for
J. B. Gentry returned to his A.O.U.
W. campaign at Salem.
Bill Jones, of Jefferson, returned
home by way of Albany from a Salem
Doug Hamilton, having seen.' four
new sets of moving pictures, returned
to Scio, with his head bursting out with
views of the world.
Judge Kelly returned to Sa'em, where
there is a good deal more work on hand.
Mr. and T3. Underhill, of Salem,
returned home after a visit at Dr.
C. H. Burggraf left Northward with
his architect's case.
Dr. Sumption went to Portland.
Herald Jackson went down Jeffeson
Walter Saxtod arrived fromTanger.t.
Supt. John Stevens went up the C. &
E. to look after the washout at the
Brcitenbush, stopping all tralhc beyond
that point. The raging waters knocked
things soma-.Yhat Up there.
Qiric a Scheme.
The North Albany Lard Co . his con
ceited a great srhtme. r. turn bks
t:kn the list oi eligible voumt men
over li.cre, nd r.avi.-g -t . all the
ary uec.-iers in Orraha. will niid u to pp.rh of th'rp, Raeaeinz a
itreat inf! ix of women iptu thot tectioo.
Whether ihe North Albanygirlswulap
preciate this is to be set n.
Puuial cf Mrs. Dunn.
Mrs. H. Dunn, who died Katnrrfa. ut
het home on Denver street, was turied
yesterday, after luncr.i eiic a at me
home. She was a woman of udr tinced
yean, and leaves a kiKbrd iH
on. Mr. Dunn is a horse dealer.
M. A. Miller of Lebanon
Will Make the Race.
State Senator M. A. Millar wns in
the city today attendinging a session of
the county board of education. While
here he informed the Democrat that he
will be a candidate for U. S. senator on
the democratic ticket, and in a few
iavs will make his announcement with
his platform.
U is record in the state legislature has
universally been on the side of the pe:
him a p-estage that is bound
w euuut in me election.
It is not certain he will have anv on
position in the primary election. Judire
Galloway, who has been mentioned, it
is said is not a candidate, and it is
doubtful if Hon. J. M. Gearin will run.
Me is not a candidate.
San Francisco, Jan. 13 The largest
army ever concentrated by this govern
ment in time of peace will be assembled
on the Pacific coast during the summer
months. According to the report given
out in army circles today and confirmed
oy aispatcnes to this city from Wash
ington, it is planned by the war depart
ment to order more than 27.000 soldiers
into the field in full fighting equipment.
This will include all the regular and
militia regiments of the Pacific coast
states Oregon, Washington, Californ
ia, Arizona. New Mexico and Utah.
Cavalry, infantry, artillery, signal corps
and hospital corps will be the different
orancnes ot the service which will par
ticipate. It is stated that these huge maneu
vers will be held the latter Dart of
June or the first part of July. Tne
grounds selected for the mimic battles
will be in and around Klamath Falls,
Or. - - '
What purposes the government had
for the mobilization of such a laree
body of troops the local army officers
state they do not know, but it nas been
miunti ,u( aumc nine mat uio war utj -
partment has been desirous of making
a show of force on the Pacific coast
similar to that which was made the last
summer along the Mexican border.
Twenty or thirty business men of La Rudd.
Grande, will be in the city tomorrow on -their
way to Medford to attend the ! Comrade Carnine, after a visit here
annual convention of the Retailers of of several days with Sister Brown and
Oregon. They will arrive at 4.1S and others, left for Cast'e Rock for a visit
go to Corvallis at 8 o'clock, probably before returning to his home at Con
sleeping until the train gees or getting drn. He had a delightful Albany visit.
ineir ureaKtasi. iney win return on
the train at 12:10. being here twenty
minutes, when our commercial club will
have a delegation present for a short
visit with the distinguished Eastern
All along the way the mn will be
given hearty receptions, suggestive of
the spirit of the day.
Six young men in a launch from Co:
vallis had a very narrow escape from
drowing Irst night In th raging waters
of the tVillametteat "Halfmoou Bend"
nuuui nan way ueiweea Aioany ana
Their cries of help were heard by
Vr J. H. Djdge. and the news was
telephoned to Mr. Van Hussen of
Corvallis, who cime down the rivet and
rescued the sbipwreckod from their pe:
ilious place.
The Limits Election.
The election for the extension of the
city limits was taking place today, with
a very small vote in the city, and a fu-l
vote outside, where a good deal of in
terest prevails, with doubts as to th.f
extension prevailing, so pronounced h
the fight been aguin.t the inctea3 r
taxep, voters looking at it from a pe. -
sonal standpoint.
If this is the case it will have to I
done by piecemeal.
E. R. Clarke, of Sa!em,H.vas in
city today.
W. J. Fisher and family returned
this noun 'ruin a folk county visit.
The P&c f.c Telephone Co. h&s a new
director y cut. The Albany list requires
37 pa?es.
Mrs. IV llodk'es went to We'N thij
aftcnoon n a visit with tur mother,
who is seriously nl.
N. F. MrDuff. forestry superintend-
en', is In rorti nd tins week attending
a meeting of sup rvisors.
Dr. Trarv left this noon for Vrdford
to see lhat farr.rus boom town. He will
alfo attend the convention of retailers.
Frtd H'jiVch. c f L J. Gray & Co.
went to l'rownviile this morr ing on
real estate business for the company.
Dr. Lewea'ix. of t is city, at a recent
meeting o. the tate Osleopahic At
socialion. was elected vice president.
The Miiitarv dance aiinounced for
Feb 22, tt asbirgton's bir'.hdav, has
beenchangtd to Feb 2-ith, Tuesday eve
ning, on P'-cuunt of the Utter date
coming in I. nt.
F. M. Kedfipld left last night on the
'ate train for Los Angeles, where he
will spend several months, taking a
much needed rest after the the stren
uous duties of the recordership for five
yean withuut a vacation.
The extension of the city limits was
leteated yesterdav afternoon, as antic
ipated, by a decisive vote, as follows:
uutside tne city limits: At E!m
treet oolls -29 for. 73 against. At
prune dryer. 8 for. SI auainst. Total
37 l'oi , 104 against.
The vote in the citv. which therefore
does not count, was:
hirst ward. 10 fur, 18 against.
Second ward 41 for, 9 against.
Third ward 46 for, 31 against.
Total 137 for, 68 against.
Tee total vote in an out was 164 for.
162 against.
News from Albany" Six
The La Grande business men arrived
on the early train, in charge of W. H.
Jenkins, traveling passenger agent,
took breakfast here, and went to Cor
vallis on the 8 o'clock flyer.
F. J. Fletcher and family left on the
4:18 train for Southern Oregon, Mr.
Fletcher to attend the convention of
retailers at Medford, Mrs. Fletcher
and children to visit friends in Ashland.
Rev. Knotts went out to Lebanon.
Tom Stevens and sister. Miss Ma- me,
left for Portland, tho former probably
going up into Washington.
Mrs. Christensen left on a Corvallis
visit. She was in Portland recently
after returning from her Omaha visit
with her daughter and twin grand
children. Chub Harris, Clyde W ard and other
linemen went to Corvallis on a fixing
Z. G. Hays, who recently sold his
place at tangent, came down to Al
bany, which he expects to make his
Dr. Davis, of Yaquina oyster fame,
arrived from fcugene, and went west
ward. M. V Weatherford returned from
Corvallis, where he had a case in
court yesterday evening.
Commissioner Butler went down to
Jefferson to see about the Greens ferry
' bridge, that recently went out
Col. Eddy, right-of-way man, came
: over irom iOrvaius.
Mrs. Harold Jackson and child re
turned to Portland on the early train
H. C Powell left on a week's visit
with relatives in Portland s suburbs.
Mrs. Flo returned from her Lebanon
Mrs. Maggie Stetter returned from
G. L. Sanders returned from Leba
non, where a deal is on to have one
telephone system.
Mrs. Kate Vaughn arrived from
Lebanon on a visit with her sister, Mrs.
A Fright.
This refers to the streetcar, with its
fire cracker wheel, going off at every
A couple of drummers at the
' this morning were discussing it,
j one said:
"Isn't that a fright. I never
nnjtning liKe it.
Awhile ago there was another wheel
i like it replaced with a round one, afte.
an excruciating agony, and this one at
the lime wasn t much better, but the
vvuip" ivv iv iv'oam inwny. ino
i old car was dumped on the city from
1 Eugene, kicked out of that city, and
has been an eyesore ever since. If
the Company wont fix it it should be
dumped into the river or taken to a
junk snot
Jerry Is Back.
Jerry Donovan, the commercial trav
eller, ha) returned from a visit with his
folks at San Francisco. He run up
- against an Kinos or experiences, says
an overcoat was stolen by a minister
i and some one else took his watch chain,
i lie doesn't say who, and it is said he
lost numerous other things, including
his heart, but this isn't proven yet.
P. T. Crane, of Chicago, left 11.000,
OO'i for deserted wives and children.
The Portland Y M.C. A. now has a
--.aibership of 5273, one of the largest
i . the world.
Twin brothers of Wichita, Kan.,
married twin sisters down in Oklahoma,
i.nd awhile afterwards there were born
lo tiie parents of th-j grooms another
set of twins.
-The secretary of wnr recommends an
appropriation of j21,0'H) for dredging a
six foot channel up the Willamette,
' will prubably ho enouee
to di the woik as far as Salem, und
then over aain next year.
A bowling contest is being arranrred
bet en .a Lebanon team, and one fn-rn
the Aicj club, perhxps naxt rri.'i
night, at thi city. The Alco team v.ii:
probably be G. A. Flood, Jack Berry,
i. Fox and Dave I'attcrson.
Two Greeks in CI icago pay $-'1,3)0 s
year for a space eiht feet square for
a boot b ack stand: but it is all start'!,
every 'nch used, and the men wouldn't
pay it if ther; wasn't mor ey in it. but
tfink of the property owner, able to
Arure nui-h a price, and of the condi
tio' a that call f:jr it.
K. A. : Residents in the neighh ir
hood of Fry Btation. on the Southern
Paciiic branch between Albany ani
Lebanon, have peMtionod the railroad
commission to order the construction of
a shelter shed at that poiit.
E. K : A number of men from Port
Iwnd bavp paired through JLeSHno-,
recently for tne nvintttins nbevo Win
cimti to take up timber claims. It if
reported tht they are locitin on t-i'
Norton n Pacific Railroad Company'
building nd will enter contests for the
tracts. Tne timber mi th" ln i H sa
to t-3 of tLt ye-y bej' q'la.ity
Th regular meetine of the Alhantr
Commercial club was held last night wita
the following present: President Eat
burn. Manager Stewart, Treasure!
Bain, and Directors Van Winkle, shinn,
Hammer. Stewart. French. Collins.
Sox and Nutting
A communication was read: From
Oregon Development League wish
membership bill for $5.
The committee on conventions re
ported an effort to secure a meeting of
the Retailers Coovention at Albanv
next year. An invitation was ordered
extended the Oregon Retail Merchants
Association to meet mAlbanv next venr.
and F. J. Fletcher was appointed chair
man ot tne delegation to personally
present Albany's case.
As many as possible were requested
to meet the La Grande excursion party.
A letter was received from Senator
Chamberlain stating that he would do
everything possible to Becure the in
creased appropriation for the post office.
Agent a. a, MicKel reported an
excursion to Lcs Aneeles cn Feh. 10.
leaving Albany at 9:10 p. m., for $79
for adults, $5S 15 for children. Good
for return trip, 4 pullman car meals on
train, 11 mels at first class hotels,
trolley and other rides, receptions, etc.,
tickets good for 90 days, with stop
Sale o Pictorial Review Patterns
Started Yesterday.
To say the least it was a surorise. in
tact a revelation to Chambers & Mc
Cune, they never dreamed of anv one
thing being so popular and of such great
.lemand or they would have been seHing
notorial Keview patterns long ago.,
It was the greatest success of any
department ever added to the store.
lhree girls were busy all day selling
patterns. There is a free chart of in
structions with every pattern a face
appreciated by the women and one
Chambers & UcCune knew nothing
Women that have used Pic'.oral Re
view patterns told of their many ad
vantages over other patterns, most
especially the tact that they are true to
Disturbed Again.
Editor Democrat:
That man back east, mentioned in tho
Democrat, would not have done the
deed he did if our divines would preach
God's word instead of platonism, a
relic of heathenism, that the church is
eo loath to get rid of. The Bible
teaches the dead know nothing until the
resurrection morning, Ps. 14ti:4. besides
God's word in no place says werhall go
io neaven at aeatn, or at any otner
time. To teach that the soul of man is
immortal, and knows more in death
than while living in this life is enough
to make the devil and his imps laugh
and dance with glee. One' would think
our would be teachers could see the
point and teach God's word.
Morning Star Grange.
Morning Star Grange No. 311 met on
the 13th for an ail day session. After
partaking of a bountiful repast Past
Muster Robert Houston installed the
officers for the coining year:
WJrttvy Master, A. 0. Libby.
Overseer, Thos. Farlow.
Lecturer. Mrs. O, il. lllurca,
Treas., W. E. Fisher.
Sec, Mrs. L. R. Reynolds.
Pomona, Lena Asehe,
Lady Assistant, Gertrude Asche.
A'ter the installation the following
trustees wero elected. W. E. Fisher for
one year, G. A. Asche for two years
and Thos. Farlow for three years.
Although a stormy day a good attend
ance was at the meeting and several
important matters were discussed.
fare. Li. k. Reynolds, Sec.
Keeent bales.
L. J. Gray & Co. have made the fal
lowing sales recently:
Jennie Anderson to Theodore Hoflich
15 acres at $75 per acre, 3 miles west of
Ben Ridder o F. C. Dannais. lot
Slxo7 on 3rd St. betwetn Lyon and
Unker strets, price $18i0. He will
build a paint and paper stop, and has
already begun on it.
Theodore Hoflich to C. H. DcLancey.
31 acres at $IJ0 per acre, 4 miles south
west of Albanv.
A Pleasant Social Affair.
St. Mary's social cli:b entertained
iliuir fri ,os laot i ikIil to ti.e number
of sixty. Progressive high five was
i.layed in which George Dooley and Mrs.
Irnci-v won prizes Committee con- "
iH'ing of .Mrs Jn.j. Donley, Mrs. J. J.
acott. (i'-ririife Stevens und Margaret
-Shea hud churgu of the anangements
and a very enjoyub'e evrning was spent
followed t-y rdrtshments,
The Albiny aw Mill.
At a ineetirg ot the llojrd of Direc
tor nl ihe Aioany I.'jrnti.-r Company
hen! )-s ml y at the Cimip jp 's offices
atttifta- mill, the mill was ordered
-j1.ic-'1 in otera'ion as sion as possible,
there beir.g Eiil!'uii'r.t orders on hand
and in vii-w of advanced prices to in
sure con inuous operation throughout
the year. A cih dividend of ten per
cent wab dcc.a.cJ and (.aid.
The Wetlher.
tl'iri'o of temrxiraturc 10-11.
Kxinfrfll 04 of an inch.
The r ver te'.l over four feet ar d i
20 feet today. Teams are now cross
ing from Benton countv.
Pr dl'im: fair toi'rht rd Wrd:-8-i.iy.