Wonderful Wonderful IS OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE WE HAVE SOLVED THE PROBLEM FOR YOU TO REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING. WE HAVE DONE MORE. THAN THAT WE HAVE BROUGHT OTH ER MERCHANTS, WITH HIGH PRICES, DOWN INCH BY INCH SO YOU CAN COMPARE OUR HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE WITH SO-CALLED BARGAIN PRICES ON INFERIOR GOODS. "BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT, THEN GO AHEAD." Albany Democrat A GREAT CLEARANCE SALE VELVET SUITS DRESSES OF WE CAN SAFELY SAY THAT THIS LINE OF VELVET READY-TO-WEAR SUITS AND DRESSES ARE FAR ABOVE THE LINES SHOWN YOU ELSE WHERE. MADE UP QF THE FINEST LYONS VEL VETS WITH A CLOSE, HEAVY PILE THAT WILL NOT MAR OR CRUSH DOWN. VELVET SUITS AT ONE HALF VELVET DRESSES AT ONE HALF HAMILTON'S The Popular Store for the People Entered at the post office, Albany. Of . a tecond class trail tram r. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, S4.G0. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at ?2. ' F. P. Nutting. A LEAKY SHIP. The Washington correspondent for the Xew York World describing the I meeting o: tne repunncan national "1. Turning of the cabinet room of the White house into a battle ground for a conflict between two factions of the party over the selection of the chairman of the committee on ar rangements for the next convention, with the president of the United States as an unsuccessful umpire. "2. An open declaration of war by the anti-Taft men against his renom ination on the ground that he cannot be elected. "3. The abandonment of the 'pro gressive' and 'new nationalist' issues in the fight against the president and the resort to the old-time methods for factional supremacy. "4. The discarding of the boom for Senator Robert Marion La Follette of Wisconsin and the raising of the standar dof Theodore Roosevelt by party chieftains who have been pub licly branded by him as reactionaries and stand-patters. "5. The official declarations . of chairmen of the republican state com mittees of two states that Mr. Taft can not be re-elected if present con ditions continue through the coming campaign. "6. The apparent inability of Pres ident Taft to prevent an open breach in his party as a result nf the aggres sive attitude of his adversaries who have assumed command of the move ment to bring about the nomination of Col. Roosevelt in order to prevent his own." PERSONAL. harry Dunlap was down from Gates. D. Bernard Kavanaugh and wife, of Los Angeles, were in the city today. M. J. Beezer, the architect, of Se attle, returned from Medford, where be has charge of a new bank building. Francis Albro, the musician, returned this noon from Portland, where he was nearly snowed under, all the same as Chicago. Miss Laura Taylor this week enter tained the Alpha Omega girls in a delightful session. The guests of honor were Misses Nan Stewart and Blanche Wren and Mrs. Greta Berry. &!r. and Ajrs. Adolph Senders this noon returned from Portland, where they left six inches of show, mostly slush and running water, the streets in a somewhat demoralized condition. Mr. Van Busson, the fortunate young man, of San Francisco, who is to be come the husband of an Albany young lady, arrived this noon. The ceremony will take place on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the home of Stephen Freerksen, father of the youag lady, Miss Margaret. A GIRL'S WILD MIDNIGHT RIDE GREATEST EVENTS OF 1911. To warn people of a fearful forest fire in the Catskills a young girl rode horseback at midnight and saved many lives. Her deed was glorious, but lives are often saved by Dr. King's Xew Discovery in curing lung trouble, coughs and colds, which might have ended in consumption ot pneuomnia. "It cured me of a dread ful cough and lung disease," writes W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex., "after four in our family had died with consumption, and I gained 87 pounds." Nothing, so sure and safe for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar anteed by Fred Dawson. - IF YOUR GROCER doesn't handle Valley Creamery Butter ask him WHY? Victoria Chocolates, at the Mission Parlors, are delicious eating. The following are given by Thomas A. Edison as the greatest achieve ments for 1911: 1. Attempt to establish a Chinese republic. 2. Dtsrovrrv hv Frlirh nf c.nlv.nrn. san for the cure of specific disease. 3. Unexpected rapidity of the con-, struction of the Panama Canal. 4. Improvements in aerial naviga-' tion. 1 5. Important disfesveries in surgi cal technique at the Rockefeller In stitute, t , 6. Final proof of the efficiency of typhoid vaccination. 7. The rise and near perfection of the diescl engine. California Excursion 'A' personally condiiclcd special train excursion will leave Willamette Valley via the IVJf SUNSET I (OGDEN&SHASTAl I I V ROUTES f I IOWA AND THE SALOON. for a tour of the most interesting points in California, Feb ruary 10th. Train will consist of Pullman Standard Sleeping cars, Observation car, Diner and Exclusive Baggage car. Fare for the round trip $79.00, including sleeping car berth, all rneals on going trip, numerous side trips, auto rides and entertainment, also rail ticket returning to starting point. Here is a chance to sec California under the most favorable circumstances at small expense, in mighty good company, and under intelligent guidance. Some points of interest enroulc arc: San Francisco, San Jose, Del Monte, Santa Barbara, I.os Angeles, and the great orange belt of California. Tickets are good for return any lime within 3 months, and allow stop-over. Ask the S. P. Agent for advance itinerary, sleeping car reservations, tickets and all required information, or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. THE REAL CITIZEN "WORTH WHILE." The man who is "too busy" to lend a little help in the community's common cause is too busy to measure high ill the community stature. The man who is so poor he "can't afford" to support a well- founded, successful, result-pro- ducing community movement, is indeed so poor that he is on the debit side of the comnnm- ity ledger. The man who counts for something in the community is the man who does something for the community, anu he is the same man who gets back from the community the fullest measure of return. If you are not yet "a real citizen worth while," join the Commercial Club at once, and thus assist the other live wire citizens of Albany in carrying on the public woik of our citv. i A big anti-saloon victory has been pained in Iowa in the decision on the Moon law, which limits the number of saloons to one in one thousand. This will reduce the number of saloons in the state to 301. In Davenport they will drop from 139 to 43, as an ex ample. In five years the number of saloons, under local option, has been reduced from 3000 to 795, which will now drop to 301. Out of 830 incor porated towns and cities in the state 706 are now without saloons. Four teen large saloon cities are in the dry column. LOST A little girl's gold bracelet, edged. Please return to residence D, P. Mason. FOR SALE Columbia disc Graphore and 60 selections for $20. Inquire 832 Lyon St. tl6 INCUBATOR FOR SALK.225 egg Reliance.1 Mrs. Frank K'tchen, Sa lem Road. Home phone 285. lot WANTED. Dressmaking ly the day. Call 224 Baker St. or Home phone mza. tib ORPINGTONS, Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Leghorns, Bantams, Pekin ducks, turkeys, etc. write tor cir cular, f.impso.i's Pheasant Farm, Corvallis, Oregon. tA9 WANTED Girl or woman for general housework. Farmers 21X1 Bell. tl6 TAKEN UP-t-A ewe sheep. Call; at 13'lO Elm street. FOR SALE OR TRADE for draft colts. 1 registered filly sired by Prince Seattle dam Alice May Norte coming 3 years old, well broke, weight 1000 lbs. 1 registered filly sired by Tida! Wave dam Alice May Norte coming 2 years. Hugh Isom opp Albany Hw'd Co. 8t BOARD AND ROOM- for two in pri vate family $4 50 per week. Call 316 ast becond St. tl2 OUR WANTS. City Treasurer's Notice. 1 Albany, Oregon,. Jan.2, 1912. There are funds on hand to pay war rants of the General Fund of the City of Albany No's 270, to 39:, inclusive of issue of the of 1910 Interest on these warrants will cease with this date. ! H. B. Cusick, City Treasurer. t i O. A. C. Short Courses Begin Jan. 3, Continue Four Weeks ASK FOR LINN BUTTER It's Pasteurized. Quality Guaranteed Manufactured by Albany Creamery Association 9th and Madison St. Both Phones. Carried by all the Leading Grocers. The Jersey Dairy, HERD TUBERCULIN TESTED. Pure Milk and Cream delivered twict daily. If you do not get your milk promptly, call me on either phone. W.C. Schultz, proprietor. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Albany, Oregon, January 5, 1912. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned treasurer of the city of Al bany, Oregon, will receive sealed pro posals at his office in the city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, on or before 8 p. m. the 14th day of Febru ary, 1912, for the purchase of all or some portion of 75 negotiable bonds (refunding) each for the sum of S1000.00, dated October 1st, 1911, and payable October 1st, 1931, redeemable at the option of the city of Albany after October 1, 1921, bearing 5 per cent interest, payable semiannually. Certified check fo." 2 per cent of amount bid for must accompany pro posal. No bond will be sold for less than par value, and the right is re served to reject any and all bids. H. B. CUSICK, Treasurer of the City of Albany, Ore. Start the New Year YOU ARE INVITED Kvery citizen of Oregon is cordially j invited to attend the short courses ol the Oregon Agricultural College, lc- Htnnnitf Jan. X hlcven distinctive jeoures will he offered in Agriculture, i Mechanic Art., Domestic Science and Art. Commerce. .Forestry and Mumc 1 Fvery course is designed to HKl.P (the Mudent in his daily work. Make jihU a pleasant and pro'iuhle wintc-j 'outing. No tuition. Re.nonahle ae jconuuodations. For beaut it ul ilhis- trated hulletin. addre j H. M. TFN'XANT, j Registrar. Corvallis, Oregon. ! ! r.iri"r"s IUimiicx Course hv r "- rcsponJcnce. ' J iMII.BIHB BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. Good 5-room house, w'!"i woodshed, comer lut on 1st St., ac:rai,le loca tion, $1,350. A plot of land, about 4 lots, this side Pcnnywindle. good location, fronting on two streets, $850. IWCIFIC REAL ESTATE CO., 106 E. 1st St, Albany. 1 AfctAlY .rCrt J BY REPLACING ALL YOUR WORN OUT TOOLS WITH SOME NEW AND UP-TO-DATE ONES. WE HAVE THEM AT ALL PRIC ES. ALSO. CARRY THE BEST MAKESE OF TOOLS OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS FOR CARPENTERS. CABINET MAKERS AND MA-CHINISTS. HULBERT-OHLING H'D. CO CHOICE VETCH Hay for Sale At fr.rm 4l miles S. E. of Albany on the Brownsville road. This hay was cut right, cured and stacked right, baled and put inside the barn be fore the rain. ?9 per ton at farm, or if wanted in car lots $10 on car at Froman Station. Phone "Home" ' 2445, or call D. X. Williamson, Home Phone Xo. 3351, Corvallis. 8t WANTED. Capable, ambitious woman for pleasant profitable work. See Mre. Millar 106 E. 4th St. WANTED -A wood chopper. D. L. Pettibone, 1 mile from Granger. Home phone, Corvallis. t7. FOR RENT- Furnished rooms, heat, bath, lights. Call 215 E 1st St. Bell phone 573 R. 2t WANTED. lo know the whereabouts of W. II. Elliot, a young man, who once worked for the subscriber. Ad dress Ed. Holloway, R.D. 5. tS FOR SALE. Full Blood Berkshier shoats weight 100 to 150 lbs. also some fine brood sows, W. M. Dresser, Elkins ad. FOUND. A breast pin, octangular,, with initials PPR. At Democrat office. FOUND. -A bank book of C.H.Rosen- berg, Caldwf 11, Idaho, First Na tional, can be had at this office. FOR RENT. House keeping and sleep ing rooms. Bilyeu's rooming house, 224 S. Baker. , 2t FOR RENT-Nicely furni:bed rooms, at reasonable price, hot and cold water, bath and toilet. 532 Baker st. 2t WANTED. Posi'ion as stenographer and typewritist. 328 E, 2nd street. t8 WANTED. A second hand bicycle, good condition. Call at Postal Tel. office. DRESSMAKING. Apply at Blount Rooming; House. t28 LOST. Locket and chain, with picture of owner, voung lady. Return to Democrat office WANTED By a college boy, work during the holidays and out of school hours. Phone 5S1-Y Bell. FOR SALE Some thoroughbred Buff Orphington chickens. A. J. Rader, ' Tangent, R. D. 1. tl5 FOR SALE CHEAP-Cow 7 years old, giving milk, also graded Poland China boar. W. R. Dumbeck, R. D, 4, Al bany. t2I FOR SALE. Tenhead of well broke gildings and mares, weighing from 1000 to 1600 lbs. one span of heavy mares, both due to foal March 1st, with guaranty trial allowed. Amb rose Beard, 508 E. Fifth St., Albany. tl8 SWEET CIDER.-Order of C. R. Wid mer, R. D. 4, Home phone 2801. 18t FOR SALE. or Exchange for Albany property. 12 acers at Sodaville, cultivation, good orch ard, fine residence, well finished, wind mill, new barn. See W; V. Jones, D. V. S., Albany. Dr. Jones. tl FOR SALE Farm, 220 acres. 2 miles west of Millers, good buildings, 135 acres in cultivation. AM or half. cash, balance long time, at 4 percent interest. C. Wetzel, R. D. 2. Home phone. let FOR SALE-26 by 110 ft of property. Call on Mrs. Fromm, 440 E 1st. 5t WOOD-Mapleforsale. WaltonRoon House. Home phone 1458. 14t DRESSMAKING Miss Ingram,! 1017 E 1st. Home phone 167. tl2 MADE IN ALBANY, Show cases, counters, and other store fixtures, first-class goods, by the Union Furni ture Factory. Order of them. Keep money at your home. CABBAGE. For sauer kraut, and onions. Phone Fatmers 2x1, E. L. McKeever. 27t GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for palo at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany. Skill lv set, if desired. FOR KENT. 14 acres 1 miles from Albany, east, orchard and garden, at $15 mo. Posession Feb. 1. Inquire R. Volkman, Crabtree. t2 FOR SALE by the owner, a six room house and two lots, center of toan, half block from High school. Apply on the premises 322 East 4.h street. H. Barns. WORK Young married man wants work of any kind. Call 316, 2nd St., or phone Pacific 47, Home 460. APPLES for cooking, delivered any where in city, also chickens and ducka dressed or not. as desired. Call G. B. Peebler, phone Farmers 16X1. FOR SALE Lot and house, wired, well finished, good water. At a bar gain. R. F. Cramp, Front and Den ver. Easy terms. t PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for piano tuning at Woodworth's Drug Store. C. M. Henderson, Tuner. FOR SALE-1 J50 Victor talking ma chine and $39 worth of records, all good as new, for $40. 641 W 4th St. 16t MO VED. W ill be pleased to see friends and customers. A full line of hair goods. Hair worked and bought. Corsets m de to order. 105 W. Is St. up stairs Room 3. Mme Tiffany. Home phone 277. FOR SALE. Farm, with 12 sets of buildings, 552 acres. 7 miles east of Albany, all or part, at sacrifice, terms to suit, with or without stock and machinery. See me if you mean business. C. R. Gerie, R. D. 1. 10 21t MESSENGER BOY.-Bryan Roberts, on short notice. 215 W 1st, room 20. Home phone 484. LODGE MEETINGS. . The K. O. M. every Saturday even ing. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. Vjercck, clerk. Manzamta Circle 1st and 3rd Mon days, Schmitt Block, i ,JI,cn Woodmen everv 2nd and 4th tdnedays. Grant Froman. clerk bchmitt Block. Royal Neighbor ererv 1st and 3rd Wdnrrf-v Al. k';.l- D i Schmitt Block. j fuitiMlUaj