Albany Demo VOL XLV.l ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2), 1911 SO 22 Store Open this Evening Until 9 O'clock Visit the Big Ready-to-Wear and Ready-to-Use Merchandise Specialty store this evening fof your last minute's shopping. If you are worried what to get for the Lady, Miss or Child your troubles will soon end after you enter this Big Store, where the goods have an ex clusive tone. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL THE WORLD. Tne Demicrat on Mmday will taVe Us usual Chri Unas holiday, a custom llii: office has always observed. The president has been around and Voughr his presents Now what was Mrs. 1. floinir. Here the women do u (he buying. The Democrat annrecintes a nurse from the I ortland Nurseries Co.. Al bert Brownell manager. There is a place i or paper money ana also tor gold and silver, and other thinirs. and Christmas is almost here. Chambers & McCune Chambers & McCune Don't Miss A Good Opportunity. Many men who are "WAITING" today, trying to decide whether or not to invest in Albany property, were in the same unsettled frame of mind five or ten years ago. They lost their opportunities then, and they are passing them by now. Others bought then and made money. They are buying today and making money. While the "WAITING" man's time never comes. Make up your mind to do, then ACT. Get hold of some good resi dence property in RAMBLER PARK at once. The owners of this addition have made the price so reasonable and the terms so easy that you cannot afford to pay rent any longer. Call at our office and let us explain our plan to you. Our experience and our advice are at your service. COLLINS & TAYLOR, No. 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Oregon. Just Received J. R. ELDRIDGE, 438, W. 2nd St.,' Albany. F.G. Willior watches in. i. t-KA 1, 242 West Second St, Albany, First-class meats of all kinds from selected stock. TOM YoUh'u, House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gelsenite roof paint 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific, Red 3092 Library Notes. Die library will be closed all dav (.nristmae and New Years. A Da m and caelus nUnt from Mra. L. E. Blain ar,e appreciated, also Ore gon grapa in tne window trom r unny Chase. A iist of desirable books from Miss Marvin, distributed among? Darents here is a fine thing. ihe librarf now has nearly liUO card holders. CHRISTMAS DOINGS. ARRESTED At the M. E church last n'crht there was a fine ChrUunus entertainim nt i wnn a good display of presents for the large S S., the biggest in the city. The program consisted of orchestra music. a song, scripture reading, anthem bv a quartet, pia-o solo by Miss Hocken- smnn. a solo bv v.iss Blanche Hummel, a reading by Miss Orah Harkness, a song by the quartet, a duet by Misses rierce ana t,uri, a song by the prima- OR HOLLEY ROBBERY. Brownsville Times: Duck Warner, son of R. E. Warni r, of Crawfotdsville, has been arrested : n the alleged charge that he was concern ed in the robbery ot the post otlice at Holley some time ago. Ihe arrest was made at Salt Lake City, where Dock fik h. ih: r, . y Pnmtt- i Innted up the rolice and informed them talk by the pastor and distnbu- .that he h' d i-, from hi3 f,lth6r th.t The New Print Shop. tion of presents. Tree and Santa Clause at the Grace! Presbyterian church tonight. Santa l lause. with fire place, at the U. P, church tonight. At the baptist church a missionary program Sunday evening by the S. S. Presbyterian :- The S. S. en'ertainment in the Opera House Monday, Christmas, 4:30. Se lections by the Orchestra and "anta Clause Junior" by the young peonlo. rree will ottering to cover Chnstmus expenses, E. E. Rooklidge reports his. new priming office busy since opening, with all he can do. a good run of work. He is a good printer. . Christmas Dinner , A fine one. At the Hotel Revere, 5:30 to 8 o'clock. v Order your cut flowers for Christmas at the Albany loral store. Got Some Jefferson Tu'Kies. Ben Clelan and Chas. Fuller brought four turkies home from the Jefferson shoot, and W. G. Ballock and Phil Bal timore about the same, eight for Al bany not being bad. Fifty turkies were put up and brought on an average 4 apiece, but it didn't cost the Albany men that. that he had heard from his father that he was under suspicion of having com mitted the robbery and was ready to go back and face the charge. He was turned over to the post omce authorities and at once taken to Portland by a dep uty marshal. Arriving in Portland last brinay morning he was met there bv his father, who immediately arranged the $1000 bond which the government requires, and Dock was released, re turning to urownsvme wun nis mtnar and is m w at his home near Crawfords- , ville. It seems that the fact that the young man left home on the morning follow ing the robbery without telling his par ents where he was going, which he has otten done letore, led to nis being sus- picioned as concerned in the robbery. The further fact that the robber or rob bers left a revolver in the post office that Mr. Warner thought looked like his, assisted in directing suspicion to the young man. It turns out however that Dock took his father's revolver with him when he left home and had it when arrested. The un is now in pos session of ihe federal authorities in Portland. THE EMPIRE Geo. E. Rolfe. Prop, and Manager. NOT OWNED OR CONTROLLED BY A TRUST. TONIGHT ' "Making a Man of Him." (Bio graph Dr.) This excellent company, always good, is bettor than ever Be fore, in a drama with a beautiful scn- 1 timent. "A -False Suspicion." (Essany Dr.1 ! A drama with a good moral. "Extrav ' agance" is bad business, and anyone I indulging therein is liable to some to ham. The awakening comes just in time iii this case to escape a general breaking up of a lovely home. "The- Rise and Fall of Weary Wil 1 lie" (Essany Comedy.) One of the roaring kind that the fcmpire is not- Thanks to Patrons. We wish to thank our patrons and friends for their kind patronuge and extena to an our Dest wisnes lor "MERRY CHRISTMAS" and HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. THE BAYNEs VARIEYY STORE. 212 E, 1st St. Next to Opera House, A Brownsville Club. Brownsville has organizes an athletic club with Dr. E. W. Howard, a former Albany college foot ball man, as presi dent, J. W. Cook vice president, Fayne Coshow secretary. Will Elmnre treas urer, F. M. Brown, Prof, llukur and J. B. Cooley trustees. It is the intention to establish a gymnasium, have a read ing room etc. I havo a largo assortment of tilver ware in knives, forks and spoons for you to select irom. L. W. Ross, Jeweler. A GOOD POSITION The Waltham Watch Co. hve put out a new watch called the " Equity" whic h aells from $5.00 to $12 in 20 years gold filled cases. These watches are fully guaranteed and are the best watch f r tne monoy in tne market, t. cat French & Son, Jewelers. Can be had by ambitious young men and women in the field of "Wireless" or Railroad Telegraphy since the eight hour law became effective, and since the Wireless Companies are es tablishing stations throughout the cd for reproducing. Three of the best I country, there is a great shortage of A shipment of Holiday Goods that are long over due. I am giving spec ial low prices on them to move them quick. It will be a big saving for you to buy of me as this low price can not be duplicated in the city. L. W. ROSS, Jeweler. Towel Supply Department. Clean towels daily for offices, stores, garages, etc. Your choice of three ex tra fine soaps, made especially for us. Rates SO cents per months, up. Tel ephone our office or ask our drivers. MAGNOLIA LAUNDRY. PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMING PAINTS, OILS AND STATIONERY films ver presented in one of the best places on this green earth. The' entire picture program is ac companied by appropriate music, and the show ends with a good Irish love song, "In Old Ireland, Where til River Kenmare Flows." Tonight Only. Special .Christmas program tomorrow and Monday. All for 10 cents. DREAMLAND 'foday 1. The Birth of a Flower. A re markable hand-coolred picture, show ing the growth and blossom of a chrysanthemum. The plant starts from a tiny slip, grows and blossoms, a picture taking weeks to secure, but shown in a few minutes. 2. The Girl and the Sheriff. An excellent Vitagraph, strikingly dra matic in the intensity of its exciting situations. , . 3. Vendetta. An interesting dra matic picture of great strength, beau tifully colored. 4. The Adventures of Billy. Sug gested by -the press comment on the tramp evil and produced by the Bio graph company. This is a feature film 5. Out Generaled. A mirth pro voking comedy. Made on the brine; dcen in which the rejected suitor, : I count, becomes sea sick and loses th' I girl to the sailor lad who carries he: away in a motor boat. 6. Cahler and Wadsworth. Musi. and effects. Four big reels of pictures. 4'XX) fee' Coming. In the early part of Jam ary, a sensation in the moving picture line. Fine Chrismas day program. Admission 10 cents. telegraphers. Positions pay begin ncrs from $70 to $90 per month, witii good chances of advancement. The National Telegraph Ins't. of Portland, Ore., operates under the supervision of R. K. and Wireless officials, and places all its graduates into positions. It will pay you tn write for full details. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE Seats now selling for Lee Willard in The Country Squire Christmas Night Pricps - Parquet and orchestra 3Gc, dress circle 50c, balcony 25c, gallery IGc. Whipped cream chocolates at Crest. Try them. The ST. CHARLES DINNER. Christmas, 5:45 to 7:45 P. M. RELISHES Olives Pearl Onions Chow Chow Eastern Oysters on Half Shell SOUP Puree of Tomato Consomme Salted Almonds FISH linked Salmon old Jardiniere ENTREES Pineapple Fritters Stuffed Bell Peppers Fillet of Beef and Mrown Gravy ROASTS Goose Turkey with Dressing and Cranberry Sauce VEGETABLES Green Peas Mashed Potatoes Sweet Potatoes ' SALAD Sliced Tomatoes Three "P" DESSERT Mince Pie Gooseberry Pie Jelly Vanilla Ice Cream Nuts Bon Hons Stuffed Dates CHEESE American Swiss Fruit Cake Punch St. Charles Hotel, Dec. 25, 1911. Please make table reservations in advance. The old saying that an old shoe fits best is what we thought was right, For that reason ' we got all our old help what we could in town and also sent to Independence and LaGrande for more, so you will find the same familiar faces and people to wait on you. They will supply Vour wants. at MEISER & MEISER Simply, Common BUSINESS METHODS Day after Da IS WHAT HAS MADE THE BLAIX CLOTHING CO., A REPUTATION THAT NONE QUESTION, AND IS CONSTANTLY GUARDED BY THE MANAGEMENT. YOU ARE NOT LURED INTO BUYING SOMETHING YOU DO NOT 'WANT AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GO AWAY DISSATISFIED. OUR STOCK OF GOODS IS THE BEST MONEY AND EXPERIENCE CAN BUY, AND WE INTEND TO J PROTECT THE INTEREST OF OUR CUSTOMERS. TION WILL APPEAL TO YOU. . YOUR TRADE IS DESIRED AND OUR SELEC- THE LAIN CLOTH ING