Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 15, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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would show the box of Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve that E. S. Loper, a carpen
ter of MarUla. v. Y., always carries.
-1 have never ."'it, wound, bruise,
or tore it womu on heal," he
wriies. "'-eatest hei..5 -f burns,
boils, scalds, chapped hanC :?! lips,
fever-sores, skin-eruptions, eczema,
corns ant! piles, 25c at all druggists.
In the 'matter of the Estate of Elisha
G. Sperry, deceased.
Notice is hereby given thnt the un
dersigned has been apuoinu-d admin
istratrix of the estate of Elisha G.
Sperry, deceased, by order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Linn. All persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby required to present the same,
duly verified as bv law required, at the
office of C. B. Winn, in Albany, Linn
County, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated this 2nd dav of November,
1911. n-IEEE M. WILLS,
Administratrix of the estate of Elisha
G. Sperry, deceased.
Attorney for Administratrix.
Notice is hereby given that the tin
dersigncd by an order of the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, have
been appointed as executors of the
last will and testament ot A. IS. Kelly
deceased. All persons having claims
against such estate are required to
present them within six months from
the date of this notice, with the prop
er vouchers, to the undersigned at
their residence, near Thomas, Oregon.
Dated this 4th day of October, 1911
C. C. BRYANT. Attorney.
First publication Oct. 6, 1911, last
publication Nov. 3, IVU.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn. De
partment No. 2.
Isaac C. Brown, plaintiff, vs. Char
lotte Brown, defendant.
To Charlotte Brown, the above
named defendant:
' In the name of the state of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of the above
named plaintiff in the above entitled
cause now on file in the office of the
County Clerk of Linn County, Ore
gon, "(he being the Clerk of the above
entitled Court), within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of this
summons; and if you fail to appear
and answer said complaint as hereby
required, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
demanded in his said complaint which
said belief is for a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existng
between the plaintiff and defendant
herein and for such other and further
relief as may be meet in equity.
This summons is published once a
' week for six successive weeks in the
Albany Democrat, a weekly newspa
per published in Albany, Linn County,
Oregon, by order of Hon. J. N. Dun
can, County Judge of Linn County,
Oregon, made this 12th day of Octo
ber, 191 1, and the date of the first pub
- lication of this summons is the 13th
day of October, 1911.
Attnrnev for Plaintiff".
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was duly appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of Frederick C.
Wetzel, deceased, by the county court
of Linn county, Oregon, on the 27th
day of October, 1911. Any and I'll
persons having claims against sa'd
estate are hereby notified to present
the same within six months from this
-date, duly verified as by lav required,
at my residence near Jefferson, or at
the office of Weatherford & Weather
ford, Albany, Oregon. Dated this 7th
jday of October, 1911.
Administratrix of the estate of Frede
rick C. Wetzel, deceased.
'Weatherford & Weatherford,
Attorneys for Admrx.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court for Linn County,
Oregon, as the Administrator of the
estate of Ed Zcyss, deceased. Any
rand all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same to my attorneys, Weath
erford & Weatherford, at their office
in Albany, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof, duly verified as
'by law required.
Dated this 20th day of September,
1911. ED L. A. ZEYSS.
Weatherford & Weatherford,
Attys, for Admr.
Yoticc 's hereby given that the un
dersigned Jennie E. Achcson has been
by the County Court of Linn County.
Oregon, duly appointed executrix of
the last will and testament of A. M.
Acheson, late of said county, de
ceased. All persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased are
ouies oqt j jd oi p5.iinb.-u Xqdjaij
v-itii proper voucher., to the under
: ' -ncd, at her home in the City of
"nan. Linn County, Oregon, within
six months from the date of this
notice. j
Dati.-' this 24th dav of November,
HEWITT & SOX. Executrix.
Attorneys for Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un-cU-rsigned
has filed with the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, her
I' ml account in the estate of J. II.
Maine, deceased, and the judge oi
?vld court has fixed the 4:h day of
December, 1911, at the hour of I
o'clock p. m. of said day for the hear-i-tr
of objections to said account and
t!?e settlement of said estate.
Executrix of the Eta:e uf J. H
Maine. Deceased.
V.'c:.''. c-'"rd & Vei-hf'f":il.
Attorneys for Executrix. 1
H. E. Morton, the new manager of
the Oregon Power Co., at this city, ar
rived last right from Sand Point, Idaho,
ana is now in charge ot the Albany
plunt. tie is a s ngle young man, oi
about 35, and comes bplendmly recom
mended for the important trust.
it. XI. Bvllesby & Co. nave six plant-
in this district, running in ths order,
in the amount of power required anc
business done: Sand Point, Albany,
naishlield, Eugene, Evereit and la
coma The changes reentry maue
were all caused by the facoma man
being sent east. Then trie Evsrett
man was promoted to Tactima, Mr
Spencer o. Eugene to Evereit, the
varshfield man to Eugene, Mr. G.e-n
of Albany to tiarshfUid. and Mr. Mor
ton of hand Point to AiDany. A new
man will be placed in charge of th;
Sand Point otlice.
A cnange in any emce, under the
system, means a moving up froia the
office below in the order named.
Some may wonder how Marshfield
ranks higher than Albany, but it is due
to the large amount of power required
there in tbe mills, and the office covers
several towns.
iir. Green expects to leave for
Marshfleld the 15th.
Big Butter Maker.
The Albany Creamery Association is
making about 8,000 pounds of butter a
week, certainly a good December rec
ord. During the last month an average
of 36 cents was paid for butter fat.
and an average ot iSo, cents receivea
for butter. The Association is doing a
big business and this year will make a
big record.
Dr. Lowe's glasses are death to bead
Dr. Rrnnlta. nf ths college, returned
thin nn-n from Snlem.
m- cnn. Mo., e VnriUnA m.onn
leading Harrisbirg man, is in the city.
Letters with red cross stamps on I
nHMnnn i!Wn 1 1 rm That mimr na I
.a.iuo m.i ..s,
on the back. I
Mrs. Marv WcWilliams and son i
Elliot, of Halsey, spent Sunday with
Albany friends.
W. H. Rhodes is home from a com-1
mercial trip through eastern Oregon
and Washington.
All is well that ends wen. ur. run s
purse oi $a40 in goio wa3 louna wnere
he hid it, in his bed.
A correspondent of a Portland paper
reports a cleanup of $900 in Albany.
Here little is known about it.
C. W. Sears is preparing the ground
for another residence on his lot, just
west of the Episcopal church.
Francis J. Heney is now in Portland
in the interest of a case against the S.
P to recover some California oil lands.
The National Wool Growers Asso
ciation of Amcrcia will convene in
Omaha on Thursday of this week
Mrs. B. W. Wilson, wife of an early
Benton county clerk, a pioneer Linn
county woman, died last week in N. Y.
John P, Sullivan, exalted ruler of the
Elks of the U. S. and party left yester
day foi the east shouting the praises of
125 Multnomah men went down to
Gearharl Park Saturday and took a
midnight swim in the 1 acific just for
the oddity of it.
Mrs J. A. Clemens, of Portland, vis
ited over Sunday at tie home of her
sister Mrs. Guy ihompson, gong to
Halsey to visit relatives.
The famous Gridiron Club met Sat
urday at Washington and grilled the
public men unmercifully. Bourne was
mentioned among others.
Carl L. Wernicke, of the Wca'.intr-
houso Electric and Manufacturing Co..
of Portland, spent Sunday in Albany
me guest oi uosepn a. ttaiston
A movement has been begun for the
recall of Judge Gardiner, of Lincoln,
who is charged with extravagance
This is flatly oeuied by the Judge and
nis triencs.
Francis Albrj arrived todav from
Spokane on a visit with his uncle, Wait
mead, ana family, tie is from Iowa,
He is a proiessi nal musician, piano
and clarionet, and a tuner, and may
The foot ball team of Lu veins. Minn..
of which Rolla Bruce of this city was
captain, won the championship of south
west Minnesota, among the high school
teams, ine rectrd was seven victories
and two losses.
A summary of the banks of Eutrene
snow toiai deposits oi 9Z,8ot,uul.44,
cash oo hand and due from other banks
$1,328,044.01; amount of loans $1,729,
255.84, capital stock surplus and un
divided profits $627,302.68.
You and your children are safe if vou
wear Dr. Lowe's glasses. Thev cost vou
no more than others and you have the
oeneiic oi nis bkiii ana more than W
years experience. Consult him Satur
day, Dec. 16 at Hotel Revere. Corvullis
lath. Scores of references.
Mr. Bert Davis, of the opera house
orchestra, says any cause for criticism
tne other night was due entirely to ar,
accident to the scenery, causing con
fusion, something the orchestra was
not to blame for. No solo was attempt
ed at all. Tne Democrat was not pres
Through an awful mental strain ii
has been figured out that six roads art
building into liugene: Oregon Eleclric,
S. P. to Coos Bay, Oregon Easterr,
from Klamath Falls, the Orezon East
ern through Malneur, etc.. Pacific Coasl
western to Loos Bay, and (he Portlanc
Eugene and Eastern from Monroe, ai
least three of which are facts. Tht
Klamath road is not a Eugene affair.
Call at Hotel Revere Saturday,
Ss- I'M. 16 snd have Dr. Lowi
show you the new ulasset
with which you can see all distances.
No lines or seams in the lens to cuter.
dirt and strain the eyes. Ne cement U
come apart. They make you fe-l young
wiinout matting yon look old. 10 navel
Mm show them to you will obligateo'j
in no way.
Mrs R. C. Hunt chairman and Mmes
Marks, Hewitt, Earl risher, Nutting,
Sehmiit, Bowersox, Weatherford, Ges
ilbraoht, Flynn, Hamilton, Briggs,
Sharp, Cbas. Stewart, Hoekensmith,
Hawkins, K. Trc-v. R E. Mason, J.
M. and J. H. Ralston, S. C. Stewart,
tSh.nn, Fianklin, Koi erts, Crowell, Flo,
B. R. Wallace, A. C. Coates. Myers,
Berrv, Johnson, Tebault, Wolff, Fuller,
Page, and Misses Laughead, Stuart.
Willetta vlrLjhc and Nelson.
Miss Kace Barrett chairman, and
Mmes. Collins, Kavnaugh, W. F.
Pfeiffer, Stevens, binders, Koy Woad,
Beam, Will Barrett, Simpson, Lein
inger, Cathev, Littler. Wjodworth,
Stark, Cuckerline, ilaun, Weider,
Swank, Monu-itn, Nelson, Hopkins,.
V. H Davis. M. V. Weather
forc", Pipe, tiuibrom, John Dooley and
Mute) Schults, Breckenridge, Dorgan.
a .d rlarkness
Mrs. Bowers, chairman, ano Mines.
Hugh Isom, Knox, Hand, M. SanOers,
C. O. Page, Gershon, Curl, Howe,
Rankin, Hall. Simons, Gentry, and r.
E., Watson, and Misses Worrell, Crortd
Fanny and Flora Stokes, Pansy
Hackleman. Sarah Pratt, Yates Curl,
Vera Taylor, Parker, Bernice Hackle
man and Froman.
Flora Mason, chairman, and Mmes.
Martin. W. H. w orrell, Wm. Fort-
miller, Howard, Archibald, Wiles,
Tweedale, Jackson, H. M, Palmer, K.
T. Anderson. Leigh, Bain. Qhling, H.
R. bchultz, Duncan, J. L. lrvnie, O. D.
Austin, Rudd, E. D. Cusick. Brown, P.
A. Young. Crooks. J. C. Irvine, Mc
Chesney, Fish, Swan, Fred Fortmiller
and Snvder. ana Misses Smead. Goff,
Mead, Laura AnJerson, Blackwell and
Mrs. Mochel, chairman, and Misses
Map's, Babe Pratt, Mary Bryant,
Little, Star and Watraus
News from Albany's Six
Conutv Commissioner Butler, of Linn
and Commissioner Smith of Benton
'.et fo.r Po'tl?n.d t0 ,a'tel 1
in tomorrow. Commissioner Russell
" . -
went yesterday and Judge Duncan may
go tomorrow.
An imnortant matter to came un is a
proposed bill providing for the issuing
of bonds for road improvements. The
Linn county grange has passed resolu
tions on the subject,
i Two cars crowded with passengers
arrived on the Spnnglieltl train
.Among those coming were Lawyers
, f ussing and Garland, to attend court
Wm. Ehlert, Mr. and Mrs. W. W
Crawford. D. H. Bodine. Oscar Ingram
Chas. Walker on his way to Portland,
and Mr Langmack, who also went to
Mr. Fred Tucker, a former Wasco
man, arrived, and may locate here. He
is a dealer in wallpaper and painters
goods, and likes tne looks ot Albany.
Miss Edith Ruhrbough went to Port
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Oefinger, of
Beaverton, returned home after a visit
with Brownsville friends.
W. W. Pollak went to Portland.
M. Bussard went out to the Binsard
farm at Bussard.
Mrs. Hendricks of Shasta county.
Calif., after a visit with her sister, Mrs.
I. A Munkers, accompanied by her
mother left for Munkers on a visit with
a sister.
The Collegs Course.
Tomorrow night Ernest J. Sias at the
M. church. The subject is "The
Lost Chord." It deals with sounds, the
law of vibration in the universe, the
key note of one's life, the responsive
cnoras in ine otner teuow, tne relations
between temperament and health, mind
and disease, thought and happiness;
man's lack of harmony, and how to re
store the lost chord to our lives. This
will be tbe greatest lecture of the year
Oomment includes: "delightful," "a
rare treat," etc.
An extra treat now first announced is
the Williams Jubilee Singers who were
the greatest attraction at Chautauxua
last summer. Thev will be here Janu
ary 26th. Buy season tickets at Wood
worth's for 11 00. Regulursingle num
bers are 50 cents and the Williams's
.re seventy-five cents
Two Foot Bill Games.
Albany foot tall boys won and lojt
last Saturday. A team went to Brown i-
ville to play some sixteen year old .
and the kids of that foot ball center did
them up 10 to 0 in a fast and furious
Another bunch of boys, younger, went
to Jefferson and played a kid's team,
winning 15 to 0, the Albany boys show
ing them some tricks and evolutions of
a modern character.
The Albany high school team, which
the Oregonian will give as the champion
high scbool team of western and aouln
ern Oregon, may play another game.
tne with the has beens of the city,
mxious for tome fun.
The Govs, at N. Y.
Thi Governors from fha West.
inclu-iing West, reached New York
yesterday, where a reception wan ten-
iprea mem at tne valdorr Astoria
Fhe Governors have a train load of
western product they are showing,
including some from Oregon, and Loui(
Mill ha1 better look azam before sav
ing that Gov. West is only politics. A
matter of fact urieon is cettinir iit
share of tbe boost.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 55-30.-
The river is 3.4 feet.
Rainfall .01 inch.
Prediction: occasion-! rain Mn Af
Ben Olcott Will Not Allow Tech
nicalities to Rule.
An application for the recmisition
f Pearl H. Green who is wanted
Taeoma on a charge of failing
to provide for his minor child, was
rai;ted yesterday bv Acting Governoi ,
Oieoit. Green is said to be in Albany.
Among the attorneys who represented
him at the stale house yes'erday was
udge Weatnerford of Albany. Several
ecnnicalities were brought in to show
why tho requisition should not bt
ranted, but Acting Governor Olcott
Was not disposed to listen to them all.
we II waive all he formalities. '
aid Olcott. "and let the courts in
Taeoma thresh the question out. Foi
my part, I m willing to tnvr the wile
mi child, and for that reason 1 11 sign
the requisition pacers. "
Ulcott said later that it everv tech
nicality was listened to by attorneys
who represent their clunts who resist
extradition, the governor's office would
soon bo turned into a court room. "I
am in favor of letting the courts in the
city where the man is wanted settle
questions of this kind "
A census, bulletin just received on
what Uncle Sam has done in irrigation,
is interesting. The record is a total of
$304,6s9,450, covering an acreage of
13.739,4'JO, made up into l&7,sba larms,
the average cost being $15.76 an acre.
The average value pit acre of the land
is $26.09. The total acres included in
nro cats is31.112.11U.
The total length of ditches built is
125,615 miles, with b,933 reservoirs.
478,288 acres are irrigated with pumped
water and 125,590 with flowing wells.
The average annual cost per acre ror
operation and maintenance is $1.07.
The figures are big; but speak for a
transformation iq certain sections ut
the country.
The Green Case.
Constable Chas. Ashbv arrived lest
evening from Tacomr, after Petri H.
Green, the commercial traveler, wanted
there for non support of his child, on
c mplaint ot his wire, from whom he
is divorced. He has the requisition,
but the case is being fought on habeas
corpus. iase No. 1 was withdrrwnand
number two begun this morning. It
will bo hoard tnis evening fry Judge
Father Lane Went to floseburg this
. S dura-is faced with a Bribable levy
of 30 mills, thh largest in its hiatory.
Fathet Haihpson has returned from
Portland, where he took three K. C.
Mrs McElroy arrived from Salem
this noon on a visit with, Elmer
S. D. Stoddard, a well known com
mercial traveller and yell leader, was
in town.
Several cases of smallpox are report
ed at Marion, cases that hud been
treated for something else.
In the city: D.J. Dewey Corvallis.
J. G. Gross Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. R.
H. F. Struck meir. Thonns.
E. E. Rooklidge has his new job office
oyer Woodworlh's just at the head of
the stairs, ready for business.
Capt. Stanley Hammel, after a few
days visit in Albany, last evening lett
for Tillamook to resume his work In a
drug store there.
Co'. E. Hofer delivered a high school
lecture on the development of English.
covering the entire field from some time
this side ot Adam.
Arrests of officials of the Iron Work
ers Association are expected. The
detectives are at work on the case,
probing to the bottom.
Miss Chamberlain, tho young lady
tarred at Lincoln Center. Kan., it is
reported will probably receive $25,000
damages, without a suit.
Spokane is a tough old city. There
were thirteen crimes committed there
from 6 p. m. Saturday to 2 p. m. Sun
lay, that were reprrtnd, mostly rob
bing and shooting.
A movement has been begun to repeal
the law providing for school suoervisors.
a needless extra expense, It is declared
1 he law is said to have been merely
political, one to give extra positions,
political sinecures.
Sheriff Gollately had a run to secure
Colombo Guiseppe, an Italian, charged
with robbery, but, aided by a posse, he
got him near Snmmir. Six shots, hand
car and team rides were the order be
fore the game was landed.
George V is now in India, where a
great celebration is in progress over
nis coronatien. As high as tio a oay i
charged at hotels, the spirit of robbery
p.evailin thre as elsewhere. Tuda
is the great Durbar.
Tho annual tax levy will bo made In
lanuary This year it was '2 nulls foi
teneml purposes and l,'tf' for roads.
1U 65 in the city and 5 50 in thu school
lisirict. Total 2 5 15. The extra 2.6S
mills in the city wa due to the armory
and library.
Down in California people have bo
come shocked by Ihe Bunny Hug, a new
lance. No wonder, and there are
olen'y of others just as senrual and
ihjectionable. Many are wondering
why hugging arenrnpanivd by music is
my in.-ire moral th'.n without it.
Stnte Game arden Kinlov has se
cured from the U. S. government lif
tecn elk, which will ta brought to thh
state from Wyoming, and turned out
whrn a place is secured for them; which
will prohibly be a 2500 acre pasture in
the northwest part of the stale. It
has been f-.ncfd as a co; iKh tctt, ant
has p.-oveh elfvctive.
The regnlar meeting of the Com
mercial Club was held last night witt
he following present: President East
unrn. Vice President Tebault, Managei
Stewart,- Directors Winn, Collins.
Schmitt, Gilbert, Van. Winnie, Nutting,
French, Sox, Marvin, Hammer, Stiinn,
in I pLrtmiller.
Kepoitof hrrangements for organ
Hiion of a poultry organization wa?
re tui.
From 1J. C Freeman kiving report ol
Ojiihlu Land Show, with financial
tement. comprehensive and com
r rum Dayton favoring the old locks
Hum Uie U. A, (J. about extension
work, lectures to be free, accepted with
report that Albany will be on tne circuit.
Referred to public entertainment com
mit lee. Maj. McAdoo in reference to
Willamette improvements, including an
Albany revetment. Referred.
Banquet bibs and Chapman advertis
ing bill were ordered paid.
Mr, r-rencn reported bridge side
wik under way.
Apple fair finances were reported
settled satisfactorily, tho county pay
ing the balance.
A vote of thanks was ordered ex
tended the ladies of the Baptist church
for the excellent banquet, also the
committee. Likewise the county court
for several favors.
The matter of many Albany people
not members who should be was dis
The secretary reported that th
Dairvmen's Association and Butter and
Cheese Association will meet in Albany
next year.
Matter of badges referred to commit
tee on membership.
The matter of advertising proposi
tions was referred to the rreident. vice
president and secretary to report at the
next meeting.
Mr. E. C. Roberts presented the
matter ot the Letene apple oox Dill,
and resolutions were ordered passed
coveting the matter, asking for an
Uregoq box, to bo sent to our repre
News Prom Albany's Six Early
A. W. McGilvroy Wint to Lyens to
At-nitf tha nnw riinufr nrHprpri hv tha
railroad commissioners, after a contest
oi some time. As the material is on
the ground it win not taKO long, in
will be 16 by 46 foet. Some other de
pots will bo built later along the line.
Several arrived on tho Springfield
train, Mrs. Flo, from Lebanon, where
she teaches vocal culture; Lawyer
Newport, A. I Crandall, who is plain- of Miss Hazle Saylor, 617 Lyon styaet. .
till in a case in court; Walter C. Peter- last evening, a delightful lime, was had) '
son, the veteran fireman, of Lebanon, by a crowd of young people. Among
and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stanard, of other things there was a tree, with
Brownsville, being among tho number, many presents, a huge joke, and le
- : licious refreshments were appreciated.
General Will Crawford went to Port- Those thore weie: Misses Minnie Scott, -
land to make arrangements for beginr Velina Duvis, Frances Fettibon
"ir.g wovk at this city on a couple of Jennie Pettibone. Sadie, Edna and
up-to-date aeroplains. Ho will build Volena Smith, Vera Tracey, Elda
the machines aftor the latoBt models on Sprengor. Beatrice and Aline Ireland,
plans that are bound to insure success, fculah Wright - and Hozle Saylor,
(Mrs. Edith Francis, Mrs. Homer
Mrs. I. A. Munkers went out to Mun
kers for a visit with her sister, mother
and others.
Mrs. Vietta Nealo went to Dallas,
. .. , ., . .,,
called there by the serious illness of
hnr nn-nrl mnrlinr
Lawyer Hisley went to Sa'em on a
business trip.
Fred Tucker, of Wasco, left for homo '
well pleased ivith the looks of Albany .
and the valley general y. I
Superintendent Jackson went up to
Mill City to assist in an educational
meeting to be held under the h gh
school. He will deliver one oi the ad
dresses. Miss Hamilton Is Cood.
Mis? Mrddie Ovington Hamilton,
y ev?ning at the First Presbvte-
r ivpj octiwiMi v. iunuiuuijua, new IwO veara
Vork, is on the coas- spreading the C. reti,rna to
L a C. message of Christian education, ihnwn hv
(71..I.J O . . -I ....... XT
rian church she spoke on "The Brother-
auod of Man in Literature," tracing the 1 . .
levclopment of the idea as revealed in : A Dozen YoiMlf Ladies
ihe p' eis ard prose writers from the'
ourteenth century to the present time. I 1 1 9Rf?f
I his morning she spoke Xo the students Just a dozen young ladles last even.
'.any College on Sydney Lanier, Ing ate dinner at the home of W. F.
H South ;rn Poet. She told with PfeilTer, including Miss Hazel Pfeiffer,
ikic -st expressions and most sympa- the hosteess of the happy event. It
heiii: feeling details of his rich full life, was a five course affair, delicate but
lis won ierful musical ability msBter complete, '''he decorations were in
' "io in uni flute and player of every keying with the season, with a tree,
nt, and his surpassing poetic 'goLen aoples and other Christmas
c-rii;F; and rtcitel charmingly many of showings. There was sw'ng, 600 and
mast beautiful poems. At each u live social session, i'hose presenc
,ig she told ..ricfly the great story wr: Misses Lnura Taylor.
of the C.L S C. movement, and the op
portunity it offurB f r educa'.bn to both
old and young.
The Albany Chautauqua Board sre
arranging a meeting for Miss Hamilton
for Wednesday night, at the commercial
club rooms, when class work will be
Returned to Albany.
Ed Dooliltle, son of one of Albany's
?arly city recorders, has been in th
ity alow weekx.. Ills rather was a
aionci r resident of Albany, city record
er in la'3 anl lfluo, dying thi following
ear. In 188'i Ed. Doolitt e camo to
-llmny after residing in Port and and
ither places, and was employed awhile
n the Herald. Afterwards he traveled
;irtity wcil over the world, and was in
South Africa during the Boer war. Ho
is a coitk and was recently employed in
the Bun Ton before it c'osed.
An Auto Crowd.
The Empire lh"aler last night was
oacked to the street by p.-ople wishing
'it nee h'.w an aulo is made from p:
,ron up. It was well dcmonUratfil,
(bowing the process by which tho n-n-
olur I', vi. & F automobiles are mad.i.
the emir j-di being done in the factory.
' hen some teem- were givn showing
vw an E. M. & i. can fco after Utr;-
Expects to Open an Albany
Statesman: Bert Warford, who has
been spending the past winter in San
f runcisco, is in balem tor a short visit,
iml doing some public. ty work in the
northwest for the Panama Pacific ex
uert was a former student of Wil
lamette university, and hue been h tho
city at numerous tunes daring tne state
fair, and last year won considerable
distinction by his publicity work at the
Seattle Potlutch and the Astoria, cen
tennial, tie then went to San Fran
cisco, to assist in the publicity depart
ment ot the Panama 'exposition, but
soon became connected with Kierson
Kitchie of Ottawu, Canada, the great
publicity organizer. Tnoy have just
completed the organization of the San
r rancisco exposition by the amalgama
tion of the several commercial organi
zations of that city, into ono great
tiooster organization, containing 5000
members, which will pull for a great
exposition. Bert expects soon to open
a publicity ollice in Albany, his old
Just fifty years ago the Willamette
had the largest flood in its history. On
the 8th of December, 1861 and follow-
ing days the river spread out. over the
entire country. At Albany It was so
deep that beats run all aloug First
street from the St. Charles. Since
then the street has been filled up
nearly two feet so allowance needs to
be made for that fact. The height
above low water is said to have been 38
feet. The closest to that since then
was 33.9 feet on Feb. 4, 1890,
Only on six occasions has the river been
known to reach as high as au icet, tne
others being Jan. 14, 1881, when it was
32 8; Jan. 15, 1901, 30.5 feot; Jan. 26,
1903,31 5 feet and Feb. 6,1907,30.8 feet
On the 12th of Dec. 1801,
according to the Oregonian of that
' Hnf A If wan ronnrted that manV hOUSeS
I in Eugene and Corvallis were washed
Had a Christmas Tree.'
i This vear Christmas festivities have
begun early, and the trees ere already
centers of good times. At tho homo
muore, anu messiu. nunry oiuiiuuuuik,
Roland Hackleman, Hiram Torbet, Joe
Warner. Glen Elkins. Homer Moore,
Mack Doughton, Bob Roberts, Jack
Shea, Rufua Russell, Gus Abraham,
.-.lieu, ivuiun itusocu, uud ni.
Henry Volstedt and Will My?r.
Seven Dajs,
The nlav that the prevailing fashion
' for comedv. which like all irood things
L" .t"0.11 "rLXTS
?J,"a h"sei Jd'' ? W'WW
- h" " 3
where at the beginning uf ths present
Benson it scored a third y Inr on flroad-
jwny. If for "Seven Days" recomend
Ktlun were needed it would be furnished
by this Now lorn record alone, apart
from the play's success in Chicago,
' Boston, Philadelphia and elsewhere.
In New York, "Seven Days" ran for
without interruption, then
reach a third year, a record
no nthpr enmeriv ever nro
j j A.,. ..,.. r
Ats'.ii), Nelia Seh'illz, Kate Stew irt,
Z na Haight. Minnie Lugger. Flora
S.monH, Stella Dorgan, Myrtle Roberts,
hnincha Hnmmell and liaz-l Pfeiffer
unu airs. Flu Merrill,
"": '
A Good One this Ytar,
The U.O Glco Club made a hit Isst
night at Eugene, in their first appear
ance this year, and tnu tirt without
Prof. G en oh director. Thi3 year Mol
vin O.d.-n ij in charge, u succors.
Harry UinfT, "ith his Chinese lullaby
somr. riiidu the hit of the evening.
Morton C-iv .on did thu female imper
sonation act well. There is a comedy
v.'tth a trombone feature nnii the pro
gram elu-ea with a slieclh written b
Dean CoPi'i "ml Mo-vino O-den. tnk
ing o!F ft. T. Crane, who sayn colieg-:
men ar.j had. As tho club is to I e in
Albany r-uring tho holidays the hi-mo-crat
mentmm the program to prMiu
our pcupni lor a good ir.ini;.
K. pi C. Eke' Olf cers.
Tli Knights of Columbus oleKc I
oliiceis n.i-t tight, as follows: Will
Barrett grand knight, Wm. Elgh-H
tienulv. A. A. Mirkrl chancellor. C.
Myer jr. sec, John Dooley fin. see,
I r. Kavansugh treasurer, Ed Horsk
I C. .IoeTp-et O. C . J. T. She ,
(1 eiiry Lyons . nd C. ) yursr. trmtee.