S. E. YOUNG & SOX 8. E. YOUNG & i?ON mimsingwear Munsing Union Underwear has become so popular, ihe demand so strong, that the word MUNSING is known nearly every where.. You naturally connect it with under v t-:.r whenever you think of it. Just say MUNSING V. EAR saves time, and really don't you think it sounds more REFINED. Anyway, when you say MUNSING WEAR to the salesperson you are taking no chances. You are sure to get the underwear that has stood the test of many seasons' demands. Underwear that has gained its popularity and increased the demand through its own mer its. A garment that will fit YOU, because they are made for ail Lizes of people, the SHORT of the TALL, the STOUT or the SLENDER. You can get most any grade or material you choose. You will pay just about the same price you have been in the habit of paying. You will get more satisfaction and comfort in the wearing. Wearers of MUNSINGWEAR rarely can be induced' to buy any other kind. YOU try MUNSINGWEAR this season and be come a regular satisfied wearer. ' For men, women and children. THIS M0RN1NO A GOOD ONE. News From Albany's Six Early Train... s Ihe New Craft Shop Hi. Richards returned to Portland, where hu is now rusiLir.g, with his IM ear old violin He oid not make this one, but he has made twenty-five others altogether, making a specialty ol Oregon wood, whioii 1)0 has demou siruted has the tone His. tirat was in 1S7S. One made in lsJ is now owned by D. B. Trouiman, of Monte vilie. a fine instrument, formerly owned oy several, taking the prize lit Albany's last coun y fai in 1S3J. ALBANY Victoria chocolates At the Mission Parlors. Plenty of mud guards at Baltimore's. Bicycles all the time at Baltimore's. Fence costs for sale at the Shingle Mill. ' M H. Craft on Monday will be in hi? new market, at Second ami Kerry, one o: ihe most complete anu m at in the vai ey, tui.y equipped wiui all tne i You gt the best fruit nouget at the. m dera arrangements cold storage. . Ml3al0I' Parlurs. h unitary fountain, etc. A sausage ... . , . , , . . Mtonen has been erected, and the be.t A shipment of Fisk tires freah f.om. machinery recureJ for every depart- 'he tatory at baltimore a. m. nt. Tne sales room will be a prht y , Victoria Chocolates, at the Mission. one, ami, besides it all the shop will Parlors, are delicious eating. have the meal go .ds. 3jse Ball Tonight. R. Rogonay went to Portland to at tend the funeral of Nathan Rogoway. The body was taken through lasi even ing from Ashland, and was buried to- i clay in Portland, where he formerly re sided, the identilK-ation was comple e. There is said to be little doubt that he wus murdered. Engraved cards, Wedding invitations, Tonight there will be indoor base ball Announcements, Stationary. .Mono ,.f . fui ,,r,l,.r hUiu,o..n i h Kniirhia nf grams. "Rawlmgs That'. A II... Chicken pic dinner in . M. E. dining olumbus and the Alcos, with Fiesel and McKenna as tho balterv for the X C. boys, and Torbet and Patterson lor the Alcos, with Smith at first. Will btgin ai 8 sharp. Mrs. J. J. Whitney returned to her home at Lawson, next the farm of W; W. .. rawford, dealer in automobiles and windmills 1 - P. Kester went to Portland on his regular sixth week eye trip. Mrs. F. H. Colpitts returned le her home at Gates. i ts Daisv Dannals Al on left for Seattle, her former home, on a visit with tr.ei.-u . Jos. Grosnong wont down to Millers to look after his mini. He reports the grading of the O. h. all complet. d in that section. Mrs. A. M. Hammer left for Berlin on a visit with her brother. Among the drummers leaving again were Sam Goldsmith, Del Bogart and J. C. Donovan. Attention. Having sold my office at 325 Lyon St. tn Mrs. ( 1. Ilritfpr. ( have onened fan ollice for the present at the corner of eon) one, among the many fine things . . r i. , ii. . I :. - t.:i.... T i u I .. Something everybody can use who. goes out in the wet, Webfoot Shoe Oil, which makes the shoo waterproof.'. At B'irns Shoe Store. Naomi Ruth, a 9 year old girl resid ing on Montgomery street, fell, at her home, resulting, in a break of both, a ins. The Saturday Evening Post, is out. Chu Chu I hi- Shearer, is a tine sequel so 1-euntine & uo. ine Delicti is anntner 3rd and Lyon. 1U4 West rd St. where we' have a nice suit of rooms. Call and see uj before going elsewhere. Con sunaton tree. All work first c!t,ss. Puc tic phone 488 K Dk A. C. fc ATON. Mr. C. L Eaton, Ass't Optician. S. E. YODJSG & SON S. E. YOUNG & SON Mrs. Overstreet, who has been at tho Hamilton Store for a week with, real hair goods, left for another city, after doing a fine business in Albany, having some good sales here. Hkir switches have become an important part of the makeup of the modern woman who li tes to look in season. Card of Thanks. in it. See Hi ley Lobaugh and get one. The fire bell rang last night. It was thought there was a fire at the home ot H. W. MeElmurrv, smoke emerging, from under the roof. But it proved not to be serious. Duiing the first month of bowling at ih Mco club allevsonly five went a Dove. 200, as follows: Bud Stnver 221, the Misfit man 212, Capt. Stel'macher 2f8, Marshall Woodworlh 06, U. A F. od 2U2 and 201.. A street sign that took was one thrown on the sidewalk in front of W. . f. neuter s last nigni oy an eiecrnc . ., ,,i, . arrangement in the window. It fooled th!t8rrayrechgivu:, z ziztyboiy takinK te chace you will always find my goods for paint on the walk. and pricia right. L. W. ROSS. I A fine squash, weighing nearly a . hundred pounds, has been added to the , " w;;ti?dci ot ih. display at the commeicial club. I'.wi; Fresh Yamuna Bay OYsTERS raised by W. J. Smith, without any Mission Parlors. w t nursing, just grew in the rich soil of I WATCHES, F, M. French & Son. I the Smith farm. Most big squashes. are helped along scientifically. The Weather. Range of temperature 02 46 The river 1 foot. Preoiction:; feir and cojler ttnight, Thursday fair. FOR THE LADIES 'TIS HIGH TIME that you became acquainted with this drug store. There is no guess work abou: our service. We employ only pure drugs in the hrsi place and we measure accurately even the most common articles. We especially unite your prescription work as our system of checking and the character ot our make it utterly impoMMuic io ui.nvc- drug BURKHART & LEE THOEST TO BE HAD in Baked GdocU, Groceries, Produce and Fruits, at . ' Mrs. A. Kyle and children desire to ' express their incere thanks fir svm- We have 1000 samples of woolens nd kindes du.rin .tho. "J1 . ,, , . . ana utter the death of their husband suitable for ladies suits and coats. and (father) an(1 particularly 0 the Cal land inspect. Masons, United Attizuns, ilraym n and W. F. PFElFFER. friends. Wilson's-- Both Phones. Did You Notice as you passed by MURPHY'S SEED STORE that the Gooodell strawberry plants had arrived direct from Sunnyside. Wn. This berry won Ihe highest award at the A. Y. P. Exposition. Get in on tne ground floor if you are particular about a good strawberry. hruit Trees. Now is a good time to place your order lor what nursery stock you will be needing from a firm that is willing and tiule to make good at all times. ALBANY NURSERIES, ii Albany, Oregon. . Uovcr Leaf Dairy w It you appreciate elenn. saniti ry ml pure milk give us a cull :-! ' ' J F, HUGGINS, Plop. Home Phone COAL BUY a Singer sewing machine, the best on earth, at reduced price, at Bern's Shoe Storn GOLD FISH All colors, a fine lot, i BurKhart & Le's. "The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery All kinds of wood sawed in any length desired. Best coal on the market at reasonable prices, delivered prompt' in large or small quantities I Albany Fuel Co., j Uocksteader and Thompson. Rnth Phnno EYE-GLASS SHUR-ON MOUNTINGS Loo!; for ihe name SHUR-ON Stamped in the.brbge. You are the one who must suffer the xpunse. annoyance, and .discomfort if you accept a tub stitu'e. E. C. Meade, Optometrist. Both quality and right prices prevail at F. G. WILL'S Jewelry Store GET READY FOR THE LONG WINTER evenings by having Electric Service in your home. Special rates now on. See our solicitor. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Weit Second Street. or Transfei Phone E. R. Cummings, office with L. J. Gray Real Estate Co., corner of Second and Lyon streets. Light and heavy hauling of all kinds, piano mov- Iing, baggage. Orders promptly at tended to. Office phones Home 463, , Uel 493-J. Res. Phones, Home 146, , Bell 350. Phone all o.ders from 8 to I 12 and 1 to S to office; to Res. at morning, noon and nights. All orders j promptly attended to. j Radiators, Lamps ' and all Sheet Metal j work on . . Automobiles neatlv repaired by ' MlfDIN& STUAPT. 118 Scond St. next door to Bell Telephone Office. Fisk Tiies are oou nre j FOR SALT o- Exchang 12 nrers, j Loiiavi'le. cilt viition, ertod or.h- art. tin , nee, . well n -.isrif"1, win mill, '..v barn. L.r. D, M. .)on'. Sodi:vnln. il VNew and Delicious ; Candies Every Day ! French Nougats, i I Cream Candies, I Rich Chocolates. n Have us make some photos of your home. We are ex perts at out door photography and our equipment is of the best. Post cards $1,25 per dozen, . mounted photos from $4.00 to $8.00 per dozen. Phone us and we will come at any time you say. AH work guarantee;?. Home r . one 318 Bell45L-R Next door to P. O., Al bany, Or. Photos Elite Chocolate Shop WHAT CORSET IS BEST FO; ME? V. B. Xutorm corsets successfully answer the corset question for moat wTien of slender or average build. Tliey are cleverly shaped with nil . the latest fashionable grave-giving fca j tures the slightly incurved waist, ; blender hips ai.d alluring, statuesque lines. V hingles. Muur 'n Ainany my .no. 1 t,dg Oram the hET in the market. Varioue pris and firiceR from 1.25 upwards Evnry lurch branded with my name. Loi k ,v it. Examine these ehintfle hfefurf t oyinp elsewhrrr. t. - TkOJWPSi-N ) n d-v kiln THE I. X. U DAIRY. Is the place to fet pure milk and j cr.vim. both guaranteed to be pure, . . i "11 trij. r.n either ' CI II crc.l'n i' winy. v-.it, ..v v... .!i( iie and let me leave you a triai -t;!e. It will cost you nothing if I ! not tjet yot as a customer; but customers is what 1 want. , Try m' and see if I don't treat you fair. 1 deliver anvwhere east '.f firoalalbin street. Phone Home 27.15, Eell Farm ers 16. C. P. feebler. Pron. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. INF. THE WRONG IDEA Many people have the idea that the medicine they have taken for their stomach, liver, kidneys, etc., is the cause of bad teeth. THIS IS NOT SO It is an excuse for neglect of your teeth, and on the other hand the neg lect of your teeth, in many cases, is the cause of the diseases which require medicine. Best to have your teeth at ' tended to before they cause any dis ease. Dr. W. A. Cox, Painless Dentist 225 West 1st, Albany, Ore. Gnod 5-rooni hou.. '' woodshed, orner lot on 1st St., oca.r.Me loca tion, $1,350. A plot of land, about 4 lots, this side I'cnnywimlle. good location, fronting on two streets, $850. PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO., 106 E. 1st St, Albany. Knr i uili'.ing. nrmimi-ntBl purposes, rip rt, ti!.in?, etc. Snmn n nt M. Senders & Co's store. W. I,. COrtR. Kilo. iir in? vhir.. ; LARD.-- Y u ' an er a n h nul of rur lct'e t rendered lard for 65c at Utnry Lrodui J meat Market, ' W. I!. XuKOKM CORSETS innlce 'jr.wns drape perfectly and pre .n r! t! i- w earer at her besl. , 'i'Jierc arc so unity Myles, jiracli- j feetion. A nigh standard of quality is repr; sentcd in V. 11. Nufonn fabric, Myl" and workmanship yet prices are mod-e-t enough to suit the most slender purse. Nuform mudels from $1 up. CHAMBERS &.McCU.VE. Very Special Prices on Rugs and Furniture UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WE WILL GIVE 20 PER CENT DIS COUNT. $45.00 Dressers $36.0 $30.00 Dresses 24.00 $25.00 Dressers 20.00 12(.W Dressers 16.00 $1X 00 Dressers 14.40 Same discount applies to all Iron P.eds and all Rugs, Bed Springs, etc. We nl?o want your Hardware and Grocery Business. GILBERT BROS. Groceries, Hardware, Rugs, 3 Floors wait meade; WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 St:or.il Mre. Between Ferry & Broadulbn