GOV. WILSON IS EXPLICIT. Gov. Wilson, who is probably the leading candidate for the Democratic nomination, is as explicit on the tarifl question as he is on everything else. In a recent speech he said: "I want to protect American indus try as much as anybody does, but I want to protect the rank and file ot those who are engaged in it. And I am very much more interested in t!n prosperity of the nation as a wholi than 1 am in the prosperity of smal: sections of the nation, which will thereafter patronize the rest of in and give n such parts of the prosperity a; (hey choose to share with us." I arm legislation in the pan hail one purpose in view, the prosperity of the few. Gov. Wilson looks for benefits for the rank and file. Thai's the sort of a tariff the people want. MYSTERIOUS WAYS. They have the functions of the phy sician right end foremost here. First, the reservation of health and all pos sible effort to prevent disease. Sec ond, restoration when deasease is un a voidable. J C. ELLIOT 1'. TUESDAYS 'Nothing is mote unfortunate foi business than an air of mystery in volving' the purposes of the govern ment in relation to ii," says The Mini sey editorially. "President Taft, or his .uiomey-tjcncral, ought to lake the country into their confidence, and let :i know jii:.t as nearly as may be what it lias to expect from them. "When the Standard Oil and " bacco Trust decisions were b: awaited by the country, business , deprced because of tincertaii When these decisions came, althoi they were aiila.,'ouislic to the ruru lions involved, every index of business tendency snowed a buoyant disposi lion. Anything was better than t:n certainty. . 10 Meiiiu around with an itnpres sue aspect of mystery, administering mi !' 1 1 s 01 sc ire 10 one nan of pun ishment, is about the worst ll.iiif- tint -...urn n.ippeu. nn.siness is no :ritn;iia! ... i, mere ;,re some criminal., 111 business. Business ought not to be destroyed in the hope of catching the iii.nvi.iviors m inc wreckage. Will not the national authorities, some quaiiiieu spokesman, speak a dchnitc, assured word?" REV. ELLIOTT AT PANAMA. Vfct 17, iyjj The first impressions 01 Colon are confused and conflicting, these surroundings arc no forcig.i to anything I have ever before seen. Hie tropical trees, bread fruit, ur uiKes, eocoaniits, lime and others J had never heard of abound, also many ,-trange vegetables and flower plants. J he people are nioslU. I,.,... 1 r'lJ:""y s"'e longue unknown to inc. I here are a few while people .... ui: taiK iikc Home loius and prevailing dress, men and wo men, is while. The natives have no separate residences. They live up stairs over their shops or places of business. A great many are thus poked inio a small space. The Ameri can houses are built so as to be roomy, comfortable and almost luxuriant with screened porches and baths and elec tric light and water. The yards vwii im:m in une mm, uncle .'sain pay 101- ,111. 1 11c nigging 01 the canal great task ami reminds me of rim war wiien no sacniicc was too great to accomplish :':c desired re sult. So the millions of money are spent here. These workmen are vol unteers but arc ne t ! iin! to any term of service. TI.ev can give up their jobs and stop any d.iv and not be shot for desertion. So li.e ossary is to trcal the will he nc.'illliy, coniiorianic anil con tented and stick to ihe job. They arc given big wages and enjoy much they lacked at home. The schools are I and good spring covered vvajrons with SCIO CON DENSED MILK Here is another"fuather in our cap, Ihe Pure food Commission has been testing mo unterent brands of con lensed milk manufactured in the state, ana tne result is most gratifying 'o the pride of the citizens of this c Uuiy. It nas been demonstrated by the Commis lion that the "Country Club" brand, manulactured bv the Scio Condense; Milk Company, is better than any other now maue in tne state, witn a single exception. The following brands were tesicu: sunrise, t.ountry Club, Carna Hon, Bordens, Yeloban, Hoiley, Mt Vernon and H- ffman. The first two Country Club and Sunrise were pro nounced the beet, and it was decided Hut they could be sold anywhere. The next three Carnation, Bordens and ieloban were considered legal in this state oiuv; ana the last three wire, declared illegal altogether. The man agernont cf the Scio Company is to be congratulated upon this splendid triumph, and no one can show their appieciation of the Company's effort to out on tne market an absolutely fute ptoduct in a better way than by giving inai uranu tne preterence wflen buying We understand that the Condenser lias not been running dnring the dry a. ason, but will start up about January 1st and we hope the dairymen of that section will ive 1: a hearty support which it surelv deserves, antl thus enable the institution to run to its full capacity throughout the entire year. C. il STEWAKT. WEDNESDAY. A Fine Thing, full 01 Snap and Power, The first day of the snlendldlv man aged joint teachers' institute was a great success, elicitirg much interest, almost equal to a Chautauqua. In the evening a social session was held with the high school auditorium filled. A short musical urogram was presented, mostly music, with The Songs of the Nations, bv the children of the Prpsbyteran a. S. in costume, as tne principal toature. There were two good addresses this forenoon, by Sunt. Aldermann on the new course of study, fully explained, and Prof. 13 D. ResBlor, of the 0 A. C the new education, speaking for the spierxiki progress ot tne day in educa tion. Tho department work was as follows: Primary, Miss Maude Laughead on expression and how to got it; inter mediate. Miss Olive Davis, gcogranhv: advanced. Miss Montana Hasting', un ire 1 spelling; rural, Prof Carlton on 1 rgan izatian of the rural schou . and hi-f is a ischool; Missllolen IConnedy on care ttnd the I use of library books. This afternoon the department work was: Primary, Miss Laughead on tho be ginning of numbers and numbers; intermediate, Prof. Kirk on arithmetic and Prof. Hesslor on play and play grounds; advanced. M'ss Monian lirst tiling nee-1 Hustings mi comoosition and Prof, nun that lliey Carlton on recitation; rural. Supervisor neiiiiur un uisincs work anu supc Alderman on rural life; h gh school. Prof. Go ding of Scio. on somo labra tury methods and Supt. Boetticher on the hmh school courso of study, its END OF THE INSTITUTE. This was the last day of the very in structive and successful joint teacher's institute for Linn and Benton, a splen did affair, well manured. The lecture last night by Supt. Alder man was l.stened to oy a large aud ience, who apDreciated the able offer ing; an exaltation of the cause of education. This mo; ning there were two excellent assembly addresses, one by Dr. Bennett of the U. 0. on a young man's 1 leal, ably presented, the other by Supt. Alderman on tne sch .ol law, an import ant one. The department work was: primary, pictures, by Hiss Laugnead; intermedi iate and advanced, business writing, by Prof. F. F. Vancort: rural schools, dis cipline, by Prof. Kirk; high school, interest in education, by Prof. Re3sler. who always talks to the point, with something good. This afternoon the department work was: primar-, source of lanouaue CIRCUIT COURT Judge Galloway convened department two of the circuit court at 1 o'clock today. The jury being called back to sit on two cases in which Judge Kelly had been interested these were called first, so as not to keep the jury. Lang & Jonea agt. the Scio Cieamery Co. is a suit for damages for not de liveiirig a big order for condensed milk. The attorneys are Stapleton of Port land, and Hewitt & Sox, of this cttv. for the plaintiff and Weatherford & Weatherforford for the defencant Following is the jury: 0. L. Balti more, A. Barnes, H. S. Bliss, J.J. Collins, W. A. Cox, A I. Crandall, A. J. Lightly. John Mars, J. M. Schleeel Ed. Skelton, Jos. S'.rickler. J. K. Tate! Judgment was rendered in a. Cj. nonie agt. 1. A ing a tax hen, and S, ter title. Low foreclos L. Kent to regis- Following the creamery case will be J. W. Kirkland agt. D. S. Smith as sheriff, a suit over the Al. Peacock property replevied by the defendant as sheriff, and claimed by the plaintiff. Then the regular docket will be taken up and the jury discharged. There are thirteen divorces on the docket: Purcell. Hamilton. W atsnn. materia, by Miss Laughead. who has ! McTee! FAffiurtxX. made a splendid record diinno- tha n. ' i, uy.uru, new made a splendid record during the in stitute in this important part of educa tional work, the foundation part of the education, that counts; intermediate and advanced, . rt education, by Miss Camprell, a branch that is raininu a strong foothold in the new education: rural, eighth grade examinations, by Supts Jackson and Mack, high school, reasonable basis for promotion, by City Superintendent Boetticher, a close student of high school problems, now to the front in school work. ' Ihe institute closed ov an arlrlrftsa hv Dr. Bennett. Kum Again. man, Essig, Brown. Flood, Walters, Banks, THE WORLD. MISFITS Help boost, don't obstruct. Hallowe'en tonight, dale. Don't be van- Oct. weather has made Sept. up for wet C H NEWS J rru'.,ge license was U-ued :r P. E. Gardner, t..d 22. born in I,'., and Burnease L'enr.ttt, 20, born in Mich., both of Hais. y. Ds-en's rect-'t ed: Centra! Lam: ( 0. to W. K. Eilyej In- 6 ol lui i.'s ad $ 10 M. S. Stn-a to J. H. K.-. ney ls2 acres 13-1 E 10 A m w su t is Wm. George agt. the Curtis Lumeer Cj. to recover $-luo0 for fuiaie to .ompiete a contract for the sale f l.a.lti acres, 10 2 E. The attorneys ure H W. Hogoe i f Portland ' and Henry CMin of s-ao Krariusco. C:rcu:t Court : " he cese cf Lang act. the Scio Con densery went to the jury about press The people want a preside..! who will neep his word. A man with a big gun in his pocket may talk peace. Albany ii going to need all the pro posed limits and more too. 55 for Taft for president oat of over 1200 doesn't iojk very Tafty in Or. Every man has to be for neace. at least nominally.including the president. time, to be followed by the Peacock re- pieviDCuse.- We have our hands full at home with- out subscribing for things in other Deeds recorded: t0WD8' " ! A. M. Gaunt to Emma Gos3er 50 by 132 feet Harrisburg . . ,.$ Portland continues to talk modefcity. W"1, Roch to A. Gaunt 50 by 62. No city will eyer be model if full ,",,. ,abBre of saloons. WidenertoA. Gaunt 50bv I 70 ft Harrisburg J B. Moore ta Geo Cain 60 by 96 ft Brownsville AT THE COURT H0USE;aand At Oregon Crtv recentlv a divorce was granted, dissolving the marriage . was a fierce job. , ne 01 n. . uocKernne and Alice A Cockerline of this city. f here is a renoit that the C. & V. will soon take its place in tne railroad part of p in reality. ..v. u bo a viaiii.ii ui vile o. r. iiiaieau of a separate road. If this is done it will mean a 3 cent fare on the road. Senator Miller an J. C. Mayer have bought of R. W. Gibson, nine acres in the suburbs of Lebanon, at a n;g price. put on tne mar- It is just as much the business1 of mght police to capture blind pigs aa J day policemen j Decree of A newcomer this morning remarked Kent, that finding a house in Albany for rent registraiica title S. tV Il is up to our friends' in the suburbs- to help make a city of Albany, and be a The story is told that a-Cottage Grove physician prescribed a gallon of whiskey for a man's ailment. Circuit Court: Portland is a rich city, and should ; keep u? its own institutions'. Kot send The excavation for th haso.t of t0 Albany tor subscription the new Presbyterian church- on the j corner of 5th and Broadalbin has been If Albany fa to grow and develop as Fatal Acciaentto H. A. Sears. C. W. Sears went to Eugene lasf evening and Mrs. Sears this afternoon. ' atteno the funeral of Mr Sears brother H A. Sears, prominsnt in the affairs or Lane comtv for many years, agooO citizen. Mr. .Sen's wasridirgon ma tricycle ne has uscJb i acc uni of a touch of paralysis, w.,en something broke and he was precipitated to the graond, receiving injuries that resulted in his deaib. m. , I - " B.ju u 1 UOUUIU,,, IJ3 Usvll XI fS 1 1tTU J 13 LO iiiu jui v ill Lilt uhhb ma i.nn.7 Bffr rr anmn drMi ho 'I'hn A Un.... 1- 'i. II Is s F. s i 1. , 7 . " -n - -S....S..S.SS.S, u. o ntsraiij fire- ww., peuuie OH? il Will IL mUSC reacn OUt, nOC Scio Condensery brought in a verdict Docksteader & Thompson, and accepted for next year, bat for the next ten or last evening in favor f the defendant, by the church committee pronounti-ng it fifteen years. The trial of. I W. KirkhanH aat tho on. ovnollo.t ,..,, . ........ ,s..r..c J , . I ' " . S.AS.S.1.V,, pice sfl ui n, wuivdjr ui , a lEiti-rii suit, lu I Kuvur dtuii. uraisin. erty levied in a suit against Al Peamck I by Mrs Peacock, was begun this morning ue.uro tne jury: iviessrs. ualtimo.'e, Barnes, Beltinger.Bliss, Brigxs.j-.ightte, Mars. Marsb, Schlegel, Skeltwi, Strick ler, Wrightman. Newsuit: N. M Newooct mvt.. f). C. E B. Co. to o.utet tirle. a leacher in each gathers up Ihe white anu trona. children ill the nu.rniiig, returns them ., 1 he auasitm cU-sc-d with a tine talk by to their homes for lunch anil lakes Montana Hastings on the demon- them again in afleniooi. and returns " '' Not only a bright them The sinie H-ieons Lr-iiliei- ihe youn,t , w"mi,n- but possessing an i . . c r i , , I. , , h' , . attractive personality. By the way the children for .Sunday school and lake Democrat "mistook that Montana for a inem noiue again an ai vjucie .oaiil s nmn'a num.. un,l th t,.irA u,u ,.n it It practical hu8 heen st.Lrifusted that it bo chanffed to urogon Tonight i hero will be an address bv Supt Alderman and other exercises, beginning at 7:15, and Albany peop'e should pack the hall. expense. Some ny tin Socialism, the government owr.nig everything aud everybody working for the governnienl. It is only Socialism as any army is socialistic and is as subject lo military control only the men and families must he contented or thev will desert lite iol There is nolhiug greater than the Albany Mail Tells about Goodirtfi sanitation of this zone. The Panama , K. K. across tile isthmus years ago cost more lives than cross ties and it has ever since been regarded ous tor a white mail to make Ihe trip. The lovvns Colon and Panama were wreaking with filth and epidemics were ireiiuent. Yellow fever aud oth er ialal diseases were epidemic. This was ihe "pest hole of the earth" and it has been transformed into a "health resort." The work was iimlc-'taken vviili a strong military haml and was thoroughly done and is continued. The brush was cut and i-t.ignaul water drained or coal oiled to en rid of the niosipiuoes. The quarters all have broad porches protected by line screens and every possible hatchery of inosiiuiloes destroyed. Then there were established filtrating water sys tems aud sewerage and the natives were compelled lo up and keep their nu.iilei's dean. The owners of property are liable il their tenants per mil nlili to accuuuil.-.te. Sanitary po lice patrol the streets and compel obedience. A law even reunites tlteul to wear a certain amount ,i clolliin.e.. cry tew naked children ;mc now seen. The sick are sent to the lo -sititals where thev have every cue new aiTiviils p;.ss two i,- ; t-t t:o..s lore holding. The food i- inspected so tint taiuled nu .it or s' i',r . i '-i -deliv eved to c.o- o eir , ' ter i- sub k, i i., I Gooding. Idaho, Oct. 28. There is langer- quite a change from Albany to Gooding, Hero it is cold, and there is a raw wind and dust galore, with ice every night, but a bright sun during tho day. Thi" is a new country, people being here from all the states, Rome from Linn county. They have taken land up under tho Carey act. There is an abundance of water here, taken out of Big and Little Wood rivers. AlJerome water is short. Quito a numbor art liaving the Jerome country. Land is held hero from $tit) to $5.0 an acre. The protluets aro wheat, oats, barley alfalfa, potatoes and some apples. Inn to 500 bushels of potatoes are raised per acre. People seem prosperous and content ed, as much as if they lived in a goial climate, like that of Albany. viooiimi: has u.uiHt people. ; ome good First marrhge license in Nv. F. M. St. John, 29. and Edith M. Mays, 18, both of Albany and born in Ot. People in the suburbs of tit dry nre as much residents of the city in pin: and general privileges, as those inside ihe present contracted limitsi and the men should! be voters ju t tbe'same. i The post" office, this morning was flooded with circulars from t vo Portland houses, boosting certain whiskeys and beer, the avenue to the bh.'gest blind pig that runs around, the expeess. County court is jnisasiion. Deeds recorded: Laura A. Dinknsor. to Susan E. Holgate. 5-18 acre 5G2 WiM. It E. Co to Etix.vbeth J. White, 2 Ms. Haltcy 75 R. F.Krampio Lillie il. Berg ma:, lot H's -1th ad 10 Royal WeMi Ladiw" thofr. The ladies of the Royal Wjlsh Ladies' , Choir, which appears at the MethodiFt church Friday night, Nov. 10. at 8: I o'clock, are beautiful and arSistic, not : only u their vocal attributes;-they are beautiful and artistic in their appear ance. ineir present tour marks- a: , great improvement in the latter attri- ",,e of the ma'e teachers was talking bute, whiclris second only to their own Wltn 8 young lady, at the reception bat gift of the art anil suul of sjng. far evening, when a high scnool boy re whereas formerly they were attired in marked to him that he was looking for thd full regalia of the national 03tume, 8 ?ooa looking young lady to talk with, Dame Wales is now more suggestive wrien m, t. remarked, "that's- better than real, and the result is that- the tha'' 1 nave Deen able to do " stare appearance of the choir is-beauti-! iui and artistic wtthal. IN THE MAIL. Hbresi eoitors are to &nok at nr.. mting in Portland: Ted Piper. Jack Caujol. i.n.i ( harlie J'aekson. Wonder it t ej will have .heir knives-out. NOTICE TO CHEDITOES. lithe matter of tht-Estate of Elisha U. X'erry, deceased.. . .Vatice is hereby gri'on tli;dt the tin- . dcrsigned has been apnointod admin istratrix of the estate- of Eiisha G. Spe.iry, deceased, by- order of the County Court of the Siate of Oregon lor he County of Linn. All persons lytving- claims again?; said sstate are hereh-y required to present tie same, duly verified as hv law required, at the omcs of C. B. Winn, in Albany, Linn County, Oregon, within si.-i months from the date of this notice. Dated this 2nd dav of November. 1911. PHOEBE M. WILLS. Administratrix of the .'estate f Elisha G. Sperry, deceased. J. V. YATES, Attorney for AdiViinistrnta-ix. ) ' The roeeiptB-of the recorder for Oct..; were next the- largess yet reported. ! About the $49.1 fit around Albany is the Oregon Elestric's. from Linn county steam phovel. ! EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. : Ntirice is hereby (iven th-tr tlie un- dcrjigned by an order of ;he County ! Court of Linn County, Oregon, have Tangent Can' ihovel Dirt, but not Vote ! . . , , .. ; An O. A. G. bulletin annoutisiiig cuoturi uy ine- luaurigai L Uli. Com hnsi nnnn nia, .1-. most interesting- thing- Posed of 34 spirls, cm Dec. . 8. TWo nre I last.-will and testament of A B. Kellv deceased. All persons having claims against such estate are ninuii-ed to ! present them within six ninnrii. irmn : the date of this notice, with the prop Some matter frwn the Nations! Citi- er vouchers, to the undersigrred at tens' League,, for the promotioa. of a th?tr- residence, near Thomas, Oregon. i ear, aim iwuwe maife a train. ,;n ;a riling ; ssi c .'''" id iiiici in- siiii a iVYf Miss Viva Aavhibald Twice tull fills a flump' of Albany, and Miss Elmora Suiitell of A whole minutes. and is entirely dumped in a minute and a hilt. Ihe big shovel cuts a wide Halsey, both; first altos. J. h Ownbe has started for Georgiav !TV banking system. One statement ! Dated this -Ith dav of October 19 1 to visit relatives. He expects to be-; 't work 11 18 l9 appreciate hsw the; is. ..Tha MB9ent banking sv.tnm. of t a - i.-c-r t ' ' gone ne months. , t-anama cani is dug by many tHb j u. S. Is a Bnic bedrr Asnatneedi r liraiv Linnie Tisdale-. who hae- been in Eas 8 lT, f,u tlillv. . 1 is a system, that shall check Wall St.": .' IlCaior, years, is nurL.,,, '.,,, . . i, i7 1 C. C. BRYANT. Attorney. A N. Y letter tailing what editors' P-ir uct. o, iyu, ia3t Ob " he said. "Bke can erunfc and say of Gov, VVilsea. being boosted all Publication iov. 1, WIT. em Orejjon tor several visiting his parents in Tangent. B. F Thorp has moved; with his fam .. . . . . s.,p -ic miu, one mil KiuDlf otl ily from Suver tojangents where they 9he caa. shovel: dirt, bot she can't Tote. Arthnn- Kilkina- a waiter on the North- i ern Pacific Pullman diner, is visiting ; ing his relatives in Tangent. ' Edmund Vance Couke. G. C. Stallmachur and wife visited! with fi lends in Lebanon Sunday. I the way from the Atlantic to tha Pacific. ! I Miss Cora Scott went to Carvallis to- visit with her brother last Sunday, J. H. Filkins has iust returned from a visit with his sister in Color adj. Edmund Vance Cooke, poet anoY lees. turer, in the Albany College Lecture Course, will appear, on Saturday night. Nov. sts. at tie M E. church. We hear enthuaiaetia reports concerning Mr. and Sin. M. 1. Wood passed.) recent engagement at Corvallis. Watch through Tangent Sundav for a visit ; the wLndown for nuwt nttmefivo. ariva. with Mrs. Woods brother J. F. Scott at Using el Mr. Cooke's work. Corvallis. ; Quotations from prominent' city Leonard Moses has quit the farm and) papers: gone U try and learn tho mysteries of I "A poet cf rare ability and unusual running auiomoDiies uistveruess. ur. vajok.o is xvauy a F. . Sharp has rented! his farm to "e"i?,j J u u some men by the name of Veers for- . ,Head nd 8houWer8. above any en three years tertauier seen in our city." v i..l. ,:n .. . "There was no one in the audience Pi,T ' rif-,uLe f.T aC.uVe would not gladly have listened two work lor a while as his health is rather hours, longer." M..Vi. v,r,rr s-uarp ,. a Be.urea apo- "Mr. Cooke's a born comeeaan. Re smoti in the round house at Albany. duced hi3 nearer9 ,0 helple33 langnter." The clover huilers have ju3t tinishedi "As a reader and imDersonator he i their full run. the peer of any man on the loetureplat- Karmers are well along with theit form." fall seeding. I "is audit-nce in roars of laugh- RITlWMrvMsr Some GTW farminr congress hntn. i tu. il, rir,,,-, rA.... ...-.'.!.. es.... .r deserving attention, as the new system , CeSon for the County of Linn De i will put sense into the business. Ifartment No. 2j. ' Isaac C. Brovvji, plaintiff, vs. Char- Numeroas consments by the-Amerkan I Brown, deCendant. io v-uartottc Brown,, the above named defendant!. in the name of the state ot Oregon, required ta appear Economic League, some of a verv tren. chant character, one telling of the effort oi R: V. Holman. a Ponrianri I, w hisiyer, working against the initiative and ti are hereby rererendQm,. puncturing HoKean as prevaricator.. tnd answer the comnlaint of sf. ihnn named plaintiff in the above entitled Muse now on. file in the oifi- ni Sotca-newaj Chicago itenrs sent out.'. "ff lrle.rl ' Liiji: Cocnty, Ore- free, in the interest of great business, center. Chicago as a smutum: ihiii ,in,i' propii'. ; lime goon ! ' liniu lii i inuicr ouorv, only . i , brick hu.ldines It hud a boom .. coup v ! few will have mere than they will j'!. Look6 13 "Ule le9s a0 won" years ago. but tstiuiet now Wo expect In leave soon for Southern states, prn'mldv Arkansas J. K.'IIAIGHT. the I 1 all I I.e- Hallowcin Party, -p. and e ,1 iv A cl .cot hi lo be l ! en. I .uni t had cvouiiM I'liiK'.iiii ui I vv is I, '.' U i" tlie tr. had b. ol.l I'u- 1 i Tho Albany College Literary Soeii-tv, ihe. men's society of tho Albany Ceil arc ge, last night gave its HalioA-e i n v. a I social which for several ye'irs h is bev r I' -e an annual ulfair. The members brought iHi : ineir lady friends and spent a very en i i- joynhlo- evening in the Asseninlv Had I ui tne v ollege. An interesting pr igr.nn was given tiy tint so.'iety, and at tile close of tho program dc'iciou rofr s!t mints were served. -i.ii d lu.iM soi e dipil ! t.iey .;-che.l irau d m reigh! ' iii- li. i The modern appeal of tho stand-' i p diiician is given as follows: Strike lor your coupons and bon.l. Strike foi your stocks and divdinds. Your mills and seheoule K. lhere will always bo gul'.i 1 the world do people need for their own us Tho roads aro in fine condition for traveling. Our boss W. C. Scott i-a been putting in much of his time haul ing crushed rock on the roadt, badly needed in many , laces. i der.' "The only objection made to his en tertainment was that it was too short, though it continued nearly, two hours." toy Killed. G.iod clothes make a. good lookinj person out of almost any one. George Erwin. a ten v ear old bav.sonof l.ocF.rvvm.ol 1 homas.yes'erday shot and kid. d, f while playing with a shut gun. 1 he no;'..le was vi.reeuv in line with bis Io.mi, the bmt mi .he ground, when ui some way ihe i.u.i ws ''s charged, t'le full , i su i going ui.o tlie hoys load, killing nun . ,.s ua'iy. A seven v ear old li-othe. .vas near tlltli at tlie i.u. ie. 1 ne psn mi dtela.ed timt tl.o gun was not k .i. c.l m lull inev . Il lust. l..rvmilier vstt.t over yester day atten oon. and dcci..v.l a ju.y was nov nicessary. I A man's promises must be judged by the manner in w hich he has done tl.ings. A GOOD POSITION. Now they hav an everwear hosierv Hel they haven't. Cart be bad by ambitious voting men a;:d i.ulics in Ihe field ot "Wireless" or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8 bour law became effective, and since tl'.e W ireless companies are establish, ie.g stations throughout the country liutc is a great shortage oi telegraph ers. Positions pay beginners from 70 to $' per nio.ith. with good chance of advancement. The National Tele graph Institute of Portland. Ore, op erates under supervision of R. R. and Wireless OlV.eials and places all grad uate into positions. It will pay yon to write them for full details. vgon, (he being the Clerk of the above 'i entitled Coum), within. six weeks from. me uaie oi rise tirst puhheation of this, summons; a.nd if you f;li to appear ind answer: said complainti as hereby remiircd. for want thereof the plaintiff" wtll apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his said comolaint wkicjt said relief is for a decree dissolving the bond i of maf.imony now cxi-wg' between the plaintiff aird defend int herein and for such other and fonder rebet as may be meet in equity. This snnimotist lc l.t:i,..a . rip io. - ; ' ,i.i,,isiis vi once a miter. ",V-N l rr 51x stjccessive weeks ir. the enct i Albany Democi-at. a weekly nensna- Rijc Leonard Batter. Lebanon E. A. I is reported here on vNixJ authorir. that Ray Leonard, the female sh co maker, who operated a shop in this, city for 3 ears as a msn, and wheso true sex was not discewrwi until a few weeks ago. when shp was taken, lo tae insane asylum at s&ilem. isipioved The stjrv v to th Jhat she lias been promised that she i "cr punitshed in Albany, Linn County can return lo her former home as soon as her mental condition will permit, which H is beiievcC wjil be in the very near future .Miss Leonard has Fpres-secJ a rcsire to return to the clothing of tin male sex. she having been forced to don petticoats under the rules of the- state institution where she is confined. It is said she will Dlition the County Court for the privilege of again dress ing in male at'ir;. On her return to Lebanon she will sv-tin engage in the business ot "icpairing s -les," and it is surmised that her customer' of iho past will nor forsase t e terrvolc c' h er when she ap; tin takes u; be. w.,r,. em 'he bench. urcgon, oy orvier ot Bon 1. N ri,,n. can, County .fudge of Linn County, Orc.wr.n. nin(!t. tIlis l2th A?y o( 0(..-) her. Bll. ant!; the date of the first pub-lica-ion of this summons is the 13th dayot October. 1911. T. J. STITES. Attorney for PIati:tif. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. -'ot:ce is hereby given that the i::i rfcrsigncd was duly appointed admin istratrix of the estate of Frederick C Wetrel. deceased, bv the cnttritv co-t-t of Linn county. Oregon, on tlie 27th nay rt I'M I. p:-r,-,s having claims .ov iiereoy untitled to present V '-' wirliin sis months from tins (.v.-. i:it.yverii:cil as by hw rccpiirci:. st mv r-si-l, c near Jefferson, or at the othce ol e.nherford & Weather- ny and nil against sa-d We are asham?d of October. For twenty five years straight it led ail the months oi me year in tn numser of , f,,-,i mi,,,,.. n Yv . :' -. . mprriages. Being just after he oU- tSt. ffn ' A fashioned harvest wasthereason given. Ct . , r,W,?1! the vouruz men having the mniwi to rv .. . . lv-'-. A- 1 '- h-I tnr 'n. , rJ. .k:. urn-: .vumimstratnx ot the cstaie rick C. Wetnel. ileres ....I Weatherford & Weatherford, for tha license. But things have ebanged. Tms year mere were only fifteen durinj the entire motith, an awfv.1 tumble. I'r.-dc. Attorneys for Admr-;.