Public Sales. In public sales there is a difference Live stock auctioneers are not all alike. The better the salesman the bigger are your returns. Tlier" is proit. security and satisfaction in i' ing business with a good auctiom ". For dues and terms write me a Jialsev, Oregon. B. T. SUDTELL. Aucti-eer. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the lost will and testament of J. W. Cusick, de ceased, has this day filed his final ac count as such executor with the coun ty clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the county court of said county ha fixed Monday, the 16th day of Octo ber, 1911, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said d:iy, for the hearin obiections to said final account and for the settlement thereof. Any and all persons having objec tions to the same are hereby required to be present at the said time and place and make same. Dated September 13, 1911. EDWARD D. CUSICK, Executor of the last will and testa ment of J. W. Cusick, deceased. GALE S. HILL, Attorney tor Executor. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn county. George Pearce, plaintiff, vs. Tessie Pearce, defendant. To Tessie Pearce, the above named defendant: In th Name pf the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled cause, now on file with the Clerk cf the above entitled court, within six weeks from the date of the first ptiD lication of this summons; and if you fail to appear and answer said com plaint as hereby required, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in hi said complaint. The relief demanded in said complaint is a decree dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between the plaintiff and de fendant, and such other relief as may be meet in equity. This summons is published once a week for six successive weeks in the ' Albany Democrat, a weekly newspa per published in said county, by order of Hon. J. N. Duncan, County Judge of Linn Co'untv. Oregon, made thia 5th day of July. 1911, and the date of the first publication of this sum mons is the th dav ot July, lyil. HEWITT & SOX. Attornevs for Plaintiff. REGISTRATION TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the application of Minnie Young and W. H. Voting, her -husband, and L. C. Alexander to reg ister title to the land in this applica tion described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Southeast comer of the D. L. C. oi S. P. C. Fleener, Not. No. 1609, and Claim No. 66, in Tp. 10 S. R. 2 W. of the Will. Mcrd.. Oregon, thence South 89 degrees 4S minutes West along Soulh line of said Claim 20.72 chains, thence North 17.25 civiins, more or less, to the center of the main channel of the Thomas Creek; thence Easterly up the center of the main channel of the Thomas Creek to a point due North of the place of beginning, thence South 22.45 chains, more or less, to'the place of beginning.' containing 46 acres, more or less, all in Linn Count', Oregon. Against I. G. Faltus and Charles Faltus, and all whom it may concern, defendants. Take notice, that on the 18th day of July, 1911, an application was filed by said applicants in the Circuit Court of Linn County, Oregon, for initial registration of the title to the land above described. Is ow, unless you ap pear on or before the 21st day of August, 1911, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be entered accord ing to the prayer of the application, and you will be torever barred trom disputing- the same. , Witness my hand and the seal of said Circuit Court this 18th day of July, 1911. W. L: MARKS, County Clerk and ex officio Clerk of the Circuit Court. of Linn County, Oregon. Seal) By R. M. RUSSELL, Deputy. HEWITT it SOX. Applicants' Attornevs. ADMINISTPATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duiy appointed by the County Court for Linn Countv. Oregon, as the Administrator of the estate of Ed Zeyss. deceased. Any and all persons having claims against said estate arc hereby notified fo pre sent the srvnc to my attorneys, Wcajh erford & Wcathcrford. at their office in Oregon, within six montns from the date hereof, duly verified as by law required. Dated this 20th dav of September 1911. ED L.'A. ZEYSS. Administrator. AYeathcrford & Wetl-.erfnrd, Attvs. ior Admr. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given thnt the un dersigned mlministr.'itor of the estate of Katherinc Miller, deceased, ha. lileit in the county court of I. inn. coun ty. Oregon, his final account as such ri'Itr.-ri-tr.-mir. r.nd that aid court has fixed Monday, the 9th day of October. 1911, at the hour of one o'clock in thr afternoon, as tl:c time for the hearirjj cf objections to said final account anc the settlement 'thereof. I!. H. H F.WITT. Administrator. (MONDAY.-) TOO MUCH FOR ALBANY. The Jefferson high school foot ball team, of Portland defeated the Albanj high, Saturday afternoon 17 to 0. In the first quarter, wit!) Oscar ana Jack Day, Jefterson's star half baeiis cut of tne same Albany was decidedly tou much for the visitors, and was due tu score twice, but a penalty of fifteen .ards ut just the. right lime, .add u tumble on a forward pass, it was said due to a foul, etoppea the ball and held me tine until the second quarter, when ;h-DoV3 were out in. changing the tiue. Jack Day got the field and lore for torty yards pas' the goal. In the third quarter regardies3 oi tie Days Albany neid tteiu. Then three or four Albany men were put iut for slugging, thcuch r'oiiland was slugging her oest, and one lei ow kicked Abrams when djwn a vicious blow, but no', a Portland man whs sent out In the fourth quarter, with the veakeued line, Jefferson scored twicu. It this quarter Carson Bigbee, the pluckiest qb in the state, was out of me game, with a broken Knee Jefferson haa a ,,.,! team. Allmnv a ' Hter one the two Days, 190 pounds and verv fast Abrams is one of the best half backs in the state. Carson Bigbee is nut .eaten at quarter and Sanford Arch ibald is very strong at full. The Alb soy line has a couple weak places. ' Antony Austin went to the Bay this afternoon. Another verv readable letter from Rev Elliot. The Imperial Restaurant, on Second street has closed. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baker this noon returned from Cottage Grove. Geo. Hardy, an old time Albany oper ator, was in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brandeberry went to Portland this afternoon Hallowe'en tomorrow night. Wonder if the kids can't be made to forget it. Geo-. Hovendon, a pro ninent Portland business man, once of Corvaliis, was in the city today, the guest of J. H. Simp son. ' v Mr. Ed. Allen, of Saerwocd has beer. in thi city today on a visit wi'h his Mrs Lewis, daughter of W. F. How ard, t. day left for her home at Walla Walla, accompanied to Portland by Mr Howard. Hon. F. A. Walls, of "ortland, a former Linn county man, passed throuch tne ci y vesterday on his way irora Koseburg Hon. V. A.' Carter and family, of Benton county, spent Sunday in the -ub city, thi guests of J. S Robbins and family. .Tnspnh Pillitzpr. thfi trrpat pditnr nf the New York World, died yesterday frnm hunrt ImnhlA H h.ul l.linrl and nnt well for years. Phil Swank of Tallmr.n, and son J. W. Swank, of Albany, returned this noon from Newpo: t, where they caught some salmon with silver hooks. Judd Ross to took a Salem spin vfs terday in his auio Coming back he saw spven jack labbits along the way An -.lbany man also saw cne on West Ninth. Horace Ritchie, who is 13 today had a birthday party Saturday evening, a fine afiair, with lots nf fun by the iivn young crowd present at Feiry and Fifth streets. Vr. and Mrs. p. A. Henderson, of Nnrfolk, N b , after a visit with their son. C. M. Henderson, for several months, this noon left for home. They may come back to remain. According to the Portland papers, under a new arrangement of affairs along th" S. P. Albany is liable to be the end of a division, making this a railroad town, as well as the hub. ' Hi Rirhards has sold a lot at Ninth and Hill street to Mr. Glasgow, re cently from Oklahoma, and a residence will be en etc J on the corner tor a home for the latter. F. W. Power, secretary of the state Horticultural society, is lather ot a movement to establish a correspondence school in fruit culture. Mr. Power is an Alhanv College graduate, and has done much for th fruit interests of the state. The j: ry in the case f the Orpgn". Elfctric Hgt.-D . Cfoper for condem nation of a right nf way. voted on the first badnt all the way from J600 to S8U00 damages. The compromise was finally made on $2500 It is said there be no apoeal. ii. iv- r, .i,:. ... j Ur. VV .A. Cr.x th s noon returned nm u hunt nn thp Alcoa luttinnsnnia from a hunt on the Alsea, getting some, ind hringirg home -cne. Some of his friends had his do,. r decorate! in honor of he event, and when he finds who did it 'here may be a dea I Elk, regardless of he season S. H. Martin, of Spokane, has been in the city to attend the funeral of his hmther in law, Mr. A. Kyle, which was held yesterday afternoon, at the Pres lyterian church, Rev. Geselbricht ireaching the sermon, the ordr of Masons having charge of the burial ser vices. Mrs. P. H. Raymond, Mrs. A Vioores. Kenneth woores and Rollo xlev. of Salem, were in the dity today n the Moores auto, on their way home 'mm a trip to Eugene. This side of Harrisburg the gasoline gave out and hey naH to come to Albany on the bat teries, which auit iust as tho auto reached the garage. E. A.: Edward Kee , the PoMland contrac.or who secured the contract to build the new Presbyterian cnurcn in Lebanon, and also ?o do the woodwork on the new Presbvterian chur. h r.f Albany, is in the city and is -.v...K .... ... k.uumu iu. un: Lebanon church. Washington U. O. thinks it his th best shaped co-eds in the eouptry. Tif physical director has bcn measuring hem, and this is their average: aire 9 2 vpam. weight 121 nnnnrli hoioht i ft. 3. across shoulder 14 inches, chet 10 4, waist 8 2, hips 11 3, depth cnei S 9. girth chest 27 6. waist 25 4. Ux Ea iy Teachers arrived- on nil the trains from Lelanuii, Brownsville, down from Sweet Home and -'oster, from Cor vallis, and other Benton county towns, headed by Superintendent Mack, from Tangent. Oakville, Shedd, Halsey, Harrisburg, and the country districts, men and women, old and young, all vivacious, enthusiastic over the big institute. S A. DeVaney, of Philomath, re turned from Lebanon, where he had been to attend a birthday party in honor of his father, just S3 ears of age. F. P. DeVaney is one of the pioneers of the county, prominent for many years, and is said to be the oldest Elk in Ore gon. Mr. and Mrs F. M. French left for Poitland to see the new grandson George French Williams, the second child in the third generation of the r ranch family. H. M. Stone, of Corvallis, raiser of prunes, and gravel and stone dealer, ent to Salem on prune business. He reported 8' cents now for the product, - several .ei-u.ucu i "..u 'Serf "M " . , t..i. r.,..-.i,a-r.... ' cam edown from'their countr'y home Dk;i (a PAriinj no spending Sunday at the Worrell home. Mr. and Mr John Hood went to Portland for a visit with their son, now residing there. ... Col. Bob Miller, of Portland returned home after attending court at tor- vallis. Miss Agnes Gibbon returned to Shel burn, where she is now residing. Cecil Cathey left again. Judge Kelly went to Salem to try an Or. El. condemnation suit. Chus. Leonard, with J. R. Penland, left with a helper for Sweet home to do some surveying. Miss Violet Nutting went to Browns ville for a vacation vi-it at Rev. Par ounagian's, with her friends of Casca dia experiences. A Successful nsh. K,''lv 'ru d 7 " Horskv returned Sat Clifford Walker. Fred Darbv, E.i. lev gone eight, days, nsnin-.? lour, ana caught 25 salmon and many salmon trout, fishing from a boat, two men from a.boat. Clifford Walker caught a four foot chinook, besides a silvcrsides. Two Portland business men were there citing tne limit. Thanks. The Benedictine Sisters wish to ex tond their hp.artfplt and Rincerest thanks to all who have labored so zeal- hikIv lit mnlip III. Futi- n (rrpnt fliicrsl. sind Parlofor tneir generous donation of many gallons of ice cream. Those who contriouted to the enjoyment ot tne evenings by tneir splendid seiec- tions, also deserve our special thanks. . . i An' Octogtr.arian. The eightieth mh :h-j..v of Mrs. Chris-, tine Morueiili w.i . reineninered Salur-1 diy afternoon and even nif. with a J party, in which manv old fricii '3 enjoyed the evpnt with her, at her home at Kerry where she has resided furl fifty or more y-ars It was a pleasant affair, greatly appieciated by all. The wctther. Range of temperarui-e 60-40. The river is 1 foot flat. Prediction: fair tonight and Tuesday. A paper railroad h is been begun from Asniano to tne fucilic f In a Dost-series of base ball vamps at San Francisco Portland played like a lot oi oaoies. Cleta PpiH Aliska. of Portland, has sued her husband's lather for $150,000 for alienation of affections. James Evars, cashier of the Philo math bank, has been arrested, charged with making fale reports. Mrs. E. A. Parker, of Cmage Grove returned home this noon, after a visit with her Albany children, Waller and Laura. Miss Fola Lafallett. the actress aaugnter oi senator L,ataliett, was married yesterday to George Middlelon, -i . ..iu.ii...ii, a piaywngnt. Several U. S. battleships will be sent to the Chinese waters to natch pro ceedings there, and perhap with a view of intervention. The new J10O.0O0 theater of the Peoples' Amusement Co. will he opened at Portland on Wednesday, said 'o be the finest moving picture house in the Northwest. Senator Gore, of Oklahoma, is to be in Oregon this week. N'oth withstand ing his blindness he sees better than most of the U. S senators, particularly c irruption Eugene high defeated Sal?m hieh Sntuiday 5 to 0 Tne penalties were all against Saiem. one of 45 yards. Jamison of U. O. fame was one of the sfficials. Valley papers generally are helping to boost the apple show to be held in Albany '.Vednts iav. Thursday and Fri- day of next week, giving eerier) space to its promotion Apple boosting neips tne wnoie valley. I Tho no a Prinovillo .hnnl h,,ll,l; :B ' nearely completed. It is 71 by !'l feet a cement, uoor n'.s-iment, and IWO I stories nh ve. Ralnh It Wh-ninn I who built the Schmitt block, in this cit), b.3s done the work. At Brownsvil! last wek a Pco:ch . entertainment was (liven that pre'ved I ...i.l. u . i .- .-- ; The cotter's Salur lay night was givn several Scotch sonzi -uns- and a nan trim nrevn ed It m a lihrori h. r,. .fit. News from Albany's Trains. TEACHERS TAUGHT. There is a big thing in Albany this weeK people should take their hats off to, the joint institute oi the teachers of Lam and Benton counties, being held at iht high school building. Trie opening exercises ware begun ai 9;o'eiocK in charge of Superintendents Jackson and Mack. President J. H. Ackerman, of Mon mojm, 'one of Oregon's solid men, gave tne assembly address, as always good D-nanmnr wnrir .!,..' ,,n, 1 , . ana continued until 11, primary reading h w to begin, by Miss Maude Laugheao r 1 I of Albany; intermediate, language, by i Miss Oiive Davis, the critic uaclier of I the S. N.; advanced drawing by Mis: Cameron ot the Albany schools; rural. , thj teacher and the supervisor, by -President Actterman; and the high schooi, from a rural standpoint, by Rev M. i Gilchrist, of the Oakville school. After a short recess Prof. Montana, Hastings of the U O. spoke on the teacher for improvement, and methods lnis hi lei noon atler the opening as- '"n,lTrtment V""k W" conduclcd dllows: Primary, blend dril',, Miss Luughead; intermediate, language. Miss Davis; advanced, English classic.', Prof. E F. Carlton, assistant state superintendent; u,ti. supervisory, rroi. uoun, suuerin- 8 j" 's'"00!. itiethods of instruction. Prof. The second section as follows: pri mary, classics, by Helen T. Kennedy, of the library commission: intermediate, geography, by Miss Davis; advanced, nistury and recitation, by Prof. Carlton; rural, agriculture, Prof. Ressler, of the O. A. C. ; hign school, problems, by rroi. u. u Baker, of the Lebanon schools I The address of the afternoon was by f resident brooks on the development o a strong personality by the teacher. Tonight there will be a session, onen to all. our oeonle ah.inld take advanta a ot to meet some very bright and enter taining people. ine commercial club ivill go in a body and our business men. as well as others should show their appreciation of the institute as an event, Rmnbaugh Returning. ! . ' Chi rain all over the country, water standing in v.urn fields in III., but in Iowa they are husking the eon, now. The crop is not verv good, and the country is not im proved as it is In Ohio School houses looic small through the country. In Ohio they have fine school houses, taking great pride in them. Iowa is i quite rough along the C. B. &. 0 R. R. Some extensive ma ufacturing plants , are seen at some places. Monmouth claims to have the largest pottery plant in tne u. a. There IS ouite a lot of fruit hero and trees are in fairly good shape. Same scale in nlacca. A hiiriyer crOD this , but not much of one though. Am visiting a brother of L C. Stm ton and cousin ot mine. tomorrow j win go to umina ior u uay or two ana lllt-n to uregon. This mori ng is cold, with quite a brec-z-. but n3 frosts yet to amount to Kt ..... all in all, dry at. I h-.a ir the spring and .,rr.f J.. "? A'" ""?'"; summer, heavy rains since .-.ept 1 D. W. KUMBAUGK. A Maccabse invjRer. -I. The Maccabees hod a big smoker Sat- urday evening with u large crowd prea ent; and something doing continually. Gaines were Dla- ed. cigars smoked. sweet cider and wafers served whenever wanted, several live' boxing exhibition? given, in wni.n some laueu lo Com- back, and others did and a program of talks enjoyed. J. ft. ahtiwuu., popular slate commander made a live address, also Frank Motter, an.iher live wire from the metropolis, and s'.me from the Hub. Then there was ir.usic that is music, some bv the old timers, who rubbed the rust of their instru ments and sawed out some good old fehinn.4 Minpn M...r. pnv nn ,k. fiddle. Spooner on the banjo and Philips on the Diano; the Maccabee quartet in some good songs and Mr. Sherman, the Moose organizer, on the piano and in vocal solos, a good one. The Man Wh . Whipp:d Him At the same table at the Hotel Revere1 this morning, with President Ackerrnan z A.onmoutn, was a young man Prof. AcKerman gave a good wnii ping when u boy of 14. in one of ths Portland schix'ls, where the I'rot. was then teaching. Ihe buy was named Aayne Sluan, now a popular cornmerciil traveller. He admits he go' ahuul what was coming to him, and continues to have a great respect for tne able presidrnt of the normal school. Edmund Vance CocKe Next The p-onI ninriier of the college .ourse -ii'l be IvJinund ance 1ks, (he poe. ,.:id l-'i-mrer. who will appear tt the LV church Nov ;t at 8 p m. is a pt-et liiurcaiti f-r Ihe little lots, ind a di-ii:hr u) en ertainer, with life .nd l.tu' -i.-r. Torre a e liv- mil " numbT, all for H. Sinir'e ii'lrn-s-ii,i to Oo'i-e 5oc. ents r-3:rve.l hr ihe course ut by -tnis tn sale Ihursday m- it, The P 0. Corner. The oecup-nts of th - post o rc ijvill hallo till lVi. Orfcl'lr r. tnttua Ni.v. bfin the limit, and will get irto new quarters. Negoliationi Bre n rd ing fur some of the buildings, which will be moved, and perhaps torn dowri. Next week will see the lot cleare I. ready for the n.w P. O. As soon as cleaced the department will be notifiii and then bids Will be advertised for. TUESDAY. R0Q0WAY FOUND. Two Hunters Discover Body Nathan Rogoway Near Ashland. ot The body of Nathan Rogaway, of this c"-v- was u.una " "ay, a tew miles snutneast ot Ashland near hingshurv oy two hunters. It has betn identified by people Knowing Rogoway. Rvguwav left Albany over four months ago tor Southern Oregon on a hide buy ing triu for Sternberg & Co. He bought some hides of a butcher in Ash land, staling that he was coming north and would he there later to ship the hides, and this was the lust heard of him. The body was in some woods, under a pine tree. The theory advanced is that he was murdered. R. Rogoway this morning received a letter from the cjroner at Ashland in closing a piece from the clothes worn by his brother, his for sure. There was also found a ring with his name on the inside, N. Rogoway, making it sure that the body is that of N. Rogoway. Arrangements are being made to have it shipped here for burial. Candidates. There are five candidates for chief of police so tar as known: Petitions are now out for W. H Daughtry, John Catlin and Fred Heck- 8Pler- J: " Baker is also prominent- rotc nas aireaay ueen nominatea oy tuu.eni.iuu. No other petitions are out. There is a strong feeling in favor of Dr Wallace to remain in the mayors office, ana continue his good work. F. M. Redfield can undoubtedly remain in the record er's office, an efficient official. For councilmen there is nothing definite No lefinite candidates have beennamed. The city treasury is in good hands. S. 0. Rice was here from Gates. H. T. Dow, of Eugene, has been in the city. Mrs. Guy Thompson went to Halsey this afternoon. Richard P. Landis was a Eugene visitor yesterday A new cigar factory is being opened just soulh of W F. office. Commissioner Butler left this noon Inr- PAnrio In Link nftor tho fo.-ru .w. . . . .v -- - - ..... J . Mrs. C. H. Burggraf and son have returned from a foreland and Salem visit. Dr. Jones of Sodaville, a pioneer Linn county physician, has bean ii the .city today. m.. t t r ,,inl her new 'quarters just wet of the Dem - . ...!:... " i Pr?m,n'n' "ehriod ?' ?L ? ? r 9?? " ad ut iMllma Iur 1 umii ni.-i,nii iw vui.bhib una nuon. wyerci yoiing mum wciu ni. mo, i- - ... train to see him off. turer, will appear at the Methodist KM. French returned this noon from tl tol TS 1', ? tor""!""- ''"-!' " vwi. The contract has been let for 62 blocks of pavement at Mc.Vlineville, the Warren Co. getting It. There is to be a new hardware. str,i'f under the A. ( U W. hall, at Unit and Washington streets. I A new restaurant is that of Hatfield "or"!'u:'Ii ,n le new Hl" bnek j"8' east of the ttuss House, A. C. Schmitt has returned from his Southern Oregon trip, getting a couple ueer, ana naving a good nunc O OI Tok.ll... ,' Jf v,. . .... icuiwu iium Inn na lap flu I lnitl I .r tn. il.' a trip as lar as opal Uty, ever on the , Deschute.', between Redmond and Mad ras. The Pendleton round up films. It t reported, are an independent property, being shown outside ut the regular 11 m shows. Six car loads of race horses were ta - ken through the city yesterday on a special train on the way from Montana t0 Mexico. Miss Bertha Davis, domestic science teacher in the high scnuol at Corvallis, is in the city 'the guest of a luruter school-mate, Mrs. J. J. Collins. I The Chinese emperor has granted a c nstiluiiMii, upon tne demand of the I people, who aie entitled to one, and I more than tnat. Attorney Geieinl Crawford U in Washington to arcue the initiative and referendum case, and A. 6. Uenneu will be there later. The reorganized indoor baseball tour nament will begin tomorrow night with a game between the Knights ot Jo-urn-bus and Alcj team, that promises to oe a warm number. D W. Kumbaugh last night re'urm-u from his Iowu trip, slopping at Om ,im on the way hum, 'ihe Democrat huh kept its renders po&led about his wan dermis already. I Rev. E. L. Jones, recently officiaiine ' us past' r ol tne Preabyiou-tn ciiureh u i'ill.imook, has returned lo Portland, and is with the Nurth West J'ruu Co selling real estate. Mr and Mrs J J. Lingren, of Leba non this nuon, lelurneil on Ihe .tnusii. Limited from a visit ot a me tune at Oiitner, Neb., having u fi.,e Lime amor their relatives and old friends. All of the Marion county right ni wu caies with the O. K. have been a tiled hu; one, that of C. K. Scauiin Lu ribe- (.0 . which wnn'.B H'iaXM for right ol way through its mill property. ! John Jacoby, of Jasper, anJ Miss Ada Stalzer, of PleaHiint Hill. Lane county, were married yesterday in the middle of the road near the S. P., in the suburbs or tugeno one way tu get a good wedding notice, J. F. Powell, vice president of the North Fairvicw Mining Co. of the Bohemia district, has received notice of a Kpecial meeting of great importance to the stockholders on Nov. 6, a. 2..W n m., at Eugene. Some rich depoiils are reported uncovered. COM. CLUB. Present President Eastbu'n, i o President Tebault, Shinn, Gilbert, r.-. . millet, Sox, Hsmmei, Hawkins, No ting, Collins, Winn, Van Win -I. Letters were read fro.u ofiM. . Bourne and Chamberlain and Curirfi man Hiwley olf. ring to do t e iest possible, for the prupused $i00,vOO road in Crater Lake Park. Tne Chapman ad Agency asked for a contract. 'I'ne secretary was directed to correspond with the agency. A letter from D. C Frejintn repjrr ed a united ad. in Omaha papers for Albany, Lugano, Corvallis .u.d S Jem following up tne show. An enteusiaslic letter w-ts read from J. C. Huibrouk, with a good report of the Oinahi show. J. M. Engle, of Long Beach, pro posed a promotion of fruit land districts at that place, he matting uis mauey out of real estate sales. The manager of the commercial club was directed to have the extension petition circulated within two -.lays, as prepared by the committee and form erly adopted. ine club them went to the in.v.r.utj reception badged tor the occasion. News from Albany's Six. Early trams. Mr. and Mrs, L. T. Mackey, parents of Mrs. D. Bussard and Mrs, Judge Duncan, left for La Grande on a visit with Claud Mackey for a few months, previous to returning to their nome in Akron, Ohio. They left there in April, intending tu be gone just a year. They like the Wi'lamette Vailoy, but want to see some more Buckeys. The gas plant man went north. By the way Albany wants a gas plant. We need gas particularly for cooking and heating, and it is o be hoped one ma terializes here the coming year. Col. J. B. Eddy, S. P. right-of-way man, one of Oregon's best Colonels, returned to Portland, after seeing a man. It would be interesting if the S. P. would put the Col. to work getting rights of way from Detroit to Madras. Mrs. Flo returned from Lebanon, where she has a good class in vocal music. Lawy t r Newport returned from Leb anon. Among the drummers leaving were Del Bogart and Sam Goldsmith. Fath r Lane went to Portland. W. B. thance, mill inspector, went n Stnlom ' . "ev- "OOdS, oi orvuius, wt-m. iu , lnanOn. Mr. Moore, of Corvallis, a cyclopedia of information there, piiBscd through. Cecil Cuthey left again. ' Scott Hart, of the O.A.C. I Corvallis. Lust evening he left for returned e .. '. ' wnrthv character . 1" J wuuiwvvi... No. 2 in the College Course. . ,v si. l 11 'thBlmnortlnrni'lPoot. th. 1Mtn.l nf the Little Tata, cto He has Mitten pitrht vnlllmpn nf nitfmfl Una I. f.tnrprl I for seventeen seasons for hundreds of the- courses, giving his evenings of lit'e aitfl lautfMor in everv atato and t-.r- ! ritory except four. He lias mftuJ eight? lyceuni tours from ocean to ocean. Ho has written for over eighty magazines . and weekly papers and for hundreds of newspapers, lb is tho author of hu mor that has tickled the ribs of the I world, such as "Tho Young M .n Wait- 1." I'TU Mnt C'nttr Ann,r fllf iind . . '. . .T . . m duto-, iou Bnorton your lire it . t dj .1 t ' vmi mia hnarlnir him. Rdmund Vance - 1 Cooke was at Corvallis last we-k and cantured the town with his readings ' and his fun, . There ate five mora splendid numbers' in the course all lot $1 IW. The single admission to Cooke will bd lift Cents 1 wl'n "Nerved seat. Seats can be re served at Woodworth s for fifty cents for the entire season beginning Thurs day morning. The date has been changed from Fri day to Saturday night by request of Mr. Gooke, unable to reach here befjre then. Boy Run Over by a Bicycle, Nels Wheeler jr , yestorday was run down by a bicycle. He was going along First street with Mrs. Wheeler," near tne Magnolia laundry, when a young mtn on a bicycle came up behind, and without any warning run into him and over him, bruising him considerably. He was taken to a physician and cired 'nr. i,ert.iinly a very cureless accident. Ridcra neeJ to be mure careful. 215 Fet Above the Ocean. Thrpc young men were in the city, making elevations for U. S. Two of ihe government medals were left, ce mented down, with a penalty of d'ioO for disturbing them, marked thereon.. One near the depot in 211 fe t, and the other is nn tho court h(,uic steps, near the nirHnce, and will be 215 feet ubove o d Pacific. A Musical Treat Coming. I rrhap! the highest class musical en tertiiinment of Ihe season will he the Ruyal Welsh Choir at the M. E church on l-ridav night, Nov. 10. Though generally receiving as high as il h per formance, only $1, 75c and 50c will hs charged here. A musical treat fo: sure. The Weather, Range nf lompcratuie 59 40. The river is 1 foot. Prediction: fair tonight and Wednesday.