DoYou Your 9 V V 2 . 1 IF SO-WE WANT TO SEE YOU IN THIS STORE AND TALK DRESS GOODS AND SILKS TO YOU when it comes to piece goods of all kinds, and findings to complete your dress--we claim to be second to none. Look into the windows and see the display of Silks and Dress Goods. We are going to DIG them all out where you can see whats what. No matter what you want if its made of wool or silk we have it. Give your attention to these dep'ts for a few days and be pleased with what you buy. EVENING SHADES IN ' WIDE SERGES. 56-inch imported all wool serge in ijeautiful evening shades. Heavy enough to not require a lining. Light blue, pink, pearl, tan. Per yard $1-98 SILK AND WOOL POPLIN One of the most popular dress materials of the sea son. . btreet ana evening shades. 42 inches. 10 shades in all. $150 yard. NUNS VEILING AND HENRIETTAS '36-inch wool, good for 1 .... A 11 shades, including black and cream. Some only short pieces of a few yards. The two lines, 50-S9C. WOOL CHALLIES. . Broken lot of all wool challies in an assortment of patterns of. light and dar hades. 27 inches, in two lots, at 55c and G5c yd HEAVY COATING Never Such a Collection Shown in Albany. Four lots, mannish cloth made 90 inches wide and shrunk down to 56 and 58 inches. You will find here the most pleasing lot of scarce shades such as ink blue, biscuit tan, grey, broken checks of tan and brown, Scotch mix tures and tweeds and a few that are slightly basket. $1.50 a yard for 58-inch Grey Tan. $1.75 a yard for 58-inch Grey Tan. $2.00 a yard for 58:inch Navy Gray Mixture. $2.50 a yard for extra heavy mixed. ALL WOOL SERGES Serges are good as long as a thread lasts. We carry an extra large line of the best Domestic and imported goods. 42-inch English Serge, all colors 85c 46-inch Storm Serge in .black and navy .....$1.00 50-inch French - Serge, all colors and a great dress goods $1.15 Coating Serges, 60 inches black and navy, made for men s wear ...$2.98 yd 36-INCH BLACK TAFFETA Full yard wide, soft fin-; ished silk, one we guarantee to wear. Very popular for waists. Just now special per! yard 98c GRANITE CLOTH. 44-inch soft wool, especially adapted for dresses. Navy garnet, black, Helio. Special per yard - 85c ' ' MARQUISETTE AT $1.25. City stores get $1.50 for this same cloth. See our line Navy, Alice, brown, black and delft, a sheer pretty silk for dresses. Per yard $1.25 SILKS That Are the Best, at a Less Price. A wide range of light colors in 27-inch Messaline. A silk very popular for dresses, waists and linings. About 20 shades a limited yardage of some of the best colors Special 85c BLACK PEAU DE OYGNE Full yard wide, colored edge to insure pure dye. Rich deep black and sold "by many stores for $1.50. Special $1.10 EXCLUSIVE WAISTINGS. Some extra fine waist patterns in exclusive patterns New coloring and figures on fine Messaline. Brown, navy green, gray .: '. 95c yd YES, We have TAN Shoes to fit YOU. STORE A Popular Store for the People REMNANTS. New pieces added every dav. bhort ends irom our, regular stock goes on the bargain table at a low price. Every kind and color can be round. Pick through and! see. One-third and one-haUti off. Take a Look At our show windows and see a few samples of our large line of RANGES AND HEATERS We have a complete stock of the Best Ranges on Earth, and can suit your needs and pocket book, for we have in stock the largest line of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters that have yet been shown in the city. We sell dependable Guns and have a new and fresh lot of the Famous Peters Shot Gun Shells. Call and look them over. We still have a little Gen eral Hardware that we can spare to our best customers. HULBERT-OHLING H'D. CO WANTED wor',:lv the hour. Mrs. Dawson, 4;sti W Dth. IF you wnntyour wood unwed cull on F. C. Humes & Co. Home phone 703. FOR SALE The Dt-t Improved 10-acre small fruit ranch in the valley. On terms to suit. Call up owner, Home phone 1501. 1. J. Baltmoro will sol, hi lino Trap gun cheap NOTICE The Albany Lumber Co. have moved their olllce to their' unw mill in the east part of Alliany. Phone your orders direct to the mill. Both phones. I Bith phones. Studebakcr Wagons, Sur rey's and Hack's ut St-iwurt Sox Hnrdvve Co. KOI! SALE hy the owner, a six room! house and two loin, renter of to.wn, Imlf block from llish school. Apply on the promises S22 East 4 h sinet. I II. b'urns. I'lANO Tl;NL'li. t.envc orders for piano tuning at Woodworlh's Diuk Store. ('. M. Henderson. Tuner. ; GLASS. All sizes and kind's, for pnlo at the Albany I'liinmR Mill, cheaper p than ay where wise in Albany. Skill-: Iv set, if desired, ; WW. INSUKANCP-R.'st companies, I on rales, C. C. levant FA KM HK SALE --M acres at 75 , ner acre. One mile from $mni U. K. . town, graded e hool, tS seres colli-' vated, IS in timber, good buildings, running wafer, a snap. Call Uon E. i A. Thooipsi n, Albany Shingle Mill. in ! ARMSTRONG NURSERY CO., F.. C. Armstrong manager, 411 Court St. Salem. Fruit trees, shrubs, WANTED. -Boy to cary Oregonians. Hen Clelen. 1 KOU SALE.-Csbbage foi suuer kraut, and onions. A. W. Uurlin, Bell far mers 26. tl9 rOK KENT. A fuinisned room, htjt water boated, close in. Call at Dem ocrat nftioc. Men only FOR SALE A few more good lots in Hiizelwnnl. Host residence district, $10 down J 10 i r tron'h. No inter est. N i luxes E. H. Craven, 309 Ljon St. tu her phone. it j FOR SALE - 3 11. t'. Wcstinghouse electric motor, cho"p for cash, run one month. Bex 47, R. U. 6. Santi am Road. tl6 MADE IN ALBANV, Show, rounteis, and other store tlxures, first-class goods, by the Union Furni ture Factory. Order of them. Keep money at your home. CIDER. -Oct. 11 will begin making cidi r, an.) every Wd. forenoon until fu.-iker notice." C. R. V turner. R. D 4. Homophone 2801. U:tt LOTS 1 OR SALE Two at corn-r ot Sih and Main streets; one at cor ner oi 0th and Main; two at corner of 7th and Sherman. All near street school. Trice tntr hun dred to live hundred dollars each. Call on underLined or phone 11'.' Home Home T. 1 ll.ickieman. t':0 FOR SALE-B. P. Rock hens and pudels. Abo a few white Leghorn' pullets, Chas. Collins. R D..4, Al- bany. Home pnone itiib. n'ji... i WANTED. - FouseKeeper for wld;wer widow with little girl prefered. Ad dress VV. W. Dawson p. o. box 517 Albany. t27 LOST. A ladVs gold watc . Please return to Albany Dressed Beef Co's office. ( Yoi'r shoes made iQ0d as new at I Burns Shoe Store. , j FOR SALE. A gasoline engine, 2 H. P. Fairbank Morse, almost new, for I sale cheap G. W. Laubner, Halsey. 1 FOR SALE A Super ior seeder and a ! sorrell mare. E. M. Perfect. R. D. I 4. Phone 201 Home. t4 Studebaker wagons, oueeies. surreys and backs at Stewart & Sox Hdw.. Cr, j GRAPES for sae bv the bushel, Con cord. Mrs. W.N. Phillips, N Al 1 bany. bell phone. 17c POTATO and HOP LAND small tracts of bottom land for sale on easy ierm. ! H. Bryant tl4 WOOD Maple forsale. Walton Rooti I House. Home phone l-iod. 14t WANT a "blind" tj pewrighter? Rawlings closing cut stock of ''blind models. Prices 'JO and 25.00 (Bargains) Machines A-l condition. I all an '. investigate. FOR SALE - Peanut roaster. Inquire K E. Rex, 914 E. 2nd st. lot FOR SALE-Cows, fresh next month, ana 17 shoats. Chus. Schultz, R D. J. lit i- NCY TOILET WATERS - Bear in mini! we c rry a complete line of high gn.Me fancy toilet waters. . Beautiful odi is. Prices right. Burkkart & Lee. TO MOM ESEEKERS 600 acres in si'utll tracts to suit purchasers, for tuW on easy tertrs. H. Bryant. t7 Albany Democrat Entered at trie-post office.. Albany, Or. tmrn ih fs n til iratti r. F. P Nutting. IS THE WILLAMETTE IMPROV ING? PERSONAL for Mr. and Mrs. S. tW. Ross left Newport today to spend the winter. J. A. Plummer, now a resident of near Thoin?s, with that place as his P. 0., was in the city today. Mrs. Adra Smith Flo left last ni:ht for Los Angeles, where she will take some special lessons. I Prof. Montgomery, aviator, took his The attention of the Democrat is tumble yesterday, do n at San Jose, called to a recent article in the Ore- and the funeral wiil be this week, son, w ritten by E. U. Will, of Port- Miss Nellie Burns bst evening gave land, a former Albany business man, a delightful Hallowe'en party, enjoyed in which he says; j with her ry a crowd of young friends. "The writer recently made a ten ; David Graham, a prominent Eugene mile drive in Linn county that he had sho- dealer, formerly a star U. O. loot Special Communication St. John's Lodge this) Wednesday) eveninK at 7:3U sharp. Work F C Decree. G. E cANDEftS, W. V. E. WASHBURN. Sec. not made tor seven years. In all that drive he saw but one new place building up. None of the tartns are being divided into smalied holdings, no new business is Drought into ac- build up the community and ' or t0 Salem. ball man, was in the City yesterday Dr. D. M. Jones, of Sodaville, has been in the city. He wishes to sell or trade his Sodaville property for Albany property, with a vew of moving here turn to Al. jopuo.w aploDd 31LIOS JOA 'UAVOl we do not get more new immigration. He also attacks the high price of farm land prevailing, and declares the reason the influx is not greater is be cause ot over-valuation. The Democrat doesn't know where Mr. Will traveled his seven miles, but J O. t.f.e left this week for Death Valley, Ca if., where he and his brother own a valu.tule go d mine, for which they have received a fl .tiering offer, that if accepted will put them on Easy ; street. ' F G. WILL, lor Watches CHOICE OF ANY fiiciirji i Mrs. Reum'a crocery is now just west of the Democrat office. Hp A1 IN THE STORE nd Warden, for : Wm Peac.:ck. j 114 I FOR SALE 2 drays, 2 teams, 2 sets! douiue harness, 1 pinno mover, and good will. Call at Gilbert Bros, or B41E4.h. 18 ! WANTED Girl or woman, 7C4 E 2nd St. Potatoes Wanted it must have been in the dark, or at least was not a fair criterion for him t to hit his old county such a whack, j GRAPES. -Concord People who have been all over Linn j sale by the bushed, county know that there has been a decided improvement in seven years, that farms have been cut up in a good many instances, and that a pros perity prevails through the county that is emphatic. In the cities the improvement is very striking. Albany is a different nbi.-e from seven vears auo. a trans formation in fact, not only in increase'. of population, but in internal im provements. Lebanon has gone ahead with marked strides in that time, Brownsville is having a splen did growth, and tne other towns are growing. The price of farm lands here is said J. to be le--s than in many other places, j hut that is a matter that takes care ol I itseli. ','overned by t lie law of supply and demand. Farm values are less Pfeiffer9 PEY HATS s PAGDARD SHQES Towel Supply Department. In Carload or Less Ouantitv th:m in thc Mi5si'PPi and Missouri in LanoaasorLess uanuiy as sbown hy thc n gov- cnmuMit census reports, leaving a !ii:i'iMn for increase. A tood mativ newcomers ar riving in the valley, and it is having a health v and permanent growth, one that is going to increase faster the coming vears. Apples, union4, all Kinds of produce. St'e u. be-'ure you sell. Hest atonikie facilities in towu Albany Supply Co. Clean towels daily for offices, stores, garages, etc. Your choice of three ex tra fine soaps' made especially for us. Rates 50 cents per months, up. Tel ephone our office or ask our drivers. MAGNOLIA LAUNDRY. 2nd and Lvon.St. li r tin eeries and Vent. LODGE MEETINGS. Tlx O. M. every S.itui'V-iy even mil incuts, apple and pear dwarfs. Sold direct to planters, no agent:. tD New To Oav R SAL ESTATE. I lu.v.i i,n exeepii'inaily nond buy in ri lot on Sv ,'n.t S'r el l'.ivmv nil p'.-c fir. M'iv tpjick if ytm an) a v o buv. 'I'm- is a go,..i bu in s I rn;eiry J. V. Pipe, '-3 'Air-i SiconuSt, orns-1 A loan), Die. 'I'he Woodmen of the Wor.J every l-'riiiay evening. L. Yierock, clerk. Mauanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mon d.iv. Sv-hmitt lilock. M.'.lcrn Woodmen every -i'd an 1 4;'i Wednesdays. Grant t"roma- cler'v. S.'hmitt Mock. K -yal Neighbor every 1; .t'-.d 3rd edne'5i':iys. Alice Kirk, Recorder. Schmht ilU-ck. WANTED A temperate youne man I wan's steadv wor: i n a farm ir-0 ? ' reference. 104 W 3rdS'. Albm-. t271: r'OR RENT One fnrm 2 miles from 1 Albany, SO acres, house and bar" I One tarm S miles from Albany, 125! icr. no hous. or barn. Cask vnt , S. E. Yoing & S. n t2 i POTATOES By A. P. Wheeler, the! A. Henshav po'ato?s. Re I 357! Hnip ?lt ; CABBAGE For s-iucr kruvt srd; onion. Phone Kaimers 2x1, E. L. : McKeever. 27t j KOR " ENT. -2 unfurni herl rooms, 'or light housekeei re. wiih wood, watr and phone. Ml baKer. li KITCHEN SETS GIVEN AWAY FREE SEE the valuable present we have for you, and learn why your dollars have greater purchasing power with us. R. ROGOWAY & SONS, 12G-134 2nd St., Aibany- Dealers in furniture, carpet;, linoleun-.f, sieves, raiges, tinware and granite ware.