Mbatty ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 VOL XI VI l N'l l JUST To Remind You G'-ENDOaR lot3 are for sale, lot 200x200 ft., sold on terms to suit B etter see us before all the choice one are gone. TEBAULT REAL ESTATE Co. New Suits, Coats I BUY BY COMPARISON LOOK AROUND-IT COSTS NOTHING WE'RE AFTER THE BUSINESS WHY NOT? ' WE HAVE THE GOODS IN GREATER ASSORTMENTS AND THE PRICES WE MAKE WILL DEFY ANY AND ALL COMPETITION. COME AND SEE. 1 FRIDAY, SA1 URDAY SHOE DAYS . Womens and Misses' High Cut Tan Shoes 14, 16, and 18 Button Just Received by Express Little Boys', Misses and Child's Chambers & McCune Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. M. Senders & Co, Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. TOM YOUNG. " House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gelsenite roof paint 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific, Red 3092 VIERECKS BATHS, 217 West First Street. rst-Class Work Guaranteed. M. ii. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Alban, First-class meats of all kinds from selected stock $10.00 SUITS THE A New Creation in Lamps No more loose plaster Paris collars, the new collar is on the inside of the lamp in place of on the outside as they used to be. See them at MEISER & MEISER They cost no more. and Dresses Just Received by Express 'Tis with pleasure we also announce the arrival of an extraordinary col lection of distinctive models in Patent, Gun Metal, Suede, Velvet, Corduroy and Satin. Every shoe in the collec tion is made according to our exacting specifications and every shoe meas ures tip to Chambers & McCtme's High Standard of Quality. These shoes are built to give satisfaction, and unequivocally guaranteed to do so. The values are absolutely the greatest in Albany. All we ask is that you do us the favor to. look. Experienced shoe men to fit you properly. In all styles and leathers, Tan Calf. Gun Metal with Patent Top and Tas sel, Patent Vamps with Red,. Brown or Black Uppers, with Black Patent, Cuff and Tassel. Largest assortment of styles and prices shown in Albany and every pair guaranteed to give service and satisfaction. , F. M. FRENCH & SON JEWELERS We have the exclusive sale of the importnd GRUEN-Verithin Watch Made for gentleman who want a light and thin watch that is absolutely reliable. We sell all grades of Railroad Witches. WHAT THE RIGHT CLOTHES MEAN A MAN'S SUCCESS The young man who is dressed correctly bids for influence and the respect of others, and he GETS it. And when he possesses those assets, he is successful. In showing that he is particular about this matter, he also shows thiit he will be particular about OTHERS. . IN SELECTING OUR SHOWING CF FALL AND WINTER GARMENTS this year, wc have gathered the best. from the world's most famous makers. Alder of Rochester, Society Brand, L System, Mivhncl Stern, High Art, Stein Clock. ABSOLUTELY none better than the above mentioned and wt show the cream of each line. BLAIN $12.50 SUITS Ped(rossM VJJ - Jockey Boots CLOTHING $20.C1 SUITS THE WORLD. U O. defeated Pullman yesterday to 0 in a hard fuuht buttle. The Chemawa foot ball team went to Corvallia this afternoon to play O.A.C Probable score 30 to 0. A meeting was held at Harrisburq recently to promote the securing of bridge across the Willamette at that city. The total assessment of Lane county, exclusive of the public service corpora tions, is $31,23t,170. being $2,50.1.000 n ore than, a year ago. E-:gene Mutlock, once an Albary hotel clerk, has leased a room in the St. Francis block, Eugene, and wi.l open a gtocery store. The jury in the case of Mary Penning ton agt. the Eugene General Hospital forSa),0u0 damages, in ten minutes brought in a vetdict for the defendant. The Albany Floral Co. last evening by tne frost "lost a good many of the fine chrysanthemums at the Company's gardens near this city, which seems to nave gone lor the mums. Chambers & McCune, of this city, have been putting Albanv on the map. in the neighborhood towns, having half page ads in all the papers ot Lebanon, Harrisburg, Brownsville, Scio and Junction. ,' Up at Cottage Grove a warm war has bean begun between the Chirooractics ! aid the Osteopaths One of the latter, i Or. Somers, uses two columns in tne Lisaar in mi article so hot it is a won der the paper didn't burn. i Om can now leave Portland at 9:55 a. in., and will reach Bend at 8:35 p. I in., will pass Madras, just the other side of the hills, at 6:10. - Returning the train will leave (lend at 6:30 a. m . reach Madras at 8:39 and Portland at 6 p. m. I Philadelphia evidently likes the name .Baker. Besides having Baker at third, , the star performer in the race for the pennant, Philadelphia ha signed Ray : Baker, a former Fortst Grave boy, for j the battery team. Last year he pitched for Eugene, this year for Ruymond, Wash., where he has made suclt a repu tation that he has been sent (or. D REAMLAN THEATRE. D Today 1. 1 In the Shadow of the Pines. A drn:J- by the Selig company with the : actit--.-.' laid in and around the forests of Canada. A fine picture with good scenic effects. 2. Among the Japanese. An edu ! cutional subject showing Japanese life : and customs in far-away Japan, show ing a street in lokio, their festivals, and numerous other views. I 3. Miss Ida Young, singing "When I I Met ou Last night in Dream i land." 3. The Son of the Shunammite. A magnificent production bringing the !.well known story to us in all the beau I ty of the country in which it originat I ed. A hand colored film and is a I feature film. ! 4. Fqrgotten. A Vitagraph, one of ' their late pictures, showing how the faith of a child reclaims her father's love. First class photography and beautiful stage settings. I 5. ICahler and Wadsworth In new ' music. 6. Coming November 9 and 10, the greatest feature him ever shown here, Dante's Inferno. Admission 10 cents. Potatoes Wanted In Carloads or Less Quantity Apples, unions, all hinds of produce See us before you sell. Best storage facilities In towu Albany Supply Cc aua" v oarooXT'" AT THE COURT HOUSE Probate: Will of A. M. Acheson filed. It con tains 38 words above the signature, with G. T. 'lamill and Jay W. Hlain as witnesses, dated April 22. 1S90. All property is left to Mrs. Acheson. with no provision for the children, which will mane tne win void, estimated value ot estate, $1200 realty, $400 personal. Deeds recorded: Benjamin f. Burnett to Walter Junkkie, 40 acres $ 10 N. C. McClain to A. M. Holt, 107 acres 11-21 W 10 L. E. Bo jdet to G. N. Jewell & wife. 76 acres 1 A. J. Johnson to H. 0. Wicks & wife ,10 acres...... liiOO C. H. Walker on Eastern Oregon. Cviub H. Walker has a verv interest ing article in the Homestead, on the Eastern Oregon Country. Of the 73 years of his life nearly 23 were spent east of the mountains, the first nine 1838 to 1847 in what is now Washing ton, one year soldiering in Idaho in 1865 6. and fifteen years at Warm Springs. He took up a claim near Warm Springs and resided on it 1887 9, where Clifford was born. He owned the agency ferry. In 1892 he sold his interests and returned to the valley getting $1000 for his place, which it is said is now worth $25,000. He says: "As an Oregonian I know no section allsm and shall always be a booster for all parts cf our peerless Oregon, and Idaho and Washington too, since in God's providence I was born in the old Oregon o: wmcn tney were oncearoyai part. Good Word for Father Lane. Jefferson Review: Father Lane came down from Albany Monday mo. ning to conduct some spec ial exercises at the Catholic church While all cannot, or will not, be Catho lics, all who have a personal acquaint ance with Father Lane hold him in the highest esteem for his quiet, unostenta tious work and never-ceasing efforts to do good to everyone. His church here !a rapidly Increasing in membership. Two I eer in i- Ibany. R. A. Murphy and Charles Cline re turned this morning from their deer hunt in the hi'ls near Kiddles, bringing back a couple uf fine fe'lows, one a five point buck, the other a spike. They also got two r-r three otn-rs, which they hta or jerked for the coming win ter. It was a busy, interesting trip, vbnut the best ea'ing in the world is jerked venison, for which it' is said editors hhve a reppoii6ive tongue. A U of O. band. Eugenb, Oct. 27. Under the leader ship of Burns Powell a band has been organized among ths University of Oregon students in which Rolla Ralston, of Albany, is playing a cornet. This band will attend all rallies, foot ball games nd other student body funct ions. They wi'l bj taken to Portland at the stud-nt bodies expense to furnish music for theOiegon Washington game. Mrs. Jhnsnn. gra-uate i.urse, Bker street. Home phone 1139. 632 DR. J. WILLIAM LEWIS, M. T. DRUGLESS TREATMENTS RHEUMATISM, STOMACH OFFICE HOURS 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 6 and 7 to 9 p . 10, 11, 12 Schmltt B TO ?25.00 SUITS 0REO0NDAY AT OMAHA Tuesday was Oregon Day at the Omahi show. In a letter written after the rushoftheday Mr. Hoibrook, our repre sentative, writes it was a great success, with about 10,000 people present, a..d the Willamette exhibit was the center of attraction. Oregon badges were distributed, and there was an immense demand for literature. The men talked themselves hoarse, and went to bed about exhausted. The Oregon exhibit is being greatly appreciated, and Al bany, Corvallis, Eugene and Salem made no mistake when they promoted it Meet the Teachers. Supt. JacKson informs us that a large number of the teachers and nearly all tne nign acnool principals throughout L,inn lo. are new toacners irum tne east ; An informal rublic reception will be tendered the thiee hundred or more teachers from Linn and Benton counties next Monday evening at the High school building. The most prominent educators of the stato will be present, and a -hort literary program rendered. All citizens ot Albany, especially the business men and commercial club, should avail themselves of the oportun ity of meeting these good people and extending to tbem a cordial welcome and hand shake. Let nothing prevent. Take them into your homes, see the , institute program and attend tome session. COMMERCIAL GLUB COM. Mole a Gun, Lebanon E. A. Tony Fort, who pleaded guilty of stealing a gun from I. E. Steingrandt near Sweet Home a couple of days ago before Justice W. H. Daugherty of Albany was sentenced to twenlv-live days in the county jail. Fort was taken to Albany Wednesday by Constable H. R. Slavens, He a. about 20 yeais old and a "floater," who hd been working near Sweet Home. Empire Photoplay Theatre TONIGHT "The Sheriiff's Friend." (Vita graph.) A diversion from the usual pictures by this company, showing a good bunch of new people in a cow boy story. Excellent acting and beau tiful scenerv. "In Paris Slums." (Pathe.) A very peculiar story of the circus life in Paris, also the slums, where a light with a titter in a cage makes things lively. The rei-eue of the mail, by a young woman, -being very real istic. "Extracting Palm Juice in the For est." An enjoyable scenic and educa tional picture by the Pathe company. . "Vienna, Austria." (Pathe.) The various famous churches and cathe drals of Vienna, arc beautifully por trayed in this picture. Also some of the fountains, streets, etc. "The Romance of Round Cove." (Lubin.) This extra line picture by the Lubin company, seems almost to terminate in tragedy, but our ever popular Florence Lawrence saves the dav. and the story ends happily. Illustrated Song "Louie's Sentence." Music by Empire Orchestra.' Admission 10 ctts NERVOUS AND DISEASES BELL PHONE m. 2U-R dg, Third anl froadalhin 515.00 SUITS $15.00