Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 27, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    . Public Sales.
In public sales there is a difference
Live stock auctioneers are not all
alike. The better the salesman the
bigger are your returns. Ther is
profit, security and satisfaction in !
ing business with a good auctioneer.
For dates and terms write me at
Halsev, Oregon.
' B. T. SUDTELL. Aucticaeer.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the last will
and testament of J. V. Cusick, de
ceased, has this day filed his final ac
count as 'Such executor with the coun
ty clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and
the county court of said county has
fixed Monday, the 16th day of Octo
ber, 1911, at the hour of one o'clock
p. m. of said day, for the hearing of
objections to said final account and
for the settlement thereof.
Any and all persons having objec
tions to the same are hereby required
to be present at the said time and
place and make same.
Bated September 13, 1911.
Executor of the last will and testa
ment of J. W. "Cusick, deceased.
Attorney for Executor.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon tor Linn county.
George Pearce, plaintiff, vs. Tessie
Pearce, defendant.
To Tessie Pearce, the above named
defendant: I
In th Name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of the above
named plaintiff in the above entitled
cause, now on rile with the Clerk of
the above entitled court, within six
weeks from the date of the first puo
lication of this summons; and if you
fail to appear and answer said com
plaint as hereby required, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in his
said complaint. The relief demanded
in said complaint is a decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony now ex
isting between the plaintiff and de
fendant, and such other relief as may
be meet in equity.
This summons is published once a
week for six successive weeks in the
Albany Democrat, a weekly newspa
per published in said county, by order
of Hon. J. N. Duncan, County Judge
of Linn Counlv, Oregon, made this
5th day of July, 1911, and the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons is the 7th day of July, 1911.
, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
In the matter of the application of
Minnie Young and W. H. Young, her
husband, and L. C. Alexander to reg
ister title to the hind in this applica
tion described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the Southeast corner
of the D. L. C. oi S. P. C. Fleener,
Not. No. 1609, and Claim Xo. 66, in
Tp. 10 S. R. 2 V. of the Will. Mcrd..
Oregon, thence South 89 degrees 4S
minutes West along South' line of said
Claim 20.72 chains, thence North 17.25
chains, more or less, to the center of
the main channel of the Thomas
Creek; thence Easterly up the center
of the main channel of the Thomas
Creek to a point due North of the
place of beginning, thence South 22.45
chains, more or less, to the place of
beginning, containing 46 acres, more
or less, all in Linn County, Oregon.
Against 1. G. Faltus and Charles
Faltus, and all whom it may concern,
Take notice, that on the 18th day of
July, 1911, an application was filed by
said applicants in the Circuit Court
of Linn County, Oregon, for initial
registration of the title to the land
above described. Now, unless you ap
pear on or before the 21st day of
August, 1911, and show cause why
such application shall not be granted,
the same will be taken as confessed,
and a decree will be entered accord
ing to the prayer of the application,
and you will be forever barred from
disputing the same.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Circuit Court this 18th day of
July, 1911.
County Clerk and ex officio Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Linn C6unty,
.(Seal) By R. M. RUSSELL,
Applicants' Attorneys.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
tl.e County Court for Linn County,
Oregon, as the Administrator of the
estate of Ed Zeyss, deceased. Any
and all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same to niv attorneys, Weath-
en'ortl & Wcatherford. at their office i
i:i Albany, Oregon, within six montns
from the date hereof, duly verified as
by law required.
Dated this 20th dav of September.
1911; ED L.'A. ZEYSS,
AVeailicrford & Wcathcrinrd,
Attys. for Admr.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Katherir.c Miller, deceased, has
lilcd in the county court of Linn coun
ty, Oregon, his final accou-it as such
r.ilminiirator, and that said court has
fixed Monday, the 9th day of October,
1911, at the hour of one o'clock in the
afternoon, as the time for the hearing
cf objections to said final account and
the settlement thereof.
W. A. Dunn died '.his morning
of paralysis, after an illness of a year or
two, receiving several strokes, the lust
Iwu we ks i go.
he wa ov. n in Illinois, afterwards
serving in the civil war. tie came to
Oreuon ut.ou' iwentv live years ago.
resiling in Portland, Brownsvilie ai:d
Aloa.y. here nearly ten years. He was
a member of the Christian church, and
leaves manv warm friends tomcurnthe
oeath of an excellent, husband, father
and citizen.
He leaves a wife an 1 the following
children: Mrs. J B. Lealherman. of
this city, .Ws. Rev. Fratik Stanard of
Mc.Minnville and lira. R. B. Montague,
uf lortland.
Funeral sei vices at J. B Leather
man's tomorrow afternoon at 2:30
The Nsw Craft Shop.
Craft & Miller have their new shop
almost ready for occupancy, and will be
in it in a few days. It will be one of
the best in tne state, splendidly equip-
ped in every department for thebusi-,
ness. The equipment will include a
modern freezing machine, with a big
meat chest. The sales room is very
neat and attractive. Craft & Millet
expect to be ir the place before the 1st
of Nov. '
r c .,i.. n,; ..
SEKtw y returned thl3 D00n
om rortiano.
Mrs. J. E. Bridgeford returned this
noon from McMinnville.
Mrs. M. J. Duryea, of Eugene, was
in tne city yesterday.
About $3,000,000 worth of piueapples
will be shipped from Hawaii this year.
rhin i, in h,l hnB !.. wr,hi
without fuel and its rice crop exhausted
.7, , f.,. j ;, ; i,.,. f
Mrs. Connie White and son, of Port
land, are visiting in the city, at the two
paternal homes.
Editor D. E Vernon, of Oakland, re
turnfd today from a visit with his
daughter, ot the O. A. C.
Rev. Marsden left on the early train
today for Sacramento, to attend a coast
convention of Episcopal ministers. I
Mrs. Sifera, of Portland, formerly of The annual institute of Linn and
Albany, passed through the city this Be.iton counties will be beid at this city
noon for Roseburg on a visit 'with her next week, Minday. Tuesday and Wed
folks. ' nosday, with an elaborate program, and
An effort is being made to secure a a list of instructors of rare merit, as
game between Albany high and Jeffer- follows: State Supt. Alderman, Presi
son hiuh of Portlaud at this citv next dent Ackerman of Monmouth, Prof.
Saturday, '
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Skirving, of
Bothell, Wash, are in the city on a
visit at the home of their daughter. Mrs.
A. E. Keith
Portland closed the season in San
Francisco by being beaten in both
games, practically throwing them, which
was small business and childish.
It is reported the first Oregon Elec-
trie station on the O. E. south will be
on the Cline farm, and the next about
a mile further, on the Hughes farm.
The Albany Cubs Saturday afternoon
got even with the Corvallis Kids, beat
ing them 21 to 5. The Albany boys
played great foot tall for oungsters.
Several hundred people yesterday saw
theO E. people unload three donKey
engines and a car load of dirt cars for
the big fill opposite the Jewish cem-
Mr. and Mrs. Shupp and Mr. and
Mrs. and Gertrude Bilyeu went to
Philomath in Mr. Shupp's automobile
yesterdav, having a very nice time,
visiting friends there.
A letter from J. C. Holbrook. re
ceived by the commercial club today,
states that the valley exhibit is un
questionably the best in the big Omaha
show, and is attracting attention.
In Oklahoma yesterday a negro was
lynched, a city attorney killed in a fight
and two thousand negroes got on the
war path The militia had to be called
out. Coweta was the scene of the race
Lieut. Herbert H. Acheson, closed a
deal Saturday for bis mother Mrs.
Jennie E. Acheson for the George
Richards cottage cor. 9th and Maple
streets, consideration $2000. The sale
was made by L. J. Gray & Co
Ralph Dimick a lawyer of Oregon City,
in a game with Forest Grove, a week
ago received serious injuries and was
taken to St Vincent's hospital. Yes
terday while iu a delirium he jumped
from his room on the second floor and
was killed. He was playing with his
alumni team when injured.
Miss Flora Mason and Mrs. K. E.
Mason Saturday evening cn ertained at
the home of D. P. Mason in honor of
Mrs. Anna Flinn Hunt and Mrs. Ab
bett, with a large number present. The
tppointments were artistic and the
.service of refreshments a neat affair.
A second presentation of Belshazzar
Saturday evening was appreciated.
Th(! attendance, at both perfor .nances,
was not nea:ly what it deserved, a high
.Mass performance. Prof. Robinson is a
-plen.:id trainer of choruses, and his
aerfot mances Have always made good-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Hatfield, of
Forest Grove, arrived last evening from
Ashland in their auto, on their bridal
trip home. Saturday they got stuck in
he mud and only made 'eleven mile?,
yesterday about a hundred They art
njoying their ride over the couniry
The Democrat has received a copy of
a South Bend, In'., pap?r. with a
write-up of some big mee intra heirg
held there by Biecerwolf and- others.
A feature was the opening parade with
over five thousand in line This was in
charge of J. F. Altermatt, chairman of
the publicity commission, a former Al
bany young man.
Rev. A. J. Hunsaker left this morn
ing for his home at Stayton, Oregon,
after visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Rufus Thompson Dr. F H
1 hompson and wife ot balem. returnrn
nome on last night a train, after vin.
ing here, in compa y, with Ju lge Hill
it Seattle and Dr. J. L. Hilt of Albany
brothers of Mrs. Thompson, at 'hi.
News from Albany's Mx Ea -y
General Will Crawford went to Port
land for a couple of days. He has
housed his flying machine for the sea
son; but expects to make some more
tria's next year, with several months
for studying the business.
E. C. Roberts, the fruit expert, who
has charge of the collection of an ex
hibit for the apple fair, arrived from
Lebanon. He reports prospects of the
largest display yet at the. coming fair,
notwithstanding a somewhat short crop. l
Doug Hamilton, after seeing the pic
tures, left for home. He says you
have to see a thing to learn. It gets
into your briin then and stays some
times. "Mrs. Irwin, at the St. Charles a(
couple of weeks, left for her home a'.
Rev. Knott left on a Portland trip.
J. C. Devine, the Lebanon hotel man,
left for home.
J. R. Wyatt returned to Portland.
Prof. Hudson returned from a couple
days visit with Mrs. Hudson, in Cor
vallis. C. 0. Lee, the engineer, left for
Portland and the Sound on engineering
Chas. Sternberg returned to Portluno
witu a hasket of -jranes.
Mrs. Robert Shaw returned to Mill
city. Mr Shaw left last night on a
Medford trip
R0bert Fro'mm, a former Albany boy,
sonof Mrs. Wm.Fromm, returned to Mt.
a nn-oi jK ha rmorntino- for a
ronnle nf months for the regular atrent.
R. Edson, the miner, returned to
John Bryant returned to Willamette
after his regular Sunday visit home,
Lawyers Newport and Garland came
a,-, ivm r.-.h.mnn tn nttonrl court.
Miss Grace Needham. of Corvallis.
was an arrival,
Rev. Hunsaker returned to Stayton,
after a valley trip,
Commissioner Butler and daughter
returned to Stayton and the big bridge
Dr. Mack Denny, after a Sunday
visit with his folks, returned to Port
Com.. F. J. Miller returned to Salem.
Lawyer Guy Lewelling returned from
a visit with his folks at Tangent.
The Coming Institute
; Bennett cf the U. O., Prof. Montana
Hastings of the U O., Prof. Ressler of
lle ? A-Olive Davis the critic
tojer of Monmouth, Helen Kennedy
of the library commission, E. F. Carl
ton assistant state superintendent.
President Crooks, Miss Maud Lauzhead
in primary work, iiupt. Boetticher,
Supt Kirk of the Corvallis schools.
Sunt. Gocdin" of the Scio schools. Prof.
Gilchrist of the Oakville schools, and
Supervisors Bolin and Benner. The
evening sessions will be popular affairs,
the first evening a reception at the high
school, ana Tuesday evening nn address
by Su. I A'dermon. All the sessions,
tnouh, will be interesting.
Daily Store News.
It is impossible to tell you about all
the new things arriving daily through
our display ads, so we will notify you
wlJh "daly 3lore news" readers
I Another ixpress shipment of High
i Cut Tan shoes for women and misses
! was receiveu louay. aiso a new lot or
Suede. Velvet, Corduroy, Gun Metal
and Patent.
We are also in receipt of the most
beautiful line of neckwear, wide frills
and wide end jabots ever displayed in
Albany. Don t tail to see them. We
will continue our sale of $1.25 velvet,
satin, leather and tapestry hand bags
all this week.
Watch our windows, they are always
in the load and you can always see
something new and interesting.
Former Albany People.
Albany people are alwas interested in
the doings of former residents of the
city. One family that are prospering
are Dr. C. U. Chamberlain's. The Dr.
and Mrs. Chamberlain are at Los Gatos.
Calif., where the former has a good
practice as un homeopathic physician.
Allan is now an editor at Campbell, five
miles from Los Galos. and Miss Winnie
is teacher of drawing and manual train
ing in the hign school at Campbell
Mr. Chae. Herbert Sanders, u young
man highly spoken of. nnd Miss Hnzel
Kyle, a worthy young lady, daughtjruf
A. Kyle, were married Saturday even
ing at the home of the bride's father.
Mr. Kyle being seriously ill the mar
riage was private, at his bedside. Rev.
Doughs officiating.
They have the best wishes of many
A Big buy
A big deal here recently wns the
purchase of the well known Hughet
farm by the Pirtlh-Vt ieder Land Co.,
'230 acres. It i said it will be cut u
into smail tracts and sold. Th - O. E
cuts it in two, making it an ideal placi
for a home, only 6 minutes bj theO. E
to the Albany station.
The Weather.
Range of tcmneratu-e 57 41 .
The river is I 5 feet.
Prediction: occasion il rain tonight and
Seventeen government employes from
different pans ot the valley met at the
commercial club rooms Saturday even
ing, and organized under the Civil Ser
vice Retirement AsRnr-iutinn. with .1.
H. Going, of Aloany, us chau'man and I
L. P. Bennett, of Salem, secretary. I
Postmaster J. S. Van Winklo opened I
the meeting with a welcome to those :
from other places, giving the object of !
ine meeting.
Frer1 P. Holm, secretary of the Port
land branch ot the Association, was
present and addressed the meeting in
reference In the ooject of the Associa
tion, the improvement of the conditions
in civil 63rviee. and just now the se-
Urintr thmiieh i-(,nir-eaa nf
suitable ;
retirement law that anull ho s insiii-e to I
the men in the service.
Instead of forming a separate Asso-
elation in the valley it was decided to
affiliate with the Portland branch.
Congressman Hawlev sent his regrets
at not being able to be present.
Others to speak were A. C. Baker of
the railway mail service, W. W Hen
derson of Salem, I. B. Cummings of
. orvallis R. F. D , who never has gotten
stuck very badly; M. W. Bower of Cor
vallis, Walter Corbett of Corvallis, and
other?, all practiclly being in favor1 of
joining with Portland.
ine following at onco applied for
membership: J, H Goins, A. C. Baker,
j. it Lioutthton, J. u. Warner ana c
o. Lomett of Albanv; L. P.
wrkitiu:.' "r will
w. cower or Uurvallis. i
Besides those mentioned those nres-
ent were: W. B, Marian Corvallis, David !
Shearer tangent, Koy Houser and Geo. 1
M Robinson of Alnanv. Jav Conner of
North benton.
On account of the presidential train !
arriving zo minutes early, a gooaiy
number of our people jailed to get a
irllmnae nf Wtlllium
Frank Hadley, who has been running
the.W. D. Morris place for the past!
field topside leaveshortl3' rr&P""K-
new to reside.
f armers have about ompleted their
fall work and are now turning their
attention to tall seeding.
Mr. Muckley, of Portland, was a
business visitor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Author Hinkins, who
have been spending the past month
with relatives at Wells will leave Sun
day fur their home at Riverton, Neb.
Mr. Bingham is getting the material
on the ground for his new residence.
Mr. Oscar Philbrick, who has been
spending the most of the summer with
his sister Mrs. L. W. Delancey, left
Wednesday for Wyoming, where he
William Bailey, of Palestine, closed a
deal this ween whereby he becomes the
owner of the E. Glenn 20 acre farm.
He paid $2000 dollars for the tract,
and intends setting it all to fruit,
prunes and peaches
Ray Hyatt after visiting his parents
a few days, loft Saturday morning for
Gridley, Cab, where he owns an alfalfa
farm. An Editor Made the PyramidJ
The Democrat, upon information of
others, gave Douglas Love the credit of
making the big potato pyramid at the
Harrisburg potato show, whereas, the
secretary of the show writes that Editor
Morgan worked all day Monday and
Tuesday on the pyramid and should
have credit, which the Democrat is
mighty glad to give. The average
editor does a world of work without
getting any credit, and certainly is
entitled to it every time.
A Moose in Town.
M. P. Sherman is in the city organ
izing a lodge of . Moose for Albany
Howdy Pap. "All for one and one for
all and all together. Purity, aid and
progress its watchwords. Only good
men wanted" There are now 300,000
in the U. S. The obligations are simple
with no horse plav. Athletics a spec
Rev. Leech went south this afternoon.
The Bon Tod restaurant hag change,
A. C. Schmitt has gone to Souther.
Oregon on a deer hunt.
Lawyer Harrison Allen, of the O. E
came up this noon.
P, A. Young went to Portland thi
morning on a short business trip.
Wil.iam Sproule the new S. P. preBi
dent, passed through the valley seeing
nis life
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baker wnt tu
ottaga Grove this afternoon I t u
week a vim.
Mils Laura Flett, su-novruph, r ,.,i
Judge V . S- . cr'adden, ui Lur.uiiij,
was in the c.ty today.
Mr. M. Poulsan an.1 daughter, m
Salt-m, tnis afternoon went out to i, ,o
anon to v ifi I wnn relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson and Mr
Wheeler, ot Ponl ud, went to Loi ..n.i.
this af.ernoon in the i .lireat oi i-..s
Vloreland (.roperty.
Frank liur.ny, of Corvull.3 was ...
jity today. Hi mot wnh a sen jo
eident Ly a ixpNmion. .
burning liia fec, urid ff'-a Htm v ;
A man who arrived hp.-e ree.
from the east after read ni Ai
literature sent by the Commercial
icsterday said: "it is n no l ot-.i .loi
ter than jou stated, and 1 ai:i yoi' u
Mr. (ind Vrs. Samuel V.'est a::i
daughter, of Pittsburg, aftrr a v-u
with ih. ir routin. Rev. W. P.'--.
ureatly appreciated by Albany pei.p.e
f.r.urmle in meeting thern, lcll
ight for Pa?adena, Calif., where tliey
expect to spend the winter. They liked
For a School House Beyond
At the meeting of the school board
last evening Burkhart Brothers ottered
the district a block in the new Burkhart
Park Addition for a school house, and
it is said it will probably be accepted
when that section is taken into the city.
Another school house at the east e id
has become a necessity. The alaisoi
building is full and running over, and
there is big field for one beyond Penny
winkle. The gift of a block in Central addition
is also under consideration, and
s lid will probably ue accented. There
ils " suggestion that the present site of
lnB central building be used for a city
1 l,arlt anu a building be erected on the
J Central Addition block.
News From Albany's Six Early
The St. Charles overland arrived in a
dense fog, that hung umbrageouly,
like a pall, covering the finest valley in
in the world, creeping silently up "the
street, with a new wneol in the pluce
of the flat one that has been keeping
the people awake for several months.
Now. if the Co. will Dut in seven moro
Hon. C. L. Shaw went to Portland to
aiienu a meeting oi creamery men, ine
uuuer mutters oi tne vauuy, mr. ouaw
representing the Albany Creamery As
sociation, with which he has been iden
tified for many years.
Two of Albany's piano men left, N.
Sorenson for Scio with some deals in
view, and Prof. Head for Corvallis,
where he is conducting a big sale.
r-j " JF!' ug'rrH5 J , n? fZ
'Wren eft for Portland on a fow
Geo. DeVaney went down Jefferson
! wav nfter his team of horses.
Lawyer S. M. Garland. A. W. Black-
burn and H. C, Moran, recent foreman
of the grand jury arrived on the Leba
non train.
Wayne Stuart, one of Albany's thirty
drummers, left again.
Appoints Standing Committees
for Work.
The regular meeting of the Albany
Uommercial Olub was held lust night,
with the following present: - President
Eastburn, Mgr. Stewart, and directors
Hammer, Gilbert, Stewart, Van Win.
kle, Shinn, Nutting, Collins,
A letter waa read from J. G. Hol
brook telling of the show and empha-
cising the value of the valley show, the
best mere according to general opinion,
A letter from Spokane asked cooper
ation in secur ng the National grange
in lmi and that apples from the Albany
rair De sent to uoiumuun as a N. w.
booster, the National grange moetmi
there Nov. 16 25 . The endorsement o
Spokane's invitation to the National
crran?e was ordered. Apple part re
ferre-1 to the Linn County Council P,
of H.
Manager Stewrt reported the Har
risburg potato show a fine thing.
Standidg committees were reported
as fellows:
Finance. J. S. Van Winklo, A. C.
Schmitt, F. M. French.
Conventions and public entertainment.
Dr. Shinn, IX O. Woodworth, J. P.
Wallace, H. M. Grooks.J. M. Hawkins,
D. C. Green, W. H. Marvin
Transportation and excursions. C
B. Winn. F. P. Nutting, R. i,. Tracey,
Geo. Taylor, urn. Bain, D. C. Green,
C. C. Krjant.
R. R relations. - Chas Stewart,
Owen Beam, A A. Mickel, J. H. Rals
ton, G. A. Flood.
Municipal affairs. P. D. Gilbert, Dr.
Davis, P. A. Young, W. G Bulkck, L.
E. Hamilton, G.T. Hockensmith, J. J.
Good roads. C. H. Stewart. C L.
Shaw, J. J. Collins, Dr. Davia. D. D
Haculeman, W. B.Sievens, Dr. Littler
Manufacturing. A. M. Hammer. M.
Senders, E. H. McCnne, J. A. Shaw, C.
w. Tebault, U. ti. Urowoll, H. U
There will be two more, membership
and civic improvement.
Eugene is to have an apple show
N'ov. 1 and 3, just beforo the Albanv
Three members of the Army of Naza
.i-ne arrived this noon, a man, woman
nd a darkey attendant.
The Brownsville Times saj s the decern
people of Albany owe it tn the rest ol
the county to cleun th blind pigs ou
of the city.
Next Sunday at Eugene tho now $rA
000 Christian church will be dedicated
vthfn Charles Reign Scnville. one ol
he best best known PVingolits in th
tuntry, wiilbcgi, a spri'.a .f t!:e,.;imr
Eugene Register: Dr. Geselbrach:
f the tint Presbyterian church at Ai
-ny, who filled the pulpit of the (Jen
r.,f I resbyterun church of Eugen
ry acceptably, returned home Munda
I noon.
Wyatt Broth t'irlny conirhit'."' th.
i e uf their interest in lha Al' an
lean laundry lo :.,r liermnn into
ho tin' t'l-en in tho business wiih then
..r fi i e time, a reliable, experience
j undryr:ar..
J. V l i, e has tv.-o acres of pop c ri.
n his pLce over the river as (ine in.
nyihing ever seen. Younr men think
iiK of popping lha question should se
:.ire a supply, guaranteed to pop.
New Saturday evening Post out to
norrr.w, with necond Installment of tin
ilil Woman and New One in the I Hi
'Vorld, and other good things. So
Mey Lohough tn his chair and got m
The firsi co'lege course next 'I ho
day night at lh M E. church, tit. :
0 m. Singk ticket 50 cents Jn
tickets SI, with remirve $1.50 "X ::
.n sale at W'nodwnrlh'N and Raw! .ig'i
1 UW people wanted to go.
The reserved seat sale for the cil'rrre
lecture course began at l0u'l
There are six big altiuc. tens in the
course. The course ticket, good for all
six of them, is sold for only one dollar.
If you wish, you can select the seat that
you wish to occupy for the entire course
and reserve it once tor all, at Wood,
worth's Drug Store, by paying titty
cents extra.
The first number will be given by the
Trier Concert and Opera Quintet, at the
M E. church, Thursday night a. 8:30.
Single tickets for this number are fifty
cents, including u reserved seat.
You can buy season tickets a: Wood
worth's Drug Store and' at Rawlings.
Only a part of the to An has been can
vassed yet. Professors Flo and White
may not find you, tut you can tind the
tickets. You cannot afford to miss
these splendid attractions. They are
not cheap, but you get them cheap. It
is planned to accomodate close to 1,000
people. If 1.-O0O Deoolo will come we
can furnish the best talent in the land
at one dollar for the course.
5 TO 2
Was the way Philadelphia did up N.
Y. this afternoon at Philadelphia, after
waiting several days for good weather.
One more game and Philadelphia will
cinch the pennant, a pretty sure thing.
In The Mail.
The Northwest Fruit Exchange
weekly market report, showing a de
mand for fancy fruit of large sizes, and
none for off-grades.
Some clippings from the Missouri
Democratic League doclaring Folk first
choice for democratic- nomination, his
name in historv. farmers admire Folk
and Folk strong in Nebraska.
A note from the 0. A. C. telling hovJ
J. F. Middlcstndt, of Crabtree, has de
clared the winter short course to be
fine, and he will go again. This year is
going to be better than ever, with a
number of changes.
One from the Pacific Highway As
sociation telling of the appreciation for
tne Dig worK started all along tho line,
endorsed everywhere.
The most interesting lecture ever
delivered on the Bubjuct of rubber will
be given at the opera honse tonight,
under the auspices of the B. F. Good
rich Rubber Cot of Akron, O., with it
4,000 feet of moving picture films will
be shown, coverng the hintory of
rubber from the time It IB taken from
the tree in its crude form by the South
American Indians until it is made into
aotomobile tires at the factory at
Akron, O.
F. M. Tillisch, who has travelled for
two years all over the U. S. giving
these lectures wherever tho automo-
on? is used, win ao ineltaiKing.
The lecture is free and tickets may
bo secured of any automobile dealer.
It is an education..
''he lecture is given in three parts,
The Work Completed,
Walter H. Abbott and family will re
urn east in a few days after a resi
dence in Albany of several months.
Mr. -ibbett has been here to invnatlinte
the resources of tho vallev in the Inter
est of bond holders considering the pur-
onase oi Aioany inieruroan bonds. He
is said to be one of the most competent
n.en in this line in the world, and his
roport in this case, a 'lor a comnlate
study nf affairs here, is said to be a
marvel in research, comprehensive and
reliable. Mr. and Mrs. Abbett are also
appreciated personally, and manv will
regret they cannot make Albany their
nome permanently.
Lillet 'aylor,
The Elite has secured the services of
Billee Tavlor. tne far famed candv
maker, wno has for several seasons past
utfcu ul nuwpori. i
Mr. Taylor is an expert in his line
nd is turning out a line of candies that
ire not exco.led any place in the U. S.
I glance at the Elite windowa clearly
lemonstratcg this fact. Its nougats,
dainty cream rolls, rich nut brittlcs and
uscious chocolates are known from San
Zianeisco to Noiro, Alaska.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 61-41.
The river is down to I foot.
Prediction: fair tonight and Wed
The Oregon miniKtera of tho Baptist
hurch, in the conv ntion at McMiiin
ille voted not to marry divorcees for
my other than scriptural reasonj.
A house ut West Stayton was hurnc I
centlv in which 'liroe school teacher'
vero sleeping. They escaped in th. ir
light clothes, losing all their other
We wifh tn thank our many custo
mers for Iheir piiKt palronagu and hope
hat they v.ill slill continue to send their
iiundty wo k to the Amiany Stuam
Uijnimiy. W Ya IT BRUM
Eugene has another paper railroad.
T. Eiigerr.' l!..-lt l.ino iumI Intorurban
tnilAiiy, with $25'I,0K) capital stock;
i nil P. C. I.avey, J. II. Tingle nnd C.
I I.avey a, th-i incorporators. It is to
nake (hi cire'u l o.n near Eugene to
'"' ' ii'.. to o urg, toSpringl'e I
'ind imc in Kjei.t
L ti of Kink I ire at Ualliinorea
''.'.1,.).. , i AI, i Son.
Thompson home.
t nesday.
( Albany,