Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 22, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    DR. M. H. ELLIS
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country.
Phone, Main 3S.
Physician and Surgeon,
. Graduate Rush Medical College.
Post-graduate New York City.
Fifteen years' experience.
Prompt attention to calls in the
country, night or day.
Office, over Cusick's Bank. Resi
dence, corner Lyon and Seventh
streets. Both Phones.
Painless Dentistry
! our prlde-OTr hobby our tndy for yuan an
now our ivcctM, mud our la the bv it tlkiou work
to be found anywhor. no matter How math yom
J-mi '.fl'" JVe.flnlsh plt and
A ".-v-1' 4 bridiro work for out-
C. J"ie lay ft doairod.
-V' ""--.:'. 'Irt'B when plate or
- J! - -2- 3 brldm work J. nrd.
"&f,fii. Contuluticn frea.
-3MolirCroni 55. 00
4 JflaldFillnw 1.00
wrJSS- :'Sjr-aEowinihng 1.00
:i Silver F(l!lrffi ,0U
Btit Red Rut-bar- A
Plata- 7.50
Bft.W.A.Wtt,faiiuuTuaMuuii Pilnleii EitrMIon .60
ti tuu muutaia ramua but methods
All work fullr guaranteed for fifteen yean.
Wise Dental Co.,inc.
Painless Dentists
ranincBulldlns. Third and Wmhlnrttn. PORTLAND, 0U.
Office Hoari: t A. M. to t P. M. Sunday!. 9 U I
The Riverside Farm
ED. SCIIOrL. Pronrletor
Breeder and Importer of 6. 1. C. Hogs
P RlT,Rrh pSrW-
r. K.CK8, iji?ht uranroas, K. c i
..uwcuiormimia, ,,iutT. 1
Cochin Eantams, M. B
iurKeys, Whir n t
den Geese, 1' , i.
Ducks, I'o r
Winner of 17 prizes and 22 on Poullrj
at the Lewis & Clark Fair.
Eggs in Season. Stock for Sale
Phone, Farmers 95 - - - R P. D No
Scoffs Santal-Pepsm capsules
"-..-' . For Inflammation orCr.tarrr.of
TJ the ll!c(t'ltrn:iI Iajf-l K;d
itj hj piit'lily and iiprinnitfiitlr lf.
jivort.i cafi'8 oi iauniT-rz'
J a ml Gli'i't. uo me iter of bon
-jus stanuitiff. ALeolutet;
i:rm!e6. Sold dmggiea
J'rice 91.00, or b? mail, poai
paid, 91.00, 8 boxes. 92.75,
Bellcfontalne, Ohio
For sale bvlflnrkhirt & Lee
1'romj.ily obtnintl, or FEE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. Send mmlul, photo or flketch for
export senreh and (rco report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT Bulta conducted before nil
courts. Tatents obtained through IIS, ADVER
SION6 and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained.
Opposite U. 8. Patent Office,'
-flirini. rrn)!trv fnrpItH.rt lu-arch and frMreDOTt.
Free aiWlce. how to obtAio patents, trade mark.,
copyrights, etc., N ALL COUNTRIES.
Buslnesi direct with Washington saves time,
money and often the patent.
Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively.
Writo or come to us at
HIS Klntli Street, .pp. Unlfad BUUa Patast Oflei,
Notice is hereby given, that under
and by virtue of an order duly made
and entered in the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Sherman
county, in the causg therein pending
entitled In the Matter of the Estate
of Salina Hines, Deceased, on the 24th
day of July, A. D. 1911, I will, on and
after Saturday, the 9th day ot" Sep
tember, A. D. 1911, at the hour of 9
o'clock A. M. of said day, proceed to
sell, at private sale, for cash, and sub
ject to the conlirmation of the Court,
the following described real estate,
Beginning at a point in the middle
of the County Rnad where the same
crosses the South line of the lands
now owned by Anton Oetkin as con
veyed to him by deed of conveyance
of record in Volume 66 of Records of
Deeds in and for Linn County, Orc
pon. at page 56S thereof, thence Xorth
Three Hundred. (300) feet: thence
Wen Three Hundred C3"0 feet;,
thence South Three Hundred C.W)
feet: tl-ence E't't Three Hundred
i.V-il) f-.-et to tl:tr i.h.'e of beginning.
1-i: ' n:..l l.errr i:i Sc"ioi T'.ventv-
1 2:'). Tr
Rane? Fr
n i
Cl'iim of
(41 UV
i W-il-
in ?rt-d C-'.'-.'.ty .".i-.t:
.rt f.f t)'c Dmtini.
llolhw.'.v Cu;hman
i l -1 l-cintr
nrd l-.rtvinsr a M:ail dwell:
P;ir!ies dc-irimr to buy 'a
id prem
r. filiation.
e- or desiring further inf..
may communicate with me at aco,
Sherman County. Oregon. Offers
hotiltl be Fi-l'Piittc'l i:: --.Tiling on or
before nid date of alc.
I reserve the right to reject any
and all bids or offers.
Dated at Wasco. Oregon, this 24th
day of, July, A. D. 1911.
Administrator of Estate of Salina
Mines, Deceased.
Folly Swyter, an Albany boy, resid
ing in Hazelwood. yesterday had a
mean gun aceident. He was handling
a shot gun, when there wai a flash of
powder through an open plug and his
hand was burned to the bone in the
Silm of it. He came down town anu
r. Kavanaugh dressed the wound,
Last evening Mr. Kutz, of Benton
county, said to be under he influence
of liquor, was starting for home, just
leaving the Palace stables when the
wheel struck a large rock at the en
trance, throwing him out upon his
head. The team ran to First and west
to the bridge, where it was stopped.
Mr. Kutz received bad bruises, but was
able to take charge of his rig and
reached home in safety and good humor.
Let'e" Buck at Pendleton this' week,
vt alter Turrell arrived this noon from
Conrad Myer went to Halsey this
Geo. Belt of Corvallis. was in the
city today.
Mrs. Vesta Wallace Fuller is visiting
her mother.
Mrs. Helmick-and Miss Gay went to
Eugene this afternoon.
Mrs. Evah French Taylor arrived
from the Bay this noon.
Mrs. Mansfield and Mrs. Shedd went
to bhedd ti is afternoon for a visit.
Wallis Nash was in the city this noon
on his way to Portland from Newport
A 25 oat wna nt thn rtBnol- this nnnn
mi. vjiiup. riuer, ui me auuuurs
omce, aeau
Seattle, is in the city on a two .
week s visit. .
Mrs. JNellie Baker and son
Mrs. JNeilie BaKer ana son, winni.
Royce, and daughter, returned this noon
7 "ewPrt- . u. 1
A convention of eoverno rs is beine
lieiU at OUrinif LjaKe. l-l . il.. Wltn LWniV
aix nreaent
, p , . 1
- David Link, a former Albany man,
will begin the erection of a block in
Lugene this fall. f
J. J. Creamer, who has been conduct-
ing a shoe sale at Stoltenberg's, left
today for Mc...innville.
The resources of the Ladd & Bush
bank of Salem exceeds $2,500,000.
deposits are $1,840,000.
Mrs. Angus Smith, of near Corvallis,
arrived this noon on a v. sit with her
father, John Fisher and family.
Mexico, rectived every vote, 48,774 for
tlis office, remarkable unanimity.
Mr. and Mrs. S. VV. Gaines, of Scie,
are in the city on a visit with Mrs.
Gaines sister, Mrs. Rebecca Morris.
Rev. M. T. Wire, of Lakeview,
ijHKeview, was
:.. iu. u; ....... . vn...uA.
. . ,
Portland won its first game from
hJlIl 'p LnnE
beat Sacramento and S. F. the Oaks.
The Maine dry has increased to 305,
j.iov uue ,ui caLji uttjf w A.ccp
sober every day of the year, is a good
The saw mills of the N. W. are
charged with having formed aompaC,
covering 4200,000,000 in mill propeny
Miss Lena Heinrichs, a college stu
dent for several yeors, left today for
tnitwood, wnere sne win
teach this
, S. M. Douglas, one of Lane county's
most prominent farmers, dropped dead
UtLane county fair grounds yes-
I -r.- L , . . , . . ,, ...
I Tne fine exhibit of Leo Zeller at the
w....... uu .mo i
commercial club roims, and may .be .
sent east before being placed on display
Postmaster J. S. Van Winkle has
gone to Wenatchie, Wash., to attend ,
the state convention of Washington ;
P M's. He will also take in the big
round up.
Todav is a leiral holiday in Corvallis
and Philomath in honor of Benton
. ..a . . " . -
county winning the blue ribbon at the
state fair for the fonrth consecutive
time, a victory worth crowing over.
Mrs. H. A. Nelson and daughter. Miss
Frances, have returned from Castle
Rick. The Nelsons this week will
move into their new home in the pretty
Piemer cottage at f litn and f erry
The three Misses Reynolds, who have
been visiting with their broth r Dr.
Reynolds, of Salem arrived this noon
on a viMt with their schoolmate, Mrs.
W. H. Goltra, they had not seen for
sixty years.
Denver Hackleman. John Bryant and
Clark Price, three hunters who know
the came, will leave in the morning for
the mts. beyond Cascadia, as far as
necessary, afcer desr. Venison orders
should be made early.
J. W. Bentley returned this noon
from a tripasfaras Vancouver, Wash.,
his first trip across the line into that
state fur 58 years. Mrs. Bentley
aemained in Portland for a visit .with
Mrs. Winter.
Congressman Hawley announces that
bids will be asked for the new Albany
post office building about the 25th of the
month, insuring the clearing of the
ground and the reginning of the pre
liminary work this winler.
Dorothy Collie, daughter of a Hood
Uiver physician, seven years of age,
yesterday was killed in an automobile
iccident. A Miss Eppi"g was running
he car that struck htr us she attempted
to reach a sidewalk out of the way.
The U. S. grand jury to convene in
Portland Sept 20 hits been drawn
Li:in county will have five members of
I : Si-hool Director W. M. Parker, Ex
!hfriir Worth Huston. Ala B. Marshall,
W. S. Foster and Frank Irvine.
Mr and Mrs. Louis Bruckman and
their two daughters, have been in the
city on a visit the guests of J. S. Rjh
Kiri and family. They have also ijeen
on side trips in thu-ir Warren Detroit
which they came up from Portland in.
One of the children of Mr. Schuliis. of
Bryant's Park, upon returning from thf
Bay was taken with scarlet tever, nnr.
the residence has been qu irnnlined,
completely away from all c .r,nci;tir,n
ith the diiry buiiness in any wy
none jf the empl. yeei being there hi
Bills were allowed as follows: Or
Power Co. $3jt 15, Imperial $6,50, J .
A. Warner $40 00, C G. Rawiings
$2)00, C N. McKey $21.00. Albany
Lumber Co. $122 76. Spsuldir.g Co.
$24.65, J. A. Nimmo 50c, Port. Kl. Co.
$14 00, Beall & Co. $21 50. H. NVely
$2.25, Huloert Ohling Co. $12 70. M
Send-rs & Co. 26c. Barrett Bros. $14 50,
Medio and Stuart $43 00.
Resolutions were passed providing
for street improvements, cement side
walks and curbb along the property of
S. E. Young, M'es. Ad.; property vV
H. Stover, M's S. Ad.; property F. a.
Blodgett, M 'a S. ad. ; i roperty P. F.
Altermatt, Vs S. ad.; property p. L.
Crannll, M's S. ad.; property of J A.
McFeron, H's 2nd ad. and N. D. Conn,
H's 2nd ad.
Sup.iWtendentRiea recommended a ? lards swept things,
toard sidewalk along the north side of I 'r;, P; taking 1st on cock,
Salem road. Pennywinkle to Giary St. ; JA11 T -n,d,n h T?' ,Als0 !TQBLack
Granted Orphmgtons, taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd on
A ii- n r, o-iu . j I cocks, 2nd and 3rd on hen, 1st on pen.
A petition of P. D. Gilbert and 56 Ed Sehoel in buff leghorns took first '
others asked that the city take stepson co.kerel, 1st and 2nd on hens, 3rd on
towards owning its own water plant in nniiare in i'i,i.;., iv.,rfi,.. i.. 1
the interest of better water at a lower ,
price. Councilman Curl spoke of the
importance of the matter and the.
propriety of an investigation par-
ticularly of the purity of the
proposod system and its cost, it beme
reported thaf one would cost from and 1st on cockerel ' I
$500 000 to $1,000,000. Upon motion a E Dow, of tihedd, in S. C. buff Leg
resolution was unanimously passed pro- horns was 1st on cockerel, and 3rd on
viding for a committee of ten to cock, hen and nen. He was 1st on nn .
investigate the feasibility of
a system
the mater.ial advisable cost, etc. ;
the probability of cost of maintenance
1 IB pr""a"ie numoer oi consumers ana
the p,aiTr surW a new TS
mayor will anpoint the committee later.
lav i
A car load of coke was ordered
Bill of the Warren Con. Co. for bal-
nion-, .i. ..IO
nrrioi-arinniH )
A communication was read from tho
attorneys of Rollins & Son recently
awarded the $75,000 refunding bonds
objecting to the city's 8 mill tax limit
as insufficient. The recorder reported
J verified answer showing the suffic-
iency of the limit and the fact that all
Iax mjn'es are set aside tirst.
An ordinance was passed providing
for the $75,000 refund ng bond loan,
with changes asked by the company.
Upon application of G. S. Hill.
attorney, the Oregun Electric was
ordered 'permitted to proceed with the
construction of its line over the city's
gravel pit east of the city, and to pay
the city the same as for adjoining
property. j
City Engineer Fisher asked for settle
ment of the Geary street newer riehts I
i, ,.. , , i . '
ut noj iui tti in-w dveivciii, miu 11, wag ,
on tre,t J.ob Leib, baker at Conrad Myer's
and public property. for nineteen years, has retired, and ex
E(1 Horsky of No. 2's asked that pects to leave in a few dayb on a trip
action be taken on the request of the to his native land, Germany, where ho
Pnmna f- :-rrmnf f ,ua will visit several months. Hois in a
building, new hats, coats and tapperc.
presenting me case well.
News from Albany's Six Early
It was practical all state fair. With
prospects of good weather .there was
an enormous crowd present, and it
looked as if Albany would be dcpopula-
lu;. ln'IB,t" CT Yri "eu "ere, n-
eluding three car loads from Corvallis,
Then they were hanging over the ends.
The regular train had three cars packed,
making a train ot seventeen cars.
Messrs W. H. Hogan, Henry Broders,
Frank Skipton and George Rolfe lett
for Pendleton to attend the round-up,
the biggest bronco event of the whole
U. S., which- started today. Thirteen
extra train loads were looked for. The
most daring riders and best larriet
throwers in the U. b. are there. 11
ri :,i u. e i.
Geo Rolfe tries to ride Hot-foot the
Democrat may have another item,
Mrs. John Bowman and four children
went up to Lyons on a visit .with Mrs.
Bowman s touts, alter rjeing in Albany
a few days at the home of vV. H. Bow
man. They reside at Langloise, Curry
county, almost the furtheest western
point in the U. b.
Miss Annetta Burch, a popular col
lege graduate, who taught in Jefferson
last yfiar, left for Wallowa, where she
will teach the coming year.
T. H. Goddard, after a several days
visit in Albany, returned to Mill City.
Mrs. Nelle Coates and two children
went to Salem for a visit with her
Former College Student Married.
J. W. Bergman, secretary of the
Florence, Or. , commercial club, a for
mer Albany college student and athlete
and VliBB Isabella F, Kyle, wore married
on Sept. 6'h. Mr. Bereman is now
cashier of trie bank at Florence. Rev
I. G. Knotts of this city performed thr
ceremony. In the Democrat's art gal
lery is a picture of the Albany Col et
quartet of champion sprnters, the men
who downed tho U. O. track team, af
follows: Robert Torbet, Alton B.
Ceatef, John W. Bergman and Wi'lsn
f, Marks. Haywnrd, thw present U O
athletic manager, trained the bovs foi
tho i eat, wdicn ui doubtedly led to ih
U O. securing him This was in D'!3
Vlr. and Mrs. B?r.m4n hiv thj "m(
wisheR ot u' J Albany frimda of tht
PrefctJeiit Taft yeeray titsrte-!
his western trip. peeh mi'tin.; i" rh
in erest of bis candidacy. He wiH t
given immense and loval reception
everywhere, us a president should b
civer; but only the vote next year will
how what the people really thin.: of
Lis administration.'
Elmer Reynolds, a fojrleen yea' ol.
Portland boy was arres'.ed at Red ni
"Rhf., yesterday for burglary, an ' upor,
hi confession it was iparned t ia ht
had visited fifteen cities a'ong the c tat
stealing, in Redlands in eleven hoi-es
He stopped at the best hotels, I ving
-iUW which excited Bispicion.
There was a big crowd yesterday, the
good weather helping.
The races were good ones. The grand
stand was packed. Among those having
boxes is Dr. A.J. Hodges, of this city,
open to his numerous Albany friends,
pretty close to the Governor's box.
The Oregon futurity for tl.'ee year
olds was won by Ruby Light, with Rose
burg toy secjnd. The event of the
Jay was the 2:08 pice, won by Francis
J after five heats, with George Wood
ward second, with fourteen horses
altogether lined up. The best time was I
2:10 and the slowest 2:1334'. I
The stock display attracted wide at-1
tention. F. ri. Porter and J. IC Frar
of this county had fine exhibits. I
In Doultrv Linn county made a snlen-
did showing:
was second on pen and 3rd on cock. In
Blue Andaluaians he took second fplace. I
Dr. Seavers, of the Mountain View
Chicken Ranch, in white Plymouh Rocks .
took 1st on pen, 1 st, 2nd and 3rd on
nrk tho n a
ist, .snu and Jrd on hen ami 1st nn
pullet in W. t , Black Spanish. He also
got a second iii S. C. W. Leghorns
In S. C. W. Leehorns A. A. Hulburt
was 1st on pen, 1st and 2nd on hen, and
1st on cockerel.
a. ti. rropst in li. (J. Brown Leg-
3 Z?L T, 2" S3' "3 "J
Sum Big Hale Stones.
A 1:111. r .1 1 t- t. .1
n uiuc woanon uoy wrom to ms ai
bany aunt about the recent hail storm
there as follows: I
Dear ant:-Yesterday there was the
bigest hale storm I ever seen befor.
The wind blew so hard and the hale
stones so big that it broke the big troes
and spoiled all the gardens. All the
windos in the houses on the west and
south sides were broken. It broke
Laird's big trees all to thunder. Gee,
but there was sum big hale stones, sum
OI 'nem were lwice aa U1S as " Digest
wolnuts. They were solid ice, and as
hard as the dickens.
After all it takes a youngster to tell
things right to the point.
New BaKer at Conrad Myer's.
position now to take things easy. Jake
has seen many changes since coming to
I Albany. He has been succeeded by Con
' rad Sandstrom, an experienced baker,
a brother of the Union Factory Sand
j stroma. During the summer he has
been working at Newport, and Mr.
' Myer liked his work so well he secured
him. His bread is fine
and his other i
work first-class.
A Stocking Shower,
The Book Club met yesterday after
noon with Mrs. Nolle Coates, in a
special pession in honor of Miss Maggie
Cline, who is soon to become Mrs.
Harry I'obbs of Eugene. It was a
stocking shower, with a fine display of
ho-iitry. lnere were present besiueB
the young ladies five or six of the
brightest looking youngsters. In long
and short clothes, in the U. S., the cen
ter of uttruction and offering a subject
of nuivh interest.
Dr. Calvin S. Whit Here.
Dr. Calvin S. White, at the head of
the state health board, by request of
Manager Green, ot the Uregon Power
Co., was in the city this week and made
thorough mvestiga ion li the new
water svstem. and as well of the pres
ent water being used. He will report
later. The Company is doing every
thing Dotsible to eivo the best water to
be had under the canal system.
The Weather,
Rsnge of temperature 73 44
The rive- 1.3 feet.
Prediction of Mr. Beals: fair tonight.
Friday rain and cooler.
Ev:w boy geliin a suit of clothes
also ectn a fine fountain pen. self fill
ing, ut Blain's. -
What the Hail Did.
The Criterion mves some of tho losses
iround Lebanon by tho recent hail
itorm, as
A rubber too ma ruined:
Two art windows ai d two memorial
vindows in M. E church broken.
Adventist church tiuped over.
5') wind iws broken in uaper mill
J. C Miiced fl.lKXI in giain, the
dcCormick boys t't'M Over half th
l ine of Jo. Sitwart on the ground.
r-s .-.-'jo itj V inler iipples knocked ofi.
:un!.-r::i 1-id v, atte.
G i . V, afg irer lost a ten acre flol.i
f N-iiv .ar-, I". i Sherman's truck
ii l.t ruinej, Cl. m brolhers heavy los ni
Tf.i e was not enough plass in l;ba
ton to m '"t tl,edemund and Albany wni
:alled upon.
The Wetther.
R inge of temperature 67-43.
Kain:all .22 inch.
The r ver is 1 4 feet.
Piulictian. shower tonight, Situr
my (i jbably fair.
Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Powder made
f ro m Roy a ICrapeCream of Ta rtar
U. S. Grant is leader of the Dallas
Mrs. J. H. Turpin, of V'atirl K, was
in the city today,
Dr. Eaton went to Halsey this after-!
noon on professional business.
Tho Newport Nows says a new hotel
is to be bui t at Agate beach.
W. S. Hall and wife, of the Silotz,
were in the city today.
S. C. Weaver and wife, of Lew! '-'on,
Mon., have been in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Banhc f. of l!eb-
anon, were in tho city today.
. it , , - . .
A. Kyle, the drayman, is rejorted
dangerously ill, with chances against
nis recoverw
A campaign has been started to make
the endowment of Willamette Univer-
sity $1,000,000.
The apple fair committee will meet
next Monday evening at 5 o'clock to
consider the coming fair.
Ex county clerk Nate Needham, of
Corvallis. and his Bon, Ray. of near
Halsey, were in the city today.
Dr. Leweaux was joinei last night by
her son and duughter, who remained
for a louger visit in the east.
The Houser Bros, have been here petition intolligentlly, not from street
from Salem looking after their Albany reports and opinions, but from cold
business, which is said to be good. . blooded figures and estimates, and the
Herman Shelberg, internal reve-1 judgment of the committee, a repra
nue man, successor of J. W. Hobus, senting one.
has been in the city today. a
Portland and Vernon did not play yes- ew, ' pmm Alhanv' y Farlu
terday on account of tho rain. Oakland lews rrom S early
beat 5. F. and L. A. won from Sac. I Trains,
An honest confession is good for the
soul: "We havo built a good many j j
paper railroads recently," says the Somo more went to tho state fair.
Guard. I The attendance, though, this year is
Mr nnH Mm Rvrnn Tnvlnr wpnt to far.behind that of Inst year from this
r'SZiSl' ity, probably duo to the bad wea'her.
Mrs. A. J. Hodges, a prominent resi-
dtnt of lozierville, arrived this noon,
somewliui. tired of living in it tent in
riti..y weather.
Geo. Hill is under arrest in whiskey
Portland for running a blind-pig with
his bath house. There are Bind to be
hundreds of blind pigs in the city.
Manager C. 13. Winn of the W. FI
Co. has been invited to attend a con
vention of VV. F. munagers at Seattle
next week and will leavu for there on
Mr. Harry Winkley, a leading Cor-
vallis confectioner, was in the city to-
day after taking .in tho Salem fair,
His sister is a popular clerk in the Elite,
It is evidently dnngerous to live
around Eutrene. The Iteirister reports
seven tudden deaths recently, tho last
being W. R. Walker, who expired sud
denly yesterday. (
An Albany boy, who is learning
things in a meat shop by mistake put
some sugar in &ome weinies instead of
salt, and now his friends think tiny
have a good one on him.
Dr. Thomas uwight, of Harvard, an
expert on cancers, died yesterday from
the elfects of a cancer, which he hud
made a life study. He evidently failed
to take his own medicine.
The Ashland Record has a new edit .r.
Chas. B. Wolf, who has a new head on
the paper, a preat big one, and alher
new heado.and a wifo and three babies.
Editor Kiser has retired alter many
years of valiant service.
Notwithstanding the rain, by having
a larire force in his yard J. C. Hammel,
of this city h s practically suved all his
hopB, and will have neiriy uu.uuu
pounds; but it took hustling.
Eugene Register: Dr. H. M. Crooks,
president of Albany college, and Rev.
W. D. Ferguson were up from Albany
yesterday to see Rev. H. N. Mount, oi
the local Presbyterian church, whojjs
quite ill.
The big round up at Pendleton began
yeiterday, with 400 horsemen in the
parade, uov. west was present ano "'"K0 uejmrL-
declared it was the greatest show ever . ment, displaying excellent taste, with
put on anywhere, that a man got a ! up-to-date ideas, backed by a commc
rlollar'R worth of excitement everv live dius and well-arranged field for this
H. F. Mcllwain, a prominent Lane
county farmer, arrived last evening
after more of his Albany furniture. Ho
likes his new home up In the f o ithills of
LBne. The recent storm missed Leaburg
entirely, but did a good deal of damage
this side of it.
Mr. and Mrs". G. T. Wavmiro. of San
FranciBco. and Mr. and
id Mrs. William
O. Wavmire. of Ross, Calif., passed
through the city today, while on thfir
way from San FranciHco to Vancouver,
B. C, in their car, driven by Herman
Glei3sle. Took a muddy time for it.
Miss Alzina Parker this noon returned:
r-nm f, mnnlhs tilttimr fit KlnwnnrK I
n0ri.,,s ii-m Innfrih rnenr.l for A lhanv
people. ; lio was accompanied bv Miss
'i'ii riicy, m of Ihe nw teachers, a
voung larly of very pleasing personality, ' " ' " i"j"o.,, KiuuiiiK
ns well as excellent i reputation as a having been completed, and it is ox
teacher, pect -d lo have lijiuns into Bend in a
f J tv W V f k !V
Prof. J. B. Horror and tamily yes-, ' Ji
tcrdiiy returned from their inp to V P. Small, of McMinnvillo, has just
Ervpt and PalesHne, i.-elndoi Mt lrc(..iv,, flHm? ccrliliento for a
Moriiih. Revs. Bell and Dumm.orj v-nl . homesteiid eleven miles north of Salem
be homo biter, having st pped in ',:in- , on tn0 Oregon Electric. It contains 11
ada. The party took nearly A" CI I'": -
tures, ami some illustrated ler-l urea
may be looked for the coining wint.r.
I 'ihe United States Civil Service Com
j miision announces that an exrnin iiicn
; -.v t , he held for the p silion of Assist
i ant Forest lunger O. tober. a I'Jl I
Age limit, twenty one to f.iny years
I Persons who desire to co-npete stolid
at once apply to the S cretary .f the
Eleventh Civil Service District, lioom
224 Post Office Building. Seattle.
i Washington, for application fom 1W0
ui d full informatiun.
To Investigate Mur.icipal 0ner-
i chin nf Walpr Plant
j SnlP 01 WaIer rlanl
I Mayor Wallace today, from the list
of petitioners, appointed a committee of
Jn,t0 investigate the proposed munic-
rpal water plant, its material, probable
cost, purity, cost of maintenance, prob-
ab0' ;umbye'r ot consumers, revenue,
whether tho present plant shall ba
bought or a new one, manner, means,
etc., as follows:
I P. u. Gilbert, H. G Fishpr, .1. M.
Hawk ns, L. E Hamilton, W. S.
Richards, J. J.Collins, H. Bryant, J.
L. Tomiinson, G. W. Wright and P. A.
, In ?om. nPccts this is thi.most
in Albany, and tho e on it should serve
to their best ability, and report impar
tially, so that the council will be in a
position to act for or against the
' 385. It looked double that.
Among those going this morning was
O. P. Dannnls, who has tho distinction
of having attended the first fnir hold
fifty years ago. Ho was then a boy of
seven, residing with his folks at Salem.
Ho nnd olhur boys, while the" track was
being built, watched proceedings nnd
ran around the circle for the fun of it.
A. L. McFndden, of GoldfielJ, No
vada, a former Albany lawyer, went to
Salem, nfter a Corvallis visit, previous
to returning to Goldlicld. Ho renortB
an immense slump there ill population,
from a city of about 20,000 at one time
to only about 3,500 now, and yet $1,
000,000 a month is takon our of the
earth. . Prices have gotten down to
those of the rest of the world, and ono
can live there about aa cheaply as any
where. Mr. Mc''"adilon is not practic
ing no ft, but has beun mining and car
pentering. Miss Bertha Gluscr left for Umatilla
county, where she will teach at Helix
tho coming wintor.
T "r
u i n n o n i
HuRh ! isher went up the C. & E. to
o u iii,ri,l,i i f n,o
' iit'
ii A. Loveal! and family returned to
Lebanon after an Albany viBit at W. A.
cox8 umi a aaam trip.
. Wm. Peacock, a resident of Albany
for ti,;rtv or fortv veara went to the
fair for the first time, accompanied by
I Mrs. Peacock and son.
I Walter Turrell returned to Seattle,
ntter looking alter the Uloveruule ln-
Attracting Attent'on
The first complete disnlav of roods in
the new show windows of tho Hamilton
, Store was made this morning, attract-
. mff tavorauie attention, a swell allair.
important part of the modern store.
The New Board.'
Th now county board of school
superintendents, W, L. Jackson, general
an ! of this district, and Jos. lienor ot
Lebanon and J W. Holm, of Browns-
' Vine, or me oiner two, wno nave neen
dinir the day in consideration of tho
impiirtunl work ahead. They will begin
work on Monday.
That 380 ft. High Bridge.
The alrcedy famous Crooked River
1 bridge 320 feet long and 3S0 hi
L'h is
: no w completed so work trains can cross
n The laying of sloel rails f:oiri there
1 acres and is worth 2o00. Mr. Small
1 Bccidentnlly made the discovery of tho
fact that the land belonged to Undo
Sam, and jumped upon it. Ho will
have to live on the place five years.
Tho Democrat has r caive ! the an
nouncement of the fifteenth annual
Idaho Inter-Mount iin State Fair, to be
laid at Bcise, Idaho, Octobor9-14, with
$22,000 up for harnesi races, besides a
great display of th n s urces of the
country. Arthur Hodges, a former
Crook county clerk, and cousin of Dr.
Hodges of this city, is secretary.