1112- bALli Ul NliW FALL GUUi;S AT I HE HAMILTON STORE HAS OPENED MOST BRTT f TAVTT V WF T-TAVF AfADF. SPFCTAT. FFFORTQ TO GET JUST WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT A.D AT THE PRICES THEY WANT TO PAY. YOU CAN COME IN THIS BIG STORE NOW AND HAVE THfJ saaiu, assuk l MliA l 1 U PICK b KU.M AS YUU (,AI l. THE Liiu CITIES (AND EXCUSE US) AT A BETTER PRICE THE ADVANTAGE IF IT'S NOT AS YOU EXPECTED WHEN YOU GET IT HOME YOU ARE AT LIBERTY- TO BRING IT BACK AND GET WHAT vnTT DO MKT.. THIS INCLUDES EVF.RvJ THING FROM A PAPER OF PINS TO A 9x12 RUG. WE WANT YOU SATISFIED SO YOU CAN TELL YOUR FRIENDS WHERE THEY CAN DO THfJ Olibl. - mk i ri9" 1 I a- J J a- NEW FALL SUITS AND COATS That the styles we show are correct is evidence by those who have viewed oud advance display, and every day adds new ones to our al ready large stock. The coats are shown in plain tailored styles in 30, 32, 34, inch lengths. The skirt models are particularly pleasing. Rough fabrics are bound to be favored in their soft, sub dued shades. A Suit Opportunity Par Excellence. We invite you to see the correct styles as shown here. PONY CLOTH COATS. In black of silk and mohair curl. These are selling fast and seem to be very much favored by the young ladies. Ladies' and Misses' sizes. We guarantee you a- fit with every coat. Prices $5 to $18.00 GET YOUR BEDDING REPLENISHED NOW Bed spreads, $1.25 to $4.00. Full side Sheets, 75c to $1. Pillow Cases, regular size, 15c, 20c, 25c. Sheeting in all widths from a yard wide to 11-4. NEW FALL HATS Our line of -tailored hats are stunning. We are show ing some very nobby white felt hats for ready wear. We also have a line of very ex clusive hats in fine soft col ors, only one of each. See them. SILK UNDER SKIRTS An assortment hard to find. Made of best Swiss Messaline, Silk in Persian fancy stripes and Dolly Var den patterns. Pleated flounce with dust ruffle. All sizes, made with a draw string waist. $4.50, $5.00, $6.50 each. WHAT WE HAVE Umbrellas that shed the rain. A new Art Dept. near the main door. The best line of Kid Gloves on earth. Most complete stock of underwear. An exquisite line of trim mings. Big line of. Dress Challies, all wool. Complete line of Room-Size Rugs. You ee full measure nf I careful attention by buying here. SHOES A PLENTY. This season's line of shoes contains innumerable new styles, conceptions suggested by the present trend of fash ion, besides the fine staple, attractive types with which we rank first. No need to remark at length upon the quality, for every lady knows a good shoe for $2.50 better at $3.50. WHILE IN THE STORE Call on our Drapery Dept., second floor. You will find everything in that line by the yard. Our made curtains are there also., made of good Bobonet and wash blond. Large variety to select from. See our line before you buy. Good curtains as low as $1.25 per yard, and up COTTON HOSE Star brand hose for Ladies, good black in 8y2, 9, 92 and 10 sizes. Only a few to sell at 10c pair. SEE OUR NEW LINE OF BELTS AND BAGS Just in. They are out of the ordinary. Real leather We make shades to order. 'bags for $3.00. WATCH THIS STORE FOR A GIGANTIC REMNANT SALE SOON. THE HAMILTON A Popular Store for the People 36-INCH MERCERIZED SATEEN. A rich deep black, perma-ji nent finish. Per yard, 20c. OUTING FLANNEL. Extra fine soft finish out ing in all plain colors and fancy effects. Hamilton price 10c yard. Write for samples of new Fall Silks and Dress Gcads. We are leaders in these lines. " . . ' - . . , Take a Look At our show windows and see a few samples of our large RANGES AND HEATERS - We have a complete stock of the Best Ranges on Earth, and can suit your needs and pocket book, for we have in stock the largest line of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters that have yet been shown m the city. We sell dependable Guns and have a new and fresh lot of the Famous Peters Shot Gun Shells. Call and look them over. We still have a little Gen eral Hardware that we can spare to our best customers. HULBERT-OHLING H'D. CO bargains in eeal estate. I Albany Democrat NOTICE-Tho Albany Lumbar Co. have moved their olfico to thoir saw mill In tho oast part of Albany. Phono your orders direct tj tho mill Both nhoncs. WAN TED. Good farm lamia to ex .hnMitft fi.r l'nrtlnnii nronertv. C.H on J. V. Pipe. 203 West 2nd St., Albany. ROOMS, new nnd modern, Ht Walton's Rooming House, Schullt Ilriek, next door to opera house. By day, week or month. Homo phono 1458. 8t BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS. Adjoining Main Street in Albany for sale from J400.00 up. one half cash. It. M. I'nyne, Rooms lit-21 Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. FOR SALE-Corner lot, largo house, some fruit, Rood location. Also some furniture. A. Strom, Peiiucralotlice. Studihakcr Wagons, IU,ggi.s Sur- j rev's and Hack's at Stewart & Sox ; 11 a rd wo Co. ; FOR SALE by the nwne-, six room; house and two lots, center of to.vn, ; halt block from High school. Apply on the premises 322 East I 11 street. 11. llama. PIANO Tl'NINli.- Leave orders lor piano tuning at Woodworth's lrug Sto.e. C. M. Henderson, Tuner. GLASS. All M7.es and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planinit Mill, cheaper than ayw hero else in Albany. Skill iv set. if dcslted. I FOR SALE at n bargain. to lots nnd, two hojs s on '1 hn il and Knilroad Sis. ' Price. f.'TlHUH. Iv owner, ti. V. Simpson, 403 Cimmcicial Block. Port-1 .1 i d. Oregon llll j rli;i INSCRA'CK- l.est cmpames, Low tales. C. C. Bryant. FOR RENT-Residence, close in. In quiro of Mrs. Brenner, t27 VV. 3rd. 24t HOLT AGAIN. nt Second and Lyon street, with a fine stock of meats, groceries, produce and ftuils. FoR SALE. Modern 5 room bungnlow, bv owner. 1159 W. 9th street. Phone ' 1 (U-It Hell. E. L. McNeil. tl5 LOTS CHEAP.- Nice residence lots in new addition, east mirt of town at I 1250 00 nnd upward per lot, $10.00 down nnd $10.00 per month, no tnxea, ' no ini-irest. See H. M. Payne, rooms 19 21 Quick Block, Albany." Or ' HAY WANTED. I am in tho market for 1000 tons o:its and vetch hay; also ; 500 tons clover nnd 600 tons cheat hay. Cull or address G. W. Simpson, .Ml Ens'. Washington St., Portland, Oregon, FCR SALIC-Best small farm in j Willamette Valley at a bargain; good, inside Albany property taken as part Invment. See It. l . I'liene. Ciwi.-l.-: Bldg. Albany, Ore. MADE IN ALBANY, Show ikses, cminteis. and other store fixtures, fust-class goods, by the I'nion Furni ture Factory. Order of them. Keep money nt jour home. FA KM FOR SALE. -SO acres at 75 per acre. One mile from good R. U. town, graded school, 05 acres culti vated, 15 in timber, good buildings, running water, a snap. Call UHn E. A. Thompsin, Albany Shingle Mill. 141 GARBAGE. Fred katnwatcr loks after garl age. I'hons Hum 103 GARBAGE If West ofLyon street 50c month. S B. Penny the garbage' man. Heme phono 2303. 1 Good 5-rOOm house. Vuh wnndshrd corner lot on 1st St., acs.:nile loca tion, $1,350. A plot of land, about 4 lots, this side Pcnnywindle, good location, fronting on two streets, $850. PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO., 106 E. 1st St., Albany. ARMSTRONG NURSERY CO., E. C. .Armstrong manager, 491 Court St., Salem. Fruit trees, shrubs, orna ments, apple and pear dwarfs. Sold direct to planters, no agents. tD FOR RENT.-ll room house first ward. Bee W. C. Burkhart. ROOMS 3 furnished rooms with bath, block east of high achool, 333 S. Jefferson, Home phono Black 182. tl8 FOR RENT. Good barn, room for two I horses and buggv, light and water. I 529 E. 3rd. Phone Bell 541 R lit OK KENT. A furnlshhd room, hot water heated, close in. . Call at Dem ocrat office. FOR RENT. Furnished rooms, for housekeeping. 432 Baktr St., at reasonable price. Ht LOST. A loose leaf note book with perforated leaves each leaf contain mg a name and address. Return to 814 Baker St. and receive reward. Who the" is Brandy I" Entered at the post offlceAlbany.Or. tccord class n ail nrattir." F. P. Nutting. FIVE GOOD ARTICLES FUR NISHED BY A SUBSCRIBER, IF you wantyour wood Bawed call on P. C. Barnes & Co, Home phone 703. . r2U FOR RENT. Suite of furnished house keeping rooms, 332 Ferry St. corner 4th. MONEY TO LEND. -We have money in sums of $5000 and over to lend at 7 per cent on improved farming lands. The Oregon Title and Trust Co. FOR SALE 6 rear old horse, weigh ing 1400. Call at 1006 E. 3, or phone I riomt4UD. 7t ErM tJ T t. ft . ... DfttL n lew more good lots in Hiuelwood. Best residence district, $10 down $10 per month. No inter-1 est. No taxes. E. H. Craven, 309 Lyon St. Either phone. 7t WANTED. A girl to do general house work. Call at 218 .V. 3rd street. tl4 FOR SALE. Fresh cow. J. ,.Horn- oaek. Hell phone 131 Farmers. FOR SALE Driving mare, sv.und and gentle, tor particulars call Bed phone 473-T. st FOR SALE. Small team, nr will trade for cattle. Inquire of F;imers 23 Bell. FOR S.vI.E. - Two svrnn of tv i 4 -6 years old. J. W.Dodge, i orvalli '19 FOR SALE -Cedar and jew w.vd fence posts. Address Orin Ju!d, Detroit Or. t23 THE IMPERIAL -Now in ch.irge of rs. Stillson. Horn cockieg, good service. 2nd street, near Democrat otlice. il FOR S.U.F -A big bay horse. s(,u.id an true, $125 V. C Schuiti .1. rsey Dairy, both phone. 2 A subscriber has handed the Dem- 1 ocrat several excellent miscellaneous articles on interesting subjects, too ex- tensive for the limited space of the uci-.iocrat. Here is a synopsis: I Sweet Oil for poisons. It will cure the bite of a rattlesnake, by taking a spucnful internally and bathing the I wound externally, and a good many other things in men and cattle. I Danger from eating nuts. Salt should be taken with nuts, especially when eaten at night. Without salt j there is danger. The Baby's Shoes. A pretty story of a man wiio refused to drink, be cause while in a pawnshop he had seen a man enter and try to pawn a pair of baby's shoes for ten cents with i which to get a drink, shoes his wife had bought for the babj-, but which had died. 1 Sunlight a necessity. Sunbaths are the most refreshing, life eivintr baths 'one can take. To have good health one must have plenty of sunshine, pure air and pure water, free to all, and should confine one's drink to wa ter. Excitement and short life. Unnat Miral and unreasonable excitement is the deadliest foe to a man's longevity. He who lives abstemiously, who j avoids all stimulants, takes light ex t crcise, never overtasks himself, in dulges in no exhausting passions, feeds his mind and heart on no excit ing material, has no debilitating pleas ures, lets nothing ruffle his temper, keeps his "accounts with God and man squared up," is sure, barring ac cidents, to spin out his life to the long est limit to which it is possible to at tain; while he who lives intcnsclv, who feeds on highly-seasoned food, whether material or mental, fatigues his body or brain by hard labor, ex poses himself to inflammatory disease, seeks continual excitement, gives loose rein to his passions, frets at every trouble, and enjoys little repose, is burning the candle at both ends, and is sure to shorten his d;tvs." PERSONAL The Free Sewing Machine, . I Reminds us of the old- question, W P. White, of Detroit, has been in Si." 7 - . ... . The wonderful Rotossillo movement A. M. bchrunk, of balem, was in has made it Dossiblp to ins tho m town today J. R. Wyatt has been in the city to day. Robert Ollinn eamplrlnwn fr.im Mill jiy evening iasmonca shuttle in a rotary sewing machine, and still have it sew even and smoother than any round bobbin ma chine. It has eight complete ball bear ings in the head and stand. Pronounced tne Dest sewing machine on earth" by t i mi r.:--.. . d. . ' the best sewing machine on ear has been in the city todVy! Alton B. Coates went to Eugene yes- Ask for booklet containing full informs terday on a business trip. tion, or better still, have a machine Mrs A . W. Bowersox is visiting with Placed in your home for free trial, her folks at Wheatland. i FORTMILLER FUR. CO. E. E. Mnntncrlip nnn n knutlinrr Pnrf-I n . land real estate man, has been in the Tajor Made Will Anderson, after a visit home of a week or two. this afternoon returnprl You can wear a nivliab marl f nf to Hriital Vpil a. horn ha ta hnnlraan.. elnthoa unda. mc ..1 L in a big saw mill. seeing W. F. Pfeiffer. They fit the mrs. r,van rrencn Taylor, of New- , '"u mem to, ana are made port, is expected in Albany tonight on of "fat-class material to wear. 8 m" dSW ' m"' Parker , ' r 1 .NCY TOILET WATERS - Bear in Mr. w. M. Parker last evening mind we cirry a complete line of high returned from Newport, and Miss Alz.na grade fancy toilet waters. Beautiful will follow this week. oders. Prices right. Mr. Tom Jackson, of Portland, has Burkkart & Lee. been in the city on a visit with Father . .. Lane and other friends here. 1 . A llttl8 ea3h- will nandle on of the Mr .T w r:moi,- u.' ... j !e?t "BUYS' of the season in Centra from a visit with her daughter; Mrs" ffli 'fi?11! 1 W diStriCt D. C. Humphrey, at Rosebur. Aslc Colhn9 & TloT about them- iJli'SrT".' .See Brandy about it, when you wast r., 16,lra ,ieave anytmng in tne meat ine groceries a rew days for Virginia to look afier fruit or produ-e, in the new "nfaXt at some work for his comnanv the. o.,j L i .!L ".'ne Lnew marKet " Chief of Police Munkers and family . . . went to Salem last evening, where the Even up on that ".vioat Bill" hv hnv. former will remain a couple of days. lnK a lot in Central Addition and build the latter during the fair you a little h.imo ihi- ..j ih. Save rent. For narticidnrn rnnanlt Judge Moses and other members of !?TS Ient- , F the M. E. church South, of Corvallis L,0llln8 & Taylor Ipft- tMo nftarninn fn Dnnl .' , tend tho annual nnnfrn. B? .7.. A 8u''e relief from tnat church. cure at Eurns Shoe Store. and IUILU. Miss Hazel Humphiey and several WANTED.-Boy of good habits 17to mne adv friends, nt Fnnon. thi. on ' b.l. ' ft .: vearn nf nam mhn ,a t,t worn. Splendid opportunity to leatn Magnolia Lauodry. LARD.- W AN'l El). To teaeh tanuiy ot eluid rcn in their country home," man grad uate from iVrvnllu Agricultural Col lege. Write stating qualifications, salary expected. jusr To Remind You CLENDORR lots are for sale, lots ZOOxLHO ft., sold on terms to unit I Hette- see us before nil the choice ones are fconc. TEBAL'Li REAL ESTATE Co. vnilnc lariv fnonHo nt l.,n. J r o J ...w...., i.uKfiic, mis afternoon returned from their Newport outing, mey aeciared a delightful sum mer's visit with the ocean. Mrs. C. E. Hawkins and her fin looking team of youn lady Women of Woodcraft, including a couole of her own daughters, returned this afternoon You can get a 5 lb pail of pur kettle to their homes at Toledo, after being rendered Ia7d for 65c at H.nry Brodcn in the fancv dn a at the atulo fn: MDt ll.i. nia.y nrouirs . , maincb, Mm f? R M,.. , j ,. "'""kuu uuu uaugncer, Virginia, of Portland, returned home this afternoon after a visit with Mrs Montague's sister, Mrs. J. B. Leather man. Vitginia's picture was recently one of a group ot Portland babie9 in the Ui VUIJliUI. Jas. F. K ixon, special representative For building, ornamental purposes, rip Of the Nnrtha p( nntr n;t Mn filling r r , r nhiinrt IV, rf l'ni,..l I I ; .. . ww, . . v. I,,,,,, ims uuen in tne city in the interest of the Co. The Home Co. does i usiness in atliliacion with this comp iny, g adually spreadine " out over the coast o. m VVW1fctherfprd of Wentherford' & Weatherford attornpvs nno n ,u.l O. A. C. s most prominent graduates, Mudp in Albany my Xo 1 Edir tJrain and a former Ann Arbor man. and Miss ! tne BEST in the market. Various Emma kuhn. of Arm Arbor, were : ?ds and prices from $1.25 upwards, married nt wpmLc k n a k Puorw himk i.. i. i , K uvni visit- "I'liiutu wim my name. in'k!i f- T i ' Weatherford'aiik 0u U- Examine these shinglea . - (ivr niii nvp rHii , vvivic uuvi v p ipwdam samples at M. Senders & Co'a store. . L,. wod, n u tt Home Phone, 4. Shingles. - n.n nve ine oesl whes of Albany people generally. b. A. THOMPSON W use no dry kiln.