Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 08, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Trenton, N. J., has voted by a large
majority for the commission form of
government including the initiative,
referendum and recall. There would
be nothing particularly startling about
such an occurrence in any city west
of the Mississippi but in New Jersey
it is different. Trenton is the first im
portant eastern city to adopt these
progressive measures. Besides that it
is so located that the working of its
new system can hardly fail to have an
educational effect on Philadelphia and
New York City. No doubt other plac
es in New Jersey will soon take ad
vantage of the same law that has en
abled Trenton to move up nearer the
head of the procession and this will
hasten the application of the initia
tive, referendum and recall to state
Bv direction of the Tost Office Dc
partmcnt, the attention -of patrons of
this ollrcc is invited to tnc advantages
of providing facilities for the receipt
of their mail by erecting convcncntly
accessible boxes or cutting suitable
s.'ois ill their doors. Such action
would enable the postmaster to give
a prompter and better delivery service
with the means at his disposal, since
the carriers can cover much more ter
ritory in less time if not compelled to
, wait for an answer to their ring.
Private receptacles for mail are also a
great convenience to the householder,
obviating the necessity of responding
to the carrier's call at inconvenient
niocinnls and permitting the safe de
livery of mail in the absence of mem
bers of the household. They also pre
vent the occasional necessity of a car
rier's proceeding on his route without
delivering mail because of failure to
answer his ring within a reasonable
time, and enable him to make deliver
ies to patrons living on or near the
end of the route at an earlier hour.
It has been shown by actual experi
ence that the benefits derived by pa
trons of city delivery from the use of
such receptacles far outweigh the
small expense involved. As this office
is interested in furnishing the best
possible service at 'he 'e!lst expense,
your compliance with the foregoing
suggestions will be much appreciated.
liy Clyde II. Tavenner.
Washington, Aug. .1(1. President
Taft's veto of the wool bill means
there will be no reduction this winter
in the price of woolen clothing of any
sort for men, women and children, nor
in the prices of blankets, nor any oth
er forms of woolen manufactures
needed for wanulh by the general
And just so nuirli as the public
would have saved in cheaper WoolChs,
together with the amount the fanners
would have saved in cheaper agricul
tural implements had the president
signed the free list bill, will be trans
ferred unjustly to (he coffers of the
woolen trust and the harvester trust,
two star contrihulnrs to the Republi
can campaign fund.
What is the President's defense for
refusing to permit a reduction in the
cost of living? J. el us see: First, he
makes the point the wool hill was un
considered, when as a matter
of fact '
the ways and means committee put in :
three months o fsinccre investigation i
nnd study before the bill was framed
which is twice the length nf time giv
en to the consideration of the woolen
schedule of the I'ayne-Alihich bill,
and which document 111
president (:
Second, the president asks that the
people continue to pay exorbitant
prices for woolens until he hears from
ins tarilT board, which is packed with
men who lake the high protection
viewpoint, and whose chief agents and
alleged "impartial" investigators
abroad are writing hack articles for j
American newspapers ridiculing ami ,
pcnmiug me crying uviiiami oi me
coiiwinm-rs mr i ll in luvision I iiwii-
Mr. Tail's message against cheaper
woolens will go down as a document
of misrepresentation, false pretense
and excuses. The real reason the
president vetoed the various tariff hills
was nut stated in any ot luwnicssages:
It was because he was under ohliga-1
lions to the beneficiaries of the Pavne-
Aldricl. law to serve their interests !
I....--.! -r ,t.- ...i.i:. m.
itiMciiu iii nil; inning iiuciesi- nil.
Taft was .elected president w'ilh
campaign fund contributed by special
privilege. Then, having dune this the
great tariff trusts extended further
aid (and placed Taft further in their
debit by frightening their employees
into voting for Taft with the threat (
that lactones ana nuns would te which he reached in safety, tho bear
closed down unless he was elected .finally giving up tho chaso! This is the
And, just as he was the candidate of story told on him in tho Oregoninn.
special piiMiuK-, .ur. jan is re eaieu j
in his veto message as also the presl
dent of special privilege.
Thus it is 'shown .i,c;uu how pro
tection makes polities a business prop
osition. The (rusts contribute cam
paign funds to the p:uiy of the high
protection wall with the intention of
not only roi-oveiiiivr tiom the public
the amount (if stu-li oouti iluiiions in
excessive prices, hut stupendous divi
dends as proiiis. Mr. T.ut pro cd ,n
coi'ptioiKil!y Rood im cstnicut for the
tariff trusts.
Aore Paving for Pendleton.
Enterprise, Progress, Modernity and
growth is the watchword.
Pendleton will largelv increase her
area of street paving this year. I.nst
night's weekly meeting producci! n pe
tition for paving for eignt additional
bliu'krtof Intllletliie on Alta street.
That IVnd'cton bids fair to become
known ai ono of the most up-to date
cities in Eastern Orvgce' grows more
apparent with each meeling of the city
councill. "Pave, Pave. I'ave" being
tho cry of the council, urged on by
every enterprising eit Ken.
In national affairs this week the
president began his defensive cam
paign for reelection as president, al
ways a weak one. While his servile
friends picture him as putting other
people in the hole, as a matter of fact
the president himself has put himseif
in the hole, and he will be a year now
trying to pull himself out. This is not
mere politics. He has shown himself
from the start, both as president and
before, to be the servant of the trusts,
and C.s is what the people are bat
tling against. Are the masses going
to continue to servilely swallow the
edicts Of the bosses?
A threatened strike has been hang
ing over the United States this week,
with but a small thread holding the
situation. It will take but very little
for something to drop.
This week the Standard Oil com
pany disappeared as a trust just
nominally disappeared. As a matter of
fact, it is the same old trust concern,
without competition, run by the same
men, perhaps under segregation, but
the horns arc there as fierce as ever.
It may fool Uncle Sam, but the peo
ple see the game.
One of the most difficult of things
is to convict men of the violation of
laws prohibiting the drinking of liq
uors, because of the great difficulty
in securing evidence. It is easy for
the public to take a general survey
and criticise, but it is another thing
to convict. Men who will openly help
violate law, as a rule will just as free
ly swear falsely when on the stand,
and rarely can be depended upon for
the facts. Their minds are often a
blank, and though previously experts
in the dark as to the character of any
kind of a drink, when on the stand
they don't know colored water from
whiskey, lit itB. is a fight, and men
who love law and order do well to
keep it up.
The trend of modern times'in relig
ions matters is to make man the whole
thing, giving him power to have him
self through humanism, unrooting the
very foundation of real Christianity.
It may receive temporary followers,
but the good old i way will win out as
sure as light followed darkness.
Dr. H. A Ketchum. of Salem, -was
in the city over night. Dr. Ketchum
nas Deen invited to attend the dedica
tion of a new church building at Ports
mouth, Ohio, the first of next month
and will probably go. Hia first pastor
ato was with the church in 1877. lastintr
until 1885.
Misses Neta and. Mablo Rehnlrz.
Wilotta and Eulnh Wright and Kate
Stewart, nnd Neil Bain and Reed Dow
ling, with Mra. Bain as chaperone, left
for Newport for a house party, at the
Moore cottugc. That means a. good
Rev. W. P. White left for Salem to
exchange pulpits with Rev. Babcock
tomorrow, and on Monday go to Port
land to nttond a meeting of the Presby
tery of the U. P. church.
Trie Eugene-Marshh'eld Road.
Rcgistci :
William flood, chief nnirtm Al- nf ihn
Southern Pucilie comoanv. and the man
wno will nave tile direction of the build
t the railroad from Eugene to the ijoos
Bay country, is today finishing his first
inspection of the country to be served
by the new road.
Mr. flood, who is just finishing an
1 l,.iJ liu".1 vguciiuuu uincr
iiiivi-iuuuiiuui ijuuim, arrived irom
"'' M '.T ' V, '""r"!". P"-
Notitvintf no ono
of his coming except Mr. Buull, tho
right-of-way man for the proposed line,
Mr. Hood had a short conference with
Mr. liutll and nt 1) o'clock loft with hia.
secretary for tho coast in an automobile, I
wnn Kicnaru Moon us driver. A' r. I
ltlu, accompanied tho party as far as
Klmira, whero he had right-of-way
right of-wny
business to attend to.
Chased by a Bear.
Dr. Jos. Sternberg, of Portland, a
former Albany boy, an Albany college
graduate, recently had a thrillinir ox-
Por,l!nco J'P m Alaska, being chased by
?lrLT' r l'if n " Km trlp W,tl!
?,,..,n!...'' P MolltKomery and
I" - lJt "iiieKniiuaii,
uo on AHmirnltv
Island, off from Sitka. Dr. Joa wno
out hunting alorio. His dog scented the
boat nnd ho was soon in sight. Then
tho Dr. took deliberate aim, when the
bear turned and looked nt him, Bending
n chill down his back, and he dropped
his famous track meet sprints forcamp
uiu kuii, uiui wmi nis uog, ucgan one of
i nu company got oilier game, did some
iiiuuiiiiuii ciiinuing hihi nau a good lime.
The New College Lampus.
Experimental plans have been drawn
for the new ecllego cainpus. showing
some lino buildings and grounds, speak-
i ing ir u college mat win attract at
tention, when the ideas suggested lire
carrii d out, as these in charge of the en
. terprise are confident they will be. It
I is something that takes time, but when
; perfected Altianv will have u college to
j be j loud of. 'Ihe present outlook is
, excellent.
Lett lor the Silt-tz.
Mr. and Mrs J. K. Weiithorford left
. th a noon on n trip into the S'leti conn
I try, where they have some heavy tim
tier holdings 1 hey will take a ride on
the I'ileti and will also travel on that
SUHi.OOi) road Watt Shipp tells ahou .
Mr. Wenthurford says he doesn't know
how much it cost, but it has b-en a
good deal, he alone contributing about
to it, the ro.Ad being bud by the
district, -with hmvy assessments on
timber land owneii
GIVES $750
Por the Omaha Ex , But It Wont
Be Usea.
Upon request of the Eugene, Spring
field. Junction City and Florence com
mercial bodies the ounty court has
appropriated 500 for a Lane county
exhibit at the Omaha Land show and
$260 for issuaoce of a pamphlet de
descriptive of Lane county and its
resurces for advertisement of the
country abroad. The order issued by
thi county court concerning the matter
is as follows:
Now at this time comes the applica
tion of the Commercial clubsof Junction
tity, Springfield. Eugene and Eloience
for an appropriation for andvertising
resources of Lane county, and
"It appearing to the court and seem
ing to them wise and expedient, there
i, therefore, appropriated out of the
general funds of ihe county of Line
$500 .for the purpose of preparing and
making an exhibit at the Omaha Land
Sho.v provided, however, and . thi3
appropriation is made upon the condition
that each of the following counties of
ihis state, to-wit: Linn, Marion, Polk,
Benton and Yamhill ejich make an
appropriation of like amount for such
purpose, and there is further appropri
ated the sum nf $250 for the purpose
of preparing and printing a pamphlet
for the purpose of advertising the agri
cultural, horticultural, mining, man
ufacturing, commercial and other
resources of the county, such pamphlet
t be printed in Lane county and the
copy for the same to be submitted to
the county court by i-. committee of one
each from Eugene, Springfield, Junction
City, Creswell, Florence and Cottage
Grove Commercial clubs and to be
approved by the county court before
the same is printed."
Had Big Crowds and Some
Fine Displays.
Albany people attending the County
fairyesterday weregreatly pleased with
the showing.
Tne individual exhibits by Henry
Struckmier and Leo Zeller, of farm pro
ducts of all kinds, cannot be beaten in
the U, S. These displays will probably
go the state fair, with prospects of
nothing there better, if as good. They
are simply immense.
The display of domestic fruits in
glasses is also great, and along other
linos the showing is creditable.
There were some good races, with
some fast horses in the lineuo. and the
crowd were given a good show for their
money, besides there was a free hehc
in the grand stand with five or six men
in the inix-'uu.
An exciting affair was tho breaking
loose of a boar tied by a chain, He at
tacked tho soven year old son of Jas.
Daws, and bit his leg badly, when cap
tured and returned to his stake.
The race program for today is the
fastest of tho week, a 2:24 trot, 2:15
pace and a mile run, with some good
entries. '
The crowd present yesterday was a
big one.
The State Fair.
Salem, Ore. (Special) Soma nine
ty odd horses are now training on
fne Salem track for the Oregon State
Fair meet and not a fait one owned
In the Northwest is missing from the
entry Hit. Secretary Frank Mere
dith ny In looks for th track rec
ord to go by the boards at this meet
becaust ot'the improvements made in
tin course. One of the blg features
is the steeplechase event in which,
strange- to say, most of the entries
have come from women owners. It
items from this that tho sticks are
most in favor by the women of the
racific Northwest. At least they
seem to own more hurdlers than the
men, If the entry lists are a guide of
what the women of Oregon, Waih
Ington, Idaho, Montana and British
Columbia have to offer for the sport
of thoj"e who go to tin Oregon State
Pair this year. Reduced rates are In
effect on all rail lines for this meet
from September 11 to 10 inclusive.
More Snap Shots
Some now base ball pictures may be
seen at Dawson's, taken by Chester
Stevenson, good ones, showing base
ball situations in a remarkublo manner.
Harry Wilkins, of the store, has also
been busy and secured some good views
of General Crawford nnd his flying
machine, including his flights, which
will bo shown in (ho window at the
Dawson Store,
Branch Piano House.
F. N. Sirenson, representing the
Wiley B Allen Co. of . Portland, is in
the city act'iblishing a branch h.iuse
here, with headquarters at the gallery
next tho post ollice The Wiley It.
Allen Co.. was ono of Albanv's ivu'lirs!
piano houses, uoinsr here iwitjinallv in
the 'id's, when Mr. Allen was.a yenng
The Wcaihcr.
Range of t mpei'iiliire S7-57.
Tue i iver is " of a foot.
Tho rainfall the pa. i month
us normal, i ere n-in oniv
two's of ram
The pre.iletion is: probably fair to
night uiu Sunday.
would show the box of lUieklen's Ar
nica Salve that U. S. l.oper, a carpen
ter of Manila. X. V.. alwys carries.
"1 have never had a out, wound, bruise,
or orc it would not soon heal," he Greatest healer oi burns,
boils, scalds, chapped hands and lips
icver-sores, skin-eruptions, eczema
corns and piles. JJC at all druggist's!
Deeds recorded:
W. E. Thresher to H. A. Lyddane
and W. W. White 40 acres. ...$ 2500
John Lind to J. B, Nanney 60 by
0 feet bl 24 Albany 10
Appeal from County Court, from de
cision in Mcllree estate, denying bill of
M. A. Bell for $1344 for care of de
ceased. New Suits:
Myrtle Gaylord agt. Chas. Gaylord,
for divorce. Marriage June 21. 1903
Charge desertion since Jan. 2b, 1910.
when defendant moved to Burlington,
Iowa. The care and custody of a
daughter, Agnes, 7 years of age,, and
the defendant of Chester Gaylord, 4
years of age.
Marriage license: Henry Freetag, of
Thomas, aged 27, and Georgia Downing,
aged Z'), ot Kingston.
Circuit Court.
In the case of the Advance Mining &
Milling Co. agt. E.O.Smith to estab
lish the title to mining pioperty at
Anidem, on the docket for peveral
years, the court rendered a decision in
favor of the plaintiff. Referee ailowsd
services as stenographer, but not per
diem as referee.
In Sarah M. Cleaver et al. agt. Ray
CleaverS. M. Garland was appointed
referee to sell land.
1330 fishers licenses and 706 hunters
licenses have been issued.
The recorder's receipts for August
wsre $319.08; theclerk $246.25, general;
game fund 8403.
Deeds recorded:
Pearl Arehart to 3. L. Kent lot
Lebanon 8 3000
G. M. Worth to C. C. Burmester
50 acres ,10
Mary A. Gray to H W Chance
and wife lot Halsey 10
The Fire Situation.
Elkhorn district, part of crew with
drawn, subsiding.
Near Niagara, pretty well unler
Seven Mile hill, sixty men for gov
ernment and 25 for road company,
keeping'it down.
Fire east Blue River mines, near
government' liinjt. Crew fighting it.
One or two other small blazes scat
tered. SATURDAY.
Deed3 recorded:
L. D. Porter to Martha Porter, 2
lots, Lebanon . $ 100
G. W. Harris to N. D. Conn and
wife. 80 ft by 110 ft bl 18 H's
2ndaa. 10
Ministerial registration C. R. Gerig
Registration farm name by J. C.
Brown, Maple Ridge Farm.
Marriago license: H. C. Harrison,
aged ) oi uaK rarK, wasn., and Dor
uuiii ill vr.
H, A. More, of Puyallup, has been in
the city.
W. L. Davis, of McVinnville, was in
the city today.
Mrs. G. T. Hockensmith. returned
this afternoon from a Halsey visit.
Mr. Sears, a prominent Portland
bridge man, was in the city today con
suiting with Judge Duncan. -
Mrs. Frank Albro.of Esterville.Iowa,
after a visit at the home of her father,
Wait Mead, will leave tonight for home.
Lyle Bain returned last evening from
a month's outing at Newpcrt, where he
and Kenneth Stevens made the waves
takti notice.
J. W. Haker has returned from a
trip to the Siuslaw country," into Flor
ence, covering the country, visiting a
son near Florence.
George Martin and E. J. Hulbert of
this city and Mr. Jim Merrimnn, S. P.
engineer, of Partland, left this after
norm for the wilds of Lincoln county on
a big game hunt.
Miss Jessie Lewis came up from
Portland this noon on a visit with her
parents. Dr. and VI rs. Lewis .Miss
Lewis has-a position in tho Portland
Miss Agnes Craft returned last oven
ing from Portland and will leave to
night for Med ford, where she will have
charge of a millinery department the
coming fall and winier!
W. L. Gilliam, head lineman of tho
S. P for this district, will leave in the
morning in a rip to his boyhood home
: Virginia, on a visit with his parents,
expecting to be gone a month.
Rev. Moehel returned last evening
fi'c;.i the Breitenbush hot springs,
where he enjoyed three weeks irt and
around hot water, walking the twelve
miles out beiore train time, a pretty
good stunt.
R v Yates returned this noon from
Salem, where his sisti r, Miss Golda, a
former Albany College student, has
been having her eyes treated. There
are fears that she . will lose her sight
entirely, the danger being great.
Mrs. J. W. Swank and daughter, and '
Mrs. J. C. Watson and daughter went
down to near Jefferson for a hop out-J
Scio needs a rairoad for its fair.
Hop picKing now in all the yards, the
annual outing for many people.
Sugar is the highest for several years,
and the sugar barons the richest.
It was bound to come. Aviation
styles are to rule on women's heads.
I President Taft has pretty well
squirmed around on the tariff question.
' What's money anyway. A hobo rec
ently died in the east, in rags, worth
The wholesale house that sells liquor
in a dry town ought to get beaten out
of its account.
"You know,"8aid the old gentleman
I wanting a divorce, "it isn't home with
out a woman in it."
Good bye. Miss Drinking Cup, good
riddance. But what will the m m with
out a cup do when thirsty.
A writer in a Portland paper has
found a man who says sermons are not
long enough. Must be a curiosity.
The funny caricaturist can put any
one in a hole; but it takes the people to
really do it. Wait until Nov, '12.
A walk up on the bridge evenings
will give one the real thing in sea
breezes, delicious and refreshing
When a blind pig is run so you can
smell the beer from the street it looks
very much as if the pig might be made
to squeal.
A book writer uses the word immed
iacy for the present hurry up system of
doing things, the nerve-racking rest
lessness of the age.
Albany is actually having a big brick
hotel, a fine one, without any subsidies,
or agony of any-kind. Just slipped in
before we knew it.
More Astor- Force rot. The Col. is
said to have made a settlement on the
bride, but the Demo, hasn't been able
to see the Col. to verify it.
This will be a golden age in Or. and
everybody ought to enjoy life, with the
microbe pups banished, the flies swatted
to death, nine foot sheets and sea
breezes every evening flitting over the
hills into our faces, .
Almost invariably those who return
from their, outing at Newport bring a
bad cold with them. They are prob
ably a little too careless about protect
ing themselves from the cold fog and
fug and bleak wind that are prevalent
in the morning. Register. Well,
what's an outing for anyway?
Two or three booze joints in the city
are so open, and men frequent them so
openly, as to make the business brazen,
and yet when it comes to getting evi
dence against such places men don't
know anything about things, and can't
tell the difference between beer or
whiskey and red lemonade. Sold under
the guise of soft drinks, and called for
as shoe strings and almost any old
thing, it certainly is a hard proposition
to handle; but it is time to take the feull
by the horns and fight him to a finish.
Crowd at Dreamland.
The large crowd at Dreamland last
night pronounced the program one of
tne Pest snown tnere in montns, especi
ally good is the Railroad story in which
one locomotive is chased and captured
by another after a sensational run.
This is one of the most thrilling pic
tures ever shown in Albany. Another
feature is the pictures of the U. S.
Navy, a good educational picture, also
a fine comedy and an excellent drama.
This program will be showm tonight
tor tne last time.
Miss Lottie Morgan, of the Albany
schools, who returned last evening from
Seaside, left for her father's borne at
Mrs. Chas. H. Stewart left on a
Portland trip.
Ed. Burkhart of this city, and J. A.
Burkhart of Lebanon, went to Port
land, called there by the serious illness
of their brother G. F. Burkhart.
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1 In the case of Mary McCart agt.
George McCart for divorce, called this
afternoon, the plaintiff d d not appear
and the defendant asked far a Hivorcei
on a cross bill, which was granted l'
, was stated that the property, interes's
had been settled out of court. N
I In the case of the Standard Liquor
Co. agt. Al Peacock, the defendant was
not present, and upon stipulation Sept.
25 was set for the trial of tha case.
In W. W. Poland agt S. Cox et al.,
and T. B. Cooper agt. John Althouse
et al., Albany Farmers Warehouse
cases, Gilford & Co. were allowed to
file amended answers.
Excuses and Baseball.
The following notice is posted Tn the
postoffice for the regulation of tb3
'Until further notice, all requests
for leave of absence owing to grand- .
mother's funeral, lame back, house
cleaning, moviog, sore throat, turning
the wringet, headache, neuralgia, rheu
matism, brain storm, cousin's wedding,
general indisposition, etc., must be
handed to the Postmaster not later than
10 a. m., on the day of t ie game."
Among those going to the Bay were
Mrs. W. S. Duncan, Mrs. Judge Dnn
can, Mrs. W. C. Burns and daughte r
Miss Nellie, Mrs. Farlow, Miss Buch
ner, Lee and Gertie Howard. Miss
Nellie Allen, Wm. Ritchie, Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Stelimacher . and daughter,
J. A. Dumond, Mrs. J. C. Mayer and
Franklin, Mrs. Henrietta Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Roma McCully, F. M. Pome
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
Mary E. Robnett, Icyphene Steven
son and Stanley R. Stevenson, her
j husband, plaintiffs, vs. Delia A.
Chance and Walter Chance, her hus-
band, James H. Robnett and Myra
E. Robnett, his wife, Lloyd W. Rob
1 nett, and Nettie RobneTt, his wife,
Arthur r. Kobnett ana Kovia Kobnett,
his wife, Louise Robnett, Truman
Robnett and Edith Robnett, defend
ants. To Lloyd W. Robnett and Nettie Rob
nett, his wife, two of the above
. namel defendants:
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against yo.i
in the above entitled suit within, s:-
weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of this summons, and if yc;i
fail to so appear and answer, for wart
thereof plaintiffs will apply to said
court for the relief demanded in their
said complaint.
The relief demanded in said com
plaint is a decree of the court estab
lishing the interests of the plaintiffs
and defendants in the premises here-,
inafter described, and partitioning said
premises among the several owners
thereof, according to their several in
terests as determined by the court,
said real" property being described as'
follows, to-wit: The Southeast quar
ter of Section 32, in Township 13
South, Range 3 West of the Willam
ette Meridian, in Linn County, Ore
gon, containing 160 acres; also, begin
ning at the Southeast corner of the
Northeast quarter of said Section 32;
thence West 54.75 rods; thence North
92.00 rods; thence East 54.75 rods;
thence South 92.00 rods, to the place
of beginning, containing 31.50 acres,
in all containing 191.50 acres, all in
Linn county, Oreeon. and for the
costs and disbursements of said suit
taxed according to law, and for such
other and further relief as may be
meet and equitable.
This summons is published once a
week for six successive weeks in the.
Albany Democrat by order of
Hon. J. N. Duncan, County Judge of
Linn County, Oregon, made herein on
the 16th day of August, 1911, and the
date of the first publication of this
summons is the 18th day of August,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Notice is hereby given, that under
and by virtue of an order duly made
and entered in the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Sherman
county, in the cause thefein pending
entitled In the Matter of the Estate '
of Salina Hines, Deceased, on the 24th
day of July, A. D. 1911, I will, on and
after Saturday, the 9th day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1911, at the hour of 9
o'clock A. S. of said day, proceed to
sell, at private sale", for cash, and sub
ject to the confirmation of the Court,
the following described real estate,
Beginning at a point in the middle
of the County Road where the same
crosses the South line of the lands
now owned by Anton Oetkin as con
veyed to him by deed of conveyance
of record in Volume 66 of Records of
Deeds in and for Linn County, Ore
gon, at page 568 thereof, thence North
Three Hundred- (300) feet: thence
West Three Hundred (300) rfeet;
thence South Three Hundred (300)
feet: thence East Three Hundred
(300) foot to the place of beginning,
lying n-d being in Section Twenty
Eight -V). Township Eleven (11)
South. Range Four (4) West of Wiit
.unette Meridian in said Countv and
State, .being a part of the Donation
Land Claim of Hollaway Cushman,
said tract being residence property
.md 'having a small dwelling thereon.
Fartics desiring to buy said prem
ises or desiring further information,
may communicate with me at Wasco,
Sherman County. Oregon. Offers
should be submitted in writing on or
before said date of sale.
I reserve the right to reject any
and all bids or offers.
Dated at Wasco, Oregon, this 24th
day of July, A. D. 1911.
Administrator of Estate of Salina
Hines, Deceased.