Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 01, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    A DR. M. H. ELLIS
Physician and Surgeon'
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country.
Phone, Main 38.
Physician and Surgeon,
Graduate Rush Medical College.
Post-graduate New York City.
Fifteen years' experience.
Prompt attention to calls in the
country, night or day.
Office, over Cusick's Bank. Resi
dence, corner Lyon and Seventh
streets. Both Phones.
Painless Dentistry
It enr ptid-cnir hobby our ttnAy for 7n an4
now ouriuccea, and oun ia the btst ioJMa work
to be found in) where, no matter how nn.-?li n
py. Cooiyare our Fries
We flnlih p!t and
bri-Ve wotk for out-of-town
patroni In
one day It delred.
FtUole-M oxtrtuiion
frto whan p!otf cf
bridgu work 1 order
bantu llfti ion f(
; Molar Craitni S5.00
iG-WFillinja 1.00
!Eimin:iinn 1.00
SSilvtr Filllnira .50
8 Good Ribbar ...
3 mm o.uu
9 Best RdRubbr
fuin i.du
IILW.a.ttltt,fi-iteiaTuaMiuua Patnlaii Extr'tlon ,60
a nu muunu rmua B BBT mrthods
All work fully nwrantaMMl far fifteen yean.
Wise Dental Co.,inc
Painless Dentists
FlDIns Building, Third and Waihlnrton PORTLAND, OKI
Office Heara: I A. 11. to I P. IC. Sundaya, IHl
Dictionary i
Because NEnJ cbea
TION, covering every
field of the world's thought,
action and culture. The only
new unabridged dictionary ia
many years.
RprnncA 1 defines over 400,000
ncLditsc Wor(IlJ. more than ever
before appeared between two
covers. 3700 Pages 6000 XI
lustrations, . .'
fWant. ft is the only dictionary W
uciauc tho new divided
gjj page. A "Stroke of Genius.' jg
Because an ncyloPe-iia in
1 a single volumo.
(Wane a ifc B accepted by the
PeCaU5C Courts, Schools and
Press as tho ono supremo a-
Because n6 knows wins
you about this new work
WRITE for ipedaun of dw divided pact
C ft C. HERRIAH CO., PaUbhen, SprintReU, Hug.
HtnUoa tbl paper, nctin FBEB a. art of poeirt nap.
The Riverside Farm
ED. SCHOF.L. Pr.iprieoi
Breeder and Imp3rter of O. I. C. Hojs
S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W.
P. Rocks, Light Brahmas, R. C.
Rhode Island Reds, White
Cochin Bantams, '.' . 1!.
Turkeys, Wnn I -den
Geese, 1' i
Ducks, t o i
Winner ot 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry
at the Lewis & Clark Fair.
Eggs in Season - Stock for Sale
Phone. Farmers 95 - - R P. DNo
It your horse has
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price (1.
For sale by all drug
gists. Dr. S. C. STONfc,,
Salem - Oregon.
Scott's Sanfai-PepsiD Capsules
r"& a or Inflammation or Catarrh ot
tb liladder and Dlsuaaed Kid
fc.ji&i VWmiikly and ucrnmnontlr the
and Glror, do matter nf bon
hurnilpes. Soid by druggiFU.
l'rlrp i.oo or bj mail, posi
'una ptnnilinir. Ahm .(ui.
lmi.1, 1.00, 3 twxos, $2.75.
BtllclanUine, Obis
For tnle br Borilurt St Lee
Promptly obtaini-d. rr FEE RETURNEO.
THE LOWEST. St-nil model, photo or ukueh for
eitt'rt wurrh iind free report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT aulta conducted before nil
court. 1'n.entn obtained throrph ua, ADVER
'IONS and COPrRICHTS qulekly obtained.
Opposlto U. 8. Patent Office.
nan-iin e n aain nrrrNnrn Send model,
1'rce n l. lee, hovr to obtain uenta. trade maxka.
cepyrlichta, rus, aj ALL COUNTRIES.
Rvrinrts Jirett vilk H'as klr-gtcm savtt t'mty
mctrv ana ?rm it patent.
Pliant mi InWneiment Pnctlet Eiclstlrelr.
V. rlte or to ui at
IS) XLBtA Itra-t. app. ttdta4 Stataa FaSaut Oflca,
fifty" -vVl
And $66 Secured of a Mart from
Upon complaint ot Frank McQuillam
W, F. M igrard was placed in the cilv
jail this furenoon pending an investiga
tion of as experience of McQuillam,
who recently came down lrom Hoover,
where he has been working. According
to the version of McQuillam he met a
fancy woman named .M et rill, and was
taken to a room in the Calitornia room
ing house for the night. 'Ibey bad with
them some beer, which Chief of Police
Munkers was informed wjs gotten at
the Franklin. This morning when Mc-
I Quiilam awoke the woman was gone.
, It was learned thit she went to the
! depot in an auto with Migrard and left
on the 4:18 fur Portland. Migrard as
serts that he hed nothing to do with
the rolling of McQuillam.
J At press time the case had not been
disposed of.
I It is also said a man at Independence
was rolled for $130 and that the same
woman was mixed up in the affair.
H. R Schultz left this afternoon on a
business trip to Forest G.-ove.
Dennis Merrill has gone down ihe
west side in his auto on a business trip.
79a cent' is the Portland price of
wheat, which means about 70 cents
' W. B. Potts, of Raymond, 111., is
here on a visit with L. L. Potts and
Mr. and Mrs John Thomas returned
this morning from a visit in Lane
Miss May Montgomery returned this
noon from a west side trip and went to
George Clark and family, of Lebanon.
returned this noon from their Newport
Miss Edna Smith, milliner at the
Young Store, returned this noon from
a Portland trip.
Dr. and Mrs. Leeper. of Waldnort.
arrived this noon to look after the Dr's
North Albany property.
The first auto ever at Fort bianco,
the most western' point in the (J. S ,
reached the lighthouse yesterday.
Leslie M. Scott, son of the late
Harvey Scoa yesterday began his
duties as U. 3. marshal ai Portland.
Scott Ward and familv ire taking
their summer's culing at. Cascadia, now
Linn county's most popular summer
Mrs. Aldrich, of Roseburg, left for
home this afternoon after a visit with
her sister, Mrs. A. L. Ryder, of North
Register B. F. Jones and wife, of
Roseburg, were in the city this noon on
their way home from an outing at
Supt. Jackson is ju't sending out 500
copies of the school law to all the of
ficers of the county, who will now be
informed of the latest laws.
Elias Truax, who has been working
on tne uescnuces roaa a year anj over,
has returned to Linn county, most of
the men having been laid off.
Rockey W iilis is getting ready to have
a couple of cottages built on his prop
erty on Fifth street near Jackson, to
be used for rental, a chance for toma
one ui a few weeks getting a fine place
ior a nome. 1
I An Albany lady has a couple of sham
; rocks with four leaves, and is wonder
ing if that is a raritv in Ireland's
favorite, which usually, like our clovers
nas only tnree leaves. Anyway it ought
to Dnng good iuck.
There was a fire alarm last night
awhile after 9 o'clock. It was sounded
in the-box at Jackson and Fifth street
and the fellow who did it was 'seen to
run up street at full speed. It loons as
it it was a case of trouble.
, Hon. F. J. Miller, who was threaten
ed with typhoid fever, is gradually im-
i proving at the Foley springs, where he
, nas oeen ior a couple weens, tie bad
' a fall, bruising one of his sides some.
. out is up ana arouna part ot tne day.
I County Clerk Willard Marks and wife
arrived nome resterday afternoon from
their Cascaoia outing, where they had
a great time, Mr. MarKs made a reputa
tion as end man and Mrs. Marks in
fighting yellow jackets.
Miss Lucille Hart left this noon for
Palo Alto, where sbe will finish her
college course the coming year at
Stanford. She was to be joined at
Eugeie by Miss Evah Cushman, of
Acme, also a former Albany College
Mrs. F. W. Strickland, wife of an
S P. brakeman. attempted to commit
suicide at Roseburg by taking poison,
but it failed. She then left for The
Dalles, her husband accompanying her
to the train. It was said thev had
quirrelled, but he said he was only
teasing his wife.
Hon. P. H. D'Aacy nnd sister, of
Salem were in the city last evening on
their way home from Cascadia. where
Mr. D'Arcy was the life of ihe crowd
tor a few weeks, splendid as a Shake
spearean reader, snd equal to a pro
fessional as an interlocutor in a minstrel
show, a wit and a statesman.
J. W. Dickover on his Tway to
Albany Inst evening from the Ideal
Fruit Farm had a puncture of his auto
tire. He ha-1 another tuhc put in and
there was another puncture, and a ruined
rim. While waiting for a new onefrom
Portland Mr. Dickover is spendiug the
day in Alhcry.
'.'ottarre Grove Lerder: Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Locke and son of Corvallis, and
Mr. and r.-. S. R. Wiliij and daugh
ter, of Albany, have been guests of
Mr. and .Mri II. A. V.'illis for the past
few days. The Willis family made the
I- r, from Albany in their fine new
Cauiilac touring car, and the whole par
ty spent Sunday at London Springs.
The actual cost of pavirg a running
foot along the property of the Democrat
man on vVas..ington street, was $5.45
Tn'S may vary slightly, according m
imount of excavation, alleys, efr .
but represents about the average nt .i
present prices, and means an expense
of a little ovt-r 600,wheae one has irop
eily reaching half wa, along l block.
from Albany's Six Early
Dr. Olive K. Beers left for Chicago
to assume her work as superintendent
of one of the Eleanor Clubs, this time
beins at the head of No. 2. Mrs Beers
assists Miss Robertson also in the gen
eral work of the Clubs, a splendid work
in Chicago, giving girls homes under
the rierht influence, something that has
attracted a good deal of favorable at
tention. During tne summer f"rs.
Beers was the guest of her sister, Mrs.
H. Brvant. who accompanied her to
Salem to spend the day, and for several
weeks was a leader in the good times
of the Albany colony at Cascadia. Her
many friends hero hope to see her re
turn to Albany to remain.
Geo. E. Sanders, of the Pacific Tele-
nhone Co. left for -Brownsville and
other places with the new directories.
which he is personally delivering ana
lookintr after the work in his district.
The Pacific was a pioneer in reaching
out into the foot hills, and now there is
hardl ' a farm house that is not in con
nection with the rest of the world.
Dr. Fersuson left for Corvallis in the
interest of Albanv Colleee. Some of
the best endowment support has come j
from other college towns, where prom
inent members of the Presbyterian
church wish to assist in keeping the
Albany college an important factor in
tne worK oi euueauon.
Mrs. C. A. Curran went to Shelburn
on a visit with the Blatchford boys.
Mrs. Pitman left for Woodburn
Mrs. Hattie Mansfield Gibbon, of
Portland, left for Salem. Saturday
she expects to return to Breitenbush to
look after her valuable interests there.
Benson Starr, son-in-law of W. H.
Goltra, went to Portland.
J. W. Reader, of the Curtis lumber
Co. left on a Salem business trip.
Miss sue urecKenriuge leit ior ram
City on a visit of a few days, while her
fath.T went to Lebanon for a visit with
his daughter and grandchildren.
Mrs. Robinett and sister, left on a
Brownsville visit. The latter formerly
resided here, her daughter being one of
Albany's first osteopathic physicians.
A. B. Beckley, the furniture-man,
left on a sales trip.
Wm. Eagles went to the Bay to bring
back his camping outfit.
O. H. Larson returned from a Eu
gene trip.
G. W. McDowell, of the Oregon Elec
tric, returned to Salem after a short Al
bany trip.
Albany Men in Eugene's LocK Up
Register: Judge Pryson, of the
municipal court, held a little seance
yesterday morning with seven drunks
who were gathered in by the night
police Tuesday evening. They report
that almost all of them got off the 11:30
car and were too drunk to get anywhere
and a gond bed wan found for them at
the city jail. George Kelley, M. N.
Miller, Mike Bush and James Lanto
plead guilty and mid a fine of $10 each.
Frank Adams plead guilty but had no
money and is in jail for five days. Ham
Wyatt and W. Burns plead not guilty
and their case has not been disposed of.
They may fight the legality of the
arrest as they claim they were not
drunk. Four of the young men ivu in
Albany and cime up to have a time at
Springfield ansl they found quarters in
the Eugene lockup.
Junctions' Punkins
The Democrat appre?iates a ticket to
the Junction punkin show Sept. 28, 29
and 30. The Secretary says: "We are
going to have a fine exhibit and we
wann you to see it." Great
Jack'o'lantern, but we would like to.
If there is a weak spot around us it is
punkin pie, and our mouth waters at the
mention of it.
Going East.
Rolla Bruce an! Darwin Carnegie
leave tonight for the cast together, as
far as Omaha, where Rolla will take
the train north for Luverne, Minn ,
where he will reside with his grand
father and go to school for a year. He
has been one of the high school s best
foot ball and base ball players. Darwin
noes to Schenectady. N. V. to snend a
year in the headquarters of electrical
engineering in the U. S. Both fine
young men.
The Weather.
Range of temperatuie 44 49.
The river is .7 of a foot.
Prediction: fair tonight and Friday.
The hii'hest average Drice of Cal
ifornia Bartlctts Aug. 16 18 in Ihe easi
was at N. Y,, $1,68. the lowest at
Detroit, $1.13.
At Hood River recently ahmit nm
kundred people were counted at all ihi
churches combined and over 500 at thi
moving picture shows.
Mr. Boos, of Medtord. his a meer
sclmum nine that is claimed to hi
130 years o." age. An Albany man haf
Whtt:nu Ho.HU In rrr. uittl. I l.n .,1...
230 years old. (
Another hie gold ttrike has b? n dis
covered on McClmtock inek. north i
Skagway. These Ihinirs don't cxci'.i
people away from th pl;ice, any more
Once they dii.
Mrs. Eva R. Sharp, nf Lane coun'y
ha3 sued her hu.iunml became he h.i
been s.ea!iing sharp words to h?r lo:
filli--en years, not a pleasant w.ird, shi
swears in 15 yenrj.
According to the Salem Statfman thi
citv cnun ii of S-Llem will nrnli.iiiy !
Kin proceedings to revoke th frjimhiii'
with the lortlanrl Eugene an I rjistern
R. R. Co , it being asserted thit lln
Co. has violated all i's contracts
Eligcn; Register: M dvin l'eMer.
hoy, came up from Albany with hi
bicycle to ride fo where his grmdm ithc
iv;a west of Springfield. H fmhi i
iiionci to slop the boy, that he had rur
way, hut on getting word fro-n hj
V.vr that he was allowed to go tin
,,iu e bet him free.
Present Recorder, chief of police, j
ehief engineer and Councilmen Curl,
Snell, Chamberei Marshall and Simp-1
T ,k Vi . ,v , J
In the absence of the Mayor Council-!
man Curl presided. j
The following bills were allowed: !
A. G. Long $12.28, Medio & Stuart I
$5 50, F. L. tile $2 50, A. A. Fuller
$3 00, Peter Rilev S5.00. Roner Bros,
$10.72, H. G. Fisher $100.
The fire hydrant at 2nd and Cleveland
was ordered changed to 2nd and Denver
Upon recommendation
a k was ordered on Santiam road
Ln .w n1ynu e' oa1d c.ement. wa k
along block 42 H s 2nd ad, west side
1? !
The Masonic Buildhig Association
was e rained permission to iniDroVu .
DrOLertV on First St.
Petition of Linn Engine Co. asked
that house be put in presentable condi-
tion, cleaned up, members be provided was openly stated in tho court that tlo i lns
with hats and coats and tapper bought, witness had probably been spirited
Ordinances were passed providing for ttwv'R"Ct 'J'u "hi0.!!0 l8,ai-d h W0UT w from AlhW iv Fa.'.i,
surpluses on pavement on ferry, Wash- TB? ' de olPln tJ ?end , .News troril Albany S MX tally
inL'ton and Third streets . the parties who did It to the peniten ' Train.
int,ton ana imra streets. u j evidence can be 8ccu.ed of it I rains.
A second cleanup cart was ordered. 1 August 29 at 9 a m. was set for the !
and another man will be employed to trial of the care r, . . ... . . .
assist in keeping the streets clean, the ' 6 Cat6, . I Trof. Kent, one of the O.A.C's best
one in use being very satisfactory. . i mc"' left for tho Humbult country, in
. Fn'ir Foifuroc I Northern California, on the coast, to
I 1 our redlures- judge stock at the Ferndalo fair, his
! third successive season there. He went
Mlled in an AutO Accident. The Empire Photoplay Theatre has f Portland and thence down the coast
: an all-feature program, showing the big m a steamer.
H A Cumminra of Portland urn! I "Fire at oney Island, the "Elks Con- I '
L H Youne of Damascus were kif"d Mention Parade" at Atlantic City, be- Prof. F. L. Griffith, another O.A.C
in an auto accident iust noi thof Orecon 8ldes a fine Vitagraph drama "Ends of man, an assistant in one of the depart
City vesterdav eve'ninir and Frederick i tha Eartni" and a roaring comedy by ments, left for Boiso. Idaho, where he
Kummer was seriously 'injured. It was tThe1 LVui,1 cn?1p.a,nyV "fl'KK'ns'? . has a position in the high school. There
in front nf the Maedalen Home and ad a- Ihe illustrated sung is the has been a big call for available talent
wtawWuSTr was"6" "SparklinK Eyes.- .at the school for high school teachers
going thirty miles an hour, Kummer
that it was going only twelve, when
something gave away and the car ca
reened to the side into a ditch, over
turning, crushing the two men beneath
the car, while Kummer was saved by
being thrown further out.
Case of Non-Support.
upon complaint of
Arthur E Allen,
hia wife Bertha,
was arrested by
Sheriff Smith, on the chareo'ot non
support. The complaint charges it
since July li, when ho went over to
Lincoln county, where his grandfather j
lives. Hearing that there was talk of I
the actioi he came to Albany. He is
about it years of age and belongs to an
ellent'family M. V Weatherford
was emnlnvorl and tho e.g. , hoimr
herd thS f ahe?noon boioro a iurv
;?nL3 h ?i.?;i n?." bQt0r0 B 3Ury',
The Seven Mile rire.
A lire up on Seven Mile hill is going
over some old burned off stumps, causing
some smoke, as well as lire. It was
reported that traffic over tho road had i
been stopped, but Countv Runger T.
II. Watkins thinks automobiles can nass
all right.
This morning some men were sent up
from Cascadia to hnln kppn the lirn
from spreading.
A telephone message this afternoon
stated that the Seven Mile hill fire had
struck some of the tops of the green
trees, with darger of spreading,
Hanger Knowlcs is in charge of the
fight against It.
Died in Portland.
Cleo Waive, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Organ, died in Portland yesterday,
at the age cf 8 months, and will be
brought to Albany on the noon train
tomorrow, for burial, with services at
the cemetery. The mother was form
erly Miss Waive Streitel of this city,
and has many friends here whose symp
athy she will havo.
N. Jerry, Medford, has been in tho
Frank Kelly was here from The
C. H. Walker is attending tho expos
ition at Astoria.
Geo. Humphries, Myrtle Creek, has
been in the city.
J. A. Aerhart and L. T. Brower, of
Eugene, were in the city.
Mrs. Peter Riley went to Portland
last evening, called there by the illness
of a relative, Ed. Mooney.
Frank Cnmmins has finished his sum
mer's outing, " arriving this afternoon
from the McKsnzie, where he fished
in killed deci.
S C. Worrell has returned from his
Mollalla outing, and Mrs. Worrell and
lunt, Mrs facaton. of llansas will !.
nere tuiight,
Harold Archibald and Wallace An
lerson are among ihe fire fighting Lrig
ide th .t left today tor Casca :ia i nd the
ieven Mile liiil.
.Urs. Chester Harold, of Portland,
trriveii this noon on a visit with Mr.
md Mrs. Ilert Stevensun and Mr. and
rs. Chester Stevenson,
Vra. J. C. Ilainmell and daughter,
lis Hlanche left his morning lor Cas
tdid in Roy Worley'e au'omoliile, and
vili he at th'! Hotel Gi-Uendorfer for
ever..l days
Vr Frlsby, engineer at th '. eanilnl,
jalem, firinany years, n-jw of Fori
.ui'l, p-i-sed i,hiOBi;li the city this noon
r L''n n ' e will also ko up 'o Ills
'.ir n -r lii;fn! at Hulst-y.
Iv"r:i. A. tjchrnitt, Miss Anna Flinn,
Jr. It. C. liu .t, K.rl l ortmiller auu
ii-s I.uurt 'l'a lor, last evening re-ui-nel
iroM Newport, where they have
leen cnj i) i.ig beach life for some time.
J.ic'i'i S; r -i i-l arrived lait evening In
iii af'ei tin1 arrangeni'-ntfl for Ihe
urn-ril arid hurial of his gran.lchi'd
.-i I'd to. k rnrii-e ttiM al'.e rrdin ai tin
infipry. irn Siri-it..-tmnin wiin if.
i:nt;ral p.iety it, ij nxm. 6ir. Streile
lai leen in. ( of the cement work
it Celiln Ij( t.ix yiora, and ihue ii
nun '.h'ee o lire yean more work in
'!- A 11 mc!: crusher his ben in
italle I ml ilnngs ftill be pushed on u
large scale.
Prowcuting Witness Fails to Ap-
., r
Tne case of the state against E.
Merrill and W. F. Millard, charged
with robbing Frank McQuillam of
consisting of five $10's, three $5's and
na ves, was caiieti betoro Justice
?wi"? mor"ln-, 9,- S.;,Hl J appearing
iur me piamuii ana ii. w. wrignt ior
, i tne aeienaants. miss Merrill was ar
wooa side- ......i. :n Dn-.i i.... -
and brouget back on the evening train,
when she put up $250 cash bail and
Minard 100, each on checks of Jas.
H1'1- T" prosecuting witness was
placed on $100 bords, furnished by L
IS. Moe. When the ease was rullpil th
witness fnilpH tn nnTwar hia KnnH win
ordered lorfeited, and the case was
ordered contunued until 1 o'clock. ItlMie,a(;cl.l;entcaU3ta'ra,nena8excl.tement
' ln -i. ........,-...,
m .
A Long Editorial Hike.
Editors Shewman and Brown, of the
Oregon City Courier, the former form
erly of the Albany Herald, were in the
f. i v.:7.' a nu .
iu..K ..,., teK..u uivy
aown tne toot nuis to Gates, just tor
the experience. At Gates they took
i tne train, reacning nere in time lor the
Needle in Finger,
Dorothy, the little daughter of Mr. 1
.A If .... U7 A cni:nt...... .. t i... I
and MrB w A Salisbury. yestorday in
some wuy nrove a sewing macnine neeuio
through a finger, going through a bone
and nail. Dr. Kavannugh was called
iand extracted tho needle, broken to
pieces, with the thread in the ovo. a
. delicate operation.
The Weather.
The range of temperature was 93
I yesterday, down to 51 this morning. ' ortiuna ny Mr. Beam. ft
Tllu dy uufore t reached 94, und thol. Mrs. Beam and daughter Elizabeth
day beloro that 8s, three warm days.
Mike Bush was fined $10 at Eugono
1 Jor be!n8 drUBk on Wednesday und S20
for beinK deunk on Thursday
j The salmon pack this year has boon
j an immense one, $6,000,000, a largo
gain, meaning prosperity lor canners
and fishermen.
President Lovett, of the Harriman
lines, it is reported will resign, and
Julias Kruttschnilt will probably bo
Fred Temnleton, a former prominent
U. O. student and leading foot ball
player, died at Seattle yesterday morn
ing lie leave a wife and one son.
Born, on Friday morning, to Mr. and
Mrs. lYiontzcr, ot the third wurd. a
girl. The parents recently came here
iiuiii iiuuruoKU, auu ure visiting atnir.
Miner 8.
There was a big time at Grange 10
last night, with a fine program, and a
gooa teen. Among those from Albany
were supt. jacKBon, wno had a talk,
ana .treasurer rrancis. .
How easy to make mistakes. Tha
Eugene Register said: "The supervisor
reports 20 hres in the Siuslaw, forest.
insteaa ot zv it Bhouid have been no
tires. Some difference. .
A big Southern Pacific R. R, strike is
said to be imminent on account of a re
fusal of the management to treat with
the Federation of Mechanical Trades.
Another conference may avert it, and
Atwood, who is flying from Chicugo
to New York, last evening wns eight
miles Bouth of Albany, ll.'il miles from
the start. He flew only 66 miles yes
terday, and proposed to reach Now York
The caso of Arthur Allen, tried yes
terday afternoon before Judge Duncan
and a jury resulted in a verdict of guilty,
and an order of the court that the do
fendant pay his wife $4 a week, undo!
$250 bonds.
Prof. I. M. Glen r.aased through the
city this afternoon with his goods and
chattels for Seattle, his future home.
Wash. U. is fortunate in securing him,
ono of the most popular as well in
accomplished college men in the N W.
Mayor Rushlight pays a good many
men in the employment of tho eity do
not earn their : , Jt. fcihip them th. i..
j u ' i'-" CM.- m cmnl j''ci.-
I lio. A 'hey uro und.r i ivi
i.'c rules this is said to be dim . i I
! K
' at
i.".ne's $i:i:i.Mw refundin; bm, !
.old t ,V1 )irn.Hr.- , of t'.i.-tl i:,.
i 5-1 premium, nctng for : h
i -ii. 5 p -r c 'nt interest. There we on IW.I light, pu.T;iiii
r ii(.ni.-t, in run 15 years, nt 6 .--i
. In-- hiehoHt premium WiR$l,'J".l
n n referred. K N Rollins ii
iv r. i not the Albany !;ond i t.j .
J ;,-( ;r mm on the refunding t .-uri-it.
I'll a .
f :
yei te
n au'.u accident near .'nr.-lilielt
! '' ,'rs. h,'. A. Stevei a in .
in t t..j i i..eii, Inez Jun-s v. i.
injured, the chauireur hurt internally
wiiiIh W. It. Courtwright, wife an 1 thn-i
children, dlso in the big cr, win
liractically uninjured tnouuh hiirlm
4'ime (iisiance. it was an hu'.o suigi
on the wbv to Mn
rshfield with passen
' gers, nn-J lor twin
gers, n n-J lor lum reason plunged dowi
Lejlde iheruud.
By Bridge Falling Near Roseburg.
Five men were i.iatantlv'-'killpri. nnif
five others injured, four of thtm se-ious-ly,
by a wooden br'dge in Coles Valley,
oyer the Umpqua, going down last
night. The men were repairing the
bridge, members of the unncr. Tha
killed were Gary Brown, Peter McFar
Und. William Accusta. Charles (innli.
ner and William Belieu. The injured,
Ki ihornton, Kay and Glen Wilson,
cienry van riynmng ana f rank Gilliam,
all residents of the county.
The men were removing the false
work of one end of the bridge when the
span quivered and dropped. The noise
brought some farmers, and assistance
was telegraphed from Roseburg, eight
een miles away, several physicians re
sponding at once. Gary Brown, the
lureman, uaminor ana Uelieu were
Kosequrg men, well known there, and
r-.-.; ... ..o
jment in special work, some of the
scnoois coming close to college work.
Senator M. A. Miller, prominently
mentioned for TJ. S. senator, and
brother W. A. Miller, of Portland, left
for Portland. The Miller Brothers have
just returned from Cascadia, where
thev assisted in mnkincr tinners livelv
,. ,.,, p. ., . "
, . "'ji
a mitm 1,1 "iinBtrolcy.
I W. B. Pratt, of Burt. Iown, left for
home after a visit with his brother N.
D. Pratt. Ho is a mighty good brother,
I for he comes out here to see his Oregon
brother every year or two, having
maue a gooa many trips nero.
Miar(M , All
' v. ..m ,,,
schools, enme clown from tho Morgan
f and left for the west sido for Sea-
B'de on the ocean, being joined at Mc
Minnville, bv Miss Lotim McCullnnirh.
also of tho Albany schools.
Prof. Fertruson. of tho collorro. lof
Mrs. Burns, of Bloomington, Iown,
I left for home after a week's visit at
Owen Beams, being accompanied to
left for Newport for an outinir. Mr.
Gaston will run tho Beuin house for
Roy Yates loft on a Brownsville bus-
. -ness trip.
Several crowds ot fire fighters left on
the different spokes of the Hub,
by the Man About Town,
The new Rhodes block is up about
two stories An agreeablo report is
that it will be a four story hotel. The
first floor to be for tho office, with a
long plate glass front, dining room and
kitchen,' the second floor for parlor and
suites of moms, and tho two top floors
for bed rooms, .with a court on the
inside. This accounts for the nine foot
ceilings, the regular height for living
rooms, and the height of tho first floor,
proper for hotel purposes. Tho loca
tion is a good one, and there will be no
trouble to secure a renter.
J. T. Wcntworth, with a good force
of men already hus a big hole at the
site of the new filtration plant, with
more to dig. It is Baid 2,000 or 3,000
barrels of cement will be requifbd for
the concrote work.
Woodworth continues to spread out,
and is uow getting ready for a niann
department in the rooms recently
vacated bv the Oregon Power Co. The
irnnt will correspond with tho front of
the Woodworth Drue store.outlining tha
entire front of the Woodworth storo,
one of the c mpletest in its linos In the
A good deal of smo'te around, which
means that there is really some fire in
tho hills.
W. 8. Weaver has just completed a
new walk in front of the property ut
Ferry and Third street, following that
in front of the Marks an I Fisher prop
erty, making a complete line of cement
wain on hotn side at the utreet from
Nmih to First street, excepting in front
r i ne titernnerg property.
Kaitie Snake at Jefferson.
Editor Tip Humphrey of tho Jeffof-
vin Keview was in the city this nfter
no n. lifter gelling out the issuo of his
oHper f:;r the week,
Here are two interesting items from
the paper:
While cutting cabbage In her garden
i few days ago Mrs. " . Sherman
ipi-n a small sn;iko and decapitated it
vi'h Ihe butch r knife. Then sho got
cared, for it provi tl to bo a small
attle snake, the (irat, so far as can be
earned, ever found in this city, and
where the "varmint" came from is a
nystery. It was this year'B product,
'or it had n rattles, onlv a hutiun. an
it Is most p iihaMc there is a ne9t of
hem ntar where it was found.
It is roported thai Siate Senator John
V Carson will be a candidate for; rep
resentative to succeed Hawley, If tho
v iters Inko tho ability of the two men
i-ito consideration, Carson will have a