Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 01, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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President Taft has proven himself
to be a man after the heart of the "last
ditchers" of the English House of
Lords. His veto oj Ar'i20na.Jcw I
."'cxiOi'i Matelltmu hill is just what
Would be expected from such uncom
promising advocates of aristocracy as
Lords of Halsey and Willoiighby Dc
' The American Judiciary has itSsVlmed
a power very much like that of the
House of Lords. Like the House of
Lords, it has abused this power to an
intolerable extent' in the interest of
the privileged class. Legislation in
tended to put an end to various forms
of robbery and oppression has been
nullified or distorted, while new op
pressive measures which no legislative
body would enact have been given all
the force of law. To meet this situa
tion, the recall is necessary just as in
F.iiLl;ml it has become necessary to
force legislation through Parliament,
curbing the power of the lords. But in
England the leaders of the aristocracy,
Balfour and Lansdownc, were wise i
i-ihiik.Ii tn If! thf measure abolishing
the lords' veto power pass, as soon
as they became ronvinced that oppo
sition would only temporarily delay
it. But they bad some very stupid fol
lowers who could not understand that
continued opposition, if temporarily
successful, would in the long run bring
upon the aristocracy something worse
than abolition of the absolute veto.
These thickheads rallied under the
leadership of Lord Halsey and op
posed to the "last ditch" but did not
succeed in accomplishing anything.
President Taft is the Lord Halsey of
American aristocracy. He has been
more successful than his English pro
totype in temporarily delaying the ap
plication of a check on the power of
predatory interests. For this he will
no doubt receive the applause of short
sighted aristocrats. But the final re
sult will surely be a more speedy ap
plication of the recall to the judiciary
outside of Arizona than would have
been the cafe had he quietly allowed
Arizona to enter the Union without
interfering with her constitution. In
Arizona the recall of the judiciary will
certainly not he delayed more than
two years. Upholders of privilege are
welcome to all the comfort that Tail's
veto may give Ihem. A. E. L. .
Whenever a man tries to do any
thing in the interest of the masses,
some one immediately yells that he is
trying to destroy the country's indus
tries, thai he is playing politics, etc.
This has been the cry in reference to
the wool and cotton bills, measures
that were in the interest of the masses,
and which would have been the means,
if allowed to become a law, of giving
the common people clothes at a reas
onable price, instead of about 50 per
cent more than they should he. The
Orogonian, among others, is about the
loudest in such assertions. A few
years ago it was advocating the very
measures it is now condemning, and
there is more reason to favor them
now than there was then, when condi-
uivii, w ni-ii LUMiii- ,
lilt liUVH III. Ik Willi ll.lMDl-tl .I1IU VlOlll. !
T:,fl frnm tin, iJuiiininir 1.:., nrleil
with llie "interests," lluinuU profess
ing fellowship with llie masses, lie
has completely disregarded his prom
ises of lower tariff made in order (o be
elected. The people were fooled when
he run before. Will they be this lime?
A former mayor of New York City
earned the loliowiug in his pocket lor
many years, uivinit siiutKe.''tioiis that
nny one who makes any pretense to
ritflu living onht to appreciate:
Never be idle. ,
Make few promises.
Always speak the truth.
Never speak evil of anyone.
Keep tfood company or none.
Live up to your engagements.
(lood character is above all else.
Karn money before you spend it.
lie just before you arc neuerous.
1 i ink no kind of intoxicating liquor.
Keep your own secrets, if you have
Never borrow if you can possibly
avoid it.
Keep yourself innocent if you would J
be happy. I
Make no haste to be rich if you
would prosper.
If anyone speaks evil of you, let
your life be so that none would be-j
iievc him.
If your hands cannot be useful! v
.employed, attend to the cultivation of
vonr mind.
Albany and 0. R. N.
What promises to bo one of the best
hall games of the season will bo played
here next Sunday afternoon. The fust
Coil's team under the m-w leadership
of Cnptnin Suilislmry is without a doubt
the strongest team that ever represent
ed Albany. As individual players they
uro among the fastest nmateui players
in the Nurthwest and with Captain
Salisbury teaching them '"Inside ImiII"
the "fans" will nut bo disappointed.
The 1 1. 11. & ! Hum of Portland
havo been pl'iving bull all season and
have HiitToivd few defeats. They fully
realize the st ri-ne: I h of th Col s and al e
coming from l'oril mil with the inten
lion of trimming uur "tuvs."
tinme calied at It p. m, Kanilder Park,
Ailimsr i.'ii L'"ic. The grounds will lie
HpnnUU'J to avoid blowing dust
Phil Kates Pas.M'd Through.
l'bil Put en, the newspaper in. in.
thl ct-lu'ruiau, nu-nitior of the Kol.n
I'luli etc, promoter und bustler, hi-1
evening was in the city a lew niinutt-.-on
his way home fioie Spriiu: t"..-hl.
where he gave all lllusiiated Holl ers l
the ciu-nival to a p'icl;il house. Hi
reported a big crowd t'u ro and nine!-
in. crest in ihe f ur t e:ng held tin
week. lr. Hale is lu-.-y lhitt day
nttendinir mi-1i tfms ii!l uvt-r tin
northwest lietween !if y n d sixty
dilferent tin Is are i linu held Ihm lull
Hutes is a jreiit mixer a sirri.u u
'ALiyEAR .
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week: in advance fur one year, M.0'.1
ty mail, in advance for one year 3, at
ma oi year kj.mi.
The Weekly Advance per year $1.25.
fit end of year $1.60. After 3 yct-?s at
There is an awful quietness in the
country, due to the adjournment of
congress. The feeling is a pleasing
one, though somewhat intense, after a
session supposed to be fori great
things. Regardless of the result the
passing of certain laws, though vetoed,
( will mean a good deal lor the coun
try, me wcugc mai win pry congress
into a position where eventually it
can do the country a great service.
But it takes time.
A widespread railroad strike is
threatened. These are frequently
threatened, and will be until there is a
, . , . , ., :
.- i ( ., . , ...
MlK'SlHillS licfore tllC people to scltlc,
Perhaps it might
well come
time as another.
' An interesting thing
of Mayor
lile is the announcement
Kushlieht of Portland that a good
I many employees of the government 1
j there do not earn their salt. That J
j means that they are paid for doing:
something they do not do. I Ins
too common all over the U. S., the
tools of politicians, or not, given post
lions not because of their fitness, but ,
because of a pull, as a rule, and then
soldiering. i
A man remarked that the most per
fect mechanism in the world is the
automobile. It is certainly a great
machine and an accomplishment, but
it continues to be defective. Every
day there is an accident somewhere,
due otten to the machine itself, the
brake not properly working, or some-
tiling giving out. 11 may iook as 11
there cannot be improvement in mo-
, tor cars, but undoubtedly there will
continue tn be advancement in their
The national encampment of mem
bers of the G. A. R. was held this
week back east with many present,
proud of their membership, and the
achievements of the past. One old and daughter, of Chicago, left for home
man, a flag bearer, practically gave up this afternoon, after several months
his life to be present and participate in spent here und at Cascadia. The Demo
the exercises. caat appreciates several mountain re-
sort letters, in which the story was told
The pleasant associations of the out- a delightful manner, from the form
ing season are drawing to a close,
and there arc maiiv, one of the best
features of the season being the
friendships made, sometimes more
than friendship; but that is a big thing.
There is none too much of life's fel
lowships, close, clean touch with lliosc
around us.
A Cascadia Farewell.
Cascadia. Aug. 23. -The last camp
lire before saving farewell to Juduo
D'Aicy, Miss lt'Arey mm Mr. and Mis.
Marks was hel.l at tho eatnp of Mr.
and Mrs lllin Stnlnaker. So few we e
h it of those who ha taken part in
the former occasion nivuud the hor
lires that this was more like a family
g.ithcnni;, onlv tho following bein,:
present: Mr. O'Au-y, Miss P'A-oy
Mr. and Mrs. Mirks. Mr. und M-s'
I'amei-on. Mr an. I Mts. Stain iker. Mi n Staliiaker 'i. Orili llarno.
Hoy vVorlev and Mrs Nutting. Sloiios
w ere told in innitanei ns fashion until :t
veined contaw'ou-i ol linie sontr were
uiik'. delinoii' cand served an l J-i.l.-e
H'Arcy was called iiion for a f::eo!l
sooech. but lie wm aim ist too full f ir
uttorpnee lit the thought of leaving the
snip H e for tho ixl time, ami
re-pondod in a mai ni-rsi touching that
the tears, until toon. trick'iMi down ihe
heeks of his hea ers f t r the fare
well song, led by Mis M.irss with a
,-antlo the crvwil sil. n'ly l.-ft for ihe
hmel, trying not to dhturb the new
arrivals, a crowd from I'orilund.
Superintendent McOuff of the forestry
service is busy just now, suggested by
the smoke that ib Ailing the valley again.
Ho has at least four fires to look after,
and is sending companies of fighters to
all of them, determined to check the
spread of the flames.
Tho worst is on Seven Mile hill, be
yond Cascadia, where the fire has gotten
into the green tree tops, beyond the
burned over section, always a signal of
danger. Eight men were sent out from
here this morning.
Quite a blaze i? reported on the Little
norm t'orK ot tne santiam, ott trom
Detroit, and five were sent from here,
among them Lyle and Carson Bigbeo,
Scott Hart and Van Marter.
lorn Wat king, of the county service,
left for Gates, where there is blaze
,h n.,.,1 ,.,. , ,;
one that has been going for some
in a smalt way.
inn oiu cump o ni-e mat Durneu me
prupuny ui inu uurus uumoor v.o. nus
never gone out, and is now jumping up
"Bain and a force of men will look after
Aftor the rain the men watching
't were wunurftwn, anu wnen tne ury
weatner returnea it got anotner start.
Callahan -Johnson. On Friday, Auir.
25, at tne Catholic church, Mr. j. H.
(Jackl Callahan, and Misa Abbio John.
' a in were united in marriage by Father
tinmpsun in the presence 01 a few inti-
mate friends.
Tho groom is the popular office clerk
of tho Warren Construction Co., a for
tunate event in his work being tho
meeting of Miss Johnson while at Cot
tage Grove, hi r home. She is a worthy
young la iy and Jack is one of tho best
icnows arouna. Mr. ana Mrs. ualla-
ban left this afternoon for Colfax,
where the Company will do some puv-
Left for Chicago,
Rev. and Mrs. Curtis R. Stevenson
er. wnue at uascndia. 1 heir visit here
wns greatly enjoyed and appreciated by
their many friends and relatives here.
Rev. stevenscn was given six months
leave of absence on account of his
health, which seems fully restored, and
he will be in good shape to resume his
ministerial work in Chicago.
Horn on Friday evening, Aug. 25 to
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Keith, a girl,
weight 10 pounds, their second d.mgh
t T. Mr. Keith is with tho Hamilton
Store, recently coming here from the
Sound. His mother. Mrs. 1. K. Keith,
of Summit, is here looking after her
new grandchild.
The Weather.
Range- of temperature 01 Ifi.
The river is 7 of a toot.
Prediction: fair tonieht and Sunday.
would show the box ot llucklcn's Ar
nica Salve that E. S. l.opcr, a carpev.
tcr of Manila. N. V.. always carries
"I have never had a cut, wound, bruise,
or lore it would not soon heal." he tlmtest healer of burns,
boils, scalds, chapped hands and lips,
fever sore, skin eruptions, eczema,
corn's and piles. .'5c at all druggist?.
The Alhanv Public Library board last
evening met and discussed plans for the
library Dunaing, me grouuu tor wmcn
has just been cleared. A conference
with Miss Marvin, of the state library
commission was ordered as soon as she
can come here, when the style and
character of the building will be agreei
upon. Believing in the luture ot Alb
any the board is in fav of a second
story to the building for a museum and
art room, even though not finished at
the present time, and though making
the cost more than the Carnegie appro
oriation. With the basement, with its
assembly room for lectures and other
library accessories it would practically
make a three story building, one that
would be an ornament to the city.
While we are getting Albany people
will no doubt be glad to help tor tne
Had the city limits been extended
before t e national census the Carnegie
fund alone would probably have been
From Albany's Six Early
Mr. JacDuft sent rive more men up
the C. & ei. to hgnt hre around Detroit,
simply looking after the forest reserve
Among the many going to the Bay
were Mr. and Mrs. Mack Monteith,
Lawyer G. S. Hill, A. W. McGilvrey,
Henrv Suesans with a pail of pickles,
J. A. Howard and family, Gus Abra
ham, H. Zimmerman and wife, Miss
Pearl Cameron, and a crowd of Cottage
f'-rtwro unnncr rwnnla hpnHprl hv MiOR
Ftliol Falrin nt ttia Alhnnv nhnda t)if '
others being Misses Altha Wittersham,
dennmomii.ii, iviuuej veawii aim xiaaei
Hazelton and Roy and Joe Smith.
Mrs, Loomis. Mrs. Sloan and Mrs.
Hodge, left on a Portland trip.
Dr. Leweaux returned from Corvallis.
Ben Clelen went a fishing up at Mill
E. W. Kibbey, special correspondent
of the Journal, went up the C. & E. to
investigate tne tire situation
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hulburt and Miss
Hulburt went up the C. & E. to see the
hills at close range.
Mr. Victor Tourine, of Denver, left
for home, accompanied as far as Port-
land by his sisters, Mrs. Frank Kitchen
and Mrs. Edholm. He was very much
pleased with Albany and surrounding
jukc oiraiei icu lor wnra.
R. W. Fisher returned to Portland
for a short business trip and will be t a', 00p Brown8vme way and another weeks from the date of the first pub ::
I Cr ? FjJ?Ja,, Mlg rxT? 1 line into the Alsea country, Albany will cation of this summons, and if y.u
Alton Coats went up the C. & E. on
I some line work.
I Dr. Withycombe, of the O.A.C. re-
j turned from looking after the new ex-
i periment station at Medford.
j Miss Wise left for the east, after a
I visit with Miss Briggs, of the Cham-
! bers & McCune store, who accompanied
: her to Portland.
I A. D. Hall went to Portland.
Ed. Allen, agent at Sherwood, re-
i turned home after an Albany visit.
j . ii. r,
Ihurston, the Urawlordsville
, mill man, arrived.
Dodge Barker returned to Portland
after a visit with his grandparents.
I D. W. Rumbaugh went up to his
Lyons farm.
I President Riley. of McMinnville col
lege, returned north after a valley trip.
C. W. Sears went to Portland.
S. M. Garland went to Portland to
meet with the commission of lawyers
appointed to revise the laws of Oregon.
This is a very important work.
Mrs. Dr. Lewis, of Portland this noon
ioined her hnshand hero.
Sheriff Gellatly. of Corvallis, has
. . . . '
been in the city today.
J. L. Irvine went to Portland last
evening on an auto trip.
William Toner, now a Corvallis busi-
man, was in town last evening.
Mrs. Guy Thompson went to Portlnnd
today, Mr. Thompson as far as Salem.
E. W. Langdon returned to Portland
last evening after looking after interests
Prof. Kendall left this afternoon on a
loin m Piah i.aba ntnf.m i .k..
hnraahnMr ' ,
u m n a r x. D- . .'profit, security and satisfaction in do-
Harry Merrill and John Pipe returned business with a good auctioneer.
I t : " t
mai. c-veiling iiuin an uuuiiK US ittt 1UIU i
Wayne Stuart returned last evening
from a trip south. He left his auto near
Cottage Grove with a broken axle.
Knox rlaight returned last evening
from a buggy and auto sales trip down
into California and this way to Eugene.
J. M. Scott, assistant general pas
senger agent of tne S. P., was in the
city this noon on his way to the west
C. H. Walker ha-, returned from
Astoria, where he enjoyed the centen
nial for several days, and a visit to the
surrounding country.
Among those returning from New
port last evening were Mrs. Penne
baker and children, Mr. and Mrs. G.
A. Flood and Mrs. lorn Stevens.
Mr. and Mr?. C. 0. Cameron. Miss
Orah darkness an. I Mr.v F. P. Nutting
arrived homo thia afternoon in the
Worlev auto, after a delightful time at
The Mhsos McCourt returned thi
noon from a trio to the Si:e:z. R-here
they spent ttn ir outing on the Mc(ojrt
claim Yesterday they waiked eighteen
N. Piiee. and Mrs. C'nrk Price t!i
afternoon Ml for Portland on a week's
vi-it with Vr. Price's dauh'.ei, .Mrs.
Judge Wolverlon. Mr. Price is now iif
years of age.
John A. Offerd, editor of the New
York Observer, a leading Presbyterian
journal, is in the city, while on a trip
over the coast seeing America fir.-t.
President Crooks, of the cullege has
been showing him around.
A good .medicine is cheerfulness. '
Disagreements should be arbitrated,
One term for the president should be
the law.
The annual fight against foot ball has
been begun.
Life is full of bits and misses, and no
one escapes.
President Taft will now be busy ex
plaining things.
U'Ren is again busy preparing to run!
the government. j
Talking about ones ills generally
makes them worse.
Either a fatal auto accident or avia
tion death every day.
Some people can't see a mountain
until they are told of its presence.
If an electric line doubles the value
of property it is business to get it.
If a governor of a state docs anything
some fool paper immediately accuses
him of playing to the grand stand.
A man trying to be funny says little
girls become women who keep opening
the refrigerator to see if there is any
ice left.
There is a noem about'two men who
Innkeri nut a window One saw the
mud, and the other the stars. It it so
! with people in all departments of life
Some one wants to know if modern
life is fuil of gloom. It is said the
novelist fills many pages with gloom
these days, which has led to the belief
that there is considerable around. Just
in the head.
An Albany Attorney eave his Dot cat
I an elaborate funerr.l. burying it in a
silk-lined mahogany coffin. He proba-
bly wanted to make its surroundings
; so pleasant that there would be no dan-
ger of its coming back Salem States-
man. Must be Albany, N. Y., no such
, a lawyer in Albany, Or.
When the C. & E. is extended into
Crook county, and the Oregon Electric
I ...... ik. ,t. mirk linaun
" ' j Z'Cn n
cadia. and the Albany Interurban sends
continue to be the railroad center and
Hub of the valley. And it is not
paper affair.
said complaint.
The value of an electric line to the The relief demanded in said corn
country section is shown in the fact plaint is a decree of the court estab
that between Portland and Salem, 49 Hshing the interests of the plaintiffs
miles, the Oregon Electric has 41
stations. some regular stops, some flag
stations. In nineteen miles on the Hills-
boro road there are 17 stations. The
electric line is a builder of pretty homes
and settlements.
The Democrat has said a few nice
things about Judge Tazewell, of Fort
land, but his decision in an adultery case
indicates that he has a good deal to
learn yet. He has construed the law to
mean that no prosecution for adultery
shall be permissible except on complaint
of tne husband or wife, and that the
il,:j1,i.mIiin.i fonru
8uhseauent proceeding. He had better
get another dose ot blackstone.
W. L. Burns Home.
W. C. Burns last evening returned
from a trip to his former residence
home in Nebraska, and back to the
place of his birth, at Ronoake, Virginia.
"e saw many oi ms ooynooa menus
ond thnoo rf I o tor riflU hilt tin nldfj
: ?"a 'J0?.1. "? Dul n, P'ac.e
Biad to be home. He was also down in
Arkansa3 on rea e3tate business, and
says the worst sharks in the country
reside in that state.
j '
1 I
! ... I
. ... Public Sales. I
j ' public sales there is a difference.
e s,fk 'j?,"5 .'.''.Ji? tt"
alike. 1 he better the salesman the
i bigger are your returns. There
Willi a guwu c u UUHI.VJ .
dates and terms write me at
I Halscv. Oregon.
I B. T. SUDTELL, Auctioneer.
B3-J.S a o
10 o p u t
" if a 2 o
? o o
. o 13 SS a s -o
H an. uU v En o
hr3 j j
E lid
JZ3 t 1
Ministerial registration, Wm. Hamp
1319 onr.W I eefiifk 15 W. Pickham.
of Portland b ling number.
Deeds recorded:
Elizabeth R. Ralston to J. F. Rals
ton, 3 lots Brownsville I
J. F Ralston to S. M. R J Is ton &
wf, 3 lots N. Brownsville I
T. O. Montgomery to Hugh L.
Montgomery, 22.02 acr 8 .- I
Jas. McBride to Olga Post, 23
acres 1
Final hearing in estate' of Martin
Thompson set for Oct. 2.
I Deeds recorded:
'Edwin Waterbury to Leo J. Hol-
I brook 2 lots Albany Heights...? 10'
' Mary J. Chambers to Wm. Cham-
bers et al ; interest in 125.4
acres 10
Mary M. Chambers to Letitia
Chambers et al 309 acres , 1
j Elizabeth R. Ralston to J. F. Ral
ston 3 lots Galbraith'a ad to
' Brownsville 1
J. F. Ralston to S. M. Ralston &
l wf same 1
Thos. O. Montgomery to Hugh L.
a ontgomery 22.02 acres 1
Tailor Made.
You can wear a stylish made suit of
clothes, under order, for $15 up, by
seeing W. F. Pfeiffer. They fit the
way you want them to, and are made
of first-clasB material to wear.-
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County
Mary E. Robnett, Icyphene Steven-
son and Stanley R Stevenson, her
husband, plaintiffs, vs. Delia A.,
Chance and Walter Chance, her hus-
band. Tames H. Robnett and Myra.
E. Robnett, his wife, Lloyd W. Rob-
nett, and Nettie Robnett, his wife,
Arthur F. Robnett and Rovia Robnett.
his wife, Louise Robnett, Truman
Robnett and Edith Robnett, defend-
To Lloyd W. Robnett and Nettie Rob-
i nett, his wife, two of the above
named defendants:
.. In tlle Name of the State o Oregon,
1 ou are hereby required to appear ai d
answer me complaint meu against y. u
m the above entitled suit within
tail to so appear and answer, for want
thereof plaintiffs will apply to said
court for the relief demanded in their
and defendants in the premises here-
inafter described, and partitioning said
premises among the several owners
thereof, according to their several in-
terests as determined by the court,
said real property being described as
follows, to-wit: The Southeast quar
ter of Section 32, in Township 13
South, Range 3 West of the Willam
ette Meridian, in Linn County, Ore
gon, containing 160 acres; also, begin
ning at the Southeast corner of the
Northeast quarter of said Section 32;
thence West 54.75 rods; thence North
92.00 rods; thence East 54.75 rods;
thence South 92m mHs tr. tin. nln
of beginning, containing 31.50 acres.
in all containing 191.50 acres, all
Linn county, Oregon, and for the
costs and disbursements of said suit
taxed according to law, and for such
other and further relief as may be
meet and equitable.
This summons is published once a
week for six successive weeks in the
Albany Democrat by order of
Hon. J. N. Duncan, County Judge of
Linn County, Oregon, made herein on
the 16th day of August, 1911, and the
c . r ".., ' . ...
date of the first publication of this
summons is the 18th day of August,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Notice is hereby given, that under
and by virtue of an order- duly made
and entered in the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Sherman
county, in the cause therein pending
en,"'f.a l".the Matter f flle,J:-s4atJ
f Sal!nTa ,Hl"f s- D""8, on the 24th
, f t i t-v .n,. , .... .
dav of July, A. D 1911, I will, on and
after Saturday, the 9th day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1911, at the hour of 9
o'clock A. M. of said day, proceed to
sell, at private sale, for cash, and sub
ject to the confirmation of the Court,
the following described real estate,
Beginning at a point in the middle
of the County Road where the same
crosses the South line of the lands
now owned by Anton Oetkin as con
veyed to him by deed of conveyance
of record in Volume 66 of Records of
Deeds in and for Linn County. Ore
gon, at page 568 thereof, thence Xorth
Three Hundred. (300) feet: thence
West Three Hundred (300) feet;
thence South Three Hundred (.W)
feet: thence East Three Hundred
(300) feet to the place of beginning,
lying and being in Section Twentv
Eight t.'S). Township Eleven ill)
South. Range Four (4 W'e-t of Will
amette Meridian in said County and
State, being -a part of the Donation
Land Claim of Ilollaway Cu-hman,
said tract being residence prnperrv
and having a small dwelling thereon.
Panics desiring to buy sniil prem
ises or !c.-iring further information,
may communicate with me at Waco,
Sherman County. Oregon. OfTcr
should be submitted in writing on or
hefore said dale of sale.
I re-crvc the right to reject any
and all bids or offers.
Dated at Wjvo, Oregon, this 24tb
day of Tulv, A. D 1911.
Administrator of Estate of Salina
a- Hines, Deceased.