il August Specials NO TIRED WIVES WITH ELECTRIC FLAT IRONS 25c Cerset Cover embroidery and Aouncings at 15c yd 23c sleeveless vests, plain or lace trimmed, at 15c ea $1.25 to $1.75 shirt waists, at rfoc ea The famous Cadillac Childrens dresses at Reduced Prices Flood's Store Agents for K. & G. Corjets, Agents for Standard' Pattern KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH HOME V ir out rjJ6fY mwaSili Jl MS) Women Willard Davis comes back with another good sketch of a local nuisance, i peculiar to a few alleys. Albany's alleys by the way need a campaign of ! renovation every month or,two, back door affairs for the accumulation of trash, as well as swill. complete the -in half the usual i:::.e "finish fresh" with an ELEC TRIC IRON to help. It means an extra after noon once a week to most housewives. The old way of ironing tires women, uses up their strength. The new way does not. Ironing Done In Half the Time With Half the Labor. TELEPHONES 15 OREGON POWER CO. It is wonderful how much satisfaction can be obtained from a talk over the Bell Telephone. A letter carries words, but the Bell Service has been brought up to such a point of perfection that the modulations of the voice are clearly heard. The cheery (ones show that the talker is well and in good spirits. The call may come from a suburban village or a distant city, but within the limits of the carrying power of the voice the Hell Service carries the tone as well. Vou get a personal interview with a friend hundreds of miles away. Every Bell Telephone is the Center Tllr- 'CM'IC TELEPHONE & of the System. TELEGRAPH CO. TOMORROW'S DOINGS. MISFITS. Taft's promises before election gone a glimmering. THE STENGTH OF A BANK Is measuied in a large degree by the proportion of its total responsibility to the amount of its deposits. have; Our $1,200,000.00 of Deposits The fool killer ought to have a live job with the aviators. The insurgents seem undone by the regulars. to have been ' 'Ci K MEETINGS. I The K. O. : ing. The Woo.' I'Viday eve Maiuauita Li days. I. every Saturday even- :i of the World every I.. Viercck, clerk. v.ic 1st and 3rd Mon- Farm and City Property. iJantist.-g. A.Douelas minister. , Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service 11, evening sermon 8. I Christian. Bible school at 10:15 a. m., 11:20 communion service and morn ing sermon. Evening service 8. C. E. 1 7. Cordial welcome to all. United Presbyterian.-W. P. White, Pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. C. E. at the parsonage at 7 p. m. Prayer metting Thursday 8 p. m. Christian Science. Services 11 a- IY1 Knhipetr Minrl. WednMflav testi- menial meeting 8 p. m. Comer 4tli and ' With 'lom Lawson and Jack London Ferry Streets. All are cordially in-1 both boosting Oregon it bound to leap vited. ahead. Fi'st Presbyterian. Rev. F. 0. Ges-( elbracht, Minister. Morning senrice The Albanv-Interurban fe getting 10:30, theme: Kolir.ion as a torn of ready for an important movs. Watch The faculty of Albany College is getting stronger right along. , Jonathan Bourn, according to the ticker, played double on tariff voting. are safeguarded by a combined Capi tal, Surplus and Stockholders' Liabil ity of over $400,000.00. FIKST NATIONAL BANK Established 1871. FIRST (SAVINGS BANK : S. S. 11:45. A cordial welcome It' inti'rr sfi'.I !, Knt.:nn f7-,..m Modern Woodmen meet everv 2nd Citv I'r. lu : 1 -j it will ..nit UaL. and 4th Wednesdays I at some if ihe harmon r,,r i;c. Grant Kroinau, Clerk. The on ::c's price is our price. We Royal Neighbors meet every 1st and show - the property without ex- 3rd Wednesdays .' ! vou are mirier nn nhi;.T.i. lution: the ovenini? service the Agree- Alice Kirk. Recorder. Hon to i . y. Uelow arc some of our ment of the Bible with Science. Tne bargains: other services as usual. OtX) acres, all tillable land, good Church of God.-Meets at W. C. T. ibtlildini'S. S45 ner acre TI Hnll S. S 10 n. m. Prfinehinir 11 I 4.HJ acres. A7S t :i K :m trnnA tn. cation, $40 per acre. j 331 acres, about 100 acres of tim ber, $2s per acre. t ' 140 acres, fair buildings, good loca tion, ?45 per acre. X Interest on Time Deposits. Power, to all. M. E. 3rd and Ellsworth Sts. W. S, Gordon, pastor. Prof. Torbet. of the College, will till Rev. Gordon's pulpit . pom morning anu evening ine morn-, drjnk that hmnt t if do , lner service will be somewhat antl-evo- j ... . the surveyors. Tno little girls were getting water j from the court bouse pump, whets one ! in tragic voice said to the other: "Don't Kirk. Recorder. WOOD AND COAL Oax, Or and slub wcod for sale by Aitiuny f uel to. Prices right. Hoth phones. A. W. Docks rEAUKit, Prop A. G. JENKINS w. F. JONES. Veterinary Surgeon. Office t Farmers Feed Stables. Vhones 200-R, ltell; Home 1285. I. a. m. Preaching at North Albany school house 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting at R. L. Glasgow's Wednesday 7:45 p. m., 1006 E 5th St. Cottage Bible read ings every Friday 2:30 p. m. at R. A. Smith's 1018 E Second street. R. T.. ninciynw. nastnr. City Property. st. Mary's (Catholic). -Rev. Arthur Architect & Ikiilder &roon,SeatetZ'n : W. cor 3rd & Broadalbin, l1,t ro"m ' ff.lOO at 6:30 and 9:30. Evening prayer audi l-i ur room house, two lots $1,600 hiiti, a Th Rt fiv Ahh,.t U s not our way to run you down , Fortunat will officiate at the late mass1 ' and rather van wevel will nreacn or I ? k w.1.111 ou " o"- ofticcs, at 236 Reliirious Ceremonies. The Rev. Wm W est 1-irst street, Albany, Oregon. I Hampson will conduct services at the I wc can not show you the best bargain, then buy of the other fellow, I but sec us before buying. THE you will die. Dr. Davis looked at it with his micro3copB and saw g-e r-na-s in it." And there has never been- a known case yet of doath from it, par haps not illness directly from the water. So far the city has probably had less f contagion than any place in Oregon. MARRItO. E. f. Warmoth and Mfsw Hazel Tay lor, twcpopular young peopleof Halsey, both native Oregonians, were married last evening at the residence of and by Rev. H. Geselbrachn, They will make their homeat Salemi J. LKROY WOOD. Mechanical Engineer. Foundations, Roo:s, Iron and Steel Structures, Power Plant designs and, specifications, Power Transmission, j Drawings made and checked. Office,' Albany Iron Works. I COl L1NS & TAVLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, - Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Larue or small timber tracts. LINN & BENTON' REAL ESTATE COMPANY. E. R. CUMMINGS, TRANSFER. i Office with L, J. Gray Real Estate Co., mission cnurcne in L,yons ana iuiu my. The Very Kev. Father Lane will be in Astoria to participate in tne exercises of "Catholic Day" at the Centennial. J. M. RALSTON, V Tnsurance, Loans & Collections. H."ve money to loan in small and . 1.11 go amounts. Notes and mort- K.ies houi;lit. 1 w D",la oa Properly handled for non-residents. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will . Stark- Hhvk - Albany I Corner of Second and Lyon Sts. ! Light and heavy hauling of all kinds I 1 lano .Moving, liaggage Orders : Promptly attended to. Otlice Thoncs: Homo 4t.t Liked Albany Too. 3. D. Spencer and wife, of Seattle, Whose Apples Are Best. ALBANY STATE BANK has every equipment of a modern, progressive institution, including SAVINGS DEPARTMENT in which interest is paid on DEPOSITS whether large or small. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT in which 'c&ecking accounts are- gladly received from indi viduals, fir&ES and corporations- SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES To Rent WM BAIN, Pres. P. B. GILBERT, Vice-Pfres. H. N. BOULEYr Cashier. The Democrat has received from Watsonviihv Calif., an announcement of an apple, show there that ia a hummer for brag. It says: "The Jajaro valley ships more apples yearly thaa the states of Washington and Oregon combined, coupled with the fact that tbCalifornia apples are higher flavored and better truit. Last year there were more 1 arDles shown at Watsonville than at line. ' c. 1 1 u:-u 1 1 r . , . ." ti ; inn opuKuov SUUW, WlliCU un nuw LUI- wno nave uwtrn uoiiiR ui voinrjf in vi.uii , , ,-u,1n, fl.i,;i.i,a man r:ii.l .iftp attnen. ! H. ."".?iv'""'vo! Hell 4'U-J. 14c: Hell .150. Phone all orders from 7 :.V to 12 and from 1 to 6 to office, to Kes. at morning, noon and night. All orders promptly attended to. . ment. wsro in the city today cn their way back to Seattle, after being as far as Eugene, where the papers said they were stuck on that city and would probably locate there. As a matter of fact Mr. Silencer declared today they 1 liked Albany pnd its environments the best of any, and expects to come back I ij, n, 1 to thn valley next spring, jusi wncre 1 I box lots, besides 606 5 apple plate lots. We derw the superiority of California apples. Albany will not, nf course, have such a display, but it will have a good county show all tele- same. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS TETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Will Teach in the Y. f. C. A. 11. A. LEIN1NGER, Dentist, flawford n!o-k Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Fhysirian, Alluuv State Hank Hitilding. Home 275 ' COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHING R. E. Hulburt, Commercial Photographer, Albany, tregon. Ml kinds ot" View work. Post Cards, Copying, and 'finishing for amateurs. All work Guaranteed. Bell Phone 16S-R. will bo decided later. No More Common Cups DR. VIRGINIA l.l-WKAUX, Osteopathic Physician. Scbmitt Hkvk, Albany. ' Phones: Otlice Home Bel' Black 2751: Residence 3"4 Home, t.t u l: S;.t Bell. i'ninnintr SeDtember 1st if you drink in a public place you will hsve to have in your own unnKing cup. uru'.-rs nave been issued, and the railroads are ore- ; paring to observe the excellent rule, in (the interest of sanitary conditions, i Public schools and others cenerally will respect the request of the staio ' health board. Prof. Henry Nave waa in tt.e city today on his nay to Portland from Wolf Creek, where he and his father own a sixteen acre fruit orchard, and Cottage Grove, where he did some mountMi climbicg with the forest rangers, lie reee S?cWo n"p etV st 'grXate wo'r'k f We also have the wtoPmjB Harvard.gettiiig the degreeof M A . j "?ta ?TDHceVbTfjro buy The Jersey Dairy DR. V. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will fc Stark H'.ocV - Albany HENRY BRODERS, Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. Vcl e-ond Street BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the Postoffice. Four chairs. Prompt and effic ient care of the face and hair. THE I. X. L. HA IKY. Is ti c place to icct pure milk and cream, both;oitocd to be pure. uiil cream to whip. Call me on either ..1 .....t i... ..... 1..-,.-.. ...... .. bottle. It will co,t ou nothing if U 1 t.R 1 u ii, t 1 r.. lu. -lo not get vou as "a customer: ilt l ure Mtlk and Cream delivered twice ; cn-tomers is what 1 want. Try me , da''- vnllr mi,k nromnll. ! ini! sec it 1 ilon t treat vou tatr. li . ; j - -,:;;." ,lt'livcr anywhere cast of HroailalMn ! c1 trci't 1 hone Home 35. Bell Fantf v-r-i )h f IV IVrMrr. Prop and hs been secured by the Portland Y. M. C. Ain its educational depart ment, in the department of English, History and Latin. The Y. M. C. A. has a splendid faculty for hiph class i wot in us edncational departrnen: ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, xmfection ;ry, wrapping paper, twine and paper baRS. Casn paia ior a amus ui pwunijr. wHh probably the most students of any s:boul in Oregon. The Weather. I me on either phone. ; prepietor. W . C. Schulrr. TANNER & CONWAY Civil Hydraulic Irrigation Engineer and Surveyors. Estimates, plans and Supervision, Land Subdivision, platting and Map ping Rooms 7 and 9, over J. V. Cusick & Co. Bank, Albany, Oregon. HAY WANTED. I am in the market for lOOt) tons o-ts and vetch hay: also filX) tons clover ar.d 6'.t tons cheat hsy. Call or address G. K. Simpson. Sll Eas'. WashihRlon ft. Portland, Oregon. RanR of temperature 84 49. The river is now down to .S foot. Prediction: fair tonight and Sunday. How Ab:ut Your Eyes? If anything seems wrong with them consult the Guarantee Optical Comp pany. All our examinations are made by an expo ienced oculist. Only first class frames and lenses. Prices are ight. Call tt Uawaon's Drug Store. Arden plaster. Set prices bef jro buy ing. Cash paid for ep3 Foot Ferrv Street. Albany. Phones. Main 6 Bell, 3 Home. Shingles. Made in Albany my .No 1 Edu Grain the BEST in the market. Vanoui (Trades ar.d prices from tl.25 upwards. Every buneta branded with my name. Look fr it. Examine these shingles 'efore buying elsewhere. LA. THOMPSON- We use BO dry kiln. 4 ACRES' Ot the finest land around Albatiii, on famous Phillips garden tract. North Albany. 1-4 mile from steel bridge, an ordard, in fruits and berris. facing ! street. Walk over and se Mrs. E. J. Phillips tbout it, or call hr up on Home - phone 110. ORECOH MARKET I Cotne ani set you Groceries. Try some of the Dry Whole ililk. 1 can of ury oiiiK gooa tor a gallon. T. J. STITES, Attorney at Law. Notary Public. Legal busines of all kinds in all the touru promptly attened to. Bell phons 6J. WAXT A TYPEWRITER: See nawbpus about a Rebuilt Under wd that is good as new and gnar Knteed for one year, tlso other makes for sale or rent Buy on monthly payments. . k.